R-64-027• •
~~~„~OLU`~`IGN TvO. 27
B.~' Iii :~~~~~~-L`T~~~D that the City Council of the City of
Clermont most earnestly petition the Board of Lake County
Commissioners to - in the preparation of their recommendations
to the =~t~te Road Department - seriously consider diving
priority - in the order listed - to:
1. The four_ lanin~ of Highway "2~" from the City
limits of Leesburg t~ the °:outh limits o{' the
City of Clermont,
2. Resurfacing of Mate ?oad 561 from the City limits
of Clermont south~,rard to :Mate load 33,
3. The four laving of Highway "50" from the Grange
County line west~~ard tc the Nest city limits
of the City of Clermont.
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