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04-13-1982 Supporting DocumentsI CITY OF CLF.RAIONT MINUTES April. 13, 1982 A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Clermont- was held on April 13, 1982 in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Hoskinson, with the following Councilmen in attendance: Michael Conley, Robert Pool, Dennis Thomas and Hal Turville. Other City Officials present were: City Manager George Forbes, City Attorney Baird, and City Clerk Rozar. The Invocation was offered by Councilman Thomas, followed by repeat- ing of the Pledge of Allegiance by all present. MINUTES A motion was made by Councilman Thomas, seconded by Councilman Conley and unanimously carried that the Minutes of the March 23, 1982 meeting be approved as presented. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT CITY CLERK City Manager Forbes recognized the City Clerk's election to the Board of Directors of the Florida Association of City Clerks.-' LAKE COUNTY LEAGUE OF CITIES City Manager Forbes urged Council to attend the Lake County League of Cities meeting which will be held on Wednesday, April 21, 1982. The meeting will be hosted by the City of Leesburg. CITY WATER SYSTEM City Manager Forbes reported that a letter had been received from the DER regarding two deficiencies noted during a sani- tary survey of our water system. He explained that the City Engineer is in the process of preparing specifications and obtaining bids for the abandonment of the Highland, Bloxam and Lake Avenue wells. These wells are scheduled to be abandoned by the end of this year. Bids are also being prepared for the the removal of the Lake Avenue water tank. BUILDING INSPECTION City Manager Forbes informed Council that Howard Blair, inspector for the City water system improvements and employed by the City Engineer, will be conducting building inspections in the absence of Harvey Nagel. Mr. Nagel will be on vacation until April 26. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE City Manager Forbes stated that the Chamber of Commerce Director has requested that a sign be erected designating the locale of the Chamber. Council consensus was that the City Manager pursue the matter with the director of the Chamber of Commerce. VILLAGE SQUARE CELEBRATION City Manager Forbes reported that the Village Square Association is planning their annual Community Day Celebration for Saturday, May 8, 1982 from 9 O'Clock A.M. to 3 O'Clock P.M. This year they are requesting to have Montrose Street closed between Seventh Street and West Avenue for the celebration. Council consensus was that Eighth Street should not be blocked for the entire day, but the remainder of Montrose Street would be feasible to close. CITY OP CLRRAIONT MINUTES April 13, 1982 Page 2 BOAT DOCKS AND SWIM PII411S City Manager. Forbes stated that• the Parks and Recreation Board arc considering the suggestion of a Public ❑oat Dock on Lake Winona and will. present recommendations to the Council. The Ci.ty's liability insurance carrier, Aetna .Insurance Company, and the DER have been contacted in regard to the liability risk and feasibility of: constructing the boat dock and swim pier as suggested by City residents. COUNCILMAN CONLEY'S REPORT Councilman Conley inquired why the turn signals are not working on the traffic lights on Highway 50. City Manager Forbes stated that• the Department of Transportation has not installed the sensory loops that control the turn signals and the lights are on manual time controls until the loops are installed. Mr. Forbes stated he will inquire of the DOT when they will be installed. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: South Lake Memorial Hospital; 853 Seventh St. The hospital has requested that a Conditional Use Permit be granted for this property to allow its use as professional offices in order to aid in recruiting physicians to Clermont. The R-3 Professional/Residential District allows single and multiple family residences as permitted uses. Professional offices are allowed only by a Conditional Use Pemmit. A CUP is required to ensure that the office will be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. 82-56 After discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CONLEY AND SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN THOMAS TO GRANT THE CUP AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF OFPERMISSIONINjORDER 1THAT "PERMITS MAY BEOBTAINEDIMMEDIATELY: Councilman Pool, aye; Mayor Hoskinson, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Thomas, aye; and Councilman Turville, aye. CONDITIONS OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: 1. The Conditional Use Permit must be reviewed by the City Council on or before July 31, 1982, or it will automatically expire on that date. 2. One parking space of permeable construction for each 200 square feet of floor space shall be provided at the site (as required by the City Zoning Ordinance) within thirty days of the date of this Conditional Use Permit. No parking shall be permitted on Juniata or Seventh Streets. 3. If, at a future date, the parking at this location proves inadequate, the applicant understands and agrees that the City may require more parking space or rescind this Conditional Use Permit. 4. No further expansion of the use or additions to the building shall be permitted except as approved by an additional Conditional Use Permit. 5. All applicable rules and regulations must be met, including final site plan approval and landscaping to be completed with the completion of parking. (See item 2 above) { CITY 0P CLERMONT MINUTES April 1.3, 3.982 Page 3 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CONY D. 6. This property shall. be used only for physicians' offices or for hospital. porsonncl.. No other business operation can be conducted from the building. This Conditional Use Permit is not transferable to any other business use or. corporation. 7. Only a temporary Certificate of Occupancy for this use shall be .issued until July 31, 1982. This issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy is contingent on the City landscaping and parking regulations being met, and upon City Council review. VARIANCE: Sign Ordinance Variance, Marino Thomas; Highway 50 Mr. Marino Thomas appeared before Council requesting that he be allowed to construct an off -site sign with an area of 200 square feet, whereas, the maximum square footage allowed is 64 square feet. If the sign was least 1000 feet from other off -site billboard signs the size of the proposed sign would not require a variance. 82-58 After discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN THOMAS AND SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CONLEY AND CARRIED BY A 4-1 VOTE THAT TILE SIGN VARIANCE BE GRANTED FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR. COUNCILMAN TURVILLE VOTED AGAINST GRANTING THE VARIANCE,STATING THAT THE CITY SHOULD COMPLY WITH THE STRICT REGULATIONS THAT WERE FORMULATED INTO THE SIGN ORDINANCE. CLERMONT HOTEL Mr. Nick Buttitta appeared before Council requesting that he be allowed thirty days to formulate plans for the facilitation of the Clermont Hotel. He is planning to lease the hotel to persons who would use the building as an Elderly Congregate 82-59 Living Quarters. After discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CONLEY, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN THOMAS AND CARRIED BY A 4-1 VOTE TO ALLOW MR. BUTTITTA THIRTY DAYS TO PRESENT CONCRETE PLANS FOR TILE FACILITATION OF THE CLERMONT HOTEL. Mayor Hoskinson voted against the thirty day extension, stating he would like to see more positive action taken as far as Council and Mr. Buttitta are concerned. ORDINANCE NO. 223-C: Amendment to Chapter 23, Traffic Councilman Thomas introduced Ordinance No. 223-C for first reading. The ordinance was read by title only. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY The Council discussed the possible purchase of Lots 9 and 10, Block 76 with regard to its location and value in relation to other City property. 82-60 After discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CONLEY, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN POOL AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED THAT THE CITY MANAGER BE AUTHORIZED TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE PROPERTY OWNER FOR A SELLING PRICE THAT WOULD BE ACCEPTABLE TO BOTH THE CITY AND THE OWNER, AND REPORT BACK TO THE COUNCIL. MANHOLE REHABILITATION City Manager Forbes reported that Utility Director, Preston Davis and the City Engineer have recommended that three additional manholes be added to our rehabilitation project. The Altair Company stated that they are willing to repair the additional manholes at our present contract price. This would make the total cost of repairs be $11,322.30. CITY OF CLRRAIONT MINUTES April .13, 1982 Page A MANHOLE REHABILITATION CONT'D. 82-61 A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN POOL SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN THOMAS AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED THAT ALTAIR BE AUTHORIZED TO REPAIR THREE ADDITIONAL MANHOLES AT A TOTAL PROJECT COST OF 11,322.30 The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. ame M. Hoskinson, Mayor Sandra 0. Rozar, Ci Clerk REQUEST FOR: Sign Variance DATE: March 26, 1982 OWNER: Lawson L. Wolfe APPLICANT: Marino Thomas PROPERTY: See attached map LOCATION: Highway 50, adjacent to Clock Restaurant ZONING: C-2 Commercial REQUEST: Mr. Thomas requests an off -site sign with an area of 200 square feet, whereas the maximum square footage allowed is 64 square feet. (See attached letter.) COMMENTS: An off -site sign is one not related in its subject matter to the premises on which it is located. An off -site sign is a billboard type sign advertising a business or product not located on the site. The City Sign Ordinance allows off -site signs only on vacant property in zoning districts C-2 Commer- cial and M-1 Industrial. The Ordinance also re- quires off -site signs greater than b4 square feet to be at least 1000 feet from any other off -site sign. Billboard signs of 64 square feet or less must be located no closer than 200 feet from any other off -site sign on the same side of the street. The purpose of this provision is to encourage smaller off -site signs. Since Mr. Thomas wishes to construct a sign 200 square feet in area that is only 757 feet from another off -site sign, this Variance is necessary. TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJU9...,INT OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA APPLICANT NAME:Q/vl1YL--+�,//! r1EZS----- ADDRESS:7 /✓%),rn Gentlemen: PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE `1 Having posted the necessary $25.00 appeal fee with the City Clerk, I hereby make application to your Board for relief from a decision of the Building Official of the City of Clermont, whereby I was refused permission to: Repair ( ), Add to ( ), Alter ( ), Construct ( ), Move and Place), a (sign) building on lot/s Block I YJ �ArT) �iyl� Subdivision,a% �C/G,Ts , Address MFlJ' NL J p L siccv<k lvs�Zone Section of Code—,2nr7-r. C, in the City of Clermont, Florida. The reason given by the Building Official for the decision in refusing to issue a building permit is: /ooa /, �.��� My appeal to your Board is based on my contention that this decision creates a hardship on me for the following reason, or reasons: Seven (7) copies of all necessary floor plans, plot plans, and other pertinent infor- matian are attached hereto, on paper size 81j" x 14" minimum size. I submit that I qualify for this variance because I have an exceptional and unique hardship on my particular parcel of land that is not shared by property owners in my area. A strict application of the zoning ordinance deprives me of the reasonable use of my land and the granting of this variance will not alter the essential character of the area. I have been notified that this Variance Application must be filed with the City Clerk no later than 5:00 P.M. on Friday, two (2) weeks prior to the Council meeting at which time Variance will be considered. I also understand that when any variance is granted, construction of the structure must be completed within one year from date of grant. Date:_ lv�Z Very truly yours, i`a 5/17/77 March 26, 1982 To: City Manager Clermont, FL From: Marino Thomas I am requesting a variance to put up a Bill Board Sign 10 x 20' This sign will be located next to the Clock Restaurant and will be 757' from an existing Bill Board. I can put up a 64 sq. ft. sign, but due to the topographic feature of the land, a sign of this size would have to be elevated 14 to 15 feet in height in order to be seen by the on coming traffic from the west going east on Hwy. 50. This height would make the sign practically unreadable. As you know, I have located my business in downtown Clermont and will need exposure to establish myself in my business and in the community. I will not have a telephone listing until September of this year and Mr. Wolfe, who owns the property, has given me permission to use this land. This sign will be trmporary until the land is developed six months to two years from now. My sign will be in good taste and will also advertise downtown Clermont. We all want this area to grow and be an essential part of the community. I feel I have already proven my interest in Downtown Clermont. Marino Thoma i Memo to: rrom: Subject: Purpose: Variance Applicants City Manager Variance Standards This memo was written to assist Clermont Citizens in understanding the purpose of zoning variances and the specific circumstances in which the City Council can grant variances. when zoning was first conceived, citizens and lawyers were concerned about the difficulty of writing general rules over land use that would be appli- cable toinnum.erable pieces of property. There would be cases, for example, where a general side yard requirement would be a hardship on a few lots that were not consistent with the general pattern. For this reason, the variance was included in The Zoning Ordinance as a device to alleviate unfairness in particular cases. CONDITIONS THAT MUST BE MET: The concept of a variance was never intended to be a way of relaxing zoning regulations on a wholesale fashion. In order to authorize any variance from the city's Zoning Ordinance, the City Council must find the following: 1. That special conditions or circumstances exist which are peculiar to your land, structure, or bm lding which are not applicable to other properties in your zoning district. This would include topographic features, odd shaped lots, drainage requirements, etc. In other words, you must show that the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance produces a unique or unneces- sary hardship in regard to your property that is not applicable to other properties. 2. The hardship must not be self created. Examples of a self created hardship could include having to build an extra garage because you bought another car; or enlarging your home because your mother-in- law is coming to live with you. 3. The City Council cannot grant a zoning variance to you that will grant you a special privilege which is denied to other property owners in the same zoning district. This might include permitting the erection or operation of a busi- ness that would otherwise not be permitted by the Zoning Ordinance. Fbr example, allowing a shopping center to be built in a residen- tial zone. This would require rezoning the property because the City Council cannot by a variance change the basic zoning classi- fication. 4. In order to obtain a variance you must demonstrate that a literal interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance would deprive you of rights c rye enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district, and cause an unnecessary and undue hardship for you. Page -2- Memo to: Variance Applicants Subject: Variance Standards If you a mod a single lot that was platted many years ago and does not now meet the lot width requirements of the Zoning Ordinance; you may have a situation where a literal interpretation of our Zoning Ordinance would deprive you of the use of your lot. This is a right enjoyed by other ad- joining properties and would result in an undue hardship. however, con—c disadvanta a alone does not constitute a bards sufficient to warrant antin a variance. A person want a land area oar ance for a fourplex because he can't afford to buy enough property does not have sufficient grounds for a variance. 5. Any variance that is granted must be the minimum ancbee make possible the reasonable use of your property, harmony with the general intent of the Zoning ordinance. CONCLUSION: request for a zoning variance meets the above If you believe that your five conditions; feel free to complete the attached application forms. Please:reimm mr that you must demonstrate to the City Council, acting as the Zoning Board of Adjustment, that your variance request meets _ the above conditions before your request can be granted. Page -2- Memo to: Variance Applicants Subject: Variance Standards If you mined a single lot that was platted many years ago and does not now meet the lot width requirements of the Zoning Ordinance; you may have a situation where a literal interpretation of our Zoning Ordinance would deprive you of the use of your lot. This is a right enjoyed by other ad- joining properties and would result in an undue hardship. MI ever, eoonanic disadvanta a alone does not constitute a lards suff c ent to warrant anon a variance. A person p wanting a land area Var ance .� a fourple because he can't afford to buy enough property does not have sufficient grounds for a variance. 5. Any variance that is granted must be the minimum variance to make possible the reasonable use of your property, and be in harmony with the general intent of the Zoning Ordinance. CONCLUSION: If you believe that your request for a zoning variance meets the above five conditions; feel free to conplete the attached application forms. Please..remenber that you must demonstrate to the City Council, acting as the Zoning Board of Adjustment, that your variance request meets __ the above conditions before your request can be granted. i AM CITY OF CL.ERMONT P.O. BOX 219 • CLEfIMONT, FLORIDA 32711 . PHONE 904/394 4001 VARIANCES (1) Filin of etition; information re uired. Whenever anyone who s an owner or, as any .egal interest in property affected by this zoning code shall desire a variance, he shall file a petition at the office of the City Clerk setting forth the following information: (a) The petitioner's full name and mailing address. (b) The legal description of the property involved. (c) A site plan of tho property involved showing the location of existing buildings or structures and the location of }: proposed buildings or structures. (d) A floor plan of any proposed extension or addition. (e) The purpose for which the property will be used. 1. (f) A concise statement as to why the present regulations create a hardship to the petitioner. (?.) Filing fee; notice; hearing notification of property affected. Ahen a petition containing the aforesaid informatioed with the City Clerk, with a filing fee of $25.00 for a Variance Request, a Legal Notice shall be published in a local newspaper no less than five (5) days before the date set for the hearing of the request, and the matter shall be entered on the agenda of the next meeting of the City Council, which acts as the Zoning Board of Adjustment, if the date of the meeting allows publication of five (5) days' notice. Property owners within 150 feet of the property in question shall be notified by the City of the conditions of the proposed variance. 1 (3) Completion of construction; notice of commencement of construc- tion. When any variance is granted, construction must be completed within one year of the date of the grant. It shall be the obligation of the owner to file written notice with the City Clerk that he has begun construction. The variance shall automatically lapse upon failure to file such notice. (4) Transfer of Variance. A variance in the zoning regulations may be transferred with the transfer of the property to a new owner, but only for 'the specific use and floor plan originally granted. ;;u � a _ "I V � O ��� , I � , ,� ,�� I / / �„ I`� K, '�`�.a.... rfs� Apo' ior' i O� C �' V\ w� �� n � , � � �' O v �/t h r ? ° Y� 0 C� �• , ,�'" 'D. 4 ' f �h � � S; � �'' O 1 � y.1 ty O ` .. i � ,� „ � O N �� �- ,+, Vi �', J � �� l �. i eS I /iS' - --�-- � • ,, ���s•s�ti S'T 1 __.__ b fJ P .,� ° � � � U, � �+ ,, v J1 , M..r� _ e�� .. T� ��� -. j AVIL CITY OF CLERMONT P.O. BOX 219. CLERMONT, FLORIDA 32711 . PHONE D04/394.4081 March 31, 1982 Re: Variance request to I19.ace 200 square foot sign on Highway 50 adjacent to Clock Restaurant Dear Attached is a request for a Variance from the City Zoning Ordin- ance. As a property owner within 150' of this request, this letter is to inform you that a Public Rearing on this proposed Variance will be held by the Clermont City Council, acting as the Zoning Board of Adjustment, on Tuesday, April 13, 1982 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. You are invited to be present at this Public Hearing to present your views on this matter. By receiving your input, we can make Clermont a better place to live and work. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, George D. Forbes City Manager GDP:pm VARIANCE REQUEST MARINO THOMAS East Highway 50 PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 150 FEET Fred L. Wolfe estate Lots 72, 106, 107, 185, 186, 188 c/o Lawson Wolfe Rt. 3 Box 155 Clermont, Florida 32711 Clock Restaurant Lots 193 - 198 580 East Highway 50 Clermont, Florida 32711 I City of Clermont Lots 80 & 81 P.O. Box 219 Clermont, Florida 32711 All property within 150 feet of the proposed sign is owned by the Wolfe Estate. VARIANCE REQUEST MARINO THOMAS East Highway 50 PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 150 FEET Fred L. Wolfe estate c/o Lawson Wolfe Rt. 3 Box 155 Clermont, Florida 32711 Clock Restaurant 580 East Highway 50 Clermont, Florida 32711 City of Clermont P.O. Box 219 Clermont, Florida 32711 Lots 72, 106, 107, 185, 186, 188 Lots 193 - 198 Lots 80 & 81 All property within 150 feet of the proposed sign is owned by the Wolfe Estate. Momo to: City Council From: City Manager Subject•: Manhole Rehabilitation Date: April 8, 1902 At our March 9, 1982 meeting, the Council authorized Altair Maintenance services to repair 10 manholes at a total cost of $8,750.00. Utility Director Preston Davis and the City Engineer have recommended that three additional manholes be added to our rehabilitation project. Two manholes are located on llth Street by West Lake. Wastewater from the entire City flows through these manholes which are in such bad repair that ground water infiltrates into them. The third manhole is located at Eloxam and Pitt Streets and also needs repairing. Attached is a letter from Altair which states that they are willing to repair the three additional manholes at our present contract price. If these manholes are added to our contract, the total cost of repairs would be $11,322.30; which is still less than the $12,000.00 we had budgeted for this Project. Respectfully, CITY OF CLERMONT George D. Forbes City Manager Attachment GDP/jmb . 't. '�_ altair maintenance services, inc. 7 April 1982 Mr. George Forbes City Manager City of Clermont P.O. Box 219 Clermont, Florida 32711 Re: Manhole Rehabilitation Dear Mr. Forbes: Based on conversations with Mr. Bud Sampson, from Springstead & Associates, we investigated additional manholes which might require rehabilitation. We would be happy to repair these manholes at our contract price which was calculated as follows: Bid Price $8,750.00 Mobilization 500.00 Manhole Repair $8,250.00 Total Footage of all 16 Manholes = 93 feet Unit Cost - $8,250/93 = $88.70/foot The three manholes which require immediate attention are Nos. 6.2, 6.2A, and 21.30. The cost to repair these manholes would be as follows: 6.2 r 9 feet deep x 88.70 = $ 798.30 6.2A ---j 9 feet deep x 88.70 = 798.30 21.30 �,-g 11 feet deep x 88.70 = 975.70 Total Cost 2,572.30 Please keep in mind that the average footage on the manholes we are presently sealing is 5.8 feet. Both material and labor are based on the amount of work needed in each manhole and is based on a per -foot rather than per -manhole price. NEW ADDRESS: 710 West Lake St., P.O. Box 1146, Longwood, FL 32750 1812 ACME STREET 0 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32805 0 (305) 423-3432 Mr. George rorbes 7 April 1982 Page Two If approved we will start work on the extra manholes immediately after completion of our original contract. Very truly yours, ALTAIR MAINTENANCE SERVICES, INC. Herbert Rittger Vice President FIR/bc cc: Mr. Bud Sampson Springstead & Associates P.O. Box 287 Leesburg, FL 32748 Memo tot city Council Proms City Manager Subjects Purchase of Lots 9 and 10, Block 76 Dates April B, 1982 At our last• meeting, the City Council requested that we obtain an appraisal of Lots 9 and 10, Block 76, before malting an offer to purchase the property. I discussed this matter with Appraiser John Rocker, who told me that he would be glad to write an appraisal; but suggested that the City save its money since he did not think one was necessary. Ile stated that the property in this area has been selling for about one dollar per square foot, and this is what any appraisal would show. Based on this conversation (see attached map), the worth of the property is approximately $15,000. There are two lots that are 50, x 150' with a total lot area of 15,000 square feet. I look forward to the Councils' direction on this matter at Tues- ..._... days meeting. .. Respectfully, CITY OF CLERMONT George D. Forbes City Manager Attachment GDP/jb Qll � e " �0 5porr +• n � _ � � 1 4 p + an' Jw!o,eC v u h OPOnSOn C / V w N � pp1 i u'o • �;te„ _ n A O S La/Y/Ar� M^ �fr R4 na ,n rn 4 N awl �• ! .!✓ LIN M nd o 0 0 q °• c1o� AR a r 7/enarin J�,Y•• ,,,•� ems• W�s�. REQUEST rOR: si nee DATE: March 26, 19©2 y, OWNER: Lawson L. Wolfe I APPLICANT: Marino Thomas PROPERTY: See attached map LOCATION: Highway 50, adjacent to Clock Restaurant ZONING: C-2 Commercial REQUEST: Mr. Thomas requests an off -site sign with an area of 200 square feet, whereas the maximum square footage allowed is 64 square feet. (See attached letter.) COMMENTS: An off -site sign is one not related in its subject matter to the premises on which it is located. An off -site sign is a billboard type sign advertising a business or product not located on the site. 1 The City Sign Ordinance allows off -site signs only on vacant property in zoning districts C-2 Commer- cial and M-1 Industrial. The Ordinance also re- quires off -site signs greater than 64 square feet_ to be at least 1000 feet from any other off -site sign. Billboard signs of 64 square feet or less must be located no closer than 200 feet from any other off -site sign on the same side of the street. The purpose of this provision is to encourage smaller off -site signs. Since Mr. Thomas wishes to construct a sign 200 square feet in area that is only 757 feet from another off -site sign, this Variance is necessary. March 26, 1982 To: City Manager Clermont, FL From: Marino Thomas I am requesting a variance to put up a Bill Board Sign 10 x 20'. This sign will be located next to the Clock Restaurant and will be 757' from an existing Bill Board. I can put up a 64 sq. ft. sign, but due to the topographic feature of the land, a sign of this size would have to be elevated 14 to 15 feet in height in order to be seen by the on coming traffic from the west going east on Hwy. 50. This height would make the sign practically unreadable. As you know, I have located my business in downtown Clermont and will need exposure to establish myself in my business and in the community. I will not have a telephone listing until September of this year and Mr. Wolfe, who owns the property, has given me permission to use this land. This sign will be trmporary until the land is developed six months to two years from now. My sign will be in good taste and will also advertise downtown Clermont. We all want this area to grow and be an essential part of the community. I feel I have already proven my interest in Downtown Clermont. Mar no Thoma PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJU..AENT OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA APPLICANT a tit Sw NAME: ADDRESS:92 Gentlemen: Having posted the necessary $25.00 appeal fee with the City Clerk, I hereby make application to your Board for relief from a decision of the Building Official of the City of Clermont, whereby I was refused permission to: Repair ( ), Add to ( ), Alter ( ), Construct ( ), Move and Place X), a (sign) building on lot/s�4___; i�r Block _ 111 iyoTer X, Subdivision6l& , /'/�Cic/Ts Address MN1 J', NCB /� "re, l' ywv 'Zone (; Section of Code 1bn-r, --Ij C. in the City of Clermont, Florida. The reason given by the Building Official for the decision in refusing to issue a building permit is: i My appeal to your Board is based on my contention that this decision creates a hardship on me for the following reason, or reasons: 11:4e, � D7 L- Seven (7) copies of all necessary floor plans, plot plans, and other pertinent infor- mation are attached hereto, on paper size 81,' x 14" minimum size. I submit that I qualify for this variance because I have an exceptional and unique hardship on my particular parcel of land that is not shared by property owners in my area. A strict application of the zoning ordinance deprives me of the reasonable use of my land and the granting of this variance will not alter the essential character of the area. I have been notified that this Variance Application must be filed with the City Clerk no later than 5:00 P.M. on Friday, two (2) weeks prior to the Council meeting at which time Variance will be considered. I also understand that when any variance is granted, constructio; of the structure must�be completed within one year from date of grant. Date: c3� Very truly yours, 5/17/77 CITY OF CLEW40NT LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all concerned that the Clermont City Council will hold a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers lo- cated at 882 West DeSoto Street on Tuesday, April 13, 1982 at 7:30 p.m. At this meeting a request will be considered for the following purpose: A request by Mr. Marino Thomas to construct an off -site sign with an area of 200 square feet, whereas the maxi- mum square footage allowed is 64 square feet. The proposed site is on East Highway 50 adjacent to the Clock Restaurant. - All interested parties will be given an opportunity to express, their views on the matter. Please be advised that, under State Law, if you decide to appeal a decision made with respect to this matter, you will need a record of the proceedings, and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made. Sandra 0. Rozar, City Clerk City of Clermont South Lake Press April 1, 1982 I I i II CITY OF CLEERM®N`0" P.O. BOX 219 • CLERMONT, PLonIDA 32711 • PHONE 004/394.4001 March 31, 1982 RC: Variance request to cA.ace 200 square foot sign on Highway 50 adjacent to Clock Restaurant Dear Attached is a request for a Variance from the City Zoning Ordin- ance. As a property owner within 150' of this request, this letter is to inform you that a Public clearing on this proposed Variance will be held by the Clermont City Council, acting as _ the Zoning Board of Adjustment, on Tuesday, April 13, 1982 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. You are invited to be present at this Public Bearing to present your views on this matter. By receiving your input, we can make Clermont a better place to live and work. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, George D. rorbes City Manager CDP:pm VARIANCE REQUEST MARINO TIIOMAS East highway 50 PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 150 FEET Fred L. Wolfe estate c/o Lawson Wolfe Rt. 3 Box 155 Clermont, Florida 32711 Clock Restaurant 580 East Highway 50 Clermont, Florida 32711 City of Clermont P.O. Box 219 Clermont, Florida 32711 Lots 72, 106, 107, 185, 186, 188 ,i• Lots 193 - 198 Lots 80 & 81 All property within 150 feet of the proposed sign is owned by the Wolfe Estate. Albk AVIL IUD CITY OF CLERMONT P.O. BOX 219 • CLERMONT, PLonJDA 32711 • PHONE 9D4/39A•4081 March 31, 1982 Re: Variance request to Ll9.ace 200 square foot sign on highway 50 adjacent to Clock Restaurant Dear Attached is a request for a Variance from the City Zoning Ordin- ance. As a property owner within 150' of this request, this letter is to inform you that a Public hearing on this proposed Variance will be held by the Clermont City Council, acting as the Zoning Board of Adjustment, on Tuesday, April 13, 1982- at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. You are invited to be present at this Public hearing to present your views on this matter. By receiving your input, we can make Clermont a better place to live and work. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, George D. Forbes City Manager CDC:pm RE0UIST FOR: Conditional Una Permit DATE: April 5, 1982 OWNER: South Lake' Memorial Hospital APPLICANT: Owner PROPERTY: 853 Seventh Street LOCATION: S 100, of Lots 14, 15, and 16; Block 75; City Blocks ZONING: R-3 Professional/Residential REQUEST: The Hospital has requested that a CUP be granted for this property to allow its use as professional offices in order to aid in recruiting physicians to Clermont. On a temporary basis the office will be occupied by Drs. Relyea and Hawk. They are ex- pected to vacate these premises about July 1, 1982. COMMENTS: Professional offices are a Conditional Use in R-3 zones, and this request is made on an emergency basis to provide temporary office space for Drs. Relyea and hawk until their new office building is completed. The hospital has long-range plans to — have an internist/cardiologist use the building. CUP REQUIREMENTS: The R-3 Professional/Residential District allows single and Inultiple family residences as permitted uses. Professional offices are also allowed but only by a Conditional Use Permit. The reasoning behind thus is that many small professional offices are no more intensive a use than is an apartment. However, a CUP is required before any office is allowed in this zone to insure that the office will be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood'. The Clermont Zoning Ordinance states that a Condi- tional Use Permit can be granted only if the follow- ing conditions are met: 1. The proposed use is desirable at the particular location. 2. The use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity. 3. The proposed use will comply with the regula- tions and conditions in the City Codes for such use. 4. The Conditional Use will not adversely affect the officially adopted Comprehensive Plan for the City. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT April 5, 1982 South Lake Memorial Hospital Page two In granting a CUP, the City may impose conditions it deems necessary and elesirable to protect the general welfare in accordance with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance. RECOM14ENDATIONS : If this request is granted we would recommend that the following conditions be met: 1. The Conditional Use Permit must be reviewed by the City Council on or before July 31, 1982, or it will automatically expire on that date. 2. One parking space for each 200 square feet of L floor space shall be provided at the site, as required by the City Zoning ordinance by July 1, 1982. No parking shall be permitted on Juniata or Seventh Streets. 3. If, at a future date, the parking at this. loca- tion proves inadequate, the applicant under- stands and agrees that the City may require more 4 parking or rescind this Conditional Use Permit. ! 4. No furE�]''or expansion of the use or additions to the building shall be permitted except as ap- proved -by an additional CUP. S; 5. All appi.icable rules and regulations must be i met, including final site plan approval and landscaping, to be completed with the completion of parking. (See item 2 above.) G. This property shall be used only for physicians' offices or for Hospital. personnel. No other business operation can be conducted from the building. This CUP is not transferable to any other business use or corporation. 7. Only a temporary Certificate of Occupancy for this use shall be issued nil July 311 1982. The issuance of a final ficatc of Occupancy is contingent upon the , ity landscaping and V" parking regulations being mot, and upon City Council review. Respectfully, Gcorgo o. Forbon f ty Manogor. t i CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT April 5, 1982 South Lake Memorial Hospital Page two In granting a CUP, the City may impose conditions it deems necessary and desirable to protect the general welfare in accordance with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance. RECOMMENDATIONS: If this request is granted we would recommend that the following conditions be met: 1. The Conditional Use Permit must be reviewed by the City Council on or before July 31, 1982, or it will automatically expire on that date. 2. One parking space for each 200 square feet of floor space shall be provided at the site, as required by the City Zoning Ordinance by July 1, 1982. No parking shall be permitted on Juniata or Seventh Streets. 3. If, at ,a future date, the parking at thiL: loca- tion proves inadequate, the applicant under- stands and agrees that the City may require more parking or rescind this Conditional Use Permit. 4. No further expansion of the use or additions to the bui ding shall be permitted except as ap- proved -by an additional CUP. 5. All applicable rules and regulations must be met, including final site plan approval and landscaping, to be completed with the completion of parking. (See item 2 above.) G. This property shall be used only for physicians' offices or for Hospital personnel. No other business operation can be conducted from the building. This CUP is not transferable to any other business use or corporation. 7. Only a temporary Certificate of Occupancy for this use shall be issued nil July 31, 1982. The issuance of a final e�ificate of Occupancy ✓� is contingent upon the i£y landscaping and parking regulations being met, and upon City Council review. Respectfully, /f George D. Forbes City Manager APPLICATION I CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ' (*1TION 26-87 CODE OF ORDINANCES) * APPLICANTi Name: S01JT1I =3 W-21011IAL HOSPITAL Addrosst 847 Eighth Street Clohmont, Florida 32711 Toleplwno: (904) 394-4071 Description of Property: 8153 Seventh Street, the South 100 feet of Lots 14, 15, 10 Block 75, in the City of Clerrmnt, I;L, according; to official map thereof recorded T"tha P1oL'Tw7t-S, pages - 3 i�rus ve, F�uliCrlGewrc75 l,xi,ating Zoning: H-s Residential, Professional General Description of Request: (Attach additional sheets if necesonry) Note Attached Sheet PILING INSTRUCTIONS The application shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk on or before 10 days prior to a scheduled meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission and shall be duly advertised for public hearing and scheduled for such hearing for the next Planning & Zoning Commission meeting and City Council meeting. The recommendations of the Planning slid Zoning Commission, shall be forwarded to the City Council for its consideration at the next meeting. The applicant shall furnish the following information to accompany application: 1. The name, address, and telephone number of the applicant and owner of the property. 2. A plot plan showing the dimensions and location of all existing and --- proposed buildings, signs, driveways, off-street parking areas, loading and unloading, highways, water courses, and other topographic features of the site. 3. A description of the proposed operation in sufficient detail to set forth its nature and extent. 4. Plans or reports describing method of handling any traffic condition created by the proposed use. 5. Landscape architectural plans. 6. Complete legal description of property involved, including a survey. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - If Conditional Use Permit Application is for a Planned Unit Development (PUD), see also section 26-68 (E) of tl:e Code of Ordinances. 'rile applicant should become familiar with the regulations of the City of Clermont regarding zoning requirements applicable to particular zoning classifications. FEES: 1. Any person requesting a conditional use permit, except a planned unit development, shall file an application and pay a fee of $25 per acre or any part thereof, with a maximum fee of $250. 2. Any person requesting a conditional use permit for a planned unit develop- ment shall file an application and pay a fee of $75 per acre or any part thereof, with a maximum fee of $750. Signature of Applicant South Lke Memor'131 Hospital April 1, 1.982 047 Glphlh 61rno1 ® T 1. (M904j 30onFl4-4071 711 NrPACIDWr To APPLICATION IOR CONDITIONAL USE PE MIT 'ilia aforomentionod residence located at 853 Seventh Street, Clermont, Plorida, has boon purchased by the South Lake Memorial Hospital for future use. At this time, the blospitarl would lilce to use the building as a physicinn(s) office, in order to recruit physician specialists to Clermont. On a temporary basis, the office will be occupied by Dr. William V. Iielyea and Dr. Steven Hawk. Pbr long range plans, this office will be occupied by Dr. Brian Edwards, a Cardiologist and Internist. This speciality is much needed in the Clermont area, and the hospital has taken great pains in the recruitment of Dr. Edwards. Parking for this facility would be provided in the Upper Parking Lot of the South Lake Memorial Iospital. The Hospital is therefore submitting this Conditional Use Permit for the aforementioned reasons. I � � Q J J � r r 16 d TaR pvtopoST-d t'k N K b,A4' a s Av A II I µ Ry ` L be w N CITY OF CLERMO10 T PA, BOX 219 • CLERMONT, FLORIDA 32711 • PHONE 904/394-4081 April 2, 1982 Re: Conditional Use Permit for 853 Seventh Street. South 100 feet of Lots 14, 15, and 16, Block 75, City Blocks. Dear Property Owner: This letter is to inform you that a Conditional Use Permit has been requested by South Lake 6lemorial Ilospital as described on the attached notice. The City notifies all owners within 150 feet of a Conditional Use request to insure that our citizens are made aware of any zoning changes which might affect them. The attached Conditional Use request will be heard at Public Hearings, the first before the Planning and zoning Commission on Monday, April12, 1982 at 4:30 p.m., and the second before City Council on Tuesday, April 13, 1982 at 7:30 p.m. Both meetings are held in City Council Chambers, located at the corner of West Avenue and Desoto Street. You are invited to attend these Public Hearings to express your views on this matter. By working together we can make Clermont a better place to live and work. Sincerely, George D. Forbes 0 City Manager GDF/mgg Attachments PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 150 FEET CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST SOUTH LAKE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Dan Judy et al Lots 7, 8, & 9 Blocic 75 P.O. Dox 267 Clermont Thomas D. Weaver and Dorothy Y. Weaver Route 1 Box 46 Clermont Barbara H. Haymon 78 Monterey Avenue Kenner, Louisiana 70062 Gerald Smith 644 Juniata Street Clermont Mary Shaw 640 Juniata Street Clermont First United Methodist Church P.O. Box 488 Clermont Clifford C. Higby P.O. Box 546 Clermont, Florida 32711 Bruce A. Burton 659 Juniata Street Clermont Lots 10 through 13 Block 75 North 50' of Lots 14, 15, &16 Block 75 Lots 17 & 18 Block 75 Lots 19 & 20 Block 75 Lot 1 - 10 Block 83 Lots 11, 12, 13 Block 74 Lots 9 & 10 Block 74 Memo to: City Council From: City Manager Subject: Clermont Hotel Date: April 8, 1982 As requested by the City Council, we have reviewed the Building Codes as they relate to the Clermont Hotel. A review of our problems with the Hotel is as follows: REVIEW OF PREVIOUS ACTION 1. September, 1980 - Mr. Buttitta requested a transfer of the certificate of occupancy for the Hotel. The transfer of occupancy was denied due to seven deficiencies found during the building inspector's inspection. 2. October 16, 1980 - the Hotel was inspected by the Fire Chief and State Division of Hotels and Restaurants. Fifteen deficiencies were found. The State will not renew their license because of these deficiencies, and the owner voluntarily agrees to evict the tenants.and board up the windows. 3. July 18, 1981 - the owner is given 120 days (until November 18,-1981) ---- to correct the violations. 4. August 31, 1981 - the City received a letter from the owner's consul- tant regarding plans to rebuild the Hotel. 5. September 5, 1981 - a letter from the City was sent to the owner reminding him of the November 18th deadline. 6. November 24, 1981 - the City Council, acting as Housing Code Board of Adjustment, extends deadline to repair or demolish the building to March 24, 1982. 7. March 22, 1982 - Mr. Buttitta requested an additional 120 day extension. 8. April 8, 1982 - the Building Inspector reviewed the building. Many violations were found, including a carport that is dangerous and about to fall down and that the building is not completely boarded up. In particular, the rear of the building is completely open and may create a nuisance and hazard to the public (see attached letter). LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Section 308 of the City Housing Code (see attached Code) defines a dangerous structure as follows: - A. One which is so damaged, decayed, dilapidated, unsanitary, unsafe, or vermin -infested that it creates a serious hazard to the health or safety of the occupants or of the public. - Pago -2- subject•: Clermont• Hotel Dato: April B, 1982 B. One which lacks illumination, ventilation, or sanitation facilities adequate to protect the health or safety of the occupants or of the public. Because the building has boon found in violation of this Code, I believe the Council basically has three options: A. Acting as the Housing Coda Board of Appeals, grant Mr. Buttitta's request for an extension. B. Deny this extension and send the case to the next mooting of the City Cade Enforcement Board. C. Condemn the building, following the procedures set forth in Section 103.4 of the Building Code. This Code requires the City to demolish the building and recover the costs through a lien if the owner fails to comply with the Building Code. Demolishing the building would re- quire a court order. Respectfully, CITY OF CLERMONT George D. Forbes City Manager Attachments GDF/jmb CITY OF CLERMONT P.O. BOX 2.10. CLERMONT, FLOMDA 32711 . PHONE 904/394.40111 DATE__=�. GQoJ,im. rn,3ti' Q Description of Property: L-67S 1$'- 01,a-rr 90y c.Ty ,tlle../CS The building on the above described property is in such condition as to be in violation of Section 5.1.1 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clermont. The building will have to be brought up to the housing codes of the City of Clermont. The following items must be brought up to the building codes: PRESENT CONDITION PREMISES SANITARY CONDITION ROOF - WINDOWS - SCREENS GOOD FAIR GOOD FAIR LO INGRESSES - EGRESSES GOOD FAIR P A INSIDE PLUMBING AND FIXTURES GOOD FAIR POOR sx- s�?� ELECTRICAL WIRING AND APPLIANCES GOOD FAIR POOR / V ! P INSIDE WALLS - PLASTER GOOD FAIR POOR BUILDING REPAIRABLE C,xE$'� NO DATED INSPECTION REPORT ATTACHED YE NO It is hoped that you will take the necessary action to eliminate the violations without delay. The violations must be eliminated within 120 days from this date. If you desire to appeal this notice or need an extension of time, you may, within 15 days following the date of the notice, enter an appeal or request an extension in writing from the Housing Board of Adjustments and Appeals. The appeal or request shall state the location of the property and the date of the notice of violations. You must state the variance or modification requested, the reasons therefor, and the hardship or conditions upon which the appeal or request is made. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, . AX Harvey Nagel Director of Code Enforcement HN/mg City of clarmont Housirw 'rn!pcetr® R•-ooyt Property Owner Occupant -,J/ v"7 �`-- Prop.-rty Address Legal Description,(,v-/?-/I Noy Rrl O .dadss 19 - QtT 710&ej 1 �i si ii J i a 1f Aa, rf f •et? ! M r• T1 4q •4! rtf f Remarks Inspector: Means of Egress o� _ Avd7 A•o6! v,+7'.AYT- i-f-� ,d,v G04 Room Sizes Privacy of Bath & Bedrooms Unexcavated Area Ventilations �! r/ F------, Free of Infestations_ Garbage & Rubbish Storage Ceiling Heights Window Clearances Window Area r Window Openable Areas Window Frames Foundation Wells & Piers ✓T �1� 7�A� Re A-' Floor Framing & Flooring Exterior Walls & Columns T ��r�- �� oA ^ 4 % TA7 TbOIZ Exterior"Steps & Stain, -f Roofing ors, Exterior & Interior _1 1 -7 I _ i A-10 #AAA $o Pro 2 fto/ At Partitions Interior Stairs Ceiling Joist ��-_ 6drdware � _ Mechanical Ventilation I I--- Electrical Lights & Switches _ Electric Convenience Outlets Electric Panel .I Heating Equipment ~r Plumbing Fixtures Plumbing Drainage System Hot and Cold Water System Water Heater Fence Condition Driveway idewalks t-;�y Weeds -Grass -Noxious Plants Trash -Debris -Filth ���r�r-��IT__I +fir---r----I Abandoned Motor Vehictes I w v� _--�-�t� 7- ► r 1 Refrigerators -Stoves -Etc. Number of Adult Occupants Number of Children i I i Low April 13, 1982 CITY OF CLERMONT P.O. BOX 219 • CLERMONT, FLOnIDA 32711 • PHONE D04/394 4081 Mr. W.rd. Bostwick, Jr., P.E. Water Engineering Section I` Department of Environmental Regulation 3319 Maguire Boulevard Suite 232 Orlando, Florida 32803 Dear Mr. Bostwick: Thank you for your letter dated April 2, 1982, regarding two deficiencies noted during a sanitary survey of our water system. The status of these deficiencies is as follows: 1. The City is presently constructing water system improvements which include the establishment of a new water well. As previously dis- cussed with your agency, the final step in our present water system - -- improvements is to properly abandon water wells. The City Engineer is in the process of preparing specifications and obtaining bids for the abandonment of the Highland, Bloxam, and Lake Avenue wells. These wells are scheduled to be abandoned by the end of this year. i 2. The City has begun a cross connection control program. We now have two certified backflow prevention employees and have installed hose i vaccum breakers on all lines serving the lift stations and at the treatment plant. As part of our building site plan review process, we require backflow prevention devices when applicable. The City has an ordinance that prohibits cross connections and we are working on a public awareness program for our citizens. We trust you can understand that the City is making a great deal of progress with these deficiencies. If you have any questions, please feel free to con- tact me. Respectfully, CITY OF CLERMONT George D. Forbes City Manager GDP/jmb