R-69-147• r~ RESOLUTIONS N °_ 212 ~Jo. 147 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ASSESSh1ENT ROLL PREPARED UY THE CONSULTING ENGINEER; FIXING THE TIh1E AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ASSFSS~1ENT ROLL; AND PROVIDING FOR MAILING APJD PUBLISHING OF NOTICE OF SAID HEARING, ~•JFIERE THE CITY COUNCIL SHALL CONSIDER COt~1PLAINTS, Et1UALIZE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND APPROVE AND CONFIRM SAME. - BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Florida, that: SECTION I. The assessment roll heretofore prepared by the City's Consulting Engineer and presently on file in the office of the City Clerk be, and the same is hereby, approved; and it is hereby ascertained and determined that the assessments as set forth in such assessment roll are upon the properties to be specially benefited by the proposed public improvements, i n proporioion~ to the benefits to be derived therefrom. Such special benefits are determined and prorated according to the front footage of the respective properties to be benefited by the proposed public improvements. SECTION 2. The 19th da,y of August,1969 at 7:30 o'clock, P, t•1, at the Clermont Jenkins Civic Auditorium located at the corner of 7th and Montrose Streets in Clermont, Florida, is hereby fixed as the time and place at ~vhich the owners of the property to be assessed, or other persons interested therein, may appear before the City Council and be heard as to the propriety and advisability of making certain public improvements, as to the manner of payment therefor, and as to the amount thereof to he assessed against each property as improved, SECTION 3. _ PJotice of the above time and place of meeting shall be given to the property owners and shall be in substantially the follo!~ling form: N O T I C E Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Clermont, Florida, will meet on August 19th, 1969, at 7:30 o'clock, P, f1, in the Clermont Jenkins Civic Auditorium, at the corner of 7th and hontrose Streets in Clermont, Florida, for the purpose of hearincl objections, if any, of all interested persons to the confirmation of Resolution dumber 147, passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Florida on July 22nd, 1969, determining to make public improvements consisting of the construction of a new sewer system in the City, including force mains, interceptor lines, plumbing stations, treatment facilities and appurtenant facilities, to be financed throunh special assessments and specifying the lots and parcels of land to he specially assessed therefor. Such interested persons will be heard by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Florida, as to the propriety and advisability of making said improvements, as to the cost thereof, as to the manner of payment therefor and as to amount thereof to tie assessed against each property so improved. The area to be improved is heretly described as follov~s: • • RESOLUTIONS N _° 213 ^lo. 14-7 All of Lake Shore Drive wrest terminus east to intersection of Hook Street; all of Hook Street east from intersection Gvith Lake Shore Drive to U. S. 27; all of ~1ar ^!an f4ar Place; tlinnehaha Avenue from intersection of 12th Street to west shore of Lake !Jinona; rlinnehaha Avenue from intersection of Fifth Street east to U. S. 27; !Magnolia Street from intersection of 12th Street to !Jest Avenue; "•lagnolia Street from intersection with 4th Street east to 2nd Street; f1agnolia Street from intersection of Bloxam Avenue vest one block; all of Palm Lane; all of Johnson Drive; all of Sunny Dell Drive; all of Oak Drive; all of Pine Lane; Seminole Street from intersection of 12th Street east to !lest Avenue; Seminole Street from intersection of Lake Avenue to East Avenue; Linden Street from intersection of 12th Street to Lake !~linona; Linden Street from intersection with 7th Street east to Lake Avenue; Linden Street from intersection of East Avenue west to dead end; all of Almond Street; a1~ ~f Chestnut Street from 12th Street east to East Avenue; all of Highland Avenue except portion between bowman Street and Disston Avenue; all of State Road "50" except that portion lying 'west of 12th Street and portion between Dreg Avenue and f3loxam Avenue; all of Droome Street except that portion lying betwleen East Avenue and Disston Avenue; all of Juniata Street; all of Desoto Street; all:of "1ontrose Street; all of '~1inneola Avenue; all of Osceola Street; all of Carroll Street; all of Short Street; all of Cedar Street'. all of Carolyn Drive; all of Oak Street; all of Orange Avenue; all of Pal,n Street; all of Crystal Lake Drive; all of Pitt Street except that portion lying Fast of Highway 27; all of ~-1inneola Lake Drive; all of °linneola Shore Drive; all of Sheldon Place; all of Shady ^Joo}: Drive; all of Anderson Street; all of Sunnyside Drive; all of Pine Street; all of Laurel Street; all of PJita Place; all of Penzance Road; Grand }lighway from intersection of State P.oad 50 north to Desoto Street; Grand `lighwa,y beginning in Block 1 running !lest to Galena Street; all of Lakeview! Drive; U. S. fiery 27 from intersection of Grand Highway south to Presidential 'luseum; U. S. Hwy. 27 from Highland Avenue south to a point 605 feet south of the south boundary of ~linnehaha .Avenue; all of ~iillholland Street; all of Hampton Street; all of 6loxam Avenue between !-ook Street and Pitt Street; all of '1orning Drive; all of School Street; all of Coopers Lane; all of Sunset Drive; all of Scott Street; all of ~/irainia Drive; all of Ramie Road; all of Disston Avenue between La{:e Shore Drive and Fitt Street; all of [;owman Street; all of l•'oodland ~~,venue; all of ~;re!v r'lvenue; all of Prince Ed+:•~ard Street; all of East Avenue; all of ~~nanp Street; all of First Street; all of Second Street; all of Third Street; all of Fourth Street; all of Fifth Street; all of Sixth Street; all of seventh Street; all of Eighth Street; all of Tenth Street; all of Eleventh Street except .that portion lyi np south of "1i nneha}7a avenue; al l of T~•!elfth Street except that r~ortion north of Carolyn Orive and except that portion south of -4innehaha avenue to Lot 102 on west side and except Lots 119 throur7h Lot 129 on east side; all of Holly Street; all of Rvan Street; all y of Lake Avenue; all of !Jest Avenue; all of Linton Court; all of ':!est Lake Drive; all of Rosewood Drive except that portion lvin~ south of Lots 146/155, Indian Fu lls; all of Settle .Street; all of Roane Road; and all of Jones Lane. An assessment roll containing a descrir~tion of the lots and lands assessed, the amount of the assessment against each lot and parcel of land and the pumper of annual installments in which the assessment is divided has been completed by the Consultinn Engineer and is on file with the Gity Clerk. All interested rJarties are advised that the description of each property to be assessed and the amount to he assessed to each piece or parcel of property may be ascertained at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Clermont, Florida. Plans and specifi- cations and estimates of the cost thereof are on file in the office of • • RESOLUTIONS N o ^lo. 147 said Clerk at the City Hall in said City. Gated this 22nd day of July, 1869. ~I~a~~~.~~~x ~ . City Clerk, City of Clermont State of Florida SECTIOPJ 4. 214 The City Clerk is hereby directed to mail, not later than ten (10) days prior to such hearing, a copy of the property owner at his last known address, such property o4vners to be obtained from t of Lake County or from such other sources Engineer deem reliable, proof of such mail of the City Clerk or the Consul ti na Engine with the City Clerk; provided, ho~•rever, th notice or notices shall not invalidate any The City Clerk is hereby further directed published two (2) times a week apart in a tion in the City, and if there tie no newsp sai d notice shall be published i n like man circulation in the City which is published provided, however, that the last publicati be at least one (1) week prior to the date publication shall be verified by the affid filed with the City Clerk . SECTION! 5. above ^loti ce to each such the names and addresses of he records of the Tax Assessor as the City Clerk or Consulting ing to be made by affidavit er, said proof to be filed at failure to mail said of the proceedings hereunder. to cause said notice to be newspaper of general circula- aper published in the City per i n a ne!~ispaper of general in Lake County, Florida; on of the above notice shall of hearing. Such service by avit of the publisher and At the time and place above named, the City Council shall meet as an equalization board to hear and consider complaints as to said assessments; and, ~•~hen equalized and confirmed, such assessments shall stand as first liens, until paid, upon the property against which such assessments are made. Provided, however, upon completion of the improvement, each assessment shall he credited pro rata t~~ith the difference bettiveen the amount originally confirmed and the actual cost of the improvement, provided in no event shall the final assessments exceed the amount of benefits originally assessed. Said assessments shall be co-equal frith the lien of other taxes, superior to all other liens, titles and claims, until paid. Said assessments shall bear interest at the rate of eight per centurn (~i°) per annum from the date of acceptance of said improvements and shall he payahle in ten (lg) equal yearly installments. If not paid ~;~rhen due, there shall he added a penalty of one per centurn ( 1°;) per month unti 1 r~ai d; provided that said assessments may be raid without interest at any time ~dithin thirty (30) days after the improvements have been completed and accepted by the City Council, and the balance due on the assessment may hP_ paid i n ful l at any tune thereafter with i nterest to the next succeedi nn installment date; and provided further that payment of annual installments RESOLUTIONS N ° 215 ^!o. 1~7 and interest earlier than due in any year shall not be discounted for early payment. SECTIOiV 6. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida at an adjourned meeting held on July 22, 19F9. _ ~ _ ~'ty Clerk ~'i ty of Clermont, Florida