06-11-1974 Supporting DocumentsMINUTES M 1035
A Regular Meeting of the City Council was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday,
Oune 11, 1974. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor Claude E.
Smoak, Jr. with the following members present: Councilman Oswalt, Schroedel, Byrd,
and Waller. Other officials present were: City Controller Fleming, City Clerk Carroll,
City Attorney Vason, City Manager Hopkins and Chief of Police Tyndal. Others
present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Perry and the Messrs. Czech, Schumann, Crowson,
hWafters, Waymire, Carden, Prior and Johnson. Representatives of the Daily Commercial
and the Sentinel/Star were also present.
The Invocation was given by Councilman Byrd, followed by repeating of the Pledge
of Allegiance in unison by those present.
The Minutes of the meeting held May 28, 1974 were approved as written.
Mayor Smoak announced the first order of business to be a Public Hearing to consider
request by Mark V LTD., Inc. for a variance to Section 26-23 (E)(3) of the Zoning
Ordinance (Rear Yard setbacks) in order to construct a residence on portions of
Lots 2 and 4 in City Block 113 with a 21' rear yard setback instead of the required
25 feet. There was no one present who voiced objection to this request, whereupon
Mr. Dave Crowson, Engineer of Dawkins & Associates, Inc. appeared before Council
and reported that bids were received and opened in the office of the City Manger on
June 10, 1974, for the construction of Sewage Pumping Station No. 22 and a 4"
force main to serve the Clermont High School and Spring Lake Drainage Area, which
were as follows:
Basic Asphalt and Construction Co.
Bruce Ogden, Inc.
37,6. 8497
Grey Gull Contracting
Hogue Corporation
Hubbard Construction Co.
Mason, Inc.
Peacock Development Corporation
Tech Corporation
Wilder Construction
Mr. Crowson further reported that the bids were in order as per specifications
submitted and that it was their recommendation that the low bid as submitted by Basic
Asphalt and Construction Co. in the amount of $24,306.66 be accepted, whereupon motion
cPrnndpd by Councilman Waller add unanimously
Mr. Wayne Waymire, present' 'a resident of this area and formerly a full time fireman
in Memphis, Tennessee, appeared before Council to inquire of their interest toward
establishment of a full time fire department in Clermont which would also extend
emergency rescue services such as scuba diving, advanced first aid, etc. Mr. Waymire
was advised that Council was certainly interested and felt that a full time department
would be a necessity in the fature,hut that the cost at the present time would be
prohibitive. They further advised that the Department of Forestry had proposed a
"beefing up" of present volunteer fire departments in order to respond to residences
in rural areas inasmuch as they were geared for forestry type fires and unable to
proficiently combat structure fires, and, that the Lake County Commission had held
a Public Hearing with regards this proposal on this date with no action having
been taken pending responses from the various volunteer fire departments in the
county as to their interest in participating in such a plan and another public
hearing is to be held by the Commission in Tavares on June 26th. Mr. Waymore advised
that he would like to meet with the Councilmen individually to discuss the matter
further. Mayor Smoak expressed appreciation to Mr. Waymire for his interest and
advised that he felt each council member would be glad to meet with him.
Mr. William Johnson of the Lake County Economic Opportunity, Inc. appeared before
Council in behalf of that organization's request to Council for a financial
pledge in tile amount of $500.00 in order to accumulate funds necessary to apply
for a state grant to continue their Senior Citizens Program in Lake County.
Inasmuch as the local senior citizens program, "Meals on Wheels", is presently
being successfully carried on by private local contributions, it was determined that
no action be taken until such time as a report can be made to Council by the
local representative of this program.
City Manager Hopkins reported as follows: That the "Slurry Seal" resurfacing
of various streets in the city was now in progress; That the swimming pier at
Jaycee Beach had been temporarily repaired by city crews in order to accommodate
this season's swimming program; That he had attended a meeting in Tavares on
highway network division in Florida concerning a proposal by the DOT for a
redesignation of primary roads, and it appeared that a readjustment was in the
making in favor of populated South Florida area which would result in the many
rural counties having to absorb the costs of such transition, Lake County being
one of these, and that there had been several local failures of the "borrow pit"
by erosion since it had begun receiving effluent on April 30th, but which had
been taken care of with backfilling and seeding of the dikes, etc. until June
loth when an erosion of the dike had been discovered which was to such an extent
that local backfilling would not correct, and he had ceased any further emptying
of effluent into the pit at that time. Mr. Hopkins submitted statistics on the
canal levels since the "borrow pit" was first used on April 30th, which emphasized
the need of the pit, and inquired of Council as to their determination of what
sort of improvements are necessary in order to accomplish what they hope to
accomplish. It was consensus of Council that Mr. Hopkins be authorized to proceed
with the necessary consultant work with the engineers for work that needs to be -
done in evaluating the alternatives with respect the percolation pond that
we're present using, the "borrow pit!'.
City Controller Fleming reported as follows: That of the sewer assessment program
at approximately $876,000, as of May 30th, $540,239 principal, $3,666 penalties,
and $21,828 interest had been collected, and, That of the total property
owners who chose the ten year annual payment plan for payment of their assessment,
there were 26 owners covering 42 parcels of property which were delinquent as of
April 1st and these would be turned over to the City Attorney on June 12th for
collection. It was the suggestion of Mayor Smoak that letters of intent be mailed
these persons by City Attorney Vason before taking legal action for collection.
Mayor Smoak reported as follows: That he and City Attorney Vason had been invited
to meet with Peter H. Johnson and his Attorney on Thursday, June 13th with regards
a possible out -of -court settlement on the pending condemnation suit; That it
had been suggested at the last P & Z meeting that a workshop session at least once
a year, and possibly more, between the Council and P & Z Commission would be
beneficial for better communication in terms of planning for the city. Mayor
Smoak announced the first such session had been called for Tuesday, June 18,
1974, at 7:30 P. M. in the Council Chambers.
Motion was made by Councilman Oswalt, seconded by Councilman Schroedel and carried
that the bills be paid, except, that payment to Tornado Equipment Corporation be
withheld pending investigation and authorization by City Manager Hopkins as to
possible additional repair to the trash loader.
Mr. Dave Crowson reported to Council that successful negogiations had been held with
Singer Layne/Atlantic in their misinterpretation of the bid specs for renovation
of the Highland Avenue Well, and that it was his recommendation that a negotiated
proposal in the amount of $7,225.00 be accepted and the necessary authorization
given for signing of a contract. It was suggested that the contract be drawn wherein
it would declare a maximum amount of $7,225.00 for the completed project, and that
if the project was concluded earlier than 13 days, it would be at a cost to the
city of $425.00 per actual work day. Motion was made by CouncilmanLSchroedel, ^u
City Manager Hopkins reported that he had again been in contact with Miss
Florence Pool with regards acquisition of property from her for a new well site,
but had not yet received an answer. Mr. Crowson reported that all other surveys
and field work had been completed with regards this project except that to be done
after acquiring a site location in order to make the application deadline of
August 15th to FHA, but, it was his opinion that FHA officials would be understanding
to the city's propblem in an extension of time if it became necessary.
Councilman Oswalt reported on a meeting held with Dr. William Howard, actuary
for the city's pension plan, wherein suggestions were made as follows: That a
meeting be arranged between Robert Carle, Trust Fund officer of the city's pension
fund, and Council, to discuss possible other investments of the pension fund
monies than presently invested. That an annual review of the pension plan
benefits be made by Council with respect to possible amendments to the plan 'due
to cost of living increases, and, That the present vesting provision for city
employees be reduced from 20 years service and age 55 to 10 years of service and
no age requirements. Motion was made by Councilman Byrd, ^ seconded Tby Councilman
be Eomleted u on 10 years of service and no -age re uirement and such Ordinance
to become effect ve as of October 1, 19/4.
Meeting adjourned by Mayor Smoak at 9:12 P. M.
Claude E. Smoak, Jr.,Ma or
Do ]ores 41. Carroll, City Clerk
Aamco Transmissions
(Vehicle Maintenance)
Art Brindle Dodge,Inc.
(Vehicle Maintenance)
Amn.Playground Device Co.
(Playground Replacements)
Advance Electric Co.
(Repair/Replace Park Lights)
Bowen Supply Co.,Inc.
( Office Supplies )
Bennett Truck Equipment,Inc.
(Vehicle Maintenance)
Credit Bureau of Eustis
(Property TF Bulletin)
Clermont Auto Parts
( Vehicle & Equip. Mai nt.Parts)
Carroll Gas
(Gas for Tar Wagon)
Cal Hegstrom Co.
(Copystat supplies)
Charles Sales
(Kohler Closet)
Clermont Medical Center
(Medical Exam -New Patrolman)
Coble's Radiator Service
(Vehicle Maintenance)
Clermont Hardware
(Iiose Bibb -Faucet -File etc.)
Clermont Builders Supply
(B1dg.Maintenance Supplies)
D & B Fifth St. Grocery
(Prisoner Expense)
Dust -Tex Service
Eckerd Drug Store
(Film and Prints)
Engel 's
(Police Uniforms)
F & R Office Supply.Inc.
(Office Supplies)
Gem Chemical Co.
( Opener)
Graham -Jones
(Shop Towels)
Hovis-Baird & Dougherty
(Legal Work -Oswalt Lease)
Hydraulic Supply Co.
(Vehicle Maintenance)
Hunt's Garden Center
(Dog & Swan Feed)
Hilltop Stationery
(Office Supplies)
Hughes Supply,Inc.
( B1dg.Maintenance supplies)
IBM Corporation
Inland Equipment Co.
(Equipment Maintenance)
Jim Willis Hardware
(Hard Hats -Drop Cords-Rakes,etc.)
Kirkland Cabinet Shop
Leesburg Chrysler/Plymouth
(Vehicle Maintenance)
Lake Apopka Gas
Mobil Oil Corp.
(Petroleum Products)
Markham Co. ,Inc.
(Mesh Net Cover)
N.Amn.Publishing Co.
( Police Dep't.Supplies)
Orlando Paving Co.
(Asphalt Mix)
R.L.Polk & Co.
(Mineral Spirits)
(Police Dep't.Supplies)
Sirchie Finger Print Co.
(Vehicle & Equipment Parts)
Standard Auto Parts,Inc.
(Publishing & Office Supplies)
South Lake Press
(Control Switch)
Southland Equipment
Superior GMC Trucks,Inc.
(Vehicle Maintenance)
Freeman's Repairs
(Sheet Metal)
Konsler Steel
(Oxygen -Steel)
01 ()1vrmo1d
I! 1 Wurl nalu Plnru ■ Clormunl, Il011(6, 32711 r Phano: (001) 30.1.3141
hat to I, hereby cit
Hearing in the Council Chambers located on the corner of West
Avenue and Desoto Streets on Tuesday, Julie 11, 1974 at 7:30
P.M. for the following purpose:
To consider request by Mark V LTD.,Inc, for a Variance to
Section 26-23 (E) (3) of the Zoning Ordinance setbacks) in order to construct a (Rear yard
residence on portions of
Lots 2 and 4 in City Block 113, an R-3 Zone.
All interested parties will be given an opportunity to express
their views on the above mentioned matter.
June 6, 1974 RIM-HopkinsI City Manager
City of Clermont, Florida
Mark V LTD. Inca
537 So. Central Avenue 1
Apopka, Florida 32703 i
y0 fd° TCiIINIi LU;IRn ('1F /!G;115'iPIFN7
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