12-26-1916 Regular Meeting19 Clermont, Fla Dec 26, 1916 Meeting of the Officer's elect for the Town of Clermont, Fla called to order by Mayor Roe. Oath of Mayor Roe read and accepted. Oath of office administered to Alderman C H Wilson, H L Johnson, C H Goodenough, S B Brantley and R A Hooks. Oath administered to Clerk S S Fisher and Marshal C B Hull. On motion of H L Johnson, S B Brantley was elected Presdent of the Council A H Wilson moved that President Brantley appoint two members of Council to draft charter for the Town of Clermont, Florida. C H Goodenough and H L Johnson appointed. Meeting adjourned subject a call of President of Council S S Fisher Clerk Clermont, Florida Jan 8 1917 Meeting of Town Council called to order by President Brantley Moved by Mr. Johnson that rules of order be suspended. Carried Minutes of meeting of December 26 1917 read and approved. After reading of charter Mr. Hooks moved that Charter be adoped as read. Carried. Moved by Mr. Johnson that Mr. Goodenough confer with Mr. Nult as appraisor about getting tax list for Town of Clermont, Florida Notice of proceedings of incorporation read and approved Moved by Mr. Johnson that Mr. Goodenough take notices of proceedings to Tavares to be placed on record, carried. Bill for remodeling old seal presented. Moved that bill be carried over until next regular meeting, carried. Mr. Wilson appointed by President Brantley to confer with Mr. Mimms and secure fence on lot north of jail lot Moved by Mr. Wilson that Mayor Roe be authorized to have posted/proclaimation to stock owners to keep stock off of streets in Town of Clermont after March 1st 1917. Carried SS Fisher, Clerk