08-05-1919 Regular MeetingClermont, Fla August 5, 1919
Regular meeting of Clermont Council called to order by Pres
Roll call, all present.
Minutes of meeting of July 1st read and approved.
Finance Com Reports placing One Thousand Dollars in time
certificate with the First State Bank of Clermont. Report
Sanitation Committee ordered Marshal to inspect water
closets and have all unsanitary closets disinfected.
Special Com on lights continued and instructed to get definite
information about getting more power in light plant.
Collector reports receipts from taxes on real estate $29.10.
On personal property$5.00. Report accepted.
Fire Warden Altmyer asked for two metal barrels and one
dozen buckets for fire station. Moved that Mr Altmyer be
instructed to procure barrels and buckets. Carried.
Marshal reports for month of July.
Treas reports on hand $1,321.99. Collected $32.82. Paid
out including $1,000.00 placed in Time Certificate. $1,156.45
. Balance $238.41. Report accepted.
Moved that Highland Ave be clayed from the west side of
Lake Ave to the east side of 4th St. Carried.
Clerk reports collecting two dog licenses and same paid to
Town Treas. Report accepted.
Moved that Mr Kern be paid $90.00 for hauling clay on
Brantley Hill. Carried.
Moved that Mr Lee be paid $20.00 salery for the month of
August 1919. Carried.
Moved to adjourn. Carried.
S S Fisler, Clerk.