O-C-LOG 1978-2004 No. 187-C 188-C 189-C 190-C 191-C 192-C 193-C 194-C 195-C 196-C 197-C 198-C 199-C 200-C 201-C 202-C 203-C 204-C 205-C 206-C 207-C 208-C 209-C 210-C 211-C 212-C 213-C 214-C 215-C 216-C 217-C 218-C 219-C 220-C 221-C 222-C 223-C 224-C 225-C 226-C 227-C 228-C 229-C 230-C 231-C 232-C 233-C 234-C ORDINANCE - CLOG Date Description 11/14/1978 Provide for taxes on utilities, fuel oil, metered or bottled gas 11/28/1978 Providing for initiative and straw ballots 12/26/1978 Providing for dental of site plan approval 12/26/1978 Conditional Use Permits Sec. 26-10 amendment - non conforming uses 3/13/1979 Adoption by reference of certain std. codes relating to bldg. construction 3/27/1979 prohibiting littering & providing for enforcement thereof 5/8/1979 providing for retail use 5/8/1979 State of FL model energy efficiency building code 6/12/1979 re-zoning lots 4,5 & 6 in Highland Terrace from R1 to R2 7/24/1979 Amendment to city employee's pension plan 8/28/1979 providing for ut. Rates to be set by Misc. ord. 12/11/1979 Providing for est. of P & Z commission 12/11/1979 Providing for est. of Clermont Clean Community Commission 12/11/1979 Amendment to Ch. 6, cemeteries 6-9 trust fund 12/27/1979 Closing portion Lake Shore Drive to establish proper ROW 2/25/1980 Flood Prevention Reg. as required in the Federal Ins. Program VOID 2/25/1980 Auth. to place moratoriums on water used from the water supply system for lawn irr. 4/8/1980 Amend official zoning map; rezone real prop. Described herein from a Transition Zone 4/8/1980 Providing for reg. of signs 4/8/1980 Amend appendix A; zoning ord. 7/22/1980 Amending Ch. 20, subdivisions 7/22/1980 Continuance of nonconforming uses 8/26/1980 Utility Benefit Fees Election of City Officers 7121/1981 Est. Code Enforcement Board 1/13/1981 Rezoning from C2 to R3 1/13/1981 Describing certain city blocks as Central Business District 1/13/1981 Rezone Clermont Heights sub. From R2 to C2 8/25/1981 Est. Bldg., Plumbing & Elec. Permit Fees by resolution 8/25/1981 Repealin9 Ch.18, Police 11/24/1981 Amendments to Ch 5, Building, clarifying requirements for outside elec. Disconnects 2/23/1982 alcoholic beverages on public prop. 2123/1982 Abatement of Nuisances Amending Ch 19, Streets & Sidewalks i 5/11/1982 Amend Ch 23, sec. 23-9 truck and trail¢r parking prohibited in residential areas Amends city charter on 1217/82 ballot 11/9/1982 Code Enf. Board 3/22/1983 Amending Ch. 19, Streets and Sidewalks 3/22/1983 amend Ch. 1, General Provisions 3/22/1983 Amend Ch. 3, alcoholic beverages 3/22/1983 Amend ChA, Animals & Fowls 3/22/1983 Amend Ch. 24, Trailers & Trailer Camps 3/22/1983 Amend Ch. 12, Licenses 4/12/1983 Amend Ch. 11, Health & Sanitation 4/12/1983 Amend Ch. 14, Offenses 5/24/1983 Amending Election Dates No. 235-C 236-C 237 -C 238-C 239-C 240-C 241-C 242-C 243-C 244-C 245-C 246-C 247-C 248-C 249-C 250-C 251-C 252-C 253-C 254-C 255-C 256-C 257-C 258-C 259-C 260-C 261-C 262-C 263-C 264-C 265-C 266-C 267-C 268-C 269-C 270-C 271-C 272-C 273-C 274-C 275-C 276-C 277-C 278-C 279-C 280-C 281-C 282-C ORDINANCE - CLOG Date Description 5/24/1983 Amend Ch. 2A, Vehicle/Portable Signs 5/24/1983 Amend Ch. 23, Parking (traffic citations) 12/13/1983 Amend Ch. 6, Cemeteries 12/13/1983 Amend Ch. 10, Garbage & Trash Disposal 9/25/1984 Amend Ch. 25, Waterworks & Sewers 3/27/1984 Amend Ch. 7, Elections 4/24/1984 Amend Ch. 9A, Flood Prevention 4/24/1984 Amend Ch. 2, Administration 11/13/1984 Amend Ch. 3, alcoholic beverages 5/28/1985 Amend Ch. 5, Buildings 7/9/1985 Zoning 4/22/1986 Amend Ch. 16, Pensions & Retirement 10/14/1986 Amend Ch. 2, Administration 11/25/1986 Amending App. A, Zoning 2/24/1987 Amending Ch. 5, Buildings 1/27/1987 Amend Ch. 16, Pensions & Retirement 2/26/1987 Amend Ch. 23, Traffic 7/28/1987 Amend App. A., Zoning (Patio Homes) Sec. 3-3 alcohol beverage licenses 12/8/1987 Amending Ch. 16, Pensions & Retirement 12/8/1987 Amending Ch. 9A, Flood Prevention 3/8/1988 Amending App. A, Zoning 1110/1989 Amending Ch. 16, Pensions & Retirement 3/14/1989 Amending Ch. 14, offenses regarding use of skateboards within city limits 5/23/1989 Amending Ch. 14, offenses regarding false fire and police alarms 6/13/1989 Amending App. A, Zoning 7/25/1989 Ch. 8, Tree Ord. 8/2211989 Amend Ch. 21, public svc. Tax 2/13/1990 Amend App. A, zoning 3/27/1990 Amend Ch. 2, Purchasing Policy 3/27/1990 Amend Ch. 2, Code Enf. Board 8/28/1990 Amend Ch. 21, public svc. Tax 10/9/1990 Amend Ch. 16, Pensions & Retirement 9/1111990 Creates Ch. 26, Stormwater Mgmt. Ut.System 9/11/1990 Amending Ch. 21, public service tax 10/9/1990 Amend Ch. 2, Council members compensation 5/28/1991 Creates Ch. 27, Impact fees 6/11/1991 Amending Ch. 20, subdivisions 2/25/1992 Creates Ut. Svc. District pursuant to C ¡. 180, FS 6/9/1992 Amend city charter regarding oath of office and coinciding city's elections 6/9/1992 changes qualifying time and coincides elections w/ County elections 8/11/1992 Prohibits gas powered engine on internal land locked lakes 4/13/1993 Change P & Z comm. Mtg. time to 7:00pm, sec. 2727 7/13/1993 Amends Ch. 10, sec. 1 0-4© garbage containers 9/14/1993 Open Air Sales Permits 10/26/1993 Revisions to Pension Plan 11/8/1994 Adopting Land Dev. Regulations 4/11/1995 Impact Fees No. 283-C 284-C 285-C 286-C 287-C 288-C 289-C 290-C 291-C 292-C 293-C 294-C 295-C 296-C 297-C 298-C 299-C 300-C 301-C 302-C 303-C 304-C 305-C 306-C 307-C 308-C 309-C 310-C 311-C 312-C 313-C 314-C 315-C 316-C 317-C 318-C 319-C 320-C 321-C 322-C 323-C 324-C 325-C 326-C 327-C 328-C 329-C 330-C ORDINANCE - CLOG Date Description 8/22/1995 Amend Occ. Lic. Requirements 11/28/1995 Increase FD pension plan from $2 to $5 per month per year of service 3/12/1996 Amend LDR, Ch. 16, Open Air Sales Permits 3/10/1998 Amend Pension Contributions 5/26/1998 Revise off street parking requirements for Central Bus. District 6/23/1998 Amend charter regarding city manager residency 8/11/1998 Adopt the new code (recodified by Municipal Code) 10/13/1998 Amend portions of Lane Dev. Reg. 2/23/1999 Amending portions of Land Dev. Reg. 4/13/1999 Amend portions of Lane Dev. Reg. 5/25/1999 Amends impact fee schedule 9/28/1999 Adopts new provisions Land Dev. Reg. 5/23/2000 Amend Ch. 110, Subdivisions 5/23/2000 Amends Land Dev. Reg. - Model Homes and Model Home Centers 5/23/2000 Communications Facilities 6/27/2000 Est. setback requirements - amend Land Dev. Reg. 6/27/2000 Amend permitted and conditional use in zoning districts 5/27/2000 Amend Land Dev. Reg. 9/26/2000 Increase minimum lot sizes required in R1A and R1 zoning districts 11/7/2000 Creates grading guidelines for all future dev. 11/30/2000 Additional homestead exemptions for certain qualifying senior citizens 2/27/2001 Amend Police Officers' Pension Trust Fund 2/27/2001 Amend Firefighters' Pension Trust Fund 3/27/2001 Amend Code signage, public hearing, notices, stormwater, review standards, dev. Ut. 3/27/2001 water shortage 7/1012001 Create Ch. 126, Historic Preservation 6/26/2001 Amend Code on signs, vegetation, landscaping & plant material 7/24/2001 Amend Code on water, vegetation, irrigationi & plant material 11/13/2001 Revise Landscape Code 10/9/2001 Revise Pension plan retirement benefits VOID VOID 11/13/2001 Est. Deferred Contribution Plan VOID 11/27/2001 Amend code regarding Preferred Tree Listing 1/8/2002 Amend Animal Control (supp. 5) 9/24/2002 Use of Paper Ballots (Supp. 6) Signs (Pending) 11/26/2002 Amend and restate Police Officers' Pension Trust Fund (Supp. 6) 11/26/2002 Amending and restating the Firefighers Pension Trust Fund (Supp. 6) 2/11/2003 Reestablishing Clermont Utility Service District (Supp. 6) 5/13/2003 Election (Supp. 6) VOID 8/26/2003 Reestablishing Clermont Utility Service. District (Supp. 6) 9/23/2003 Amend Ch. 94 Environmental Protection (Supp. 6) 11/25/2003 Fire Pension Change (Supp. 6) 11/25/2003 Police Pension Change (Supp. 6) 1/27/2004 Increase P & Z Comm. From 9 to 10 members (Supp.6) ORDINANCE - CLOG No. Date Description 331-C Adult Entertainment - LDR Amendment - No\- L¡e-t AppnN..-J- 332-C 3/23/2004 Amend City Code regarding Development Agreements (€~~~. ê) 333-C LDR Amendment - Bed and Breakfast Inns -1'11:>-+ ye-t APp<:bveol 334-C High Rise Multi Unit Signs - Ncn- LI-e+ ApprDv~d 335-C LDR Amendment - Setbacks ¡Gl:umm) - ÑcrI- \. e..i Appr DVe.d1. 336-C 4/13/2004 Efficient water use (¡¡~ i ~. 6) 337-C 4/13/2004 Cross Connection Control (C~p~. ~ 338-C 6/2212004 Chapter 118 Vegetation 339-C 4/27/2004 Chapter 114 Solid Waste Collection Service (¡¡II~~. 6) 340-C 4/27/2004 Chapter 122 Fences and Walls ~&II i ~. 6) 341-C LDR amendment for lighting standards (81,/1,0,,) - No+- Y e. + ¡"¡Ç>{'~