Resolution Log 1995-1996 RESOLUTION LOG No. Date Description 866 512311995 Est. JayCee Beach Annual Parking Fee 867 5/1611995 Proceed wi $3 million line of credit 868 612711995 CUP for adult independent living facility 868a 612711995 Support Ag. Museum in Lake Co. 869 712511995 CUP for pro. Office - Pat Flood 870 812211995 CUP for op. of a Bed & Breakfast Inn 871 912611995 CUP to revise legal desc. To allow temp. op. of a bank & to allow mulch parking 872 912611995 Ad Valorum Millage Rate 2.979 mils 95-96 873 912611995 General Fund BUdget 874 912611995 Infrastructure Fund Budget 875 912611995 1989 Sales Tax Bond Fund budget 876 912611995 Water Fund 877 912611995 Sewer Fund 878 912611995 Stormwater Fund 879 912611995 Sanitation Fund 880 912611995 Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund Budget 881 912611995 Elimination of motorized vehicle traffic on section of Lake Minneola Drive 882 912611995 1994195 Gen. Fund amendments 883 912611995 1994195 Ut. Fund amendments 884 912611995 1994195 Infrastructure Fund Budget Amendments 885 1012411995 CUP to allow construction of multi family dev. 886 1012411995 Lake Co. School Credit Union, CUP to allow construction of pro. Office 887 1012411995 CU P to allow construction of a roofed deck 888 1112811995 CUP to allow construction of a combined commercial & multi family dev. 889 1111411995 Increasing Fire Dept. personnel pay 890 1211211995 Est. procedure for Ex-Parte Communications for Local Public Officials 891 1211211995 Oceanfront Properties - CUP to allow for temp. op. of a church 892 1211211995 CUP to allow the perimeter wall to be constructed - amend Res. 868 893 1211211995 CUP for a PUD consisting of single & multi family 894 1211211995 Est. parking space exchange fee in the Central Bus. District 895 112311996 CUP to expand daycare - Magic Moments Learning Center 896 112311996 CUP to allow personal services, pro. Offices, car & boat sales, snack bar 897 112311996 Safe-T storage to allow construction of mini-warehouses and on-site living quarters 898 211311996 Amending Ut. Deposits 899 212711996 CUP for community theaterlrestaurant 900 212711996 to provide for $8,060,000 of bond anticipation notes 901 212711996 authorizes $17,000,000 bond issue 902 3m1996 auth. Purchase agreement for bond issue to fund new sewage treatment facility