R-60-078sj r3ESOLUTI ON WHEr3EAS, W. L. Hullinger has served the City of Clermont as its Mayor for the year of 1959 in a most creditable manner, and has fully contributed of his time in behalf of the City beyond his regular duties as Mayor; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Clermont desires t o expre as its appreciation for his services, therefore, BE TT r`?ESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, meeting in regular Session on this January 19, 1960, does hereby express to Mr. W. L. Hullinger, for themselves and the cit izens of this City, their sincere apprec- iation for his untiring efforts and services as Mayor during 1959; ate, BE IT ~~[T3~I`HEr RESOLVED that the original of this Resolution be delivered to Mr. Hullinger and a copy be spread upon the Minutes of this 8egula meeting. Unanimously adopted by the City Council of the City of Clermont this January 19, 1960. ~yy ~ Ci Clerk