R-59-071R E S O L U T I O N -t ~~REAS, dir. Ross C. Cantwell, a resident and business man in the City of Clermont has also faith- fully served the City as its Treasurer for a number of years and became deceased while such Treasurer. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Clermont desire hereby to officially express to his wife and children their profound appreciation for his services, therefore, BE IT RE~'SOLVLD by the City Council by the City of Clermont that in the death of Mr. Ross C. Cantwell, this City has lost a valuable public servant who has, in every way, served untiringly as a resident, business man, church leader and Treasurer working at all times for and in the sole int- erests of our City and its residents. BE IT rUt~T~iE,R RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of this Council and a copy for- warded to his wife. DATED, June 2, 1959. ADOPTED by the City Council at its Regular Adjourned Meeting held on June 16,1959•