Contract 2018-32 CIVIL ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING SERVICES PROPOSAL/AGREEMENT OR NEW CITY BOAT RAMP FACILITY BELL CERAMICS PROPERTY CLERMONT, FLORIDA, LAKE COUNTY ENGINEER: CLIENT: Duane K. Booth, P.E. James Kinzler, CPM, EA Principal Director of Capital Planning, Grants, and Booth, Ern, Straughan & Hiott, Inc. Projects 902 N. Sinclair Avenue City of Clermont Tavares, Florida 32778 685 W. Montrose Street (352) 343-8481 — Phone Clermont, Florida 34711 (352) 343-8495 — Fax (352) 241-7358 - Phone duanebooth c(�i besandh.com (352) 394-4087 - Fax jkinzlerclermontfl.orq PROJECT: New City Boat Ramp Facility, Bell Ceramics Property, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: City of Clermont DATE: April 18, 2018 Proposal for New City Boat Ramp Facility Bell Ceramics Property City of Clermont Florida Booth Ern Straughan & Hiott, Inc. (BESH) is pleased to submit the following Scope of Services. Task 001 Boundary and Topographical Survey Prepare a Boundary and Topographical Survey for the City of Clermont, Lake County Property Appraiser's Alt. Key#3785878. The survey will include establishing all of the public right of way's that adjoin said parcel. All surface improvements will be located including evidence of utilities flagged or marked by others, and provide all storm drainage and sanitary system information affecting the parcel. The survey will include spot elevations to determine 1 foot contour intervals. Topography coverage will include the parcel, full right of way of East Avenue running North and extending 100 feet Northeasterly of the existing pedestrian and bike trail crossing. Coverage along the South of said parcel will include the intersection of Palm Street and East Avenue and running Westerly along the North edge of the paved roadway of Palm Street to Second Street. Coverage along the West will include that portion of Alt. Key #1747091 lying West of Second Street and overlapping 25 feet into the existing cleared beach and beach parking area. In addition the shoreline of Lake Minneola will be located and spot elevations will extend 15 feet into the lake bed and include extending lake bed spot elevations beyond the weed line in the area of the proposed boat dock and marina. Topo survey will also include horizontal underground utility locates within East Avenue Right of Way, along the north side of Palm and within the Boat Ramp project site area. Fee: $16,495.00 Task 002 Tree Survey Trees will be located and shown on the survey with emphasis on oak trees. Tree size and type will be noted. Multiple trees forming clusters will be identified as such with an estimated diameter and total count per cluster and counted as one tree. An elevation at the base of the tree will be obtained Fee: $2,400.00 ($12.00 per tree estimate 200 trees) Task 003 Wetlands Location Locate and map wetlands boundary as flagged by others and plot on base survey file. Fee: $620.00 PROJECT: New City Boat Ramp Facility, Bell Ceramics Property, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: City of Clermont DATE: April 18, 2018 Task 004 Boring Locates/Other Geotechnical Horizontal and Vertical Locates of soil borings or test holes and plot on base survey file. Fee: $930.00 Task 005 Underground Utility Locates Precise Locating Services Inc. will designate the horizontal positions for telephone, CATV, Leesburg fiber, CATV fiber, buried power, buried street light electric, Sewer FM, and Potable WM located within the right of way on East Ave between the existing trail crossing on Lake Minneola Drive and Palm Street, along the north side of Palm Street from East to 2nd and along the bike trail within the project site. Fee: $5,200.00 Task 006 Environmental Services Environmental Services to be provided by Ecological Consulting Solutions, Inc. (ECS) ECS will provide the following services to assist with the design and permitting of this project. a. Wetland Determination b. Agency Verification of Wetland Line c. Listed Species Survey d. FDEP Permitting assistance relating to wetland impacts e. US Army Corps of Engineers Permitting assistance See Attachment 'A' for full scope of environmental services. Fee: $6,800.00 Task 007 Geotechnical Services Geotechnical Investigation to be provided by Andreyev Engineering for stormwater design, evaluation of soils for building design and core samples within East Ave to determine existing road section. A more detailed summary of work is as follows: a. Drill 4 standard penetration test (SPT) borings to a depth of 20 feet below existing grades for proposed buildings. b. Drill 4 auger borings to a depth of 15 feet below existing grades within the proposed stormwater retention areas. c. Drill 4 core samples to a depth of 4 feet within East Ave roadway. d. Collect 4 tube samples for laboratory permeability tests. e. Measure the depth to groundwater table at the time of drilling. PROJECT: New City Boat Ramp Facility, Bell Ceramics Property, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: City of Clermont DATE: April 18, 2018 f. Evaluate and classify soil samples collected. Perform laboratory testing as needed to verify classifications and to determine pertinent engineering properties. g. Prepare geotechnical report presenting the results of field and laboratory testing programs along with engineering recommendations for proposed construction. Fee: $5,010.00 Task 008 Architectural Services: Architectural services will be provided by Powell Architecture for the design of a restroom facility approximately 1200 SF in size and a pavilion by the lake approximately 2400SF in size. Services will include Schematic Design, Construction Documents, Permitting Assistance and Structural Design. See attachment 'B' Powell Studio Proposal for Professional Services for detail scope and fees. Fee: $12,500.00 Task 009 Electrical Services Electrical Design Services for this task to be provided by Electric Services, Inc. (ESI). ESI will prepare construction documents required for permit application and competitive bidding as described below: a. Parking area, entry drive, boat ramp and pedestrian lighting design including point-by- point calculations, fixture selection and required pole details. Lighting control and circuit design. b. Plumbing and ventilation system design for restroom building. c. Preparation of the required energy code submittal. d. Electrical and lighting design for each building including required service design(s). e. Coordination with electric utility. f. Required fault current calculations. g. Up to two design review meetings at the client's office. Fee: $8,569.00 Task 010 Onsite Civil Design Prepare Civil Engineering Site Plan for the proposed construction of a new 4 lane concrete boat ramp, temporary mooring docks, access drive from East Ave and drive aisles meeting the needs of truck and trailer turning movements, 77 stabilized grassed vehicle and trailer parking, +/- 1200 SF restroom facility and +/- 2400 SF pavilion, water and sewer service to the PROJECT: New City Boat Ramp Facility, Bell Ceramics Property. Clermont, Florida CLIENT: City of Clermont DATE: April 18, 2018 restroom facility, fire hydrant placement and water mains to meet City LDR's for fire protection, Site grading and Stormwater Design. Relocation of trail along the north side of Palm to the intersection of Palm and East Ave. Fee: $40,030.00 Task 011 Off Site Design (East Ave) Prepare roadway realignment plan to shift East Ave 4 to 6 feet west to accommodate 12ft bike trail along the easterly right of way. Roadway shift is proposed from the existing trail crossing at the north end of East Ave to the Palm Street intersection at the south end. Plans will include roadway geometry, roadway plan and profile, trail design, trail crossing at Palm Street meeting ADA requirements, stormwater collection and conveyance system, pavement markings and signage. This task assumes East Ave, Palm St & Grand Highway are City Streets and County coordination is not required. Fee: $45,600.00 Task 012 FDEP ERP Stormwater Permitting Prepare and submit FDEP application form, including supporting stormwater calculations and required exhibits, and make pre-application meeting with FDEP. Review FDEP staff comments, make necessary plan and/or calculation changes necessary for obtaining permit. Fee: $4,000.00 Task 013 Army Corps of Engineers Dredge and Fill Permitting Meeting with Army Corps to determine if a General or Individual Permit is required. Prepare required application, dredge and fill calculations, create cross sections of dredging activity, boat ramp and docks. Meetings with staff after permit has been submitted and response to agency questions. Fee: $10,560.00 Task 014 FDEP Wastewater Permit Prepare sanitary sewer plans, details and calculations, including permit application for submittal to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection sewer division. Fee: $1,200.00 PROJECT: New City Boat Ramp Facility, Bell Ceramics Property, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: City of Clermont DATE: April 18, 2018 Task 015 FDEP Water Permit Prepare water plans and details, including permit application for submittal to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection water division. Fee: $1,200.00 Task 016 Project Management, Coordination, and Meetings It is anticipated that BESH shall coordinate throughout the design process with City Staff and Sub-Consultants. This task anticipates monthly meetings during design with Sub-Consultants, as well at the 60%, 90%, and 100% design with City Staff for project review. Fee: $7,500.00 Task 017 Project Bidding BESH will prepare schedule of values and provide plans and specifications to the City Purchasing Department for project bidding. During the bidding process, BESH will attend pre- bid meeting, respond to questions, and the city to issue addendum(s) prior to the bid due date. Upon receipt of qualified bids, BESH will evaluate for completeness and make recommendation as to the lowest qualified bid. BESH will prepare and supply the successful contractor with two (2) full size copies of the conformed construction plans and an ACAD file of plans on cd. Fee: $2,500.00 Task 018 Construction Administration BESH will advise and consult with Owner and act as its representative during construction. BESH will make regular visits to the site to observe the progress and quality of the executed site work and to determine in general if the work is proceeding in accordance with the construction drawings. BESH shall also attend weekly project meetings run by the contractor during construction. BESH will review and approve shop drawings, results of tests and inspections, and other data that the contractor is required to submit. Fee: $22,275.00 Task 019 As-Built Survey As built survey of all water dependent structures and preparation of sovereign submerged land survey for submittal to FDEP for sovereign submerge land lease. Fee: $2,760.00 PROJECT: New City Boat Ramp Facility, Bell Ceramics Property, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: City of Clermont DATE: April 18, 2018 Attachment A Ecological Consulting Solutions, Inc. (ECS) r ',1 Ecoliogiical Consulting Solutions, April 17. 2018 Duane K Booth, PE Booth Ern Straughan & Hiott, Inc. 902 N Sinclair Ave Tavares, Florida 32778 Re: Clermont Public Boat Ramp Environmental Services ECS Proposal No.504.12.18 Dear Duane: Attached please find the proposal to conduct the environmental services associated with the above-referenced project site. The terms and conditions of this proposal are as detailed in the attached Scope of Services. Should they meet with your approval, please execute a copy and return to my attention. Ecological Consulting Solutions, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to provide you with our services. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ECOLOGICAL CONSULTING SOLUTIONS, INC. )0) Bill Griffy attachments Longwood Office 1 ampa Office 235 Hunt Club Blvd., Suite 202 419 W. Platt St., Suite 103 Longwood, FL 32779 Tampa, FL 33606 Phone: (407) 869-9434 Phone: (813) 254-5959 Fax: (407) 869-9436 SCOPE OF SERVICES BOOTH ERN STRAUGHAN& HIOTT,INC. CLERMONT PUBLIC BOAT RAMP ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES April 17,2018 The following Scope of Services is identified as Exhibit A and is for services provided by Ecological Consulting Solutions, Inc. (ECS) for Booth Ern Straughan & Hiott, Inc. (the Client). TASK I: WETLAND DETERMINATION The project site will be inspected to determine if any areas will be claimed as jurisdictional wetlands by either the State or Government. Any onsite wetlands will be mapped in the field to aid in determining acreage of uplands versus wetlands and areas requiring permits for alterations. Two agencies may have jurisdiction on wetlands within the project site and include: • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers(ACOE)and • Florida Department of Environmental Protection(FDEP) The ACOE regulates wetlands under 33 CFR, Parts 320-330. Identification of wetlands is conducted utilizing the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (1987)which takes into account multiple parameters including vegetation indicator species, hydric soils,and hydrology. A statewide wetland determination methodology, utilized by the water management districts and the FDEP, was implemented in 1994 and provides for a unified method to delineate wetlands in the state of Florida. ECS will prepare a written summary of the wetland determination and include offsite mitigation options and associated costs should wetland impacts be necessary. Included will be a map of the wetland and upland limits. TASK II: AGENCY VERIFICATION The field-flagged wetland line will be verified by representatives of the various regulatory agencies for "sign-off'. Upon review/verification, the survey performed by the Project Surveyor would be provided to the regulatory agencies for validation. This task does not include survey fees. el:ecslproposa150412181sos.doc 1 A. An ACOE representative will be contacted to conduct a field review of the flagged wetland line. After review, a survey of the line will be provided to the ACOE and validated by "sign-off' in a formal jurisdictional determination JD . ( ) J These JD's are typically valid for a period of five years. No fee for review of the line is charged by the ACOE. B. The DEP requires the completion of the "REQUEST FOR VERIFICATION OF INFORMAL WETLAND DETERMINATION" form and the Checklist- Request for Informal Wetlands Jurisdictional Determination for Single Family sites to be completed prior to the site visit. ECS typically completes these two forms and submits them to DEP staff. TASK III: LISTED SPECIES SURVEY (If Necessary) A cursory survey of the project limits will be conducted by pedestrian transects over the project area to identify the potential for flora or fauna protected by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS),the Florida Department of Agriculture(FDA), and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) per 50 CFR 17.11 "List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife" and 50 CFR 17.12 "List of Endangered and Threatened Plants". Special emphasis will be placed on surveying for the presence of the Florida scrub jay, sand skink and the gopher tortoise since these species are known to occur within this portion of Lake County. A letter report detailing the results will be prepared and submitted to the Client. The letter report will include all data collected as well as the available options, recommendations, and estimated costs for preparing a management or mitigation plan, should the results indicate the presence of a listed species. This letter report can be used through all phases of permitting with the environmental agencies. TASK IV: FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PERMITTING A. Review available pertinent environmental documentation on the property. B. Assist the project engineer with the preparation and submittal of the permit application. C. Analyze wetland impacts resulting from the proposed boat ramp and modified boat docks and utilize the data for the SJRWMD permit application. The following tasks are included as part of the wetland/mitigation analysis: Prepare SCS Soils, USGS Topography and FLUCFCS Habitat/ Land Use Classification exhibits; el:ecslproposa150412181sos.doc 2 Prepare the appropriate text and additional graphics associated with the Permit modification; Prepare avoidance and minimization analysis; Prepare secondary and cumulative impact analysis; Prepare the Uniform Mitigation Assessment Methodology to the onsite wetland area proposed for impacts D. Respond to one Request for Additional Information from the FDEP. E. Provide a detailed proposed mitigation plan to offset any proposed wetland impacts. F. Verify limits of sovereign and submerged lands and obtain approval to impact this area. TASK V: U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMITTING A. Analyze proposed project site to determine if a General or Individual Permit application is necessary. The following tasks are included as part of the project analysis: Analyze the project as it pertains to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act Determine if project meets Section 10 criteria of the Rivers and Harbors Act. Provide SCS Soils, USGS Topography and FLUCFCS Habitat/ Land Use Classification exhibits (previously prepared for SJRWMD); Prepare the appropriate text and additional graphics associated with the Permit application; Prepare secondary and cumulative impact analysis; B. Obtain notification of presence or absence of historical or cultural resources onsite from the Florida Division of Historical Resources (36 C.F.R., Part 800). C. Search the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service files to assist with determining the presence or absence of federally endangered or threatened species on the site. E. Prepare the Public Interest Test. F. Respond to one Request for Additional Information from the ACOE. el:ecsl proposa150412181sos.doc 3 PROJECT: New City Boat Ramp Facility, Bell Ceramics Property, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: City of Clermont DATE: April 18, 2018 Attachment B Powell Studio Architecture POW ELL STUDIO ARCHITECTURE April 17, 2018 Mr. Duane Booth Booth, Ern, Straughan & Hiott, Inc. (BESH) 350 North Sinclair Avenue Tavares, Florida 32778 PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT BOATRAMP RESTROOM BUILDING & PAVILLION Powell Studio Architecture is pleased to submit this this proposal for professional architectural and engineering services for the design of your medical office building. We appreciate your consideration and look forward to serving you on this project. PROJECT SCOPE AND DESCRIPTION: The team of BESH is contracting with the City of Clermont to design a new boat ramp facility near East Avenue, on the waterfront of Lake Minneola. The preliminary concept plan for the boat ramp facility includes several buildings in which the City would like to include in the first phase of design. The restroom building will be approximately 1,200 SF, single-story, new construction, and be located between the parking and ramp areas. The restroom building will include multi- station men's & women's restrooms, a family restroom, storage, and the required mechanical / electrical rooms to serve the building and any electrical service gear for the site. The plan also includes a pavilion, shown to be approximately 2,400 SF, however could be less in size depending on the program for the site. The pavilion is expected to be open- air on all sides, with minimal interior lighting, ceiling fans, and a decorate façade to match the project theme and standard. ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES SCOPE OF SERVICES: Powell Studio Architecture, LLC hereby proposes to provide architectural and engineering services identified in AIA Document 8101, 2007, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect. Structural engineering is included in the basic services of this proposal; however, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineering will be provided by the client (BESH) and coordinated with the architect. The following professionals have been selected as your primary design team. Architecture Powell Studio Architecture, LLC 1318 Bowman Street Clermont, Florida 34711 Telephone 352-874-2340 FAX: 877-680-7183 Contact: Jeff Powell, AIA, NCARB, Architect (FL Registration AR#94675) E-Mail: jeffpowellstudioarch.com Structural Engineering Gutherman Structural Inc. 264 Buttercup Circle Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714 Contact: Jack Gutherman, P.E. Telephone: (407)-701-0875 E-Mail: jqutherman@gstructural.com PROJECT ADMINISTRATION SERVICES: The Architect will manage all professional services and administer the Project, including research of applicable design criteria, administration of Owner's requirements, coordination of project schedule, and coordinate the services of the Architect's consultants with those services provided by the Owner and Owner's consultants. Integral with project administration are: DESIGN SERVICES: A. Schematic Design Documentation: 1. After the project parameters has been discussed, the project enters the Schematic Design Phase. The Architect starts with rough diagram of the interrelationships of the various spaces in the building. Project design at this level is for the establishment of a design concept only. Once this preliminary program is reviewed and approved, it shall become the Project Program, and shall become the guide for design. 2. Sketch plans are then prepared, showing the general arrangement of areas and spatial relationships to the existing site and structure. 3. The schematic drawings usually include small scale drawings of the principal floor plans, explanatory sketches, site plan, exterior elevations, building sections and sketches. Page 2 of 6 POWELLSTUOIO A 1 o w I r . c . u .. B. Construction Documents: Based on written approval of the Design Documents, the Architect shall proceed with the preparation of the Construction Documents. 1. The Architect shall prepare detailed drawings and specifications for the construction of the project, upon which the Contractor will establish the construction cost. These documents will be used for actual construction. This period in the project's development is usually a time of less client involvement, since it is the technical elaboration of ideas developed during earlier phases. However, periodic communication and contact to review the progress and answer any questions are in order. 2. At the completion of this phase, you will have complete working drawings and specifications ready for bidding or negotiating with general contractors, ready for submission for a building permit, and ready for the construction of your project. C. CONSTRUCTION PROCUREMENT SERVICES: The next step is to choose the right firm who can convert the construction documents into a building. The Architect will assist the Owner in awarding, and preparing contracts for construction in the bidding or negotiating procedure to achieve the best results. D. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION SERVICES: With the signing of the construction agreement with your contractor, the final chapter begins; the construction of your project. During construction, our role is to act as your agent, administering the Construction Contract. 1. General Administration: Assist the Owner with processing change orders, field orders, and general problem solving. 2. Evaluations of the Work: The Architect and the Architect's consultants will visit the site at intervals appropriate to the stage of Contractor's operations, to become generally familiar with the progress of the Work to keep the Owner informed about progress and quality of the Work, and to monitor compliance with the Construction Documents. 3. Certification of Payments to Contractor: The Architect will review the Contractor's applications for payment and shall issue Certificates of Payment in such amounts, based on the Architect's site observations and administration activities. 4. Submittals: The Architect and the Architect's consultants shall review and approve, or take appropriate action upon Contractor's submittals such as shop drawings, product data and samples, but only for the limited purpose of checking for conformance with the design concept expressed by the Drawings and Specifications. Page 3 of 6 POLUELLSTUDID e + cwir •tiu . . 5. Changes in the Work: The Architect shall prepare change orders and issue clarifications to the documents for the Owner's approval and execution in accordance with the Contract Documents. 6. Project Completion: The Architect shall visit the project site to determine both Substantial Completion and Completion, to aid the Owner in occupying and using the facility. ESTIMATED SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Architectural and Engineering Services: 1. Schematic Design 3 Weeks 2. Construction Document 4 Weeks Subtotal: Estimated Design Time: 7 Weeks Estimated Total Project Design Time 7 Weeks The above schedule of services does not include or allow for approval times required by the Owner, AHCA, or local authorities having jurisdiction over the project. BASIS OF COMPENSATION Architectural and Engineering Services: Professional fees for this project are proposed as a stipulated sum of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($12,500.00) based on the scope of the project defined in this proposal. Fee Breakdown: A. Architectural Services 1. Initial Retainer $ 1,000.00 2. Schematic Design $ 2,500.00 3. Construction Documentation $ 5,000.00 4. Permitting Assistance/ Respond to Comments $ Included 5. Construction Phase Services $ Hourly B. Structural Engineering $ 4,000.00 TOTAL— ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES $ 12,500.00 Hourly Rates for Additional Services: (only applicable with prior approval of the Owner) A. Principal Architect $180.00 per hour B. Project Manager $150.00 per hour C. Project Architect $120.00 per hour D. Interior Designer $85.00 per hour E. Engineer $140.00 per hour F. CAD Operator $65.00 per hour Page 4 of 6 =r,; G. Clerical Time $50.00 per hour REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Expenses incurred by the architect, his staff and consulting engineers in the interest of the project are in addition to the fees for services, and are to be reimbursed to the architect. Expenses which are considered reimbursable on this project include plotting and reproduction of documents for, bidding and construction, shipping of documents and submittals during construction. Included in the basic services of this proposal are three (3) sets of construction documents for permitting, plotting and reproduction of revisions necessary to respond to building department comments. Any reproduction of documents over and above the aforementioned, shall qualify as a reimbursable expense. Preparations of documents for bidding in PDF format are included in the basic services of this proposal. Reimbursable expenses will be marked up at 10% above actual cost to cover clerical and office staff support. SCOPE OF SERVICES QUALIFICATIONS & INCLUSIONS Fees quoted herein are presented with the following qualifications: 1. The proposed fees include normal reimbursable costs for phone, fax, postage, photos, and normal reproduction costs for copies of reports, and prints of drawings for permitting and submission to the authorities having jurisdiction. Copies of the plan set or bidding and contractor copies is not included in the proposal. 2. The basic services of this proposal do not include the services of a geotechnical engineering firm to explore subsurface soil conditions under the building, and to make foundation design recommendations, based on the building design and soils encountered. Geotechnical engineering shall be arranged for by the Architect, and retained separately by the Owner. 3. This proposal assumes that soil conditions are acceptable for normal excavation, slab on grade with spread footing construction. Design of elaborate foundations or pile systems are not included. 4. This proposal DOES NOT INCLUDE mechanical, electrical, or plumbing engineering, which will be provided separately by the client for the buildings and site, and coordinated with the Architect. We appreciate being considered for your project, and allowing us the opportunity to be of service. Please contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, POWELL STUDIO ARCHITECTURE, LLC Page 5 of 6 Jeff Powell, A.I.A., NCARB, Florida Licensed Architect#AR94675 President If our proposal is acceptable, your signature below will confirm our authorization to proceed pending a separate written contract that we will prepare for your review. Retain one copy and return one copy to Powell Studio Architecture at the address on page 1 of this proposal. This authorization constitutes your commitment to pay the fee and reimbursable expenses, and represents your approval. We look forward to your favorable selection of Powell Studio Architecture, and the opportunity to assist you for this and future projects. Please give me a call with any questions. CLIENT SIGNATURE I AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED: By: - / /Ed Print Name &Title: C1C6 I L. A3h Date: 1r , \ �I, '?G Contact Information: A Address: C`1( Of Clef Mu r / (This will be used for billing purposes) ' (,L)_ ( \b(1-T OS(' ,' (e''f' 0,1e( m�,A-k, 3'-l-7 I Phone: Email Address: Page 6 of 6 POWELL STUDIO A . CHIT . G T V . PROJECT: New City Boat Ramp Facility, Bell Ceramics Property. Clermont, Florida CLIENT: City of Clermont DATE: April 18, 2018 SUMMARY FEE SCHEDULE TASK 001 $16,495.00 TASK 002 $2,400.00 TASK 003 $620.00 TASK 004 $930.00 TASK 005 $5,200.00 TASK 006 $6,800.00 TASK 007 $5,010.00 TASK 008 $12,500.00 TASK 009 $8,569.00 TASK 010 $40,030.00 TASK 011 $45,600.00 TASK 012 $4,000.00 TASK 013 $10,560.00 TASK 014 $1 ,200.00 TASK 015 $1,200.00 TASK 016 $7,500.00 TASK 017 $2,500.00 TASK 018 $22,275.00 TASK 019 $2,760.00 TOTAL $196,149.00 PROPOSAL DOES NOT INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Traffic Study / Impact Analysis 2. Landscape/Irrigation Plans 3. Monumentation of wetlands for Conservation Easement 4. Sketch and Descriptions for Conservation Easements 5. FEMA CLOMR PROJECT: New City Boat Ramp Facility, Bell Ceramics Property, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: City of Clermont DATE: April 18, 2018 6. FEMA Map Amendment 7. NPDES Permitting 8. Hardscape, Walls, Entry Features 9. Conditional Use Permit 10. Rezoning 11. Land Use Changes 12. Noise Study 13. Construction Administration Services for the Buildings, including Electrical. 14. Reimbursables to be billed based upon direct expense incurred by Booth, Ern, Straughan & Hiott, Inc., for blueprints, copies, mylars, reproductions, postage, etc. 15. Advance of permit fees, impact fees, title search fees, recording or advertising fees. 16. The above prices allow for up to two (2) response submittals for any request for additional information letters from referenced agencies. Any additional request's will be billed on an hourly basis based on the attached hourly rate schedule. PROJECT: New City Boat Ramp Facility, Bell Ceramics Property, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: City of Clermont DATE: April 18, 2018 HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE (2018) Professional Services shall be charged at the following rate schedule: ENGINEERING PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER (PRINCIPAL) $175.00/HOUR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER $145.00/HOUR PROJECT ENGINEER $115.00/HOUR ENGINEER TECHNICIAN I $105.00/HOUR ENGINEER TECHNICIAN II $80.00/HOUR BUILDING INSPECTOR $70.00/HOUR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER $90.00/HOUR EXPERT TESTIMONY PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER $300.00/HOUR SURVEYING PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR (PRINCIPAL) $160.00/HOUR PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR $125.00/HOUR 4 MAN FIELD CREW $195.00/HOUR 3 MAN FIELD CREW $155.00/HOUR 2 MAN FIELD CREW $130.00/HOUR SURVEY TECHNICIAN I $100.00/HOUR SURVEY TECHNICIAN II $80.00/HOUR EXPERT TESTIMONY PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR $300.00/HOUR PROJECT: New City Boat Ramp Facility, Bell Ceramics Property, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: City of Clermont DATE:April 18, 2018 All printing for this project shall be billed out at the following rate schedule, plus sales tax: (Outside Copying Services will be billed at cost) Engineering Bond Copies Black &White 11 x 17 $1.25 24 x 36 $2.50 Color Copies 11 x 17 $2.00 24 x 36 $6.00 Black &White Copies 8 '/2 x 11 $0.10 8 '/2 x 14 $0.10 11 x 17 $0.20 Color Copies 8 '/2 x 11 $0.25 8 '/2 x 14 $0.25 11 x 17 $0.45 Other Printing Services 24 x 36 Mylar $12.00 24 x 36 Photo Paper, Color $36.00 24 x 36 Foam Board $30.00 Other Services Fax/Scan $0.05/Page Postage (Fed-Ex, Certified Mail, Etc)...@ cost Concrete Monuments $11.00 Rebar $2.00 Mileage (T/M Projects Only) $0.59 PROJECT: New City Boat Ramp Facility, Bell Ceramics Property, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: City of Clermont DATE: April 18, 2018 TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS A. AGREEMENT: These terms and conditions are attached to and made part of the proposal for services (the "Proposal for Services") by which Booth, Em, Straughan & Hiott. Inc. ("BESH") has agreed to perform certain professional engineering and/or surveying services for and on behalf of City of Clermont ("Client"). The Proposal for Services, these terms and conditions, the hourly rate schedule, and the executed authorization to proceed attached to these terms and conditions shall constitute a contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") for the provision of services by BESH to and on behalf of Client. B. TERMINATION: This Agreement may be terminated by either party by furnishing written notice to the other party at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of termination. In the event that this Agreement is terminated by either party, Client shall pay BESH for all services performed and expenses incurred through the date of termination. C. DOCUMENTS: ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS All original drawings, computations, details, design calculations, and electronic media that result from engineering services performed by BESH pursuant to this Agreement are and at all times shall remain the property of BESH. Signed and sealed construction plans, pdf files and AutoCad files will be issued to the Client as needed for permitting, bidding and construction. In doing so, Client agrees that no additions, deletions, changes or revisions shall be made to any of said documents without the express written approval of BESH. If payment for services is not received in accordance with Section II.(C)(Payment) of this Agreement, BESH reserves the right not to release any documents until payment is made current. SURVEYING DOCUMENTS All original drawings, computations, details, design calculations, field notes, and electronic media that result from surveying services performed by BESH pursuant to this Agreement are and at all times shall remain the property of BESH. Signed and sealed surveys may be obtained for a period of time up to ninety (90) days after issuance of the survey, and certifications may be revised during that same period of time for a fee of $50.00 for each revision. Upon payment in full for services completed. and within the same period of ninety (90) days, Client, at Client's expense, may obtain copies of any documents or reproducible copies of drawings. In doing so, Client agrees that no additions, deletions, changes or revisions shall be made to any of said documents without the express written approval of BESH. After ninety (90) days and within one hundred eighty (180) days following issuance of the survey, BESH will revise certifications and will visually inspect the subject property for the purpose of reissuing a signed and sealed survey, charging its then-current hourly rates for performing said services and reissuing the survey. D. FEE RENEGOTIATION: The Proposal for Services describes the specific services to be performed and tasks to be undertaken by BESH for and on behalf of Client, and states the fee (the contract price) for each PROJECT: New City Boat Ramp Facility, Bell Ceramics Property, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: City of Clermont DATE: April 18, 2018 service and task. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the contract prices quoted in the Proposal for Services shall remain in effect for a period of two (2) years from the date of execution of this Agreement. After the expiration of two (2) years from the date hereof, the contract prices stated in the Proposal for Services shall by renegotiated between BESH and Client with respect to all services and tasks that have not been completed by that date. The hourly rates set forth in the hourly rate schedule that is part of this Agreement shall apply to all additional services requested by Client outside the scope of the services and tasks described in the Proposal for Services. Said hourly rates are applicable through December 31St of the year in which this Agreement was executed, and are subject to renegotiation on January 1 of each year thereafter. E. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS: The contract prices and hourly rates set forth in this Agreement have been quoted based on all federal, state and local regulations in effect as of the date that the authorization to proceed work is signed by the latter of BESH and Client. If any of said regulations change during the permitting and design phase of this project, BESH reserves the right to increase fees for services that may be affected by regulatory changes upon written notice to the Client. F. PERMIT ACQUISITION BESH cannot guarantee the acquisition of any or all of the permits and/or approvals that shall be required for Client's project. BESH agrees that it shall exercise its best efforts try to obtain all of the necessary permits and/or approvals. Nevertheless, Client shall be responsible for payment of all consulting fees due BESH regardless of agency/governmental actions, including without limitation the failure of one or more governmental agencies to give the necessary approval for the project. II. COMPENSATION A. ADDITIONAL SERVICES: BESH shall be fully compensated by Client for all additional services performed by BESH, including, without limitation, the following: 1. Changes made at Client's request to the scope of services defined in this Agreement. 2. Revisions made necessary as a result of changes to local, state or federal governmental requirements after the date of this Agreement. 3. Redesign per Client after preliminary design has been submitted to the relevant approving agency. Client must sign a separate authorization to proceed form (a "Change Order') for each change in scope of services requested by Client before BESH is obligated to perform the revised scope of services. B. OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES: In addition to the fee schedule set forth in the Proposal for Services and the hourly rates to be charge for all additional services performed by BESH, BESH shall be reimbursed for all out-of- pocket expenses incurred by BESH. including, without limitation: blueprints, copies, plots, aerials, express deliveries, specialized postage, overnight courier services (such as Federal Express and UPS) and travel outside of the Central Florida area (greater than 25 miles from PROJECT: New City Boat Ramp Facility, Bell Ceramics Property, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: City of Clermont DATE: April 18, 2018 BESH's office located in Tavares, Florida). Printing and mileage expenses are set forth on the hourly rate schedule that is part of this Agreement. All other charges shall be billed to and paid by Client based on the actual costs incurred by BESH. C. PAYMENT: BESH shall submit invoices to Client on a semi-monthly (twice per month) basis. On each invoice, BESH will bill for its services in accordance with the hourly rate schedule included as part of this Agreement. The invoice also will identify the task or the tasks from the Proposal for Services on which BESH performed services during the billing period. If the Proposal for Services states a lump sum dollar figure for any particular task, the lump sum amount will represent a "not to exceed" figure for the task in question, and BESH will continue to bill by the hour for its services on that task until the "not to exceed" figure has been billed in full. Thereafter, unless the scope of services to be performed by BESH pursuant to said task has been changed and the compensation to be paid to BESH has been modified pursuant to Section II.A. of these Terms and Conditions, BESH will continue to perform its services under that task without additional charges for its services until BESH has performed all work required by that task. Client shall notify BESH in writing within ten (10) days from the date of the invoice if Client has any questions about the services performed or the charges for those services as reflected on the invoice. Client waives any and all challenges to the services performed and the charges for those services not raised within said ten (10) day timeframe. All invoices shall be due and payable in full within fourteen (14) days from the date of the invoice. All unpaid balances that remain unpaid after fourteen (14) days from the date of the invoice shall be subject to interest on the unpaid balance at the rate of 1.5% per month. All outstanding invoices shall be paid in full by Client prior to plan submittal to any permitting agency, preparation of Final Plans for building purposes, Final Recording of Record Plat, and/or Final Certification of Completion to state and local agencies. BESH shall have no obligation under this Agreement to submit or prepare any of the foregoing materials unless and until Client complies with this requirement. In addition, in the event that any balance remains unpaid for at least 45 days from the date of the invoice which included the unpaid balance, BESH shall have the right to terminate any and all further work on the project until Client has paid said balance in full. III. MISCELLANEOUS A. FORCE MAJEURE: BESH shall not be liable for any delays or failure in performance due to contingencies beyond BESH's reasonable control including. without limitation, acts of God, war, fire, explosion, flood, epidemic, severe weather, earthquake, rainstorm, riots, theft. accidents, strike, work stoppage, acts or regulations of a governmental entity, shortages of vehicles, fuel, power, labor or material, delays of other companies or contractors, or any other causes whatsoever whether similar or dissimilar to those previously enumerated. In the event of delay caused by any of the foregoing, BESH's time for performance shall be extended for such time as may be reasonably necessary to enable BESH to perform. B. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL BESH BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS, LIQUIDATED DAMAGES, DELAYS, LOSS OF PRODUCTIVITY, INEFFICIENCY, LOSS OF GOOD WILL, OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES WHICH ARE SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL. THE LIABILITY OF BESH TO CLIENT, FOR ANY CAUSE PROJECT: New City Boat Ramp Facility, Bell Ceramics Property, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: City of Clermont DATE: April 18, 2018 OR COMBINATION OF CAUSES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT, SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE COMPENSATION PAID BY CLIENT TO BESH PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT. C. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between BESH and Client and supercedes any and all prior or contemporaneous understandings, representations and agreements, oral or written. No amendment, modification or waiver hereof will be binding on BESH unless made in writing and duly executed by an authorized representative of BESH. D. WAIVER: The failure of BESH to enforce any provision of this Agreement or to exercise any right accruing through the default of the Client hereunder, shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights of BESH with respect to this Agreement. E. COSTS AND ATTORNEY'S FEES: In the event of any litigation to enforce the terms of this Agreement, BESH shall be entitled to recover court costs and reasonable attorney's fees for all proceedings, including at the trial court level, on appeal, and in connection with bankruptcy court proceedings. In the event that BESH retains the services of an attorney to collect from Client any sums due hereunder, BESH shall be entitled to recover from Client all fees and costs incurred with said attorney, whether suit is brought or not. F. GOVERNING LAW; VENUE: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Florida. Venue for any proceeding based upon this Agreement shall lie exclusively in the state court of competent jurisdiction in Lake County, Florida. G. SEVERABILITY: If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid or otherwise unenforceable, the enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be impaired thereby but rather this Agreement shall be construed as if not containing the particular invalid or unenforceable provision or provisions and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced accordingly. H. STATEMENT REGARDING DESIGN PROFESSIONALS (ABSENCE OF LIABILITY). THIS AGREEMENT HAS BEEN ENTERED INTO BETWEEN CLIENT AND BESH. CLIENT ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT THE INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS OF BESH, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE DESIGN PROFESSIONALS WHO ARE EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS OF BESH, ARE NOT PARTIES TO THIS AGREEMENT. PROJECT: New City Boat Ramp Facility, Bell Ceramics Property, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: City of Clermont DATE: April 18, 2018 PURSUANT TO SECTION 558.0035, FLORIDA STATUTES, THE INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS OF BESH (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ALL ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, AND OTHER DESIGN PROFESSIONALS WHO ARE EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS OF BESH), SHALL NOT BE HELD INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE FOR NEGLIGENCE ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO ANY WORK PERFORMED BY SAID EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT. PROJECT: New City Boat Ramp Facility, Bell Ceramics Property, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: City of Clermont DATE: April 18, 2018 AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED PROPOSAL FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING, SURVEYING & PERMITTING SERVICES AS DESCRIBED IN THE ATTACHED PROPOSAL To acknowledge your agreement with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement (consisting of the Proposal for Services, the Terms and Conditions, the Hourly Rate Schedule and this Authorization to Proceed), and to provide Booth, Ern, Straughan & Hiott, Inc. (BESH) with Client's authorization to proceed with the work described in the Agreement, please fill out and sign the Authorization to Proceed below and return it to our office. We will schedule the work upon receipt of the executed Authorization to Proceed. The contract prices, hourly rates, and costs for printing and similar expenses set forth in this Agreement shall be valid for ninety (90) days from the date of this proposal. If this Agreement is not accepted by Client within said period of ninety (90) days, BESH reserves the right to modify any and all of the contract prices, hourly rates and cost figures set forth herein. Retainer Amount: $ THIS PROPOSAL/AGREEMENT ACCEPTED THIS DAY OFhf , 2018. Booth, Ern, Strauqhan & Hiott, Inc. Client Signature Signature4/.../(7)('‘!::3 By: Duane K. Booth, P.E. By: Ct L_ 1 Title: Principal Title: c\na�so( PROJECT: New City Boat Ramp Facility, Bell Ceramics Property, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: City of Clermont DATE: April 18, 2018 CLIENT INFORMATION FORM To assist Booth, Ern, Straughan & Hiott, Inc., to prepare the requested proposal, please complete the information below: PRINT NAME & TITLE: COMPANY NAME: BILLING ADDRESS: PHONE: FAX: E-MAIL: DATE: CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE: IS CLIENT THE OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY?: YES: NO: (If no, Booth, Ern, Straughan & Hiott, Inc., reserves the right to require a retainer prior to commencing services.) Is the property accessible? If gated/locked, who shall BESH contact to gain access to the property? NAME AND PHONE NUMBER: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGNATURE: