Ordinance No. 2018-11 �LER�NT CITY OF CLERMONT e ORDINANCE NO. 2018-11 AN ORDINANCE UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT REFERRED TO IN CHAPTER 122 OF ORDINANCE NO. 289-C, CODE OF ORDINANCES; REZONING THE REAL PROPERTIES DESCRIBED HEREIN AS SHOWN BELOW; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, EFFECTIVE DATE, AND PUBLICATION. The City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida hereby ordains that: SECTION 1. The Official Zoning Map of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida referred to in Chapter 122 of Ordinance No. 289-C, Code of Ordinances, is hereby amended by rezoning the following described property: LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tract 27 together with a portion of Tract 22, as shown on the Lake Highland Company plat of Section 32, Township 22 South, Range 26 East, Plat Book 3, Page 24, Public Records of Lake County, Florida. Being more particularly described as: Begin at the Southwest corner of Tract 22 as shown on the Lake Highland Company plat of Section 32, Township 22 South, Range 26 East, recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 24, of the Public Records of Lake County, Florida; thence along the West line of Tract 22 N00°31'25"E, a distance of 61.46 feet; thence N63°34'33"E, a distance of 393.00 feet to a point on the West Right-of-Way line of US Highway 27; thence along said West Right-of-Way line, S24°35'30"E, a distance of 269.86 feet to a point on the South line of Tract 22; thence continue along said West Right-of-Way line S24°35'30"E, a distance of 366.85 feet; thence S00°27'49"W, a distance of 266.03 feet to a point on the North Right-of-Way line of Anderson Hill Road; thence N89°03'43"W along the said North Right-of-Way line of said Anderson Hill Road, a distance of 620.93 feet to a point on the West line of Tract 27 as shown on said the Lake Highland Company plat of Section 32, Township 22 South, Range 26 East; thence along said West line of said Tract 27, N00°31'46"E, a distance of 598.50 feet to the Southwest corner of said Tract 22 and the Point of Beginning. Containing a total of 9.47 acres, more or less. LOCATION West and Northwest of the intersection of US Highway 27 and Anderson Hill Road Alternate Keys 1453496, 3828239 & 2826541 Repeal PUD Ordinance 2017-35 and replace with PUD Ordinance 2018-11 to remove billboard language and clarify outdoor speaker language 1 6 CLERMONT CITY OF CLERMONT Chace ORDINANCE NO. 2018-11 SECTION 2. General Conditions This application for a Planned Unit Development to allow for a multi-tenant commercial development with C-2 General Commercial uses; be granted subject to the following conditions: 1. The conditions as set forth in this Planned Unit Development shall be legally binding upon any heirs, assigns and successors in title or interest. 2. The property shall be developed in substantial accordance with the Planned Unit Development Site Development Plan prepared by Avid Group, dated June 30, 2017. Formal construction plans incorporating all conditions stated in this permit shall be submitted for review and approved by the Site Review Committee prior to the issuance of a Zoning Clearance or other development permits. 3. No person, firm, corporation or entity shall erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, improve, move, convert, or demolish any building or structure, or alter the land in any manner within the boundary of the project without first submitting necessary plans, obtaining necessary approvals,and obtaining necessary permits in accordance with the City of Clermont Land Development Regulations and those of other appropriate jurisdictional entities. SECTION 3. Land Uses and Specific Conditions 1. The project may consist of up to 58,000 square feet of C-2 General Commercial uses with one structure greater than 20,000 square feet but no more than 22,000 square feet. This structure is identified as "Commercial F" on the Planned Unit Development Site Development Plan prepared by Avid Group, dated June 30, 2017. 2. Setbacks From US Highway 27 50 feet from the property line From Anderson Hill Road 25 feet from the property line North property line 12 feet from the property line West property line 50 feet from the property line 3. Maximum building height will be 35 feet, measured at the highest point. 4. Driveway access and parking may be below the centerline of US Highway 27 or Anderson Hill Road and will be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 5. The project may have elevation changes of up to 15 feet in height over the project site through the use of cut and fill. These changes will be submitted to the City Engineer at the time of final engineering. 6. Individual retaining wall heights up to 6 feet in height are allowed to deal with the changing grades on the site and may be stair stepped, not to exceed 15 feet of elevation change. 2 & iLER CITY OF CLERMONT d � ORDINANCE NO. 2018-11 7. A modified landscape buffer along the western property line is requested as a result of meeting with the adjoing property owners on Maria Avenue. The landscape buffer shall be a minimum of 10 feet in width and shall consist of a six-foot high decorative masonry or brick wall that may be incorporated onto the top of the retaining wall. In addition, the property owner at 13220 Maria Avenue has requested no trees to be planted along the property line due to an existing pool enclosure. The four canopy trees and two understory trees will be clustered within the rest of the western landscape buffer. 8. The developer will construct safety upgrades to improve the shoulders along the curved section of Anderson Hill Road just west of US Highway 27. In addition,the developer will add striping along Anderson Hill Road extending from US Highway 27 to the western property line and will construct a 5 foot pedestrian sidwalk along the north side of Anderson Hill Road the length of the property. Off-site improvements shall be eligible for transportation impact fee credits to the extent allowed pursuant to Lake County Code. 9. The developer shall submit an annual report to the City of Clermont,no later than February 15 of each year, on the monitoring of the intersections of US Highway 27 at John's Lake Road and Citrus Tower Boulevard at John's Lake Road. The results of the monitoring will be to see if the southbound left turns and eastbound left turns;respectively, cause the Level of Service (LOS) of the intersection to deteriorate below acceptable standards. If it is determined that additional traffic improvements are warranted, the developer will assist in the improvements through their proportional share. This annual report shall conclude two years after final build out of the development. 10. The buildings shall be constructed in a manner that closely resembles the architectual style and elevation as presented in the Anderson Hill Color Elevation Board labeled "Design Concepts"prepared by Empad Architecture and Design, dated February 6, 2017 and shall meet the City of Clermont's Architectural Standards. 11. Automotive dealerships and/or auto parts sales shall not be an allowed use within this Planned Unit Development without an amendment. 12. No outside speakers to be used for music or entertainment. 13. No deliveries between the hours of 9 PM to 7 AM. 14. No access to Anderson Hill Road shall be allowed except for emergency service vehicles. The access point shall be secured subject to the approval of the City's Fire Chief and Police Chief, or assigned designee. 15. The project shall be developed according to the C-2 General Commercial zoning designation in the Land Development Code, unless expressly stated above. 3 6 CLER. NT CITY OF CLERMONT Chace ORDINANCE NO. 2018-11 SECTION 4. All Ordinances or parts of this Ordinance in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. Should any Section or part of this Section be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such adjudications shall not apply to or affect any other provision of this Ordinance, except to the extent that the entire Section or part of the Section may be inseparable in meaning and effect from the Section to which such holding shall apply. SECTION 6. This Ordinance shall be published as provided by law, and it shall become law and take effect upon its Second Reading and Final Passage. Location map: aipuwaaaamaaeavasaemamv awamau�atao M eaAaao some�/ ' RUNELLO J t s4o /,sJ Y ✓ ANDERSON NILL RD = T ' .,, f ,.LVD ` t �JALLEJ� �� I� U 3 \'k4 444. 3 3 F '�� 4Pe�J0 • RO i OQ 1 Q 4 CLER ONT CITY OF CLERMONT Chace dChampiorn ORDINANCE NO.2018-11 i • \ ........ Leu^rtriitrF ,. h..- \ I - ��w ,,,, - \ `\ SECTIONA# ..SECTION BEI . ,,_.,,._,p .- Vii. i 41¢-- S 0 SECTION C C s nON.• !:t ,..-: C.;;;..:147 0....c ..e; „..-AligIIIIII 0'\ \\ ?"),1r ele ,;...-7.":-,.,--„.lit ...........••• -••...... -.......... ='....-••=. . :-=`. 4: .,-.0 ,-.- 4:0.....4i7.. , ,\.‘ \\ )4.„ ,.H._:,*- ..- ---.-..1;:l. I,: ....f.,...---3 ...,_,F.-:„..2,_ 0 „, , ` \ ........,.............: ..--:-. - ...„.... . i Y.X. I �.♦ \ �- .=' .• .. . ,............ .....I oQ vI • \ { ^fit.. ',: \I - ®v,, - \ \ .._.. ._... LI Mayl--,,I ,;'I�- �_ rn�'(� CI- 1 _ - --� IN X ,LEQALDISOIRirrION ¢g Zw 1! -! - 11_ IL:-1-11. I ,\ ....£ I ! ..._. __� . _ '\ \ _ _ ...... D.i=—„, \\ ` \ wer ash Dia .. • t_ b L. 5 CITY OF CLERMONT ChaceorChampions ORDINANCE NO. 2018-11 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida on this 27th day of March, 2018. CITY OF CLERMONT Gail L. Ash, Mayor - .. ATTEST: Tracy Ackroyd Howe, MMC,City Clerk %r 4. Approved as to • ••• • id legality: Daniel . i ey