O-055-M : .~ .5432 6.0.9..- ~eC ___ 516 ~f2 O. R. BOOK MIS C. o R DIN A N C E S ORDINANCE NO 55-M No. 188 AN ORDINANCE UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CLOSING AND PERMANENTLY ABANDONING PORTIONS OF DREW AVENUE LOCATED WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OF THE TOWNSITE OF CLERMONT, FILED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 5, PUBLIC RECORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVER- ABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT HEREBY ORDAINS THAT: SECTION 1 All of that portion of Drew Avenue adjacent to the Westerly boundary line of Block B, from the Northerly boundary line of Lot 1, Block B, to the Southerly boundary line of Lot 3, Block Bi all within the corporate limits of theCity of Clermont, according to the map of the townsite of Clermont, filed in Plat Book 3, Page 5, Public Records of Lake County, Florida, is hereby closed and permanently abandoned. SECTION 2 This closing is done pursuant to the authority of the Charter of the City of Clermont, Florida, the general laws of the State of Florida, specifically Chapter 167 of the Florida Statutes, and Special Act of the Legislature of the State of Florida. SECTION '.3 All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 4 Should any section or part of a section of this ordinance be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such adjudications shall apply or affect any other provision of this ordinance, except to the extent that the entire section or part of the section may be inseparable in meaning and effect from the section to which such holding shall apply. SECTION 5 This Ordiance shall be published as provided by law and it shall become law and shall take effect at 12:01 AM on the 23rd day of August, A. D. 1973. First Reading this 10th day of July, A.D. 1973 Second Reading this 24th day of July, A.D. 1973. '" n ~, ,- 8 ç; "'10= Ã~ ~ f? r"'I"'" -r.;J od ?-; O;;r'}f" c- C:C) ·...'::T1 2' c: !:" :;' ~=it~j, (') l~ '-' ."o~· .:= ç c: ~. S¡.; ?:u 53 ... ~, C> ""'" = ø ,~ '0 .... ~ := ... .- "'"" ~. 516 .13 O. R. BOOK MIS C. 0 R DIN A N C E S ORDINANCE NO. 55-M No. 189 PASSED AND ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS ,...2~DAY OF~A. D. L973. ,,\\\\1111111'1 '':t.,''''''#\.rO. ¿" -I/IJ. , 'it \" I 'I ...'^.... ........ /,/1) ~.. ··/'·'·'~'··1~' /;;.... ,/?; .~ S) ." ":-"'~ ~~. r/~ '. .~~ S' C..: ;~~'t.~,/~:~t..,; ¿? :'. ~~ :; ~... y.., t...~..,~~ -;;-' ~ ; ::..~: -' 3>;¡'~ ø 'f,.:.' -;.1~ -= . > "l~ \ ';(:~:;~,?,l~ ~¡,¿!. ; " ..-:¡ <: ··.¡\.'I1~Es""' \... '''/ ~. ',-, ;,I; 0,1) " ''y''¡';'''u "'}".'~"'" ...... ", ~í '/~""';"';\~"'1' ?/ \" ,". '~, ,v., ....' "., ...," ..<'I, .J" ,'11"""", ) /' (¡ . '. lÁ '/(WI,,1. (0') . WA/UYJ ,/ . I.,o<"'€i:tj Clerk - CITY OF CLERMONT BY: ~ó~ rß~ APPROVED by me this d-~ day of 9Ü7' , A. D. 1973 9frv r~ MAYOR CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY that a certified copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 55-M was published one time between the First and Second Reading of said ordinance in a newspaper of general circulation located within the City of Clermont, as required under the Charter of ~e City of ~ermont, Florida, said Ordinance having been published on the cJ,lr - day of ;j'4¡Jf ' A. D. 1973. lCMyAß~k ~~ THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY: DOLORES w. CARROLL, OFFICE OF THE CITY C~lERK 1 WEST GATE PLAZA CLERMONT, FLORIDA 32711 '. . ~Ó~K 516 PAGE151 MISC. ORDINANCES N~ 187 CERTIFICATE OF POSTING I HEREBY CERTIFY that a certified copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 54-M was posted on the Public Municipal Bulletin Board at City Hall for a period of not less than one (1) week, as required under the Charter of theCCity of Clermont, Florida, beginninR)ÞA~ ~?) A.D. 1973. ~OßAA/~ J/. c:'AA~ CITY CLERK THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY: ~OLOR£S w. CARROLL, OFFICE OF THE CITY ilER ( 1 WEST GATE PLAZA CLERMONT. FLORIDA 3?711 '\. '->;~. '. .' ~',: , - :'.::'~_:::::.J"', 'I. , , " J,; " I: " :,1., 1 , ¡ " ......:. : I'" ., -: l. --1---~-"---- ''iC,,' . , .' 1,,. " ,;, '\(7 ,;,., ~j\ 111", HI" ~ . ~I ,!', .,¡':,I .\. ~'I . ..; J í 'c .'\' , , ~! , '( , , LEGA~:\NOT ICE " ; ',\' .:. .'\ ;-¡, '.! . , \. '" , . '¡t \ j' ,.....". Notice il hereby given t~ all concerned that the CHy Counc11 of the City, of Clermont, Florida shall hold a Public Heir1ng in the Council Chambers located on the corner of West Avenue and DeSoto '·St,reets on Tuesday. .,.Ju"ne 26. 1973...at 7:30 P.M. , for t.he following púrpolaõ ' , J i . .~ . . . :.i' ,~ To. ,c~nl1der request:~f W.. M. Sander1tn ,Corporation for the closing of' portions of Drew and Division Streets. sa 1 d ,portt'oñi abutti ng Lots 1. 2 and 3 in Lettered Blocks A .and B. City of Clermont. Florida - ',',.' , ¡·~..1 . :.'" .~.-,. h.." ' All,1nter~.lted part1e( will be given an opportunity to ex~r~s. their v1ew. on the above mentioned matter . ,I.:.': . i--~ " . . . June' 14:1973' ". . .',.. .' R.M.Hopkins, City Manager City of Clermont. Florida . , . ~ . ~ j"; ~'~~';~".'~~ .' J"j,i:, ~ # . . ¡" ',¡~ ;' .~,,;.., '.1 r ,.,. ¡ .~' ~ 1 . ,~I, '.!' - .'_',' ' .\í . ...~. ~,! '. . ,:, ' . . 1~ '~~ , " c';-' !{ ,..'~, '., . i':" , " . "', ~ I . ";. ,I , ", ,.' . ~._-'~... ',~:. . ..~ .. ..-' ~ .j;.~ ~...... .... ,".- ; , , , ,!.. , J'. ":'_ " 1,1 '. ; " . ·:..H ~ . , , ' .' . '. , .,;'.' I' \. ;~ . . ~ . .., ,> ", , , .' I, "i'"' '. ,II-" ' "- ' ",' .'.,1 ¡ -j. '.' . , ~,', ..~':- f' " 1 ;.-' ~. . .'} . , " , " " ~ . '..~ ' . '''';:, .. ," ~ ... , , . ',-'- .. .' " "/1/ ,i " " " ,. " "/ , , . .. . , , . .. ;.., .' ", ':~ , '. ~,' ' ',,' .' ~. ...... . ." " , , , .~' .-'---<--_.....:.-:.~~----+-- .' . ., ,4 " ',' ,~..¡¡. ,. ···,,'iJ . ,. :. ~o Mo ~~~[Q),ª[gJ[SO~ (Çj(Q ¡g¡~(Q [gJ~iJO(Q ~ GENERALCoNTRACToR8/oEVELoPER8/BRoKER8 1344 WEST COLONIAL DRIVE/PHONE 425-8651 P. O. BOX 1862B / ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32808 5· I May 30, 1973 City of Clermont #1 West Gate Plaza Clermont, Florida 32711 Attention: Robert M. Hopkins City Manager Re: Lots 1, 2, 3, Block A Lots 1, 2, 3, Block B City of Clermont Dear Mr. Hopkins: I have your letter of May 29th regarding Division Street and Drew Avenue and the above property. I note that both of these streets are unimproved with no immediate action planned; and therefore, request the abandon- ment and closing of these streets. The necessary $10.00 is enclosed, and I will appreciate your advice on any further action to be taken by us. Kindest regards, W'KJl~ R. H. Larlee RHL:ej Enclosure ~~ C'~~ ~DJV4' 1~~ . M . ~ r- '0 " Q HV¿.L 57 J .:¡ :B , 7õ..u1J .-P ).. '''''''''''L.I¡ DI 111 SID ¡O 5T ~ N · June 5, 1973 T~m Council Town of MinneoJ.a Minneo1a, Florida 32755 Re: Street Closing Gentlemen: On June 26, 1973 the City Council will consider closing portions of Division Street and Drew Street. (See attached)l. Please advise if you have any objections to this closing. Sincerely. Robert M. Hopkina City Manager RMHlmd Attachmant ice: R. M. Hopkins . . TO: FROM: SUBJECT DATE: . Tommy Asbury, Utilities Supt. City Manager Street Closing June 5, 1973 On June 26, 1973 the City Council will consider closing portions of Division Street and Drew Streets. (See Attached). Please adv1~e if you have any objections to this closing. Robert M. Hopkins bcc: R. M. Hopkins \ \ ....... ·. June 5, 1973 Mr. Bill Britt District Manager Florida Po~er Corporation 737 Montrose Street Cleraont, Florida 32711 Re: Street Closing Dear Mr. Britt: On June 26, 1973 the City Council will consider c10sins portions of Division Stroot and Drew Street. (See attached). PleasG advise if you havG any objections to this closing. Sincerely, Robert M. Hopldns City Mana¡¡or RMIl :md AttachmGlnt bcc: R. M. Hopkins . . June S, 1973 Jay Daub Systems ~lanager TelePrompter 530 South Main Street Winter Garden, Florida 32787 ReI Street Closing Dear Mr. Daub I On June 26, 1973 the City Council will consider closing portions of Division Street and Drew Street. (See attached). Please advise if you have any objections to this closing. Sincerely, Robert M. Hopkins City Manager RMH 1m Attachment bcc: R. M. Hopkins . :. June 5, 1973 Ralph Oswald General Plant Transmission Engineer Florida Telephone Corporation Post Office Box 48 Leesburg, Florida 32748 Re: Street Closing Dear Mr. Oswald: On June 26, 1973 the City Council will consider cloeing portions of Division Street and Drew Street. (See Attached). Pleaee advise if you have any objections to this closing. Sincerely, Robert M. Hopkino City Manager IOOl : md Attachm<ant bcc: R. M. Hopkins . \ \ \ :. -~ . June 5, 1973 Jack McDonald Lake Apopka Natural Gas District 1500 Last Highway 50 Winter Garden, Florida 32787 Be: Street Closing Dear Mr. McDonald: On June 26, 1973 the City Council will consider closing portions of Division Street and Drew Street. (See attached). Please advise if you have any objections to thio closing. Sincerely, Robert M. Hopkins City Manager RMH :md Attachment bcc: R. M. Hopkins ;. June 5. 1973 C. A. Benedict, P. E. District Engineer Steto o~ rlorida Department of Transportation P. O. Bo~ 47 Deland, Plorida 32720 ReI Street'Cloaing Doar Mr. Benedict On June 26, 1973 the City Council aill cDnDider cloaing portions of Divieion Stroet and Draw Stroet. (See attached). Pleaoe advise if you have any objectione to this closing. Sincorely, Robert M. Hopkins City Mmnager RMBlind Attachment bcc: R. M. Hopkins . '. REUBIN O'D. ASKEW GOVERNOR . Department of Transportation DELAND, FLORIDA June 7, 1973 WALTER L. REVELL SECRETARY r ' ~"""' ~ .c;:> *'HSHIH6 '8IJQec::> . ARRIVE AUVE- ~ "FLORICA= --'f Mr. Robert M. Hopkins City Manager #1 West Gate Plaza Clermont, Florida 32711 Re: City Street and County Road Dedications Dear Mr. Hopkins: Thank you for your letter of June 5, 1973 and attached sketch reflecting the closing of portions of Division Street and Drew Street in Clermont. We have researched our records and find that there are no drainage facilities or outfall ditches on the dedi- cated streets that are to be closed. We would"appreciate the City furnishing the same infor- mation for our review when other streets are under consideration for abandonment. CAB:EJH:wg Yours very truly, . ~~ ~"~«J- c. A. Benedict, P.E. Dist~ct Engineer 'ECE/I¡ED:;" . "" ....;, ; ·911' REC£/V£DJU ', 1 ¡ 1913 t . . . ~, " ;/' ; , /.1 ~"" LÆ//,G Cf.:o(..,t. r r I ïê....,,'-' .J' }.I "~7:!j ~., ~ , 1 ~ -" .. . ..I ¡.-t<c--i--· t- - ---- - f (;,^I ' ,.. ¡ ¡', ' "j If' 1 ¡,,~ J' (! ¡ I;., J ! J J ~ ¡///I II J ....u¿.L Y7'" -i. lJ/V'S ·;';.'-_~.?r~L ~ : ,., 57" - ~.' f I ¡d \' ~ JÍ ~.: '. TO: FROM: SUBJECT DATE: Tommy Asbury, Utilities Supt. City Manager Street Closing June 5, 1973 . On June 26, 1973 the City Council will consider closing portions of Division Street and Drew Streets. (See Attached). ' Please advise if you have any objections to this closing. r;¡(¿¡;£Ib¿¿ / C/----- ~. e AL .. ..IL* & . -- ."- ~\" w .'. \'),- '- ~ s- .....',.,~ -'" ., ~ .. I ¡, ~ I , ~.~lpJ "~L .J . ~ "4 ,t/' ,I' ~ ~ ..... \c ~ ~ \1 ,J.tJ ~ 4S -tIJ , ¡;, t,~.. '.'. '.. "·~-aJ. -... ....~..... . 1,- . : 'I". IUuI Ø1N (J7...#1 ~( - +-A.L ~ _...--.~~ - 1.1 -~- "'f' ,;,0.,;,... , ,.,", '''.,,~. .' '. , . .'. .... ..... .. , . ;. ,",-,"> -~~-'_.~--.; t ; r~ ,..,..'It .