RESOLUTTOfJ 'a0. 183
N~ 262
~;HEREAS, the City of Clermont i~as unciertdken tie construction
and installation of a Saritary~ Se~ti~er SystQi.~, and
WHEREAS, i t i s necessar~,~ to perform extensive ;~,ork i n the
i nstal lati on of 1 aterals and ~nai ns across Stato "oad 5F1 vai thi n t"~e
City li~~~its of Clermont, Flori~a, and
di1EREAS, the Departrnent of Transportati on ~~as reguested th~~
City enact this resolution assuniing the responsibility for the closing
of said rand at certain days and hours and assuming the responsibilities
of properly marking a suitable detour and properly handling the traffic
being diverted. ever ti~is detour,
TfiEREFORE, a IT ESOLVED iJy th~~ City Counci 1 of the City of
Clermont, Florida that, tiie City hereby assumes ~t~~e responsihi li ty
for ti~i2 proper diversion and traffic control on any detour so designated
by the City concerning tt~e di version of traffic fro~7 State Read 551
as necessary on certain days and hours in order to lay Sanitary Se;~~er lateral
across this ni gh;day .
~JE IT FURTHER P.LSOLVED t~tat the City of C1err~ont tat;es ful l
responsi bi 1 i ty for t;e conduct and safety of said traffic bpi ng so
,'ADOPTED at a regular meeti ng of the City Counci 1 of thn City of
Clermont, Lake County, Florida, held on August 1~, 1971.
~ r
Don E . Sm~ th , '1ayor