O-43-M '~'1! . Rec 6.00 ~O~K 516 rAGE144 MISC. ORDINANCES N~ 150 ORDINANCE NO. 43-M AN ORDINANCE UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CLOSING A CERTAIN PORTION OF AN UNNAMED STREET LYING BETWEEN LINTON COURT AND SUNSET LAKE, AND AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF A CERTAIN PORTION OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF SAID UNNAMED STREET. WHEREAS, DR. J. R. PEACOCK petitioned the City Council to close an unnamed street lying between Linton Court and Sunset Lake more particularly described below and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered said petition and has determined it to be to the best interest of the City of Clermont to grant said petition. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AND ESTABLISHED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: 1. That certain portion of an unnamed street lying between Linton Court and Sunset Lake in the City of Clermont, Florida, more particularly described as: All that part and portion of an unnamed street lying West of the Westerly right-of-way line of Linton Court and East of Sunset Lake, all according to the Official Map of the City of Clermont, Florida. Be and the same is hereby closed and abandoned permanently and forever. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERM6NT, FLORIDA, THAT: 1. The Council President be and he hereby is authorized to execute a quit claim deed from the City of Clermont to Dr. J. R. Peacock and Margaret H. Peacock, his wife, conveying to them any interest whatsoever that the City may have or may attain in that portion of property being bounded as follows: All that part and portion of land lying West of the Westerly right-of-way line of Linton Court, East of Sunset Lake, North of the North boundary of Lot 1 in Block 126A of Sunset Park Subdivision and South of the South boundary of Lot 11 in Block 125A of Sunset Park Subdivision; all according to the Official Map of the City of Clermont, Florida. THIS ~RDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY UPON BECOMING A .....:(:~~~"'" . -t:t ~f) ~ .."":';:.\;,:*,.;,I'~~.~ED AND ADOPTED ON THE 1.If~ day f A\!J'Æ'I? . " "> -' 0-'-'-:1. I~t". ... ! ;I::.~}.:~q ~':l~""'~\\ ~...: ,- ~ :./i-::: :; Presi dent of i ty ,. -:." ...... .",.-t:.._,. r. . ~'_,--.' P:;~ :'r-f City of Clermont, ~ ~ -. - A-Tr¡;"\,~ --.",: ,.;-:.....-"I"!~...:. .::::~~:~<,"~ ......... "J~ ~A-}o;'~'~\~C;: ,'" ····0:~~,~1J. Cwill~~ C}tÿ Clerk '" """ n ,.,.~ c:: çr- 8 Cõ:I LÄif0~ ();] -:0-- 1971 ê~!>.g Ñ . :<:c i:'~ . :;t::¡t-;'; 2 ;")'1 t..J ~c>l' ...;;: -0 Counci"1!;¡¡'-¡;¡ == Flori da---i § -.:: c...> RECEIVED AND APPROVED by me this /.Jj-~ day of LQp-r(JA/o4.tA _ 1971. ~r~ Mayor of City of Clermont Florida ". , . . ~b~K 516 PAGE145 MISC. ORDINANCES N~ 151 ORDINANCE NO. 43-M CERTIFICATE OF POSTING I HEREBY CERTIFY that a certified copy of the foregoing Ordinance was posted on the Public Municipal bulletin board for a peri'od of not less than one (1) week, as required under the Charter of the City of Clermont, Florida, beginning to\Q...rp..",.,LVt/ /" , 1971 LO~/~J t. c'J" . Clerk of the City of Clermont, Florida THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY: DOLORES W. CARROLL. OFFICE OF THE CITY éLERK 1 WEST GATE PLAZA CLERMONT. FlORIOA 32711 . ç-ø I * ~ ~r'\ ~ -H~-I-_ï 1 I I I I t I I I I I 1- _ .. ~ - .¡,"C~ /&1, .8wrlIT HIIIl~T. I C¡,.ø ÞltJN r, I'¿t MIÞA ø' - - ,,,' - 4- .3 2- I .. tl .' , 4!=: /.. . "I "/ ~ . ~ - OH6"_rNUT oSr.Æ64r Û7S I, Z, ~ tlWNI» IY ÞI~ , /IJIMS JdNN A'IW1WJ ~ , J 8 7 <ó s- ..,... Nå... - ---.r..' JI".' ~UfJJ 379 Carroll st. Clermont, Fla. Dec. 10, 1968 f ~ City of Clermont, Clermont, Fla. Gentlemen; I wish to petition the City of Clermont to grant a closing of the Eleventh St. extension at Sunset Lake in Sunset Park. I am presenting a proposed sketch of two duplex units we desire to build on lots 1-2-3 in section 126. To build the two units so that they will be attractive to the neighborhood and have room to park the cars inside the unit it would be necessary to close Eleventh St. exten- sion. sin7~C? ~ v' )£1 6-, >. '.i", II', ,( " ,. '" --J .. I >'''' .c '" I '0 >, cucu ..'" "'.. c.o cu... ~ ..... ~ 0...<0""'" U")N "'. M - to ~"k.:. :;::C1J IG ~ >,-C;¡ .µ C1n:s'~ C:C:3~ aWtO.co E~ C))_ :::1 .....u... .. .:¡: '\>' :I: '" ... +- !:: "'C VI s= _s.n:sO I'Ow'ê "'..<:: .. ''- V M CIJ ..c''- 1.0 ,- ~:X..c c....' . " '; ,j , '; ~ ,~ ë::~')':'j;\o.. :';'" -- "~"'I "t',' ··.....,...·-¡,;.'l--,':·~\I% , .1 , t···. , r.-.-, n F r- ~_ " :'~ -. \1."-. ! "¡ ,'" .,:- ¡ : ; " ~";, t\ " : ' J.': '''' ~'Ò ';;:"':l~. r:;r,!~i ',,,:';....: ,: ,\~; --' ',. ". ,/,I,·f, I' . ." - u l :),., I,,,· :...; I.J, ., \~..,..;";"'// " '-lJ. ~. !O.~.I~____~. ,_ _ ~'"o.,."';"¡.;:~-< _._____._V_h_'j~~' . ;~~t..- """""""". ",. ~ [ ~~, . 7~ 1131 FI.2.~~T CLAI,M DEED, ~~~~ ·152 rAúE560 TUTBLANX "''''ST'''DO'~' »c. ~ (From C"po"tlOb,) ruffle Law Pnnt P"b/o, ,oem '~;'L 1i "wi!h~ J¡d~tttbu';?t/ . II Sur . .55 ; i,,' "'I,,.r,,'..'r ",~,.d hl'''''¡'', Ihl' 11'1'''' "''''1'1'1'' J/h"n indml,. 11,,. hl'irß, I",rJl,mfll.rl'þ,.,...,.n,,,/j¡·'-If, ,1"",.,',0,"''''' "/ld I",. 'U";¡['" IJr iI,.. """1",,.1;,,,, ¡uldi,... ¡".,..-I".. Ih,' """ fir 1/... "HI!!,t/",· ,~"",fH'r ..Imll ¡""IIUII' tl... "luml, IIn" 11/1' ,"lilY/I 1/". "i"g,Il"r: 0/1' /I,'" fll till!! r!,'"drl' ,,¡~,,/I ""'I,,d,- ..II J!"IH"'I'.~; 'OId, i/ 'u l'd, tI't' I/.'I·m ",tult''' ~/mll i"dlld,' !Ill lit', .wl.", htl"I'ÍI¡ de"cl'Il,,.,ll/ I>W'~' Uw." IJflt'. .Made this 4th IBe1tween ,.1.D,Ì972 day of JAiJUARY THE CITY OF CLERMONT, a municipal corporation, a corporation existin¡! under the laws of the State uf party 0/ fhefirst part, and ' DR. J. R. PEACOCK 'and MARGARET H. . PEACOCK, his wife, . " 1330 11 th Street. Clermont, , u/ the Cou.nt,y <"]f Lake ' and State 0/ Florida party of the seconrlpart, Wi1l;ncsse1tJ!¡, that the said party of the first part, for and in con.yidi<raÜan of Ihe.ynm.of --uu----------TEN AND N0!100 ($lO.OO)-u-----u-- Dollars, in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is fwr.eby acknow?- edged, has remised, rezea-sed and quitclaimed, and by these presents does ~emise, release (l./ItÍ qnitclaÙn IN/.to the sa-id party of the sf!eond part all the I·ig'li.l, t.£tle, iítlcrcst clnim nnd demand which the .~aid parlyof the I¿r.~t part has in and to the fíJllo/'âng' described lot , piece or parcel of lnnrl, sUna-te lyin~' and being in th.e COl~nt!f of La k e State oj' Florida, to wit: ' Florida, All that part and portion of land lying West of \ the Westerly right-of-way line of Linton Court, Eas,t of Sunset Lake, North of the North bou'ndar.y ,,' of Lot 1 in Block l26A of Sunset Park Subdivision' and South of the South boundary of Lot 11 ih Block l2SA of ,Sunset Park Subdivision; all ac- cor~ing to ~he Official Map of the Ciyt of Cler¿ " mont, Florida,' , .. , .~ /'~.;':":\_ .~:;:--~'\ Illji;i¡¡~tNIÌihi;~ t.,') , I,." I:, ~..,., >: . \. ~..,~ s. ~ ~:.~ j /.): _.~: " ,", ... .." ~. ',"" " I \___ <:·--'i-·-----'l '{ \1-- 0 0'1:: r: - ";;J. i .!rN' ('7Z I' EO.";\. J I':: . .) 'Jj::: 'HVEtl!1rl.~__~._. l()tl23~~ ,~".__..___,'''_:= < " C~ , , . .1,> ~I"'- N - '" "" ~:--:; 'q ::;,- '=71 ~~ ...~-~ ~ ..", 'f([]) IHIßlve ßlJlJld 1t([]) IHI([])M the same, tojether with all and singular the appurte.nan~es thereunto be.zonjfinJ! or in anywise appertaininjf, and all the e.' tate, njfht, hUe,. mterest ltnd elaLm what..aever of the said party of the fit;st part, either in law or equLty, to the only proper use, benefit and belwof of the said party of the second part. . : lIJlJl WJi1tJlJless WheJre{þt~ the said party 01 the first part has caused these presents to be si¡!n.ed in. its name by its President, and its corporate seal to be affixed, attested by its the day and year above wriiteT!" .:1 l.. " ~'~,~ -: ~ '. (Corpò,rdte .- Seal) ...... THE CITY OF CLERMONT ".: ~, By /..."., c:..... ,//, , ···t- nON Ii. SMITIJ, MaY~H r ¡ nt.íìUfu.&fí. ' Attest: i\I~'", I ìf; ( . ¡,' (( DOLÒRES W. CARROLL &JéJi.~ Clerk Signed. Sealed ønd Ddiverccl ill Our PreHcnc,e: -.. ' ) , '..' -- , ' ........\... Co "'v -L t. é....V v- l.. l {l L ''" 'I¡ ~ ...-J'~..(',? ~', ,¿¡;.';.' /i' //.1.1,',. "'7 ')'1 . " oJ' ý" , ~.....r. " ¡i' , 1" 1., o ..... '~ 'c... ,~ ,a> '~ a . , ,.;~ '-,~ .'>:4' . ;. r' ~ ¥',