R-67-112• RESOLUTIONS N °_ Tao . 112 P.ESOLUTION ESTA3LIShING A '?UDGET FOR TtI1 FISCAL YEAR 1967-68 FOR GENERAL GOVE?2?~T"'!FiaT nPFRATIO~IS OF THE CITY OF CLE;RI`~'IONT [^'J-tEREAS, The City of Clermont expects to derive revenue for the General Operation of the Government of_ the Cite of Clermont :from thefollowina sources REVENUE I^JSPECTIO;a FEES ?3UILDI'aG S 2 , 300.00 ELECTRICAL 600, 0!? PLUNI~3ING S 0 ~~ . O C GAS 400.00 PERP?IT ~ - IPdTER"~ETdT 5 0 , n ~ LICENSES OCCUPATIONAL 13,00.00 DOG TAGS 100.00 POLICE FIt1ES - FORFEITURES lO,Of?O,nn COURT FEES 1,000,00 FEES-SAPdI~i^ATION 52 , 5 ~ ~, ~ 0 TAXES-CIGARETTE nt ~ 0 n 0, n, n CE"%IETERY LOT SALES , 3 , 20n , {I0 TAXES - FRANCIIISE 14,500.00 TAXES - UTILITY 30,500. n0 TAXES - AD VALOREr~ 124,853.0 ITITEREST ON ITIVEST~~~ENTS 4,00,00 FIRE AREA rTEr'I?ERSFIIPS 100, n0 R.L'?1Tt'1LS rQUIP~"I~.NT 1,200.00 EL'ILDIT~IGS 2, 000, 00 LAI30R REFU~aDS 6 C? n , n n r"ISCELLANEOt7S 5n5, 00 r`~'r10RIAL SALr,S ~ n ~ , n COrIT RI? UT I OPTS 5 rl !1 , n 0 3n0,8^3.00 and, 163 t~~HEREAS, the City Council of t?ie City of Clermont desires to establish a budget governing the exnenciture of funds derived from the revenue aforesaid and to apnror~riate suc'1 funds for the payment of the General Government operations of the Cit~.~ of Clermont for the purpose and objects of saic~ City hereinafter specified for the wear commencing on the first c'ay of `aovemher 1967 and ending on the 31st da~,~ of October 198, as fello~~~s• • • RESOLUTIONS N ° 16 4 ?Ta . ,1, EXPT?N~T1'S ADi1I,'.~IST?ATIVE ACCOUNT '[1 SALARIES - "iayor and.. Council 5 2,f?~36.00 City ^ianager 6,24ti.On Clerl.,-Came. 3 , 671. n0 Clerical 4,7F5.00 Suit. ar~d Assistant 7,540.00 SUPPLIF;S: Office 1,25C.00 riaterials 200.00 i°liscellaneous 50.00 PAINTE"1AATCE-F~ui ldings 3 00.0 0 L'cxuipment 300. 0~ Vehicles 100.00 VL'i-:ICLI; EvPENSE - Gasoline ]_75.00 Oil - Grease: 10.00 Tires and Patteries ?5.0~ [JTILITIES - electricity ~ 325.1'0 t°4'ater 11n, 00 Telephone 750.0[? _`4ISCELLA"dE0U5 - Janitar Service 500.OC Pianaaer Isxt-sense 250.00 Council ex,~ense 1 , 3sza , 00 School and travel 150.00 Su)~scriptions and Dues 30n.nn Advertising fees ?nO.OC t~'iiscellaneous 267.00 Capital Outlay -1(`0.00 _ $~ 32,1.5~._On._ 532,154.00 GTNI;R.~'~L ACCOUT~TT TIo. 1.A Technical Special Affairs Ir1SUR?~P°TCE : [~ospitalization ~~?orkmen's Compensation social Security Builr]ings Vehicles Puk~lic Lia}~ility :ponds Finanace 1•;x_pcnsP Taxes Auditing Elections Tax discounts Pensions tiiscellaneous Xmas Gifts Equipment reserve Central business area Payment on Debt 2,450.00 ~n~,n0 ~1^~, 1'~ 2,500.0 4,~?S~l.CO 1,5n0,n0 2,40C.00 ,1~n11(!.nn 144.00 25[?.On 1,500.00 4nC.C1! 3,FOO,CO 5,000,00 3 ~? !'i . C'T 30C.OC 13,7C6.Q0 1,000.00 10,000.00 ~n,g65.nn _sr,n,3r,5.^n • • RESOLUTIONS ^'o. 112 N~ 165 SALARIES - Chief `~' 5 , `'80 .'10 Patrolmen 1 F , R 52 . C? 0 Radio Operators 10,Q20.00 Overtime 1,000.00 Auxiliary 750.00 SUPPLIES - Office 45n,pn materials lnn,~n miscellaneous 50.60 prison Board 2,~0~.00 Prisoner Clothing 100.00 T1AI'~TTENAT,ICE - Buildings 350.0 Furniture and equipment 1.5C.on Vehicles 750.~~ Radio Equipment 25~.0~ VEIiICLE EXPENSE - Gasoline 2,OG0.0(1 Oil and Grease 5G.~0 Tires and Batteries 4n~.~0 iJNIFORMS 525.0 UTILITIES - }:,lectricity 1,GOO.~G vaater 225. n~ Telephone 250.00 Heating 250.00 Janitor Service 600.00 Travel & School 300.00 Subscriptions and Dues 25.0 Finance Expense 10.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 Minor Equipment 300.00 Capital Outlay 650.00 -~- $46, 387.00 $ 46 , 387. (10 FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT #3 SALARIES - Fire Chief $ 300.00 Volunteers 2,000.00 SUPPLIES - Materials 150.00 Miscellaneous 50.00 MAINTENANCE - Building 200.00 Equipment 50.00 Vehicles 100.00 VEHICLE EXPENSE - Gasoline 75.00 Oil and Grease 15.00 Tires and Batteries 75.00 Uniforms -- Utilities - Telephone 350.00 Travel - School 100.00 Subscriptions and Dues 25.00 Miscellaneous 50.00 Minor Equipment 52.00 Capital Outlay _ ----__ 4,065.00 $ 4,065.00 ~J .RESOLUTIONS .~10. 112 STREETS DEPARTMEr1T ACCOUNT No. 4 N° • 166 Labor S 17,306.00 Labor-Overtime 500.00 SUPPLIES - Materials 5,000.00 ^Ziscellaneous 50.00 Signs 350.00 MAINTENANCE - Equipment 2,000.00 Vehicles _1,200.00 VEHICLE EXPENSE - Gasoline 2,000.00 Oil and Grease 100.00 Tires and Batteries 800.00 Equipment Rental 500.00 UTILITIES- Electricity 17,000.00 Miscellaneous 250.00 Sidewalk Repairs 1,000.00 Minor Equipment 400.00 Capital Outlay Vehicles - Equipment 1,450.00 Streets .00 19,350 _ S~ 69,706.00 $ 69,706.00 SANITATION ACCOUNT No. 5 Labor $ 21,146.00 Labor - Overtime 300.00 SUPPLIES - Materials 150.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 MAINTENANCE - Vehicles 2,500.00 VEfiICLE EXPENSE - Gasoline 1,100.00 Oil and Grease 200.00 Tires and Batteries 700.00 Uniforms 150.00 UTILITIES- Electricity 60.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 Minor Equipment 50.0 Capital Outlay --_-- ~_ ~ 26,556.00 ~ 26,55F.00 PARKS AiJD CEMETERY ACCOUNT # 7 SALARIES -Custodian S ,420.00 Labor 13,816.00 Labor Overtime 250.00 SUPPLIES-Materials 850.00 *•Ziscellaneous 100.00 A~IAINTENANCE - Buildings-Structures 1,500.00 Equipment 350.00 Vehicles --- VEHICLE EXPENSE-Gasoline 100.00 Oil and Grease 10.00 Tires and Batteries 7.5.00 UTILITIES Electricity 350.00 Water 1,800.00 Heating 75.00 "~iscellaneous 100.00 minor Equipment 400.00 Capital-Equipment 1,000.00 Land - Buildings 4,500.00 Park Improvements 5,950.00 Contingency 2,000.00 34,596.00 -_ S 34,5°6.00 • • RESOLUTIONS N ° 16 7 r1o . 112 LIBRARY ACCOUNT No. 8 Utilities - Water 5 30.00 General Operations 7,410.00 (Based on One half mill) 57,440.00 $ 7,440.00 LEGAL ACCOUNT No. 9 Retainer 51,800.00 Professional Service 500.00 Miscellaneous 50.00 Capital Outlay --_- __ 57_,350.00 ~ 5 2,350.00 PULLICITY ACCOUNT No. 10 Advertising-Publicity S 5,100.00 General Operations 830.00 $-5,930.00 ~ $ 5,030.00 RECREATION ACCOUNT r1o.11 Life Guards $ 1,400.00 Summer Program 1,000.00 Lincoln Park 500.00 highland Hut --- Band Boosters --- Lincoln Park Band --- P~linor Equipment _ 100.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 CITY PA RN ACCOUNT No. 14 SALARIES - Clerk $ 525.00 P2echanic 3,346.00 SUPPLIES-Office 50.00 Materials 300.00 miscellaneous I ~? 0. 0 0 r~1AINTENANCE-Building-Yard 100.00 Equipment 100.00 Gas for ~^~elder 50.00 UTILITIES: Electricity 125.00 Water 90.00 Telephone 60.00 Heating 75.00 Miscellaneous 50.00 Minor Equipment 350.00 Capital Outlay ---- _ $ 5,321.00 $ 5,321.00 • RESOLUTIONS rIo,112 INSPECTION ACCOUNT No. 15 Salary $ 4,490.00 SUPPLIES-Office 100.00 Miscellaneous 25.0 Maintenance - Vehicles 50.00 Gasoline 150.00 Oil and Grease 15.00 Tires 15.00 Travel and School 80.00 ?~~iscellaneous 25.00 Capital Outlay 50.00 $ 5,000.0 MU^1ICIPAL COURT ACCOUP~IT No. 16 Salaries - Judge $ 1,488.00 Supplies - Office 25.00 Supplies - Miscellaneous --- TraAel and School 50.00 miscellaneous 25.00 S 1,588.00 AUDITORIUM ACCOUNT No. 17 Salary - Custodian and Janitor $ 1,800.00 Supplies-Materials 300.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 P4AINTENANCE -Building 300.00 Equipment 200.00 U'~ITILIES- Electricity 600.00 water 50.00 Capital Outlay _ 1,500.00 ~ $ 4,850.00 • N°_ 168 s 5,000.00 S 1,588.00 _$ 4,850.00 S 309,80R,~n-_.~_ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the sums of money designated as expenses above be and the same are hereby adopted as a budget for the 1967-68 fiscal year f_or the General Government operations of the City of Clermont, or as much as may k~~e deemed necessary to defray all expenses and liabilities of the City of Clermont in the General Government operation of the city, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper officials may disburse fun~?s from the revenue of the General Government operation of the City of Clermont in payment of expenses described above subject to authorization and approval of_ the City Council of the City of Clermont, Florida, as they from time to time are incurred in accordance with the budget here adopted. ADOPTED THIS 10th day of October, 1967, by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Florida ~ ,. ~~~~ ~ '/~ ~ reside t of the City Council of the City of Clermont, Florida • • RESOLUTIONS N °_ 16 9 No. 112 RECEIVED AND APPROVED by me this 10th day of October, 19F,7 mayor of City of Clermont, Florida