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• • RESOLUTIONS N ° 15 0 RESOLUTION FOR STREET II~IPROVE)'1I':JT A`dD SPFCIIIL AS~F'SSPIr'1TS WIIEREAS, in the opinion of the City Council of the City of Clermont a necessity exists requiring the clearing, grading, filling, raising, raving, curbing the streets hereinafter described in said city; and t^1IIEREAS, in the opinion of_ said Council the real property abutting and adjacent to said hereinafter described streets twill be especially benefitted thereby, and. the owners of said abutting and adjacent property will be fully compensated for the improvement costs by the enhancement of the value of their respective owned real property affected by said improvement; and, the cost of said improvement will he, in the opinion of the Cit~T Council, equitable and just in proportion to said increase~:i value; therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of said City that the following described streets in said City be cleared, graded filled, raised and paved: Highlands Avenue from Lakeview Drive to Grand.Ilightaay (approximately 265 feet) and BE IT FURTIiER RESOLVED by said Council of said City that it is the opinion of said Council that the cost of clearing, grading, filling, raising and paving said streets will be equitable and just to the respective property owners of the real property lying adjacent and abutting said streets, and is warranted under a necessity which exists and the cost of said improvements on said street(s) shall be Paid as follows: (1~) by the owners of all real propert;~~ adjoining, contiguous, abutting, adjacent and bounding on said streets to lie cleared, graded, filled, raised. and paved. (intersections excluded) under a Special Assessment on all said real property e<-rua1 to 2/3rds of the total cost; and (H) 1/3rd plus the cost of intersections, if any, to be paid _~y t1~f:~ City from the general improvement fund. Said Special .Assessments shall be due and payable in cash to the City of Clermont or or ]~~efore 30 'days after said Special Assessments shall .stand approved and confirmed., and thereafter shall near interest at 8` per annum. pa<<~able annually in fi~~ ~.~~nzal payments, plus interest, until fully pai~'. The total estimated cost of the above described inprovements f_or the above described Ilighlands I?venue is $1,330.00, r3L,' IT FURTiiEP. R,i~SOLVID that tl"ie plan aciontec3 l:?v said Council to he used for defraying the costs of laic' irnnrovements as anr~lioc? to the owners of t11e real property ~.l~ici, al_~utts and acajoins said res,~ective above described streets shall ]~e accordin? to tl:e front-foot r>lan and rule; unless the application of this elan~and rule, in tho Council's on_iiii_on, be unjust an~a unequal, or result in individual. case: in assessments in excess of specific benefits receives; from such improvements, t'ien the City Council shall adopt such rule of a~~nortionment, as shall effect a substantial equality between said ov~ners, considering the benefits received by and burdens imposed on saki o~~~ner.s and their respective property. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, at its meeting held on r.1ay 23, 1967. orida '~ • :~~~°~cr.~.~, i1Yt~T~~~C:~. t~dC:~T:i4:." ~ L3£~° Fr;Ak2ai~t% ~Pd t~Fit~i-'t:.."~~`,_ ~;~~? ~,e~ ~~~`~+F.~"a°i'~ .~~.i~a, i;E11Y ©r~ SP}?~'~1~.~~ dtS,;°,~`S~~~ENTS F"?a? SAME ":'C ~:,i:~ F~1IiGPy1 1^.~ I~i~'~Y Cc7NCERN ?'hn ~"~ tt~ Cottnozl of the City t~f C~.e¢mont, us~~e County, T°l©r~da, ~'~f?7'ea~3'~r gives rdotic2 t[3 a1I. persons intc-:~~rt:ste~?. tt'~at. the Ifts,, ~:f.r-r:~ ~.~r ~~a~-ce_a s of real property in the said Cit~~~ hereinafter descrx.bed, have been assessed. in tYie amount set opposit:~ each lot, piece or parcel of. ~i'Sep~t~?~`ty, =~s ~:e~le ~:~k"~"': 'J'f th5? :.mp~Ci;y~~T~..:'~.: iii? ~_i~i... ~_ _.£~, ~ Ji:... ~~:. cs~::s::~.':~ ;"1 t,7."~:d.`? after described, on a front foot h~sis and/or ~~.s the benefit and advantage of stash lot, piece or parcel of propertyf beyond the general advantage of all the real property within said City, for clearing, grading, filling; raising, paving, and drainage of said streets hereinafter described, such assessments in no case to exceed tw©-thirds (2J3} exclusive of intersections, if any, of the total cost o:~ said improvemen¢s; and, Notice is hereby giver. that the said Council meeting as an Equalization T3oard, will meet in the Municipal Court Room at 8;00 o'clock ~_~ , F'. ~i. on June ~- 1967, to heax- any complaints which the owners or any other person, firm or corporation having any interest in any of said Neal property, upon which they wish to make against the special. assessments thereon°, If there be no complaints, the special assessments as originally made sha11 staaxd confirmed at the adjourmenv of said meeting, which :tieeting may be adjourned from c~ay to day until all complaints, if any, shall be fu11y heard, bu+~ if any corrections he made upon complaint the spECiaa assessments as adjusted, corrected and equalized sha'!l then stand ~.~onfirmed upon final adjournment of said meeting. The stroet upon which said improve~~eiats have been made and the ~-~rope~•ty assessed, the amour_t of stzeY~ assessment and the owner thereof aa•e; CSee attached pages for copy of Assessment Roll). Cate, June 1, 1967„ ~ ~. • ~ CI TY1 OF CLE RMONT CLERMONT, FLORIDA TO WHOM YT MAY CONCERN: Attached is a copy of a Resolution on assessments and notice of assessments that are being published in the Clermont Press by this City begfnning on June 8th, 1967. Under the Resolution these sums are due in cash on or before 30 days from the date the Council sets as a Soard of Equalization to hear complaints, if any, and to adjust, correct and confirm the assessments of June 1, 196?. Tf you desire you may pay same in five egal annual installments together with interest at 8# per annum. t my yo s, A. Johnson ty r~,anager Attachment May 25, 196?