O-206-C . - . ORDINANCE NO, _20(.-C_ AN ORDINANCE UNDER 1'11£ (;o )E OF 1Ji( )INA~CES Ot' TIlE CITY Ot' CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY. FLORIDA, AHENDIIIC TilE OFFICIAL ZONING HAP or TilE cn'\' OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA: REZONING 1'1\£ REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN FROH A TRANSITION ZONE CLASSIFICATION; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIIJING AN Et'FECTIVE DATI,; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. TilE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Ot' CLERMONT ŒR£ Y ORDAINS 111AT: SECTION 1. The Official ZonIng Hap of the City of Clcrmnnt, take County, florida, Is hereby øml!nded by rezonlna the followIng deHcrlbed I'rnp"rty froll transition zone dass1flcatJ to H-I Industrial classificatIon. Lots I through 9, and 16 through 22, of Block 119, City of Clermont; Lots I through 13, of Block 120, City of Clermont, snd that portion of Osceola Street now dosed between Bloch 119 and 120, less the Westerly 122 feet; lots I through 19, of Block 115, CIty of Clermont: Property bounded on the South by Lakeshore Drive, East by L1ke Hlnneola, West by Twelfth Street, and North by the eAsterly extension of the North line of Block 145, City of Clermont; That parcel bounded on the West by the East line of Block 115; and the West llnl! of Lot 3, Block 117; bounded on the North by the shores of lake Hinneola, bounded on the East by West Avenue, bounded on the South by Oscola Street and shores of West Lake; and That parcel bounded on the We.t by Eleventh Street, bounded on the North by Carroll Street, bounded on the East by the "hares of Weat Lake, bounded on the South by IUnneola Avenue. SECTION 2. The OfUcial Zoning M.1p of the City of Clu~ont, Lske County, Flodda, 101 hereby amended by rezoning the followtng descrIbed property fro. transitIon zone classlfIcßtl to C-l light commercial: tots 1 IInd 2, of Block 118, and Lull 10 through 26, of Block 120, and that portion of Osceola Street now closed, Iyln8 between lots 14 and 15. City of Clerlliont. SECTION 3. the Of Udal Zonlnll Hap of the Cit)' of Clermont, Lake County, florida, Is hereby amended by rezoning the followIn. d~scrlbed pruperty from transition zone classlfIC8t1 to R-3 multiple family. TIlat property lying North of the railroad rIKht-of-wAY, West of Eighth Strcl!t, and Suuth of the £a"terly extensIun of the North line of Block 145 and the IIh"res of Lake Hinneola, le88 that portion lying North of the raIlroad rlght-ot-vay; la.t of the Ealt line of Block liS, Esst of the West Ilna of Lot 3, Block 117; South of the Ihor~" of Lake Hlnneola; and West of the Welt line of West Avenue. lota 1 through 6, of Block 94. lot. 9 through 20, of Block 9), CIty of Clermont. " -- .,. SECTION 4. the Offici.l Zonina H8p of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, la be~eby amende' ~7 r..oøin. the lollovlol da.crlbed property fro. tranaltioo Bona cla..lflcatlon. " I I to C-2 ,aneral coa.arcl.ll Lota I throulh 8, of alock '3, City 01 Clermont. SECTION S. The,Officlal Zenina Hap of tha Clt, of Cler-.nt, Lake County, 'lorida, la hereby amended ~, reBonin. the followina deac~ibed property Ir.- tran.itlon Ion. thr.. to R-' multiple f..lly. alock 14,Sunaet Rallhtal lao' between alack 14 and Lak. MJnneola, l&nd betwen .lI1ock 14 IInd Pal. SUeet, SlaIaet lIel¡¡hta. ! SEctiON 6~ All OrdIaaocea or parta of thla Ordinance In conflict herewith are hereby repeale'. SECTION 7: Should any aection or part of thla a.ctlon be d~clared Invalid by any Court of , competent Jurl.dlctlon, auch adJudlcationa .hall not apply or affact any other provlalon 01 thl' Ordinance, aacep' to tba .atant thet the entlra a.ctIon or part of the aactlon aay be In.epar.~le 10 "enln, aad .ff.ct fro. tbe a.ctlon to which aucb boldinl .ball I apply. SECTIOII e. Thl, Ordinance ahall ~. pUbllahe' aa provldl!' by lav and It abell ~'co.. law and .hall: take effect l....iat.ly upoa Ita Second leadinl and rlnel Paaaala. 'Ine aeadilll thla ê.1.!l- day of April "cond ""Ua. thia ~ 'a, 0' June , 1910. i 1980. ! , 1 I PASSED AIID OIDAUIED II till CITY COUIClL or THE CITY or CLEIMONT, LAD eOUITY, I nOkIDA, THIS 24 DAY or June , 1980. - I 1,1\ -'Æ;;;'·;'..:-'· " ..... .' "":'..... , ,..... ~; - - -- ,.. ..... - ""'~;,...,.. ~~- ~:.- -:- "..:....;- ... __ t'..... "-". ,(.';E.~ /" ~ -, "",~ ,,:",~O-...~..,.-:::....r";."'t;. ~ .\ I CITY OF CLElUIOÑT - - B'fl Œ ëLAüÛE I. SMOAK, JI., I: I , Ants! a ~~A) () ~~J SANDRA o. ROZAR, City C~';k- -.;/ . / APnøvD '7 .. thi. ~ '" " -ò. June . 1910, CLAUII! !. ItIWt, JI., MaYllr .CJlnUIc,\U ~, PUBLICATION ¡ InDY cutIn J~tt ~ cerClfll' ellpy of the IlIr'lol.. Ordlnanc. No. 206-C val ,.11.... 011 tll.~ 'a, of June . .'10. in . nw.paper oll.urd clrcul.tloa loclt" vithla tb. Clt, 01 Cl.c.oøt, II r"uSr" ., Florl'l Itatutes 166,140 (3)(1). ..Id 4.t. of pU.llcl,Sea b.ln, 1. ..,. prior to thl S,cond ..adlnl and Fl..1 AIIoptloa of thl CMU..nc., l ~"'~ () c£) ~ s~/. o. ROZAl. Ctty-'cl;;ìJ