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~J¡ 25ª PAGE 743
NO. 24
W HER E AS, the following described street in the City of Clermom,
Lake County, Florida, and as r.epresemed on the OFFICIA L !\IA P ,Jf th~ ( . in
of Clermont fìJ.ed 2/4/26 and recorded in Piat Book 8. pagt:s 17 [I 23. ,'Iu.
ive, Public Records of Lake County, Florida, is no longer nce.k.'\l as a fl.,n
of the system of streets in said city. to-wit:
Fractional Drew A venue lying North of the !\:orthern
boundary of Pitt Street and South of the Southern
boundary of said Drew Avenue which drcks Spring Lake.
WHEREAS, 8a;id fractional Drew A venue has never been openc.'d, 1m-
·proved or used by the public.. does not have any public utilities constructcù
or located upon the right-of-way of said fractional Drew A"·t;;\:e. hcn'ÜMbovc'
described. and same should be abandoned, closed and ,-!CU'
¡Hid tlw r' \ '"
erty lying within the right-of-way should revert to thc.·.~.; t~,,,mt:' .C
erty of the owners of the property adjoining and abutting therew ir~{:.c
proportions; therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED that Notice be pubhshe.I for at least two (2) con-
secutive weeks notifying all concerned that dw Coun..;eI .It a Regula r Meet-
ing to be held on February 4. 1964, will consider the' ¡X! daF~ of an On.1'
inance forever abandoning, closing and vacating the abLJe desc-ribt:d frac-
tional Drew Avenue, reservation of tile propeny in its nghr'of-\hlY [0 ¡he
owner or owners of adjoining and abutting property, and pre :hl, :'1' ":;-1t~¡
matters relating thereto.
ADOPTED by the Council of the City of CJcrmon' at
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ing heltlonjanuary 7. 1964.
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64 1613 O.R. 25A 73!l
. ':..- · ·.oof~f Public:tioAPAGE ,u
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Before the undersigned personally appeared E. Vi. 1'1cCalley
who on oath says that he is Ecti tor of the 'South Lake Press
[continuing of Clermont Press-Groveland PressL a weekly 'newspaper published ir'l
Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the attached copy of advertisement, being a~
Legal Nolice 01
inches in the matter of
. You, and each d you; w!JI ph'nse
take notice that the Council of the City
of Clermont, Lake County. Florida.
wil!, 3t their R~l.llar M!."eting to Ùt·
hel.1 on February 4. 1964 at 7 :30 o'clock
¡'.M. in the City Adminilltration Build-
ing, .or at¡ soon thereafter as p06sibJ¡"
(~(m~ider the passage of un OriJinnnc(!
prQvidinp: for the permanent cl!H¡m;:.
..I",ndoni~µ: ..nd 'vucatinfo':' of the f"IJuw~
in;\: ùeHcribed'street in ~aid city, ,:"úñIY,
und ~t..ate:
abandoning and vacating of street
was published in said newspaper in the issues of
Fructiona] Drew AvenUf: ]yin~
North o( the Northern H01Hldary of
Pitt· Stl'(~~t ant! South of th(:·f;outh.
ern hOluiùary of Huil! Drew Avenue
which circles Sprillg Lake, 11.8 ro~I'-
resellted Oll the Offidu] Map of the
City of Clermont, filed 2/4/26 and
r~ord(:d ,in Plat Book 8, pUKes 17
tn 23, illc]u"ive, Public Ret,ord~ of
I,ake County, Florida.
January 16, 2], 1964.
Affiant further says the South lake Press is a newspaper published at Clermont, in said
lake County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matter
at the post office in Clermont, in said lake County, Florida, for a period of one year
next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant
/s/ A. M. JOHNSON j2:
As City Clerk of the ~..
Cit~ of Clermont, Fla. I
.J~nuarY_l~23: ~~b~_.,_"_ .-.co
further says that
has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or
. .
corporation any discount, rebate, commission, or refund for the purpose of securing
';CwoIn "'_a-stSo!Bsctj;ecf'¡belo~e
=~: "O~'-i ~
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3'/k~,·...~_~,g,j.(¿~I...____n_ __.In" ~n~__n_
lSÈ' ] ...............:; \'" .~. ¡' Notary Public
~'. S'.;.Q, Notary Public, Slale of Florida all.rga.