O-40-M Mayor --:::~I"'-·-:-"I.'I~,¡.. ..c¡;,,~ <> I,¡ ¡ 'lft~, ,;~': ·-~··'···:·I·····~·~<\ .;.,' .> " I' " ... '., ~f :~."" ~ '{¡~~:~"~~-<.'~~ \?-{ ~. --'Iff ~ A'\". . r"\'#.,.:- .;....~. ("'~~>':..,... .,..\';,: .......;.~... (''-'1' OA'- ^ \,. _,' l't . 0." "\,' II"IIIIIU\\\ 1971 .~ç~ ATTEST: (n #w.(,,) ~. aJ. ~ty Clerk APPROVED by me this 1~1f& day of ::~ONr~ President of Council , This Ordinance shall become law upon being posted as provided by law, and shall take effect as provided by law. First reading this 24th day of August, 1971 Second reading this l.tftL day of ç:uÔi;:...,j,tl/V ,1971. PASSED AND ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY (P~F A CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THIS /'f1J.¡ DAY OF -&i ~ 1971. Section 3. .c en This closing is done pursuant to the authority granted to the City of Clermont by the General and Special Laws of the State of Florida. .. c::> ~ That portion of Hampton Street lying between the Northern right of way of Minnehaha Avenue and the Southern right of way of Highway 50, and which abuts lots 265, 266, 267, 268, 300, 301, and 302 in Clermont Heights Subdivision be and the same is hereby closed and permanently ~bandoned. Section 2. "> c::> ~ rn -0 .. ... Section 1. AN ORDINANCE UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CLOSING AND PERMANENTLY ABANDONING ALL THE PORTION OF HAMPTON STREET LYING BETWEEN THE NORTHERN RIGHT OF WAY OF MINNEHAHA AVENUE AND THE SOUTHERN RIGHT OF WAY OF HIGHWAY 50 AND WHICH ABUTS LOTS 265, 266, 267, 268, 300, 301, and 302 IN CLERMONT HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION. TiHE CITY OF CLERMONT HEREBY ORDAINS THAT: 145 N~ MISC. ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 40-M 442 PAGE 409 71 12957 Rec 4.00 0.8. 8001 . . RJS/ cc Thanks so much for your cooperation in this matter. I am enclosing photo of rough sketch of area owned solely by me as trustee. The legal description embracing the approximately 4. 2 acre tract is attached hereto. I respectfully request you ask Council to authorize publication for public hearing on August 24, 1971, on closing Hampton only. I have been unable to make contact with Mrs. Lockmiller and wish to proceed on my original application to close Hampton. After discussion the matter was deferred by Council to enable me to con- tact the owner to the east (Mrs. Lockmiller) since she and 1 would be the sole owners of the entire tract,ito also close Millholland. The undersigned appeared before City Council on 7/13/71 requesting the vacation of Hampton St. between Highway 50 and Minnehaha Ave. Dear Sir: Re: Hampton St. Closing Applicant-owner: Robert J. Shingler, Trustee Mr. Bob Hopkins City Manager Clermont, Florida TELEPHONE (813) 896-9625 August 3, 1971 ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA 33701 4 I 0 H" I I B II i I din 9 ROBERT J. SHINGLER l^W OFFICES '~I "". ;~. () That Part of Lot 258, lying South of the Right of Way of Highway 50, Lots 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, and that part of Lot 268 lying South of the right of way of Highway 50; ALSO that part of Lot 300 ly~g South of the Right of way of Highway 50, LOTS 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, and that Part of Lot 307, lying South of the Right of -N A Y of Highway 50, all in Clermont Heights, a subdivision of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page l, Pub_lie Records of j.,ake çounty, Florida-,_ -0 ~. . : : ~ tJ r. .¡f~7 ëCJ:-::::- / ,A,/;1;t;lT,f" . : I I IF, . : i ? f) - 13 1/, , . " ¿ 7 - /75 ..-: " I ! "--'- -----li . :~~~ " /;J,,( tV "i.-~~-- ~ -r ':"/ ...-"~ 1.1.------ \...;)/" ~ ¡~ ; I 1 . I~" ....:;.9;7'¿: . /~~ " _. _ I ,-~. """, : i ! I 3¡/ ---'---~~' ~? --------1 I /-?JV' I' ) ¿"7. ') ,/ '-~-.---. . ~d ~/; ~:; "1' ~.. "-.) r . 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I i . - I. . -,../-11 O! . 1"'1'" < 'i 'I _~. ~ ! t I I'i r,¡' 1.1 ,. vV·0->E ---.-... ..-- -~... . ·0' ::..__1 . . . .... rJ æ-~':-r.-~r--'r"-" .' <T'·"' . I.. K , , ---.....- -" -... ,._~,:¡ Robert M. Hopkins City Manager Clermont. Flori<h ,J A1!JUSI 19, 1971 lEGAL NarI:E NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ONSTREETCLŒING Notice Is bereby given to al1 concerned that the City Council of the City of Clermont, L:!.lœ County, Florida wUl hold a PubUc Hoaring in the City Counc:U Chambers, 10- ented on the corner of West A venue and De- Soto Street on Tuesday, August 24. 19'71 at 7: ro P. M~ for !be following stated purpose: To consider a request by Robert J. Sh1ngler to permanently close the rcHawIng designated portion of HamplonStreetlocatedlnClermont Hols:hts Subdtvtslon of the City of Clermont, Florida: That portlonotHamptonStreetabutting Lots 265, 266. 267 and 268 olCIermoot Heights SUbdivision on the West, and, abutting Lots 300. 301 and302ofCler~ monl Heights Subdivision on the Easl All interested parties will be given an op- portunIty to express their views on the above. mentioned subject. August 19. 1971 Robert M. Hopkins Ci ty f1anager Clermont, Florida abutting Lots 300. 301 and 302 of Clermont Heights Subdivision on the East All interested parties will be given an opportunity to e~press their views on the above mentioned subject. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that the City Co~~cil of the City of Clermont, lake County, Florida will hold a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers, located on the corner of West Avenue and DeSoto Street on Tuesday, August 24. 1971 at 7:30 P.M. for the following stated purpose: To consider a request by Robert J. Shingler to permanently close the following designated portion of Hampton Street located in Clermont Heights Subdivision of the City of Clermont, Florida: That portion of Hampton Street abutting Lots 265, 266. 267 and 268 of Clermont Heights Subdivision on the West. and, LEGAL NOn CE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET CLOSING ·U 'u -A-72E A .DA ïA: -,"-., - . - '" . {;JfJ ,,___Cl¡¿ð$;.> LAND AIZ£A _ __ _14-4¡62- ~I(J_TAI.. 61..DI: A-£EA _ ____ B.9¡ 000 ~I1/Æ í. i.A/JD AI2E A _ ____ I05jf/2S =-:2/trto: Né-T LAJ/O TO 71J¡"A¿ -:.:::.=' 13U/¿OUIC A/2éA____ Z.7ro 1. ~ - -raf~ I.. PIIN¡¿o'/C; .5I'Ac-¿:J__ /95 - '/ ~ / -~! f.t). \~":!....... ~ T / ~~¡ ~ I ' ¡ ~C\ Q ~ " / >t ,,~'" .. ' ..... ~ """IN ~ ¡ ~ ~ ~ cS ~~ ÌJ\ I -: / :> Q ."I¡J ~ _" ~ . -II) 'pAct!; -0 .WEl5/3-<a, ~'I_ '_ ~ ..' . ~ ~ _, - \, "- '-t,'.4!1MY·¡'¡'¡'.IÝ IZETA//..I9-ñlZt.lG:! I\~ __WIIJN-CUX¡e... I, :'4. ~ <;) ~j)r_Ið.lCtdDéD '- I 'tdM tþ ,¡, C"tJoi/3 ú"ÀI,__18¡2oo ¢ I'" Ir' ~ j \ - _ ..........45 I -3-IJ~o" ~O/"'" _I'''''n... _ "'a ,.¡ ~ --iIZßS,!iZV/.!,D__-F:.ð/Z. ()', "v' 7C' 2~ zs' / 2.440 . '-J . -.,J ~£/l.,ITJ.CI!':"':5'l\A-TIO J) ,. ~ r -- 14 CtJ,/Ui',f) ~¡¡)¡"J::. -: - : r ~,/ '-...t. .. 1/1 t!j ~ / \ 1i~ t 111111" [ ¡ Ill'" (iO' / ad'\ 1Z30' ~ - /1 ~ ~ // ' ' ~_ IZ _ _ _d Ij..' U'IUIZO VIA"¡/, : L¡L, ~ I --;;:- - " 1 -,- I' / ,/. ~ -- i, ¡ " ../" -po , ' If¡ """" I..., ~ ~' I.. ;/ ~ t -tj. ~ + ~ . ~ t ' .,' - t ' 1 f ~ tit ~I , _:::::: '31 S1\~ 45'::::--V3-- 53 r;"~S3' 5;d,i! .5:3" ; _ I G. ,/{' ¿3'~ j ~~ ~ ~. , ,/ ,I I· /-: ~ .~........ I { ~ . ,P/l-II/£ D RA/2 k/IV ,.. I /, ~ " '12",,~ ____ . , , '. ,/ : ~.. -- ' , I, I I i -~ .A "-.--- .... I" - + r~i , I ¡ 1Z!-...) --- . I" ' ~ ~ t I I " ~ ~ I~ ./'] ~~;--~ -€ ' ¢70' , ~t :;ýi. ,~ ~O' ~ . ~ ~..s: ,-: ~, /Í o -- .' <J :::--:---.1. -PI?OP05CD 5f!OP/:J/tVCl Cc;JTEt:Ç ______. ...__. - . -'.----_..___0.. ._ _ .____._ C L. ¡; 12 M !? ,!"j 7j _ -F ~:? r;: u;'; /, \. \ \ \ \ l 152 i > -~ PÆ1J{é.() £'~æ'II~/¡' L)/Z.I\¡~ 445' - -, ! P/I'L£D ;:Jé/ZVIC.e ~ AtZéA c; ./ ./ - - /,¡MJ!. lie. Ie¡ 7/ ~ " l'fq' ~ '>-- ~ " J; ~c MINNeHAHA AilE. (;:WJ E () ) ·..:·i . . .' ,':.1 r.. " '. . " ~ ,~ ~ . , . I . I' "!-. . . ... . . . ·.'1.' ., ..;. ."" ... " ... ..;.Y-" ........ .~;:. '~ ;,;'.. '...."". .1::. .... '\. .:.. . .. ..' '.. ',.... ... . . !." :: : ~." . :~. .'..4'~" .". 1. '.. I:' .' .( ..:,. ..." ' .... . ., .... .:1 :.". ·1' .' ~. . .J~G ..} .'. .=' ..:. . ... !-. ' ,... , .'!- "......:.:11 ~ ·.:-It·. ".. ,".,. .·....L......~!~, ~..' i '.' :......... ".. ,¡ ,....... '. .,'. t..·.· ...·...,~...I.·:. , -. . . f.........'~r~.".........þ,,,t.'!-t.c........ . II .."~ ~. ,..".."- . ._.';'.' .e· ~ R.d'...· 1" 141 " .. R.M.Hopkins, by I dwc l'urc:/ aling Agent .~ ~ .:~,} n. . IMPOIITANr OUI 0110.1 HIIMI.I MUST APPEAl. ?N AU INYOK:IS . 'ACKAO.S. FTC. 1'I.tA51 NOT"" US 1_IDt"II~Y IP . ,,;)U ~.. .1:1. \111.1 TO SHIP ca""LI1I OID._ IY P"IE SPtClFŒO. Cop. Or Your IIMIÏaI ~_ s.nd ." Please submit Proof of Pubti~øtj~ when rende~ing Invoice S-t. ) You will please publish the attached LEGAL NOTICE re Pub ic Hearing on Street C18SinQ (Junla~a in the August 5th Edition of the Press '. .. ~ ... UNIT PWs5f SUP...., ITEMS USTED llIOW r QUANlJl\' PRIce I DAlE_ I Ship Ta Add._ lOR 1 -700 ... . - Clermont, Florida 32711 , -- Citv City of Clermont Add..... Press Ta ....No South Lakè 1'_ 07480 No. 7-30-71 Daftt "Ì PURCHASE ORom ,. ,;t ., , ,~ I.. ,of . .; '" .' 12 I. .' I "'Þ' ... . '. '. :r.'; ,,~ . ~~, . " , II : .. : .;,' '. .' ", .' I , , " '. . " 7 ...... ,. " . 4 5 '. , 7 I .' , , . " .".; ... .... . '. : ,. I ~.. , .~ , ..,.... .!'I~ ", "" .~ ..... .., . . ., ..:,. .... ";'. 'ii,' ,~, t' : "., .:.J' , , , All interested parties will be qlven an opportunity to e~press tneir views on ~he above mentioned subject. 'Robert M. Hopkins ~i ty Itanager City of ti~rmont, Florida August 5, 1971 '. abutting Lots 1~3-S-7-9-ìl-13~15 and 17 in 810ck 124 of Sunset Þark Subdivls;on on the South ::otice IS hereby given to a11 concerr:ed that the Cit.;)' :1':.II'C-:1 of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida ~ill n~ d a Pu~l'c l:ear1ng In the City Council Chamt.ers; locateø on tl,e corner crf " West Avenue and DeSoto Street on Tuesday, August 10, '9;' at 7:30 P.M. for the fol)owing stated purpose: To consider a request by Konsler Steel Company to perma~e"tly close the following designated portion of Juniata Street lo:atc~ in Sunset Park ~ubdivision of the City of Clermont, Florida: That portion of Juniafa Street abutting Lots 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-1ó-18 and 20 in Block 123 of 'Sunset Park Suudivis10n on the Ilorth, and, v LEGAL MOTI CEo ¡.OHCE OF PU8LIC IIEARI..G CH stREET CLOSHIr. ~ :V' ~ _: I , 2. PRESENTLY CLEARING , ,ARE.A A,I-JD FILLING¡ . TO LE.VEL OF MAIN SHOP PLAN TO ðULKHE,A,D JUNIATA ST ALONG¡ SOUTl-1 WALL - AND EXTEND SHOP I I F"lOOR LEV!:L TO PAINT .' ~I . ßUILDIN41 THEN EXTENQ . 1 ¡: . ~_-MÅ\ N S\J.OP BAyS TOWARD L !jl ' - _.PÄINT BUll-DINe,., _,. ..1 õ¡.. 3. ADDITIONAL BA.Y TO. I ~I ~ \., C.RE.A.SE PL.A.NT .-:_- n ' CAPA.CITY WHEN __,c...H I SI . .- SITuÞ.ïlCN WARRAIoJi':>. ':0'1 -, - . - " .. . . ., ... .". ", '., Il 4. FUTURE. PLANNINC¡ 'L ~I TO 1t-.1C,R E.A<:"E. OF='FICE. n 0.1 SPAc.e. AND RE.I..OCAiE. I EN<,INEE.R.ING¡ Dë:.PT.' .~- =:'DE;SOTO TO MA.IN 'O~g:IC.E. .-- ,. .PLANNED EXPAN51'ON I. TO 'NSTALL A <00' ,-OVERHEA.D CRANE "to SUPPLY THE WEST ,ENO 01=' THE SHOP :BA,'YS AT HIE BEG'NNI\,JG OF' THE PRODUCTION LINE: '-...,/ :J>3:_ì.'~':. ;:;:::53 .-.: :::TC:... - - --- -.- -: -::.~ .~. IS:: II- 2 - ~ I , 'KON5LEtR STE.EL_ ill o :r V) PROPERTY n - 0·_- -, ._~ - _._-~~ . ~- , -< ST, ® - - ® T I I I I --,- I I 1 ! LI"-IJ" , '\ ....., . :) L )fl"+ ([} .4- .. ~\'.., - ~ ""'" ".>-j, , '- 'òoTEEI., . 'INVEtORY . ~. . -' '.,.. . ..~. I . .,..,.". ... ',h - . . I , , '·i-· : - - ,PRE.SENT LOCATION OF5TEE.L Jl.JVENTO', Y -. L"·· I --. ~. , \ , "'-" :l.. MAIN -E"'R i - SHOP '. ~ DELIVER TO SHOP BY TRUCK .., - - N \1 - ~ IfI >= ~ ::t ---. --:; , - - I '-../ - I - I. ~.q :¡---. ~.. "-'... f· -c ~~il· · · I I I I I I · I · I I I , I I I I 1 .....t,_ ~~;: . ~~:o: ." T~~;r · I I , I I t · I r I I I I - I I · to · ~ I - I f' I I I . · ' I I I I , I · I I , I · I · , ( t :¡. C ¡ , C , , I I I I ! , . , , ~ I I I . , I , , I I I ¡ , · , i 1 I · , · ·