R-65-042• RESOLUTIONS *IO. 42 N° 68 RESOLUTION FOR STREET I~MPP.OVFMENTS & SPECIAL ASSFSfiMFTITS [wHERFAS, it is the opinion of the City Council of the ~'it~~ of Clermont, Lake County, Florida that a necessity exists re~?uir.ina the clearing, gradir.q, fi.llinq, r.ais.inq, Having and curhincr of the herein- after described streets i.n sai.d City as hereinafter specified; and, [--aHEREAS, in the opinion of the City Council of said City, the property and real estate abutting and adjacent to the hereinafter descri.hed street will be especially benefited thereb~~, and the owners of the property ahuttinq and adjacent thereto will he fully compensated for the cost of said improvement ir. the enhancement of the values of the real . estate and property affected by said improvements, and the cost t~ said property owners, in the opinion of the City Council of_ said Cite, will be Pguitahle and just in proportion to said increased value; therefor.?, BE IT R_FSOLVRD by the City Council of the said City that the following described street in. said Cite of Clermont shall. re clearer?, graded, filled, raised, paved, curbed and drained, to ~.ait: Desoto Street, from Scott Street to T3loxam A,venuA, and Bloxam Avenue, from Desoto Strut to uighlands Avenue. BE IT FURTHER RESOhVED by the City Council of said City that i_t is the opinion of said Council that the cost ©f clearing, grading, filling, raisi.nq, paving, curbing and draining said Gtreet will he just to the respective property owners thereon, and is warranted under a necessity which exists and, that the cost of the said improvement on the descrihr'd street shall he raid as follows: (a) by the ownors ~f all of the lots and lands adjoining and contiguous or. boundincr and ahuttinq upon thc~ respective street to he cleared, graded, filled, raised, naVed, currc~d and drained (intersections excluded) under a special assessm?nt nn all of said lets and. lands equal to t~•~o-thirds (2 /3) of the total cost, and (}~) ape third (1/3) plus costs of intPrsr'ctionG; i.f any, to he paid by the said City from the general improvement funs?; and, paid spacial assess- ments shall be due and palrahle in. cash to said Cite on or before thirt~~ (30) days aftr'r said special. assessments shall Stan!? approved and con- firmed and thereafter same shall hear interest at. the rate of eight pc~r centum (8~} per annum, payable annuall~;• until fully naid~or any owner may pay same on or before five (5) years together with interest at the rate of 6 per_ centum !F $) per annum payable semi-ar.nuall~~ together with 3t least one tenth (i/10) of the original principal providr'd said owners give the said Cite their promissory note evidencing said indPhtedneGs ray able, hots pr.in^i-~al and interest, in the ~t~,4v~ manner with said interest (;~ri-ar payments thereon may hr. antieipatr'd) , but said spec-i~1 ass~csmon.t lien shall. .remain in full force and affect unti l all the >i~ms -]u~ under ~al.d nOtr' '''1:~V° hC'_r'"? full`.' '~,~?!~; :"ink t}~~ tntc"~!1 ~'St7m?f'r'Cj CO`~±' (~1f >~11C? 1.^l- provemer.t i_s S~, 4~7. 53. . ~iF TT T'T1RT!TFR Citi~ to he use~I for the property owners he accord i ncr to thE' application of this City, he ur.jtist and in excess of specif • RT'SnI,VF'D that the p] ar, -~do-~t~~ '~~_~ the C'oun^i ] of ~;a ~ ~? defra~,~ina the ^nst of s~~i_d inmprovemr'nt ~ C apr,]_;nr? to ~,ahose ?~r~rerty ah~.it; and adjoins sa.i.r' str.~et sr a] 1 front-foot •~lan and rule, provi~?ed that should tt~n elan and rule, in the opinion of the onunci.l of ~aic~ unQrua], or result in i.ndivi.du~~l cases in asGeCSmPr,t is henr'fits received from such improvements, t-hAn the • • RESOLUTIONS N ° 6 9 NO. n2 Council shall adopt such rule of apportionment a shall effect <~ suh- stantia] erua]i_ty between said o~.aners, considering the benefits received by and burdens imposed on said owners and their rc~sn~^ti_vP nronerty. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Take Count~~, Florida, at its Regular Meeting held on April-k; 19~i5, in Clermont, / r ~. Florida. • i NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AND LEVY OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR SAME TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, hereby gives notice to all persons interested in the lots, pieces or parcels of real property in the said City hereinafter described, have been assessed in the amount set opposite each lot, piece or parcel of property, as the cost of the improvement on the respective streets hereinafter described, on a front foot basis and/or as the benefit and advantage of such lot, piece or parcel of property, beyond the general advantage of all the real property within said City, f.or clearinq_, grading, filling, raising, paving, curbing and drainage of said streets hereinafter described, such assessments in no case to exceed two-third. (2/3) exclusive of intersections, if any, of the total cost of said improvements: and, Notice is hereby given that the said Council meeting as an Equalization Board, will meet in the Muncipal Court Room at 7:30 ,,. . o'clock P. M. on April 20, 1965, to hear any complaints which the owners or any other person, firm or corporation having any interest in any of said real property, upon which they wish to make against the special assessments thereon. If. there be no complaints, the special assessments as originally made shall stand confirmed at the adjournment of said meeting, which meeting may he adjourned from day to day until all complaints, if any, shall be fully heard, but if any corrections be made upon complaint the special assessments as adjusted, corrected and equalized shall then stand confirmed upon final adjournment of said meeting. The street upon which said improvements have been made and the property assessed, the amount of such assessment and the owner thereof are: (See attached pages for copy of Assessment Roll) Date, April 7, 1965. • M PLC ~ __ ~ r.~ L~roperty Desc. Owner Front Unit 't'otal y oota~;e Price ~~'ract 1, ~ lock S Lae County 'oard of public Instruction 2~0 1.~~233 538.52 Tract 3, 131ock S l;_~:ke Co~.~r~ty ~o~:r~3 of p=ublic Instruction 3~~0 576.cc~ of 1.^:, Lincoln L~;~.e County ~'oar~? of TTei ~~ts drool _-ublic Instruction 6~0 1,3~7.C8 Lots 1., ?, 3, 4, ~ ~ ;e :,o"°nty ~~oar~~ of 5 ~~ 6, Lincoln ~~~ubliu Instruction 2"0 538.52 is ~~rl; nnex Lots I4 ~, 15, " Church of mod T.inc -ln ~:~ark ,y ~,aith ~0 " 13.10 Lot lo, :~_ incoln :`~aron Jones ark 45 " " 86.55 Lot; 17, 18 "~ l~, Henry aan 1>5 „ ''S`~.65 Iil.~co111 ~'-~:rk .,. ~ - ~ .`,. T ... _.`l ,~, L _, I Iots 1, ~, c~, 11 ;~_~~~::e ;our~ty -i;oarc~ of ~, 13, Linc_1n bark ~'u.blic Instruction 33 " " 640.48 '~.rsnex sots 1, ?5, 2'7 ~:, 2° Is.~rel C^oper 235 451. 8 incoln =urk ~~'_r~ ne x :,'~J;' of lot 5, Ise-rel :;Doper ?'.lock T~~ 150 " 2<~~3.50 _i;;' of lot 5, ;:~. `~J. Coo~~er :,lock l~, less the L50' thereof _10i~ f, lca2.» '~~33' of '~":rJ~"~~ of lot ~ienr '~I~~o~es 6 -31oc~ TAI 3> 6>.~~7 rJ66' of :132' of John '? . Jones , __':v;~ of lot 6, ::'.lock i~ 66 " " 126. 4 i~66' of `~I;' of lot I`_iley `~'ielc s v, :loci: I, :~6 f, ,f 126. `)y- ~~~;' of lot 6, ~?euben J~~r~ii.son 7 T ~ oct'i l~'~ 135 if fl ir~ J~~O~