R-60-077RES OI,UT I ON ~~ ::d ~r k k. j, WHEREAS, William Boyd and V. A. Oswalt have served as members of the City Council of the City of Clermont for the past two years, and WII~REA$:, during their term in office they have each contributed much time and effort toward bringing about a more efficient and economical operation of municipal affairs, and, WHEREAS, William Boyd, as Chairman of the Water Committee, has worked diligently and successfully for the improvement of our water supply system, and WHEREAS:, V. A. Oswalt, as Chairman of the Streets Committee, has worked diligently and successfully for the improvement of our system of streets, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED. by the City Council of the City of Clermont in regular session that an expression of its appreciation be extended to William Boyd end V. A. Oswalt for their unselfish and untiring efforts in behalf of the City of Clermont during their tenure in office. TriIS RESOLUTION adopted this 5th day of January, A. D. 1960. Charles B. Roe, Chairman Clermont City- Council