On metien made by Councilman Winston, seconded by Council-
man 01ivenbaum, the rollewing Resolutien was unanamously adopted:
WHEREAS, _~ the City er Clerment by and threugh the
members or its city counci~as or JUly 1, 1939, rerunded its then
existing b.nded indebtedness ror all delinquent interest on said
bonds rerunded issued Delinquent Tax Netes in the amøunt er
delinquent interest en said bond; and
WHEREAS, said a.1inquent Tax Notes could be used in the
pa'YJ11ent er delinquent taxes and were redeemable by the city at
lO~ en the dollar and most er them have been so used and redeemed
and sheuld be destroyed to make additiøna1 room in thr vault rer
ether city records; thererore
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Councilor the City or Clermont
that the rollewing Dllinquent Tax Netes heretorore redeemed and/er
canceled, shall be destroyed by burning in the presence or all /
Ceuncilmen, the Mayor, the City Clerk, and the Chier er POlice, with
the exception er Delinquent Tax Nete Ne. 1, which shall be not enly
perrorated but shall be marked "Cancelled" across It tace and
rramed and placed in the City Hall ror tuture record;! tø-wit:
I ,~ I Inel; SA, 6, 7, 7A; 8 te 16 Incl; 17A, 18 te 26 inc1;
27, 27A, 2'7B,' 27C, 2'7D,·27E, 27F, 28, 28A, 28B, 28C, . 28D, 28E, 2ap,
29, 30 30A, 31, 31A, 32, 32A, 33, 33, 34, 34,34A, 35, 35A, 36, 36A
36B, 36C, 36D, 36E, 36F, 37A, 37B, 37C, 37D, 37E, 37F, 38, 38A, 38B,
38C, 38D, 38E, 38F, 39 te 43 inel; 43A, 44, 45, 45A, 46 to 62 inel;
62A, 63, 64, 66 te 90 Incl; 90A; 91 te 106 inc1; 111 te220 tacl;
222, 224, 225, 226,226, 227 to 259 inel; 265 t. 285, 285, 286 te
422 incl; 424 te 428 incl; 434 te 443 incl; 446, 448 t. 451 incl;
454, 456 to 514 incl; 51SA, 519 te 530 incl; 530 te 533 incl; 535
te 572 incl; 572 te 629 incl; 629 A, 630 te 676 incl; 676A, 677 ..
685,1ncl;686 te 750 incl; 752 te 767 incl; 769, 771 te 847 Incl;
852, 853 856 te 876 incl; 878 to 897 Incl; 897A, 898 te 916 incl;
916 te 964 incl; 964 to 1000 Inc1;
BE I'1' FUR'l'HER RESOLVED TRAT upen the destructien or said
Delinquent Tax Netes, as hereinberere directed, the Cit7 Council,
Mayer, City Clerk aDd Chier or Pelice present at the burning er
same de certify t. same en this Resolutien and that this Reselutien
be made a permanent part er the records or this City and a cOP7 be
turnished the City Auditor.
We, the 1mdersiþd, d. hereby certiry that en April
8, 1954, we were present at and teok part in the destructien by
rIre or the abeve described Delinquent Tax Notes(except Ne. 1
thereer which has been perterated and marked "Canceled and tramed an
place d in the City Hall rer tu.ture rec~.,. .~ ~e.( c11;y;: Clan.. ent~·
(é~~ ~ / Y../J/) ~ 1.1.. ~ ~.'L. /
As .embers er City Ceunc1~
AS .emDe rs er 01 ty a.unc 1~
~ ~T'1ïI