Contract 2019-83 la TETRA TECH October 28, 2019 Mr.James Maiworm Assistant Director Environmental Services City of Clermont 3335 Hancock Rd. Clermont, FL 34711 Subject: Stormwater Master Plan Update Project#: 200BPGen/Clermont Dear Mr. Maiworm: Tetra Tech is pleased to furnish this proposal for additional professional engineering services to assist the City of Clermont with the above-referenced project. A detailed scope of services, compensation summary,and project schedule are attached hereto. Tetra Tech looks forward to providing these services to the City of Clermont. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 407-839-3955. If this proposal meets your approval, please execute below and return a copy to my attention. Very truly yours, Approval: Tetra Tech City of Clermont (J)In . Fox, P.E. By: � Vice President Date: I et r I JDF/ab/Stormwater MP/Maiworm_092319 C: Kevin Burgess,City of Clermont Duane Land,City of Clermont Timothy Vanderwalker, PE,Tetra Tech Tetra Tech, Inc. 201 E.Pine Street.Suite 1000.Orlando,FL 32801 Tel 407.839.3955 Fax 407.839.3790 www.tetratech.com ATTACHMENT A STORMWATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE CITY OF CLERMONT,FLORIDA SCOPE OF SERVICES • I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City currently has a stormwater master plan (SWMP)that was last updated in 2013. Additionally, Lake Minnehaha has been studied specifically with a study prepared in 2004. This proposed update will include: 1. Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling for the drainage basins in the City surrounding previously identified Basins 1, 11, 13, 15, 19,20,and 22;2.Water quality improvements of discharges to Lake Minnehaha; 3. Development of Level of Service (LOS) criterion and assessment of existing conditions within the study area; 4. Update and compile manuals and reports of stormwater management infrastructure, operations and maintenance; 5. Update the Capital Improvement Program for future projects and activities to list them based on the LOS criteria determined with the City. Professional services will be provided in accordance with the Continuing Consulting Agreement titled Agreement Between City of Clermont and Tetra Tech, Inc. For Professional Engineering Services for Public Works Protects dated December 9, 2014. The lump sum fee for the services defined herein is $88,837. A breakdown of this fee is provided at the end of this proposal. The following is a detailed scope of the professional services Tetra Tech will provide to the City: II. SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 1. Data Gathering 1. It is assumed data has been gathered by the City as part of previously developed studies and master plans. Tetra Tech will coalesce this data into a comprehensive summary to develop a holistic assessment of how these activities are helping the City provide stormwater management and achieve its goals for TMDL and water quality. 2. Tetra Tech will review the St.Johns River Water Management District(SJRWMD)online database to obtain permitting information on activities that have been completed but may not be fully documented in the City's records. TAV/ab/Stormwater MP/Oraft_Scope SWMP Update_final.docx O TETRA TECH Tt#BPGen Clermont -1- 09/23/19 3. Tetra Tech will work closely with the City's GIS and stormwater staff to obtain available data that will facilitate preparation of the comprehensive project summary discussed above. This will involve sharing data sets for the City's MS4s within the study area, if any. 4. Tetra Tech will visit the study area to confirm data provided by others and identify facilities that have not been captured in the City's database. Obtaining survey or GIS data for these facilities will be the responsibility of the City. 5. Tetra Tech will coordinate with the Lake County Stormwater Management staff to coordinate stormwater management improvements that have been completed by the County that may impact the City's stormwater management plan. Examples of this include improvements to county roadways within the study area. Task 2. Kick-Off Meeting Upon issuance of a notice to proceed,Tetra Tech will schedule a kick-off meeting with the City's Public Works Director,Deputy Public Works Director,City Engineer,and Stormwater Manager,among other city staff to discuss Tetra Tech's existing lists of CIP projects, other available data, and review of the proposed project schedule. Tetra Tech will prepare and distribute a summary from this meeting. Task 3.AdICPR Modeling and Conceptual Engineering It is our understanding that no hydrologic or hydraulic modeling has been performed for the study area. Modeling will be completed as part of this update to the SWMP. 1. Tetra Tech will use AdICPR version 4 to complete the modeling. 2. Using available LiDar topographic data, Tetra Tech will conduct a table table-top delineation of the drainage basins previously identified to confirm and refine the drainage basins in preparation for the modeling process. 3. GIS, with the use of the Arc Hydro module, will be used to refine the hydrologic parameters including curve numbers and time of concentrations for the refinement to the basins. 4. Stormwater Level of Service (LOS) — Tetra Tech in conjunction with staff will determine the appropriate parameters for a LOS evaluation for the study area, including but not limited to, reduction of flood risk, improvement of water quality,water reuse,regulatory and maintenance status of the stormwater system. Previously developed LOS criteria will be used to inform this process. The LOS criterion will be used to gage the performance of existing system and facilitate management decisions related with operation and capital investment for future projects. 5. Tetra Tech will develop up to two(2) alternatives to address one problem area within the study area identified as not meeting the City's LOS criteria. TAV/ab/stormwater MP/Draft_Scope_SWMP Update_final.docx TETRA TECH Tt#BPGen Clermont -2- 09/23/19 6. Conceptual designs will be provided on 11" x 17". 7. Tetra Tech will conduct up to two (2) progress meetings with the City during the course of preparing the SWMP Update. Task 4. LOS Analysis 1. The City is a stakeholder in the adopted Upper Ocklawaha Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP). The latest amendment to this BMAP was adopted in July 2019 by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), and it includes detailed allocations to the responsible stakeholders in the basin. Currently,the City meets its loading reduction targets. Tetra Tech will conduct a holistic analysis of the City stormwater to identify stormwater retrofit projects that will provide water quality enhancements to untreated outfalls from the City's system within the study area. 2. LOS Analysis—once the existing condition modeling has been completed,Tetra Tech will evaluate the stormwater infrastructure based on the defined LOS in Section 4 of Task 3 above and develop a priority matrix for a short-term LOS and long-term CIP. When evaluating LOS project options, Tetra Tech will determine where there are opportunities for flood control and/or water quality improvements. Task 5.Lake Minnehaha Stormwater Improvement Study Update Tetra Tech will analyze the data and results from tasks 1 through 4 above and summarize them in the study update. The intent of this document is to summarize the City's stormwater management activities report, studies, O&M manuals, and permits to coalesce, in a single document, all that the City must manage in the study area. The study update will consist of the following: 1. The study update will consist of an executive summary, table of contents, an introduction, methodology, H&H modeling, alternatives analysis and recommendations, water quality assessment. 2. 11"x 17"figures illustrating the alternative solutions analyzed in previous tasks above. These will represent approximately 10% complete preliminary engineering to illustrate the various alternatives. 3. Preliminary Engineer's opinions of probable construction costs will be prepared for each alternative solution. 4. A LOS benefit versus cost analysis will be prepared for each alternative. TAV/ab/Stormwater MP/Draft_Scope_SWMP Update_final.docx TETRA TECH Tt#BPGen Clermont -3- 09/23/19 5. Tetra Tech will provide recommendations to the City regarding the alternative solutions and benefit to cost. 6. Compilation of the City's status for its completion of CIP projects identified in the last SWMP Update in 2008. Maps and tables will be provided to reflect the progress that has been made and the magnitude of the CIP projects remaining. 7. Creation of an updated CIP for the City's stormwater management program.This updated CIP will be critical part of the City's efforts to update its stormwater utility rate. Task 6.Reimbursable Expenses and ODCs 1. Meetings(assumed 2 will be held at Clermont Environmental Services). 2. Tetra Tech will provide the City two(2)hard copies of the draft report; Four(4)copies of the final report; a PDF copy sent via One Drive or Tetra Tech's RMFT file transfer site. III. ASSUMPTIONS 1. Field data collection will be obtained by City staff. Site visits will be performed by Tetra Tech to verify existing data and field conditions; findings will be noted and any "hard data" will be requested of the City. 2. Tetra Tech will coordinate with the City's GIS and stormwater staff to establish protocols on how all data will be received by the City for use in the City's data base. All work on the City's GIS database will be conducted by City staff. IV. ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE Activity Days From Notice to Proceed Notice to Proceed 0 Data Gathering 21 Kick-Off Meeting 30 AdICPR Modeling and Project Analysis 90 LOS Analysis 150 Study Update 210 TAV/ab/Stormwater MP/Draft_Scope_SWMP Update_final.docx ®TETRA TECH Tt#BPGen Clermont -4- 09/23/19 I V. COMPENSATION SUMMARY The total lump sum compensation for the Scope of Services described in Sections II above is$88,837. Tasks Total Cost Data Gathering $ 6,159 Kick-Off Meeting $ 1,827 AdICPR Modeling $ 33,700 LOS Analysis $ 10,313 SWMP Update $ 35,023 Reimbursable Expenses&ODCs $ 1,815 Total $ 88,837 aTETRA TECH TAV/ab/Stormwater MP/Draft_Scope_SWMP Update_final.docx S- 09/23/19 Tt#BPGen Clermont