FY 2020 Agreement
DUNS#: 937993855
Federal Tax Identification#: 59-6000290 DC#: W-32-
Amount Requested: OCDETF Investigation/Strategic Initiative
Amount requested should match the amount cakulated on the Initial Funding Form,Page 2.
Number: WG-CR-0017
$ 18,649.00
Number of Officers Listed: 1 Name: Nosedive
From: October 1, 2019 Federal Agency Investigations:
Beginning Date of Agreement Number: GB-13-0031
To: September 30,2020
Ending Date of Agreement
State or Local Organization Name:
Clermont Police Department
State or Local Organization
Address to receive OCDETF paperwork(no PO Boxes):
Narcotics Supervisor: Capt. Michael McMaster ATS: Capt. M. McMaster
Telephone Number: (352)536-8402 3600 S. Hwy 27
E-mail Address: Clermont, FL 34711
Sponsoring Federal Agency
Group/Squad Supervisor: GS Christopher Lane
Sponsoring Federal Agency(ies): Telephone Number: (407) 333-7000
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) E-mail Address:
Please provide the name, telephone number, e-mail address, and fax number for the
financial staff person at the State or Local Organization, who is directly responsible for
the billing on the Reimbursement Request:
Name: Diane Carter
Telephone Number: (352) 536-8438
E-mail Address:
Agreement(FY20),Page 1
FY 2020 Agreement Initial Funding Form
OCDETF Case#: WG-CR-0017 Amount Requested: $ 18,649.00
This amount should be enured on Page I of the Reimbursable Agreement.
Please note:The amount requested should cover your active investigation plan from the agreement start date.Proactive
funding analysis will be conducted to determine the need for additional funds throughout the life of the agreement.
Agreement Activity: (Please check all that apply)
El Surveillance a Takedown ❑� Trial/Court El Wire: 0 Approved
pending 1:1Other
If Other,please describe the type of investigative activity the State&Local Agency will be participating in:
Factors to Consider when Determining the Initial Agreement Amount:
Estimated overtime hours for your active Prior year agreement spending,
Average Officer Overtime Rate: investigation plan,from the agreement start date: if any:
$ 47.53 102.50 $ 9,379.07
Please provide a brief explanation on how the initial funding amount was determined,if other factors were considered:
Agreement(FY20),Page 2
This Agreement is between the above named State or Local Law Enforcement Organization and
the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) Program. This Agreement shall
be effective when signed by an authorized State or Local Organization official,the sponsoring
Federal Agency Special Agent-In-Charge,the sponsoring Agency Regional OCDETF
Coordinator,the Assistant United States Attorney Regional OCDETF Director, and the
OCDETF Executive Office.
1. It is agreed that the State or Local Law Enforcement officers named on this
Agreement will assist in OCDETF Investigations, Strategic Initiatives and
prosecutions as set forth in the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces State
or Local Overtime and Authorized Expense/Strategic Initiative Programs, Policies
and Procedures Manual, Fiscal Year 2020.
2. No individual Agreement with a State or Local organization may exceed $25,000,
and the cumulative amount of OCDETF State and Local overtime monies that may
be expended on a single OCDETF Investigation or Strategic Initiative in a single
fiscal year may not exceed $50,000 without express prior approval from the
OCDETF Executive Office. The OCDETF Executive Office will entertain requests
to exceed these funding levels in particular cases. Please submit a written request
including justification approved by the AUSA Regional Director to the OCDETF
Budget Officer/Deputy Budget Officer when seeking to exceed the above stated
funding levels.
3. Each Reimbursable Agreement will be allowed no more than six (6) modifications
per year. In addition, if the funds for a particular Agreement are completely
deobligated with the intention of closing that Agreement, it will not count as a
modification for purposes of this policy. These amendments must be transmitted by a
memorandum approved and signed by the AUSA Regional OCDETF Director or
designee for the region and sent to the OCDETF Executive Office.
4. If an Agreement does not have any activity during the last ninety(90) days,the funds
shall automatically be deobligated. The OCDETF Executive Office will assist with
the monitoring of the aging Agreements. Further, if a State or Local Organization
indicates that it is no longer performing work under a particular Agreement,the State
or Local Overtime and Authorized Expense/Strategic Initiative Programs, Policies
and Procedures Manual requires that a modification memorandum identifying the
amount to be deobligated be submitted to the OCDETF Executive Office as soon as
possible after determining that no work is being performed.
5. The State or Local Law Enforcement Organization agrees to provide experienced
drug Law Enforcement officers who are identified in this Agreement to work on the
specified OCDETF Investigation or Strategic Initiative. Any change in Law
Enforcement officers assigned must be agreed to by all approving officials.
Agreement(FY20),Page 3
6. Officers who are not deputized shall possess no Law Enforcement authority other
than that conferred by virtue of their position as a commissioned officer of their
parent Agency.
7. Officers who are deputized may possess Federal Law Enforcement authority as
specified by the Agency affording the deputation.
8. Any State or Local officers assigned to an OCDETF Investigation or Strategic
Initiative in accordance with this Agreement are not considered Federal employees
and do not take on the benefits of Federal employment by virtue of their participation
in the Investigation or Strategic Initiative.
9. OCDETF and the sponsoring Federal Law Enforcement Agency(ies) for the
approved OCDETF Investigation or Strategic Initiative will provide to the assigned
State or Local officers the clerical, operational and administrative support that is
mutually agreed to by the parties in this Agreement.
10. Officers assigned to OCDETF Investigations or Strategic Initiatives should work
full-time on the Investigation(s) or Strategic Initiative(s) in order to be paid
overtime. In order to satisfy the "full-time" expectation, a Law Enforcement
officer should work forty (40) hours per week or eight (8) hours per day on a
single or multiple OCDETF Investigation(s) or Strategic Initiative(s). Any
established exceptions or waivers to this definition shall be requested by the
Regional Coordination Group and attached as Addendum A to the
Agreement. [The parent State or Local Organization must pay the base salary of its
officers. In the event officers must work overtime on an OCDETF
Investigation or Strategic Initiative, the OCDETF Program will reimburse the
parent State or Local Law Enforcement Organization for a limited amount of those
overtime costs.] The Organization is responsible for paying its Law Enforcement
officer(s) for their overtime, travel and per diem expenses. To ensure proper and
complete utilization of OCDETF overtime and expense allocations, reimbursement
claims must be submitted monthly on the OCDETF Reimbursement Request Form.
The OCDETF Executive Office may refuse payment on any reimbursement request
that is not submitted to the OCDETF Regional Coordination Group within thirty(30)
days of the close of the month in which the overtime was worked.
11. It is the responsibility of the State or Local Organization to retain and have available
for inspection sufficient supporting documentation for all regular hours and overtime
hours worked towards a specific OCDETF case. Officers' timesheets must reflect
work towards a specific OCDETF case and must be reviewed and signed by an
authorized State or Local official.
12. Analysis of reimbursement claims by the Regional Coordination Group may result in
a modification of the obligation of funds contained within this Agreement as well as
the time period covered. The Organization affected by any such modification will
receive a memo notifying them of the changes.
Agreement(FY20),Page 4
13. Overtime payments, including all other non-OCDETF Federal sources (such as Safe
Streets, HIDTA, IRS, ICE, FEMA, etc.) may not, on an annual per person basis,
exceed 25% of the current approved Federal salary rate in effect at the time the
overtime is performed. The State or Local Organization is responsible for ensuring
that this annual payment is not exceeded. The Executive Assistant/OCDETF
Program Specialist will monitor these payments via MIS and communicate to the
Federal Agency Regional OCDETF Coordinators who provide status updates to any
officer approaching the threshold.
14. The overtime log must be attached to the reimbursement request when submitting the
monthly invoices. The Sponsoring Federal Agency Supervisory Special Agent and
the State or Local official authorized to approve the Reimbursement Request must
certify that only authorized expenses are claimed, the regular hours requirement is
satisfied, and that overtime has not exceeded 25% of the current Federal salary rate
in effect at the time the overtime was worked.
15. Under no circumstances will the State or Local Organization charge any indirect
costs for the administration or implementation of this Agreement.
16. The State or Local Organization shall maintain complete and accurate records and
accounts of all obligations and expenditures of funds under this Agreement for a
period of six (6) years and in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles to facilitate inspection and auditing of such records and accounts.
17. The State or Local Organization shall permit examination and auditing by
representatives of the OCDETF Program, the sponsoring Federal Agency(ies), the
U.S. Department of Justice, the Comptroller General of the United States, and/or any
of their duly-authorized agents and representatives, of any and all records,
documents, accounts, invoices, receipts, or expenditures relating to this Agreement.
Failure to provide proper documentation will limit State or Local Law Enforcement
Organizations from receiving OCDETF funding in the future.
18. The State or Local Organization will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of
1964 and all requirements applicable to OCDETF Agreements pursuant to the
regulations of the Department of Justice (see, e.g., 28 C.F.R. Part 42, Subparts C and
G; 28 C.F.R. 50.3 (1991)) relating to discrimination on the grounds of race, color,
sex, age, national origin or handicap.
19. This Agreement may be terminated by any of the parties by written notice to the
other parties ten (10) business days prior to termination. Billing for outstanding
obligations shall be received by OCDETF within thirty (30) days of the notice of
Agreement(FY20),Page 5
20. The Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 requires that most payments made by
the Federal government, including vendor payments, must be made by electronic
funds transfer (EFT). In accordance with the act, all OCDETF reimbursement
payments will be issued via EFT. Participants are required to register in to receive reimbursements; registration information will be provided
upon request. In certain circumstances the OCDETF Executive Office may make
exceptions for Organizations that are unable to accept this form of payment,
however, such Organizations must include written justification in the addendum
of each new Agreement.
21. All changes made to the original Agreement must be approved by the OCDETF
Executive Office and initialed by the Executive Assistant/OCDETF Program
Specialist of the Regional Coordination Group making the revision. The AUSA
Regional OCDETF Director or designee must initial all funding changes.
22. The Regional Coordination Group is responsible for identifying and implementing
any additional policy requirements, as needed, for its specific region. Those regional
policies will be documented in the Addendum B and attached to the approved
Agreement. The Organizations are agreeing to adhere to these additional
requirements and must have written approval by the Regional Coordination Group for
any exceptions to the regional policies.
23. Restrictions: Fringe benefits(such as retirement, FICA, or other expenses) are NOT to
be included in overtime payment.Auxiliary educational benefits are also NOT to be
included in overtime payment. Reimbursement of overtime payment is based solely on
the authorized overtime rate of each participating officer listed in the Agreement.
Under no circumstances may a State or Local agency include any administrative fees
for the processing of overtime. Additionally,officers are not eligible for
reimbursement of compensation time earned in lieu of overtime payment. OCDETF
will only reimburse an actual $ amount paid to the officer for overtime worked,any
additional benefit(including compensation time) will NOT be reimbursed.
This Agreement is not a contract or obligation to commit Federal funds in the maximum amounts
projected. Funding allocations for the time period set forth and agreed to herein represent
projections only and are based upon consultation between the sponsoring Federal Agency and the
State or Local Law Enforcement Organization. They are, therefore, subject to modification by
OCDETF based upon the progress and needs of the OCDETF Investigation or Strategic Initiative.
Additionally, resources are contingent upon the availability of funds per the approval and
signature of the OCDETF Executive Office obligating authority. The OCDETF Executive Office
will approve and certify that all the terms and conditions of the Agreement have been met.
Each Agreement must be approved and signed by a State or Local Law Enforcement
Organization official who has supervisory authority over, and is authorized to assign, the
participating Law Enforcement officers to the OCDETF Investigation or Strategic Initiative.
Agreement(FY20),Page 6
n �I ,
Approved By: (
JIVJ �f�� �'I Cf OP 9 "3 CAuthorized Stor Local Official Title Date
C 6-4,0_5 e Ircjwcri
Print Name
Approved By:
Sponsoring Federal Agency Special Agent in Charge or Designee Date
Print Name
Approved By:
Anthony Zavacky,DEA Sponsoring Agency Regional OCDETF Coordinator Date
Approved By:
Mary V. King,Assistant United States Attorney Regional OCDETF Director Date
Funds are encumbered for the State or Local Organization overtime costs and authorized
expense/Strategic Initiative Programs specified above. Subject to availability of funds.
Approving Official:
OCDETF Executive Office Date
Agreement(FY20),Page 7
State or Local Organization: Clermont Police Department
OCDETF Investigation/Strategic Initiative Number: WG-CR-0017
The Law Enforcement officers listed below will assist with the above identified OCDETF
Investigation or Strategic Initiative. Any modification of the list of Law Enforcement officers
must be agreed to in writing by all of the parties to this Agreement,made a part of the
Agreement, and forwarded to the OCDETF Executive Office.
1. Chadwick Edmondson Officer 6/12/80
Agreement(FY20),Page 8
Addendum A
Definition of"Full-Time Participation"Exemption
Any Other Exceptions or Justifications
Agreement(FY20),Page 9
Addendum B
Identification of Additional Policy Requirements
In regards to the FY 2020 State and Local Agreement,the Florida/Caribbean OCDETF
Financial Committee has approved the following modifications:
-The maximum number of officers assigned to an agreement cannot exceed twenty (20)without
written justification.
-Analysis of reimbursement claims by the Regional Coordination Group may result in modification of
the obligation of funds contained within this agreement as well as the time period covered. The
organization affected by any such modification will receive a Funding Notification Memorandum.
Additional Note: All assets seized in the investigation will be processed federally by
the sponsoring OCDETF federal agency unless otherwise specified in the OCDETF Investigation
Initiation Form(IIF) or in a subsequent addendum to the IIF or other OCETF reports. Equitable
sharing of forfeited assets remains available to all the participating federal, state and local
organizations. Equitable sharing requests will be governed by the rules and regulations of the
Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Fund or Treasury Executive Officer for Asset Forfeiture and
Treasury Forfeiture Fund Program as applicable.
Agreement(FY20),Page 10