R-74-240,; . , ~~ y ~..h ';~~ j {.. • RESOLUTION. N0. 240 J! RESOLUTION) PROVIDI`:s FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION A*,D ~R~CTION OF EXTEt3SIONS Ai1D Ii~IPROVi;.`iE~ITS TO ^:-?E '"ii.iCIPAL ZJATER AND SE6dEP. SYSTEr-1; E?[:^i:02IZI.YG THE ISSUA:~TCE OF NOT EXCEEDItiG $155, 000 6•~ATER AND SE6dER REVENUE BOi~?D5 , SERIES 19 7 5, TO FIt~Ai`ICE T'riE COST THEREOF; PLEDGING THE tdET REVE- NUES OF SAID SYSTE_4, CERTAII.1 MUNICIPAL EYCISE TAXES AND ALL t~10NEYS OF THE CITY DERIVED FRO;~I SOURCES OTHER THAN AD VALOREM TA.YATI ON ACID LEGALLY AVAI LABLE FOR SUCH PURPOSE TO SECURE THE PAY~~iEidT THEREOF ; AND _ PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE HOLDERS OF SUCH BONDS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Or^ • CLERPdON".P, FLORIDA, as follows ARTICLE I ~- GENERAL (B} -The Issuer has been advised by its consulting engineers that the cost of constructing the project in accordance with said plans and specifications is estimated at $155,000, wi~ich shall be paid with the proceeds of the sale of the bonds herein authorized and shall•be deemed to include all expenses neces - sary, appurtenant or incidental thereto, including the cost of any land or interest trerein or' of an-,~ fixtures or equil~nent, or pro- perty necessary or co.zvonient ti:nrsfor, the cost of labor and 1.01 Authority for this Resolution. This Resolution, hereinafter called the "instrument," is adopted pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 159, Part I, Florida Statutes, and other applicable provisions of law. 1.02 FindincJs. It is hereby found ?nd determined that: (A) For the benefit of its inhabitants, the City of Clermont (hereinafter sometimes called the "Issuer"} presently owns a water and sewer system (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "system"); and it is necessary for the continued preserva- Lion of the health, welfare, convenience arid~safety of the Issuer and its inhabitants to construct extensions and•improvements to the system (hereinaz""ter referred to as the "project") in accord- ance with certain plans and specifications now on file ~•rith the City Clerk of the Issuer (hereinafter sometimes called the "Clerk"). r 4, materials to complete such cols}..ruction, engineering and legal expenses, fiscal expenses, expanses for estimates of costs and revenues, expenses for plans, s~~cif ications and surveys, interest during construction, if any, administrative expenses and all other necessary miscellaneous expenses. (C) (i) Pursuant to Section 167.431, Florida Statutes, the Issuer did, on October 10, 1957, enact non-emergency Ordinance No. 156 le~~ying and imposing a utilities services tax on every purchase of electricity, gas (natural liquefied petrolem gas or manufactured), water service, telephone service and telegraph service within the corporate li^Iits of the Issuor. Pursuant to law, the Issuer did on rIovember 17, 19 59 , under authority of an ordinance duly enacted, enter into an agree- ment with Lake Apopka natural Gas District for a period of thirty (30} years whereby the Issuer ~•rould receive a franchise tax by reason of 'rlaving granted to La1;e Apopfia rdatural Gas District ::ze rigclt to supply natural gas to the Issuer or its inIabitants. Pursuant to law, the Issuer did,. on September 20, 1970, under the authority of an ordinance duly enacted, enter into an agree.~Ient wit;~I Florida Power and Light Company for a period of thirty (30) years ~•rhereby the Issuer ~•rould receive a franchise tax by reason of having granted to Florida Power and Light Company the right to supply electric light and power facilities and services to the Issuer or its inhabitants. The proceeds to be derived by the Issuer from the utilities services tax and-from the"franchise taxes are hereinafter referred to as the "excise taxes." (ii) The revenues to be derived annually from the rates, rentals, fees and other c'rlarges made and collected for the services and facilities of the system are estimated to be $ ~'US.~Jy- and, together :•rith the proceeds. of the excise tai;es will be sufficient to pay the principal and interest on the prior lien obligations, hereinafter defined, and the bonds ;~erein authori2ed as the sa.-no become duo and the annual cost of operating, repairing and mair_taining the system, file aggregate annual amount o€ ~~rhich is esti~ated to be $ ~~43, ?~~''~; ~ It is estimated that -2- • • the period of usefulness of the system V;ill exceed forty-one years . (D) It is deemed :_e~essary and desirable to pledge the net revenues of the system and the proceeds of t'ne excise tares to the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds herein authorized. No part of such revenues and excise taxes will be pledged or hypothecated except with respect to the bonds herein authorized, and except that ssch revenues and excise taxes have been pledged first to the payment of the principal of and interest on the Issuer's outstanding tidater and Sewer Revenue Bonds, dated November 1, 1970, and ~4ater and Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1972, dated November i, 1972, hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "prior lien obligations". It is deemed necessary and desirable to pledge as additional security for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds all moneys of the Issuer derived from sources other than ad valorem taxation which. shall be legally available fvr such purpose. (E) '! his instrumer.-~ is declared to be and sl:~il con- stitute a contract betwedn the Issuer and the holders of all such bonds; and the covenants and agreements herein set-forth to be performed by the Issuer are and shall be for the equal benefit, protection and security of the legal holders of any and all such bonds issued under this instrument, all of which shall be of equal rank and without preference, priority or distinction of any of the bonds over any other, except as ~iereinafter provided. (F) The Issuer is not, under this instrument, obligated to levy any ad valorem taxes on any~real or personal property situated within its corporate territorial limits to pay the prin- cipal of or interest on the bonds hereinafter authorized or to pay the cost of maintaining, repairing and operating the system. Such bonds 1S5tled pursuant to this instrument shall not constitute a lien upon the system or any., other property of the Issuer or situ- ated c~rithin its corporate territorial limits. 1.03 Definitions. The follow~.ng terms in this instru- ment shall have the follocaing mea::ings unless the text otherwise e:;pressly requires: (?) "Grass F:evenuos" derived from the opt ration of_ the -3- system shall mean all :Honeys received from rates, fees, rentals or other charges or income received by the Issuer or accruing to it in the management and operation of the system, all calcu- fated in accordance with sound accounting practice. {B) "Operating Expenses" of the system shall mean all current expenses, paid or accrued, for the operation, main- tenance and repair of the system and its facilities, as calcu- lated in accordance with sound accounting practice, and shall include, w~.thout limiting the generality of the foregoing, in- surance premiums, administrative expenses of the Issuer related solely to the system, labor, cost of materials and supplies used for current operation, and charges for the accumulation of appropriate reserves for current expenses not annually recur- rent but tahich are such as may reasonably be expected to be incurred in accordance with sound accounting practice.. "Opera- fling Expenses" shall not include any allowance for depreciation or for renewals or replacements of capital assets of the system. (C) "iJet Revenues" of the system shall mean the gross revenues thereof, as defined in subsection (A), after deducting therefrom only the operating expenses of the same, as defined in subsection {B). (D) "Fiscal Year" shall mean the period commencing on October l of each year and continuing to and including the succeeding September 30. 1.04 Project Authorized. The Issuer is hereby author- ized to construct the project as defined in Section 1.02 (A) above. ARTICLE II AUTFiOP,IZ~ITION, TL•'Fi~IS. EXXECUTIO~ A~JD REGISTF.ATI0~1 OF REVENUE BOJ~DS 2.01 Authorization of Revenue Bonds. Subject and pur-- suant to the provisions of this instrument, obligations of the Issuer to be known as "City of C1erHOnt Water and Sewer P,everue Bonds, Series 1975" (hereinafter so~Hetimes referred to as the "bonds") are here:.~y authorized to ~e issued in an aggregate princi- pal amount not e.~cceding One :iu:-tdred Fifty-five Thousand Dollars (x155,000) for thn psrposo of ^roviding funds to may the cost of _g_ such project provic'.ed for in Se_tion 1,02 hereof. • 2.02 Description o 3onds. The bonds issued hereunder shall be dated as of the date o~ their delivery; shall be in the denomination of $1,000.00, or any multiple thereof, not exceeding the amount maturing in each year; shall be numbered consecutively from 1 upward; shall bear interest at not exceeding the legal rate per annum, payable on September 1, 1975, and annually there- after on. September 1 of each year; and shall mature serially in numerical order on September 1 of each year in the years and amounts as follo;•~: YEAR AMOUNT YEAR AMOUNT YEAR AMOUNT 1973 $1,000 1991 $3,000 _ 2004 $5,000 1979 1,000 1992 3,000 2005 5,000 1980 1,000 1993 3,000 2006 6,000 1981 2,000 1994 3,000 2007 6,000 1982 2,000 1995 3,000 2008 6,000 1983 2,000 1996 3,000 2009 7,000 1984 _2,000 1997 4,000 2010 ~ 7,000 1985 2,000 1998 4,000 2011 7,000 1986 2,000 1999 4,000 2012 7,000 1987 ?.,000 2000 4,000 2013 8,C00 1938 2,000 2001 5,000 2014 8,000 1989 3,000 2002 5,000 2015 9,000 1990 3,000 2003 5,000 2.03 Places of Payment. Such bonds shall be issued in coupon form; shall be payable as to both principal and interest at such place or places as the Issuer shall hereafter by resolution designate, in la:•~fu1 money of the United States of A*^.erica; and shall bear interest from the date of iss»e, in accordance ~•~i th and upon surrender of the appurtenant interest coupons as they severally mature, unless registered; provided,. however, that bonds held ;~y the United States of America, acting through the Earners Nome Administration, U. S. Department of Agriculture, hereinafter called tie "Government," shall b~ payable at "Finance Off ice, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Far;aers Iio~ne Administration, 1520 t•Iar};et Street, St. Louis, t~iissouri 63103," or at such otter places as the Government shall from. tine to time in :writing designate to t:;e Is~u~~r. 2.04 Provisions for Rid^Mption. Bonds maturing on or before September 1, 1935 are not subiect to rede:aption prior to ti~:>ir resE=cctive stated dates o= maturity. Bonds maturing Septem:~er 1, 1936 anc? theree.fter shall, at the option of the issuer, he ~. -5- ` • redeemable in whole or ir, pa.t, in inverse numerical and maturity order, on September 1, 1985. or on any interest payment date there- after at par and accrued interest, plus the following premiums, expressed as percentages of the par value of the bonds so re- deemed, it redeemed in the following years: 5~, if redeemed on September 1, 1985 or thereafter, to and including September 1, 1983; 4$, if redee:,ted on Septe:.lber 1, 1989 er thereafter, to and including September 1,.1992; 30, if redeemed on September 1, 1993 or thereafter, to and including September 1, 1996; 2~, if redeemed on September. 1, 1997 or thereafter, to and including September 1 , 2000; 1~, if redeemed on September~l, 2001 or thereafter, to and ir_cluding~September 1, 2004; t~Iithout prerniu~Tn, if redeemed September 1, 2005 or thereafter, but prior to maturity; provided, however, that at least thirty (30) days prior to the redemption date ~,tritten notice of such redel-;;ption shall be given to the paying agents for the bonds and to each or the registered o~•~ners at their res;~ective addresses as they appear upon the re- gistration books of the Clerk of the Issuer and shall be published at least once in a financial news paper published in the City of New York, New York. Bonds held by the Government-may bo redeered by the Issuer on any interest payment date•prior to maturity at the price of par and accrued interest, without,pre.~ium. 2.05 Execution of Bonds. The bonds shall be executed in the na~-ne of the Issuer by its 2~ayor and the corporate seal of the Issuer shall be impressed thereon, attested and countersigned by its Clerk. In cast any one or more of the officers tiaho shall have signed or ,sealed any of tho i~onds shall cease to be such officer of the Issuer before the bonds so signed and sealed have been actually sold and delivered, such bonds ray nevertheless be sold and delivered as herein provided and may be issued as if .the Person .~;io signed or sealed such bonds had not ceased to hold such office. The validation certificate endorsed on the bonds shall bo executed by the ,layor. any bon:'. :nwy be sinned and sealed on behalf of th` Iss~:er by suc~1 ~~rson t~?~o at the acct;al time of the -G- execution of such. bond s:~all ;:old the proper office of the Iss~zer, although at the date of svc:~ bonds s»ch person may not have held s»ch office or may not have b=az so authorised. The coupons attached to the bonds shall be authenticated with the facsimile signatures of any present or future ~•-iay^r and Clerk of the Issuer. The Issuer may adopt and use for such p»rposPs the facsimile signatures of any s~ich persons who shall have held such off ices at any time after the date of the adoption of this instrument, not~rith~:t-andincr that eit:-per or both shall h=ve ceased to hold such office at the tine the bonds shall be actually sold and delivered. 2.06 *~egotiability and P.ectisfsation. The bands shall be and shall have all the qualities and incidents of negotiable instruments under the law merchant and the La;~s of the State of Florida, and each successive holder, in accepting any of the bonds or the coupons appertaining thereto, shall b? conclusively deemed to have agreed teat the bon: s shall be and 'nave all of s?id quali- ties and incidents of negotiable instruments, The b~r_ds may be registered, at th? option of the holder, as to both orincinal and interest upon the books kept for the registration and transfer of bonds by the~Clerk, as Bond Registrar, and endorsed upon the bonds by the Bond Registrar in the sp?ce provided thereon. After such registration, no transfer of the bonds shall be valid unless made at the office of the Bond Registrar by the registered oti~~ner or by his duly authorised agent or repre- sentative and similarly noted on the bonds, b~~t at the expense of the holder the bonds may be discharged from, registration by being in like manner transferred to bearer, and thereupon trans- ferability by delivery shall be restored. At the option and expense of the holder, the Uonds may thereafter again from time to tite bo registered or transferred to bearer as before. The Bond Registrar s;1a11 not be requi red to na're any such transfer of bonds during fifteen (I.5) days newt prece:ling ar. interest pay:~ent date on the bonds or, in the case of any pronnsed redemption of bonds, after Su•~fl [>OnCls have b~c~:? Se1L :i_~:i `or reCie:,?ptzOn. The person In ~•IhO.~iL na,:~e any i~ord shall be regi s :ter°d shall k~e clec~; ^d zed regardccl as _~_ •A ' th absolute owner thereof for all purposes, and payment of or on account of the principal of any bond and the interest on any bond shall be made only to or upon the order of the registered owner thereof or his legal representative. All such payments shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon such bond including the interest thereon to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. 2.07 Bonds P~utilated, Destroyed, Stolen or Lost, In case any bond shall become mutilated, or be destroyed, stolen or lost, the Issuer may in its discretion issue and deliver a new bond of like tenor as the bond so mutilated, destroyed, stolen or lost, in exchange and substitution for such mutilated bond, upon surrender and cancellation of such mutilated bond, or in lieu of and substitution for the bond destroyed, stolen or lost, and upon the owner furnishing the Issuer satisfactory indemnity and comply- ing with such other reasonable regulations and conditions as the Issuer may prescribe and paying such expenses as the Issuer may incur, All bonds so surrendered shall be cancelled by the Clerk. If any such bonds shall have matured or be about to mature, instead of issuing a substitute bond the Issuer may pay the same, upon being indemnified as aforesaid, and if such bond be lost, stolen or destroyed without surrender thereof. t~ Any such duplicate bonds issued pursuant to this section ' shall constitute original, additional contractual obligations on the part of the Issuer whether or not the lost, stolen or destroyed bonds be at any time found by anyone, and such duplicate bonds shall be entitled to equal and proportionate benefits and rights as to lien on and source and security for payment from the funds, as hereinafter pledged, to the same extent as all other bonds issued hereunder. 2.03 Form of Bonds. The text of the bonds shall be in substantially the follocaing~form, with only such omissions, inser- tions and variations as may be necessary and desirable and appxoved by the P~Iayor -prior to the issuance thereof (~•~hich approval rzay be presumed by his exLcution of the bonds and the Issuer's delivery of the bonds to thn purchaser thereof): -E- • tie. UNITED S^ATES OF AMERICA STA^1E OF FLORIDA COU?~TY OF LP.KE CITY OF CLER~IO~;T P+ATER AhD SE'.^;ER REVENUE BOND .SERIES 1975 • s KNO'~rT ALL riEN BY THESE PP.ESENTS, that the City of Clermont, a public body created and existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the State of Florida (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Issuer"), for value received, hereby promises to pay to the bearer, or if this bond be registered to the registered holder as herein provided, on the first day of September,l9_, from the special funds hereinafter mentioned, the principal sum of THOUS~AriD DOLLARS and to pay interest thereon, from the date of the delivery of this bond to the purchaser thereof, solely from said special funds, at the rate of per centum ( $) per annum, payable on Septe,:~ er 1, 1975 and annually thereafter on the first day of Sep;:ember of each year upon the presentation and surrender of the annexed coupons as they severally fall due. noth principal of and interest on this bond are payable at _____ , in lawful money of the United States of America. ~, This bond is one of an authorized issue of bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $155,000 of like date,-tenor and effect, except as to number, denomination, interest rate (if all bonds do not bear the same rate of interest) and-date of maturity, issued to finance the cyst of acquiring, erecting and constructing extensions anti improvements to the combinea municipal water and sewer system of 'the Issuer, hereinafter referred to as the "system", under the authority of and in full compliance with the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Florida, particularly Chapter 159, Part I, Florida Statutes, and a resolution duly enacted by the Issuer on ~ ; 1974 (herein referred ~tc~ as the "Resolution"), and is subject to ail the terms and `conditions o~ such Resolution. This bond and the interest thereon are payable solely -9- ~`~! i ~~ ! ,i 7 s e ~ r' t ~1~~~ ~ } !r.,~s ,...~;~*~.Z~,wy~r+p~,-°-`^~s«strnrso:i~~,w4~'~.a~r~a~ ,' ~ frOn? cCnd SeC11rE'_;~ ,_,V a _zE'n pU__ ~__.C. _. ;~~ ~';~;:~' Oi ~.tli; T`. =: ': ::E'JE'i1U._':~ to b~' derrived fr. , t~Ie ope-~`i~ _~ ~. ~ ::}.~ s_,~:, ~-.:1, t.h_~ ~~ro . _ ~^ds a CPitaln I(lUn1C1DT'.1 SXC1Se %d:<c~s :;I~_< <. T~a.~ 3~•:' C'~ x:1.1 iaOn~.'i:~ Of tt!E' Issuer derived __o:^., so:zrce~; ot~-~~= ;.t:~:,~ ~:d ~.~a?.o~Y~~~:~ La:~~~t ~_on and legally available for such pur~o~~~•, in t.'n-~ r;~.-:nr~>r dc,= cr_~:,~Yd in tha Resolution. It is e:•cpz-essl~; acr:_ c~ ,`_~y th hol~?c~r o ` th i_: bond t'r~a. the full faith ar;3 credit ~~~~ thE~ I_:;uer are not pledged t.o the paymant of the principal of anc i.n`E:rest on this boI?d and that su^h holdAr shall never have thr:~ rici~zt tc~ r`~~suire or c:orapel_ ct:e exercis~_~ of any taxing powar o-` the Issuer_ to the ;~a ;~:::~nt of such ~nrincipal and interest or the co:;t of mainta ~_ninc;, cop .icing and operatinnz the system. This bor_3 and the obiic~atic,n evidE'nc:d hereby shall not constitute a lien upon the syste:r, or' any part. hereof or Twpon ar.~,r other property of the Issuer or situated ;•~ithin its corporate ?imits, but shall constit~zte a lien only on the r=-avenu;~~s derived from the operation of tha system and said ~;~c,ise t~z;ces. The 1?_e~a of the hc~l.d._~r of t'~_~ ~o.i s of c.ho iss:z? or" which this bond is one on the rev~~n~:es of the svstam and the ercisc taxes is junior, subor~~inate~ and :inferior in r;very respect to thE:~ lien en such revenues ~~nd s~YCise +~<:}.es in f~ivor of the Xssuer's Outs tariding ~v'ater and Secaer RevenuE~ Fonds, da sec? Navemhez: 1, 1970, ~~ and lti'ater and Sewer Revenue Refur.d.ir,g ~~onds, Series 1972, dated • ~, Dlovember- 1, 197?, hereinaftE'r rE~ferred to as tht "prior lien obl.i- gations". The Issuer i_n tho Resolution h_is cavenanted and agreod with the holders of thE~ bonds cF the issue of yatiich this bond is ane that it caill not hereafter issuE~ any additional obligations payable from the revenues of the system. o~ t:he excise taxes on a parity frith the 'prior Lien obligations. In and by tYlc~ Resolutic;I~, th ~ Issuer teas covenanted arxci agreed with the halder~> of the bc::c1~; of this .issue that it will fix, estzsblish, rE~vise frOT, t1lrtE? is ti_.~e vrh.~T:e~~er necess~ ry, main amain and collect alc~rays such wees, rates v r:>nt~zls and otter char3es for the use of: the r;rouu~~t, serv c-e~: and f<zcilities of the systE~m trhich, togE:ther 4;ith t.t.e orcc~~<zds of said ex~.~zse taxes, W111 c l~•ra.~S prcutl..' c~t~.}7 r=~tTenuE.<:c st_.i:f ~C:~.'~nk: t.o pay, and out of ~:u~~i~ fur,d~ par, as the sa.nE~ shal'_ becc>~;~ .,~:~, t.h:~ ~~~r~.ncipal ~~` and in- te~~st on the prior lien obligations and the bonds, the necessa _ expenses of operating and maintaining the system and all reserve, Sinking Fund or ocher paymen~.s required by the Resolution, and that such rates, rentals, gees and otter charges will not be reduced so as to be insufficient to provide funds for such purposes, and that it will .levy and collect said excise taxes at such rates, not exceeding the maximum rates permitted by law, as shall be necessary to provide funds which, together ~~;ith the revenues of the system will be sufficie::t to pay, and out of such funds pay, as the same shall become due, t~~e principal of and interest on the bonds, the necessary expenses of operating-and maintaining the system and all reserve, Sinking Fund or other payments required by the Resolution, and that. the rates of such excise taxes will not be reduced so as to be insufficient to provide funds for such purposes. The bonds of this issue maturing on or before September 1, 1985 are not subject to redemption prior to their respective stated dates of maturity. Bonds maturing September 1, 1986 and thereafter shall, at the option of the Issuer, be redeemable in whole or in part, in inverse numerical and maturity order, on September 1, 1985 or on any interest payment date thereafter at par and accrued interest, plus the follo~•ring premiums, expressed as percentages of the par value of the bonds so redeemed, if redeemed in the follow- . ing years: 50, if redeemed on September 1, 1985 or thereafter, to and including September 1, 19.88; 4~, if redeemed on September 1, 1989 or thereafter, to and including September 1, 1992; 30, if redeemed on September 1, 1993 or thereafter, to and including September 1, 1996; 2~, if redeemed on September I, 1997 or thereafter, to and including September 1, 2000; 1~, if redeemed on September 1, 2001 or thereafter, to and including September 1, 2004; FTithout premium, •if _redeemed September 1, 2005 or • thereafter, but prior to maturity; provided, however, that notice of such redemption shall be given in the manner required by the Resolution. It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, con- --11- d~~.~ons and things required o exist, to happen and to be perfo . precedent to and in the issuac~ of this bond, exist, have happened and have been perfo ~~ed, in Ya,.wlar and due form and time as re- quired by the Laws and Constitution of the State of Florida appli- cable thereto, and that the issuance of this bond, and of the issue of bonds of which this bond is one, does not violate any con- stitutional, statutory or charter limitations or provisions. This bond and the coupons appertaining thereto are and have all the qualities and incidents of negotiable instruments under the law merchant and the Laws of the State of Florida. This bond may be registered as to both principal and interest in accordance with the provisions endorsed hereon. IN jdITNESS t4HERE0F, the City of Clermont, Florida, has issued this bond and has caused the same to be executed in its name and on its behalf by its P•iayor and its corporate seal.to be impressed hereon, attested and countersigned by its Clerk, all as of {SEAL) ATTESTED AND COUNTERSIGi1ED: Clerk CITY OF CLEP.i•SONT, FLORIDA By T4ayor FORbS OF CCUPOid No. 19 On the lst day of September, 19 , unless the bond to which this coupon i_s attached is callable and shall .have been previously duly called for prior redemption and payment thereof duly made or provided for, the City of Clermont, Florida, coi.ll pay to the bearer at , Florida, from ttie special funds described in the bond to which this coupon i_s attached, the amount shown hereon in lawful money of the United States of America, upon presentation and surrender of this coupon, being one year's interest then d~~ on its t4ater and Se:aer Revenue -12- . „_ _ ., Bcnd, dated , 19`, .~o. CITY OF CLER~'~IOi3T, FLORIDA BY {SEAL) riayor ATTESTED AND COUNTERSIGNED: Clerk FOR"•f OF VA~,IDATION CERTIFICATE This bond is one of a series of bonds which were vali- dated by judgment of the Circuit Court for Lake County, Florida rendered on , 19 Mayor PROVISIONS FOR REGISTRATION This bond may be registered as to both principal and interest on the books kept by said Clerk, as Bond Registrar, such registration being noted hereon by the Bond Registrar in tY:e registration blank below, the coupons being surrendered and the interest being payable only to the registered holder, remitted by mail, after which registration no transfer shall be valid unless made on said books by the registered holder or his legal representa-- ~~ tive and similarly noted in the registration blank below, but it may be discharged from registration by being transferred to bearer, after which it shall be transferable by delivery, or it may again be registered as before. Upon reconversion of this bond into a coupon bond, coupons representing the interest to accrue upon the bond to date of maturity shall be attached hereto. _ Date of Name and Address of Signature of Registration Registered Owner Bond Registrar i ~ -13- 1 A~^TCLL III a COVEN%~:5, SRECIAL FUNDS AND A= ~~~~___i0:; THEREOF 3.41 Bonds Not ^o Be Indebtedness of Issuer, Neither the bonds nor the coupons attached thereto shall be or constitute general obligations or indebtedness of the~Issuer as "bonds" within the meaning of Article VII, Section 12 of the Constitution of Florida, but shall be payable solely from and secured by a lien upon and a pledge of said net revenues and excise taxes and a pledge cif all moneys of the Issuer derived from sources other than ad valorem taxation and legally available for such purpose, as herein provided. No owner or holder of any bond or coupon issued hereunder shall ever have the right to compel the exercise of any ad valorem taxing power to pay such bond or coupon or the cost of operating and maintaining the system, or be entitled to pa ~~ent of such bond or coupon from any funds of the Issuer except from the net revenues derived from the operation of the system, the e:;cise taxes, and all moneys of the Issuer derived from sources other than ad valorem taxation and legally available for such purpose,, in the manner provided herein. 3.42 Security for Bonds The payment of the debt ser- vice of all of the bonds issued hereunder shall be secured forthwith equally and ratably by a pledge of and a lien upon the net revenues derived from the operation of the system, as now or hereafter constitutedjand the excise taxes, and a pledge of all moneys of the Issuer derived from sources other than ad valorem taxation and legally available for such purpose. The Issuer does hereby irrevoc- ably pledge such funds to the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds issued pursuant to this instrument and to the payment into the Singing Fund at the times provided of the sums required to secure the holders of the bonds issued hereunder the payment_of the principal' o.and interest thereon at the res- pective-maturities of the bonds and coupons so held by them. The lien on and pledge of the revenues of the system and the excise ta:;es in favor of the molders of the bonds is junior, suborc?inatc anc? inferior in eJOry respect to the Pledge of and lien on such revenues and e::r_ise taties in favor of the holc'.ers of --1.4- thn issuer's said oatstard_~~ p_ior lien obligations. 3,03 Apolicatior: o= ~o^d Proceeds. The Issuer hereby covenants that it will est~.blis:z with the r ; 'c Bank, -• ,.Florida, a separate account or accounts (herein collectively called the "Construction Account") into which sPiall be deposited the proceeds from the sale of the bonds herein authorized (except such portion thereof as shall be necessary to pay interest on the bonds during the construction of the project, which shall be deposited in the Sinking Fund) and the additional funds, if any, required to assure payment in full of the cost of the project. Y~ithdrawals from the Construction Account shall be made only for such purposes as shall have been previously speci- fied in the project cost estimates and as shall be approved by the Issuer's consulting .engineers for the project. The Issuer's share of any liquidated damages or other moneys paid by defaulting contractors or their sureties, and all proceeds of insurance compensating for damages to the project during the period of construction, shall be deposited in the Con- struction Account to assure completion of the project. Moneys in tine Construction Account shall be secured by the depository ban}: in accordance with U. S. Treasury Department Circular 176 and in the manner prescribed by the Laws of the State of Florida relating to the securing of public funds. j~Then the moneys on deposit in the Construction Account exceed the estimated dis- bursements on account of the project for the ne::t 40 days, the Issuer may direct the depository bank to invest such excess funds in direct obligations of or obligations .the-principal of and inter- est on cahich are guaranteed by the United States of America, which shall be subject to rede«ption at any time at face value by the holder thereof. Th~a earnings from any Such investment shall be deposited in the Construction~Account, t•7hF~n the construction of the project has been completed ar~~~ all construction costs have boon paid in full, all funds rc'r:~aining in the Construction r_ccount shall he deposited in the Si.^.~:ing ~'unG hero; ~art~r es t `~~.ist:ed, a:~u the Construction Account s'i~~t11 :.~e clo~e:i, -15- All coneys deposited =.-: acid Construction Account shat be and constitute a truss ruse c_eated for the purposes stated, and there is hereby create: a liaz upon such fund in favor. of the holders of the bonds until th? moneys thereof shall have been applied in accordance with tris instrument. 3.04 Covenants of the Issuer. So long as any of the principal of or interest on any of the bonds shall be outstanding and unpaid, or until there shall have been set apart in the Sinking Fund herein established, including the Reserve Account therein, a sum sufficient to pay, when due, the entire principal of the bonds remaining unpaid, together with interest accrued and to accrue th4reon, the Issuer covenants with the holders of any and all of •the bonds issued pursuant'to this instrument as follows; (A) Annual Budget of Current Expenses. The Issuer covenants and agrees that on or before the date of delivery of the bonds to the purchaser thereof, it will adopt a budget of Current Epenses for the system for the reTaainder of the then current fiscal year and thereafter, on or before the first day of each fiscal year during which any of the bonds are outstanding, it will adopt an Annual Budget of Current Expenses for the ensuing fiscal year, and will mail a copy of such budget or amendments thereto to any requesting bondholder, Current E~:penses shall in- clude all reasonable and necessary costs of operating, repairing, maintaining and insuring the system, but shall exclude depreciation, payments into the Sinking Fund and payments into the P.eserve Account. The Zssuer covenants that the Current Expenses incurred in any year will not exceed the reasonable and necessary amounts required therefor, and that it will not expend any amount or incur any obligations for the operation, maintenance and repair in excess of the amount provided for Current Expenses in the Annual Budget, except upon resolution of the City Council that such expenses are necessary to operate and maintain the system. (B) Revenue Fund. The Issuer covenants and agrees that on or before the date of celivery of the bonds to the pur- ci:aser thereof, it will establish ;•:it?i a depository in the State of Florida, t•::iich i~ a :, e:~.ber of the Fe3eral lle~~osit Insurance 7_'v - Co--rporation and which is eligible under t~:~, Laws of the State of Florida to receive„unicipal f'.:rds, and :^ ;int~t.in so long as any - of the bonds are outstandir_g, a special f;._;Zd to be known as the "1975 Clermont ~tiater and Sewer System Rev~ni.e Fund", hereinafter called the "P.evenue Fund". ^he Revenue Fu;7~a shall be held by the Issuer separate and apart from all other ~unds and shall be expended and used only in the manner and Ord=~r specified in paragraphs (C) , (D) and (E) of this Sectio:i. The Issuer further covenants and agrees that whenever, from time to time, at any time deposits fro::; the revenues of the system shall have been made sufficiently ;or minimum compliance with the covenants, require:;~ents and provisions of the ordinances enacted by the Issuer authorizing issuance of the prior lien obli- gations, and such required deposits shall be made monthly, the balance of any and all revenues of the system and/or any balance ~' of moneys or. deposit in the "Revenue Fund" heretofore created and established for the benefit of the prior lion obligations which shall be in e~:cess of the requirements for ;rinimum compliance with such covenants, requirements and provisions of said ordinances shall forth~~lith; and not less frequently than r•;onthly, be deposited into said Revenue Fund hereby created. Whenever the said covenants, requirements and provisions of such ordinances shall no longer re- ~ quire deposits of revenues of the system for the debt service of the prior Lien obligations, the Issuer shall deposit into the Revenue Fund, promptly as received, all cash income received from the ownership and operation of the--system. (C) Bond and Interest Sinking Fund. The Issuer cove- nants and agrees to establish with a depository in the State of Florida, which is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp- oration, and which is eligible under the ~~~~~ of the State of Florida to receive municipal funds a special fund or funds, collec- tively called "1°75 Clermont ~•?a ter and Se~,;`~, cvstem Bond and Interest Sinfiine~ Fund", hereinafter called the "Si;~~: ;;1:~ fund", to be used eticlusively for the purposes hereinafter °~- :~tionod. After delivery of the bonds to the purchaser thereof, the ':~.;uer shall transfer on or before the 15th day of each month fr,,;~; t-.he Revenue Fund znct --17- deposit to the credit of the Sin.'•cing Fund the following amounts. (1} ri s~.Lm equal to 1/12 of the amount of one year's interest on all the bonds t;-~en outstanding, together with the amount of any deficiency in prior deposits for interest;~and (2) Becinning on September 15, 1977, a sum equal to 1/12 of the principal of the bonds maturing on the next succeed- ing anniversary date, together with the amount of any deficiency in prior deposits for principal. (3} Nfter fulfillment of the requirements of para- graphs (C)(1) and (2}, the Issuer shall transfer on or before the 15th day of each month from the Revenue Fund and deposit to the credit of a special account in the Sinking Fund, herein called the "Reserve Account", the sum of Seventy-seven Dollars ($77.00) until such tint as the funds and investments therein shall equal Nine Thousand '~r:o Hundred Dollars ($9,200), and monthly there- after such amount as may be necessary to maintain in she Reserve Accoc:nt the sun of Nine Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($9,200) but not exceeding Seventy-seven Dollars ($77.00) monthly. yioneys in the Reserve Account shall be used only for (1) paying the cost of repairing or replacing any•damage to the system which shall be caused by an unforeseen catastrophe, (2) constructing improve- „` ments or extensions to the system which shall increase its net revenues and which shall be approved by said consulting engineers, if the Issuer shall not then be in default under any of the pro- visions of this instrument, and (3) paying the principal of and .interest on the bonds in the event that the moneys in the Sinking Fund shall ever be insufficient to meet such payments. (D) Operation of Maintenance Fund. t9Iienever provision for the payment of the reasonable current expenses of the operating, maintaining and repairing of the system pursuant to the provisions of said ordinances authorizing issuance of the prior lien obliga- tioiis shall expire or cease by reason of the terms of such ordinances, or for any other reason, the Issuer covenants and agrees to establish with a depository in the State of Florida, which is a :~^~::ber of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, anti ,•r!~ich is -13- eligible under the Laws of tr.~ State of Florida to receive munici- pal funds, a Spacial fund to be known as the "Clermont eater and Sewer System Operation and t~±aintenance Fund", herein called the "Operation. and ?~:aintenanc? Fund;" which shall be used exclu- sively for the purpose of receiving funds to be transferred monthly by the Issuer from the Revenue Fund, and for paying, as they accrue, the Current Expenses of the system pursuant to the Annual Budget. After delivery of the bonds to the purchaser thereof, and after havir_g made the deposits to the Sinking Fund as pro- vided in paragraph (C} above, the Issuer shall transfer on or before the 15th day of each month from the Revenue Fund and deposit to the credit of the Operating and Maintenance Fund a sum sufficient to pay the Current Expenses of the system for the current month, all in accordance with the Annual Budget. Any balance remaining in the Operation and Maintenance Fund at the end of the fiscal year and not required to pay costs incurred during said fiscal year shall be deposited promptly into the Revenue Fund. {E) Excise Taxes Fund. The Issuer covenants and agrees to establish with a depository in the State of Florida, ~ti~hich~is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and which ~~` is eligible under the Laws of the Stte of Florida to receive municipal funds, a special fund to be known as the "1975 Clermont Excise Taxes Fund", hereinafter called the "Excise Taxes Fund".- The Issuer further covenants and agrees that whenever, from time to time, at any time deposits from the excise taxes shall have been made sufficiently for minimum compliance with the covenants, requirements and provisions of the ordinances enacted by the Issuer authorizing issuance of the prior lien obligations, and such required deposits shall be made monthly, the balance of moneys on deposit in the "1972 Excise Taxes Fund" heretofore created and established for the benefit of the prior lien obliga- tions dated Novenber 1, 1972, which shall be in eYCess of the requirements for mir.imu::1 compliance with such covenants, require- r~er.ts and provisions of said ordinances shall forth~,rith, and not less r.requently than mon;hl_v, be deposited into sUid 1975 Excise -19- S Tax's Fund hereby created. ,whenever the said covenants. require- meats and provisicns of suc^ orainances shall no longer requiro deposits of the excise taties Lor the debt service of the prior lien obligations, the issuer shall deposit into the 1975 Excise Taxes Fund, promptly as received, all of the excise taxes as soon as the same are collected by the Issuer. Whenever by reason of the insufficiency of moneys on deposit in the Revenue Fund the Issuer is not able to make promptly the current monthly payments required to be made pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs (C) and (D} above, there shall be paid into the Revenue Fund from the moneys on deposit in the 1975 Excise Taxes rued whatever sums are necessary to cure such ex- fisting deficit. After the 15th day of each month, i.f -all of the above-required current payments have been made from the Revenue Fund, and from the 1975 Excise Taxes Fund to the extent neces- sary, the balance of any moneys on deposit in the 1975 Excise Ta::es r^und may ba witndra~,m and used by the Issuer for any lawful municipal purpose. (F) Deficiency or Excess Funds. Whenever by reason~of the insufficiency of moneys on deposit in the Revenue-Fund the Issuer is not able to make promptly the current monthly payments ~' required to be made pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (C) ` above, the Issuer covenants and agrees that it will pay into the Revenue Fund from any moneys of the Issuer derived from sources other than ad valorem taxation and legally available for such purpose whatever sums are necessary to cure such existing defi- cit. Subject to the provisions for the disposition of revenues in paragraphs (C) and (D), which are cumulative, the Issuer shall, r on or before the 15th day of,~each ~e~h; transfer to the Reserve 0 Account in the Sinking Fund the balance of moneys remaining in the Revenue Fund for the prompt use by the Issuer to redeem bonds in inverse nu~:,erical and maturity order or to acquire outstanding bonds for retirement at not-e~:ceedinq the price of par and accrued interest, to the extent that funds and investments in the Reserve ~:ccount exceed the ar^ount of Fine Thousand Toro IIundred Dollars {$9,?nq}, or the Issuer may use such balance of moneys rer;raining _?p_ in the Revenue Fund for the payment of debt service on subordin e obligations. (G) Tr}.;st Funds, "'ze funds and accounts created and established by this instrument shall constitute trust funds for the purposes provided herein for such funds. All of such funds,' except as hereinafter provided, shall be continuously secured in the same manner as municipal deposits of funds are required to be secured by the Laws of the State of Florida. Moneys on deposit to the credit of the Reserve Account shall be invested by the deposi- Cory bank, upon request by the Issuer, in direct obligations of, or obligations the principal of and interest on which are guaran- teed by the United States of America and cehich shall be subject to. redemption at face value at any 'time by the holder thereof at the option of such holder; and the moneys on deposit to the credit of the Sinking Fund may be so invested in such obligations which shall mature not later than fifteen (15) days prior to the date on ;a;:ich such r::o::eys shall be needed to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds in the manner herein provided, but moneys on deposit to the credit of the Revenue Fund, the 1975 Excise Taxes Fund and the Operation and Maintenance Fund shall not be invested at any time. The securities so purchased as an invest- ment of funds shall be deemed at all times to be a part of the account from which the said investment was withdrawn, and the interest accruing thereon and any profit realized therefrom shall be credited to such account and any loss resulting from such investment shall likewise be charged to said account. (x) Rates and Charges. The Issuer covenants and agrees. to maintain and collect, so long as any of tYie bonds are outstanding, s~zch schedule of rates and charges for the services and facilities of the system ~•rhich, together wit'n the excise taxes, will produce revenues which shall be sufficient to provide for current debt service and reserve requirements for said outstand- inn prior lien obligations and for the bonds herein authorized and pay the reasonable e}.penses of operation .and maintenance of t'~e system; and th-a Issuer covenants and ac~rees~ that so long as any of the bones are outstanc~inc~ anJ. unf~aicl, at the same tine and -21- in like manner that t:~e Issuar p=epares its Annual ~3udget of the Current Expenses, the Issuer s^~11 annually prepare an estimatz of gross revenues to be c~r~ved from the operation of the system for the ensuing fiscal year, and to the extent that said gross revenues, together with the excise taxes, are insufficient to pay debt service requirements during such ensuing year on ali out- standing bonds payable from the revenues of the system, build up and maintain the required reserves for all such outstanding bonds and pay Current Expenses, the Issuer shall revise the fees and rates charged for the_use of the services and facilities of thz system sufficiently to provide the funds required. (I) Levy of Excise Tares. .The' issuer covenants and agrees that it will not repeal the ordinances now in effect levying the excise taxes and will not amend or modify said ordinances in any manner so as Lo impair or adversely affect the power an3 obli- gation of the Issuer to levy and collect such excise taxes or im- pair or adversely affect in any manner the pledge of such excise taxes made herein or the rights of the holders of the bonds. The Issuer shall be unconditionally.and irrevocably obligated, so long as any of the bonds or the interest thereon are outstanding and unpaid, to levy and collect such excise taxes at such rates, not exceeding the maximum rates permitted by law, as shall be necessary to provide funds which, together with the gross revenues of the system, shall be sufficient to pay, as the same shall become due, the principal of and interest on the bonds, the principal of and interest on the prior lien obligations, the Current Expenses of operating and maintaining the system and. the other payments pro- vided for herein. This provision shall not be~construed to prevent reasonable revisions of the rates of such excise taxes as long as the proceeds of such excise taxes to b~ collected by the Issuer in each year thereafter, together with the gross revenues of_ the system, ~~ill be sufficient to nay the principal of and interest on the bonds and the prior lien obligations as the same shall become due and pay the cu_Yart expenses of operating and main- tai Wing the syste::~ ar_d to ma':o the other payments herein required in such fear. (,7) I:->r;n~ance of n:.'a'r t~?>7_t<f;~tic~t~s. _~ •~_ • • (1) ^he Issuer cov~r.ants and agrees that in the event the cost of construction or co^p?otior. of the project shall exceed the dollar amo~~nt of bon~.s h:?rein authorized, it-shall deposit into the Construeticr. Acco~.2t the amount of such excess out of funds available to it for such purpose, and the Issuer may provide such excess, and only such excess, through the issuance of parity bonds conforming to the requirements of paragraph (3) of this sub- section; but e~:ceot to complete the project, it will not issue. any other obligations payable from or secured by the revenues of the system and the proceeds of the excise taxes or any other security pledged to secure payment of the bonds herein authorized, unless the conditions hereinafter set forth shall be met, or unless the lien of such obligations is junior and subordinate in all respects to the lien of these bonds. The Issuer covenants and agrees that it will not issue any additional obligations payable from the revenues of the system or the proceeds of the excise taxes on a • Larity frith ti:e outstanding prior lien obligations. (2) The Issuer shall have the right to add new water or seG•aer facilities and related auxiliary facilities, by the issuance of one or more additional series of bonds to be secured by a parity lien on and ratably payable from the net revenues o~ the system and any other security pledged to these bonds, provided in each instance that: (a) The facility or facilities to be built from the proceeds of the additional parity bonds is or are Wade a part of the system and its or their revenues are pledged as additional security for the additional parity bonds and the outstanding ;ponds. {b) The Issuer is in compliance with all covenants and undertakings in connection with all of its bonds then outstanding and payable from the revenues of the system or any part thereof and has not been in default as to any payments required to be made under this instrument fora period of at least the nett pre- ceding 24 months,. or if at. such time the bonds shall not have been outstanding for 2: months then for the period that the bonds shall ha~•e been outstanding. (c) Tine annual net revenues (phis the proceeds of the -?_ 3- ~ ~. i e~:cise taxes, if such excise to;{as shall be pledged as security for the outsta:_uin bonds ar_d th' additional parity bonds) for the fiscal year nett preceding t:~e issuance of additional parity bonds are certified by an independent certified public accountant not regularly e;?ploved by the Issuer, to have been equal to at Least one and twenty-hundredths (1,20) times the average annual requirements for principal and interest on all the bonds then outstanding and payable from such pledged revenues. (d) The estimated average annual net revenues of the facility or facilities to be constructed and acquired with the proceeds of such additional bonds (and any other funds pledged and set aside for such purpose), when added to the estimated fu- tune average annual net revenues of the then existing system (plus the proceeds of the excise taxes, if such excise taxes shall be pledged as security for the outstanding bonds and the additional parity bonds) shall be at least one and twenty-hundredths (1.20) timss the average annual dabt service requirem`nts for principa 1 and interest on all outstanding bonds payable from the revenues of the system and on the additional bonds proposed to be issued. Esti- mates of future revenues and operating 'expenses shall be fur- nished by recognized independent consulting engineers and approved by the City Council of the Issuer and by the P~Iayor thereof, and ~` shall be forecast over a period of not exceeding ten years from the date of the additional bonds proposed to be issued. Pro- vided, hocaever, the conditions provided by this- paragraph and by the next preceding paragraph (c) may be waived or modir"ied by the written consent of tine holders of seventy-five per centum (750) of the bonds then outstanding. (3) The Issuer hereby covenants and agrees that in the event additional series of parity bonds are issued, it will provide that said parity bonds shall mature according to a schedule which most ciose].y approximates equal annual installments of co~^bined principal and interest payi;lents for such parity bo~ids and all oth-~r bonds payable from the revenues of the systen; it will adjust the requ? red deposits into the maxin:u::1 amount to be maintained in the Si,>:ing Fund, incluuinr, trio t eserv4 F~ccount therein, on the same -2g_ r ~- ba~is as hereinabove prescribd, to reflect the average annual debt service on the additional bonds; and it will make such additional bonds payable as to principal on September 1 of each year in which principal falls due and the coupons'attached thereto payable on September 1 of each year. If in any subsequently issued series of bonds secured by a parity lien on the revenues of the system it is provided that excess revenues shall be used to redeem bonds in advance of scheduled maturity, or if the Issuer at its option under- takes to redeer outstanding bonds in advance of scheduled maturity, the Issuer covenants that calls of bonds will be .applied to each series of bonds on an-equal-pro rata basis, proportionate to the principal amour_t of bonds of each series outstanding at the time of such call, to the extent that this may be accomplished in accordance t•~ith the call provisions of .the respective bond series, but the Issuer shall have the right to call any or all outstand- ing bonds which may be called at par prior to calling any bonds that are callable at a premium. (K) Disposal of Facilities. The Issuer covenants and agrees that, so long as any of the bonds are outstanding, it twill maintain its corporate identity and existance and twill not sell or otherwise dispose of any of the system facilities or any part thereof, and, e:~cept as provided for above,_it will not create ti, or permit to be created any charge or lien on~the revenues thereof ranking equal or prior to the charge or lien of these bonds. Not- withstanding the foregoing, the Issuer may at any time permanently abaxidon the use of, or sell at fair market value, any of its system facilities, provided that: (a) It is in compliance with all covenants and under- takings in connection with all of its bonds then outstanding and payable from the revenues of the system, and the debt service reserve for such bonds has been fully established; (b) It will, in the event of sale; apply the proceeds to either (1) redemption of outstanding bonds in accordance with the provisions governing repayment of bonds in advance of maturity, or {2) replace:~:ent of the facility so disposed of by anQ~her facili-- _2~_ ty the revenuers of which shall be incorporated into the system as hereinbefore oro-:i3ed; (c) It certifies, prior to any abandonment of use, that the facility to b? aba^~do:~ed is no longer economically feasi- ble of producing net revenues; and (d) It certifies that the estimated net revenues of the remaining syst~n facilities for the next succeeding fiscal year, plus thz est;1-~ated net revenues of the facility, if any, to be added to the system, satisfy the earnings test hereinbefore provided in this section governing issuance of additional parity bonds. (T) Insurance on System. TVhile any of the bonds shall remain outstanding, the Issuer shall carry at least the following insurance coverage: (1) sire and extended coverage insurance on the insur-- able portions of the system, in amounts sufficient to provide for =:ot less than fu? 1 recovory i,~henever a loss from perils insured against does not exceed eighty per centu.Tn (800} of the full insura- ble value of the damaged facility. In the event of any damage to or destruction of any facility or facilities of the system, the Issuer shall deposit the insurance proceeds in the Reserve Account and pro::lptly arrange ~. fcr the application thereof to the repair or reconstruction of the damaged or destroyed portion thereof. (2) Public liability insurance relating to the operation of the system, with limits of not less than $100,000 for one person and $300,000 for more zzan one person involved in one accident, to protect the Issuer from claims for bodily injury and/or death and not less than $10,000 for claims for damage to property of others which may arise from the Issuer's operation of the system. (3) If the Issuer o~ti~ns or operates a vehicle iri the operation of the system, vehicular public liability insurance with limits of not less than $10.0,000 for orie person and $300,000 for ::ZOre t,~an one person involved in oneaccident to protect the IsJt:er from clai:lS for bodily i:~jury and death, and not less than $10,+~00 against claiMS for dar;:a7e to ~~ra~ert~~ of otEicrs ~~hich may -2G- • r arse from the Issuer's operation of vehicles. (4) All such 1nSi:=Gnc~ shall be carried for the benefit of the holders of the bonds. ,11 r•~oneys received for losses under any of such ins•arance, except public liability, are hereby pledged by the ?'ssuer as security for the bonds .herein authorized, until and unless such proceeds are used to remedy the loss or damage for which such proceeds are received, either by repairing the pro- perty damaged or replacing the property destroyed within ninety (90) days from the receipt of such proceeds. (M) TM:aintenance of System. The Issuer will complete the construction of the project in an economical and efficient manner with all practicable dispatch, and thereafter will maintain the system in good condition and continuously operate the same in an efficient manner and at a reasonable cost. (N) No Free Services. The Issuer will not render~or cause to be rendered any free services of any nature by its system, r.or will any preferer_tial rates be established for users of the same clasp; and if the Issuer shall avail itself of the facilities or services provided by the system, or any part thereof, then the same rates, fees or charges applicable to other customers receiv- ing like service under similar circumstances shall be charged to the Issuer. Such charges shall be paid as they accrue, and the `= Issuer shall transfer from its general. funds sufficient sums to pay such charges. The revenues so received shall be deemed to be revenues derived from the operation of the system, and shall be deposited and accounted for in the same manner as other revenues derived from such operation of the system. (O) Failure of User to PaZ~ for Services. Upon failure of any user to pay for services rendered within sixty (60) days, the Issuer shall shut off the connection of such user and sh111 not furnish him or permit him to receive from the system further ser- vice until all obligations o~•;ed by him to the Issuer on account of services shall have been paid in full. This covenant shall not, ho~•;ever, prevent the Issuer from causing any system connection to be shut off sooner. -?_7- • ~ l (P) ~n~orcemer.t o= Collections. The Issuer will di:li- gently enforce and collect the rates, fees and other charges for the services and facilities of tze systei:l; and will take all steps, actions and proceedings for tine enforcement and collection of such rates, charges and fees as shall becone delinquent to the full extent per;~itted or authorized by law; and will maintain accu- rate records with respect thereof. All such fees, rates, charges and revenues herein pledged shall, as collected, be held in trust to be applied as provided in this instrument and not otherwise. (Q) Sufficiency of Rates. The Issuer covenants and agrees trat it will fix, establish, revise from time to time whenever necessary and maintain always such fees,.rates, rentals and other charges 'for the use of the product, services and facilities of the system which, together with the excise taxes, ~•~ill always produce cash revenues suf~icient to pay, and out of such funds pay, as the same shall beco^e due, the principal of and interest on the prior lien obligations and the bonds, the necessary expenses of opera- ting and maintaining the system and all reserve, Sinking Fund or other payments required by this instrument, and that such rates, fees, rentals or other charges will not•be reduced so as to be insufficient to provide funds for such purposes. `~ (R) Co^;nliance with La~,~=s and Regulations. The Issuer covenants and agrees to perform and comply .with, in every respect, the Loan Agreements which it might have with the Government or with any other governmental agency and all applicable r^ederal and State Laws and regulations. {S) P.emedies. Any holder of the bonds or any coupons appertaining thereto issued under the provisions of this instrument, or any trustee acting for the holders of such bonds and coupons, may either at law or in equity, by suit,-action, manda::lus or other proceedings in any court of co*~petent jurisdiction, protect and enforce any and all rights, including the right to the appoint- ment of a receiver, existing under the T,acas of the Stag of Florida, or granted and contained in this instru:r.ent, and may enforce and co-^^el t}:e perfor:-^ance of all duties requircu by this instrument or by any aL~plicablc State or Federal statute i_a ba pcrformc~d U, the I~~~u-~r or by any o~ficer thereof, inclu~I_inct the levy an;: collc;:- -2~3- • t tion of the excise taxes. • clothing : ere i n, ho•,;a y =r, shall be construed to grant to any holdex• of such bonus o~~ co~.ons any lien on any real property of the Issuer. (T) Records and Audits. The Issuer shall keep books and records of the revenues of the system and the proceeds of the excise taxes, w'r.ich such boo:~cs and records shall be kept separate and apart from all other books, records and accounts of the Issuer, and any Holder of a bond or bonds or the coupons applicable there- to issued pursuant to this instrument shall have the right to, at all reasonable tines, inspect all records, accounts and data of the Issuer relating thereto. So long as any of the bonds shall be outstanding, the Issuer will f~~rnish on or before ninety (90) days after the close of each fiscal year, to any bondholder who shall request the same in writing, copies of an annual audit report prepared by an indepen- dent certified public accountant or an auditing official of the State of Florida, covering for the preceding fiscal year, in rea- sonable detail, the financial condition and record of operation of the system and any other facilities the revenues of which are pledc;ed to the pay~tent of the bongs and the collection. of the excise ta::es. (U) Connection with System. The Issuer will, to the full extent permitted by law, require all lands; buildings, res i- dences and structures within its corporate limits tohich can use the facilities and services of the system to connect therewith and use the facilities and services thereof, and to cease the. use of ail other facilities. The Issuer mill not grant a franchise for the operation. of any comr~eting water or sower system until all bands issued hereunder, together with interest thereon, shall have been paid in full. (V) Ficlclity Sond. The Issuer twill require each employee who r:;ay blue possession of the rev::~.:os of the system or the proce~ac'.s of the excise t:l:;es to bo covere ~ ::~•.~ a fid~li.ty bond written by a rE`S~a0il~ilZ)14 lit:.'^:_11.~ C0.~1?a?1y 1i uil a~:OUnt fully c'zC~Oijllilte tO pro' t~.Ct the Issuer fro;:t loss. _~n_ • (W) Government AanYoval of Extensions and Financing. Anything herein to tI:° contrar-7~ notwithstanding, while the Govern-. s:?nt is the holdo_ of any of the boners, the Issuer will not borro~~- any money from any source or enter into any contract or agreement or incur any other liability in connection with making extensions or improvements-other than normal maintenance of the system,~or cake any extensions or enlargements of the system, or permit othe:;,_ to do so, witho~.:t obtainir_g the prior written consent of the Government. (X) ??eimbursement of Advances and Interest Thereon. While the Govern;:ient shall be the holder of any of the bonds, the Government shall have the right to make advances for the payment of insurance prer.~iurs and/or other advances which, in the opinion of the~Government, may be required to protect the Government's security interest. In the event of any such advances, the Issue? covenants and agrees to repay the same, together with interest thereon at the same rate per annum as specified in the bonds, upo_~ demand made at any time after any ~;uch expenditure by the Govern- ment. Any such amount due the Government shall take priority ove-; any other payr~ents from the Reserve Account. (Y) release of r:ccise Taves. At such time as the IssT~;~- may be able to obtain and file in the minutes of its City Council_ ,` a certificate of a certified public accountant not regularly employed by the Issuer stating that for the immediately preceding fiscal year the net revenues derived from the operation of the system equaled at least one hundred forty percentum (1~0~s) of tze- combined maximum principal and interest maturing in any one ensu- ing fiscal year on all outstanding obligations payable from the revenues of the system, then upon a declaration by resolution of the City Council the lien hereby impressed upon the etcise taxes as security for payment of the bonds and the interest ther~4 --___ shall be permanently released, and thereafter the payment of the bonds a.nci the interest thereon shall be solely secured by a lien upon and pledge of the revenues to be derived from the operation of th~~ system; provi~?ed, however, the e::cise ta::es shall not be --30- _.._ _.. - - z ._. _ - .r -. ~ -e~r++a .a released unless alI payments rea•uired by this instrument to have begin made to the several acco::r.ts ?nd Funds herein specified shall have been made in full, and the Reserve Account shall have on deposit therein at least the s~-~ of Nine Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($9,200), (Z) Expiration of Existing Franchises. The Issuer covenants and acrezs that if at the expiration of the said franchise agreements with ~'iorida Power & Light Company and Lake Apopka Natural Gas District it shall enter into new franchise agreements with said companies or any other electric power or natural gas supplier, then the franchise taxes resulting from such agreements shall be depositea into the Excise Taxes Fund in the same manner as it is herein provided for the ~payrent therein of the existing franchise taxes; and the Issuer does further covenant and agree that if at ar_y time the Issuer should undertake to own and operate a municipal electric or natural gas system, it shall deposit into t:~e EYcise Taxes Fund six percer_tun: (6°) of tha gross revenues derived by the Issuer from the operation of such munici- pal electric or natural gas system. ARTICLE IV i;ISCELL?1`1EOUS P:OVISIO,~S 4.01 i~~odification or ?~^endment. No':~,aterial modifica- tion or amendment of this instrument or of any instrument amendatory hereof of supplemental hereto, may be made without the consent in writing of the holders of two-thirds or more in principal amount of the bands then outstanding; provided, however, that no modifi- cation or amendment shall permit a change in the maturity of such bonds or a reduction. in the rate of interest thereon, or in the amount of the principal obligation, or affect the unconditional pro:~ise of the Issuer to charge and collect such. rates, fees and charges for the use of the product, services and facilities of the system and to levy and collect the excise taxes and apply the Sc-1T'ilC c~S hE'rfr'ln prOV1C:E'.d, Or iC':~UC~? t(1 C' number Of SUCIl bOn:~S tr2G~ written consent of the holders of ~•inic:~ are required by this JCCtI.'?n fo~r7 suc'_~ TMo~? if i cations or amendments, without thn consort Of t~:l~ i~.7111 L1.J ~l G11 SUCK t~O1r`.ls~ -31.-- .~ 4.02 Creation of - ^e•-or Liens. The Issuer covenants that except as tierein prov_.~_= _` Krill not issue any other bonds, certificates ox abligatio^s s= any kind or nature or create or cause or pernit to bz create;: any debt, lien, pledge, assignment or encumbrance or charge payable from or enjoying a lien upon ti:e revenues or the system or the excise taxes ranking prior and superior to the lien created by this instrument for the benefit of the bor_ds herein authorized. 4.03 Severability of Invalid Provisions. If any one or more of the covenants, agreements or provisions of this instru- ment should be held contrary to any express provision of la~,r or contrary to the policy of express law, though not expressly. prohibited, or against public policy, or shall 'for any reason whatsoever be held invalid, then such covenants, agreements or provisions shall be null and void and shall be deemed separate from the remaining covenants, agreements or provisions of this instrument and of the bonds iss~.zed hereunder. 4.04 ~Talidation Authorized The Issuer's Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to institute appropriate proceedings in the Circuit Court for Lake County, Florida, for the validation of said bonds and the proper officers of the Issuer are :hereby authorized to verify on behalf of the Issuer any pleadings in such proceedings. 4.05 Sale of Bonds. The bonds are hereby sold and awarded to the Government. 4.06_ Conflicts Repealed. All resolutions or part of resolutions in conflict here~oith are hereby repealed. 4.07 Effective Date. This instrument shall take effect im~:ecliately upon its passage. DONE AND RESOVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA this 24th day of September, A.D. 1974. CITY 0 LE MONT BY: , ., ATTEST: Do ores W. Carro , ,ty er -32-