WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Clermont has
determined that amore efficient operation of the affairs
of the City of Clermont will be brought about by the
creation of various department s, with the duties and
responsibilities of the employed officer heading each
department being desiginated in detail, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED that the attached schedule of duties
and responsibilities of the respective offices and officers
therein set forth be, and the same is hereby adopted, and
same is made apart hereof, as if fully set forth herein,
and marked "Exhibit A"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Clermont at its
add ourned meeting held in said City of Clermont on
April 21st, 1959.
k_ . _. t
`rs"tG i~Z~~ ' /
T}:era shall be a Department of Fi.r:ance, the Dirc:~:tor of
which. shall bt the City Clerk, Cierr: of ti;e M,_zr-iici a.:r Court,
Registrar of Qualified Voters, Tax As~~;ssor, Tax Collector,
Internal Auditor and t3udget Director and who sr.all be a.ppoirt-
ed in accordance with. the Charter of the C:it,. , e~?e shah. nave
knowledge of municipal accour_tirr~, ar:d tax_:.~tion, small ha°~e r.ad
experier.::e irr budgeting and f:t*ianclal controls, ar.d s all r~:-
ceive a salar~r to be fixed by the Cit;,~ Co~.znci~_ . Tine Director
of Fir:ar.ce shall have charge of the Ac.~:iir:_istration caf the Firi~n-
cial Afl~_:'_r~, of tr,c City, undE:.~r the cu:7ti'ol of the ,~ ~ ,
C~.t-- Co_{nci
and to teat er~d he shall be responsible foi~, a:~d .a~/~ ~.zt~:orlty
acid s~ia11 b;: required to:
(~ ) Requi re all City% Offic~:s, Departments and A~er:c `acs
to submit a detailed wr'~tten budget, it-~ prescribc;d
form, by a stated date eac~ ~~ear of t.;cir• budget
requests for tree comirz~, budget year;
(G ) Compile the capital estir;~atc:s for tie Eud~;et for
t:?.e Clty COU_TtCii j
( ) Prepare for the Ci y Cour.c~l are asses..:~:er.t rot= of
the Cit,~ prop ernes, real and persona, -ir ~lde tY~e
legal boLZndaries of tr~.e Cit,,- a;~ ~utl i:.eci ~.r. t}~e
city charter. Tr,e ~,~.~tiraised L•a.l zati ors ,sated t};ere -
in shall bc: tl;ose of tyre Tax Aatiew~s..~r• or• • appraisers
designated h~,- ti~L Cat,-; Co~~.rnc_~~. Ul:}u:, t,•io appr~~. ~.l
of tc ~.s,ess:lcr:t ro_~l as t:~ val :at-.o°:, E:}~~:I:L~ti sr:. ar.d
mi i:Lage, levy ar~d asses ti E~ taxe ~ so ~ ~;:~~;'.:ted,
(~} ) Collect all taxer, s~>>eci?..1 ..:~ses.~::e° ts, ~._cer::~o
fees and ot:'~er re~~~c:r.r..e oi' t.;.c Ci ~~~ or fir ~rrrose
collect:.or. the City ys respor<sy~~.~e, ar.d receive
b .v R~-~, by t: ~~
all money recei aj ~ ~ y C' ty frc~.. Lht Stag; or
Federal Government, ::~r fror: any court, or fro:r. :~._..~;
office, department or• a;c::.cy of t:,e C' t;r.
(~ ) Ha-~~e Custody of all public; f .~?.ds belonir~g to or
7ander the control of tree C.~t~ , or any- office, de-
partment or agency- of tr•:o City, G:~~J~c:rr.ment, c.r~d de-
posit all funds eo:i.~a~; :into his har:d:~ i.-. suer; de-
positories as shall bC designated by Resolution. of
t~~e City Cour~eil, subject to tle r~:q~:iremer~ts of
Law as to s`zrety~ and the payrmert of ir.,ter~st oe~~
deposits, but a.ll such: interest ;>Y~all ;:e tr:e prop-
_ erty of the C it;,- and shall be acco~ ted for a.:d
• Cr'editE:d tO ttile pr'U>LY' ~:.000i:~rbt
(F_, ) Have custody of all investments and invested funds
of the City Goverrtiment, ~r i:~ possession of st:ch
government in a fiduciar~~ capacity, ar:d have the
safekeeping of all Bonds and Notes of the City and
the receipt and delivery of City Bonds ar~d Resrenue
Certificates f ~r trar:si'er, registrati~~n or exchange;
( ;' ) Maintain ,a general acco~~r:tir~g system for the: Cite
Goverrr-iex~;t and eacr. of its office;, d~:partments
and agencies; be ir. c~ar~ge of a:ii booi.s for eacY,
office, departriert and a~;tncy; ~cec:p ;~~parate
accounts f'or the items of appropriation contair:ed
in the City Budget ; each of which acc~ur.t:; ~: aall
:zow the amount of t':;e appropriation, t~:c ar;~our,ts
paid tr:erefrom, tY;e ur~pa:id obii atior.s again,ot it
and the uneric~;,n~:bered balance;
(~i ) Exar!mire and appro~,e alI Contracts, Ox°ders and other
Doclzments by ~,,rnich the City Goverr:rient incurs f'inan-
cial obligations, having; pre-ullOUSl;r asc~:.~rtaynod
t.1.at moneys have c~een appropriated and allocated
and v,~'il1 be av~ailc:i.b.iE.' w~iE%i:i t~"1E.' OCJ1i.~;8.1,i^vr: s:~all
become duo and ~;a;~abie;
(~? ) Approve, as within th~~~ E:~dget, all proposed ex-
penditures and ur:less he sYaall certifiy t'r,at tr.ere
is ar. ~nenc~zmbered ~o.lance of ap~,ropr~_~tio.~, r.o
experditui^e shall be made;
' ~.- Exarr,ine all i:~voices, pa~Y rollU and other evidcr:ces
-~ ~~ )
of obligations due by the City bey ore their ~;a,° -
(11) Maintain complete records of ail materials, suppliea,
equipment, mach:inerj~, real estate ar,d all ot:;er
properties owned k7 j,. the City at all times or iri
their possession:;
(12 )' Maintain, internal control over a.ll p..rc~;.asir:~~, re-
ceivi.r,g, 4varehous:_:ig;, ir.IerbtC.3r'y ng, and diSuLli':.iing
of all ~;roperties;
(1~) Shall require all Cit;;r offices, departmant;s, ar:d
agencies to conform to a uniform s;~stem of records
for• the receiptin~; ar.d disb~:rsir.g of .~i'L funds,
materials, supplies, equipment and ~e~^~rices;
(l4) Submit for bid all purchases or contracts for ar~y
materials, supplies, eq~ipmert o° servyces which
is in excess of i.~ree Hundred Dollars ($300.~~0)
and such. bids beinC, brougY.t before the City Council
for approval;
(1.5) Require reports of receipts ar:d dis'ursemer.ts, from
each receiving and :;pending agency of th.e City
Government be made at such Intervals as he ma,y deer:
(16) Shall require a1i organizations, clubs, ~.roaps, etc.,
receiving appropriations undor any b~.aget or ~;rar~t
of the City to file complete f':inarcial and operating
statements of their organizatio~:s, clubs, groups,
etc., by a specified time not to exce~:d s~xt,~~
days. beyond the end of tree City's budget year ar~d
to examine such statements for comx~liar.ce oi' t ~e
terms of tie appropriation and report such to the
City Council;
17) Supervise and be
of all moneys;
7_~) Upon the direct:i
sale or sell ar~y
be available for
as designated by
responsible for tn.e disbursement
~n of the City Council offer for
C:~t;,~ owned prcp~:rt;,r, declared to
sale, at the price or pricas
the C~i.ty Cour.ci ~;
(lp) Submit to the City Cour_ci 1 a rnonthl`r statement
of all receipts and disbursements in sufficient
detail to sno~r the exact financial conditioi-~ of
the City;
(~?C) Prepare for the Cit~r Council, as of t::e cnd of each.
fiscal year, a eo,nplete fira:.c:ial stat~;:~erdt and
(~'1) Compile the current expense estimates for the Cit;T
(~'~) ..ave the authority tv delegate ar~y of his dut:Les
and responsibilities to Deputy Directors of Finance
with. the sa~:.e powers to carry tr.em: :z :L aw if they
were th.e Dix•ector oi' F~_r:ance except that t!.e D:lrector
of Finance shall remain s:~lely responsible for• t}e
Deputy Directors' acts to the City Council;
(23) Perform such other d~_zties as may be directed by
Charter, Ordinance or the Cityr CouY.cil.
Tt.ere shall be a Department of Public WorY;s the ci erector
of whic?~;. shall be the S~.zi~erinterdant of Public W~~rYs Lr:d i;e
shall Y~ave supervision over all dep~rtrierts of tr~e C~t;;~ e.t-
cept P:alice, Fire, ar:d Fir~ar~ce . Tile .'uj~crintendar:, o.t' P;,.bl'_c
Works s:~lall comply w~~tr and be s~~bject to tiio r~;~;ula.ti~,~s
as set forth by tr:e Departments of Police, Fire, ar_d Fy:;ax:ce
in retards to th.e operations of r:.is dtpartmer:ts. Ho ::r.a? :L
have knowledge of the r~runicipa.l service::; to be rendered the
citizens and the ability to account for :;uch. services. ~i~:
shall be appointed in accordance: witty the C7.arter of t're City;
recei~.r~ a salar;,~ to be fixed by th.e City CJUn(;i_i; :~c :nder~
tre .orltrol of the City Council; ar.d to treat er_d he sh:x'_1 be
respo~.sible for, and have aut ority and si;all k;e req;.,irtd to:
(i ) Or~ani~e and mair:tair: thL ~o~~Ter-all super~.~_is:Y~ar:
of tyre departmer~t,:~ of tc,e C t;,vr except a,s ,~L-wted
(~' ) Compile and suY?mit a detailed written budr~et, in
pre: cribed form, b~. a stated date to tine Director
of Finance for incl~.zsion ir. the City ~ s er:t iro
budget request t~ t,~e Cit,~,r Council;
(~3 ) Confirm to a uniform system of records for the
receipting and dicbursin~ of ail funciU, materials,
arrd s!.rpplies,equipmert ar~d services;
(~+ ) Compilf~ ar:d subrni t to the Finance Director a::d Cit;;T
Council, upon their ins~r.~ctions, itemised cost
estimates of proj~osed City projects;
(5 ) Submit for appro:~<al to t:e: Finar,_ce Director X11
contracts, order;;, proposed expendit~:re ar~d
. other Documents bar i•r'r, icy. t?:e Cit;; G~vernrrent
incurs financial obl~~atior_s or aisQt.rsemen~~ of
f~~_zn d s ;
(~~) Submit for bid tr~rou~,h t;e Finance Director all
r~arer:.ases or contracts which is i r_ c..cesa of
Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00);
(`( ) Compile current work and expense estimates for the
Finance Director and City Council monthly;
(~ ) Maintain and operate tre water storage and distribu-
tion system;
(` ) Engage, hire and discharge emplo;,rees employed in
any of the severa7_ departments under his super-
vision i_I accordance: vr:i~h Fates set fer such.
ePlpiOymf.'~i~ ?riU .^7~i;ili'1 t'":t, d~'_ ?L'tIri2r.t:: b1:.dE;t ;
(10) Prepare all time sheets, project records arad
payroll for 211 empl ~~;-ces ~~~-.der i~ is suf:er~•r-~-
s i ar. ;
(li) Maintain. all street., sideGValrcN, allt:~° sto-r°m
Sellers, ;,:lt:t 1'~ Se6VE:rS, zi~~Z'K'~^7~~, ~.`3.rr~, C'C'Gter-
ieS, p!.aJ r2''`'Ol;.?1dS, _~u.rKir!` iC3tS, dr:~i :", C'~.liVEr'tS,
' brides, piers, ral:~ti,:~, st_~.ci~t,.I:.s, att:~let:~c fi~>lds
ar_d arenas, a.^d ti_.._~d ° ^;~s;
(12) rlainta~n and protect all cit- c~;ned equlprrer.t,
~~e`~ides, :rach:?r~er,; i:_ci f":.xt.?r'tis ;:,e~ ~;; ~:;,
(1?) ~tZpeT'tjSt: a::d i~:~peC}. .=,.:1 ~ r':E ~~ C Jii:,tl"'':;t L'::rl i T1ClU-
din add ~t:' o:.s ar_d ~;~te..., o:. ~ of str'e~:t:~, ... _dewc~.l<cs,
alley tit -~r:. cr~~r.~, sar,:~tar',~ sel:er~, 2~ar,•:.tiva~ ;,
parkU, ct. e~cz:'L~ ~, ~;~la- .~a<o~ar:ca, pari~.~r:~, -~~~ts,
cir'ains, culverts, bride°e~, pit.rs, rwmps, stadiums,
~zth~etyc f'~_t;ld: ~~;~d ~~.'er~.s, a.r.d ',_,ui~di.-_,
(1i~) 'rep.=~.re rat;.q~.z ~..it ior_s
(a) Not ex~etdilrt; Ten Dollars ($lO.Ci;:-) ~;irect
to loca ~. :I~~:~~~~;_~.e:'.~ w rrz :.c;t tc~<~.ced :ir:
(b) For t`,e re, alrs of ~~?r~icic:s _L.Id cquiu'~ant
ender l:i~ ..~;i~ervisi,:t, d~~c:~..,, t~~ i~;~ca_ rara-
~;e s and z'opa it sh:~p s ,
(c) For all :~-atoc~. items direct '.;~~ ;;'.~,o re-
ce i~,~ i'^_ ai~<d c:~sbuY'sy;;~, ~'d~.r~:..;u:~or, ,z.. ~~r
(d) F<>4 all oti,~er ~`~cl;,s and ~t:r~~ ~ce:: to L'~~t:'
Finance Director°':~ Off~c
(1`) Have t'.~~e autt:orit;~ :,~ de1e;~~~te: ~~r.~a o~. ~;:is c~~tiEs
and re:,ponsibil `tips to Ass:~star:t S:zper~r:tt;ndants
vrith the same :~ov;ers to c~zrr•;' t}.c;.r. o~: ~ ~ s if their
v~Jere t7h,e Superirter.dant except tr:at the 5,~;~~.~eT•inten-
danv sha1... i.'er`~ia11': .~'iii._E:~.;y _.al:.`i~:.~ri~vlt: f.-~r t~:~.e A,ssist-
a.nt; ~ aci° to ttie Cit; C•z~;,.c~l;
(~_'~) Perform s~.zch ot'~~er c~t.tie~ as rna.yr U'e d irccted by
Charter, Ordnal:ce, ~r t!:e City C:~ur:cil.
~~~ "~ `'
TYiere shall be a Department of Fire Prevention and Control
the director of which shall be the Fire Chief ar~d he shall have
supervision over all phases of fire prevention & control, explo-
sions and rescues. He shall comply with aril be subject to the
regulations as set forth by the Departments of Police anal Finance
in regards to the operations of his departments. pie shall have
knowledge of fire prevention and control, explcs:~.ves and rescue
apparatus; shall have had experience in fire prevention and
control, explosions and rescues. He shall be appointed in ac-
cordance with the Charter cf the City; receive a salary to be
fixed by the City Council; be under the control of the City Coun-
cil; and to that end he shall be responsible for, and have author-
ity and shall be required to:
(1) Organize and maintain the over-all superyvision of the
(2) Shall compile and submit a detailed written :.rd_;et,
in prescribed form, by a stated date to try: D ~~~t,~ t~~r
of Finance for incln~ion in the City's erg ~~~~~ _~~~aa;_;~ t
request to the City Council;
(3) Shall conform to a ur:iform system cf records for the
receipting and disbursing of all funds, materials,
supplies, equipment and services;
(4) Shall submit for approval to the Finance Director
all contracts, orders, proposed expenditures, and
other documents by which the City Goverr:ment incurs
financial obligations or disbursements of funds;
(5) Shall submit for bid thru the Finance Director all.
purchases or contracts vahich is in excess ef' three
hundred dollars ($300.00);
(~~~) Shall compile current expense estimates for the Fin::ince
.Director and City Council monthly;
(') Shall engage, hire and discharge employees in his depart-
ment in accordance with rates set for such employment
and within the departments' budget;
(~) Shall prepare all time sheets and payrolls for all
employees unde?° his supervision;
(~~) Shall maintain and Y;r<~tect all city oc~rned equipment,
veh~.cles, machiner~r acid fixtures used Ly his department;
(1U) Shall prepare requi.sti.ans;
(a) Nat exceeding ten dollars ($lU.OG) direct tc
local suppliers vrhen nat stocked its municipal
(b) For the repair;: or' vehicles and equipment
under h~s sune~•visian direct to local garages
and re.~>air shoes;
(c) For all in-stock items direct to she receiving
and disbursing ~rrarehouseman or cleric;
(d} Fcr all tither items .~:~ci sereices to t:.r> Fin~.r~ce
Director's Uffice;
(11) Shall properly train adeq~aai.~~ personnel , ~:~ ;1~1 ~,~ae and
volunteer, tc adequatciy pr;:f,ect the City i.: face of
disasters and accide..ts.
(.12) Shali establish regular r:anthly rec7uired t?~a:i_nir;g
(1 ~) Shall inspect the areas cf trio City in retards ±,~~~
Fire and Accident Prevention and shall h<<~re a~;thc~~'it;
to require carrectior. of such conditio:.s ~:~r~:1~~_c~i sh:~~ll
be deemed flange rt~~~~ s tivi tY~. the approval of t: i~ C i t-;~
(1'i) Sha11 conduct Fire a.r'.:_i Accident P=•evention Programs
amr;r~g the City's Citizens.
{1~} Shall have the autharity to delegate any of his duties
and re spor.sibilities to Assistant Chiefs t~ritt~ tree same
pa~•rers tc carry them, out as ii th:~y were the Chief
except teat the Chiei' mall ~~emain sclely responsible
for the Asvistant's acts to t:~•~ City Council;
(16) Shall perform Duch other duties as may be directed
by Charter, Ordinance or the City Counci~.
There shall be a Department of Police, the Director of which
shall be the Chief of Police under the lay supervision of the
Mayor and who shall be appointed by the Mayor and approved by the
City Council in accordance with the Charter cf the City. He shall
have supervision over all departments (police, jails, communica-
tions ((Other than public)), school patrol, courts, special escorts,
& traffic} of the City except Public Works, Fire and Finance.
He shall comply with and be subject to the regulations as set
forth by ttie Departments of Fire and Finance in regards to the
operations of his departments. He shall have knowledge of police
t~rork, City, State and Federal Laws pertaining to his jurisdiction,
shall have had experience in criminal investigations, prosecution
and traffic control, and shall receive a salary to be recommended
be the Mayor and fixed by the City Council. The Chief of Police
shall be under the direct lay st.z;~ervision of the Mayor• but answer-
able absolutley to the City Ccuni:il and to that end he shall be
responsible ~'or, and have authcrit ur:d shall be requre,l `~,,.
(1) Organize and maintain the overall su~cr~~,ision of the
(2} Shall compile and submit a detailed written budget,
in prescribed form, by a stated date to tine Director
of Finance for inclusion in the City's entire budget
request to the City Council;
(3) Shall conform to a uniform system of records for the
receipting and disbursmentsof all funds, materials,
supplies, equipment and services;
(~+) Shall submit for approval to the Finance Director all
contracts, orders, proposed expenditures, and other
documents by which the City Government incurs financial
obligations or disbursements of funds;
(5) Shall submit for bid thru the Finance Director all
purchases or contracts which is in excess of Three
Hundred Dollars($300.00);
(6) Shall compile current expense estimates for t'ne Finance
Director and City Council monthly;
(7) Shall engage, 'riire and discharge employees in his
department in accordance with rates set far such emx;loy-
ment and within the department's budget;
(8) Shall prepare all time sheets and payrolls for all em-
ployees under his supervision;
(.~) Shall maintain and protect all City owned equipment,
vehicles, machinery and fixt-~~res used by his depart-
(10} Shall prepare requistions;
(a) Not exceeding Ten Dollars(~10.00) direct to
local suppliers when not stockeu in municipal
(b) For the repairs of vehicles and equipment under
his supervision direct to local ga.^ages and
repair shops;
(c) For all ire-stocit items direct to tY~ie receiving
and disbu7°sing ti~rarehouseman or clerk;
(d) For all otYzer items and services to the Finance
Director's Office;
(1.1) Shall properly train adequate personnel, employee and
reserve, to adequately perform all the duties and
responsibilities of r:.is department;
(12) Shall establish regular monthly required training
(13) Shall conduct inf:~rmative programs among the City's
(1~) Shall prepare duty rostrum for his department at least
one month in advance;
(15} Shall prepare a monthly report of all police actions
for the Mayor and City C:~uncil;
(1~) Shall collect, deposit and account for all m~~r.i es re-
ceived thru the functions of his department (Parking
Meters, AppearaYzce Bonds, Fines etc. } ir1 ~=~ccordwnce
with the instructions of the Director of Finance ar.d
at least: weekly;
(17) Shall disburse funds only by order of the J~~dge of the
Municipal Court and in accordance with trrc: forms
prescribed b;,- the Finance Dii°ector;
(18) Shall report all voided tickets, warrants, warrlings3
etc. to the Finance Director at least monthly and
docket all other items immediately for a~;propriate
(l~) Shall enforce a.11. City Ordinances, Resoluticns, &
Orders; ~ .?__ .~ ~ _ ~~ urue°- {.is- ~ =._ _._ ~.i~c;-
tion witr~rout undue ae1-~y; ~~ r~~
(20) Shall inspect and verify;
(a) The operation of any and all local businesses
requiring them to have an occupational license
between October 1, and Decer~~ber 3l;
(b) Co:~tinuously the o erat ing vi :~:sc~ ~' .inec.~s
persons as requiring occup~.tioral licenses
for peddlin;, rollirt ut~res, set t:Lc tar.':
pumpers, door to doc~-~salc5men, builders,
plumbers, electric_i,~ns, pai.:te?°t r~..d other'
soliciters of what-so-evt~r natur°c:.
(21) Shall have the authority to del~:frate an;.T of his duties
and responsibilities to Assistar:t Cnief~ .~ritii the ame
powers to carry them out as if tn~y ~~rere the Cil:.c,;
except that the Chief shall remayn solciy responsible
for the Assistants' acts to the Mayor and City Council;
(~'2} Shall perform such other° duties as may be directed by
Charter, Ordinance or the City Council.
There shall be a Central Stora~~.~ & Supply De~?ot or Dc-pots,
tl}e C:Ler;~ of which shall be t'r~e ~>~rppi y Cler'.~c and who s:~:al1 y;~~
appointed l;y tyrn Director of F:i.r1~l.nce and Public ~~,"ors:: S~z~;erin-
tendent jointly with. ti,~~ ap~;ro-~`al of tht~ City Coun,~il. i~'
SYla11 };a.Ve kn0'JJIc'u~== Of ttiar'!_'.r10izSlrl~; (p~C;ka;~l.iF,, StOrin;, pr-
S°r`J1n~;, tran:i~~OT'ti.rl~, disbl.rsin~; ~~t'~ ) and aCCOtlrltn`; ttl°rc'Ui';
1 ° ,v v '' ~ ~ - °'
SY1al 1'iaVe 1'i'wd~ Xperien i. r1 rc.Cty~Jti 1~, war~i~0_iStnr~, i.:D~.;l:.'S_i:'1~,
inventorin~ etc anti. s~ra;_~ r~ceiv~~ .~ ~~zi a.ry to be f _x~:d b~Y~ the
City Coun<~.i1. The Supply C:1_erk s~all be bo°.d~~.ble and shall have
cYiarge of the° City's stockpiles of r~.at?r~.:t1s, s~.ppli ~s, surp?t;.s
egaipm.e:lt, spare equipment, parts etc. ;;rider tr! ~ cii r~ct control
of the Director of Finance and CiL`y Co:ir7..~~~, an~.i to tYi«t end h~~
stall b~ respo_'lsible ?,o°, and -~.z~~e authority ~~ri~~i s:iall ~ F~ rt/-
gt.~.red to
(1) Or~ar~i. ze and maintain thF_ ove~~ai 1 sups: r-v 1. s._ 0;1 0 ~ al1
propr~~_'ti:s cor:in~ to hit:;
(2) Sflall conform to a uniform s~-stem of re~or::s for the
receiptin,~ and disbursink~, of al~_ ri:~tF>ri~ls, supLJli~es, t'q:~lp:-(~nt,
aervic:es and funds;
(3) Sha11 inspect and reJ:ct al i. m=~t~~ri~.l,;, s_zpp„~.~^,
equipment and servi:;es riot measurln,~ uiJ to thf~ City';; rr_i n im~;_m
specification of ~~:L1 types;
(~) Shall compile and submit a cietai led 'written ;~_tidE_;et,
in prc?SCri,~e~i. form, b~y a stated da"l;' t0 thy: JiZ';:Gtor of Flna::~.~
for irlc;lus~.on in tr:e Ci'G~''s entire ~ud~~.t r~~~ques~ to t:~~e City
(5) >hal1. be in complete charge of the receiving ~...d d'` sbur'sir.
of all iter;.s, including petroleum 1_r'o:i2;ctti, dei_ver~~d to and
inspectF~d at t'ne storage .wn~i supply d~'L~otN of tote City,
(t~) Shall rr,aintain strict controls over all iter~.s as to
the prevention. of the~~t, waste, deterioration and +~%°:b?zzlement
from tl":~..- C~t,~;
(j) :;Mall iS.>~'.E ?''e:~'~L~J'~_11;~ r°p0:'tS, r~'CE'J..ptS, ~Lc:, , On 1t6I11S
r'.=G~~i.VEdc±S t0 gt2arrtity, qu.:,l i.t~%, t'Or;dl.tl.Or1 aY1,`~ from w1:0"t 1';~C~~1'.'i;C~
c~ail`.~ ..o t:~r Di rt'.;tor of t'~':i r~~,nCr';
(~3) Small ke",p art inve:ztory r6 cord o?' all. supplies, rr:ateri a1
gild _t~_r:s br co :.znt, ~ro~~t~ie. ;aeif~ht or me~.~~,{:'~ o_'der tl:._ t stock~~
ot1 i~.r1~? rr~ be :~'t~rrr:_r~e~u and a~~co~.~rite- ~ _,or a~ +.1 I. tirnns;
(~,a) :~:?a11 be S~J'j~eCt t0 t'lont','11~ aUdi v r:~," the Z)irt'CtOr Of
Finance, to dete~~rni.n~ :~.~;c;l:ir~.cy of r~.:ord __~.'+ in~:-entor~_<~'s;
(1G) Shall correct immediately all discrepancies to
the satisfaction of the City Council;
(11) Shall engage, hire and discharge employees in his
depotsY in accordance with rates set for Bach employment and
within the depot's budget;
(12) Shall prepare all time sheets and payrolls for all
employees under his supervision;
(13) Shall prepare requisitions for all items and services
requested to be stocked, rendered, obtained, issued and pro-
vided by file depots to the Director of Finance in suer. volume
as to meet the inventory requirements of ttie City's operations;
(l~+) Sha11 disburse to the requesting departments '.terns,
upon proper receipt therefrom and within their operating budgets
as certified by the Finance Director.
(l,) Shall daily remit to the Director of Finance all
records of disbursements and loaned items to the variot;s depart-
ments properly receipted therefor;
{16) Shall maintain, to the best of h.is abil_ty, an
inventory of small tools owned by the Cit~•, and upon proper author-
ity (public Works Superintendent) if hand tools or othe_ cite
owned equipment are loaned or rented obtain proper r~<~ce9pt therefor
a.nd account to the Director' of Finance;
(17) Shall render certain services to and charge the various
departments therefor through the Director of Finance;
{a) Change oil in, and/or grease vehic~.es and
equipment as requested by departments; ,. ~ ~ '~
(b) Change and%or mount tires on vehicles and
eq~~ipment as requested bar departments;
(c) Change fan belts, spark plugs, batteries and
otizer j.tems of like nature on vehicles and
equipment as requested by the departments;
(d) Maintain and repair water nfeters;
(1~3) Shall have the authority to delegate any of his duties
and responsibilities to assistants with the same powers to carry
them out as if they were the Supply Clerk except that the Supply
Clerk shall remain solely responsible for the Assistant's acts
to the City Council;
(lg) Sriall perform such other duties as may be directed by
Charter, Ordinance or the City Council.
There shall be a department of Building Inspection the Director
of which shall have supervision over all phases of building inspection,
including the new construction of buildings; additions, alterations
and/or repairs to existing buildings; the moving or razing of
buildings; all Plumbing, Painting, Electrical and Gas work and/or
installations; and all other phases of the building trade. He shall
comply with and be subject to the regulations of the mooning Ordir_ance
and the building, plumbing, electrical,; gas and fire prevention codes
as adopted by the City Council of the City of Cl®rmont. 'rie shall
have a general knoy~aledge of the Building, Plumbing, Painting and
.Electrical trades. He shall be appointed by the City Council; be
under the control of the City Council and to that end shall be
responsible for and have authority and be required to:
(1) Organize and maintain the over-all supervision of the
(2) Maintain a uniform system of records, including copies of
all permits and inspection certificates issued;
(3) Maintain a supply of application, permit and certificate
forms and all other forms necessary to the proper and
efficient operation of the department;
(~) Engage, hire and discharge employees in his department in
accordance with the rates set for such employees and
within the departments ~ budget;
(5) Prepare all time sheets and pay-rolls for all employees
under his supervision;
(6) Compile and submit a detailed written budget, in prescribed
form, by a stated date to the Director of Finance for
inclusion in the City's entire budget request to the City
(7) Famine all applications for permits for Pai~.ting,
Plumbing, and electrical work and for all Gas installations,
and if the application meet s all of the requirements of
existing codes and Ordinances, including the payment of the
necessary fee, issue ~ permit;
(g ~ Examine all applications for permit s
for minor repairs andjor alterations to existing buildings,
(not in excess of X1,000.00 in value) and if the application
meets all of the requirements of exist ing codes and
Ordinances, including the payment of the necessary fee,
issue a permit;
(9) Examine all applications for permits for the construction
of new buildings, additions to existing buildings and
major repairs andjor alterations to existing buildings,
and if the application meets with all of the requirement s
of existing codes and Ordinances, including the payment of
the necessary fee, certify to the Building Committee that
the application is in order and that it meets with all of
the necessary requirements;
(10) Determine that arty Contractor, Builder, Carpenter, Painter,
Plumber or Electrician making application for a permit to
do any work within the City of Clermont is properly
licensed by the City of Clermont before issuing a permit
for the work covered in the application;
(11) Make regular and thorough inspections of all new building
construction; of all additions, alterations andjor repairs
t o existing buildings; the removal or raz ing of any building;
of all Painting, Plumbing and Electrical work, and all gas
installations, and determine that the T.Nork being done is in
accordance with existing codes and Ordinances and the permit
(12) Have full authority to order that any construction or
building work, in ar~y~ and all of its phases, cease
immediately when such construction or building is found
t o be in violation of existing codes and Ordinances, or
the permit issued;
(fi3) l~Jher_ making inspections determine that a1.1 professions of
the building trade required by the City of Clermont to have
occupational licenses are properly licensed, and where any
violation is discovered he shall notify the person, or
persons, in violation and the Police Department;
(l~) Determine that any electrical work is under the direct
supervision of a Master Electrician;
(15 } Determine that at~y Plumbing work is under the direct
supervision of a Master Plumber;
>~w _.
(15~ Make the necessary Hof all city owned buildings as may be
required by the City Council;
(17) Shall have the authority to delegate any of his duties and
responsibilities to Assistants Gvith the same powers to
carry them out as if they were the Director, except that
the Director shall remain solely responsible for the
Assistants' acts to the if ay or and City Council;
(18) Shall perform other such duties as may be directed by city
Ordinance or by the City Council.