R-65-046• ~
F,;SOLUTI0I1 iVO. 46
'r;'i.iLREA5, statistics prove that four-lane hight~~ays have much lo~~~er
accident, injury and death rates; and
'~JIIERi;AS, good i~igh~•~ays are one of the most important considerations
of all industries seeking ne~~ and/or re-locations; and
tliIF.F.F,AS, the State of Florida must immediately meet the expanding
lnig'rzways needs of a rapidly growing state; and
~IiLREAS, the proposed tigh~•aay Improvement Amendment seems to provide
the only economical and practical solution to these needs c.~ith.out addi-
tional taxes; and
iIIFF'.EAS, more tl-ian 15 million visitors came to the State of Florida
last year, ~,~hich welcome avalanche of tourist traffic greatly overburc:ens
our inaderuate primary higiz~aay system ; and
C1~IE~2EAS, tourism is of utmost importance to the economy of the
State of Florida and in order to encourage same we must have safe, modern,
four-laved higho3ays for travel; and
I~lIILI~AS , Florida's Ixigh~•~ay Improvement Amendment y~rovides the means
for constructing 1,241 miles of neca four-lane major route improvements,
including 93 miles of multi-lane projects in and serving major cities
in the state; and
i7:ERFFS, the Clermont area ti~ould benefit greatly by such construction
and improvements ~•~hich would come under the $300 million dollar multi-lane
i:ighway improvement program for said primary system;
id0~~~, TriEREFORE, T3E IT RESOLVED that this City Council of tl~e City
of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, does hereby endorse and approve such
propoosed highway Improvement Amendment tiwhicil ~•~ill appear on the ballot
tiovemher 2, 1965.
DE IT FURTFIR RESOLVED, that a certified cony of this P.esolution be
fore~arded to the Honorable Ilaydon ;urns ; the Honorable [~7elborn Daniel ;
the onorable i1. H. (Dill) P,eedy, and the Florida State Road Department.
ADOPT~~D at a P.egular r~~ecting of the City Council of the City of Clermont,
Lal~e County, Florida, held on Septemb