R-79-327• ~ CITY OF CLERAIONT RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION N0. 327 • • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING THE APPLICATION OF THE TAMIAMI TRAIL TOURS, INC., d/b/a TRAILWAYS WHEREAS, the City of Clermont has experienced and is experiencing substantial residential and industrial growth; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Clermont (hereinafter, "this body")is vitally interested in there being adequate public bus transportation available in the State of Florida and particularly in the Clermont area in order to serve its citizens and visitors; WHEREAS, the Clermont area has real need of improvements and additions to its transportation systems to and from various points both within and without the State of Florida; WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of this body that Tamiami Trail Tours, Inc., has filed applications with the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Florida Public Service Commission to extend its service in Georgia and Florida over various routes between Atlanta, Georgia, and Orlando, Florida, via Macon and Valdosta, Georgia, and Gainesville and Ocala, Florida, as described in the appendix attached hereto; WHEREAS, this body believes that the proposed service would help provide trans- portation to the rapidly growing numbers of residents and visitors to our area; and WHEREAS, this body is of the opinion that it is desirable that said application be granted in order that the public convenience and necessity may be served; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Clermont, Florida 1. This City Council of Clermont, Florida that: endorses and supports bus service over the proposed routes between Atlanta, Georgia, and Orlando, Florida, via Macon and Valdosta, Georgia, and Gainesville and Ocala, Florida, as described in the appendix attached hereto, and respectfully requests the Interstate Commerce Commission and Florida Public Service Commission to approve bus service as therein described. 2, Claude E. Smoak,Jr., Mayor George D. Forbes, City Manager , Thomas A. Sanchez, Finance Dir. or any one or more of them be and they are hereby authorized to appear before and present this resolution to the Interstate Commerce • ~ ~ • CITY OF CLERAIONT RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION N0. 327 Commission and/or the Florida Public Service Commission and to testify on behalf of this body in support of said proposal. 3. Certified copies of this resolution be furnished Tamiami Trail Tours, Inc. to be submitted in support of said applications, whether or not an authorized repre- sentative of this body is in attendance. DONE AND RESOLVED this ~ day of ~~~ , 1979 CITY OF CLERMONT BY: CLAUDE E OAK, J ., Mayor ATTEST: DOLORES W. CARROLL - City Clerk ~• Trailw~ys ....... Proposed Route Present Routes to be joined with proposed routes i n thru and connecting service. To Chicago Indianapolis Cincinnati ~ Chattanooga Huntsville Gadsden To Memphis To BIRMINGHAM Meridian Griffir Jackson Sylacauga O elika Shreve ort Alexander p Dallas p City J5 MONTGOMERY ~-~ e~ To ~,J P~ Biloxi GO ALI GI KNOXVILLE To Greensboro Washington New York Charlotte Spartanburg reenville To Fayetteville Florence Columbia TLANTA ~ugusta Milledgeville ~ Macon 1 1 1 ,Cordele _ ~ Tifton u fport Dothan Moultrie New Orleans Baton Rouge Bainbridge Houston MOBILE ova o~ yF.~ <<~ Qe F'`•gea ~a~~ fib'' Qa '~P r ~,~aycross dosta. haspe~~ACKSONVILLE '• Lake City ~ Gainesville ~a Ocala 'Leesburg Clermont~'~ORLANDO TAMPA West ecsbucg~ Okeechobee Beach St. P 8c adeoto ova G ald e Ft. Sac v e~~ce~~e Lau d e rdal e poct G F~\M`lec s MIAMI Nape Coral Gables ~ Trailways C ATLANTA J RLANDO 0 OMAHA HOUSTON VAL O STA GA NE S ILLE AMPA READ DOWN _ _ ~ READ UP - _ - HOM OVM CAJ HTM CAM BJT DM CAM 1 OJT 1 CAMI OJT HOM DM HTM CA M i HTM O$ M CAl 1451 1851 1905 1953 1951 _ No. N 1450 o.. 1906 12 55 4 45 -- _- 11 45 -- _--_ Lv CH/CAGO, /L _ _ (CT)SET _- -- Ar 1 15 i - 9 551 -- - -- 12 55 _ 6 20 ____ 11 04 ___ __ 5 50 ___ Lv /ndianapo[ts, IN _ _ (ET)(7750)_ Ar 8 30 1 __ 5 301 - - --- __ 9 35 9 15 1 40 _ ___ Lv Cmc;nnati, UH _ _ _ Ar --- --- 2 25 1 1 5 10 7 30 --- 2 15 Ar Knaxu~lle, TN SET___ ---- _Lv - 7 00 11 45 _ _ i12 45 -- -__ _ _ - - - - 6 0 ~' _- _ 11 25 ____ - !- -_ 2 30 -- 4 45 __ _ - _____ u Knoxoil[e, TN________ Lu Chattanooga TN ) ______TWI_. (7994 Ar Ar 1 25i_____ i 8 20 10 1- -- --- -- -- I 15 _---_ 12 10 9 50 ----- 1 - -- 10 30 __-__ 1 40 - _ ____- 7 151 ____ , __ Ar ATLANTA GA ------ (ET)TWI -____ Lvl 5 451 - I - _ 1 ~ __ 00 -- -- - 7 30 _ ___ _ 4 10 11 UU 12 30 I ____ I _ I I I I _ I -_-- -- -' I 12 30 6 30 7 45 ______ , Lu OMAHA, NE_________ Lv Kansas City, MO______ M L h i'N _ ___ _(CT)TWI___ _____ (8365)_ _Ar Ar A --__ ~ 11 25 13 10 1 45 -- _- _____ ____ ____- ~ _ --_ _-_-- __ '__ __ I -- __ ____ ---- I 2 45 6 10 I 5 00 ----- ----- ---- ----- ! v emp s, ___----- L-- ----_(7998)_ -- --- r ~ I ___-- _--- __-- I _--_ 1 I I 8 35 I -- I ',10 40 - I 4 30 Lv ~, :. .. g.. . A Q ,_~ ~: r 11 I 5 45 -- -- I~-- I - ---- 9 45 1 --_ - 11 59 I I 3 45 I 6 6 I 3 4 I ~ 6 001 I -- I 1 I 1 --- 5 9 a Columbus 6A---- ET -- -- Lv' I 3 --- - - I - ' --- _ __ I 6 30 1 -- -- --- 12 15 I I I I 1 -- I 1 4 00 __ I ~ 1 301 ~ I 11 45 I Lu Columbus GA________ Lv DALLAS TX ( ) _ ET TWI__ (CT)TWI _Ar Ar ~ 3 30 ---__ _____I____ _____ ~! 305 l I _____ 6 00 A~ I ----- I t ~ 1 - 1545 I , _____ Lv Shreuepori, LA____--- ___ -----------_ _ _ Ar _ - , ____ _____ --- __---' 9 45 --_-- I l ---- ' ___-- I o -_ I 111 00 I I Lv Jackson,MS--- ---- - -- - ---- -Ar o I o 4 35i _ - I I 1 - o ~ , =__ I o _ I 1 00. I I Ar Meridian, MS a S __TWI __ _ Lv ~ ~ ~ _ 2 30' ~ m __ _ ( I I - - ' I I ~ V m ~ ~ l ~~ I X935' oo I _- A p ha AL' C L L ~ 1 o _ 935 - m.yi L 1 I av . ---- ___ u -- ~ --- - t~ : m I g l ~._ I I ot r n Lv Dothan AL AL __ M TWI _ v Ar U 1 i I '- ~ 6 10 -- Ui - ,~ _ - - _ I I - = o I ~ U _ I t~ I , -- ------ --- ------ I I 1 I - _ 11 _ ____ I I C 1 00 1 I 111 45 1 I I I ~ U I I I I Lv HOUSTON, TX_______ Lu Beaumont, TX________ 1 _____TWI____Ar ______(7044)__Arl I ! I I 'll 00 9 00 ~ 4 15 2 051 I ! __ 111 30 9 20 I I °L Y U 4 15 ! 2 45 I I Lu Lake Charles, LA_____ _____________ _Ar I 7 30 12 50 i ____ 8 15' 1 ~ 7 55 I I I I 5 15 , ,, ' , I Lv Baton Rouge, LA______ ______ Ar I 4 551 8 55 ___ ~ 4 40 9 45 10 I 6 55 I ., I Ar New Orleans, LA______ _____TWI___ _ Lv ' ~ 3 15 1 7 15 __ ~ 3 001, 6 i I ' ~ l ~~ ~~ LA (70 T) A ~ ' ~ EI 0 0 Eg O I 11 30, 01 ~ ~ Lv Mo b; AL - - -- - ~10 45 50 ' '---- 0 00 ~ 3 2 ~ 12 5 I I I Ar Pensacola, FL________ ______COT__ _Lv I J 30 ~ 12 30 ~ __ 7 35 Oj 3 30 4 25 I 1 00 2 DO I I I I I Lv Pensacola, FL__ _ ____ Lv FL Walton Beach FL ____ _TWI___. (8095) Ar Ar I 9 25 I $ 55 12 25 1 ___ 7 15 6 00 ~ 4 00 ~ I W , _ Lv PanamaC;ty, FL______ _____ __ _(CT)________ Ar I I 6 35 i 9 40 ___ _ ____ 450 I 11 3 W ~ I 1 i D ~ ~ Lu~ NTA , GA__ (ET)TWI_ Ar 505 i _~ 30 I o <0 I 1I 3 25~ I' ' 8 50'' I Hape •Grrffm_ - -- ~05 I ___-- 1 I W i f I ~ f l Culloden Jct _ f 0 -_ I W 1 1 10 120 4 45 5 15 635 1 I I II 10 15 110 '30 Iu ~ I I - _ Ar•Macon__ LvMacon-------------- • -- ----------___ Lv 250 Ar 2 35 ' I I I _ 50 1 10 4(I _ _-- 5 4 00 45 2 10 I I W I 6 00 f ! I 1, W 11 45 Cordele-- - -- Ar•ALBANY_______.___ - -- -- _____(8105)_- 1 Lu 15 1 I 1 30 ~ ~ I 9 2U - -- _ 4 001 ~ 2 30 1 6 30~ I 1 12 15 LvALBANY (8105) Ari ~ 2 05 I ~ 1 9 35 I 3 40 A - 3 20 W W W 7 25 I 7 25' W W : 12 40 105 _i_ 'Moultrie • _ 1 1 0 ' o i e 0 ~ 2 45 ~ o~ 4 10 4 .0 $ 25 8 35 1 ~ 1 140 W 2 OS Ttfton __ .- Ar•Valdosta __ 2 25 A~ Lv ll 25'11 OG ~ ~i $ 3 734 30 ,* 1 56 1 55 Z 4 1~ 4 15~ $ 40 $ 40 2 10 2 10 Lu•Valdosta _ Ar 10 55 11050 ~ o ~ I 1700 ~ 1 1 50, 1 5U 6 35 111 00 2 35 I W 4 30 Statenville, GA-- Ar fACKSONVILLE FL 8105) 7 Lv 800 f ~ I ~ 4 ~ 45 11 30 ~ 11 30 W 5 00 , Lu•fACKSONV/LLE FL _ __ (8080) ~ 6 55 Ar ~ ~ - _ _ _ ' 2 55 I , 'Jasper, FL _ __- - __ 10 0° I 1 __ I _ I 5 30~ W - 1 9 W 5S I •L te t gs - q ~5 ~ 1 ~ 12 - 301- - W 9 10 i 7 W 25 ~ 11 4 0 30 k Bu ler - Ar•TALLAHASSEE ---- - (8099)(8095) Lv I I I I 5 00 4 45 8 5 ~' --- 30 3 30 9 45 12 10 W i -- 10 25 `/ v : !! W I 4 0 ~ I ~ ___ ASSEE 'Peny____ LvCh~'eJland _. ___(8095)_. Arl ~ ~ 2 10 0112 45 6 45 5 201 ~ ___ --- 2 50 ~ ~ _____ ---- 12 55 6 3C ___ it 10110 55 I 5 15 4551 _ Ar•Gaines~ille - --- . Lv' 8 25 5 10 1 15 11 45 4 30 4 30 11 3511 34.__ __ 1 15'' 6 55 __11 2511 15 1 5 30 5 25 LvGainesville Ar A 10 5 05 1 W~11 15; ~ , 4 20 ~ 4 16 !11 2511 15 _____ ~ ~ 9 ~ ll 59 6 15 6 10 •Ocala___ 7 251 4 20'12 15 1 3 35 3 30 ~ 110 30 ._ __ _ ~ f 6 30 Belleview 1 705 115` ` ~ 1 310 ~ 101U~__ __ f f 2 50 8-30 _ _ f 12 50 f ~ 7 DD ~ Lady Lake 'Leesburg __ f ~ f ll 25~ ~ 1 6 35 i I f _ 2 40 - _ ~ f _ 9 40 -___ 3 20j 9 00~ 3 42 9 22 ___ 1 20 f ` Y 1 7 30~ 7 52 W 'Clermont Wint G d 6 05 f 1 10 55~ i 30 0 1 ~ ~ 2 10 1 45 __ I 9 10 ____ 8 45 4 OU 9 40 _-__ _ '. 55 3 10 ~ 8 10 8 15 er ar en__- Ar•ORLANDO, FL__ _TWI _ Lu 530 I~ 10 15' ~ I i 134 _ ~ .____ 830 ____ 4 30 10 00 10 30, 12 25 _. _ ~ 2 30 3 30 I i 8 30 8 30 Lv ORLANDO, FL _ Kiss;mmec Okeechobie TWI _ Ar 5 05 I I 9 50 1 I ~ I ~ I I' 1 05 I ~ I - I 7 55 7 25 5 45 _ _-_-- __.__ W 7 45 ~' I 1 30' W ' 5 45 ~ ~ 11 45 ~ Ar Belle Glade Beach Lv 1 1 50, ` 6 351 1 ' I I 9 50~.. --- I 4 35 ~ _ _ _-. 8 55 3 10 ----- _____ W i 6 55, ~ I I W 12 55 I -- - Ar Boca Raton Ar Ft. Lauderda(e________ ------ --- __ _____ ._____ Lv Lv ~ 12 40 I I A` ', I 5 25 ~ ~ 8 40 -- ____ 2 55 - __._ 9 20 3 35 7 20 i 1 50 ~0 I I Ar MIAMI FL l ~ I 1 8 15 5 _____ ( 12 30 10 2D 4 40 - _ I j B 20 I ' I , _____--- Ar Co a! sabres---------- - ------------- Lu 11 00 I Av I ~ ----- 1 1 16 - - - 10 50 5 10 _ ___ y 8 50 y , ~y 2 35 W Ar M;am; N.W._.______ Lv 10 30 I i I 4 00 ~ 7 00 - ___ 12 45' - - - - 10 30 30 1 45 11 -~-~- - ----- - li 9 00 ____1, ____ -- - _ A ~~ (8095)__ LV1 7 45 1 I SSi 1 1 15 I 1 8 30 ____ ~ -~ -- ~-- 3 05 3 501 _____ 7 35 9 20 __-- - Ar St Pe sburg_______ _ , -- 0. 12 5 _- __- 1 __-- 8 251 ~ --- -- Ar Bradenton _ _ _ Lv _ ' 6 1 I~ 30 0 j 7 10 -~~- - 4 25 5 00 _- 9 001 9 35 10 40 11 10 -, ____ _---- - -__ Ar Sarasota__ Ar Venlre --- Lv~-- 1 5 - - I1 40 11 151 10 40 ~ ,, 6 35 6 00 - -- I 5 40 ___ ' t0 15 11 5D -_ ___ Ar Port Ch l tt - ----- -_- ~ --- ----- - 9 55 1 ~ --- 5 15 1 6 25 11 OS 12 36 1 - ar o e Ar Ft M __ ~ 10 301 3 55 9 10 1 v ___- 4 30 -- 7 50 1 r' 1 -- 1 20 ___ -- . ers Ar NaPles__. _ _. __ -- Lvl i -- -- 9 10. ~ 7 50 __ __ . 3 10 _-. - _ _ ___ 10 45 - _ 3 15 4 30 __ -- ---- - Ar Miami, FL ----TWI Lv' '__ __ 6 JO'____ 12 Ol 5 15 ___ _ '12 15 I - -- - _ - - ThruService: --- OJT-Omaha-Jackson ville-Tampa. f-Flagstop. BJT-Bir mingham-Jacksonville-Tampa . OVM-Omaha-Valdosta-Miami. ((CT)Central Time. CAJ-Ch icago-Atlanta-Jacksonville. CML-CapitalTrailway s. (ET)-Eastern Time. CAM-Chicago-Atlanta-Miami. COT-Colonial Trailwa ys. All trips operate daily unless otherwise noted. DM-Dall as-IVlontgomery-Miami. SET-Southeastern Trailways, Inc. AM-tight Face. PM-Bol d Face. HOMH ouston-Orlando-Miami. TWI-Trailways, Inc. Tames shown ;n ITALICS ;nd;cate seru;ce HTM-Houston-Tampa-Miami. •-Full service agency station. o;a connect;ng bap or taps. ApGendlx __ ~:~ I22 (b) • INTER-STATE RCL'!'~' DESC?.~?'^=CN r~D~1lCa.'lt ~fl~'.Iests at1t-Crity t0 C^.eizte =~CI.^., ~v ?~ C .^.~t'Ae°:1 t~~e ~cllcwi ~c pci.~ts . (~) cet~aeer. Atlanta, Gn a.*:d Gr1ar.CC, ~.r1, Se~t,~^C ~i.°.. ~I7L+°.=.«£~.L~1Gt° oints of 'bacon, Cordele, li.i _cn and ~~ aldcsta, G~ aS:d La:~_ C'_ty and Gal.~esville, FI,, and all i ter^.ediate : oin is bet~eeT Gal: es- ville and Orlando: (a) From Atlanta over I..:terstate ~*,ay 7 5 tc jiinc tion Q. S . Ewy 27 near Ocala, ~, t::e.*~ over U. S . H•N-y 27 to jt~cticn ~ Hwv 60 at C? er3ont, FL, t en over ?L H•a~; SG to Orlando, ar.d ret::+r:: cver tie see :.-cuts; (b) From jt:.nctlcn Interstate E•~-y i ~ and Gn E*~~ 2 5 7, ove. G~ Hwy 257 to Cordele, tier. cver II. S. .:svv 2 &0 to ,-ju.-:ctler. Interstate H•~~ 75, and rstl:l':1 cver t e sa.^e rcute: (c) Frca j u.~c tlcn Interstate c•~tV 7S and U. S . ~s,ry 9 Q , over II . S . 3wy ? 0 to Lass a C_ ty , t,.~ e.*: over ~T ' . ..wy ~ 7 ~o junction I.~tarstate .ri•,v'y 7~, a.~d retz:.'- ove= ~ a sa~.e rcLt_; (d} Frcm juacticn Interstate ~ws7 75 and Z =gay 26, ove= FL awv 26 to Gal.:esviile, t'~en over II. S. Ewy ~=1 t3 j `.r:ctio:: :'L • E•ay 3 31, then cver F~ 3•~y 3 31 tD j unctl cn L Ew-y 121, then cver F'L Rwy 121 to juactior_ Intestate H•~; ~5, a.Td retu..~ cver t+.e same route; (2~ Bet'.veen Statervilie, G~ as:d Lake C_t:J, F"L, se~ri, g all iaterretiiata coin is Fran S tatenv:.lle ove= G. S . 3wy 129 to ~ asper, - FTC , s eT over Q.S. Rwy 41 to La:~se C:+.tr, and ret•:~':z cver t.:e sa.*.:e rcute. ? page or_lY • • FLORIDA INTRA-STATE TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY SOUGHT Applicant seeks authority as a motor common carrier to transport passengers and their baggage, and express and newspapers in the same vehicle with passengers over regular routes and schedules: 1. Between the Florida-Georgia State line (North of Jasper, Florida) and Lake City, Florida;~via U.S. Highway 129 and 41, serving all intermediate points. 2. Between Lake City and Gainesville, Florida via State Road 47, I-75 and S.R. 26, serving no intermediate points. 3, Between Gainesville and Ocala, Florida, from Gainesville over U.S. 441 and S.R. 331 to junction S.R. 121, ther. over S,R. 121 to junction I-75 then over I-75 to junction L'.S. Highway 27, then over U.S. Highway 27 to Ocala and return over the same route, serving all intermediate points. 4. Between Ocala and Clermont, Florida via U.S. Highway 27 and S.R. 50, serving all intermediate points. 5. Bet•~een Clermont and Orlando, Florida via S.R. 50, serving no intermediate points and restricted against transporta- tion of local traffic between said points, NOTE: Applicant seeks charter rights and special operations authority in conjunction with this application from all points along the subject routes to all points~in.Florida. No duplicate authority is sought. ADDITIONAL ROUTE 'o. Between Ocala and Tampa via Interstate Highway 75.