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05-23-1978 Supporting DocumentsCITY OR CLERMONT MINUTES 1(EC111.AR Fllil:('iNC A Regular Meeting of the City Council of. the City of Clermont wen held on 'Tuesday, May 23, 1.978. 'file nu! was enlled to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Claude E. Smoak, Jr., with the following members pruaent: Councilmen Schroedel., Cole, Byrd, and Honey. Other officlnlo present were: City Manager Tiffany, City Attorney BoLrd, City Clerk Carroll, Finance Director Sanchez, Building Official. Nagel, and Chief. of P011.ce Tyndal. Others present were: Mo. Deborah Caplan; Mesdames Finels and Edington; Mr. & Mrs. .John Sargent; Mr. & Mrs. William Dailey; Mr. & Mrn. Howard White; and Mr. & Mrs. Edward McMurry; Messrs. Reynolds, Williams, Greenlee, Smith, JackHOn, Uean, Czech, Searles, Dowling, Rausch, Leach, Faulkner, Cooper, Scott, and Willett. Mr, Romney Campbell, Sentinel/Star representative was also present. The invocation was offered by Councilman Byrd, followed by repeating of the Pledge of Allegiance in unison by those Present. Tile Minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 9, 1978 and the Special Meeting held May 15, 1978 were approved as written. PUBLIC HEARINGS Council, sitting as a Board of Adjustment, considered a request by William L. Faulkner for a Variance to Section 26-21 (E)(3) R-1 URBAN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT -REAR YARD SETBACKS of the Zoning Ordinance in order to extend and then enclose an existing patio on his property described as: Lot 18, Block B Edgewood Place Subdivision (220 Edgewood) which would necessitate a penetration of three feet into the required 25' rear yard setback. Mr. Faulkner appeared before Council in support of his request, advising ----" that to screen in the existing 6' patio, the area would be too small toaccomodate--""":� standard patio furniture. Messrs. Leitch and Rausch, abutting property owners of Mr. Faulkner, appeared before Council in support of the request, and there was no one present who voiced objection to it. Motion was thereupon made by Councilman Schroedel, seconded by Councilman Cole and carried that the request be granted Council, sitting as a Board of Adjustment, considered a request by Richard R. Reynolds,. Trustee for a Variance to Section 26-25 (E)(1) GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT -SETBACKS ADJACENT TO SR50 of the Zoning Ordinance in order to construct a building on the pro- perty described as: - 701-760 East Highway 50 Winn Dixie Plaza Shopping Center.- .that would penetrate 20 feet into the required setback requirement adjacent to State Road 50. Mr. Reynolds appeared before Council in support of his request advising that strict adherence to the required setback would cause them a loss of 6-8 parking spaces and create a traffic flow problem as the building would be located in the ? middle of a parking row. It was brought to Council's attention that the existing eastern entrance to the shopping center that is now adjacent to the proposed location of the construction would be closed and a new entrance constructed that would be west of the proposed construction location which could conceiveably create a safety ingress/ f. egress problem should there be traffic tied up at the proposed Foto Hut. �I Due to the ample space available for construction of the building within the required t' setback, and in the interest of safety and reserving the integrity of setbacks along the state road, motion was made by Councilman Byrd seconded by Councilman Schroedel :and carried that the request be denied. Councilman Honey voted in the negative on :passage of the motion. + Council, sitting as a Board of Adjustment, considered a request by Mrs. F. N. Edington i ,.for a.:Variance to Chapter V, Article II, Section 5-15 (RESTRICTIONS ON ERECTION OF I'ENCES) of the Clermont Code in order to erect a fence on her property described as: Ni S!� of Lot 92, All of Lots 93 and 94, Nil of Lot 95 Hillcrest Subdivision S 2ri� (730 Drew Avenue) f( CITY OF CUMONT MINUTES that would cxccud the hulf;ht requlremento for fancas In front yards by one foot. Mrs. Edington appeared before Counc:l.l. In support of her ragncst, advising that due to the nature of her elnploymenC with the Federal Narcotles Iluronu necefill LtoLia g at times that she have certain court evidence Lo her home, fill possible security precautions were very necessary, and she thereby donlred to install a ChaLn link fence of five feet in height on fill perLinetcr lines around her property for personal. security. Messrs. White and McMurry, nbutting property owners, appeared borers Council In opposition to the request, opining that on extension of only one foot to the existing allowable height of four feet would not provide that much additional security, and they therefore felt that the existing; code requirements should be upheld. Mrs.Edington opined that such an extension would not provide secure proof, but would be more of: It detriment for illegal entry to her property than a four foot fence. Motion was made by Councilman Byrd, "208" PLANNING PROGRAM Mr. Aaron Dowling, "208" Project Director of the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council, appeared before Council with a slide presentation of the 208 Water Quality Management Plan, now in its final stages, and to solicit the City's acknowledgement of "208" Management Agency responsibilities and intent to proceed in the implementation of the "208" planning program. Mr. William Dailey, the City's representative on the Planning Council, strongly urged that Council accept designation as a management agency, and that Council avail themselves of the written synopsis of the proposed plan for more indepth information. Mr.Dowling submitted a draft Resolution and list of specific recommendations, as submitted by the "208" planning Staff for Council's con- sideration, wherein the estimated funding costs were designated to be provided by assuming 75% funding, and 25% local costs. Mayor Smoak thereupon inquired if this meant the City would be liable for participation 1n 25% of the local costs for whatever__.. _ programs are developed by the Regional Planning Council. Mr. Dowling advised that this was a mis-wording as the intent for the 25Z of the funding would be provided by the State inasmuch as the planning programs would include many areas outside municipal boundaries and even in other counties, and he would be glad to work with the adminis- trative staff in revising the language for resubmission to Council. TAX EXEMPT PROPERTIES City Attorney Baird inquired of Council's desire to appeal the recent finding of the Lake County Tax Assessor wherein tax exemption status was denied on the city owned Jenkins Auditorium because of its partial occupancy by the Chamber of Commerce. Motion was made by Mayor Smoak seconded by Councilman Schroede_1 and carried that the City Manager and City Attorney further investigate the matter, and if in their opinion they feel an appeal should be instigated that such pursuit be authorized. FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES BOARD MEETING Mayor Smoak reported on his recent attendance of a joint Florida League of Cities Board meeting and Legislative Committee in Tallahassee wherein a review was made of pending legislation as would affect local government; that the primary area of concern has been the proposed removal of the growth factor in ad valorem taxes; and, that the members had spent a portion of the day lobbying in the Capitol with local delegations regarding the matter. USER PEES FOR CITY RECREATIONAL FACILITIES - The feasibility of assessing user fees to out of city adult leagues using the city owned recreational facilities inasmuch as adult programs have expanded and there is an increasing demand for use of the facilities by local residents, was discussed at length. Following inquiry from City Manager Tiffany as to complaints received regarding inability to use the facilities by local residents, and lie advised they had been very minimal, it was the consensus that no action be taken at this time. CITY OF CLPMfONT MINUTES BOND REFUNDING City Manager Tiffany advised of remaining; arean In the proposed bond ordinance and resolution to be resolved; That he +md Mr. Sanchez were still meeting with officials of Southeastern Munlcipal Bands, hie, regarding the matter; and, That he would recommend the matter be placed on the next regular meeting agenda unless it became necessary that a special meeting be called prior to that date beeinUBC of 11 time deadline unforseen at present. AUDITING AGREEMENT Mr. John Greenlee of Greenlee, Paul, Furnas, and Kurras, Certified Public Accountants, appeared before Council to advise them of hourly rate specifics which had been deleted from their proposed auditing agreement submitted for Council's consideration; That they had been deleted from this year's proposal inasmuch as they are remaining the same as those of last year, the same being, for partners of the firm, $25 per hour; for staff accountants, $15 per hour; and clerical 0 $6 per hour. Motion was thereupon made by Mayor Smoak seconded by Councilman Byrd and carried that the auditing agreement for fiscal year ending 9 30 78 be accepted and executed by the proper city officials. Inquiry was made of Mr. Greenlee as to comment on the state mandated municipal uniform accounting system to become effective 10-1-78. Mr. Greenlee advised he had not made an indepth study of the system, but following a brief review he was of the opinion that several areas would have to be revised in order to furnish the City with as much information as they are presently getting and need; That he felt the system was primarily designed for larger cities that are on computer systems; and That the existing revised system in use and the one prior to it were more than adequate for the City of Clermont. - Mayor Smoak advised that the new mandated revision was the third revision mandated for municipal accounting by the State in a like number of years; That he was desirous of proof of the possible benefits and cost effectiveness of changing the system a third time; and, That in an endeavor to obtain this information, he recommended that City Manager Tiffany in conjunction with Finance Director Sanchez, prepare a detailed letter to be over his signature, advising the proper State Regulatory Agencies that the City will not participate in the newly mandated system and categorize the reasons why, such as lack of necessary comparative data, etc. Council was in agreement with Mayor Smoak's recommendation. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN In addition to the complete proposed comprehensive plan submitted to Council previously, a detailed summary of the most essential information from the City's plan was presented to Council for their study and consideration prior to the procedure of public hearing reviews and final adoption process. It was the suggestion of Mayor Smoak that each Council member review the summary thoroughly prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting, at which time a step-by-step review will be made for acceptance or recommenda- tions for revisions. 78-79 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PRIORITIES/PROJECTS The following suggested priority items for. fiscal year 78-79 were related by Council to be compiled by City Manager Tiffany for his subsequent recommendations back to Council: By Mayor Smoak: Major City landscaping program (particularly along SR50), Replacement of chairs in Council Chambers, Close review of budget regarding operating expenses and requirements for effluent disposal with regards possible reduction of ad valorem taxes, Cost evaluation figures for renovation of Jenkins Building interior and exterior, Paving of Broome Street between Fourth and Fifth Streets,. Resurfacing of tennis courts at Kehler Park, CITY OF cLP MONT MINUTES By Cotill ci1.mnn Schroedel: conCinulnh benutiflcaltton program k City owned and operated nursery For By CoContinun Byrd: ram on a pay-as-you-go n Continuing street lnq,covcmcnt pro}; }' By Councilman C010: (louse -to -house 111,111 dev.1icry in LLncoln Park arch, Additional recreational facilities :in Lincoln Park area, Pursuit of sLdewal.k construction program. OUH n1coLi Councilman lion advised that he had not been aYCdPrbutlt aL that hoc fullylcoaaurrcdnwithand tile thereby did not have a suggested last Prep i priority projects as mentioned. MEETING RECORDER PURCHASE ISM-145 It was the recommendation of City Manager 'Tiffany that the Purchase of a Sony recorder used for recording council meetings. recording unit @ a net government price on State contract 0 $B00 ba authorize , to replace the existing obsolete belt -type n, nnonded by Councilman Honc and curried that the Manager's recowwcu......-�•• -- -- dired e of the ng Inquiry was made by city estionger Tiffany Mayor Smoak,onneCouncil waseinimgreement thallthey be tapes. It was the sugg kept for a six month period. ORDINANCES ER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OP Councilman Honey introduced AN ORDINANCE UNDFOR OPEPIENCGS, enetNe Ordinance w0as read CbyDCity Clark NCarroll OforrlaOfirst TlREGULATION OF reading bytitle only. A proposed Or regarding revisions to the existing requirements for Signs was considered offeredcby Mayoril. An Smoakwhereinnt to 1jR00P SIGNS woulde proposed ube allowable under Oonly under TION 4. R00P wasadby roedel Conditional Use Permit. The proposed Ordinance was introducreading byngCouncilman byltitle clonly. as amended, and it was read by City Clerk Carroll for a first rea CES OF THE CouncilmanCHaney introduced ucedNANTLYDAIIANDONININANCE eA PORTIONR THE EOPITHNIIINSTREET DESCRIBED YASP ALL THAT PORTION OF TENTH STREET BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY THE NORTH R-O-W LINE OF IE SHORES MONTROSE STREET AND BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY Tlonly r WEST LAKE, and it was read by City Cleric Carroll for a first reading by title aim�n Honev offered and moved the adoption ofrANTORD��NG MAP�RREZONINGDTHE r CITY OF CLENNONT MINUTES Councilman Byrd introduced AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE UNUlilt TIIR CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CTPY OF CLERMONT, PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION BY Hl',It1-NCli OF CERTAIN STANDARD CODES RELATING TO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, and the Ordinance was read for :1 first reading by City Clerk Carroll by title only. Councilman Byrd thereupon offered and moved the adoption of Cho nforcmentioned Emergency Ordinance, and the motion was seconded by Councilman Iloney. The Ordinance was rend for a second and finnl reading by City Clerk Carroll by title only, and upon roll. call vote on passage of the motion the result was: Ayes: Byrd, Honey, Cole, Schroedcl, and Smoak. Total Ayes: Five. Nayes: None. So the Ordinance was adopted and the number. 111-M assigned to it. VISITORS WITH BUSINESS Messrs. Williams and Dean appeared before Council to oppose a request for the rezoning of Lots 1 thru 7 in City Block 27 from its existing C-1 zoning classification to an R-3 zoning classification. Mayor Smoak advised the initial consideration of this request would be by the Planning S Zoning Commission, meeting in Public Hearing on June 6th, at which time they were welcome to attend and be heard. There being no further business to be brought before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor Smoak at 10:30 P.M. 114� CLAUDE E. SMOAK, JR. - MAYOR DOLORES W. CARROLL - CITY CLERK BILLS PAID MAY 31., 1978 CiIPIERAL FUND 2333.62 - Southern Clvert (Pipe) 33.35 ABC Fire Equipment, Inc. (Piro Ext.) 70.51 Armstrong Smith Paints (Paint) (Elactricnl Ropairn) 396.00 - Advnnee Electric Co. A & 1, Automotive Service (lire Taboo) 96 396G..96 95.30 Brandon Wald, A.I.A. (City Hall -Survey) 4389 Battoriea By Fieher (Batteries) 1.24 Bob Wade Ford, Inc. (Push Ilod) (Office Supplies) R 17.80 Cal llegstrom Eugene R. Cantwell, O.D. (Replace Lass) 13.00' 4p�700 Clermont Auto Parts Clermont Builders Supply (Auto Parts) (Concrete & Building Supplies) 436.85 - 10.0051.99 Clnrmeneo Peat Control (Pest Control) Central Industrial Sales, Inc. Co. (V-Bolta) (Hardware Supplies) 50.18 Clermont Hardware & Supply (Travel Expense) 94.00 Clermont Travel Service (Maps) 6.50 " County Engineer Dust -Pax Service (Janitorial Supplies) 1 7.70 7.0 Falkner, Inc. (Downspout Elbows) 6.80 ' Engel's Uniforms (Uniforms) (Utilities) Florida Telephone Corp. (Auctioneer) 200.00 225.00 Col. G. G. Finnell Assoc. (Dues) 25.40 '. Fla. City & Cty. Management ' Goodyear Service Store (Tires) (Utilities) 419.30 5419.30 Fla. Power Corp. Gem Chemical Co. (Janitorial Supplies) 27.45 27.90` Groveland Lumber & Hardware (Cement) (Office Supplies) 570.76 .- Hilltop Stationery Highway Equip & Supply Co. (Shaft & Pu11Gy.) 14.99 106.61 Hughes Supply, Inc. (Bldgs & Parks Supplies) 19.50 Hunts Garden Center (Dog & Swan Food) (Legal Fees) , 37.70 Hovis & Baird Jim Willis Hardware & Supply (Hardware Supplies) 44.26 9'59 Jerry's Lock & Key Kruse, O'Connor & Ling, Inc. (Keys) (Actuarial Valvation & Report) 850.00 472.32 ; K-R Industries, Inc. (Dome Top) (Pest Control) 20.00 Knowles Lake Co. Public Works (Landfill Charges) 75 540.31 49. Lake Apopka Nat'l Gas District (Utilities) 149.65 Lake Communications Services (Radio Maint) (Recreation Equip) 934.07 Miracle Recreation Equip Co. Auto Parts) 98.99 Morgan s Auto Parts Motorola (Portable Radio, Charger, Radio Maint & Mdnitor) 1320:33 50 McCain Sales (Traffic Signs) 2050 16.00 Office Equip. Exchange (Contract Renewal) (Workmen's Comp Adjustments) 2 Olivenbaum Insurance Agency (Asphalt) 135.92 Orlando Paving Co. Publix Super Market (Film & Prints) 15.96 46.36 Standard Auto Parts Shepard's Inc. (Auto Parts) (Ordinance Law Annotations) Sentinel Star (Advertising -Auction) 135.00 2.48 Bill Seidle's Chevrolet (Cable) (Steel Roofing & Nails) 96.82 Scotty's Southern Building Code Congress (Dues) 40.00 562 >' Springstead & Assoc.. (Engineering Services) 187.0 187.00 Transtat Equip., Inc. (Tote Cans) (Petroleum Products) 1276.38 W. M. Teal White's Blue Print Service, Inc. (Zoning Maps) 50.00 21312.75 '' BILL S (Chlorine) (Altenator) (Auto Parts) (Laboratory Supplies) (Building Supplies) (Fuse Box) (utilities) (utilities) (Legal Expenses) (Office Supplies) (Electrical Maint & Wiring) (Hardware Supplies) (Starter Post) (Repair Pipe) (Chlorine & hydrogen Peroxide) (Worianen'a Comp Adjustments) (Auto Parts) (WESCO Contacts) (Engineering Services) (Lawn Mower, Light Bulbs, Water Cooler & Gloves) 189.00 24.72 . 83.79 65.45 77.02 6.23 122.51 5054.65 35.00 33.22 r 29.32 101.70 6.00 11.44 1264.25 828.70 49.61 200.98 1470.28 103.76 9757.63 PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE__, TO /TONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA APPLICANT NAME: William L. Faulkner _ ADDRESS: 220 hdgewood Drive — Gentlemen: Having posted the necessary $25.00 appeal fee with the City Clerk, I hereby make application to your Board for relief from a decision of the Building Official of the City of Clermont, whereby I was refused permission to: Repair ( ),Add to (g ), Alter ( ), Construct ( ), Move and Place ( ), a (sign) building on lot/s i n Block Is Subdivision Cdgewood , Address 220 Rdgewood Drive ,Zone R1 Section of Code 26-21 (C) (3) in the City of Clermont, Florida. The reason given by the Building Official for the decision in refusing to issue a building permit is: Penetration of three feet into the twenty-five foot rear yard requirement. My appeal to your Board is based on my contention that this decision creates a hardship on me for the following reason, or reasons: 'ro screen in the existing G' patio,; the area would be too small to accomodate standard size patio furniture. Seven (7) copies of all necessary floor plans, plot plans, and other pertinent infor- mation are attached hereto, on paper size 8�i" x 14" minimum size. I submit that I qualify for this variance because I have an exceptional and unique hardship on my particular parcel of land that is not shared by property owners in my area. A strict application of the zoning ordinance deprives me of the reasonable use of my land and the granting of this variance will not alter the essential character of the area. I have been notified that this Variance Application must be filed with the City Clerk no later than 5:00 P.M. on Friday, two (2) weeks prior to the Council meeting at which time Variance will be considered. I also understand that when any variance is granted, construction of the structure must be completed within one year from date of grant. Date: 5-5-78 Very truly yours, Billy L. Faulkner 5/17/77 r -41® vAgawee, N®T Ta StA LV ... ...... ... rmold 0 1 Want Onto Plaza a Claimant, Florida 32711 0 Phono: (004) 304.3141 May 9, 1978 See Reverse RE: LOT 18, BLOCK B, EDGEWOOD PLACE SUBDIVISION (220 Edgewood Drive) Dear As an abutting and/or adjacent property owner within 150' of the above mentioned property, you will please be advised of the attached described request for Variance that shall be considered by the Clermont City Council, sitting as a Board of Adjustment, on Tuesday May 23, 1978 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. All such requests are considered in Public Hearing, and you are invited to be present to express your views on the matter. Si erely M, /,/ Dolores W. Carroll City Clerk DWC/js Attachment FLORIDA'S FINEST INLAND RESORT -RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY J. 11. Leitch 209 Edgewood Clermont Nick Rausch, Jr. 210 Edgewood Clermont Ronald Cahill 221 Edgewood Clermont Joseph Duch 230 Edgewood Clermont H. M. Kidd 233 Edgewood Clermont Michael Krupp 240 Edgewood Clermont Mamie Rahl 201 Crestview Clermont J. V. Womack 211 Crestview Clermont Jerry Morris 221 Crestview Clermont PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE,;,,, . 1 TO .ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA APPLICANT NAME :_�LGf/Bl�d�:�e�ld0%d5_�ruk.YC w ADDRESS:2-?4200!S' Gentlemen: (laving posted the necessary $25.00 appeal fee with the City Clerk, I hereby make application to your Board for relief from a decision of the Building Official of the City of Clermont, whereby I was refused permission to: Repair ( ), Add to ( ), Alter ( ), Construct (p,), Move and Place ( ), a (sixjrc) building ¢¢o� �6/, 2G�, Q63� aG O� 3Q/ 4,074. zpov 41 ka P/W-As OP on lot/s�r}�ggas9(,�r3G'o-r3fl Y__3AS Subdivisionp_. Address �o/- 7G/ F ? ,Zone Section of Code in the City of Clermont, Florida. The reason given by the Building Official for the decision in refusing to issue a building permit is: —4 I - t7 0Sel l i�CiWj Woet/'o! /Vd- -5 7 O�/crc--FP1<tl �o,) ��oullNe.. My appeal to your Board is based on my contention that Ithis decision creates a hardship on me for the following reasons. or reasons: U)-/n /ocg7e.� byik%v �o{oAd�) a•' Ttom u}iw p id Woulc/ Pt/f if )d�%Ge. Mlddt� o, A Rain' o� pA¢IC1Mj_AVd W���ree A SAfe�l p2oblu+ A+id ra Flow p ble,x. 67) ��' pulfwv i4 3o Gene - "P4..4 tW45' we Wlll lose -a pne�x�J s�"a�s• �A� (o J ;¢ �o' lme vio,.Id e,a+a� �r !o lost 1 e n a 7 cop es of al necessary floor p an;, plot plans, and other pertinent infor- mation are attached hereto, on paper size Wj" x 14" minimum size. I submit that I qualify for this variance because I have an exceptional and unique hardship on my particular parcel of land that is not shared by property owners in my area. A strict application of the zoning ordinance deprives me of the reasonable use of my land and the granting of this variance will not alter the essential character of the area. I have been notified that this Variance Application must be filed with the City Clerk no later than 5:00 P.M. on Friday, two (2) weeks prior to the Council meeting at which time Variance will be considered. I also understand that when any variance is granted, construction of the structure must be completed within one year from date of grant. Date: M4V a /97A Very truly yours, 5/17/77 i LNr/ o� 000v 10111 a I Wall Oato plaze • Clormont, norldo 32111 o Phono (004) U0141 May 4, 1978 Robert J. Allegroc 1512 Hillway Rond Apopka, Florida 32703 RE: LOPS 260 TMRU 267, LOT 302, PARTS OF LOTS 258, 259, 268, 300, 301, 303 TMRU 305, CLERMONT 111=IITS SUBDIVISION (Winn Dixie Plaza) Dear Mr. Allegros: As an abutting and/or adjacent property owner within 150' of the above mentioned property, you will please be advised of the attached described request for Variance that shall be considered by the Clermont City Council, sitting as a Board of Adjustment, on Tuesday May 23, 1978 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. All ouch requests are considered in Public Hearing, and you are invited to be present to express your views on the matter. Si carely aw, qJ L� L l/GL1/%I.(IC.J Dolores W. Carroll City Clerk DWC/ja Attachment FLORIDA'S FINEST INLAND RESORT -RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Meeting Recorder Purchase DATE: May 19, 1978 Recently we have evaluated recording systems for the Council Chamber to replace our obsolete belt -type recorder. Problems with our belt recorder include (1) poor sound quality on playback, (2) no dual channel capability making it difficult to understand individuals when other sounds are recorded, and (3) unavailability of obsolete paper -type belts. The following systems were tried costing the amounts shown: Sony BM-145 $ 930.00 Lanier LCR-2 $ 1,058.25 Prices are net government prices on State contract. The Lanier has two tapes for automatic change -over and three hour continous recording, plus a feature that prevents accidental recording - over a recorded tape. We feel that these features are more than worth the $128 difference in price. I recommend that we not keep tapes on file after minutes are approved, except perhaps for meetings of unusual long-term importance. The approved minutes should be sufficient record of the meetings. There is no legal requirement to keep tapes on file. Our budget does not anticipate this purchase, but the sudden unavailability of paper tapes makes it important. I recommend authorizing the purchase of the Lanier unit described above. Gordon Ti any cc: City Clerk (5/23/78 Agenda) PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE TO CONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - ) OF THL CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA APPLICANT NAME: F. N. Edington ADDRESS: 730 Drew Avenue Gentlemen: Having posted the necessary $25.00 appeal fee with the City Clerk, I hereby make application to your Board for relief from a decision of the Building Official of the City of Clermont, whereby I was refused permission to: Repair ( ), Add to ( ), Alter ( ), Construct ( X), Move and Place ( ), a (sign) building on lot/s S'; of Lot 92, Lots 93,94, Nl; of Lot 95 , Block --------- Subdivision Hillcrest , Address 730 Drew Avenue ,Zone R1 Section of Code Section 5-15, Ordinance 69-C in the City of Clermont, Florida.' The reason given by the Building Official for the decision in refusing to issue a building permit is: Four foot height in front yards is maximum height. Requesting five foot on all of perimeter lines. My appeal to your Board is based on my contention that this decision creates a hardship on me for the following reason, or reasons: My employment and prior Law Enforcement background has caused problems for me in past locations and this request is for personal security. Seven (7) copies of all necessary floor plans, plot plans, and other pertinent infor- mation are attached hereto, on paper size 8V' x 14" minimum size. I submit that I qualify for this variance because I have an exceptional and unique hardship on my particular parcel of land that is not shared by property owners in my area. A strict application of the zoning ordinance deprives me of the reasonable use of my land and the granting of this variance will not alter the essential character of the area. I have been notified that this Variance Application must be filed with the City Clerk no later than 5:00 P.M. on Friday, two (2) weeks prior to the Council meeting at which time Variance will be considered. I also understand that when any variance is granted, construction of the structure must be completed within one year from date of grant. Date: May 5 1278 Very truly yours, s/ F. N. Edington 5/17/77 72 73 26 71 74 28 69 76 29 68 77 SHAD 30 31 66 79 W ZD--_.- .._ 32 z 65 80 z W W 33 Q 64 ^ 81 0 d Gi AVENUE 0� 34 63 82 O LO s ��tl`J Ana 35 62 83 36 61 84 37 60 85 38 Q 59_.. 86 I 39 in ---5 8 -- - 87 W-- --- . 40 57 88 41 56 89 �3 o 2 I - ----_.._._ _--_ ---- 17 16 5 5 90 42 W —_._—..------- -- L � 50 - 50' 62 5' 62.5' T50 ; 43 5: 91 ��° 4 15 i w 44 U 53 92�5 14 i z 45 52 �3 6 13 CL z ::71 5 1 7 12 50 8 1I { 448g gggg o 9 ip , 125 R0 135 60' " i '4�A.��'���. n rs e+�r..�-. (?t(ry n/ Be'l-mold a I Weal Ga10 Plaza • Clermont, Plonda 32711 ■ Phone; (004) 394.3141 May 9, 1978 See Reverse RE: Sly OF LOT 92, LOTS 93, 94, N12 OF LOT 95 UILLCREST SUBDIVISION (730 Drew Avenue) Dear As an abutting and/or adjacent property owner within 150' of the above mentioned property, you will please be advised of the attached described request for Variance that shall be considered by the Clermont City Council, sitting as a Board of Adjustment, on Tuesday May 23, 1978 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. All such requests are considered in Public Nearing, and you are invited to be present to express your views on the matter. Si c, Dolores W. Carroll City Clerk DWC/js Attachment FLORIDA'S FINEST INLAND RESORT -RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY Ilulda Fincis 172 E. DcSoto Street Clermont Iloward White 749 Prince Edward Clermont Edward MCMurry 729 Prince Edward Clermont .lames McLeod 709 Prince Edward Clermont Cynthia Christiansen P. 0. Box 569 Clermont First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Lake County P. 0. Box 420 Leesburg Arthur Everly .. _ _ . ... _...._ 585 Drew Avenue Clermont 1('I'LICA; 7 7 =j:'Irlil(1'� 8 9 10 11 12 Dlock 24: Deg a� in rare .ion of Center of Lake Drive and ext. of S boundary of D10ck 46, Run N 450 E to I ake lieq again at39Il._Blrn S to NW corner of Lot 10, E'ly to NE corner of Lot B, N to Lake, NN'ly along Lake to intersect first line Dlock 27 City Blocks ILest 150 feet of Dlnck ho inded an North b(� f.r �s+a1 tee, South by Highway 50, West by Fourth Street, East by Third Street. Plot flat U;•c::hl It .�:i,- i1 ,:'..i ( tI ;t:.-� t :��j t;ICLuoE: ..Iid ( ;r.r: lei,.cl} - Ina r� .> �li C'L(:.) :lo.._ , n l�l Itlr, f i1'IYI�'.r$ (�Y/fl;•`-S rlf a,i:/ ;It'fi�iCV'L;1 uCi(1�� CGt15;4Cred Iflitg Ult(tiit Ib., 7_..0 C�� l� 0.,1. 1.. I:r , pf lll¢� PrejE1 road). List or, .cp',rate uvide, i.i:^ ar t,hlcE:t. :. Of r.=:cord 0enlarIs signature (e::^r' of rec,rd) unlc r' a 'wer of attorney or letter aurhorizintl the ap,lllcant to act If,,tlla: iuly <uriilorized agont, for t:.;e o,+ns`r is submitted w'is;ll the ap;,l icarirn (to Filing fee Ocadline for filing - on or• before 5:00 on the second Friday of the vionth This Petition is being brought before the City Council of the City of Clermont for rezoning of Block 27, from C-1 to 'R-t- SIGNATURES: C?il1i of 0ormold it I Wont Onto Plaza ■ Clarmont, Florida 02711 ■ Phono: (004) 004.3141 April 17, 1978 SEE ATTACHED RE: RE -ZONING REQUEST OF ERNEST SMITH ROSA LEE IRVING IZETTA WHITTAKER LAURA ADAMS Dear The Planning and Zoning Commission, meeting in Public Hearing on April 4th, considered the request of the above named for the re- zoning of their properties described as: Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, in City Block 27 from their existing Cl zoning classification to an R3 zoning classification. It was the Commission's unanimous recommendation to Council that the request be granted, and the necessary ordinance was prepared and introduced by Council at their last meeting held on April filth. Final consideration by Council, in Public Hearing, shall be held on Tuesday, May 23rd in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard. We are enclosing a copy of the proposed ordinance for your information. Sincerely, Dolores W. Carroll City Clerk DWC:js Enclosure FLORIDA'S FINEST INLAND RESORT- RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY PROPERTY OWNERS NOTIFIED ABOUT BLOCK 27 REZONING REQUEST (NOTIFICATION AFTER 1st PUBLIC NEARING BY COUNCIL) Mr. Arthur Ekicrt 953 5th Street Clermont Mr. John R. Jones 839 Chestnut Clermont Jacob's Chapel Baptist Church P. 0. Box 764 Clermont Mr, Anthony Hardy P. 0. Box 293 Clermont Mrs. Clara Freeman P. 0. Box 162 Clermont Mr. Aaron Jones, Jr. 543 Jones Lane Clermont Mrs. Virginia Floyd c/o Kenneth Moves 419 Flagler Avenue New Smyrna Beach, Florida 32069 Mr. Peter Johnson 1225 Tyringham Road Eustis, Florida 32726 Mr. Jimmie Lee Jackson 357 Highway 50 Clermont Mrs. Laura Adams 1023 4th Street Clermont Mrs. Izetta Whittaker 368 Highway 50 Clermont Mr. Ernest Smith loll 4th Street Clermont Mrs. Rosa Lee Irving P. 0. Box 382 Clermont Mrs. Sadie Tillie 1172 W 9th Street Jacksonville, Florida 32209 Mr. J. B. Robbins P. 0. Box 36 Windemere, Florida 32786