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~1 ~c~s©~uxx~~ the ~it~ C3a~ai1 ~f tie ~s~ ~s ~~~~~~ ~+larri+~, area~edntse~r th.t st it + the ~~~~,.~ ettosta ~t t?.~r '~e~-rahls ~~~.~ ~~ hitehair, .. ~.~ +~t . State ~-.~ .~ ~r - ~~ ~ ~r ~~~~~ ~ tit ~ ~~:. ®,~o~ ~~ ~~ ~ Johes Riper„ laoate~ ~~~~ bast ~f tea paitat e! tmerdex- rat' Mate R~aads 4~ and 4~, and Mr'hit<sh xi~.1 +ae~ru~at lake and 'V'elusxa C+ttr~ties~, is berg ~.~~~ atdd ~i'RB~lR, the ~it7 t~etanoil ~~ ~~. vita ~,~ ~~~t wi+~h ~~ exta-rts in t~-halt ~~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~-3.etriat ~~~ ~~.- state +~r 1~"i®sida ss a rhellr ree~s~itr~ that it waa tht~-tt~h h3r aaaeix>td et'tm>t~s atnd detetiote ~~ dui that ~r-ke ~~t-~.t~r anct this seoti+rt-m aP t~ tst~ e! ~`lc>trida is,, and will bs ate beteettted~, 'by` thNr- ee~treetien e~ said bx~l.dg~e~ and m tt~s aRt imprar~re• t~r-t in the reads in hie diatriat ein~ he araN appr-3sted tatlee~bex* e-t the State R~rad Board e! the state ~-~` ~.orida~ and ts~emhers of the ~i~ veil e3` the t'it~ of ~la-tt F1.crx~ida, •xsh to ta1~e this mrthed e! reoe!gniuing hie eerw~,e~ea and his aoaet~lishtee~ats, and. '~ esprees ttribute to him. ~''~~URB~, I'~' H~t~f?'t.!V~'b b~- the &'~.~" Council ei' the City ~" cls~t,~ ~'lmric'~a, at tliura. ad~oeat~tt~ed meeting held ~esda~~ Rorettrtbsr 8,, 15~~~ at the Quay hail. ®f the ~it'jr at Cl.exme-nt~, P'3.erida~, that the Geut~df.l h~sreb~ eacpresees tQ the Ror~4arebls Fr,:tr~oia ~'~ 1~hite~~air,, the deep tpi~e+~lati~ mt tf~e peeFle +~!' ~les~r}+,1~ ft~r hint ua~tis~. e-t'tort® +~~ad ae~riess ~ anc~ tMet hanc-r him b~ requ~-eting th+~ state ~~ad ~rr~artteeent er th+s state +~P ~`],ari~. to dttei~;inate and setae the high~-ay bridge ott~aee#.trzg the ~t~ aehtn-s Rir+er +~ state Read A4, '~ ~ ~eie P• '~-hite• hair Bridle",. 2'T F~tR~'BRR R~^~~~~ that a oert#~tied obp? et this ~s~rlutie~- be mttlad to the state Ra~ad Bt~atrd at t}~ :~~te os Fl.et'sieli- at 'allahaasee, Florida.