R-2017-63 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-63 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following budget amendments are necessary for the Fiscal Year October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018: GENERAL FUND 1. Increase Minor Equipment (10515-55204) $ 4,274 To amend the Development Services Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds for the purchase of office furnishings for a plans reviewer. 2. Increase Professional Services—General (10516-53100) $ 15,000 To amend the Information Technology Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds for consulting services related to expansion of the Fiber Network as approved by the City Council on November 14, 2017. 3. Increase Travel & Per Diem (10521-54001-21900) $ 2,000 Increase Minor Equipment (10521-55204-21900) $ 8,850 Increase Community Relations (10521-55212-21900) $ 4,500 Increase Software Renewals/Support (10521-55219-21900) $ 560 Increase Training& Education (10521-55401-21900) $ 4,900 Increase Capital Outlay- Equipment (10521-66401-21900) $ 45,680 Increase Recruiting& Agency Promotion (10521-54802-21900) $ 5,000 Increase Federal Forfeiture/Seizures (10351-35102-21900) $ 71,490 To amend the Police Department budget for expenditures related to Federal Forfeitures funds. 4. Increase Regular Salaries (10521-12100-21026) $ 32,288 Increase Overtime Salaries (10521-12120-21026) $ 1,875 Increase FICA Salaries (10521-12220-21026) $ 2,613 Increase Defined Benefit Pension (10521-12245-21026) $ 7,714 Increase Group Insurance(10521-12300-21026) $ 8,650 Increase Life Insurance(10521-12305-21026) $ 76 Increase EAP (10521-12315-21026) $ 12 Increase Workers Compensation (10521-12400-21026) $ 621 Increase Medical Services (10521-53130-21026) $ 380 Increase Internet Service (10521-54102-21026) $ 444 Increase Repair& Maintenance—Radio (10521-54608-21026) $ 100 Increase Repair& Maintenance—Equipment (10521-54614-21026) $ 300 Increase Uniforms (10521-55203-21026) $ 3,000 1 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-63 Increase Software Renewal (10521-55219-21026) $ 410 Increase Training& Education (10521-55401-21026) $ 300 Increase County Grant (10337-33760-21026) $ 46,675 To amend the Police Department budget for the salaries and benefits of a Mobile Crisis Unit police officer and associated grant as approved by the City Council on November 28, 2017. 5. Increase Training& Education (10522-55401-52000) $ 10,634 To amend the Fire Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds for the accreditation process. 6. Increase Capital Outlay- Lake Hiawatha Restoration (10542-66301-72113) $ 7,042 Increase Federal Grant— Lake Hiawatha Restoration (10331-33100-72113) $ 7,042 To amend the Public Works Department budget for the purchase of Lake Hiawatha upland plantings and an associated grant. 7. Increase Capital Equipment (10575-66401) $ 10,000 To amend the Parks&Recreation Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds for magnetic door holders at the Arts & Recreation Center. 8. Increase Capital Outlay— Equipment (10579-66401) $ 1,425 To amend the Parks&Recreation Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 Arts & Recreation Center funds for a Listening System at the Clermont Performing Arts Center. 9. Decrease Fund Balance(10599-59900) $ 53,441 Total General Fund adjustments. BUILDING SERVICES FUND 1. Increase Minor Equipment (11524-55204) $ 12,557 To amend the Development Services Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds for the purchase of office furnishings for a plans reviewer. 2. Decrease Fund Balance(11599-59900) $ 12,557 Total Building Services Fund adjustments. 2 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-63 INFRASTRUCTURE SALES TAX FUND 1. Increase Other Improvements(12516-66300) $ 15,400 To amend the Information Technology Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds for the replacement of City Hall security cameras. 2. Increase Capital Outlay—Other Improvement—Fiber(12516-66300-16000) $ 165,000 To amend the Information Technology Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds for the Expansion of the Fiber Network. 3. Increase Capital Outlay—Equipment(12575-66401-72120) $ 20,000 To amend the Parks&Recreation Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds for the purchase of an exterior sign for the Clermont Performing Arts Center. 4. Decrease Fund Balance(12599-59900) $ 200,400 Total Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund adjustments. RECREATION IMPACT FUND 1. Increase Capital Outlay—Recreation (14572-66301) $ 21,000 To amend the Parks&Recreation Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds for the purchase of ten trail fitness stations. 2. Decrease Fund Balance(14599-59900) $ 21,000 Total Recreation Impact Fund adjustments. POLICE IMPACT FEE FUND 1. Increase Minor Equipment(15521-55204-21026) $ 3,420 Increase Capital Outlay—Vehicles(10521-66400-21026) $ 42,000 Increase Capital Outlay—Equipment(15521-66401-21026) $ 3,750 To amend the Police Department budget for capital outlay associated with the Mobile Crisis Unit police officer approved by the City Council on November 28,2017 2. Decrease Fund Balance(15599-59900) $ 49,170 Total Police Impact Fund adjustments. 3 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO.2017-63 FIRE IMPACT FEE FUND 1. Increase Capital Outlay- Vehicle(16522-66400) $ 40,000 To amend the Fire Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds for the purchase of a training captain vehicle. 2. Increase Capital Outlay—Vehicle(16522-66400) $ 110,000 To amend the Fire Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds for the purchase of engine/pumper equipment. 3. Decrease Fund Balance(16599-59900) $ 150,000 Total Fire Impact Fund adjustments. CAPITAL PROJECT FUND 1. Increase State Grant(32334-33470-38110) $ 500,000 To amend the budget for a State of Florida- Department of State Cultural Facilities Program Grant for the Victory Pointe Project approved by the City Council on November 14,2017. 2. Increase State Grant(32334-33470-38110) $ 200,000 To amend the budget for a State of Florida-Department of Environmental Protection Recreation Trails Program Grant for the Victory Pointe Project approved by the City Council on November 14,2017. 3. Increase State Grant(32334-33470-38119) $ 165,000 To amend the budget for a State of Florida—Department of Environmental Protection Florida Communities Trust Fund Grant for the Victory Pointe Project approved by the City Council on November 14, 2017. 4. Increase Capital Outlay—Other Improvements(32559-66300-38110) $ 70,862 To amend the Economic Development budget for the recreation portion of Victory Pointe Project change order no. 1 approved by the City Council on November 28, 2017. 5. Increase Fund Balance(32599-59900) $ 794,138 Total Capital Project Fund adjustments. WATER FUND 1. Increase Capital Outlay— Lower Floridan Aquifer(41533-66307-33112) $ 267,763 Increase Capital Outlay—Pro Services—John's Lk Watenmain(41533-66401)$ 8,680 4 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-63 Increase Capital Outlay- Equipment (41533-66401) $ 67,636 To amend the budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds. 2. Decrease Fund Balance(41599-59900) $ 344,079 Total Water Fund adjustments. SEWER FUND 1. Increase Capital Outlay- Sewer System Improvements(42535-66305-35103) $ 498,872 Increase Capital -Sewer System-Manhole/Lat Rehab (42535-66305-35108) $ 43,030 Increase Capital Outlay- Lift Station Improvements (42535-66321) $ 45,938 Increase Capital Outlay- Equipment (42535-66401) $ 63,094 To amend the budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds. 2. Decrease Fund Balance(42599-59900) $ 650,934 Total Sewer Fund adjustments. WATER IMPACT FUND 1. Increase Capital Outlay- Building Warehouse(43533-66201-33110) $ 222,052 Increase Capital Outlay-Water System (43533-66307-35111) $ 1,096,306 To amend the budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds. 2. Decrease Fund Balance(43599-59900) $ 1,318,358 Total Water Impact Fund adjustments. SEWER IMPACT FUND 1. Increase Cap Outlay-Wastewater Treatment Facility(44535-66201-35114) $ 570,247 Increase Capital Outlay-Reclaimed Water System (42535-66305-35108) $ 500,000 Increase Cap Outlay Reclaimed Water Expansion (44535-66323-36101) $ 536,865 Increase Capital Outlay-Equipment (44535-66401) $ 650,000 Increase Capital Outlay-Pro. Services WW Treatment Facility(44535-66900-35114)$ 179,272 To amend the budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds. 5 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-63 2. Decrease Fund Balance(44599-59900) $ 2,436,384 Total Sewer Impact Fund adjustments. STORMWATER FUND 1. Increase Capital Outlay—Victory Pointe (45538-66306-38110) $ 212,585 To amend the Environmental Services Department budget for the stormwater portion of Victory Pointe Project change order no. 1 approved by the City Council on November 28, 2017. 2. Decrease Capital Outlay—Victory Pointe(45538-66306-38110) $ 811,938 To amend the Environmental Services Department budget for Victory Pointe project costs budgeted in FY 2018, but incurred in FY 2017. 3. Increase Fund Balance(45599-59900) $ 599,353 Total Stormwater Fund adjustments. Net Decrease to Fund Balance—All Funds $ 3,842,832 6 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-63 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget amendments of the City of Clermont for the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 are hereby adopted. DONE AND RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, this 12th day of December, 2017. CITY OF CLERMONT Gail L. Ash, a or ATTEST: Tracy Ackroyd 'owe, City Clerk App .ved as to b rm and - .ality: 4J? 111111 Dam- . Mantzaris, - •rney 7