.. (///1&'''' "..
WHEREAS. The City of Clermont and the Cowtty of Lake have improved
Grand Highway from the resident1a1 area. of Clennont and the Clermont..
},ijp"eola School area to State Road 25, u.s. 27, and Ukewtse. both agencies
bave improved Grand ltighway £rora State .Road 50, in the City of Clermoot,
Northerly to the same intersection of State Road 25, U. So. Z7, and Grand
Highway, thereby .further increasing traffic at this intersection; and,
WHEREAS. The development of the Clt1.1JS Tower, a major State attrac'"
tion, along with otber such attractions as the BOOomian Glass mowers, the
Ar.aph1bious Duclc Tours. and such htsinesses as 1~. ..J. Thacker. Distributor
for Tilloy Products throughout the United Statcs, as \ycl! as CI..U1nire Products,
the Skyline Ws.Otcl, Citrus Tower Restaurant LU1d Lounge, Citrus 'to\ver Gift
Shop and Soda FountD.in, Dorsey's Standard Station and·other develolm1cmts in
t.b1s area are increasing traffic hazards at the said intersection of State Rood
25, U. s. Zl, and Grand Highway, as well as at dlC entrance of dlC CitrUS
Tower prolJCI'ty, \7hich abuts said intersection 011 3tate Rood 25, U. s. Xl,
c¡xl Grand Highway; and,
WHEREAS, The traffic on State.Rood 25, u.s. Z'l, n two-lane lUgb.way,
has so increasoo tItat traffic is slowod do\V11 thereon, thereby increasing the
trafiic hazards on said road; and,
WHEREAS, The North bound traffic on State Rood 25, U.S. Zl, must
cross the main traffic lanes of State Road 25, U. s. Z1, in order to enter Grand
Highway and Skyline Ailte!; and South bound traffic must cross the main traffic
lanes of State Road 25, U. s. Zl, in order to enter tlte Citrus Tower l>roperty ,
thereby causing a haznrdous situation wlúcl1 is detrimcntal to tl1e safety and
welfare of the traveWng public; and,
WHEREAS, There' exists within the City limits of the City of Clermont,
the intersection of State Road 25, U. s. Z1, and State Road 50, thereby increas-
i11g the traffic on State Road 25, U. S.Z1; and State Road 25, U. s. XI extends
in a North-South direction through tl1e Town of Mirmeola and the City of <.:!ennont,
\vl'lich are adjacent to caeb otl1er and Q CODS.iderable amount of local traffic
naturally flows to State Rood 25, U. s. Z1, thereby i\trther increasing automobile
and truck traffic on this road which necessarily increases the hazards to the
travelling public beca11So State Road 25, U. s. Z1, has only a North -South lane
and shoold be four-Ianed to decrease the hazards to the travclling public and to
properly carry normal, as weU as excessivc, traffic thereon; therefore,
BE IT R.ESOL. VED 'That the City Council of the City of Clermont request
of the State Road Department of Florida that appropriate traffic turning lanes
and cross...overs be installed on State tWad 25, U.S. 21, to relieve existh1g
traffic congestion and alleviate tra.ff1c hazards in the area of the Citrus Tower
and at the intersection of Grand Highway and State.Rood 25, U.S. Zl; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the City Council of the City of Clermont
request that the Board of the State Road Department of Florida. further proceed
. .... ~ ...
'with the four-laning of State Road 25, U.S. 2:7, from the Southern limits
of the City of Cle",)l101lt to the Northern U111ftR of the Town of 1vUnneola,
with appropriate traffic turJùng lanes and cross-overs to fac1Utate the
moveJDeDt of trafßc in the above descr1bed congested areas.
. .-,
I, A. Iv""t. JOHNSON. as Clerk of the City of Clermont, LaI<e County,
FJ.ori<lo., do HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a trUe copy of the
origibal Resolution as adopted by the City Council of the City of Clermont
at its Regular Iviootlng hald in said City on Jtùy 1, 1950, the orJginnl of
\micb is on rocord in the Resolution and Ordinance Book of said City In
my office.