R-67-104• ~
WHEREAS, it has been recommended by the City Manager of the
City of Clermont, Florida that the City acquire additional parking
space for the public and,
WHEREAS, the Clermont-Groveland Elks Club, a non-profit Florida
Corporation, is the owner of certain Real Property located conveniently
in the desired area, and
WHEREAS the City has had previous problems with drainage, washing
and run-off from this area, and
WHEREAS there is no other suitable property available for
parking purposes, and
WHEREAS the City Council deems it wise and expedient and to
the best interest and welfare of the City,
THEREFORE be it resolved that the City of Clermont, Florida enter
into a Lease Agreement with the Clermont-Groveland Elks Club; a copy
of said Lease Agreement being attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by
reference made a part of this Resolution.
ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Clermont,
Lake County, Florida, held on August 8, 1967.
A: M. Joh on, City Manager
City~;6f ermont, Florida
L ~ A S
THIS II~TDE~TURE of Leas:. entered into this day of
CLL'~, a nor-profit Florida CGr~orutiGn, hereinafter referred to as the
Lessor, aiid the CITY GF CLER=~'~ONT, FLORIDA, a Municipal Corpora-
tion, ereir:after referred tG as t he Lessee.
~~THEREFORE, open cG,:isideration of the sum of One Thousand-
Five 1-indred (~1, 500.00} Dollars (~~'hich sum represents the entire
coiisi'~`eraticn for this Iease}and th e hereinafter mutual covenants and
promises, the Lessor 'rlereby leases unto the Lessee the hereinafter
described Real Property bein ar!d situated in the City of Clermont,
La:e CGUnty, Florida:
All of the parcin~ Grea lylnJ ar!d being On the following
described property:
Lots 1, 3, ~, 7; and 9 wrd the ~TOrti;~ 60 feet of Lots
'?, 4, and 6 all in i;Ioc~ ~0, according to the Official
Map of the City of Cl~:rmont, FlGrida
for a period of ten (IO) years comr_encing the day of August,
1967 aiid eriiing the day of August, 1977, and further provided
t-!a t:
1. The Lessor shall, before rile effective date of this Lease, pave
rile aI~OVe deSCrlbed 'Jr:_:ertV aCGOrdllig tG the specifications as set
f:oriil in the Clermont City Code and Ordinances.
2. The Lessee shall pay t he suni Gf C!ie Hundred-Fifty 0150.00)
Dollars per year, the en t_re suir: payable in advance. And the
Lessor acl-nowledges receipt of O ne Thousand-Five Hundred
(~1, ,500.00) DGIIars open si~.!ing of tills Lease.
>. The Lesser ;!lay tc~ .__~._~ to tills -Iease at any time upon thirty
d<,~ys notice to t%!e Lessee, :~r~vided, ho~-rever, that if the Lessor
~'iiall elect t0 terlril:lat: t='.iS i~:a5e ~'.'ltili-i. live years fror.7 ti;e date
i::ere0~, they Shall may th.. L:Ssee t!=.', Sun: Gf Oiie TiOllsaiiCl-Five
i ll:ndi ed (~1, vV0 VVj ~ ~,...;..f :; u.s .,...JT ...:vi eiGr.
_. Tile Lessee shall .:~<;?~ sal:.. ~rG~erty iii good repair for the
duratGr! OI tills a~rc:.ei:c!-t a ~u S':il :!OI~i tie Lessor ilarliileSS
f"~"G:ri arty Cl.il.il iGr l:;ri_c~.~. ~iCC;iSl•,:; ed Ci1 Sold property.
ill Lesser Si,G'aI'd teriii`:ia~e ., iS ie:iSe after flVe (J) years frGrn
crate hereof, then rile re:i.al sur_: s hall be rebated to Lessee on
a pro-rata basis. )
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:~. ~`s~ce s_:~:_± i_~;5':, ~_., - _`.~_~~:~; v: ~::Sla.Ll ~ apprG?;~~.::~.
..._~.,~.,~_..__~l SI~ ~!S ~i iC~.:.. _:~__~ u;,w____~__ed at lt8 d1SCr~,~_~__.
~:.~l:.ci~~_.J ~_..... t__~. Su':,;-..~ c.r:a ~..~ _ -.. tG pUb1iC par:i'-j•
b. T~1~ i.essar s~_~~' ::~::,~ :,urre t aii ccur~ty a1~Ci city taffies
a::d aiI s~~ecial assessr.-lc ts.
Clerm~ _~i-Grovelarld EI'.a Ch:~,
a ~ on-prGli t Florida Carporatio~i
E-t~alter C. Green, Preside~~t
~o~-~n Fiemirl~, Secretary
S Lv ~ eSSi~e
nr~eri jGl-lrson, City iViana~er
ST_~~ ~ E O~ ~ LOcI~~ .
C\J~~~i~i Vl~ T Ai\r.
I :iereby cerr;;y t,at c:~ zi s c~ay ~:~eGre me, a~. Giicer du?Y
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