Sun Bank National Association
(Bank Name)
I. Ihe unders'9ned. hereby certify to said Bank that I am the duly el&CIed Secretary ot
City of Clermont
located at
#1 Westgate Plaza, Clermont
a corporalton duly Of'ganlzed and eXisting under the laws of the State of
. thallhe lollowlng 's a
I,.,e and correel copy of resoluhons adopted by the board of d,,&CIOf's of said corporatIOn 8t a meetIng duly held on the
day 0'
.;.that said meeting was called and held pursuant to law at which a quorum was present. and thai said
resolutIons are In full force and eMeel and have not been reSCinded or modified
RESOLVED That said Bank IS hereby deSignated as a depoSitory 01 Ihls corporatl()(\, and lhal checkIng and/or saw'9s accounts be opened and maintained In the name 01 this
corpor atlon ...,th the said Bank. thaI C it y 0 f C I ermon t 01 the following officers 01 this corporallon Pres
(jent. VIce-PreSident. Seeretary.
Asslstanl Secretary, Tleasurer. Asslslant Treasurer, IS'are authollzed on behall of thIs ccrporatlOn and In ItS name to Sign checks, drafts, nOles. bills of e.change. acceptances or other
orders lor Ihe payment of money from said accounlS. to endorse checks. noles, bills, certrllcales of dePOSit, or other Instruments owned or held by this corporallon fOI deposit In said
accounts or lor collechon or discount by said Bank, to accept drafts. acceptances and other Instruments payable at sa'd Bank. to wa,ve demand, protest and notice 01 protesl or dishonor
01 any check. note. bIll. draft or other Instrumenl made. drawn or endorsed by IhlS corporatIOn; and
FURTHER RESOLVED. thai said Bank be and It hereby IS authollzed to honor. receive, cerMy. or pay alllnstrumenls Signed In accordance w,lh Ihe foregOing resolution even
Ihough drawn or endorsed to the order of any oMlcer sIgning Ihe same Of' tendered lor cashing. or In payment 01 fhe Ind,vldual obligation 01 such oMlcer. or for deposll to h,s personal
accounl and said Bank shall nOI be requlled. or be under any obllgahon to InqlJlre as to the CIrcumstances 01 the Issuance. or use of any Inslrumenl Signed In accordance wllh the
foregOing resolution or the application. or diSpoSition 01 such ,nstrument. Or the proceeds thereof. and
FURTHER RESOLVED. that the Secretary (or any other o!flcer 01 this corporallon) shall certify to said Bank the names 01 the presently duly elected and qualll,ed o!f,cers 01 this
corporation and shalllrom lime 10 time hereafter as changes In the pers.onnel 01 said o!flcers are made Immediately certify such changes to the Bank. and said Bank shall be fully
protected Ir. 'e!y,ng on s...ct': certltlcatlons and shall be mdemnlfoed and saved harmless I,om any claims. demands. expenses. loss. or damage result,ng from. 01 growing oul 01. honOllng
the Slgnalure of anv olf,cer s.o cert,f,ed, or refus'ng 10 honor any SIgnature not so certlf,ed. and
FURTHER RESOLVED. Ihat the fOf'egOlng resolutions shall remain In full force and e!fect until express wllnen notiCe of Ihe" prospective amendment or reSCISSion shall have
been lurn,shed Ie and received by said Bank, and Ihat 'ecelpl of such noltce shall not a!fect any actIOn taken by the Bank prIOr thereto. and
FURTHE R RESOLVED, thai the Secretary be. and he he'eby IS authollzed and d,rected to certify 10 said Bank Ihe 10regOlng res.olutlons and thai the provISIonS Ihereof are In
conformity w,lh rhe Charter and By·laws of Ihls corporal'on and I~,at sa,d Res.oluhons are In lull force and ellect and have nol been resCinded or mO(
I furlhel certify Ihat Ihere IS no provISion In Ihe Charter or By-laws of sa'd cOlporal'on limiting the power 01 the 8oa'0 of OllectOlS 10 pass the forego,ng reSolullons. Ihat the same
are In confo,mlty with the provISions Of said Charter and By·raws. and thaI I am the cuslod'a~ 01 the minutes of said Board of O"eclo'S.
I turthE'r cerllty that the lollowlng are the names and olf'clal s''Jnatures of the duly ele-clod. qualified and act'ng oll'cers 0' sa,d corporat'on and that the corpo'ale seal ,mpresSed
he 'eon 's Ihe Irue corpo'a1e seal 01 said corporahon
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~ Robert A.
Mayor Pro Tem
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
H,qro 1 Ii l\lrvi 11 P
Ann n11pPP
Lester Cole
1{pnnpth Norq11isT
AsSlstanl Treasurer -
IN WITNESS WHER£OF, I have hereunto subscllbed my name as Secretary and a!f,xed lhe seal of saId corpora1ton, pursuanl to due and lawful corporate authollry th,s
12th September 89
dayo! .19
(Corporate Seal)
~ /~Jan~}:~
4-3301-000·6 REV 2'85