R-63-023i • RESOLUTIONS N ° 3 6 No. 23 I~JHFREIIS, the City Counc~_1 of the City of Clermont is desirous of bring- ing about a more efficient and economical operation of the City Work Crews and to be better informed as to the exact nature and extent of the work done by said city work crews, and "~JHER~AS, it is believed by the City Council that the best method of attaining this desired result is to establish certain definite rules and regulations pertaining to the matter, TI~:~~~FCRE, B~, IT R~~~ C-L?TAD, that from this date forward the following listed rules and regulations become effective: 1. That, insofar as practical, persons residing ~,rithin the limits of the City of Clermont be given preference when future applica- tions for employment with the City of Clermont is considered. 2. That the various Committees of the City Council, through their respective chairmen, have full supe vision over the department of which they ure a member and they are hereb~~ empowered to authorize work orders and case expenditures through established channels and within the limits of the budget, with the understand- ing th~rt such work orders and c~.~sh expenditures be reported to the City Council at its next meeting. 3. The City Nuperintendent and/or his assistant shall be in full charge of all Public `~Jorks Depa.~°tments-including all employees in such departments-and shall be resr,onsible only to the mayor and the City Council. 4. The City Superintendent is to thoroughly and completely instruct his assistant in ~~11 phases of t,~e operation of each department under t'aeir supervision in order that the :~_ssistant Superintendent will be fu ly c~_rable of fulfilling the duties of supervision under arty and. aJ_1 circumstances. 5. The City Superintendent and/or his assistant shall, at least once each ~~aeek, discuss ~-~i .,h the individual Committee chairmen the pro€;re:~s, or lack of proL,ress, of any :projects o.r general and normal work being done in his department. 6. The Superintendent, or his assistant shall make a written report to the l~iayor and each member of the council on the first council meeting in each month. such report shall state briefly, but fully, the -.cork done in each department during t'e preceding month. '7. The city work crews shall be divided into four departments, with a sy~ecific number of employees assigned permanently to each depart- ment. These departments shall be the `.~,"ater Department, ~:>anitation Department, Yarks, Cemetery and Recreation Department and the Streets and General Department. B. In the event of any emer;-;ency the Su:erinten~'ent or hip assistant may at their discretion use employees from any department until the emergency is eliminated or under control. The absence of an employee, or employees, from the Water Departr~~ent, sanitation Department or the Parks, Cemetery and Recreation ?Jepc,rt:nent m:~y be cc;nstrued as an emergency by the Superintendent or his assisant. However, re~~lacements fol_~ t-_,e ~:bsent er.~r,l ~-yees may be taken only from the :streets an: General Departl:~ent. • RESOLUTIONS No. 23 N°_ 37 9. ~~ith the exception of emergencies-as outlined in paragraph "8"- it is not permissible for the uuperintendent or his assistant to transfer employees from one department to another ,without first having obtained permission from the Chairman of the depa_~tment from which the transfer is to be made, or upon the authorization of the ~~ity Council at a regular, adjourned or Special meeting. 10. If, in the opinion of the superintendent or his assistant there is nc work to be done in a particular department he shall report his opinion to the Chairman in charge of such department and the Chairman shall shall desi~~nate additional :pork to be done in his department or shall release t'_2e surplu~~ employee t~: some other department in need of additicnal help. 11. Insofar as it is pr~~ctic.~1 the same employees shall remain in the same depa.tments at all times in order Mat they m~~y become :Wore proficient il:_ their ?~aork. 12. Each department shall be under the direction of at least one "straw boss" who shall be fully and directly responsible for all other employees under his supervision. Each "straw boss" shall receive extra compensation for such responsibility. The desi;~nation of an employee as a "straw boss" shall in nc manner ~~~:+ ~_ _: ~e him of his obligation for full participation in the work under his supervision 13. The .pater Department shall consist of two men and one shall be designated as "straw boss". 14. The Yarks, Cemetery and Recreation Department shall consist of three men and one shall be designated as "straw boss". This department shall also be responsible for the mowing of street parkways. 15. The sanitation Department shall consist of two three-man crews and one man in each crew shall be designated as "straw boss". On ,~iednesdays, or any other day, when cne of the garbage packers are not in use the t}~ree-man crew normally working; on tl~e packer shall be transferred. to the Streets and General Department. lb. The >treets and Genes~al repUrt~:ent shall consist of six men (plus one }?art time man) and at least one of these man shall be designated as "straw boss". 17. The Superintendent or his assistant shall designate t}:e persons who are to serve in the capacity of "straw boss" in each depart- ment or crew. 18. The "straw boss" of each department, or crew, shall receive his orders only from the Superintendent or tl~e .'ssistant Superintendent and he shall report ~~aeekly in writing, or verbally, to the uuper- intendent or his assistant as to the w-~;rd done by his creti,r for the week. 19. It is not the intentior.,:f this Resolution to ta~se from the superintendent or his ~~ssistant any 3uthcrity, but rather to assure the v~~rious Committees t'r.at their particular department will have regular and efficient attention and that labor funds • • RESOLUTIONS N ° 3 8 No. 23 will be used in the dep~lrtment t~ which it was budgeted. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - adopted by the City council of the amity of Clermont at a especial 1~ieeting held on '~ecember 27, 1363.