Ordinance Indexs~fnm ~o-iu~u
pauznuun paiinid ioo~ 0£~o uoi~rod n ~uruopungn pun ~uisoi~ 66/£Z/I I L~I-68£
Inuoissa~o.~~Iniiuaptsag of Iniiuapisag
uzo.~ uorinai~TSSnIa asn puns aznin~ u1 a~unua pun S-Qn of
£-(IIl uio.z~ ?I ~Iaolg `£ lo'I `Z io'I3o .O i i winos auZ :~utmollo~ aui
~ur~unua ~iq unld a~rsuaua.zduao~ aui 3o dny~ asn pun? a.~nin,~ aui
~utpuauzn `iuaurpuauz~ unld anisuaua.rduzo~ alnaS Ilnuzs ~uiidop~ 66/£Z/I i I~I-88£
Intiuaprsa~ aims
unq.zn an uzo.z~ pun Inta.~auzuzo~ iu~i7 i-~ of Iniiuapisag ainisg
una~n an uzo.~ ~utuoza.z `~-68Z aaunuiP~03o ZZI .~aidnu~ ui
of pa.ua~a.z iuouual~~o ~ii~ aui~o dny~ ~utuoZ Intag~p ~uipuaur~ 66/t~I/Zi L~I-L8£
saunpunoq ~iia iuasa.~d of punl~o uorinxauun .~03 ~urptno.zd 66/~i/ZI L~I-98£
II asnud `uoisinipgns a~p~ u~zoN~o u~rou
iaa.~is pauznuun paiinid30 'i3 OIZ ~Iainuzixo.~ddn un ~uiaopunq~ 66/9Z/Oi Y~i-S8£
III asnud `a~pi~ s~urx in uoiu~ug `Z8~ io'I3o
iuauzasna ~itliin i~ S'L30 •i3 OZ• ui-IOU aui ~utuopungn pun ~utsola 66/9Z/Oi L~I-~b8£
Inia.~auzuzo~ In.~aua~ Z-~ of Inuoissa~o.z~niiuapTSag
£-~ uzoz~ ~i.zado.~d ~utuoza.~ `~-68Z •oN aaunuipa03o ZZi
.zaidnu~ ui of pa.~za~ac `~Cit~ aui~o dny~ ~uiuoZ Iniag~p aui spuau~ 66/9Z/Oi L~I-£8£
ssauisng Inia~auzuzo~ In.zaua~ Z-a of Intiuapisag
ainisg unq.zn an uzo.~~ ~utuoza.z ~-68Z •oN •pzp spuauz~ 66/bZ/8 Y~i-Z8£
Inta.zauzuzoa of Iniiuapisa.~
uzo.~ uoiina~issnla asn punt a.znin3 ~ut~unua iuauzpuauz~ 66/t~Z/8 Y~i-i8£
•o~ ain~so3
.zaisau~ ~q paunno `OS 2IS 3o ui-ioN 'i~
00£`I Pno~ ~aoaunH •N~o aprs isna
uo Iaa.~nd a.~an-g n Z-~ of ~-~ uzozl auozag 66/SZ/S Y~i-08£
•nuaxns n~s1N .zoo ~ ~ooig ~it~ `L i `9 i `S I
sioZ3o isann ~ur~fl anuan~ nna.~Q3o uoti.zod inui.~o~ ~utsoia iaa.riS 66/£i/t~ Y~t-6L£
•ua.~nua isTPouiaY~I Paiiun is.zi,~
aui .~o~ siaa.ris ~lg pun u~L uaanniaq iaa.ris auzoo.~g .rod ~uisoia i22.ziS 66/60/£ L~I-8L£
•o~ .~arsso.~g pub •o~
ain~so3 .raisarl~ .rod iuauzpuau.~ unld anisuaua.zduzo~ alnaS iin~S 66/£Z/£ Y~i-LL£
• •
362-M WITHDREW Annexing 125 acres (Tracts 23-A, 26, 29, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42-
B, 43, 44, 35, 36, 51-A, 53-A and 54-A in Section 16, T 22, R
26) north of Old Hwy. 50 at proposed intersection with N.
Hancock Road (Skytop Grove, Ltd.)
363-M WITHDREW Annexing 422 acres (portions of Sections 9, 10, 15 and 16, T 22
S, R 26 E) Old Highway 50 and Blacks Still Lake Road (Center
Lake Properties, Ltd)
364-M 10/13/98 Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Tweedle Oil,
Karst and Wright.
365-M 10/13/98 Rezone from C-1 to CBD for Sutton property by new boat ramp.
366-M 10/27/98 Rezone for 33 acre parcel on northeast of S.R. 50 and Hancock
Road from R-$ to C-2 for Chester Fosgate Co.
367-M 10/27/98 Rezone of 104 acres from R-R to R-1, approximate 1/a mile north
of S.R. 50 on east side of Hancock Road owned by Chester
Fosgate Co. For Park Square Homes.
368-M 10/13/98 Easement vacation for 15' roadway lying N of Tracts 1, 2, and 3,
Section 20-22-26 for Jaymark Bldrs for Sierra Vista Subdivision.
369-M 10/27/98 Annexation of Tract 11, Lake Highlands Co. (S28-22-26) for
Tony Hubbard.
370-M WITHDREW Annexation of 5 acres for south of S.R. 50 on Grand Hwy. for
371-M 10/27/98 Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Asbury Floyd,
Mary L. Hull-Harris and Kathy Hillary.
372-M 11/24/98 Rezone of 6.5 acres at northwest corner of 5.R. 50 and Jacks
Lake Road from UE to C-2 for Don Casto for shopping center.
373-M 11/24/98 Rezone of 8.5 acres at northwest corner of S.R. 50 and Oakley
Seaver Blvd. from UE to C-2 for Don Casto for a movie theater.
374-M 11/24/98 Closing and abandoning Carroll Street wst of 12"' Street.
375-M 2/9/99 Closing 15' easement lying east of Tracts 4 and 13, 520,22,26 for
Jaymark Builders.
376-M 2/9/99 Closing portion of 3rd Street lying north of S.R. 50 south of
Crystal Lake Drive for Highlands Mobile Home Park.
• •
346-M 5/26/98 Annexation of Tracts 6 and 11 lying east of U.S. 27 in 32-22-26,
(15 acres), Kathy Hillary.
347-M 5/26/98 Rezone of Tracts 6 & 11 (Ord. 346-M) from U.E. to C-2 and
rezone of Tract 5 from R-1 to C-2 (25 acres), Kathy Hillary.
348-M 5/26/98 Annexation of 180 acres (160 A south of Hartwood Marsh Road
in 10-23-26 and 20 acres north of Hartwood Marsh road in 10-
23-26) in west half of SW NW, Lincoln Groves, Inc.
349-M WITHDREW Annexation of 5 acres located west of 27 at Vista Del Largo
Blvd. In Vista Subdivision owned by Franklin Longenbach.
350-M WITHDREW Rezone of Ord. 349-M (5 acres) from EU to Commercial, owned
by Franklin Longenbach.
351-M WITHDREW Annexation of 121 acres lying south of Hartwood Marsh Road in
10-23-26 by Doudney Investment Co. (East of Ord. 348)
352-M WITHDREW Rezone of 110 acres of Ord. 351-M from UE to R- and 10 acres
from U-E to M-1
353-M 5/26/98 Rezone 5 acres from R-R to C-2 located north of 5.R. 50 by
Chester Fosgate Co.
354-M 6/23/98 Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment.
355-M 8/25/98 Rezone 1560 Bloxam Ave. from R-2 to R-3 (Mary Hull Harris)
356-M 8/25!98 Cunningham Refuse garbage franchise.
357-M 8/25/98 Closing all roads lying within portions of Sections 32 and 33-22-
26, Lost Lake school site.
358-M 9/22/98 Rezoning of Tract 5 of Lake Highlands Co., Section 32, T 22, R.
26 from UE Urban Estate Residential to C-1 Light Commercial
(KMH General Partnership)
359-M 9/08/98 Establishing Community Redevelopment Trust Fund.
360-M 9122/98 Annex approx. 29 acres--the West '/z of the NW 1/4 of NW 1/4
and SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4, Section 33, T 22 S, R
26 E (Jaymark Builders) 4,000' W of Hancock Rd by Lost Lake.
361-M 9/22/98 Annexing approx. 17 acres--Tract 57 and part of Tract 58,
Section 28, T 22 S, R 26 E (Robert Saidel).
• •
331-M 12/9/97 Annexation of Lots 7-11 and 27, Summit Subdivision on the
southwest corner of Highway 50 and Gilbert Street. (Hubbard)
332-M 11/11/97 Abandonment of 30' unnamed platted right-of--way on north of
tracts 30-32 of Lake Highlands Co., Section 20, Township 22,
Range 26.
333-M 12/9/97 Rezoning from UE to R-3 Lots 7-11 and 27 of Summit
Subdivision (Hubbard).
334-M 1/13/98 Rezone from RR to R-1 Urban Residential a portion of Tracts 1-
3, 15-18, Lake Highlands, 20-22-26. (Approx. 40 acres north of
North Ridge Blvd. And east of Jacks Lake Road.)
335-M 1/13/98 Annexation of 22.7 acres bordering S.R. 50 west of the Greater
Hills subdivision.
336-M 1127/98 Rezone from R-3 to C-1 light commercial the north 225' of Lots
3-8 and the north 85' of Lots 9 & 10, Block 114 (Halverson).
337-M 1/27/98 Rezone from R-3 to CBD Lots 1, 2, 10 and the north '/a of the
east 125' of Lot 11 and the east 125' of the south '/z of Lot 11
and the east 125' of Lot 12, Block 95 (Biddle).
338-M 1/13/98 Closing a cul-de-sac on Division Street in the Cherry Knoll
subdivision (Whipple).
339-M 1/27/98 Rezoning from UE to C-2 23.5 acres west of East Jacks Lake
Road and north of Highway 50. (Don M. Casto)
340-M 1/27/98 Rezoning Tract 18 of Lake Highlands Co. In Section 29 (approx.
9 acres) from UE to R-3. (Bosserman)
341-M 3/10/98 DisposAll, Inc. non-exclusive garbage franchise.
342-M 3/24/98 Rezone 170 acres of Fosgate from R-R to R-1 (Centex Homes).
343-M 3/24/98 Annex Tract 63, Lake Highlands Company, Section 21-22-26,
approx. 10 acres, Lake Sumter Community College.
344-M 3/24/98 Easement abandonment of unnamed road lying west of Tract 8,
Section 20-22-26, corner of Mohawk & Grand, Church of
345-M 3/24/98 Right of Way closing, south of Tract 63, Section 21-22-26, Lake
Sumter Community College.
• •
316-M 7/23/96 30-year Franchise agreement with Sumter Electric for electrical
service within the City limits.
317-M 7/23/96 30-year Franchise agreement with Florida Power for electrical
service within the City limits.
318-M 8/27/96 Tracy Wade, rezone of Hillcrest lots 28, 29, and 30 from R-1 to
319-M 10/22/96 Rezone from R-R to R-1 a portion of Tracts 31 and 32 of Lake
Highlands. Chester Fosgate Co.
320-M 11/12/96 Rezoning a parcel in Block 93 located between Minneola Avenue
and Lake Minneola and between 8th Street and West from R-3
and C-1 to CDB. City of Clermont.
321-M 11/26/96 Annexation of Tract 30, Lake Highlands, 20-22-26 (10 acres).
David and Dixie Royal
322-M 11/26/96 Rezone of Tract 30, Lake Highlands, 20-22-26 (10 acres) from u-
E to R-1 residential.
323-M 11/26/96 Lennar Homes annexation of 403.7 acres (Kings Ridge) located
on the west side of Hwy. 27.
324-M Rezone of old City Barn and Blue Goose property from R-3 and
' C-1 Commercial to CBD Central Business District.
325-M ~`"?'ostpone~t Closing portion of Lakeview Drive lying west of lot 36,
Lakeview Hts. subdivision.
326-M 5/27/97 Annexation of Crittendon Fruit Co. N 5/8 of E1/z of NW 1/a and S
3/4 of SE1/a of NW '/a, Section 3, 23, 26 (80 acres).
327-M 5/27/97 Rezoning of property annexed in Ordinance 326-M from UE to
R-1 residential.
328-M 5/27/97 Closing and abandoning that portion of Fairfield Drive and
portion of utility easement lying east of Kingsmill Way and east
of Hawkshead Drive (in Kings Ridge).
329-M 10/14/97 Rate Schedule for sewer service and establishing a swimming
pool sewer credit.
330-M 11/25/97 Annexation of Tract 7, Lake Highlands Company of approx. 30
acres located between Mohawk Road and North Ridge Blvd.
s f
302-M 3/25/96 Annexation of Tract 29, Lake Highlands Subdivision (aprox
10 acres) owned by Crittenden Fruit Co.
303-M 3/25/96 Rezone of 302-M from UE to R-1.
304-M 4/09/96 Closing of eastern section of Palm Street.
305-M 4/23/96 Annexation of 52.48 acres on south on SR 50, east of Hwy.
27 owned by Claude Smoak
306-M 4/23/96 Rezone of Ord. 305-M property from EU to C-2 General
307-M 4/09/96 Non-exclusive franchise agreement to Strategic
Technologies, Inc. for Broadband Communications System
for newly annexed areas.
308-M 4/23/96 Annex Tracts 35A and 35B, Lake Highlands Subdivision,
in Section 20, Township 22, Range 26 (approx. 16.3 acres)
Allen Eayrs and Scott Brockie.
309-M 4/23/96 Rezone Ord. 308-M property (16.3 acres) from UE to R-1.
Allen Eayrs and Scott Brockie.
310-M 4/23/96 Amending Ordinance 289-M, Sewer Rate Schedule -
monthly base rate for manufacturing customers reviewed on
individual basis.
311-M 5/28/96 Rezoned Lot 1, Lakeview Hts. Subdivision from R-3A to
C-2 (Osceola Financial Corp.).
312-M 6/11/96 Re-Use Water Rate Schedule adopted.
313-M 6/11/96 Chapter 14, Section 14-22 amended to allow skateboard use
in City parks.
314-M 7/23/96 Chester Fosgate, rezone a portion of tracts 18, 19, 20 of
Lake Highlands, 5-20, 22-26 from R-R to R-1.
315-M 7/23/96 Lakeview Hts. Lots 8-18, rezone from R-2 to R-3A
residential/professional .
~ ~
290-M 2/13/96 Annexation of Tracts 12 and 13 of Lake Highlands Co. in
Section 32, Township 22 South, Range 26 East.
291-M 2/13196 Rezoning 20 acres listed in Ordinance 290-M from UE
Urban Estate Res. District to R-1 Urban Res. District.
292-M 2/13/96 Annexing tracts: E'h 1, 14-20, 29-33B, 35A, 35B, 36,
45B-51, 63, & part of 21, 22, 28, 37, 45A, 52 and 62 east
of Hwy. 27.
293-M 2/13/96 Rezoning 263 acres listed in Ordinance 292-M from UE
Urban Estate Res. District to R-1 Urban Res. District.
294-M 2/13/96 Annexing Tracts 49, 50, 63, 64, Lake Highlands S 29, T
22S R 26E., W'h Tract 1, Tract 2, west '/z of SW'/a of S
33, T 22, R 26.
295-M 2/13/96 Rezoning 131 acres listed in Ordinance 294-M from UE
Urban Estate Res. District to R-1 Urban Res. District.
296-M 2/13/96 Annexing Tracts 33, 48 west of hwy., Tracts 34, 37-44, &
47 of Monte Vista Park Farms and NW '/ of SE 'la of S5,
T23S, R26E.
297-M 2/13/96 Rezoning 318 acres listed in Ord. 296-M from UE Urban
Estate Res. District to R-1 Urban Res. District.
298-M 2/13/96 Annexing 890.49 acres on the east of US 27, 2.5 miles
south Hwy. 50, known as Kings Ridge.
299-M 2/13/96 Annexing City of Clermont well and sewage treatment sites
located in Section 3, Township 23 S., Range 36 E.
(approx. 63 acres).
300-M 2/27/96 Rezoning of Postal Colony land on 8th Street (Lots 1, 3, 5,
and 7, Block 97) from C-2 to CBD. Also Lot 9, Block 97
from R-3 to CBD.
301-M 2/13/96 Comprehensive Plan Amendment.
• s
277-M 4/11/95 Amending Ord. 273-M for water and sewer service out of
Clermont City limits.
278-M 4/25!95 WAC Investment. Rezone of east half of tracts 24 and 25,
Lake Highlands Co., Sec. 29, T-22, R-26 from M1 to C-2.
279-M 4/25/95 Charles Bosserman. Annexation of .30 acres, west 20' of
Tract 21, Lake Highlands in S-28, T-22, R-26.
280-M 4/25/95 Silver Fox Development, Inc. Annexation of 6.5 acres -
Withdrawn east 220' of Tracts 22 and 27, S-28, T-22-R-26.
281-M 4!25/95 Silver Fox Development, Inc. Rezone of 6.5 acres (280
Withdrawn -M) from UE Urban Estate to C-2.
282-M 5/23/95 Dennis Horton, Trustee for Trust 101. Approx. 175+/-
acres in NW corner of E. Jacks Lake Road and Hwy. 50.
283-M 5/23/95 Ken Bosserman, Approx. 9 acres. Lake Highlands, Tract
18, S-29, T-22,R-26 EWM. , n_~~„~..+ ~ .--~...,F w.a~
284-M 6/27!95 Rezoning lots 116 through 121, Indian Hills Subdivision
WIT~IDRAWN from R-1-A to R-1 (Opal Bailey). -
285-M 7/25/95 Amending Cablevision Industries of Central Florida (CVI)
franchise agreement (Ordinance 160-M).
286-M 7/25/95 Granting the transfer of Cablevision Industries of Central
Florida (CVI) franchise agreement (Ord. 285-M) to Time
Warner, Inc.
287-M 8/22/95 Rezoning 915 W. Montrose Street (Lots 1, 2, and 3 of
Block 96) from R-3 to CDB. Jeff Biddle.
288-M 10/24/95 Cliff Bailey. Rezones from R-3 to R-3-A (northwest corner
of Highland Avenue and Anderson Street) to allow
construction of a credit union.
289-M 11 / 14/95 New Sewer Rate Schedule, effective 12/ 1 /95 .
• •
264-M 4/26/94 Thompson/Homan. (Ringer-$, Camp-6, Creekmoore-7)
Rezone from R-2 to R-3 Lakeview Hts., Lots $, 6, 7.
26$-M 4/12/94 John R. Watson -alley vacation of platted alley located
south of Seminole Street and west of $th Street in Dazzling
Sunset Subdivision with City retaining easements for
ingress, egress, and utilities.
266-M Thompson/Homan, Rezone of Lakeview Hts. Lot 10 from
R-2 to R-3-A.
267-M $/24/94 Marian Laplace. Annexation of .22 acres, Lot 20 and part
of Lot 21, Clerando Subdivision.
268-M $/24/94 Marian Laplace. Rezone from R-R to R-1 of .22 acres,
Lot 20 and part of Lot 21, Clerando Subdivision.
269-M DENIED Eileen Bergin. Closing portion of 7th St. south of Linden
270-M 6/28/94 FCC Cable Television Rate Regulation Review Criteria.
271-M 9/13194 Knapp Annexation. 142 acres lying east and west of
Hancock Road south of SR $0.
272-M 9/13/94 Knapp Rezone. Rezone of 142 acres annexed in 271-M
from R-R to R-1 and C-2.
273-M 9/27/94 New rate schedule for water service, sewer service and
sanitation service.
274-M 2/28/95 Ordinance 274-M will vacate the existing 30' wide
easement running east of Grand Highway along the north
side of the proposed North Ridge Subdivision.
27$-M 3/28/9$ Annexation of 10 acres in Lake Highlands Co., Tract $9,
Section 17, Township 22, Range 26.
276-M 3/28/9$ Rezoning of 10 acres annexed in Ordinance 27$-M from
U-E to M-1.
254-M 8/24/93 Annexation of Lake Highlands Tracts 17 and 18, Section
28-22-26, SW corner of Highway 50 and Hancock Road
(approx. 20 acres), John Adams.
255-M 8/24/93 Rezone of Lake Highlands Tracts 17 and 18, Section 28-22-
26, SW corner of Highway 50 and Hancock Road (approx.
20 acres), John Adams, from R-R to C-2.
256-M 10/12/93 Granting a garbage collection franchise to Browning-Ferris
Industries Waste Systems (BFI Waste Systems) who
purchased assets of Florida Garbage Service.
257-M 10/12/93 Closing and permanently abandoning a portion of Bloxam
Avenue lying north of the northerly right-of--way line of
Grand Highway and south of the southerly right-of--way line
of Division Stret and closing and permanently abandoning a
portion of Division Street lying west of the westerly right-
of-way line of Bloxam Avenue and east of the easterly
right-of--way line of Galena Avenue, SUBJECT TO the
official platting of Edgewood Lake PUD.
258-M 10/26/93 Establishing a rate schedule for sanitation service and
replacement container costs.
259-M 1/25/94 Annexation for Tracts 53-A, 53-B, 54-A, 54-B, 59, and 60,
Lake Highlands Co., Sec. 29-22-26 of Tract 5, Lake High-
lands Co., Sec. 32-22-26. Approx. 52 acres. B. Ettinger.
260-M 1/25/94 Rezoning from R-R rural residential to R-1 single-family
residential of land annexed in Ord. 259-M.
261-M 1/25/94 Rezoning Lakeview Hts. Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4 from R-2 to R-
3A. Oceola Financial Corp. (Thompson/Homan).
262-M 3/22/94 Ustler/Chicone -rezone from R-R Rural Residential to R-1
Single Family Residential (approx. 52 acres) of Tracts 24,
25, 26, 27, & 28 of Lake Highlands, Sec. 20, T 22, R 26.
263-M 3/22/94 William Gibb -rezone from R-R Rural Residential to R-1
Single Family Residential (approx. 20 acres) of Tracts 21
and 22 of Lake Highlands, Sec. 20, T 22, R 26.
• •
241-M 1-28-92 Rezoned property located on the north side of Minnehaha
Avenue 150' east of Disston Avenue (behind the Willows)
from R1-A to R-1 Urban Residential.
242-M 2-25-92 Established a rate schedule for sanitation service for the
City of Clermont.
243-M 4-28-92 Dougherty rezone of lot 127 from R3 to C1, and Lots 11
and 12 and the west half of Lots 10 from R2 to R3 located
on southeast corner of Disston and Almond.
244-M 5-12-92 Establishing a rate schedule for Sanitation Services.
245-M 5-26-92 Harlie Johnson, annexation of approx. 19 acres located on
Mohawk Road, .5 miles east of Grand Highway (Tracts 53
and 54 in Township 22 South, R 26 East and Section 17,
Lake Highlands Company Subdivision).
246-M 5-26-92 Harlie Johnson, rezone of annexed 19 acres (above) from
R-R Rural Residential to M-1 Industrial District.
247-M 9-22-92 Garbage Franchise with Florida Garbage Services.
248-M 1-12-93 Annexation of South Lake Memorial Hospital, 40 acres
1320' north of Highway 50 on east side of Jacks Lake
249-M Withdrawn Rezoning Annexed property (Ord 248-M) from R-R to R-3.
250-M 5/11/93 Street vacation of Knapp Street east of Lakeshore Drive
251-M 6/08/93 Street vacation of Lake Shore Drive between East Avenue
and 2nd Street between the water's edge and a point 7'
south of the existing pavement.
252-M 8/10/93 Rezone of Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, Block 8, Ella Vista Hts. from
R-2 to R-3A (Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church).
253-M 8/24/93 Rezone of 131 Chestnut Street from R-2 to R-3A,
Presbyterian Church.
227-M 09-11-90 Establishes a rate for sanitation service of
$14.50 per residential unit and for commercial
and industrial (2 cans) each additional can $6
228-M 10-09-90 Rezoning of property annexed by ordinance 217-M
from RR to M-1 (OHM Corporation property)
229-M 10-23-90 Fair Housing Ordinance
230-M 08-13-91 Comprehensive Plan
231-M 08-27-91 Annexes property on Mohawk Road belonging to
Florida Power
232-M 08-27-91 Annexes property on Mohawk Road (Adams property
20' strip) East 20' of Tract 6, Lake Highlands Co.
233-M 08-27-91 Rezones property annexed by Ordinance 231-M
from RR Rural Residential to M-1
234-M 09-19-91 Establishes a rate schedule for water, sewer,
and sanitation services
235-M 11-12-91 Closes all that portion of an unnamed street
lying south of SR 50 and north of the West 1/2
of Tract 24
236-M 10-22-91 Annexes property on Mohawk Road described as
Tract 60, Section 17, Township 22 South, Range
26 East Lake Highlands Company Plat (9 acres)
237-M 10-22-91 Rezones property annexed in Ordinance 236-M
from RR to M-1 Industrial
238-M 10-22-91 Repeals the effective date of Section 3 of
Emergency Ord. Ordinance 234-M establishing a rate schedule
for sanitation service
(Ordinance will be in effect for sixty days
and then will automatically be repealed)
239-M 12-10-91 Repeals effective date of Section 3 of Ordinance
Emergency Ord. 234-M establishing a rate schedule for sanitation
240-M 12-10-91 Emergency Tree Ordinance relating to protection
Emergency Ord. of trees
north side of
241-M 1-28-92 Rezoning of property located on/Nlinnehaha Avenue
150' east of Disston Avenue (behind Willows) from
R-1-A to R-1 Urb~a.n Residential
242-M 2-25-92 Establishes a rate schedule for sanitation service
(replaces Emergency Ordinance 240-M)
• •
209-M 10-24-89 Annexation of property located at NE corner of
US 27 and Steve's Road (5.9 acres)
210-M 10-24-89 Rezoning of above property from RR Rural Resi-
dential to C-2 Commercial
211-M 01-09-90 Rezoning from R-3 to C-1 property located north
of Minnehaha Avenue and west of West Avenue
(Norquist property)
212-M 06-26-90 Rezoning of Dole Citrus property from M-1
to C-1 Light Commercial District
213-M 02-13-90 Annexation of property located east & adjacent to
Grand Hwy., north of extension of Hunt Street
(Approx. 10 acres - Sharkess property)
215-M 10-09-90 Annexation of property known as the "Fosgate
Property" 1,200 acres
216-M 10-09-90 Annexation of city property W 1/2 of Tract 5
Section 20, Township 22 S R26E less the N
324.2' of the W 268.72' 2.5+A
217-M 10-09-90 Annexation of OHM Corporation property on
Mohawk Road 2.9A
218-M 02-13-90 Annexation of property located on the NE corner
of intersection of Grand Hwy. and Jack's Lake Rd.
(Approx. 60 acres - Chicone)
219-M 10-09-90 Annexation of Gibb Property located 600' north
of Jack's Lake Road and 1,200' east of Grand
Highway 20±A
220-M 10-09-90 Annexation of property located on the northwest
corner of the intersection of Hwy 50 & Hancock Rd.
9±A - Nesheiwat property
221-M 10-09-90 Annexation of property located on north side of
and adjacent to Hwy 50 approx. 1.2 miles est of
Hwy 27 10±A - Brasher property
222-M 07-10-90 Comprehensive Plan Amendments adopted
223-M 10-09-90 Rezoning of property in ordinance 220-M from
RR Rural Residential to C-2 Commercial
224-M 04-10-90 Rezoning of property in213-M from RR to R-3
(Shrkess property)
225-M 06-26-90 Garbage Collection Franchise to Central Orlando
226-M 08-28-90 Rezoning of property from R-2 to R-3-A
Residential/Professional at 310 Almond Street
182-M 10-28-86
182-MA 4-28-87
183-M 03-24-87
184-M 11-10-87
184-MA 12-08-87
185-M 03-24-87
186-M 05-12-87
185-MA Tabled Indef.
Garbage Franchise - John Berry
Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan
Closing of Strickling Street
Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan
City of Clermont Pension Plan Investment
Ceiling increased from 30o to 70~
Rezoning of Poynter property located south
of Sun Bank from R-lA to R-2
Rezoning of property located on Lot 1,
Sunnyside Terrace from R-3 to C-2
An Ordinance Establishing Fees for Discarded
Shopping Carts
Garbage Franchise - Dump-All
Garbage Franchise - Commercial Refuse, Inc.
Garbage Franchise - A & A Sanitation
Garbage Franchise - DisposAll
Rezoning of Gallup property, Lot 4, Forty
Pines Subdivision from R-2 to C-1
Annexation of property Tracts 55-A & 55-B,
Lake Highlands Company Sub. - approx. 16 A.
Street Closing - part of Disston Street
Street Closing - Hunt Street
Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Rezoning of propertylocated south of Dal-Don
Produce from RR to C-2
Regulates use of Municipal Boat Ramp and sets
fee for use
Rezoning of property on Highland Avenue from
R-2 to R-3A (corner of East Ave. & Highland)
Street Closing - a portion of Highland Avenue
located west of Twelfth Street
Rezoning of property located north of Almond
Street and east of Bloxam Avenue from R-2 to
Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan
Establishes the Planning and Zoning Commission
as the City's Local Planning Agency
Lake Apopka Natural Gas District Franchise Agreement
Renewal - expires October 22, 2010
Rezones property located Block 137, Lots 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, and 9 & north 30' of closed portion
of Highland Avenue west of Twelfth Street from
R-1-A to R-3-A
Rezoning of property on northwest corner of Highland &
Disston Avenues from R-1 to R-3
Garbage Franchise - Town & Country Refuse
Sanitation Rate increase
• •
152-M 1-24-84 Annexation Request - Church of the
159-M 4-10-84 Rezoning of property at 858 Minneola
Avenue (funeral home) from R-3 to C-1
160-M 6-26-84 Cable Television Franchise Agreement
156-M 8-14-84 Rezoning of the west 306' of Tracts
2 & 3, Oakhurst from R-1 to R-3
161-M 7-10-84 Street Closing - portion of Pine Lane
162-M 9-25-84 United Telephone Franchise Agreement
163-M 9-11-84 Rezoning of Inland Grove Property from
R-1-A to R-1 (northwest corner of
Minnehaha and Twelfth Street)
164-M 9-11-84 Rezoning of Postal Colony property
on Minneola Avenue from R-3 to CBD
165-M 8-28-84 Street Closing - portion of Crystal
Lake Drive
166-M 9-25-84 Sewer Rates
167-M 10-28-86 Rezoning from R-2 to C-2 property
located north of Quincy's - Wade
168-M-A 12-11-84 Rezoning of Lots 20 & 21, Homedale
from R-3 to C-1 (Pink Pig)
168-M 7-09-85 Comprehensive Plan
169-M 8-13-85 Establishes Sanitation Rates for the
City of Clermont
170-M 3-26-85 Blackburn request for rezoning of
Lots 7 & 8, Block I, City Blocks from
R-1 to R-2
171-M 2-26-85 Authorizes Lake County Court to collect
a $2 fee per adjudication of guilt
fee to be used for education & training
of Clermont Police Officers
172-M 4-09-85 Rezoning of property in Oakhurst Sub.
from R-1 to R-3 (Vaughn property)
173-M 6-25-85 Street Closing - portion of an unnamed
street bordering Lake Winona
174-M 3-24-87 Closing of Eleventh Street south of
Minnehaha Ave. ROW line 235'
175-M 10-OS-85 Rezoning of property in Block 93,
City Blocks from R-3 to C-1 (Black
& Bedsole property across from the
Post Office)
176-M 12-10-85 Rezoning of property to conform with
the adopted Comprehensive Plan
177-M 3-25-86 Amendments to Comprehensive Plan
178-M 5-27-86 Rezoning of property to conform with
the adopted Comprehensive Plan
179-M 9-23-86 Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan
180-M 10-28-86 Garbage Franchise - Industrial Waste
181-M 10-28-86 Garbage Franchise - American Refuse
Services, Inc.
• •
135-M 9-09-80 Adopting the Utilities Fund Budget for
FY 1980-1981
136-M 9-09-80 Providing for a tax on Utilities, fuel
Oil, metered or bottled gas
137-M 9-09-80 Sanitation Sefvice Budget for the
FY 1980-1981
138-M 9-09-80 Budget of expenses for General Operations
FY 1980-1981
139-M 9-09-80 Establishing a rate schedule for Water
Sanitation and Sewer Services
140-M 10-14-80 Providing for Occupational License Fees
to be established by Resolution
141-M 5-28-81 Voluntary annexation of property in
Tract 8, Section 20 (Church of the
Nazarene property)
142-M 6-23-81 Closing a portion of an unnamed street
abutting Lake Dot
143-M 8-11-81 Street Closing - a portion of Settle St.
144-M 3-17-82 Establishing a rate schedule for water,
sewer and sanitation services
145-M 5-25-82 Rezoning of Lot 127, Clermont Heights
from R-2 to R-3
146-M 6-22-82 Rezoning of Lots 3 & 5, Block 44, City
Blocks from R-3 to C-1
147-M 11-09-82 Garbage Collection Franchise - South
Lake Refuse of Groveland
148-M 1-11-83 Property Annexation - Bob Wade
149-M 1-11-83 Property Rezoning - Bob Wade
150-M 3-22-83 Property Rezoning - Tony Hubbard, Lots
in Block Q
151-M 3-22-83 Street closing - portion of Broome Street
152-M (See next page)
153-A2 6-28-83 Rezoning of property in Ella Vist Heights
from R-2 to R-3 (Bank Property)
154-M 6-28-86 Rezoning of property at Emerald Lakes
from R-1-A to C-1
155-M 8-09-83 Annexation of Wade Property
156-M (See next page)
157-M 11-08-83 Rezoning of Wade property on Hwy 50
from R-1-A to C-2
158-M 11-08-83 Rezoning of Wade property from R-1-A to
• •
119-M 8/28/79 Establishing Rate Schedule for
Water-Sanitation & Sewer Service
120-M 8/14/79 Emergency Ordinance Adopting
• 79-80 Utilities Fund Budget
121-M 9/11/79 Adopting General Operations
Fund Budget for 79-80 (4.50 Mill:
122-M 9/11/79 Adopting Sanitation Service
Budget for 79-80
123-M 9/11/79 Adopting Utilities Fund Budget
for 79-80
124-M 10/9/79 Comprehensive Plan
125-M 12/11/79 Closing portion Un-named Street
(Shady Nook Lake)
Failed to Pass
126-M 2/8/80 7/8/80 Annexation of Richard R. Swann
127~A4 12/27/79. Closing Portion Lakeshore Drive
to establish proper r~-o~w
Cpreviously filed as 202~C
128-M 8/12/80 Rezoning of property contiguous
to the Subdivision known as
Lakeview Hills, Phase I, as
recorded in P.B. 24, Page 42
129-M ']/22/80 Closing of unnamed street
adjacent to the East shore of
Lake Dot bounded on the S. by th
Westerly extension of the S.
R.O.W. line of Broome St.
130-M 7/22/80 Closing Portion of Lakeshore Dr.
according to the Plat of Cler-
mont Heights, recorded in Plat
Book 4, page 1,
131-M 7/22/80 Closing of portion of Broome St.
bounded on the W. by the unnamed
street adjacent to the E. shore
of Lake Dot & bounded on the E.
by the W. R.O.W. of 5th St.
132-M 8/12/80 Amending the Official Zoning Map of
the City of Clermont from R-3 to R-1,
described as a portion of Government
Lot 4 of Section 30, Township 22 South
Range 26 East, Lake County, Florida.
133-M Amending the Official Zoning Map of
8/12/80 the City of Clermont from C-2 to R-1,
described as a portion of Gov. Lot 4
of Sect. 30, Township 22 South,
Range 26 East, Lake County, Florida.
134-rd 9/9/80 Granting Garbage Collection
Franchise to Dump-All, Inc.,
providing for term of franchise,
& other purposes