2001-44 . . . .¡. CITY OF CLERMONT CHANGE ORDER NO.1 DATE April 26, 2001 FILE NO.: PROJECT NAME: East Side Water Reclamation Facility Expansion NO.: . CONTRACTOR: Indian River Industrial Contractors. Inc. CONTRACT DATE:..AeILL.t-1OJ)L CONTRACT FOR: Project TO: CONTRACTOR You are directed make the changes noted below in the subject contract: NATURE OF THE CHANGES: Contract will be changed to reflect the items listed in the Letter dated April 2, 2001 &om Indiari River Industrial Contractors, Inc. to Boyle Engineering Corp (attached). This letter includes 11 items with a projected savings of$287,400.00. In addition, the original contract will be reduced by $1,856,600 to account for the materials and equipment that will be purchased directly by the Owner. Further clarifications are listed below: Item 1, Sales Tax Savings: The Contractor will still have the responsibility for receiving, storing, installing the equipment and warranty services. The following items are described in the attached letter dated April 24, 2001 from the Contractor to . Boyle Engineering Corp. Item 5, Coal Tar Epoxy: Furnish and install products as descn"bed in the above referenced letter. Item 9, PVC Duct: Furnish and install products as descnòed in the above referenced letter. Item 10, Light Fixtures: Furnish and install products as described in the above referenced letter. Enclosed! Attached: Letters dated 4/2/01 and 4/24/01 from Contractor to Boyle Engineering Corp. The changes result in the following adjustment of the Contract Price and Contract Time: Contract Price Prior to this Change Order: $ 8.691.200.00 Net (Increase) (Decrease) Resulting 1Ì"om this Change Order: Current Contract Price Including this . Change Order: $( $ 6.547.200.00 CHANGE ORDER ORC9820003 April 26, 2001 (CWO0930) 00930-1 . . . _f Change Orqer (page two of two) Completion Prior to this Change Order Completion Time Prior to this Change Order Net (Increase) (Decrease) Resulting fÌ'om this Change Order - Calendar Days Completion Date Resulting ftom this Change Order 460 0 No Change The above changes are approved: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PE By: Tamara Richardson. Title City Engineer Date: The above changes are accepted: CONTRACTOR - Indian River Industrial ~ By: Jame~ W. Foidsl P.resident Title - Date: MAY - 9 2001 The above changes are accepted: CHANGE ORDER ORC9820003 April 26, 200 1 (CWQ0930) CITY OF CLERMONT B~ ~ Date: 00930-2 .Ï' .- ~ Indian River .dustrial Contractors, Inc. . . P.O. Box 23086 I Jacksonville, Florida 32241-3086 (904) 262-2000 - Fax Number (904) 260-4829 April 2, 2001 9) m:@EIlW~~ d~ ADq ~ 200 ;' BOYLE EN,GtNE5RI , rFA.XED APR - 2. 2001 Mr. Victor Godlewski Boyle Engineering Corporation 320 South Street Orlando FL 32801 BY. City of Re: City of Oermont - Eastside WRF Expansion Dear Mr. Godlewski: In accordance with our telephone conversation this morning, please find a revised "'suggested savings schedule. for the referenced project: 1. Sales tax savings available if the Oty of Oermont issues direct vendor purchase orders for selected major items of mechanical equipment. This will entail the issuance of approximately (12) twelve purE:hase orders. Indian River Industrial Contractors will assist the City with the methodology of writing the purchase orders and will retain responsibility for receiving and installing equipment. The savings shown may vary slightly .depending on final negotiated purchase order amounts. Savings $112,000.00 2. Provide 8" x 10" monthly aerial progress photographs (3 copies of 2-aerial views) in lieu of photographs specified in original bid documents. Savings $1,200.00 3. Delete HDPE liner (specification section 09984) at walls and underside of slab at pretreatment structure and in lieu thereof apply vinyl ester coating on walls and underside of slab. Savings $16,000.00 4. Eliminate concrete encasement of electrical duct bank system and substitute in lieu thereof magnetic locator tape. Savings $76,000.00 5. Change specified coating system on interior of process tank structures from vinyl ester to coal tar epoxy, except at pretreatment structure. Savings $30,000.00 \\lRPOC\COMPANY\S9006 - CJennont\Corresøondenœ\COSt SavinQs.doc . . . .r Mr. Victor Godlewski Boyle Engineering Corporation April 2, 2001 Page 2 of 3 6. Change specified collateral loads on pre-engineered operations building, chlorine/compressor building, and bio-solids building from ASCE 1998, wind loading of 110 mph and collateral load of 25 pounds per square foot to SBC 1997, wind loading of 100 mph and collateral load of 10 pounds per square foot. Savings $9,000.00 7. Delete spare parts for Seepex progressive cavity pumps required by project specifications and substitute in lieu thereof recommended spare parts in accordance with MTS Environmental letter dated March 26, 2001. Savings $16,300.00 8. Change chemical solution piping containment system from specified "Ao Safe" manufacturer to "Guardian" Containment. Savings $5,100.00 9. Change odor control and bio-filter piping and ductwork from fiberglass to PVC. Savings $7,800.00 10. Change electrical lighting Uthonia KSF fixtures to KAD style fixtures. Savings $3,000.00 11. Should the City of aermont wish to issue the 12-purchase orders referenced in item 1 and accept the remainder of the deductions offered herein and a change order showing these deductions is presented to the contractors Surety at the same time as the contract, the bond issued will then be for the revised contract amount and a savings to the owner on the bond premium will be available as shown. Savings $11,000.00 PROJECTED COST SA VINGS $287,400.00 .i' ~ . . . . . . Mr. Victor Godlewski Boyle Engineering Corporation April 2, 2001 Page 3 of 3 After you complete your review, please call me so we may discuss final preparation of this material for submission to the City of Clermont. Thanking you for your consideration in this matter, we remain Very truly yours, INDIAN RIVER INDUSTRIAL CONTRACTORS, INC. Læ Executive Vice President SES/ds C: Clermont File . .' . . Ò3/26/0l MON 15:26 FAX 904 273 1166 , H T 5 ENVIRONMENTAL INC 1aI001 environmental Ernie B. Troughton 12120 Pilot' Country Drive Spring Hili, Fl. 34610 (81~996-7800 80 (813)996-6297 FAX etroughlonOnwe.cc Corporate Office Robert K. Solomon 3102 Sawgrass Village Circle Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 (904)273-8600 . (904)273-1166 FAX rsmtsGbcllsouth.nel John M. Harward 227 Rugby Road West Palm Beach, f1. 33405 (561) 8JS.æ82 8 (561) 8211-8930 (FAX) i h arward.m tsOmIn cis prln¡. co m FAX MESSAGE TO: Hugh HolbomlIndian River Contractors FROM: Bob Solomon DATE: 3/26/01 RE: City of Clermont Seepex Pumps NO. OF PAGES: 1 ~ ~ 'i;.c.. s ~(,. ~.:.o ~ \ \ ~ \ ~ ~ '\i.\"tP~~ ~C"a.g~~~~ \V'l c:..~\I't~1 ~v...~p ~ ******************************************************************************** Dear Hugh: The spare parts required by the specifu;alions can for two rotors and two staJors for each pump, 2 sets 01 packing lor the disposal pump, 2 mechanical seals lor the transler pump, two coupling rods lor each pump and two u-joint kits lor each pump. The cost is $21,900. Since the pumps were designed with duktn coated rotors and stators with adjustable stator tensioning devices which extend the service life 2 to 3 times, r would consider the specifud quantities more than they need. Normally with this design during the first 3 years of operation we would recommend only one stator lor each pump and a mechanical sealfor the transfer pump and two sets olpackinglor the disposal pump. The costlor tlris would only be $5,600.00, a net savings of$16,300. Please advise what the engineer would Uke us to provide. ç ~~t"~ ~~t"'"" ~ ~O-~- \ ... <;. \...-.k'\.~'- ~I:'~~\. ~~t- ~egarlÚ' BWsolomon ~_C-~ '\ ~ - ~ .. ó.. - ~ '-, ~ ~\o),,~~ ~ \~ Ç)~\. ~\.. Mclaughlin. Troughton 8 Solomon & Associates Manufacturers Representatives website: www.mts-flortda.com p. Indian River .dustrial Contractors, Inc. ~ P.O. Box 23086 I Jacksonville, Florida 32241-3086 (904) 262-2000 - Fax Number (904) 260-4829 Aprl124,2001 Mr. Victor Godlewski, Jr., P.E. Senior Engineer Boyle Engineering Corporation 320 South Street Orlando FL 32801 Re: Eastside WRF Expansion City of Clermont, Florida . IRIC Project No. 59006 Dear Victor: . Pursuant to our telephone conversation, Please find attached herewith additional Information for the proposed substitutions concerning the Electrical Light Axtures, Painting, and PVC Odor Control Ductwork. Should you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanking you for your consideration in this matter, we remain Very truly yours, INDIAN RIVER INDUSTRIAL CONTRACTORS, INC. SES/ds C: Correspondence w/Engineer Value Engineering File . E:\S9006 - Oennont\Correspondenœ\GodIewstd - Substltutlons.doc . . . ELECTRICAL LIGHT FIXTURE SUBSTITUTION FIXTURE TYPE SPEaFIED ON CONTRACT PROPOSEDSU~I£I~TION DRAWINGS C Uthonia KSF2-2S0S-R2-RPO9-480 Uthonia KAD-2S0S-R2-RPDO9-480 J Uthonia KSF1-1OOS-RJ-RPO9-277 Uthonia KAD-1OOS-RJ-RPDO9-277 N Uthonia KSF1-1OOS-RJ-RPO9-277 Uthonia KAD-1OOS-RJ-RPDO9-277 P Uthonia KSF1-100S-RJ-RPO9-277 Uthonia KAD-1OOS-RJ-RPDO9-277 04/23/01 16: 43 cøGBUR BROS SVCS, INC. .. 190426134829 FILE No.948 0.4/23 '01 1.4:35 ID:Ii.JGHES SU'PLY JQX FQX:ro43780327 C8IaIcto"""'" T.,... KSfZ j25DS R2 RPO9 480 C CtIY Of' a.~ 04/2:"OJ .l!U.~ 7UJ44L Mil . ,. UTHDNLA LHIH77NIiI -. ÆA TURES 8r SPECIRCA TIONS llOUStHG - fllllllld..DO'" ttJlc:r. ;t(ninum recliline. IIeIdhIt- c.n. tt-usI't IClIft _Wed hi' ",.l1hIr.fgt\t lIaln IntWlPftV. S1an- . 118r4 """11 dirk Wlt\Z8 COOBI po!y8lftr lOWlIer. ONr P8Wdlr .,cni..C1IIrll eelen IvallaDltI!. DOOR fftAlIIIl! - NIllIr.aUy "'Ddized. atnMhd, ,1_1IImI Iloo. h'_1 witfI n8t~d coml,. q retained w/ItIltWDI .1.. eIIl""'" hinge ",",s ana .ecllfDd IMItI (Ollll.".,r-tilln. quick reiN" fl~mer. WCI"...'P"," ..,,1 bC1WC8l1 holdinG 8nd door trunl Is aceom. plistlld ~flall IIIt.!J181/y dtliV'"ld, ~ deanl galŒt tt\aC snap. iMo door (teme. OPTICAL SYS'TtM - R.IIoc;1ÞU 1ft AnCHIIlcd Ind SIOl"8"" fit' IUpo- ricK.ntormiO( and eOlltl'Ol. wtlictl8RCIWS the tlexi!lllty to mix distri. '"-,"en, WifICIu' Com(InlmWng tIMI o",,~11 npti", job. "'1Ie~ a1Dell willi tvoHl!U tlst""" and Ire rlUtHI, Illd hltetell,nga. ..... rIVe cutoff ditttillutioni Ivlil,'1G: Type II tfMdWIY). Type In (iI$~'tricl. 'rtfC IV (fG1W8rd ~.Ih;", elftolf). TYIHI tV (wid,. tD1W1fd dlrowl..1Id Type V esquire lytMllUieall. LOIS - Lflll is .'25- ",ie,," Ïllllaclorulslam., lII/tIII-d. ,lOlls with thermal¡""P1IIie4.sillr. seretnlCl ,aWlr dear ~hield. ELCC'11UCAl SYSTEM - Const¡¡nt-weuage aUtllllil1l$1omaer " IGO'" ClO IØ"- wound and faC*ry rtmd. Almov.'" IOMr dINI, anI pndM-toemv CIIs:connut 0"9. SOCItfT - Por...,I.in. horfrantelty.oficnnlf, mo9ul-tlIl ll !loc".' with ~II I Icr 6IIoy. "tela!! ...tÞd 8Crcw ,hila and "6l1li' CNlUCt. Ul \mad ISGQW. 500V. 41CV put.. fltld. INST.UATION-Ex1rv*d.'" oI\IIÑIIlHlllrtftfor lOle IItwtllmou,,'irI!I is Iftippod hi 1i1QU', ultlln. O'-oMI_nngs ...1110111.. UmNG - UL tm.d tw wellocatioM. ....... Ittd "btl9t1 tv ~omølv wlUI c:.n,dÌ:3n $ÞPlClatds Isft OøtloML . NO.Ø99 ~12 ~ 11 IlJOll A-- UgMI~ KSF2 HIGH PRESSURESODIU..- l5lSW. ItÞN 25' \" SS' lIIounânq ~ .--l J tAr~ I l ~ $pIu:IfIuri- EPA: z..o 11.1 (""'1 lillrW81 -I ~",\II: ZJ .sII8 114.11 IMdIl\: '8-'n 1'7.11 O.pIII= WIll C%I." "'¡'lp.t. :15 IK 11""" attI1: 41\O.7J All-"'.' -- k-"" - _I.. .~. u..-o- ,griM IW~...., """""OAlJP , \Io'IIdIIo 11M! I IMIIor. , Dl&1.lIMrtlon IU T.... II ro_~y I&S IV" In nym....""C ~S '"0 IV I._II """'. 'II8rp cUtaIf ~ IES T"" IV "'"", 1000lld "'r- fI'JS IEs TYlI V IIIUllt RPOI I M....a... '211 8P114 s.....ø "Ie fA" ....., .' INolle"" Ie' SPOt SQuarr plllli If It'lliI ~ IIPIM Rovftl ... If' I""'" IÐ ~.o. IIounIl ,oIl Ir wttIII -' WWQ4 Wood pDII " ... '" If" Iftft)I WV'IG' Wuof pelt or will 11" InIIl .804 Wol ..,CbI. ... ømI WaG, W." elUbt .. .-) "AI. WM1I IIIIS",-, IIAtA. DAI2 '80 I v..!... ~II ElC8mpte~ OfUIIII$ R:l1ZD SPIM $FDDS JL ì ~~ ORDERING INfORMAT1ON "'- I'-C .....,,- ...... ""'-'- - - lUõIa yoM' II_' ..... ...- ... ... DIe ............ ..... CIt.... _S!!II!!a .. ..,-... ~_I.t -loa'. ~~S1 R2 Øf1 em ~11 I) we WD1CS; t t-..R ""'" I.. ._~ ;" c...... I """UI ."'H., "I..' 1171. 10'. ~. llm 111'1. 211. SiN .. c.-..L . --..-_....n-A-.' ..... .......... ... .'I8M" ... , ro' f"IO... ....... . ..., Ie ....a: .. .'&lUII/\' . .-... ...-., ..- --10. n. .I', .-...0' (-'e.. """'t. , r.. ... ........ a., ","".... - ....... ~, 0-, .-. '" ""'" ......u. 1WTtMA&. IaO8IIT1I8G laJllpctdCl .,øot,8tfvl DAU' o.,r.. - I\lOl11 OAIZWI 0..1'" - lwoll ..4 10'1... ."" .d8 1ter ICYMB T...... llloa"rin~ 1111' ........ 188181... I. .""0 II $Int" fllselllO. ZrJ. WV, III TII " DaWIe "Ie! nGI.18Ø. A"". ~a t81 .. N(M&. ...in"'c' ,oco_.clo flllV 1M ,IIo1DClftrrall II1II ~ N&II" JYSUIIII C1SW .....: .."'" not Ifteladlrcl.Uav .. II: 1IIIIfI1"" CfttlÎt CI CImuIoMIIIIÏ8UIIIt rmall csa UI:e~ .11 ""'184 I. ft""'" """ ClftICliItl Sll"""~ at".. ..,.,...8fJ" PI' N!MA W;d.lO(t rt 112'0. ZOII. 2ADV'I ,., HEMA twilHlICk PE 134M H' NEIIIA ",~"'I I"E I'IOVI PO N~"" "I~..II n (Z77V) ~ Slto"." nO lor rEJI 0IIt1oft anws Mavu .idø 1lli8lclIlU.I'" U'ZVC \1...411 sç.~ "'c~.' c..- ..-.r ......,. ......" en. DØ8 0811 IItaIIZII II"ntl~ IIWII W1Iit8 a&. 'lwet Cteaic C8C.I ... ....... ..,- DU NsII/f'IIIfUII/IIUIII DSS CIIn""'" 8CC QuI"'" !!flY on T...... f'9'" - ',lgIIt rM IIS8 Steel.... 1_. OJ! 0.. NIl" 128". 1-"" fa-nD r T35.ne 14~"~~.T~Mø~/_~ IDnhI,NDØtlI"J Ie....'" ... ""'- '_1" ".-' r....f..n' n_'" nt.no Ðo..KO T2041O Tlt.JtO m.l" Tn-liD 125..8 tzs,.". 13&018 TJ5.ttt THoIla n"-lw JñT!i- Tn.... ~'" OUTDOOR øeo-IC5n 04/23/01 16:43 el1JGBUR BROS sues. INC. .. 1~2611J4829 FILE No.9llB OA/23 '01 lA:35 ID:HUGHES SUPPLY JQX FQX:90437BO327 . . . 04/13/01 15:19 1~^1 7U34H AS! KSF2 4OOS Arm-Mounted Rectilinear Cutoff lighting c. 8E-.:.., ., UtIIIø". - ....... ,.....,. KSf2 400S R2 CIIIRII8IIJ "'.-- -' .Ii felt .,11130316111 a . ,J ,c ... ~ ""AII SoICII8 ... $0lIIIO qW ...... ftalQI6..., us.ed 1111f!I 88IIIIIi1r hi&llt. DdIIWi8n. . QW. KSF2 400s R4W IIslHo.lTWOS COIRIEtr f61111UÞ11GN I .1 , I J I , , tOI/rIlI¡ I ftISSIn SedluIll!8mD. sooao Q/III -... F1Dt8llllc.a.s "1CO ...10' ...-"'C SI'" DÔllltlVlllII W ... ~........ II I i 7. r:: J I !II . I ... . NO.Ø99 ~13 ~ 12 III on KSf2 4QOS R3 kUla. m,. IIMa&l5a1 KSF2 400S R4SC tn'lIe-lilSIIC22IIl t"IZftI DOl6IlIII~ c:DIfIØWr If -..røeII , I J Do . . . dMt KcfI hQlÞ WIll... ..... --- '....... ..... .... AI W ............ ....... . CIII4 . Iõ I . ! I! . I . i , I I ¡ I! ~ : I . I I I' 8II1fI1IIØ fIlS- Std......... ..... IIII8m. ,...... valla '*'. SS' ~ --- DidIIII8III N . .. ~ KSF2 4005 R5S TcstNo.II9305170& IIImIaDIr or UII\IlIL1IIIII . iii I .1 i I ~ . I ¡ ,; I . I $ , WIll t;~ Pras- S8!IIIII.... ~ ICtId ~ "O'.t",,~ aIUtc ......3' -~ 1Itip'. DåIIibII/(III V . QJIIIl rlO'l'u~ '. ..r tleali", ""-IICI. -\11\ 18CIIr.1c.8I ..... 1.18. 3. T- 10 -- IfS - _au ........ ..... _find ........., """_. v- -II1II", "CIOn .... -- -- --.. 1811_, ,Nt -... ..., --"'-. DiM...,..... .1Id ~'"- 81' ,.. - ... -" -.- -...... d," aNI." -..... III ~ ~ ""--Ie - ... -, __I - .. 0_"'" ".111 tile LldI.ooI. ~..1Iftftg -....... 1--1;"""""'_1 "' 'I I I t 81 Ii . i Mauabaa IIeigtIr Cwndillll hc(or IUIIIIIDIY - r........ - u. COIIflØDII r.., ....,.u Ilk-'" Kft.oo.D (--.0': ~11. Z':: . c-aI8II"-r - -.... AO-«Sf2 ""1 U,....... '-"OIIft"CI. _.1'01 C-"'2.1'ft , ~ L,rHDN'A UaH77NG - AACtfl1¡gTURAL ~ ~G ~UftOGA-.. OIft'_C'_~ IWI:n.-..". - ---- . 8I~1 .......,...... uel8C. ~... ft2 04/23/01 16: 44 C0G~ BROS sueS. INC. ... 19042604829 FI.LE No.948 0.1/23 '01 1.1:36 ID:H.X;HES SLPPLY JAX FQX:9043780327 1)4/%3/0 I ,;¡: J9 PAX 7443444 ASl . FEATURES "DUSING - Ruggld. dll-cal1. loft carner IlumillUl!l lIouaiftO ¥rith o.1T &\o",llIal WIll I"idt".". E.o Irachd r loft GOrnar Inn for DOle ., waR IIIOUII1"'9 Is st811ð.nI. DDOR FRAME - DiI-caSt Cloor Irlme lias ""Mct- rcall18at. 'Imilirad t'us "nl Ihel 18 fully ",1181141 with OM-pl'c~ tultU'ler slllco"8- OPTICS - AnldiZICS. alllrninum hydrafof11led!SlII- mlnla" ,eRlcblC'. Four IES eutoff cS\drlbUtlons aV8i1able: TVH "1"vmlll.triCk TVt18 III (lIy"""a'- riel: Type N Ctorwerd ""owl: Type V (,qua,.). ELECTRICAL SYSTEM - HioJ\.C'eacrallct. high lowar fa",' ball..r tor 70/100/15ØW. tonSt."r. Wlftloe IUlow,nstORnar for Z5OI4OOW. 8.IIISI j¡ capp.r wound and 100% 1~C1D1Y wU8d. ANISIC - SlIndard Ii,.," b dark bron" (D08) DO"'- Ister powder. with otber ,rchiCectllrll color$ Iv.1i1.ble. SOCKET -- Po«:,Iatn, IløriZontaily-oriented. mogul- bul coet" with Cop De, el&.y. niclt,l-ple'-d scrlW shell 1M C"'blr com-ct. Ul rllhd 1SOOW, fØN. «V pulse fllleei. LISTING - Ul 1~72 r~.cI to, wet Ioc:etíons. Ust,d Ind IIboled r:I Cam l!Y willi Cln.eIi.l! ~1.ndafd' Isee: Dptlollsl. e.ÞIoO ......... KAD 250S RZ RPOOI'øo ÇI1Y a: NO.Ø99 ~14 PAGE 13 11013 ~VE Soft ~ C8It.oft' Upt!ftg KAD CONTOU~ HIGH P1'£SSUI'E SODIUM 7rN/. IGØW. 15CIW. 7!JØN, ØN ZOo U 35' MovatiIÞg Sl~nt1lItd diffICru;i- er~uft.1 w.iallr. &t IÞ 1".1 '.1 L.""". P-11t" 144.5 ,.;...1 WiII1II: 17-11%" 14U -I Ii.,.: 7.lIr 118.1 cal --"'--J-a '-I'" ri- 111.1 ";81,' L b- - - --1.. ~ C' 4--. 'MIZ" I lieu CIIII "'.5 -I ORDERING INFORMATION 00e0:8 eM Wllioc. .~ ,,-~,. 11\- - .. 'f'DUI ~, tood ..... Í\ ... th~ -- ,...... 0..1- -...... u -- .-00 - UD '¡šiš ~ ICAO 70S !CAt t 8GS ~ UD15n ~ U8 25IIS trAIl IIIIIS RPDO9 -( Mourning R2 Exa¡npl,: lAD 4DQS BZ t2Ø SPDl4 480 I YOI!. J I ,:IV ""01 $"'8" pol, Ie" .."'IIItoaII." 218' .'D- S4lu." pol. " . Inn"" --.! '" IIP1IIM IIcnIncI pel. I" _I 2~ ."DO' """nll 11118 rI' -J~' 3C7 WWõõr Wold ., 0' _v (e- -I -' WWlOt Wald ,.., or w" I" :wtIIJLI T8 ' W8IIO4 WeB IIqc'" 14' -' UÑ1II IWI'.... ordtftna WA. D6.DIZI -,.. ...r~fy IMA Mut .'" ",pe.r ICJIU Twin rlltUllliaa ~4r IWI1JP u.,", AnI Irolol DADUW8 "00"" Am !Wall -- I ~fo,,' ~I DistriÞutiM\ ~ .2 "-' tV(I" " ...,...1rIc 83 1f:S 'VIle PI """"",'Iie' Ie lea bile IV I-If. "'tVw' MS If$ IVIIt V ~.,..c ......... 1ll1U1I.. Sf Sillola hi.. 1120. 277. WV. ",', T8J If DIIUIIID hø, P. 24Q. oIl8¥, 11/1 !II .. NEMA lWistolDclr "CCOODU' ",Iv I'" """'K,,,-I IRS 0..1':1: '1IWfIJ, .,... mow lII.1dIIulI.1IIIID "ot ..l:Iv1l8111 aA ~.t8d Iftd 1tÞt"~ tII eo...'" ".;Ih c:.1lt1fiM 5."". hippe' ..,.rattty4 '11 NNA "'_1 ,.F 112'0. 2VI. ZtDVt ,.U HEMA JÑt..i It 13"'" Pt. -EM'- 1Witt'¡'~ P£ !UIM peT 1'ffM4 tWlsMock P£ Il77VI III "_I licit IINId I1IV't Rt' IAeve V."d~1 "'I.d uøwl W.C lUard ] """,....-1 c..... 1 Sg¡ 0UII C81a.. DOl Oil. MIWI IIY"dlllll DW. ¥Vtot&8 .,\ 'I,d Clade c.r- D.' MolIll/III bfet\1t ,0.. ".tvral .IuIIItI!IIIII H8 $,""'"' vat Ø,'c"ll If'8\' D" Tille" ....." ." IIriohI r" DII Sf.., hi'" A~..: T""Of'IMo""'ÍItfISf~ 0... .. -- Ut"'" -_. HvmClor !I I".wlt" ,....,.J ~.I8Q" 1WZ:=: """"'211' 1t.fMaw ~, '.W '2II.1~ Ta.DO 1 ~.. rzo.*' Jii.iiijT Nil' th-OI 1JWM ~ Tn-azø nww Ta4III' . ~ m.IID . t»-2IO na... T».m ~.. no-.. HOTU' I HIMIw IW, .... .".øof ln. , 0....... -Of .-. pa _.101. 17M. , "'" SPOk 81'C11t " MlWDalIIIUI lit ..., .... - .. - ........" a" .;..... ... . .. drIIIIv o&c- . ...,.. ""0"'" .. .......,. . AH~I ..cWu~nl ...... -....--- III'.' tI, ... ..."",..., £ ........, 'IICIOI. , CDI'UIC It.." C". ~ 10 C-dio. , ~ L,rNDNfA L,QHr'NG - ftAØ :iT 04/23/01 16:4S CE!GEUR BROS sueS. INC. .. 19042604829 Fll:.E No .9.48 04/23 '01 14 :36 ID:HI...'GHES SUPPLY JAX ~ro<:9043780327 NO. B99 rillS p~ 14 04/2;)/01 15:%0 PAX 74.3.44 . ASI KAD 4OOS Arm-mounted Soft Square CUtoff ~OJ4 o.Allc"'.tUII"'" - .""'111("-' - KAD R2 T.ct fto. uS3G82SD\ CIBnCftIIr lit -- ~ .1 .. .. .1 r I i . i t .. ë r !I Ii I i i 1\ , " - ")11 -- Ioohao - 10.000 ,- .-. ~ - ..... - ,.. -"".... ........ --.-" T- " aoIOft. KA 0 R4HS Test no. 11921MI302 I -""'~ .1 03... .. r . ... 'Z 1"' .\ . )~ ~ :..t:::. ~ / \ .1 \ I z.: I ,. I u . ~ ,- - ..-. -- -D. ..... - -, '..-- '"""'" -.s ... ':IV -.... ..~. 0- ,.~ N. ......,. KAOR3 T uUo. It 92D40tcn . ~..~~ .1 .1 .s t .. .. I 1 i -I t 8 II 1 IE s J' i 0 s 4 . - I.,.. - .......- '-. so.- .- II_"" --.. .,- ...... ... .- ......., h"""" 0............. 1.... III. ...... leAD RSS Test no. ItSCÐt0702 ~ ... UI1UZ..- .z ) '" .I . ¡ ¡ I I '" 1/ i g -- I i . ~ I , " J i ) i I . D z -~....s""_........",-- -. IIC118 - 01- Oft :J11' -""" ...""" 0IWIIIutkIn T,.,. y. ~. ElEtnuCAL CHA MCfØlIS1IeS UIII ~U"."t ""'DrY f'rinwot I'~I dropout I"p,' ""., lI.oulalilMl w.no,./bolh,' ..a.,. I18rt1Opw8Cin, YII~I ..'18 ""'" 'I!.} Lin8 V ~ l~ --I "J UVUII " - tWA. lOll I-"lZA8 151 Aulw'Ialalll 140 '.31/1.15 Ito ," lOA ,,10% - flO1. m 1.1111.16 101 CIO .JS(1.ID XO 'r- - .....- IE' - IIIrMA I."""" ...",.. ...... -.....,. ~.. y.,...,. .......... -- .8ft uo... -......, '-'" "- II... .... _II ...." -_. ~ .... --"- "" ". - - ..- ... tile ..- .- "'...... ..." 8M .... IIIIII"S IG "'Il1O" - ..."".. l1l9I8" ,. þ- .... ..., - ............ ~.. .. '_&ad "'.11\0 \~M.lI"""" ..&IN.I-Ja- coN leAD 14 1.$1 M. t151121ØO1 0 ~ .1/IUz&IIIÞO ., .r ..J .' .$ -' J 1 I : I . , I , I I. . I. . I ØIIN ..... ,,- s- '-C\."JI8II""" - ,,_...-. - ....., 8ft 10' ......... "'1VNo""""Or r"", fl. -.«. MoU11Cb19 MeIgIIt CeIl'lCtioft F8cYr ~ IN .. -' lIy VI. ...,.-- '-II ,. II. . t.... )t '" . 0.72 61....811 ~-...zl . aø--r- - ....... ICADSI ;,,- &'_100 \tvI""". -. ,. 1tAO$. '" , ~_L'rHDN'A L,aH77NIi - 1;0--_""'108 -..0."'" -"-_1. 'Ittft_r..~- -_&.-.",c- ,..__.-._NI'M 04/23.101 16: 45 CI2IGBUR BROS sueS. INC. ... 1904261214829 FILE No.9~8 Oð/23 '01 14:37 ID:HUGHES SUPPLY JAX ~Q)(:9043780327 041'23/01 I~;ZO ~^X 7443414 ASI NO.Ø99 1;116 PAGE 1S Ii¡Ol5 . , ~ ~ U/JIHrTNII - Cal8Iøv"""" ~J K6F' 100S R3 RP" 7:17 citY o~ a.EIWONT I . ÆAT\ME:S 1& SPECIFICATIONS "OUSING - ~Cl œ81t1lct. alørånu!n ~cliin..r !IOuslllt. tGntinu- ouôt "11\1 ..w.. lor WI.",.r-ti1l1lt Mal .". inttgNty. StI""'4 Ii..." ISM" brwwn IODBI 'o/yIIsttr II-de,. OIh.rpvwdl' arcflitcc. ~I calor¡ I"..ltll. OOOA FRAME - NDirdy anadlud. eøudecl. l'UIIIfRoIn daorfr_nlitll lIII'-rH c..nllO is r8l8;,.,.4 wiltlllwol .1er dlllII..r ...' pia 1M Cfturwd wI'fI lonel q1ØßW",o'n. quick rel'ln 1,lIIlIIr. Wce"'" PIVot ..al b~1I houlitll IIId .Olh.me II 8ccorapiltIIIC IIWI1h In '.-,rally CI~9"". I~,",. CllicOM vnkct III" snaps ¡nm eoar trlme. omCAl S'fSTEM -ßvfIeetlm Ins anod'll. anO le"",lmed for luperiar ulliionnlty IJ\d COfMIl. whic" ,lows 111: ..JIbIIity -.1IIiI: dlstribu1icrn, WÏIhO4I' IOrnprami8fn,... evo"U ligtrting iGb.Illfl8cCVf7 8ftICh wiG\ tuDI..... '..nen and I" ftQtabie Incllntafcllangllbla. 11,," rue. .1 dl~uâo"" IwÞallfe:Typo" I'IMdWtvl. TVII' IlllAso,tnme(lIcl. T¥p.'" (fofWIrd Throw, Sharp CuMin. . L~S - L'I\~ is .'25'" -II. ffnþloct-.,,1iRlnt. 8Ir""t!m. III." wrill "'". /NUy.,ppliad. salt ICIH,..O ,Dwet door 1hIe1d. . ElECTRICAL SYSTEM - Hi,h rllactlnu,ltfp p.-.:r "C!vf Ilalfl1t. 11\. Intil CllpJIOrWOÞll,ad 1QO"{..f8t1llry..",d. Removalllt p8W8f door and posIM locllnt I£1coanlCt phlll, SOCIC[T - Pornlam. hvnlOntlU.,.orICIMd. mo,vI"".. ,oclc'twi1f\ eDJ- ICf doy, "¡cll8l-fllatd ~I:r- sh.U 811d Genter cont.1:I. UL IIste4 liOOW-4DOV, 4KV "viII ,.1114. INSTALll\T1ON -&lnlled.'" Ilumlnl8lÞ arm for pole or_O 1II0000000000ii .hipped in IidUte ¡;,nøn. OpcionallllOUllllngs a"III,"'. U$'hNG -IX. Jlmd 1111 WIlt lo~cie".. Usted ."lIln.11d 10 camoly wi'" ~1HIi8l'St.ndalctlhllft Optional. $pccl1lUfiOllC EPA: t.5 fL' I.I~ liMlvdN .....1 leI\fIVI: 2Z ISUI WiA: 16~11i /cUI D""': 7-'" 1'8." Wúlht ac .. nUlcg ~:'I1a.21 A lAftII L A.... L.,.... KSF1 tflGH PRE$SU1œ SODIUM 7f1W, 111Ø1N. IDY 15' 10 ZO" Malllltinil l IJ ~ M--......_~I -'-'" ...IIIM. "..._1008 11..,- p"'- ,,-...... ......,..,tll.11P ~RWI \WIllI 5 . , ORDERING INFQaMA TION c-.. e. 1IaId.. -let .........-. .....& - 8\11t8.,.... -.b .Ii ....... el!!!!!.e 811~ ...... 0... ar.C8_- . -..- c-.. -.... ~ RS 277 RJ'09 ~ I vo.~ J ¿=-~.. -..31..... øn 1IIS 1111 SPM k- POW Ir -I ~KSn - -' I......."". lIS" \115 -' sPOt I"",. pole 11' ,"'1 ~\. .PM """'d DDio ,.. ; ftII~ In ~ IIPOs Rou.d po" IS" _I -' WWO4 WDIII fOI1I ... tIIDIlo. nt' I""P WWOI W.od tel. ", won If' "1111 WJ(W WI' llraca.t tr 8Wl1 wee. wan ',act« r 4l1li1 ... """NIl, lI~c,.1 IIAtIM 'MIofl tf'Ih(-O Iw.. DAti IU liS Typt n ro..., ~ a¡ IU Typ8 III .~OIt1t IIUSC 1£$ Typ. IV hnvcIrd """"'. -'" cvlDft NOTES: , Caa..... l.ftD.., 1M' I\nNablky .. r_..... l 0""1 lIOItI-Ue -" 112G. JIll. ll~. 217Yll1lD.J'O,N"CnllllI. ~ Ut.sra.'I'D8.~.......... -.-;- ... ""- II' . .. IriNtotJ .-.... . M., - .......4.. .. ..e.....,. I ~-., .'~.I -, .....- ", arc........... C..... MIc'.", . ror_....ftlJnS....\kI..;n"..._. .... II 0.." 'lee... c.. "".'" ,.... DI". Ø'TIDNAl MOUIIf8Œ I....".d .~tdVl )jt, lIP baoroe 8l1li ,..,..1 O"UWII owrw. - cw.I\ IMA "'11 .NII IU rZtt KrlllB Twin IIIDl/n1IIIO lit' EIC8Ø1p1e: ItS" 151S RIng 5f'IM Sf OW ] l - ~ AftIIMo,. tIN' ~ ....-r ......r ......., c.." !XII De" tarllllllldlndllllll DWIf WIII\.8 "" "'" a-tic ~s ... ",...¡",. In.. DI1A "'wlf -W..,,"'" OIS SIlI..I.... IIiC Oo...c... 'fIIY ørco T...-.... GlRtB..' rN DSII Slltl"'" IOrrJMstlDM6fr:IvJ OUttJOOR SlC).ItSf', ~ ....... .. AllIIn SF Silo", IIÆ8 lIZI'. Z17.:unY, MI 'BI Of DIMIIIIcI-. D. MI. IIIGV. nil TI\ ~ mMA ...........cI' Ac.,uacll IIIItt 1110 pflaIDI'.ItII1tÞll qI$ OUlrt.r ,,1Vft:11VftI1II OSW lite IMP .., IIIdtnI"'.IZOV DaIVI ø:; ftntI'I- dfCUÏI CIt ComllllftofDlåtlttll. flt¡¡¡11 CSA t..f811 ..... laW... '" ~ MIl c.nc- S--'Ib . Sa"'" .... m "EUA lIM£t.ect ,£ lUG. 2118. Z«IVI PO HU.A tWId"oca. PI! ÞC7Y1 PEf HEMA wN,-f.ci PE (C8fM PÐ REMA 1IIIÏIt-4nØ PE I777Y1 !C ~ Ct. ,.,. PØI ...d... ISnMS -- 8ItI8 .-. 11Q,1I31 IICSfWÇ Villal luenl ß4/23/Ø1 16:46 œGBlR BRaS sucs. INC. .. 190426ß4829 FI1.E No.948 04/23 .01 14:37 JD:HJGHES SUPPLY JP.x FAX:9043780327 04/Z3.101 t:i: 20 J:Al 74U." Ast . KSF1150S ~;Mounted Rectilinear Cutoff Ue. C Ie. '" '" .,....... - 1IIIti.. '1 1111 '11 NO. B99 IiIl? P$:Œ 16 ~018 KSFllSOS RZ ..... mr... "M.a KSfllSOS R3 'la1...1PSJIII.IIMG8I&O1 1SFl158S RISe ....ImIllLþM8SZ ........-... ............ ........- ~ ~ ,C ~ ....... :r.:~ "' " ....... J .. ~ . I Ii I i .. ,i . .; . ! I I , :a I i . .1 ,- . . I'" .......-....-- ...... ~.... ... ." 8IIIIieC toIIIlt ......... ... . I . . . . I8IIIf I11III..... ..... ~ - "-- r..... ... ..... . W --1I8!L ----. ... . NOta: J. ,., ........ ~.... -- IKI'nIWI 1111 ,.. .I "-." -- If$ ... NINA ...- - IIIIICIIIH -IV ~ "-III ~ """'---~- ~ - ØWIIIdd- -. Dlw8."'.""" J --. - ..... 811 ... - ~- ........ doG - ... 8IIWoII .. ....,.. J......-~............ ~ -.. -0--l1li U........ c...,...,.. W8hI\o8. *,-.IIaIoId8.CII"" - - .~ f' .';J J " .A """' 7 -"" L- 81 'I I. . , ! , I . , , , _............~ ... .................. II" ............. --" ....... ~ HeIfI'I C:omctiIm f8d8I' -....., IN tc Iøv.I W... ..,- ~I " ..... I.n "~UJ III"," "" ~ ~ ....,..' . c:--.. ~ --.........' " . sto.K$F1 cula L- ........ _. .. no-«I"."~ , ~ Ln'HDNIA LIGHTING - ~ gUTVOOft UQH1tNQ - ~~~~.:a~," T.~.~=';::-- 04/23/01 16:47 CBGBæ BRaS SUCS. INC. .. 19042604829 Fl~ No.948 04/23 '01 14:38 ID:HUGHES SUPPLY JQX FAX:90ð3780327 04/23/01 15:20 FAX 74434C~ AS I --. . FEATURES H.OUSING- - Ragged. cl\a-cllt. wft camer IlulniI"U!I\ IIvU3Ï"1 with 0.12" IICIllli"81 WI" d\lI:ImUs. Ex- UUd8d ..' ::loft co",er InII tor pole or watl mountin1¡ Is st8C1c1anl. DOOR ""AME - Oie.nst dOOr fl1"" ",S Implet- ,e""an1, tempenll Vii" lens chit i, tully DISkcttcr wlfl\ oM-pIece "'bull, .mcon'. OPßCS - Anodind. .hnnlnUftl hydrofDnud/seg- IMn(e1f rerllctur. Four rES çuwft dlstribUl1oß. "'I¡lable: TV" q c"V"'melricl; Type HI la&y1ftmd- riel: Typt IV. CfvrwInf 1Iw9W1: Typ. V IsQUlre\.. ELeCTRICAL SYSTEM - Hi8,,"rllc,.ncl. hivh pow.r faG"r b.lla;¡ 'ar 701100/150W. Cons18I\!- w.Mllt 8Utøtr."cfortUr for 'B/4IJtNI. ¡allast is" CO9pI' wolinG .nd 1DOI flç&ary 18eted. FlNrSH .- StaMant fi"" Ì$ ISert bronze IDOBI Daly. .s~r powd.r, wi", atII., Il'Chltec:tu,.1 colors Ivillata.. SOCKET - Ponalain. tIorhallcally-oriwflud, mogvf. ÞUt locket wit" cop",r Illoy. nicllll-pltted Icraw.Q and ceNer contact. Ulli8WcllSOOW. BOOV, 4KY !luis, rated, USTlN6 - UL 15"72 liSted tor Will Iontion&. listed ",If libaled þ) comply wltll Call.Glell ~ullcflnSl 1$IIIlt Op1iOllst. NO.Ø99[i118 PQGE 17 ilO17 CIIIIQt"""" Tf" ICAO 100S R3 RPD0I277 JVE CI1'rOll Cl&UoIOWT Soft s.øre cutø" Lig1ft11t8 'CONTOUR : . . KAD HIGH PftESSU1Œ S()1)IUM 1CW, 1011W. 1SOW, 'l!JNrI, IIØN 10' III 35' ~ Sr.ndlJrd d/meMIoM EP",= 1.Zft.' Wti"'t 4l1bll1lt. I t,I lll\4llll: INIT 1&&) cI,,1 W\CIII: n-w ,.8.1 CIII' o.ø=t.ur"..' QQI OJ -.- '.111' f1U "'" . I J~ I ".11T 144.5 aliI . ORDERING INFORMATION CIIMø - .CIIØINI -... __I "'- MI' ,.~.. ...... - .,..t - u .. - _.....e _. 0.... _...,.... - ..,.- ....... ~- ODI""$ r=;Fi RS RPDOt I MounfÏttoI ~ ..0 7IIS ~ I1A11IRS lAD ,- IrAS 3IiDS C UO=-. ~ ~ Ð IES _to P ..r-&lric .~ II 11$ IIfP' 11181'p\1'1ftric' ., If! - IV I_". Uo"".' " ass IfS \wee Y ....'. ItO "0" Sl u... PO" M' .NII t-.....n 201' SPIIOI kv.",oI1 I' . aroop.' k. ~ .,1194 Rnftlll pOID I" Innl 27~ .,.,01 Roo."'II ...... III" -. OIl ,.7 WWDOI Wood ,lie .. WIll .r -I 80' 1¥WfU Woad "'1 It will If' tnn'" 'I ' ..00' Well ""ct... cr_1 UAr8\ IWIIln or&lfÍ!f Ø4A. DADll' III.,.., ..-..., IC1IA MIISI .nII Io.pe.e, .1.' Twin _tint Iter DAltZP Olf'" AI'" IP,*' OAG1~ 0.1- M'I lWail k~riU". r...øn "'_rift. $f1pfifØl' On"', .. ~... n-II "U-. ..-, ef 4iw'IU..I r- 0.0 1M,. TwnO~ ~ T""~~ fool;:: NIB" ".,. t1NØ mom m3W" r2 .1.-1tf' m.ttO TS.Z8 ~ TZS-3ZI ns.- f&4III r ,..... T»-D8 t»ZS8' '1D-Ø no-æ" J».8 I Example: leAD 4OGS HZ 1211 SPOO4 1 L ~.. J ,.,dlÏIMMII C811111 . sa...... tfl8n D'. Dart ta'OIIn .,.....d.,,11 ow. _I'. .." .llck etMril c.... OMI Mt4i~ brOil" DIIA Nelllll' llemiall..., 0$1 $..~nllll' 'Ie CNrc,,1 ..., DtG 'II\IIÎI ".... HI JICgIIt ..d DSI SWI! tI'" MOTU: I _. oiIl """ 1...- 7 ~ 1OWIIi..... ....,." "111. l1li. 1'D. lI'1\II S TN Sf'Olll. .PIIIS . WWI/CIt _or .. Of" - - . -- ......rn "" on..... OIl I .. ..!IIotI, ..-A . w.,.... ...,.~ .. Oft8W8l'i \ ..~ ~1ih"",,1 ceIDn neilaN.: ...... 'oo ...1Ift "'CNrrt. . _..11.,.., r c-.. Ita..., ..... ........., ID c-1I6. ,~ L'THDN'A L'GHnNG - ..pee ""'81 Sf Sin.. Ia8 (110, zT/,341V .1'/. f81 Df DIICItII, hli aøI, leo, ftJN. 8/8 "All PIlI \IIIMA IWIII-I.C' "c8 ltød8 ...", ",. gIolltec.."'" l1li o"tI; '""'" IVRIIII IlSØW mll'liaMml. ~ ttOI. \ftctII..dl ~.. ""'" Il\d ..~,"'. to ItDftl1lly 111ft" ~"n s........41 nip,.' ..pam."" "£1 "E"" armt-\t't:. PF.II¡G. 2118. 1CM '0 IIf.MA ""'Met PE anVl PÞ Nt:IotA ~4d P£ 48ØVI PEl r(fWA þlnR-!1ICt rc. 12T7VJ .., "CIVil sill, st'JtICI 11U}O. - CADY; V~I\II.I IUlrd KAGWa w., ""r' . KAD8i 04/23/01 16:47 œGBUR BROS sues, INC. .. 19042604829 FILE No.948 04/23 '01 14:38 ID:K.Q-£S SLPPLY JAA FA>< =9043780327 04/23/01 15:21 FAX 1443C44 NO.099 ¡;J19 PAGE 18 liDol. . -.--. ASI KAO 4005 Arm-mounted Soft Square Cutoff " ~""""... - 'tlN,IF..."" - ELfC"RUCAlCHARACTEIU mes . ÜI\4 c-"aM MIll..., ,"81M\' Call",1 d" ",~ 1","1 Power Regalta", w.u...".lIn voll... IlUf/IItI"'IiII, ,,~. waul tll:"'" ~I tIN V ~'l8aIø MntaS 170 UVUII tel ZO' 1SI2.AI 110 leG l.an IS '10 271 1.1&'1. z. aG .t5f1.IO HO If.- '" CII1I- lEI -.I Nl'UA ........ ........ --.¡ It........." co..,...... v...,.. --"'" ....... r.... ceoo.. -- W\WNII """'-' - en.. ~ .... .......,_. DI_' - ~_I""'....."",.- -- ....... ",..,C- ...-.- _oroNll ocCI. ..- -... -- KAD HZ Tes( RO. I1S3Ø1Z5O1 QlØJEIÐCf II I/IIUWIaII ~ ~ A .c . I . I . . . , - Me" "...- hdllCtII ...... IOAOO ,oft" ......."", ,....... -- ...... ... W --... ... IIt. ~ T- .. _If. KAD R4HS TUUlD.1192041302 . to(PItiI- cr I/IIUUhDIf .II ~ I> ., ., 1 . I . . ,. I .. .. I. . - MIl" p,- 58c11Y... IMft" 10.- -.. .--- '-'tAflClIO """' baacI .. .. -8IfttI ....... 111&__. ,,- N. I_. 400 CW^ AUIO",'Ø810' MOD Test no. 1112CMO1~ , oocnu:lW'OI' ~DIIIOOI .' I .1 .1 .1 . I i i ~ i I , I II , IS t I S .. s i . . 'tOW """ "- aM""" 'oM'" ..... - -.,. ~-- -- - ... 10" "'."""" -...... oltlll\llldOl' ...... .... _ft. KAD RSS Te" no. 11S4tHØ'JD2 0 tmI'IClNI' cr "".llA7ItIN .1 I 1>.. .1 I I Ii i II ; . i c! t! . , , ~ ~ PY-... 500loI'" '- 10,lIOII _II ~ ~-.... -'to- ..... all .. --. ,..."... ~ ,. V. -..II. .11 110"' . .In. 10+ ...,,: I "'-en: .11, ,.. ,lIIar 1111"""- ~... .. .ceo.... ...... ClIo l-';" ¡¡....,.. -- I -11"'01.""" MORC TaltaD, 1111120301 ~",,"o/IUnOol I .J .. .s .. I , I . ! I ; Õ ~ r ¡ II , IS ! , . t. . , IIIfNII Ml8h P,..-.t..u..w ...... ".GOO r- -- """". VtIII.. ..... .. IW ......-. MI N.. ~ ,.". II. CUIIOI'L ti II I i , I , ~ . E , i E . ~ U"" 118111'" C....~ hc;Ctlr "II1I\I'" Ilia Ie ....... Iw "'" ....1"'" --.11 n ft. *' 1.40 M fir. .0:" IOIL- .sc ~"""",~I .. c:-8a'- - ...... ~ !(ADS' Ol)QI ~"_I. l_... .... - 1tI\O1' .... ,~ L,rHDNIA L'GHWNO - ~01""" - L.IPf'ot ".0.'" A.~ CM -.oJ."'-. r. ......u-- -- r_'" -, '110 ---'- -... M 04/23/01 16:53 œGB~ BRaS sues. INC. .. 190426Ø4829 14:42 ID:HUGHES SIPPLV ]AX FAX:9043780327 FILE No.948 04/23 '01 04/23/01 I:;:Z;¡ FAX 7U3U4 AS' . , ~ UIN'DNIA U/IHnNQ - FEATUR~ Br SPECIFICATIONS HOUSING - lIvopo. .DQ" IIIlcIt. llIIIIInunt rwøllnelr "ausing. Contt.... amy .tllII wveldlld for "'1m". scat IncllntÐgrifr. Sl8ndarll fillilh ¡lib" ÞlIIlelDDBI p'l¥a-n~r. OUt... l.wderarchi~~- t\lnl colan InP"'w. DOOR f"AME -I'fIOlraly IRMlrld. mru.lcd. ~ door frt"'.111 'IIÏIft8 camel, is rlUlnecl wIIIIllWoI.1N" 'IMlder hMlve IIIns 1114 lIevr,O Met (a,",) quarttr~ quick rel«uI f--",r. WlaGl.,. proof "II bmwen "au", Ind CkIorfr mo is ....eomDtlatlttt willi I III InI'Snlli¥' eIIs.ncd. l&trVded litlei'll IIsbt Chit snap, ¡ilia doGr fralM. OPTiCAl SYSTEM -"lfloeun .1'0 anodired altel ICGll'CntM for IlIpIrior UllIIoI'llU1¥' Iftd contra!. wIIlcl1 .nGW'l 11181111O'bJlltytlO "'. d~utIotIE wïlllaur c_prOftliÄlg'" "oraD lialfting job. R8f1KlllflltQdJ wiItI 18atola,,'oDnCfS llId IIVrøt8I1.." llIIt 'lite rCM/IOcl IIIc. n..el ell!- of! di~"'onl altlllabtr.Ty )t IlIRo8ClWlyl. Typo III (4syI\Im.lrleL TYDI IV IForward 'YIIftlW, StIt,. ÇvIDftI. lfNS -lnM is .125' ""ell. implct~r. flrmpGI'ICI. "'ISS with thcT- tR.nv.,PplllCl. stili "'tenod pOMr door sn8l... tLECTRlCAl SYðTiU -ltit'" rwllC:tlncc.lùgh IOWar faCtlQr .8II1S\. 8a" IIstÌJcapperWUundl1ld Imf~1I:a.d. Remov"blepDWlrdODf ¡nd IIdlM IvclliPg dbcamwlc:t pllI( . SOCItET -PorC'II"'.IIO(i~O""I:y-ori""IhO9U~OSCICkI!lWÌCI cop- per laoy. 'licke!-øltlld mew mild In4 CIl'ltllr comact UL lilled 1!iØJWay. CI(V IIIIbc ieNd. 1m AlLA TION - httadllfl,.- IIl\IIIIiAIIIU 1l1li for pOlo Dr wall IftDUI1tÌII, i. slll lpeClllllilf1llrc C'lrtOll. 0pri0rW 1IIO1IIIrillls I\'aU.blt. LISTING - Ulli-.r d lor -'locltioftS. ü~ 1M 'ñclcd co COIII JIy wlh CÞa4illl S,.n.s.fdr Isee O llians~ . NO . Ø99 ¡¡æ PI=IGE 27 ~O%T c:.ag ~ ~N KSF1 1005 R3 RP09 277 (;1'" oç -.- T S l~riUIi_, '="1.: 1.5 ttll.IW (IoIcklt8. emll l.8ftttA: .z¡ ISU) WH~ li.a'1& 161.11 °""': 7.11111&.8\ w.itIIt 34.. tt!AIIIJ "III; tl1o.tl q L,~ I .... UgIdJftg KSF1 HIGH PRESSURE SOOIUM 7OW. 10C1W. 15trN 15' III 20' MeYllCina L .._, , 1-.1 I oM 1I.",..tlan .. III_. "'--." .- ...... ---.... ""..,....001.11 . Wh.lo\rlMl \WIeIr IA.-'-""",- --'1'.--" , I J OROatlNG "'OR~A'nON CIo8o.. - ..-ar.... -I.. --- ... - - - - - ~""'I "'~ -~ 1IItc. CIrovt __AM.. -'*~... ........,. aft rOll5 IU . 277 RP09 ~ L ~-Le I L-=--l.r '-.. " 1tSF118$ '. 110 SPOI "",'e .. .... """ ~ an ~ ... la"n"enQI ICSn 1SII5 J4~ SPOt s...- 101. ff' ....., Z77 IIPM 11011110 DOle /l' .m~ Olnrl8utõort "7 ftPOl 110""" 110/. Ir .ml ""-\... Ja Typ. II roal!wwy ... wwo. Wood DOle ""'.11 If' ~ JESTypomlS~"t( Tli ofllll" IM$C IE1 1- IV t_F'II WWO. WeR pole or w,e ~ \IInw. Illirp CU'l8fI "'"1 ilIUM W.a ."8c'd Ir .IIIIJ .1Ot W811 etI- Ir MIll Me ~bun'ÍIIg IItee-It HARM WIt" -int ItM"- DAIZ 1III"fU: 1 '-_..a.y two 8Y8iI...-", t...... t ODllonol ...,MI. ~,.. 1130. r.. Ita. """ "JQ. l7l.:JIJV 1ft CMød.!. J U..S~..WWII!htIoon-""", "-"WIt" - --a 811 I !II" CIIt8otv ...-. I Mwr......_."....,.-,.,. , AI~I .......-., ...... ,......... - --...... Co"" M"'.~. . r.....-."....._",",,".. .... .. 0_.. ...,.. let ..iII;-, "'" Die... 0P110NA \ 8IOUNI'IP.tC 1,II! I,la U l1I/1II8ty' O^ UI' OlGteC ItIII lpol., OA1ZW8 0.",. 0"" ....., DIIA """ .,.... 10"", ItN. T.... IIWIUntilla lie, ballpla; KSf1 15OS 131lt SPI4 Sf 0D8 I ~ Aldllt8ant c.c.. I~' r_.. Sc86.nr c.I8n CDI De" lIfertle Isl8Nlertll ØWH Whib .... lIen Cl8lc1c C8Ion .. MadØII """" DIfA ~Ilur" allllllJ\ ll\ IIISS SI.tIAOM IIGC CII'~II" ,rav or.. Tlllllil IN'" DIIr 8r1fhC"" am $tNI "" --II - ~ A~ør'-;T-"~~ (OfrH'..~ - ..-.., ., -- .. . In- TIo,.._.. JD.JZD TZt~" tU..,. n"'11 1.15~ fJS-UI ..V'8IØ" TZHSO nt.... nH'" OUTOOOR 590-KSF1 ....... ......... III f1nH S'I' Siftcla fuu 11m. Uf. "JV, III. '\'11 Df 00WII t Øt ntll uø, .wi. nil TVI flU o'IIf"'. \WÏ$1oI1dr rICCa-..... 1M ptlMoclnnq - QI'IN III"" lf$18m 175W ...: .... NIt Irtcludad.rm 8II/y It E"""'IIC1 chuit ca CImIIÌlllof8ås1ln\ flrllJlt CSA Ulan 8IIIf IaWtcl " clIIIIDlv IMUI c-cs- Sl8llO8rb s..wcll ..,.....yo '£1 HEht. ".lIIct P! IIZII... UIW .u HEM' tMnolact I'f Dm'1 11[0 NatA I'MIl-IDdo I'E If8OVl '0 "PoIA .....,.t.ct; DE I277VI $I: SNItiIIt COD for PER option GftNS M.- 8icI. 1Moo1" IRVtaa JtSnVO vo""" IV'"' ~ 1u..781 04/ZYØ1 16: 53 ~ BROS sues. INC. .. 19Ø426Ø4829 FlU: No.94S 04/23 '01 14:43 lD:H.JGHES SUPPLY JAX FAX:9043180327 04/23/0J 15:23 I:AX 7443444 ASI . KSF1 1505 Ann-Mounted Rectilinear CUtoff U~ CadlidaM8fUPlh_J.JII' - ......r L.II - NO. Ø99 ~ P'Œ 2S (i! OZIi KSFll50SR2 .......tmllllll4Olllll2 KSFl J50SRJ iIIi..1m8lO.U,... ISfll58SR4SC ....1ISt1Cl......iSll ~.-- . ...,...,..,... ............ . . :;:. ~ I;;? ~ ~ .... -. " I :-I. J \ . i .= 1\ J e I I I I : I , . , f .. = . .at . I I' . I!IIW I11III "'1I8Q. - I11III a..-.'..a.II_.... .u' .--.,..... ......... . ........ . I ~ ~ . , """'IIIØdI-fo J-..... ..."."........ .as' .... WIt. ØIINoIio8" fItIII. . 1IfO11S: ,. 'If --1&81 ~"'I&.. --'* .......... ." ed. ~ T_... 0- rë' - till.... ...-. .... 8I8.1DC11 ~ ~ v..... ~~--=...- no... ~- ....... ~ - .e..,. .,." .....- -- u-. - ..~- - ~ ... ... - -- .....-.. .... 8I'CI II. "-~ .. ......... :I.~..... ..... '" .- ClHlIIII-"" - .. --.. ...... ÞO8 ~ l.I8tIU... ~ -J""""""'I . . ~ ì, ., ,-/ J " / , .at - ,I I I , OJ I: J ! ( I = , I' ., _"""""1."'" ....... .......... - - " .......,fIaIWiI. ....- III . ..."" MOIInIing Helgftt CGmctIon Facw I~" ~-..., IIYW cor...... '-" .,...,." 181\00'.11 81L~ .. ea""""""",,~1 .. eo-...... ..... --.-fIu . 5IOo«Sf1 IIn'tW ......- I,I II"'" -. 1M --«.....".., , ~ L'T'HDN,A UGH17NG - "~UIIAL OUT'OOOR UGH1'IHO ðNC LI-.wA"'-~~::-':":.~~~ftl~-" 04/23/01 16:54 C0GBUR BROS SVCS, INC. ~ 1~2604829 FILE No.948 04/23 '01 14:43 ID:HUGHES SUPPLY JQX FAX:9043780327 04123/01 15:23 I'AI 7443444 . FEATURES HOUStNG - "aged. die-cut soft comtl' aiumilllml ha,,~ing with D.l2. nomine I wall thickness. Ex- truded (" 10ft com.,. I"" far pal. 01 wall mourcmg is ltllldard. DOOR FRAME - Die.eaSt cIIo.r frall\8 has implClt- ",isUin.. tempI'e' IIUS "AS chit is fully pR.ttld with _.pieee tubular silicon.. OPTICS - Anocliced. IIUlllmUII! hydroto""ed/"a- meRled fln.Çtor. Four IES cutoft 1fI.tributiona available: TY1M' " (11YIM'8O1c); TYIN II (15VfI\1IMIt- ricl; Typl IV fCoM~nt IIIrowl; Tft8 V (squint ElECTRICAL SYSTEM - 'ti h-rellcC.".e. hillh PQlMlr fac:tor llallasc for lU!1CJ111ISOW. C_tlnr. wattlga avtatRna#onnlr for nG/fOfNt/. 1111.., Ia nopel wau,", .fld 'GG~ tecto,., tested. FINISH - Standard tiftish Ie dirt brohle (VOl! O~ uter powder. wl(t\ OCher architeCtUre I colors nail.II... SOCIŒT - "orcilim. hortlOC'ltlUv-odln..d. mo9ul. be.. socker with to""., allov. nickel-plated screw s/\ell ,lid center COMlct. UlIiste4 15OOW, SOOV. V;V pulse ,.'ed. lISTING - Ul 1572 list.d for WI' loCtelo"s', U.ee" ."IS labelad 10 CO"'."" wilh tlnldi", Standards ',a. Dpdon$~ ASI NO. Ø99 ~ PAGE 29 iii 029 C81Qg"'" T"", KAO 100$ R3 RPO09 m N.VE crrr- T Soft SqII.,.. C..-." Li""-",, KAD CONTOUR . . HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM 7W'I. IQI!W. t&ØW. 'MN. IIX1N 20' Ia 35' Mounclng SrllfJdljrddim~iorø E'A: 1.2 It I Wtl8f\l: .2 '" (Is-, Ittl ~1IWfI1( 1,.,1%" 1"-5 anI Wi8111: l7.vr eeu -I 00p1l\: 7-111" ell I em) c[ ~--r 7.1/r -.. - -.-- __n.. - ~t I t- 4-4--. J.ur tlO.z cml ,,8.1 CIII . ORDERING INFORMATION ~ .... "*-" e--. "'_CI_. - - wee .,... -. - - II ':' ~~ ~-- _. Or".. _win ... III I"'" cdIIov - Exsl'I\Dle: UD 80S K21111 SPOO4 m RP'Dft =r: ] 1 ~I ~ II IZO II'DOt Iqwrt IO1lt c' .nn) ...,.. ~ SPOOl SIIuII'8 11010 Þ - -~. Z ','~ RO4Ih4 p." (4" tlllil ~m """"01 !180ft' pall If' -)'.' :In wweCM Wo... polo or _I Ie- ."'" 8fJ1 WWOOt WIlCld .. Of "'In .,.. "",!"." n I WID" Will "ect., rA" 81111 "",.. (WI.... ....mg KMA. 040111 $""" ....-Iy kMA ... ImI ..., IT" r... IIIOIInUnf "' DAOUP Of!tr... ,.... 1I'1l1o1 . 8.8UW8 Do... Al1II Willi KAD IJl~' ~ ~uø- ~trAG 1D1$ UO 11111 11M 2SDI Q. GQ$ R3 Disttfbuû- -........"'" II liS typo II IqnllllVlc ~IU IE.S., I1f 1qIII"."'" I' IU lite rv '-..I 1"-' II5S Irs MI' V 14110'. A~i_: T..OII ""Hllllnll SIIptfrt- 0...... .. ..,........ -911 """'Dor. 1&.18' fJI~ nsm na.:sa ~ -" -- ~p" IaaIllef .. l1li'" fII.IIIB. 737. 311'V. N' Tli . Df' D8aII/8la¡o tmI. 140, 8I¥,1'I1 TJI .. N~ "",.,-,t raCll'l8ct1 anIy \110 o".lOe...""" tIIIf °"0111"". ..."", fl:ílfN III&1dtnc:II. !llql1IOt 1cØI*.' CSA Lis:Þd 8M I_led ." ~....... -" c:.,..iIÍ8n sc.......... Sill".. 18pf8l8l,' ,n IU¥UMsWsc.tP!(I1I. 1G8. MlVI '0 NOlA 1WiIt.loct rE þoV '14 RiMA "'t-«. I'f: laIM .[1 ~(UA """Iod " I2t7Y1 111"0"" ... .II IIIIIRlJU. ." (OVe V'ft4e1 ..,.toI .A8WO Wire guln _.~ AnhI........ CoMrc ' 111.....1 c.lM& D D8 D8lII 'nlNl (.""eI"'1 DW18 WI",. .., I"~ c....ï. Cell,. ..8 llHöoø .....Iv au N8IIønI .1acMIIa... DSS 5..~o". ace CllalCOai gr,. 8TI T,a" ,rHII ... "itll\ ,.a DSI Slnt Illue NIITES: I II.... lid. .... ...,"""'. t 0"'- _ooi.., Þclla1ll11. -. 210. "7V J 1111 SPDn. IIrCll'lIl' wwa. 81181 " ... ..... - ., IMI't ..-...rn on ......~ .. . 10. "'.nr ,.:a.... 4 IoIItyk..-4 to ICClU8I'1 S 104--1",__.1 u"" ...ùbll; DI"" ... ..iN ~...h,n. . MwcI - 1IP0Gs. , c.... 1- III --, .. ee..... ns.-. ,..... . 'A L'THDN/A L'OHr'NG KAD S 1 ~ BROS sues. INC. FILE No.9ð8 Oß/23 '01 1J1 :ðß lD:HUGHES SUPPLY JClY, 04/Z3/0J. IS: ~4 FAX .1J\~U4 04/23/121 1 16:55 . .. 19042604829 FQX :9043780321 NO. B99 (¡31 P'Œ 30 IiDOJO AS! lAD 4OOS Arm-mounted Soft Square Cutoff CøII\Gt...e4U1Hi1a11- - ,...I'o8tCIII8. KADR2 T ..f 110. IIS3O82SCI1 tlUlØlIT lIE 1/I7oIZ&1I111 i .1 :: .. I I I !II I! Ii i! I . 0 .. 4OdW "'0" ..-- s..- ........ ...... -_"C._WI_-.""JII' -.... "-I;W. 0"".,", ~ n. _fl. lAD R4HS "¡"oS¡ 110. 1191041302 . COØAtIDII'CIJ url\lZ- ,I oJ .¡ .. oS .. J I 11 ï z tJ !: Ii II I . D II . " , . - NIp p- Sed"- I_. W.OOO _d -- "'- ........ ,- - :w- ....-.... ...1øtC. 01- "- III. ...t-'f. KAD R3 T.'t~"IZa8D'OZ A Z II; , I -I , ~ e z i . i , . *'IIW 1«111 ,,-,- --- -.p. ..... - .......... F--... ...~ -- ... JO' . ........... ~ Dto&- ~ ,~ --. oa 10. t:10% . .Igor. . -"'UII~" ., .z .) .A ., .. t Ii , , i ~ I i ;¡ z Ii . I II at#N ..... r.e-- Secllutn I_. OII.oe. ._4 ...- P-"- -.. ,- - ... -"'" /I8IP" 0II8tbu""" ~ v, C'....-, ELf CßIICAl CIWIAC 1'ER1S'ßCS line ,......t P,..."., PYilft.,., ea8.a' .. IOIII ".,ut Po..., ...",,1'0811 ~....t "olta,. ",'fIop.,.,.", .oftotfe ...tllL I.."",,'",, II.. V -lOfllp.1ur:t1Cll no Z IVUII 1° JO8 I .H/U8 III 1'0 1.an..1S 110 tn 11111" me 4111 .~.IV at. T"'" .. c_c €s - "~ ....... -.... ~ _....., ~""'... Y.~.. --II ...... .- .-. dV"'- .- la_""" ""'" - ..."". - _""_11. ~- 'lid ~~::. .... - .... .....~ -" cae "'.., _II'" ......... ... - ... ......- .. .""". lAD 14 Tilt "°. 11sn2Bl1 tOOQNA AUt"'e,,,ta.., I ~ "..... ,. "'"'-,... do.. !at - ,....-...- e... .. ......., - .... L..... 11"""", _. '-.l-...ccn KAD RSS tul 110. 1~ CRII'IOP'I CII' l1l1I.12'""'" ., .z ~ .1 .I , " , ... . .. 0 , ~DII'.~ .z J .. , ~ I , ! . I ¡ , I ;¡ t:7 a 1 . G I , , . I ~ ~ - 01", -- 58.- ...... 18.- - -, "'........ - ... ... ~' ...-... W,II¡, 1IIa8Þ"'" 'WI' IV. ....~ ......-. IW"" tomcde8 helD' w.aIIII\I - fc' '"" k - -'- f~ ZIi" - ,... ."., I.n .aIL-.. .~ . c.n..I8t- '~ GO S1 018.. \.IItI....1c L""'"". ...... II1II, K"J)S1.pn -, A LITHDNIA L/aH"NG - c._".._--- .1'.0 -. c:...c.O,UIlllu,77MII".-....""""'. _.""--' ..c- It. "',~. .-._"'1'<) Ø4/23/Ø1 16:55 C0GBUR BROS sues. INC. .. 19042604829 FILE No.948 04/23 '01 111 :iJ4 ID:HlJGHES SuPPLy JAX Fro<:9043780327 04/23/0) IS: %4 liM 144;1444 ASt . NO . B99 ¡32 ~ 31 IlJO31 , ~ unR:INIA UIlIH17Nø - C8aMo N- TrM KSF1 1005 R3 RF'Ot ZT7 P CITY OF . fEATURES It $PE:CIACAT1ONS IlOUSING - ft8øecl. JI83- lh/çIc. aluminum /ftII"""lr 1Io1Øln1. CIIItina- IIKIV "- W.wl. for wu1hlroti,ht ..11 and IntI,lIIy. Stan.". finish it daft WOll28 (008) peIve....r/HIWdor. Omtrpowd.rlrchhltt. ural Co/liB .".,«M. DODft flAME - Nlw,,1Iy .nDCIII,d, Imvded.allllflinum dOOf ItIlll8 wIIrI III"'" CClfnen iI _lIIMd WÏQI (þlfaJ .188- 4"'et1!1 hinge pins.'" sica red witt (Ont) I UlftV-tum. Quk&: nlelll faaaner. WO"'It,. proof s..llIltwIItm housint ~nd doOf fralllll ic "a~øIIsllccl wfIh an irlftgraUy de.:livnld. IEltfuded IiIICIIII vnlr8t fh. INJ$ IIItO 'oor tr,me. OPTICAL SVS'fÐ,1- ø.fIec1.llrJ'" lnadizall.nd "Flllftld for slIperior unllofl'llty and eantrel. wrtIicb eIIaws the Ø'Ia'W1i1V1.II mill GIC1JUIulSan1 ~.Uf compraøislnlllfli .II.uI..Ighlini I". Atflet:18n ..eII wIIh t'Ool-fc:~t..t""rs end an: fllt8h1f1l1lncJlnlrrtflaRgC8b11. Thw.c cllt. off diSUJIIUliltllaQillble: Type IIIRo.dwly), TWill! (AJYIIIIIIttricl. Typa "'IForward TMlw, S:-.rp CUtoftl. lawS -LHIs is .1ZS- ttIIclimP6ct'feslatal\f,~perH. ,I",witt ther- ruIIy.appllla, 8I/II10".,n" 'OWtf doorll1lllld. ElECTRICAl. SYSTEM - High reactance, ~ pOMr la*r IIIIIISL 8,1. lilt is c~r\ qUft"'rrd 1- (ac:1DryllZlttd. RIE.cwIIIID "awer ar and ~årive Ioc!riag dlulIN1l1Ct pluf, SGeIŒT -Porcellln.fIorilOlltally-oföentU"mogul-hH IIKkll1lllÌ1ll COll- II" ,toy. nlcUI.þ/a1Þd scraw 11\111 au ,_tel COlUCt. UL Ii...., 1soaw-eDOll, .KV pube ,..41. INSTAlLATlON- únvcteG..~ .kllllinu'Ulftlfor pala arwaatftouncin, i, llippcd in fixture cartan. 0,,"",,1 _\lnti.1 avaa.w.. lIS11NG .. Ulli,a tar M:t lacllÏanL Us,,1t Inlllabetal. CGIll lIy wiIh Ctf\:ldlafl SUnlSard. bee OvtionlL Sp~;r.c.rioftc ErA:. 1.1 fLll.14J1t11 ~dll.' .",,1 up,1II: D AUI WIdII1: ¡¡oWIGMI.11 0"",: 1-1/4 118.41 w.~ 3& "115."'11 AnN a flU! ~ lAm I an. Ug"'II'S KSF1 HIGH PRES$UM SODIUM ,tIN. 1aGW. 'WN 15' III 21' Morentint IJ ---t l ... --.nc - ....- -, ....... -. .--. .....- 11.- ..~ T---' Sh:IL""""'1rr' WlallAdWl ww. , . T ORDERING 'NFORMATION 0.-.. "'" ~ Idola, --"'- u.at .... .... n." -- ..,... Ie OIl UIII~' IIIC. 0..... --rIM II -- -... NI-. un roo..s R3 277 RPO8 r s.C '-1 I va~ge II ~. ""'--- "" - 85ft JD$ ~ ICSn 1CI8S ItSn 1105 1111 SNI S".... po~ c.- 8""1 ZIt' In'n".rdl' 2AO~ $'" aq..,a pote II" Iml In aN4 "-"'.. ".. -" U7 IIPOS ftoun- ,ole rr """ 80' WWO4 Wa04 palt .. wan Ie" nt -I' WWOI WIlli! D9It II ~ II' l1li1 WIUM w.n ,"ctOt (C" -I YnIot w.a "'UIIIV -I 18. UOtIft1ing bradl! UAfIIoI \Moan 0I'IItfIII1 ICYA, OAIZ ........ \.. II 'r:S 'v"a II rl\ll~y ~ IS I(S 1~ nllmttlll..,'r IMSC 1£$ T,.. rv '_~" ØI-. oaal' l CWlII M'TU: f c..... ,.- .., ....~ ... C8n..... Z n.-r ...""" w.. IUQ, 2ðI. )411. z~ IlZonuc7Vio t..'II. , ""8m"'os..wwœw....._..-. '"-", .~ ......... .. . .,. ...".. .."...,. . ~".. """" II .. ..e- S UtI........ .-.., """'" ...1I0Io\0: - AocWIoaur~ eo;.... ,."'........ . ~..... -""" ......""" .'u_. lIOII .. O",'a.. 'ialw lot ..,...., _. pI.,t. orTIDNAl MIllrNTIIC kbiDpod ....t"' y OI.UP 0.,... .III! 1,...,1 OJll1.8 0."... '"" 'WIll' 111M ¥1It - "...,:I IItM8 T..¡" -lint ... EJlilmplc:: 1CSF1 'lIS R31!0 SPCM Sf' aoe 11 I 0pcivn8 :j ...... - .. ,-- SF smp.I8aC110.1I7.MJV.rtI. f!\ Ir Ooñlt "," nos. ¡IO. *'I. ria I'll fit ,.EMA tWIICo/OCI ,-c"Ia.1e Dtti frio pllM..:.."" IllS CluItZ rnri. .,.CItII (7SW II": II...., 1191111c"tl.1- on!¥! n: ("""",11\' m:vir at c.nui!IrI-tOillant finDh CIA UsWd .... Me"~ lID campIw wi.. CPIItbII S8IICI.III . ..... ,.,.,.-- P£1 N(MA I.WIlCoIDdI PE IIJD.lG8.Z.m I'a NfMA .....at PE aiM p¡. NfIB tIñt~ Of .CIaVI Pn IIEMA 1WIIt-I8ct Pi IZ71II) Ie ~ c", 'or n. .... DnICS 11...88 dII. ........ 11117.JQ1 II$fWG v.nllal ....!II --.. Uoon powUr ...hl' SCIMøII Q ~ DOS OoMt Drill,. (*"".1 IIWM WIllI, ~ III- CIaIúc ~ - Y...inn .......a OMA NnnIIIutÑII\III ass S..åw", DGt a..uaI AY ØfÇ T--!"I- lIA 8ri!JII( 11ft OSI ',"I ,"'. ~Ionft: r.....n ~rirJ.r.J ~,,~ 10000e"clHrørtrfVI "_"'" .t ..,.".. .. '\' t1HII IN ZI 'u.z. nwlII n..z" In.m OUTDOOR SWGoK5f'1 Ø4/23/e1 16:56 CBGBlR EROS SVCS. INC. .. 1~26Ø4829 F,lLE No.948 04/23 '01 14:45 ID:HlIGHES SUPPLY JAX FAA:9043780327 04/23/0J lG:Z4 ,~~ 7443(44 ASI . . KSF1150S Arm-Mounted Rectilinear Cutoff U~ t_JIiÄ..8fUlllbl". - "",'...IIA.. -. NO. Ø99 ~ ~ 32 ljDo:n: I<SFll50S R2. ......IUfIllUIIIIIIIOZ kSf11SOS R3 ........øll. "-1101 Œl15OS R4$C ",,"'1IØII.1Ø8UII ............. -........- --.-... I-- Ì"i ~ r\ '" -- ~ JoI '- , I ""'" oJ " . I I . ¡ I " I I I = , fi . i , I 1 I , ~ . i .. . ~ . i , I , . . I UNIIIIIf"""'" 1IIRO ... .... ............ "'.31' .....-"..... .CItIIL ................ ....... -- ,....... ... .. lit ...... .... ......... .- ftO'E$: t. Fe< - -,--.-.. C81- -..... - tela. . 2 T.....,. .. &- If' ...., IIIMA ~ -- ~ ""'1IfIf\I tefI.loIII. VIIfIMI IIØC"M.... I_. - - -- ~ .....- ~ _81 toW -. -............ - 11~1"""_"""'" -1II88t_...~ -- - ouNtd .. -..... 2.--- - ... tICIW:t ........... -- .. --- IrOIft .... ~ ~ --. IWWwJ-Ia_1 ~ ~ . - "'" 11.' ".J II J ~ .. v .,,- : I , . , I ~ , . I ",.., - .... .... ..... 11M .. ..... ,.......,. .... ... II .. ......."" ........ If ....... -nv Me'" c.rTIcIIen r-- .........., - .. ....... ... - ---... '-' ,..... ,." ,. .... 'U~ Z51l. ... ~ ......... ~. . ~ "-'.. ............. ....... " filO-KSF1 o.sn \....- I.lønIioCL Itcv. .... :¡H.1t'~'.." , I. l",rHDNIA L,aHnNG - AfIQtIT8C'TVRAL OVTDOOR LJ(Jt41'ING -- ~.:.':"!.:aw~.::.a,~~~=::~ ~_... ANt NO.Ø99 ¡34 PQGE 33 ~n3 04/23/01 16:56 CI2IGBæ BROS svcs. INC. .. 1904261214829 Fl.LE No.9.48 041/23 '01 l.4:ßS ID:HUGHES SUPPLy ,JAX FA}{:90d3780327 04/23/01 15;Z5 FAX 744:\444 . FEATURES WOUS1HG - RuOled. die-cllt. 10ft comer ,1UmÌ1I1/III hauling vntll 8.12" IIOftIÏ"I' wall thictnill. E.- 1;ucfld ~ søn cor"I' 1l'1li tor pole or W8fI moun1ing is; SfIMIni. 0001' r:RAUe - D\I-c1S1 door frlllli /In nlllet- reaiatant. 'Imperld lilacs Iins '"I! ia tully ,utlled w~ onc-,ieel "'Inllir allicolIl. OPT1CS - Anolfized. a'uRlinum hydrofOrmedl3'V' mcnt8c1 ,.nletor. Faur IES elMH tfl$tributions lvailabl.: TYtIt II "symmetrlc\: TWI II CISVIftIMI' ricl: type IV Ctorw8td ",rowl; TvDI V IIQUIrel. ElEC,",ICAl $YSTEM - Hlg"oRICllllce. high POW.r flctar balillt for 7OI1VO/1SfM1. Cansllnl- W8bf1 lutotrlft3forftl8r for 2SOI4OGW. þltast Is capp" _lIt\ct Ind 1110% flc:tDf'( taSI84- FINISH - hRIII", Mil" is dl~ IIIrDlIZl (0081 plitt. ester powder, with ""'cr art"ttectUral color¡ ,.,..lI,ble. soem -- ParnJ.in. horizoat,lIy.orillllllld, mogul. bIle soctet with cooper Illoy. Rick"'pla'td ¡crew ,hell elld center conllct. UL listed t5OllW. . &GOV. 4XV pliln ..ted. USTING - Ul1~JZ listed far W1It locations.. listed .ad libeled to comply witt! tan.lii." StlndlrØs bee D~ionsl. c.-.. ........ KAD 1001 R3 RPOOI m PVE em CII' I«=ONTOU~ I ." Sef\ Squ8N 0Uarff 1.JtMI... KAD HiGH PRESSURE ¡00tUM 1M, \OOW. 1SOW. 2Jt1N, II1fIN 11\' to 31' Me",,*, SflltKMtd dim8n';ONJ ".., l.tll' W~lt ~ 1b111'.1 '.1 le"f'l\: 17-11%" Nt.S eMl WtIIh: 17-11%" 144.5 em\ Of,.' 'J.vr (11.1 catl JI ,.,If" ilL' c", .- 1 -- --1- t- ,.~ 'NI%" ~ 110.t 1:1'8\ 1".5 C8\\ , Q. . ORDERING INFORMATION Enlllpl8: DD 4IlOl ~ 1m SPOO4 CN..,.. - -.... ......... ...--. - - .111. ..... -. ..., _.0 . on ... -..- _. v..... -. .. 1--. '-' -....... R3::Í:: ~ i ~, ~. ~ no srllM -... DOli (I' _IIII8II4MI ~ SPD05 Sqllall! IIII. n° enaJ" '-- '" "DIM! 1101"" pvl' I'. 1111\\ ~ zn ..... ......, NI. III" -p.' W WWO.' WON""'" ...,. ~ _I .. WWDOt WOlf Hlf or'" \I" 811ft"" T8 I W8DOI WoN ,"ct'" It" ,nII\ "a,. (WIIon ord"ÍIIO 1CUA,. OAOI2\ III"'" ,.,...., IMA Mo.. ,!III ..."tor IT" Twin llleuntiq II., eAltlP Door.. AnP 1'010\ DAIIII.. 0... "fill IWIDI ICAD IOQS ~ '-.. \.. IAÞ 115 ~UII ., ca... SAIl zsas U8 III8S Di8tributiotl ............ \. It ItS &We! II 8SY"II\Clric ~ IU ItS ~ III UVIIIIICUlC' "4 1£5 "'" fV '--' tllro'" ras IU IYPG V IQIIJrl A~-'ø.; Tenon~, ,.,;pt7rrw 0_-_-'_- H.....- of """.cI 1- 0.0 0... 1",1101" 1:!!!PIØ" 'I1'!teO1~1"- Nit" nD-4. g.. rzt.aa' TIiWii' 1"- N¡rr J2S-1tD IZWtO œ- ns.- 11S.JIII' .. ns-* TJO.aI ne-2tI' ura.a T»:IIII r 0pci0ftI .....,.. ....-.. Sf SifttII..,.. C11II. m.~7V.",TI) lIP OoaÞlt '\ISO ØII8. 280. 4IH. til 'J8\ I'd NINA lWi8toloct ..c~uch IIÑt \lie ...._con"" . - QU8I':t..11rfIe .-. møw .........1IIfnÞ "" QK'IIlfedl CIA USUIlItld I.~ " ctIII8fy" tA"..." lþoI...-cÞ .".... ....,.,...,. PC' ICDofA 1WiIt«t PE 1120, 2DI. Z4DVI pp N~ "",o4oct P£ C3I7VI 1'£4 N(&u' tIfiJto lC' PE IIWVI "' NEliA IWIßo\oØ 'f cmvi lIS "l14li, øsl .~ IJIV'S. N\ I!A!JYD V"" .,1If1 KADWG W... I"""' Nâi..OOInI C8Ieoo ' St8MIni CtIoÞ vel DIIt braml 'sta",I"1 DW. WNI. DI"rllut Cln8I& Col,l'I ..1 "a~"" ""'MI~ DIll. H8IIInl llulll;""'" ass s.fter".., PIt CIo,rco.' "IV DT5 T,nniI ,..cn "" ,tiIN red au SWlllllae IOCIfeI!r. T'2t«" Q5o4II" 1JH58I tlØfU. I -. tI.. tIoIIhI .......... :t "-"~.I_,.. .-, nl6. III. ICI. JrM. J """""""POII'rWWDl8_...------__n III ...... ... III. ...... It-.. e M.y "" ...- .. 8CC-' , A4Üi0Nl ~'"' COIaI'I -..",.... pi.... - ..... n.""'. Ii MaD"""""",,, , '-'" 10--, !Dr ~ .. ~.. , ~ L'THDN/A L'OHr'NG - KAOS1 04/23/01 16:57 CØGBLR BROS SUCS. INC. ... 19042604829 FILE No.948 04/23 '01 14:46 ID:HUGHES SUPPLY JAX F~X:9043780321 04/Z3/0 1 l5: n t:^X 7443444 AS I . NO. 099 G13S P(Œ 34 riJ03C -.'.. KAD 4OOS Arm-mounted Soft Square Cutoff e..m !If _1IfUIICIz8t1.. - '_8I'~a ELEtTRJ CAL CII AM cmasncs lint ~ p,ftry .......!, 1-.., *'oovt en.vI rowel A'fUr,fion W'IIII,.".Uen volla8. starVIPIrIIS", 19118,. ..1tS tacÞr "~I liN V. Lem,lullltllt 129 2 W4JO 10 101 1I1I'U8 '" zo I-X/tts 1811 277 '-"". ZO8 " cao .7:i'I.1O JIi1 T...... ~ ....- ~S - NI- _.roo ...... .--.- Ie","-oy I'_'" YIII,.. -oIInv ,....... ". ..- oIIIfor8l<n - -..'" e. ..... -- ftolCl --.-. -- .... 'D...IIIcAI_. ... .. .- II. -tof - - _I C- 10IIII- CIIrt - or. - ... -.,. -. "_t. leAD R2 Test 1(0. 11SJQ825G1 C_CIIi- .. untrr- ., .2 .1 .I J s , i i I ¡ . ! 1 I ! I , 1 , IJ , u ." .,. . '8GW ItI¡ I\ "'If"""' Ie"'~.... ....... SO.- ... II_. .-... va... ....... 9ft ., ....... ........ ~..... ~ .. _. KAD R4HS Tta no.1112Qf13DZ . CO(tIIICICIII' I'VrlUðl1lllll .1 2 J .. , " a . . I , . . 1.1 . II8W ..... ',.....Ie MIII- ...... !6.ðOO _d ...._.J_~- "",,- NlCOO 8ft 311' . -. ....... O~ Type 1\'. ..18ft. 4111 DNA "UI....,ul410' KADR3 Test no.11~a'O2 KAD R4 T..lna.111112Ø301 CI {InQþoI l'Uft~ CllØMlIICI'.vaur- . ., .¡r .. .I .t I -" .1 " , I .. S - I ¡ , I . ~ : I ,i " a a i Ii . fS :s ~ i ~ .. 5 I ð t " .. ."", ..... PI-"" I08Il111," ""'P. 111.180 ._06 - ,-.... ........ - .. .. ............ ......... ~ ~ *. _. .otIW .... ~...... -.....--.. ~- f_.- -.. ....... .. .. -"'*" ~ 0hI- "'" PI. ~._. KAD R5S T.:st nD. lIS4O4II7O1 . CllÐ'lClOIII"""CU~ ~ oJ .1 Ir I i . I . ~ ~ I I . f i . I ¡ I § . II I i . . - Ilk.. ..r_... SMI.... "'p. sG,- .... -.. ,,-,- _. - en - _\lA, ....." ~ 1Wc: 1/. C.... In :tla'Ao - tlO'" IIoanting H~ c.netÑIII ftctIr ..........,.. r. - W ... -- '-' 'I II. .. '.1' 11 " . .on .......16 eo.. .......................' .. c:-...a-'- --..........' 1I1It... I. """"'ÞIc ,"III.. ..... 'irlNUI'II.., C8n ~ _ItS,""" ,lit ~I lltl\l..o will_. I - U1tIPoO8 c.-.J . KAD S 1 .'... \JIOI-- LI"',,"~ a-. "III' MOS.."'" , ~ UrHDNIA L/¡;H17NS - ---- """'_"'C-OW-.ØA-L"""-'.-~ _._~.......~ ...--..-'-"""" . . . PAINnNG SUBS 111 UTION Change specified coating system on Interior of process tank structures from a vinyl ester paint system (Paint System No. 33) to a polyamide epoxy-coal tar painting system, except at pretreatment structure. PROPOSED PAINT SYSTEM: Tnemec Company................. Hi-Build Tneme-Tar 46H-413 Epoxy Coal Tar OR Ameron Company................. Amercoat 7aHB Coal-Tar Expoxy 04/23/01 . . . 1'0.192 002 EI3 : 52 FL PROTECT I VE CTGS CONSUL TI=INTS ~,19042604829 ;',?r:~,(,,'i,~;,',c.:"':;'::~"'~L:Hi',,' .~.Bl'l ild':~n C"'ln' C.....Tar"",, ,46H-413"""':" R":.\',;j;,;",\~t.."..;",.,;;",..",,':',";""':,,,'",C:,,',,>:', , " :,'.1.'::, , ' ,,¡.": ","," ,','" ,": """;"',;,;'c"':"'"::,:,:,:~",,,,';:~"";":,,:,":""',"':",';';:";"">"","",::,,'c,":'::',<"",">"~"::,:,.."c...,--,.,,.,..,,,, ' ", " I'HOIH:CfPI~orll£'¡ 'c ,,' ,',' ". ¡ , ,',." 6ENERIC DESCI1I'11O11 COAWOH USAliE COlOR FINISH Sf(0A!. QUA!JFJ()T\ONS PElRJWH{E amRIA Poly:unide !poxy-Coal Tar High-build COttOsion resistant coating providln¡ one coat protea10Q for concrete and steel in :I. variety of ehernJ.c::¡), immersion and underground conditions. Also, when 1 tWO<oat application Is desired. a low film build option is possible, Bisek Semi-gloss Confonm to rhc: pc:rform:mcc: requin:mcnt:t of AWVlA C 210 (not for porable watef coruaa), Extcn:sive test dal3 available. Coruaa YOUt Tnemec representative ror specific (CS( results. PIIMEIS f't)A'fIN(;',S\"ST["t:':\~;:"1"':("':':t:.';S::"':,:";""::"",;"<"':<.!>.;~:,.,:.; "0,'",-",»:,:.;"':':1,:',.,'":,,,,, , ",',c". "",', """., Sœeh Self.prlInlng or Series 66, 69. 90-97, 161 GalnaJzed Stw:d: Series 66,69, 161 Coacnœ-. Self-primJng or 63.1500 ~IIH.I.:\f.'1~l.1tJ:'.I',\.K..\1'IÙ1\ ','c,';:;:-'>:'<'i " ""', ~ :"',:"'",,,,.:,\:C'» ','" ',', ',' .. SElŒS66,69,161 OR 163 PtIMED S1EÐ. CAST/DUa1LE liON CONCIffi All SURFl.aS STEfl Immersion Scn>ica SSPC-SPI0 Near-White Blast deaning Non.Immerslon Senû:el SSPC-SP6 eommeteta1 Blast Cleaning lllullenkm ServIce: Scarify the surface with fine abrasive: before topcoatin¡ if the Series 66. 69. 161 or 163 prime cou has been exposed to sunilShl for 60 days or longer. Canact your Tncmec reprcsencativc or Tnc:mcc Technical Services. Allow new concrete to cure for 28 daY'. Brush-<)ff blast. Must be clean. dry and free of oU, erease and oIher contaminants. T~(:I1:'d("\I,D:\"'\{\" ,c.,,::;"""'>"';:"," ",'", ' YOUIME SOUDS RECOMMENDED OfT CURING lIMt YOLA1Il£ ORGANK COMPOUNDS rnE02£TlGl (OVERAGE HUMBa OF CDMPOHEHTS PACKAGING NET wrIGHT pg GAUD" 75.0 :t: 2.0% (mixed) 16.0 to 20.0 mils (405 to 510 microns) 8.0 to 10.0 mils (200 to 250 microns) for the rwo-<:oat option uch ImmcnI Temøcranwe ToTo To Rec:oat CD 95'"1' U5.C) 2 hours ,..14 hours 5 davs 85"F (29"0 3 hour3 +18 hours 6 days 75" (24°0 <I hours 6-:za hours 7 d2vs 6S"F C18"O 6 hours 10050 hours 10 daYS 5sof (13°C) 9 hou($ 16 hrs . 3 d2rs 1+16 days 4S"F (7"C) 18 houl'5 32 hrs - 4 days 22-2<4 days 35"P (2°0 26 bour3 44 hrs - 6 dayS 28-32 days Curing dIne varies with surface tempcraNre, 2ir movement, humidity and falm thickness. Use the above cimes as guidelines only. Scarify the surface with fine ab~ive before recoating If the nwtimum recoat time has been exceeded. und1løDed 1.86lb6lgallon (223 gt2DU/1ltre) ThInned 200/0 2,76 Ibslgallon <330 gr:uns/iltre) 1,203 mil sq ftlgal (29,5 mill O!c 25 microns), See APPUCATION for coven¡e nUe5. Two: P:ut ^ and Pan B 5 gallon (18.90 pails and 1 g'dllon (3.790 çans - Order In multiplc:! of 2. 11.74 t 0.25 Ibs (5.32 ~ .11 k¡) (nuxcd) 110111,1101 """IIII..It ..1 ,..,"".... III ..II.~ 'I 11111141' -111111 ,"It. I~. 1,1" <1I0Il, at '-,10"",_"" &IIooAl 1M ,01......1 III 1M .UI - ' Ø4/23I'Ø1 03:52 FL PRO1ECT I UE CTGS CONSll.. TFNTS ~, 19042604829 ",,', ,", ' ., ", " ' ", , -', "",,' ~'(:'>',U;,,:~'-46 H ;al3.',?ü:Hi~J31J ild-Jf.l1clneT'ra r:i~, " ,:~ ,.:"""., ".;'_<Ci j,.,;...' i,.. '_c,>::"',',-:c'",--",-:",' ,."',""':,";-","'Y', "-",""c,, ",c"-",,",,,"""c- -',' -- STDIAG£ 1W£IA11IU TWErAIVIE R£55W CE SlŒIf UFE RASK POI'" . SETA HOOII & SAmY Minimum 200F (.7GO (Dry) Continuous 200DP (93DC) Muimum 110"F (.(3GC) Intermittent 250DF (121GC) 12 months at recommended sco"-8e tempearure. Pam A &: Bõ 81a¡: (27"C) Paint produCtS cantlin chemiol ingredlenrs which :¡rc considered hazardous. Read container label ~i~ and lobterlal Safety Dam Sheet for Important hea1d1 and safety 1nf'orm:J.tiol\ prior EO me use of this product. ~ aut 01 the rC8dI of cbJIdn:n. COYWGE UTESD ';"',Ú"'Ué;:\T!ON{:c~'c,-,',."'",-;,:,,:,,,, "j::c:_'."" ':"'-';""""" , ", " , ' Coøveadoaal BaDd Two-Coat System (OFT C2Ch c:oa) 'MIXING. . POTUF£ THINNIHG sum UPERATlJRE APPUCATIOH EQUIPMENT ClWUP . Dry ldDa 'Wet MJI8 SqI'VGal Dry KII8 Wee MI18 SqJlf/Gcd 00c:r0øs) (MIao1l8) (IDa/GaD CMk:roœ ) ()Oa-oa&) (m1/GaO Sl1øesœd 18.0 (455) 24.0 (610) 69 (6.4) 9.0 (225) 12.0 (300) 134 (l2.5) MInimum 16.0 (.05) 21.5 "45) 75 (7.0) 8.0 (ZOO) 11.0 (Z75) 150 (14.0) Muimum 20.0 (510) 17.0 (685) S9 (5.S) 10.0 (250) 13.0 (325) 120 (11.2) AIIaw for ov=pay and swf.a: im:gu1uiIics. Film cbicIcness is rounded 10 the nr.are.sr 0.5 mil or 5 mIaons. AppIiI::adon of coaling below mIf1l"" '"' or abo\te amIInum ~kl~b::4ded dry film IhIdau:sscs may advasdy affect CXJIâDg ~. . Power mix conrenrs of each conr:Iiner, making sure no pigment ren¡ains on the: bcxtom. Pour a me:uurcd amoUnt of Pm B inco a dean container large enough 10 hold both componenrs. Add 2ft equal volume 01 Part  ro P2tt B while under agtwion. Continue agiœion U1Uil me tWO ccmponc:nlS :lie thoroughly mœd.. Do not use mixed material beyond pot life limits. NOCieI Borb componeou shouk1 be. above ~F (l0"C) pdor 10 mixing. For appUadon 10 swf2ccs between 3S"F to 5<rF erc 10 lO"C). 3JIow mixed material to stand thirty (30) minutes and resdr bd'ote using. FOI optimum appUcatioft properties, the mar.edal temperatUre should be above 6O'"F (16DC). 16 hours 2t !5GP (lGC) 6 hours at SS.F 0'.0 2 hOUrs at 7SGP C24DC) \4 hour at 9SGF GSDC) Use: No.2 ThiMer. For air spt:ly. thin up to 20% or 1~ pintS (760 mL) per gallon; for airless spray, thin up CO 5% or \4 pint (190 mU per g:¡Uon. MinJmum 'SDF (ZGC) Maximum 120.P (49°C) The SWÍi1cC: :¡hould be city 2ftd at least 5"f ODC) &bove the dew point. Coatin¡ won't cure below minimum surfaœ tempel'&Nl'e- AUSpny Gun fluid AIr Cap Ajr Hose Mac'l ROM AIom12fD8 Pot np m m Pl'euurc Pranrc Devilbiss E 78 5116" or 318" 1/2" 7HOO psi zo.4O psi NBC or JCiA (7.9 or 9.5 mal) (12.7 111m) <S206.9 bar) (1.4-2.8 bar) Law temperatUreS or longer hoses reqI,Jšre hJeher pot pteSSUre. AIdeø 5pny Up OrIfice ACiO1IdZ1DC PreHare Marl Hose m ManIfold FIhcr 0.0I'".Q.02T 2400-3000 psi 318" or 1/2" 60 mesh <"30-685 miaoIu) (165.207 bar) (9.5 or 12.7 nun) (250 micrON) Use appropmœ tIpIatemiz1ng prc:s&Un: fer equipmcru. applicator technique and wearher conc!.ldom. NaIe: Applic:atioo over inorganic zinc-rich primers: Apply a wet mist coat 2ftd aUOv./ tiny bubbles to Conn. ~ bubbles disappe:u in 1 ro 2 minutes, apply :& full wet c;oat :n specified millhic:kness. Brush: Brushin¡ i.~ recol\vnended on mWl areas OJÙY. udle material on and then use: flat side of brush tD sprc2d. Do not blush OUt to dUn film as with conventionøJ coa~SS. Plush and don aU equipment immcdlatdy after use with the recommended thinner or xylol. t'alUm , UIllMOll Of snurs ,"'.un' !... Co..o... 101. - 10ft "'O'1II11I!Iop _111114 hMio - ..1000..,.. .....,.. "101- c.-t III. TlIIlAlUITI 'acJIW . lilt ØO'/f hlAllU' SIUtI till ilia Of &IT 0111£1 .Alum. (JPI£SSIa 01 MIfUR. flQ¡ DII' IVI 'GI UllIIt' 111.'" "'1110 wmiitY or 1UCll1l1A1IUIT 01 HIIIU rOi' raUl:IW rutrll'Sl. mal illIG wltW1l6 I1IIl tmlO II1OIUJ na DlSCIIPT\OII OIl nq '&CIIIUlor- "'...,..-,....c............... II."" f".. c...... -.c.1IIGI II III "'-':1- Ii At "-' II ... - 0 ..... anIiIioo '111M oM.. ........ II ""'1' 1l1liII1II... mIaaw 'I"'" oW 01' low hoW ÕllII""'_" U"" 1\ ,- U""'O .. ....., .111""'" .....- "'"10 III" 110m. II mil Itlln ( Qt., m lOr UlllRIIO. fIIOD11II1I. 01 (OIS(OUIIIII.I ~U 101 LOSt PIOId5. lOSt SAUS. III'IT ro 'USOI 01 r.Orlm. IAVIUIIIIIT.!I. IIItIIiIS 01 ,.., at'UI,oal"Il" UIISIVIUIw. UIUI wu K &IdJIIiIO lie( &1/111. IodWell n -,*" ioIooe.... .001I..,..1od I. ... ...- "mlfl1tllll ,,- ...a, ,I Ik""" ""...... ..'1101 ,Nlr,'" ,"'....., 100' ........... 1I1Ift, .... ~ ;., -a.4 .......... ,., I_II "- .. .. d.G ... """ - II ,., 111111 tUn. oronOIl! ...- "' ""'_"- II ""11l1l<I. "'111'.'" oad HI"'" bereft "' ..., """-It!. &I, RIO '"' .. ......" ... ....... ... III ,I ... rorIfiot. ,. .avSIU 151 OIlY. NJ.192 003 04/23/2881 17:32 352-383-9423 C R WADE PAGE 82 Amercoar 18 B Amine-cured coal-tar epoxy Product Data . Protection In only one coat. eUmtnatinr Intercoat adhesion problems oftwo-coat coal-TAr epo~es . One-eoat appUcation for slgnlftcantly reduced labor cost! . Superior appllcadon by wiess and convenUonal Spray . Por tank Unlns. immersion or non1mmerslon service . Suitable for waste tt8&anent plant service Amercoat 78Ha displays exceptional application versatility. Easily applied In one-coat thIcknesses of16 mils (400 microns) or more. Alternatively. two coats at 5 . 8 mils (t 25 - 200 núcrons) each may be applied iCr8~ ~ spedftcatlon. These features. combined With Its titst! scUds conl4lnt and broad spectrum of water and chemlial resistance, proVide In Alnercoat 78HB a durable. ~ peñormance. economical coaUnI5UICable for use O'ier bõdi steel and concrete. . ~C81 Uses Marine 8tn1Ctur8s. pIlIng. bilges. ballast tanb. crude oil carroJbaDast tanks. ship bottoms; pipe coating and linlng¡ industrial coating In power plantS. all prodUCtion and relining plantS. wastewater tr8&tment plan1S. Unlng for intermittent or conUnuous immersion In crude aU. salt solutions. and fresh or bracld.sh water or seawater. Syste ms U sf n 9 Amercoat 78 H B Amercoat 78H8 nonnany does not require a pnmer or any addlUonal topco&t&. In the event a holding primer Is required. Amercoat 8385 primer may be used. Dtmetcote. can be Uied u a primer for Amercoat 78HB when the cathodic protection proVided by an Inorgaruc zinc is required. For immersion service. Amercoat 83HS ls recommended as a tiecoat between Dimetcote and Amerceat 78HB. S,..tems using Amercoat 78HB Synem Amlrcoat 78HB Amerœat a3HS1 Am8rcoat 78MB DlmeLCOUl6. 9 or 21.9/Amercoa.118HB Dlmetcota 6. 9 or 21-91 Mlln:oal83KSI Amel"CO&118HB Nonlmmeralon SplashlSpIIlagl Immenlon Fumes Yee Yes Yes Yes No Yes Ves VI' . Application Data SUmmæy Por complete information on swface preparation. environ- menw condJuons. applicaúon procedures. drying times. equipment. and s&lety precaUtions refer to delaüed appHcation InstrucUODS. This product should be applied as recommended to obt&Jn the muimum perfonnance tor which the materta11s formulated. Prepa.ced or p~ S1ee1 or concrete . Abrasive blast or d erch Dimetc:ote 9 or 2 -9. Amercoat 83HS Method AIrless or conve Mixing ratio (by volwne) 1 part cure to t 9 Pot life and drying time dependent on 1empera . Environmental conditions are critical forthia cluti oCcoaung. See application instructions. Pot life (hours) °FrC 90132 7012 t 2 4 Phy8ical Data Finish Color Components Curing mechanism Volwne solids (ASTM 02697 modlfted) Dry fUm thickness per coat r.O&l~ TheoreticaJ coverage 1 mil (25 microns) 16 mils (400 microns) VOC mixed mhtedlthinncd (1 ptlgaJ) TemperalW"e resistance Dry Neutral salt solutions Fresh water Plash point (SBTA) cure rain Amercoat 12 Amercoat 6S Amen:oat 101 Application Data AppUed over Surface preparation Primer Flat Black. red 2 Solvent release d chemical reacáo betWeen compo nil 78%~3% 16 mils (400 ml~ns) 1 I I ftI/gal III 1250 .0 78 .9 Ib/pl 1.9 2.5 OF 300 160 140 OF 142 127 0 78 145 1~? .~ '3 I n::sin 50ft 0 8 Environmental conditions Temperature 'F"C air 40 to 122 4toSO suñace 40 to 120 "to -49 Sœel rorface temperatUre must be at Ieut soF (3't> &bo~ dew point to prevent amC1!lnsation. e~/23/2ee1 352-383-9423 17:32 . ~posed to most atmospheric conditions as SOOn as suðiåcntly hard to withatand the handling required. Can be Immersed In water where abrasion is not crlUcal. such &Slnships'baJlasttanks orbUps. after 72 hounat 708FI218C). Full cure. where maximum chemical or abrasion resistance Is required. takes 10 days at 7~F(21.C). '*'-: Dr!!ÜIg Gild curing limn an d..".ttdflflr 011 wmprrarun Gnd. rAtd:Mss qf coaling. Safety Precautions Read each component's material safety data shm before use. Mixed mauuial has hazards of each component Safety precautions must be 51rictly fonowed during storage. handling and use, 71abr producr IaJbr prqftalDMl ~ ølllg. NotJbr re.ùkntltú .-In CalUOnUa- . w MTanty Ameron warrants Its products to be &ee &om defects in mal8rial and workmanship. Ameron's sole obligation and Buyer's exclusive remedy In connecUon with the produCtS shall be Umit.ed. at Ameron's option. to either replacement of products not confonn1ng to tbla Warranty or credit to Buyer's acxount in the invoiced amount ohhe nonconronning products. Any claim under this WarTant)' must be made by Buyer to Ameron In writing within five (5) days oc Buyer's discovery of the claimed defea, but In no event later than the expiration of the applicable shelf' Ufe. or one year &om the delivery date. whichever is earner. Buyer's failure to notify Ameron of such noncmúonnanœ as required. herein shaD bar Buyer from recovezy under this Warranty. Ameroa makes DO other WarraDUes CODeerDlDg the prodllct. No other warranties. whether tlXpnIIa.lmplied. or statutory, JUCb 88 warraadeø 01' mercbaD.tablUty or fltneu for a parUc:u.Iar purpose. shaD apply. In DO eveD11haD Ameron be liable ror couequeadal or IDddeDtal damages. Any recommendaUon or sug¡estlon relating to the use of the prudUCUI made by Ameron, whether In lts technlcall1terawre. or In response to speelftc inquiry. or otherwise. Is based on data beJ1cwed to be reUable: however. the products and tnfonnaåon are Intended for UIC by Buyers baWlg requisite 11cI11 and know. how In d1e Indumy. and therefore It is for Buyeno sadsfy luelC orb IUitabtl1ty o(the products for Its own part1cular use and It sbaI1 be deemed that Buyer has done so. at Its sole discretion and. risk. Vartadon In enYtronmenl, c:hanps In procedures of 18. or extrapolaåon of data may cause UDAdlCactory result8. . ~}J~2~ Amenm Procecd~ eosdnp OnlUP " 20 I Nonh Berry Sneet, Bres. California 92821 . 17141 529-1951 Ameron PCC/Europe . J. F.lCennedylaan 7. 4t91 MZGeldermllben. The Netherlands' 1311345.573341 ""I'0Il CRWADE PAGE e3 Drying IUJd cure times (ASTM 01640) "Fre 90/32 70121 touch (hoW"S) 31'2 61'2 throuKh (hoW'8) 10 151'2 rocnat (maximum. houn) 12 24 cure before service (day,) 4 10 water immersion (minimum. days) 3 chemical resistance (maximum, days) 10 Thinner Amercoat 65 or 101 : F.qulpment cleaner Thinner or Amen::oat"12 SOf10 121'2 48 72 28 Shipping Data Packaging units cure resin Shipping weight (approx) 1-gal unit cure min 51JaI unit an 2,4 1.1 resin 62.5 28.4 Shelf Ute when stored Indoors at40 to l008F (4 to 38.C) cure and resin 1 year from shipment date Numerical values.... .uII ect to nomWllWluf8.cIurIn¡ toIerancIII. c:aIoI' 1M -Un¡ ¥1Ir1.In-. Allow -applkallan -- aDd surface ~. See appllcu1on lImIrvc:UolII fur eampl8te iaI'onaalion and ..mr pnc&udDns. 1bIa milled product Is photoehemlc.ll)' react"". deBned by the Scnirh CaUl AIr QualIty ~ DI8Ind'. .ulel02 Dr equIYUmI reguIaIIona. 1 gal I'z-pt can l.gal can 1h 5 gal l-qt can 51JaI can kg .5 12.6 .2 5.7 Umltatlon of Uability Ameron's Uabllity on any claim of any kind. including daims based upon Ameron'. negligence or strict Uabnlty. far any loss or damage arising oUt of. coMeaed with. or resulting £rom the use oCthe products. shan In no case exceed the purchue prtce allocable to the prodUda or part thereof which give rise to the claim.'" DO event 8haIl AmeroD be UahIe for couequeødal or ladcleatal damag... o."_._nU.$A ""197_- 17:32 352-383-9423 CRWADE PAGE 64 Amercoal@ 18H8 Amine-cured coal-tar epoxy Application Instructions . Refer to Arnercoat 78HB Produa Data Sheet for properties and uses. Adhere to all application Instructions. precautions. conditions and Umltations to obtain the maxunwn perfonoanee. For conditions outside the requirements or ÜJnitations described. contact your Ameron representative. Surface Preparation Coating performance Is proportional 10 the degree of surfaco preparation. Prior ta coating, all suñace must be clean. dry and tree of all contaminants. including salt deposits. Steel - Welds should be continuous With no skip-welds on overlapping steel surfaces. NonimmersfoD - New steel without pits or depression: abrasive blast. SSPC-SP6. PreViously painted or pit\c d :Jll'.d: abrasive blast. SSPC-SPIO. . Immerl!oD - Blast all steel SSPC-SPIO. as a rninimwn. Blast to a 2 - 4 mil (SO - 100 microns) profile as detennlned with a Keane-Tatar Surface ProtUe Coml!Vator or a similar devlœ. Remove abrasive residue or dust 1i'om surface. Concrete - Ught abra3ive blast to remove all previous coatings. chalk. and suñace glaze or laltance. Jrblasting Is not possible. acid etch uncoated concnte to ob141n a glaze-free suñace with a sl1ghtly granular textW"e. Rinse with clean water and allow to dry thoroughly. After blasttng or acid etching. on all small holes or voids With material such as Nu.K1ad4Þ114A finer compound, Ðfmeleo~ - Suñace must be clean and dry. Remove any contamination or cUl'in¡ residue. If suña.œ is glazed. sweep blast to roughen. Before topcoating refer to the spedðc Dtme1COtc application inEtrUC:daru For drying Umc and other requ1remenu. N~ - For ØMlerIfoII .........w. AlIW'raICIt I3HS prim.,. _r b~ IIM!d III a clcrcual -- DiInercotll ~ Gþpl ¡in¡¡ ~ 71HB. Amercoat 83 US primer - Surfaces mUSt be dry and free of all contamlnaUon. Refer to Amercoat 83HS appUcation instruc- Uons for drying and curing times. """"" - Appl, ~ 7IJHB IØ -.., cur pøøibl.lf/tn- wrf/Jal ~ Do NIt ,- Ola«~ IfM IIIICIDGr.d ~c. III can,q m'OII'am- ÍIIadøI. mill1ft' C'IIIIrambJ!I"U. Spot "'ur""'¡ illIl!«I«I. Application Equipment The following is Ii guide. Suitable equipment from other manufacturers may be used. Changes In pressure and tIp Sl"-o may be needed to achieve the proper spray characteriStIcs.. Alrtess spray - Standard equipment. such as Graco BuUdog Hydra-Spray or larger. with a O.o¡8. to 0.027 -Inch {O.46 to 0.69 mmJ nuld tip. . COD~DUooal.pr&y -Industrial equipment such as DeVl!b15s MBC or JGA or Blnb 18 or 62 spray gun. A pressure materi&! pot wIth mechanical agitatOr and a moisture and oU trap In the main air supply Une are essentJal. Separate pressw-e regWalors for air and Duid pressure are recommended. Power mixer - JI.ffy MIxer powered by air or eJtpl06lon-proor clocaic motOr. r'TopcUer-rype I11UJ..n~ 1&....0..1 b ...L&sta(;Lury. . EnvIronmental Conditions Temperature -F-c aIr 40 to IZ2 4 to 50 suñaœ 4010 122 4t049 material 5010100 10 to 38 Surface temperature must be at least 5°F (3-C) abo"e dew point at aU tUnes to prevent condensation. N«e - For trIlUIIN,Ur jUm 0tIUd ad I!aSI! qf appIiCGlioll. aU: aufaœ 111ft/. IfI4trrllll ~e mwJd ~ 70 tIJ IJO"F f2 I tIJ JreJ. Hfglw,., --,~. CIlCU'ft' mar ~ui'l! rprvfl Iftllniq". trttH/4Jfcat1Øll. ApplIcation Procedure Amercoat 78HB is packaged In the proper proportions which must be mixed together before use. 1. Rush equipment with Amorcoat 12 cleaner before use. 2. Stir resin (pigmented materialJ With a power mixer to an oven consistency. 3. Add cure (clear solution) to resin and œntinue stirring for five minutes. Pot life (hours) -Frc 70/21 4 SO/10 8 90/32 2 N«" -Do 11°' IIIlz IfIfIIY "uJl~riGI dIG" ",ill MIØHlI1tllll1\ POI III-.IIi,hu I.~... GUlrfl IMruIl /lOlli/F. 4. Thinning Is nonnaUy not required when Using a1rless spray equipment. 5. For conventional spray. thin only as necessary ror workability. Use up to one pint Amorcoat 65 or 101 thinner per gallon ofml.xed coatLng. 6. Apply In even. parallel passes with 50 percent overlap. Immediately follow with cross.spray paues to obtain a continuous film without bare spots. pinholes. or holidays. 7. Double-coat a.Il welds. comers. sharp edges. rivets and bolt!. rough spots, etc. 8. A 20.5 mil (520 micron) Wet ðJm thickness wW normaDy proVide 16 mils (400 mlcronll) of dry !Urn. 9. Check thickness of drY but uncured coating with a nonde- stnJcttve gauge. such as Mikrotest or Elcometer. If thickness Is loss than spedfied, apply additional material as needed. Allowable thlcla1ess range Is 8 to 20 m1ls ( 200 to SOO microns), depending upon service. to. For a pinhole-free coattn¡. check continuity of dry but uncured coating With a nondestruCtive holiday detector such as TInker and Rasor Model AflW at approximately 2300 ~olts. Repair by brushing Amercoat 78H8 over affected areas. 11. Apply addlUonal mat.er1&! to correct 81m thickness and repair pinholes or damaged areas. 'See Recoat and Repair Schedule. The surface must be clean and dry when repair coat is appl1ed. 1 Z. Inside tanks. pipet; and other confined arens, ycntflatc duro,¡ application and curing to remove solventS. 13. Clean aU equIpment with Amercoat 12 cleaner Immediately after completion ofworlc. GeDed AJnercoat 78HB WIll pillf spray eqwpmcnt. . . . OD R CONTR L DUCTWORK SUBSTITUTION Substitute odor control and bio-filter piping and ductwork from fiberglass to PVC. *Data for PVC odor control ductwork enclosed. . . PLASTINETICS:. INC. Suggested Standard Specifications For PVC Ducting POLYPROPYLENE AND CORZAN- CPVC ALSO AVAILABLE (see following pages) . All compounds used in the manufacture of our PVC duct will conform to ASTM Standard 0-1784. ROUND DUCT Reinforcements. if required. will be per SMACNA Second Edition. January 1995. or greater. for the particular water gauge specified. Installation (joining) can be accomplished with the bell and spigot (cementing) method. flanging or thermal welding. '~ Round PVC duct will be seamless and extruded in sizes-t)w through 24w. Below 4w, Schedule 40 gray PVC pipe will be utilized. Nominal wall thickness for 6w through 18w will be .187; 20w size will be .219w and 24w size will be .250w. Nominal wall thickness 4W and below will conform to ASTM Standard 0-1785 for Schedule 40 pipe. Round PVC duct above 24w will be cold rolled from Type II Grade I extruded PVC sheet material. The seam will be thermal fused utilizing a computerized welding machine. The sheet edges are heated and pressed together pneu- matically achieving 100% weld strength using no filler rod. Wall thickness will be 3/16w for sizes up to 32w diameter. Above 32w diameter...1/4w material will be used, unless otherwise specified. Elbows will have an approximate centerline radius of 1 ~ times duct diameter; 90° elbows can be either 3 piece or 5 piece; 45° elbows; 2 or 3 piece. Specific job requirements will determine which type is used. If no preference is given, 3 piece-90° elbows and 2 piece-45° elbows will be pro- . vided. Transitions will be tapered. cone-type only. The cone will be the same material thickness as the duct material. Transitions will be concentric, unless otherwise noted. Branches will enter the main ducting at a 45° angle, unless otherwise specified. Couplings for sizes up to 24w can be either sleeve type (no stop) or standard with a stop. Only sleeve couplings are available in sizes above 24w. Socket depth for both to be 3w. Flanges for sizes 6w through 20w will be heat formed from PVC duct or cut from flat sheet stock. Flanges for 24w and above will be formed from ÞVC Type I extruded angle. Leg size will be either 1~" x 3116" for diameters up to 30w or 2w x 1/4" for sizes above 30w. Bolt holes will be 5/16w diameter on approximate 4" centers. RECTANGULAR DUCT Rectangular duct will be formed from Type I Grade I PVC extruded sheet material. Corners will be heat bent and seams thermal fused where applicable. Where heat bend- ing and thermal fusion is not possible, corner welding with PVC filler rod will be utilized. Where the developed length is 120w or less, 3/16" material will be used. Above 120.,1/4" sheet will be used. Both 45. and 90. elbows will be two pieces, square throat. The 90. elbows will have turning vanes made from PVC extruded duct material. Transitions will be tapered and will be the same material thickness as the duct. They will be concentric unless otherwise noted. Branches will enter main run at 45° angle only unless otherwise specified. Couplings will be sleeve type only. Overall length 6w and will be the same thickness as the duct. - f ; '"o;,tt~ Flanges will be from 1 ~w x 3116" PVC Type I angle, 3116" wall material. For 1/4" wall material 2" x 1/4w Type I PVC angle will be used. Bolt holes will be 5/16w diameter on approximate 4W centers. Bolting, gaskets and flexible connections will be the same as the round duct standards. End caps and access panels will be the same as the round duct standards. Reinforcement. if required, will be per SMACNA Second Edition, January 1995, for the particular water gauge spec- ified. Joining can also be accomplished with the bell (coupling) and spigot method. flanging or field welding. Bolting can be either galvanized or 304 SS. Both will be 1/4"-20x1Xw long with a nut and 2 washers provided for each bolt. Gaskets will be 1/8" thick, closed cell neoprene for duct sizes up to 24"; above 24w, 3/16w thick neoprene will be used. WELDING FOR ROUND AND RECTANGULAR DUCT flexible connections will tie 3/16" neoprene, 6" wide, with two SS draw bands. . Quadrant dampers or bfastgates will be provided with a locking device to permanently set. End caps can either permanently weld in place or fabri- cated to allow removal. Welding will be accomplished by using either the hot gas fusion method using fill rod or thermal fusion. The rod will be 5/32" or 3/16" thick. . " Access panels can be provided with clear PVC material or PlexiQlas and will be held in olace with SS ~p.lf t;mninn All joints will have a minimum of one weld bead to a maxi- mum of three. This includes elbows, transitions, branches, couplings. flanges and end caps. The foregoing information is based on our 30 years experi- ence as a plastic fabricator. Particular engineering require- ments may alter any of the above. However. we feel these are proven shop methods which produces a reliable product for many years of trouble free service. u " , , PVC Duct Industrial and Institutional Applications for Thermoplastic Fume Exhaust Systems " New laboratory techniques for analvtical work. extensive work in t~e ~tomic energy field. and våstly more complicated metal finishing operations have created an increasing'demand for more corrosion-resistant materials for construction of fume exhaust systems. The most frequently used thermoplastic materials are PVC IpolY'inyl chloride). PVC-ABS blends (polyvinyl chloride. acryloniUile-butadiene-stvrene). CPVC (chlo~nat~d poly\inyl chloride). polyethylene '(usually high density. high molecular weightJ. and polypropylene. Fiber- glass ~einforced polyester is the most common thennosetting matenals used. usually with an epoxy surface gel coal. Corrosion resistance of thermoplastic materials is determined by immersion tests for a specified time in the corrosive media at a specified temperature IASTM 0-5431. Weight. and mechanical property changes are the primary yardsticks used to detennine resistance. Field examination showing penetration can also be useful since corrosive attack on plastic materials is most commonly caused by a penetration of the media into the plastic. Metallic corrosion. however. usually exhibits a loss of the metal into the media. Both are subject to so-called stress corrosion under certain conditions and media. This. howel'er. is ex1.remelv rare \~;th PVC at normal service stresses and temperatures. As- a !!.eneral rule. thermoplastics are either resistant or completel\' unsuitable. Reliable test results can be secured in a comparative I\' short period of t.im~ for specific test conditions ILe.. 7-30 daysi. Vapor phase or liqUId-vapor phase interface corrosion is almOSt always greater \\Iith metals while liquid phase is greater with thermoplastic~. Sinc~ the corrosion tables. Rand NR Ratings. are based on liqUId pnase. P"C mav well be resistant to diluted fumes and should be tested under sel';ce conditions. INDUSTRIAL FUME EXHAUST SYSTEMS Indusrnal systems are largely utilized in the metal finishing ~ade. pIa ling operations in the electronic industry. anodizing Industry and. In some cases. roof ventilation fans where moderate fumes are generated in manufacturing. PVC duct is manufactured in both round and rectangular. The later is generally specified where ol'erhead room is limited. Lighter gauges can usually be utilIZed \~;th round duct as in metal construction. Man\' svstems handle fumes from multi-tank plating lines which are. in turn. connected to main trunks. Such large systems require smaller sizes of duct (6--12") onlv from plenum to trunk which represents a very small percentage of the a\'erage industrial system pound volume "';se. Lar!!er sizes also represent short foota!!e runs as the trunk Silt' .. increases rapidly, At present. limited foota!!.r and freight costs have resUicted round duct extrusion to 6".-24" 0.0. Domestic rectangular duct has not been extruded due to the nearh' infinite \'ariety of wid~h/heighl dimensions possible. . PVC. polypropylene and reinforced fiberglass polyester fans are a\'ailable from a number of manufacturers as standard shelf items. I'VC fans hal'e been sllccessfui -m induslnal applications for years. which led to usage :n mdustnal laboratories and subsequentl\' IIlStit utionallaboratoncs such as high schools. colleges. hos'pltals. and non-profil n"search facilities, Standard as well as cuslom hoods 111 P\"( and polypropvlenr have Ji~o br~¡, :n use wilh mam' veal'S of mamtenanc('-fret' opt'~al!(\¡¡ St~ndard.designed fume scrubbers made entirely of plastic ~atenals are answering many problems encountered by Indust '}, for system modification and new construction to meet the new stringent air pollution control requirements. It can not be emphasized too strongly that a complete plastic fume exhaust package can be obtained. Low maintenance costs and time proven sef\;ce as well as published performance data is available. especially on complex components such as fans and scrubbers. INSTITUTIONAL FUME EXHAUST General requirements for laboratol" fume svstems differ f~om the larger size duct s~'stems utiliŽed in industrial applica, tlons. Many laboratof\' hoods are exhausted b\' individual fans. CFM requirements. except for hoods devoted to perchloric acid analytical work (2.000 CFMI. usually range from 600-1.000 CFM. Extruded round duct sizes of 6"-24" are ideal. Four-foot lengths of fabricated duct in these sizes cost the sa~e in tOlallabor as the largest possible unpieced standard size from 4' x 8' sheet (Le..30T This. coupled with butt welding of 4' s~clions. made these sizes quite expensÎ\'e. Increasing - usage In the industrial field finalh' made extrusion of certain sizes with iron pipe size 0.0.'5 arid a J/,6" wall economicallv feasible. Limiled land a\'ailability. especially in the east. at'long esta~lished uni\'ersities and technical colleges required the - erectIOn of so-called hil!h rise buildin !s with laboratof\' facilitie" on various noors. Duciln!!. for coOl'enience. was desie:ñed to - enter pipe chases and pròceed \'erticall\' to the fan añd scrubber equipment penthouse on the roof. This. in turn. has led to new sizes of 7J¡'::. 9 W' and I PF' with a J/,6" wall to effect space economies for the crowded pipe chases. These high rise laboratories hal'e consumed hundreds of thousands of feet of extruded PVC duct in New England alone. and some major installations ha\'e had trouble'i'ree sel"ice for more than a decade. EI'en more connnclng !s the continuing specification of PVC by these major pioneenm: I!lstitutions in their latest senes of expansion in the pas! severai I'ears ------ Additional Engineering and Fabricating information can be obtained by contacting: pvc. CPvc PrODuct BulletIn 1121401 ;:>IPINC MATERIAl. Harvel PlastIcS, P.O, Box 757. Easton, PA 18044'O~57 '~15' ~52'7355 HandOook fúr Welding & Faoricaung -;,ermoQlaSIIC Materials, SJ I(Jmlnsk\, ana J A Williams Kamwelo DrJ::Juc!~:: In( 90 ACCE'SS Road PO Box 91 Norwooa MA 0206216171 ¡62'~3?~ .. PVC Duct S pee ifi ea ti 0 os Rigid Polyvinyl Chloride Duct MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS Ductwork. hoods. blowers. scrubbers and condensate drains shall be fabricated from laminated sheet. eXtruded seamless duct and pipe. available injection molded fittings and valves and extruded shapes. Compounds utilized in the manufacturing of these base components shall confonn to the PVC Materials Standard ASTM 0-1784. Base component products shall meet applicable established standards or manufacturer"s published standards. . Laminated sheet ASTM 0-1927 . IPS Schedules 40.80.120 - EXtruded Pipe ASTM D-1785 . Pressure Rated Extruded Pipe - ASTM 0-2241 . Schedule 40 Injection Molded Fittings - ASTM 0-2466 . Schedule 80 Threaded Injection Molded Fittings - ASTM 0-2464 . Schedule 80 Socket Injection Molded Fittings. ASTM 0-2467 . OWV Injection Molded Fittings - ASTM 0-2665 . CPVC Extruded Duct - ASTM 0-1784 1\vo other PVC based shèet materials are also extensively utilized. however. they are not classified under ASTM 1784. They are: I. Type G (pVC sheet backed with FRP. Fiberglass Rei1Íforced Polyester. for higher temperatures and larger sized systems). 2. PVC sheet fonnulation modified with ABS (Acrvlonitrile Butadiene Styrenel. for higher end product impact strength. . DUCT CONSTRUCTION" POLYVINYL CHLORIDE Material thickness can vary somewhat for any size duct depending on the positive or negative pressures. reinforcement. pulsation impaned by the blowers selected. and thickness ranges available (I.e.. extruded duct). Thicknesses shown cover the ranges usually offered. System conditions and specilled reinforcement should be considered when evaluating competitive bids with different thicknesses. Round Duct Thru 24" - Extruded seamless duct : AVG. ¡ OUT OF ¡ MIN. : 0.0. TOL 'ROUND TOL . ~ WAll t.O20 :1:.050: .105 t.020 I %.050 ¡ .172 t.020 t.050 .172 t.020 i t.O75 .172 %.025 i t.075 .172 t.025 I t.075 .172 t.O25 I t.O75 .172 t.O25 t.O75 .172 t.030 I t.075 I .172 t.O30 I t.075 i. 172 t.O4O I t.OSO 1.1 72 t.070 ¡ :1:.140 ; .199 :.090 t.IS0 .230 i AVG. SIZE; 0.0. Õ I 6.625 6' . 6.625' r I 7.375: S" S.625 9' : 9.375 I 10" ¡ 10.750 I 11" I 11.375 ' 12" I 12.750 ; 14' I 14.000 I 16" ! 16.000 i IS" II IS.000 ¡ 20' 20.000 i 24" , 24.000 i i MAX. I , WALL ¡ .140 i : .202 ¡ i .202 . I .202 I I .202 I i :~g~ 'I " .202 .202 I .202 I I .202 i I .239 I .270 ! WEIGHT PER FT. 1.530 2.275 2.534 2.9S2 3.239 3.733 3.944 4.440 4.884 5.586 6.750 S.I44 11.163 . . allaClory Round ductwork larger than 24" should be thennal fonned on cylindrical mandrels with longitudinal seams butt welded. Larger round duct is also made using H joining strip and longitudinal sections cut from extruded duct. Longer lengths are possible with fewer circumferential welds. Back welding or sealing the cemented H sections with a tacking tip is suggested if condensed vapors are anticipated or the system is under positive pressure. Elbows and bevels shall have minimum centerline radius of 1'/2 Umes duct diameter. Elbows shall have at least five (5) sections and bevels shall be pierced proportionately. Molded or fonned elbows. and bevels with 1'/2 centerline radius will be acceptable. Transition pieces in mains and submains shall be tapered. A taper of 5 inches in length for each I inch change in diameter shall be held wherever possible. Branches or tees shall enter the main at the large end of the transition and at an angle not exceeding -l5'. Branches shall not be positioned so as to enter the main diametrically opposite. Rectangular or Square Duct Mu. Duct Dimensions Wall Thickness (Inches) (Inches) Up to 20" 1/." 21.40 3/16-'/. 41 and up 'I. minimum Straight duct sections shall have fanned corner construction for maximum strength and welded comer seams will not be acceptable. Rectangular or square duct can also be made using 90° and H section joining strip and cut sheet. The same recommendations regarding back welding or sealing with a tacking tip apply. Introduction of the high speed welder and cost of strip have almost eliminated this method of construction. Transitions and tapers shai: have fonned comers wherever practical. Elbows shall have welded comer construction and shall be fabricated with a cènterline radius equal to at least 11/2 times the dimension of the elbow side. Branches and tees shall be positioned to enter the main close to the large end of the transition at an angle not exceeding 452. Branches shall be positioned to avoid entering the main diametrically opposite. FLANGES, GASKETS AND DUCT CONNECTIONS Flanges up to 30" 31" It up Flange thickness Iin.1 J/,& . 1/. II. minimum Flange width [in.) 1'/. - 2 2 minimum Bolt hole centers Iin.1 3 - -l maximum 4 maximum Bolt hole diameter (in.) 5/" . 3/B . '/2 Bolts (in.) 'I. - '/16 3/B . Flanges can be thennal fonned for round duct from 4 sizes of standard PVC extruded angle (1 x I x '/.": 1'/. x 1'/. x 3/,,": 1'/2 x 1'/2 x 3/,&-: 2 x 2 x l/i'l. Thicker flanges are cut or thennal fanned from flat sheet. Flanges for rectangular or square duct are made from PVC extruded angle or flat sheet. Step comer construction rather than mitering is recommended. Flanges shall be continuously back welded with one or more passes as described under section entitled -Welding". Flange faces shall be continuously back welded and ground smooth. Rectangular ductwork exceeding 30 inches in either dimension shall be reinforced with a standing edge or glnh band of same thickness and width as the flanges or With extruded or fonned PVC angles 2 x 2 x 1/. attached by continuous welding to the exterior surface around the full perimeter. spaced not less than 4'.0" on center. Bolts and nuts shall be Type 316 stainless steel with Type 316 stainless washers placed beneath the head of bolt and nut. Zinc plated. cadmium plated. or galvanized nuts. bolts and washers are also satisfactory where they are not subject to excessive corrosive fumes. Gasket material shall be fabricated from flexible plasticized PVC of suitable gauge to seal (minimum of '/.-). Lower durometer grades are suggested for horizontal runs. For simplified field installation gaskets are usu~lIy cemented to one of two mating flanges with PVC cement. The fle:<ible PVC gasket shall be preferably fabricated with unbroken circumference or perimeter. Pieced gaskets should be thenno welded and ground smooth at the joint. Gasket seals are also made with a soft mastic type such as Pennatex #2 or soft vinyl foam. Sleeve couplings can be thennal fonned from flat PVC sheet of a gauge equal or greater than the duct thickness and thennal welded and ground. Sleeve couplings can also be thennal fonned from the same sizç of extruded duct. A minimum width of 4" is suggested. Belled couplings are also thermal fonned from the same size of extruded duct. They offer the advantage of a positive positioning ~ stop and better seal potential if couplings are to be field installed. ~ Under certain conditions. such as making final field connections or changes. circumferential joints are thennal welded at the job sit::- using the maximum recommended number of welds since the intcrior weld cannot be applied. " , tr WELDING Welding shall be done by the hot gas fusion welding method utilizing PVC fil1er rod as manufactured for this purpose. Welding shall be perfonned by workmen adequately trained in the art of PVC welding. ASTM Standard D-1789 test methods are recommended if welder certification is desired. Ductwork, hoods and similar air passage enclosures must be finished completely air and watertight with smooth intenor suñaces. Ductwork shall be completely free from cracks. distortions or other imperfections. The following table outlines the minimum number of welding passes required: WaD Thickness Rod Dia. Min. No. of .Inches Inches Welding Passes 3/16 3/16 One '/8 3/32 One ~ ¥~ O~ '/8 1/8 ll1ree '/4.3/~ 1/8 Three Wherever possible longitudinal and circumferential welds should have one intenor weld sealing the seam in addition to the outside welds for maximum strength. "Flanges to be back welded a minimum of one pass. Longitudinal Seams Circumferential Seams Ducts - flanges" and reinforcing TYPiCAl HANGERS rg""""'t:j..,. ""'... ,-.- rva... .....- ---"' \ =~\ HORIZONTAL DUCT HANGERS =.,,1 VERICAL DUCT HANGERS HANGERS AND SUPPORTS Ducts shall be supported at interVals not exceeding 8'-0. on center. In locations where hangers are exposed to coITOsive atmosphere adjacent to hoods, tanks. or other process equipment. hanger matenal shall be Type 316 stainless steel. with bolts, washers and other attaching hardware similarly fabncated from Type 3 I 6 stainless steel. Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester structural shapes and hangers or plastisol coated hangers and brackets are also considered acceptable. In locations noted on the draWings where hangers are not subject to coITOsive fumes. black steel hangers. threaded rods or similar acceptable hangers may be used, In cases where black steel hangers are installed. they are to receive one (I) coat of grey Tygon paint. or approved equal. Hangers are to be securely fastened to avoid vibration and care shall be taken to install hangers so as to avoid creating conditions of stress in the finished installation. FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS Flexible connections shall be furnished and installed in accordance with this specification at equipment locations and at expansion joints where indicated on the drawings. Flexible connections shall be fabncated from flexible plasticized PVC using matenal not less than 3/32 inch thick. Connections shall be fabricated with the longitudinal seam lapped not less than 1'/2 inches and fusion welded. . Plasticized flexible connections shall be welded, cemented or clamped with stainless steel bands to ducts or equipment col1ars - or in cases where flexible connections are installed as expansion joints. a suitable support or hanger shall be provided at each end of the flexible connection. In cases where flexible connections are provided for connections to fans or equipment. a support or hanger shal1 be provided at the unsupported location. In genera1. ductwork is to be supported independently of hoods, scrubbers. fans. tanks or other equipment. . FUME HOODS Fume hoods shall be fabricated of nOt less than II. inch thick PVC, Welded seams shall be perfonned \\ith a minimum of three passes using "/32" or J/~" diameter filler rod. One weld inside and one outside can be substituted if continuous welds are possible. Adjustable baffles for hoods shall be attached using Type 316 stainless steel nuts. bolts. and washers or PVC nuts, bolts and washers where bolt loading pennits. Supports and hanger material for hood shall be fabricated from Type 316 stainless steel unless othelWise noted. DAMPERS (BLAST GATES} Furnish and install dampers at hoods and tee connections. Additional dampers are'to be installed at all locations where required for balancing or adjustment in the system. Butterfly type volume dampers or blast gates may be installed at all fume hood connections or where indicated and in locations required for balancing. Volume dampers shall be provided \\ith stainless steel loclmuts or similar corrosion-proof attachments suitable for pennanently setting dampers in a fIXed position fol1owing balance and adjustment. CoITOsion-resistant standard sheet metal quadrants can also be used. Dampers may be waived with a balanced system design by consent of the specifying engineer. FAN EQUIPMENT Four types of plastic fans are generally utilized with PVC or other corrosion-resistant fume exhaust systems. I, Fans with the fan housing. wheel and" all intenor surfaces exposed to the conveyed fumes constructed from Type I Grade I PVC sheet. tube and bar. Fan sizes cUITently range from 200 CFM to 71.000 CFM. 2. Fans with the fan housing and al1 interior surfaces exposed to the conveyed fumes. except the wheel. constructed from Type 1 Grade I PVC. The wheel is constructed of steel coated with a suitable coITOsion-resiSlant fiberglass coaUng. Fan sizes currently range from 200 CFM to 71.000 CFM. 3, Fans with housing, wheel and interior suñaces exposed to the conveyed fumes constructed from rigid polypropylene sheet. tube and bar. 4, Fans with housing, wheel and interior suñaces exposed to the conv~ed fumes constructed from FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester). Fans shall be of minimum capadty standard to fulfill air require- ments as set forth in the equipment scheduJe. Fans shall be equipped With drain couplings connected to the bottom of the fan housing. suitable for receiving standard ScheduJe 80 IPS connections. Inlet and outlet connections on fans shall be of flanged construction With bolt holes not less than 3/6 inch diameter spaced 3 inches on center. The manufacturer shall furnish certification that the equipment is of suffident size and capacity standard to meet the requirements and intent of the design. Certification shall include speed and horsepo\l.'!:r requirements for the proposed installation in accordance with the fan testing standards of the NAFM. Standard published fan tables \l.ill not be acceptable for fulfilling this certification requirement. SCRUBBERS - AIR WASHERS . Scrubbers for remo\'aI of soluble fumes are commercially available. Sizes range from 100 to 60.000 CFM. Construction materials vary from PVC, 1)rpe G PVC. Polypropylene. ABS modified PVC to Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester (FRP). Both horizontal and veltical models are available. DRAINS Furnish and install drain fittings atlo\\' points in the system to provide for the removal of entrained moisture. condensation. or other liquid residues. Drains shall consist of fun size Schedule 80 half couplings not less than 1 inch diameter suitable for recei\'ing standard IPS pipe connections. Drains shall be continuously welded at the point of attachment and shall be fitted flush with the interior surface at the drain poin!. Remforcing plates or gussets shall be proVided at drain points wherever necessary to inc:..r.. ., c:nl;...I ...,,;..1 ~------,-- . co co co - Collapse Pressure - Harvel PVC Duct Graph I: Calculated Collapse Pressures with Safety Factor of 5 Harvel Type I Grade I pvc Seamless Duct (minimum wall) @ 70-7SOF vs Length of SpanlNominal 0.0. Ct co - ~Tllllll. 1111 1m m¡ I! i IT T IIIII1 q: ttmmJq:+ff WtIDT I T f TIn I TTIT mmm +tit :m1 IDH+:+ ::J::TI I'~ I . I " , r I IIII - i . ~ I I E I I . t::= . . ~. . I ~ ~ ~ § I I == - = ~ ' I = "'" I I = r-... .... - " 6.625" x f72~' - " - ~ - "Iii,; ...., I I I I-- I' , I 7.375" x .172" I I-- " ..... I I-- ~ '- ~ I ~ ~ '" I I 8.625" x ',172" == ,,' ~ ,......... I I 9.375" x .172'~ == ""'" ' I " I = ,'\ '" ~ ~ No... I I I = r\. 10.750" x .172" ~ " ,. ì"! I I I I I 6.625" x .105" ,~ I 11.750" xi 172" 1= . ~ I I 1= ~,,~ I"" I ¡ I ' I E ~ I I 12.750" x .172" ! ! I I i I ! I ,,~ : ! ! . 14.000" x ¡172" I I I- ~¡i I I I I I III I-- I-- , I I . '" .., I I-- : f""ooi... ! í I r I i - ': 16.000" x .172" - I ;~ T! I I. - - ; I I I .. 18.000" x .172" ê I i I i 20.000" x .206" 24.000" x .230" ~ ' I I ~ I ~ ! ., I I 1= I ê I I : I == = ! = i: I I ¡ I § . II I-- I I " '¡ 1IIIIIllli I. I I, I I I " " /III " " 1111 II "I I Wlllil ill R=IIIII "I 1I.illlllJ 1111 1111 JJJ1 I IIIII I 11111" 4 10 . co N co - ¡; ii :t . . .I: U oS I . :ï . . . It . . Go ~ Õ (J LOt DOl 0 = 0.0. linches, , = distance between reinforcing stiffeners (inches) tion. (Note: Collapse values for all sizes with i ratios exceeding 10 approach values for a very long tube). This graph can be utilized to detennine reinforcement spac- ing distance for higher negative pressures than shown in .the SMACNA Publication for the sizes and minimum wall thick- '" nesses shown. Example: 16" duct at 20" water b = 4 1= 16 x 4 = 64" between reinCorcing stiffeners. 100 ~ The Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association (SMACNA) sponsored a physical testing program on both rectangular and round Type I Grade I PVC fabricated duct. as well as a theoretical analysis of the test work. Equations were developed Cor collapse pressures oC varying ~ ratios as well as Cor collapse of a very long tube. Round duct sizes ranged Crom 18" 0.0. to 48" 0.0. with wall thicknesses of .137" to .282". Test values correlated within a 10% range. Harvel ran actual collapse tests on -I sizes of extruded seam. Iftrr. .._.I'___c".L__--_L""" ...,. ..... . ~ " ,SECTION 00500 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the 11 th day of April in the year 2001 by and between . City of Clermont (hereinafter called OWNER) and (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR) OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as fol- . lows: Article 1. WORK. CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Work is generally described as follows: East Side WRF Expansion The Project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only a part is generally. described as follows: The Work is the whole project. Article 2. ENGINEER. The Project has been designed by Boyle Engineering Corporation, who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who will assume all duties and responsibilities and will have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Article 3. CONTRACT TIME. . 3.1. The Work will be substantially completed within 430 days after the date when the Contract Time com- mences to run as provided in paragraph 2.3 of the General Conditions, and completed and ready for final pay- ment in accordance with paragraph 14.13 of-the General Conditions within 460 days after the date when the Contract Time commences to run. 3.2. Liquidated Damages. OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not substantially complete within the time specified in paragraph 3.1 above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the Gen- eral Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expense and difficulties involved in proving in a legal or arbi- tration proceeding the actual loss suffered by OWNER if the Work is not substantially complete on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER Five Hundred dollars ($500:00) for each day that expires after the time specified in paragraph 3.1 for substantial completion until the Work. is substantially complete and Five Hundred dollars ($500.00 for each day that expires after the time specified in paragraph 3.1 for completion until the Work is complete. . Article 4. CONTRACT PRICE. 4.1. OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Docu- ments in current funds as set forth in the Bid Form. The total contract price is the sum of the base bid plus additive alternates 3 and 6 for a total contract price of $8.691.200.00. Article 5. PAYMENT PROCEDURES. . Contractor shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with Article 14 of the General Conditions. Applications for Payment will be processed by ENGINEER as provided in the General Conditions. AGREEMENT 00500-1 . . . 5.1. Progress Payments. OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Applications for Payment as recommended by ENGINEER. on or about the LAST day of each month during construction as provided below. All progress payments will be on the basis of the progress of the Work measured by the schedule of values provided for in paragraph 14.1 of the General Condi- tions. 5.1.1. Prior to Substantial Completion progress payments will be in an amount equal to: 90% of the Work completed, and 90% of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work but delivered and suitably stored, less in each case the aggregate of payments previously made. 5.1.2. Upon Substantial Completion, OWNER shall pay an amount sufficient to increase total payments to CONTRACTOR to 5% of the Contract Price, less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine in accor- dance with paragraph 14.7 of the General Conditions. 5.2. Final Payment. Upon final completion and acceptance of the Work in accordance with paragraph 14.13 of the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by ENGINEER as provided in said paragraph 14".13. Article 6. INTEREST. All moneys not paid when due hereunder shall bear interest at the maximum rate allowed by law at the place of the Project. Article 7. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATION. In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement CONTRACTOR makes the following representa- tions: " 7.1. CONTRACTOR has familiarized himself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, locality, and with all local conditions and federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress or performance of the Work. 7.2. CONTRACTOR has studied carefully all reports of investigations and tests of subsurface and latent physical conditions at the site or otherwise affecting cost, progress or performance of the Work which were relied upon by ENGINEER in the preparation of the Drawings and Specifications and which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions. 7.3. CONTRACTOR has made or caused to be made examinations, investigations and tests and studies of such reports and related data in addition to those referred to in paragraph 7.2 as he deems necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents; and no additional examinations, investigations. tests, reports or sim- ilar data are or will be required by CONTRACTOR for such purposes. 7.4. CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, tests reports and data with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 7.5. CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR 7.6. AGREEMENT 00500-2 '- -----' . . . Article 8. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The CONTRACT Documents which comprise the entire agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR are attached to this Agreement, made a part hereof and consists of the following in no order of priority: 8.1. This Agreement. 8.2. [Exhibit& to thit: .^.gr~omont (paget: - to -' iAGlucivo).] 8.3. Performance and Payment Bonds. 8.4. Insurance Certificates and Endorsements. 8.5. Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed. 8.6. General Conditions. 8.7. Supplementary Conditions. 8.8. Specifications as listed in the table of contents. 8.9. Drawings, consisting of sheets numbered 1 through 167 inclusive with each sheet bearing the following general title: East Side WRF Expansion. 8.10. Addenda numbers 1 to ~ inclusive. 8.11. CONTRACTOR's Bid. 8.12. Any Modifications, including Change Orders and Field Orders, issued pursuant to paragraphs 3.4 and 3.5 of the General Conditions on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement. 8.13. Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above in this Article 8. The Contract Documents may only be altered, amended or repealed as set forth in the General Conditions. Article 9. MISCELlANEOUS. 9.1. Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Article 1 of the General Conditions shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 9.2. No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be bind- ing on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically but without limitation, moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. 9.3. OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds himself, his partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, his partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. AGREEMENT 00500-3 ,......."""", " " ""' ... - -_:, 1 1 , ",- -" " ,.. " " \ . . . Article 10. OTHER PROVISIONS. 10.1. In consideration of the CONTRACTOR's Indemnity Agreement as set out in the Contract Documents, OWNER specifically agrees to give the CONTRACTOR $25.00 and other good and valuable considerations, which is paid on behalf of all parties indemnified. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Agreement in triplicate. One counterpart each has been delivered to OWNER, CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed or identified by OWNER and CONTRACTOR or by ENGINEER on their behalf. This Agreement will be effective on April 11, ,2001 OWNER By ᥠ(COR TE SEAL) By Ja s W Folds, ;:~~) ~ Sheila Robert~~Trea Address for giving notices 6353 Greenland Road Attest Address for giving notices Jacksonville, Florida 32258 (If OWNER is a public body attach evidence of author- License No. ity to sign and resolution or other document authoriz- ing execution of Agreement.) CG-CA 00798 Agent for service of Process: Hugh A. Holborn AGREEMENT 00500-4 ,- -----, BOND NO 8183-47-14 SECTION 00611 CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE BOND . CONTRACTOR:lndian River Industrial Contractors, Inc. SURETY: FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY ~~ ~~ P.O. Box 23026 15 Mountain View Road Jacksonville. FL 32241-3086 Warren, New Jersey 07059 Address Pl'tndpal Place of Business OWNER: City of Clermont ~~ . P.O. Box 120219 Clermont. FL 34712-0219 Address Principal Place of Business CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Dare: April 11,2001 Amount: $6,547,200.00 INCLUDING Description: East Side WRF Expansion ~me CHANGE ORDER NO.1 DATED APRIL 26, 2001. Clermont. Florida Location BOND Date (Not earlier than Construction Contract Date): May 9, 2001 Amount: $6,547,200.00 INCLUDING CHANGE ORDER NO.1 DATED APRIL 26, 2001. Modifications to this Bond Form: . CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL Company: (Corp. Seal) INDI~~~~~~INC' ~~re. ~: Å- - Title: .' 4. SURETY Company: (Corp. Seal) ~DERAL l ~O~PANY Signature. ~ Name: Tom obrano, III Title:Attorney-in-Fact & F1orida Resident Agent The Contractor and the Surety. jointly and severally, bind themselves. their heirs, exeaJtors, administrators, successors and assigns to the Owner for the performance of the Construction Contract, which is Incorporated herein by reference. If the Contractor performs the Construction Contract, the Surety and the Contractor shall have no obligation under this Bond, except to participate in conferences as provided in Subparagraph 3.1. If there Is no Owner Default, the Surety's obligation under this Bond shall arise after. 3.1 The Owner has notified the Contractor and the Surety at its address desaib~d above, that the Owner Is considering declaring a Contractor Default and has requested and attempted to arrange a conference with the Contractor and the Surety to be held not later than fifteen days after receipt of such notice to discuss methods of performing the Construction Contract. If the Owner, the Contractor and the Surety agree, the Contractor shall be allowed a reason- able time to perform the Construction Contract, but such an agreement shall not waive the Owner's right, if any. subsequently to declare a Contractor Default; and The Owner has declared a Contractor Default and formally terminated the Contractor's right to complete the contract. Such Contractor Default shall not be declared earlier than twenty days after the Contractor and the Surety have received notice as provided in Subparagraph 3.1; and The Owner has agreed to pay the Balance of the Contract Price to the Surety in accordance with the terms of the Construction Contract or to a contractor selected to perform the Construction Contract in accordance with the terms of the contract with the Owner. When the Owner has satisfied the conditions of Paragraph 3. the Surety shall promptly and at the Surety's expense take one of the following actions: 4.1 Arrange for the Contractor, with consent of the Owner, to perform and complete the Construction Contract; or 4.2 Undertake to perform and complete the Construction Contract itself, through its agents or through independent contractors; or 1. 2. 3. 3.2 3.3 . CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE BOND 00611-1 . . . 5. Obtain bids or negotiate proposals from qualified contractors acceptable to the Owner for a contract for peñormance and completion of the Construction Contract, arrange for a contract to be prepared for execution by the Owner and the Contractor selected with the Owner's concurrence, to be secured with peñormance and payment bonds executed by a qualified surety equivalent to the bonds issued on the Construction Contract, and pay to the Owner the amount of damages as described in Paragraph 6 in excess of the Balance of the Contract Price incurred by the Owner resulting from the Contractor's default; or Waive its right to peñorm and complete, arrange for completion, or obtain a new contractor and with reasonable promptness under the circumstances: 1. After investigation, determine the amount for which it may be liable to the Owner and, as soon as practica- ble after the amount is determined, tender payment therefor to the Owner; or 2. Deny liability in whole or in part and notify the Owner citing reasons therefor. If the Surety does not proceed as provided in Paragraph 4 with reasonable promptness, the Surety shall be deemed to be in default on this Bond fifteen days after receipt of an additional written notice from the Owner to the Surety demanding that the Surety peñorm its obligations under this Bond, and the owner shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the Owner. If the Surety proceeds as provided in Subparagraph 4.4, and the Owner refuses the payment tendered or the Surety has denied liability, in whole or in part, without further notice the Owner shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the Owner. After the Owner has terminated the Contractor's right to complete the Construction Contract, and if the Surety elects to act under Subparagraph 4.1, 4.2, or 4.3 above, then the responsibilities of the Surety to the Owner shall not be greater than those of the Contractor under the Construction Contract, and the responsibilities of the Owner to the Surety shall not be greater than those of the Owner under the Construction Contract. To the limit of the amount of this Bond, but subject to commitment by the Owner of the Balance of the Contract Price to mitigation of costs and damages on the Construction Contract, the Surety is obligated without duplication .for. 6.1 The responsj~ilities of the Contråctor for correction of defective work and completion of the Construction Contract; 6.2 Aclditionallegal, design professional and delay costs resulting from the Contractor's Default, and resulting from the actions or failure to act of the Surety under Paragraph 4; and Uquidated damages, or if no liquidated damages are specified in the Construction Contract, actual damages caused by delayed peñormance or non-peñormance of the Contractor. The Surety shall not be liable to the Owner or others for obligations of the Contractor that are unrelated to the Construction Contract, and the Balance of the Contract Price shall not be reduced or set off on account of any such unrelated obligations. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to any person or entity other than the Owner or its heirs, executors, administrators, or successors. The Surety hereby waives notice of any change, Including changes of time, to the Construction Contract or to related subcontracts, purchase orders and other obligations. Any proceeding, legal or equitable, under this Bond may be instituted in any court of competent jurisdiction in the location in which the work or part of the work is located and shall be instituted within two years after Contractor Default or within two years after the Contractor ceased working or within two years after the Surety refuses or fails to peñorm its obligations under this Bond, whichever occurs first. If the provisions of this Paragraph are void or prohibited by law, the minimum period of limitation available to sureties as a defense in the jurisdiction of the suit shall be applicable. Notice to the Surety, the Owner or the Contractor shall be mailed or delivered to the address shown on the signature page. When this Bond has been furnished to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement in the location where the construc- tion was to be peñormed, any provision in this Bond conßicting with said statutory or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted herefrom and provisions conforming to such statutory or other legal requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. The Intent is that this Bond shall be construed as a statutory bond and not as a common law bond. Definitions: 12.1 Balance of the Contract Price: The total amount payable by the Owner to the Contractor under the Construction Contract after all proper adjustments have been made, including allowance to the Contractor of any amounts received or to be received by the Owner in settlement of insurance or other claims for damages to which the Contractor is entitled, reduced by all valid and proper payments made to or on behalf of the Contractor under the Construction Contract. 12.2 Construction Contract The agreement between the Owner and the Contractor identified on the signature page. including all Contract Documents and changes thereto. 12.3 Contractor Default: Failure of the Contractor, which has neither been remedied nor waived, to peñorm or otherwise to comply with the terms of the Construction Contract. 12.4 Owner Default: Failure of the Owner, which has neither been remedied nor waived. to pay the Contractor as required by the Construction Contract or to peñorm and complete or comply with the other terms thereof. 4.3 4.4 6. 6.3 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. END OF SECTION CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE BOND 00611-2 ~ Chubb ~ Surety POWER OF ATTORNEY Federal Insurance Company Vigilant Insurance Company Pacific Indemnity Company Attn.: Surety Department 15 Mountain View Road Warren, NJ 07059 Know All by These Presents, That FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, an Indiana corporation, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, a New York . corporation, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY, a Wisconsin corporation, do each hereby constitute and appoint---------------------------_m-------- Tom S. Lobrano, III, A.B. Lynch, Jr., James C. Congelio and Bradford W. Bush of Jacksonville, Florida------------------------------------- each as their true and lawful Attomey-in-Fact to execute under such designation in their names and to affix their corporate seals to and deliver for and on their behalf as surety thereon or otherwise, bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof (other than bail bonds) given or executed in the course of business, and any instruments amending or altering the same, and consents to the modification or alteration of any instrument referred to in said bonds or obligations. . . In Witness Whereof, said FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY have each executed and attested these presents and affixed their corporate seals on this 28th day of February 2001 ¡Lm/~ ~ Kenneth C. Wendel, Assistant Secretary STATE OF NEW JERSEY ~ 55. County of Somerset /~Æ.7Yt~ Gerardo G. Mauriz, Vice President On this 28th day of February ,2001. before me, a Notary Public of New Jersey, personally came Kenneth C. Wendel, to me known to be Assistant Secretary of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY. VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY. the companies which executed the foregoing Power of Attomey, and the said Kenneth C. Wendel being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he is Assistant Secretary of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY. VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY and knows the corporate seals thereof, that the seals affixed 10 the foregoing Power of Attomey are such corporate seals and were thereto affixed by authority of the By-Laws of said Companies; and that he signed said Power of Attorney as Assistant Secretary of said Companies by like authority; and that he is acquainted with Gerardo G. Mauriz, and knows him to be Vice President of said Companies; and that the signature of Gererdo G. Mauriz, subscribed to said Power of Attomey is in the genuine handwriting of Gerardo G. Mauriz, . =~@_~A~~~- ~ ~ Notary Public CERTIFICATION Extract from the By-Laws of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY: "All powers of attomey for and on behalf of the Company may and shall be executed in the name and on behalf of the Company, either by the Chairman or the President or a Vice President or an Assistant Vice President, jointly with the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, under their respective designations. The signature of such officers may be engraved, printed or lithographed. The signature of each of the following officers: Chairman. President. any Vice President. any Assistant Vice President. any Secretary, any Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attomey or to ~y certificate relating thereto appointing Assistant Secretaries or Attomeys-in-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such power of attomey or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached." I, Kenneth C. Wendel, Assistant Secretary of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY (the "Companies") do hereby certify that (i) the foregoing extract of the By-Laws of the Companies is true and correct, (ii) the Companies are duly licensed and authorized to transact surety business in all 50 of the United States of America and the District of Columbia and are authorized by the U. S. Treasury Department; further, Federal and Vigilant are licensed in Puerto Rico and the U. S. Virgin Islands. and Federal is licensed in American Samoa, Guam, and each of the Provinces of Canada except Prince Edward Island; and (iii) the foregoing Power of Attomey is true. correct and in full force and effect. Given under my hand and seals of said Companies at Warren, NJ this 9 t h day of Ma y , 2001 Úc U-q Kenneth C. Wendel, Assistant Secretary . IN THE EVENT YOU WISH TO NOTIFY US OF A CLAIM, VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY OF THIS BOND OR NOTIFY US OF ANY OTHER MATTER, PLEASE CONTACT US AT ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE, OR BY Telephone (908) 903-3485 Fax (908) 903-3656 e-mail: suretv@chubb.com . . . BOND NO 8183-47-14 SECTION 00620 CONSTRUCTION PAYMENT BOND (FLORIDA PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS) CONTRACTOR:lndian River Industrial Contractors, Inc. SURETY: FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY Name P.O. Box 23026 Jacksonville. FL 32241-3086 Name 15 Mountain View Road Warren, New Jersey 07059 Address Prtndpal Place 01 Business OWNER: City of Clermont Name P.O. Box 120219 Clermont. FL 34712-0219 Address Prindpal Place 01 Business CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Dare: April 11,2001 Amount:$6, 547,200.00 INCLUDING Description: East Side WRF ExDansion ~nnont. Florida Location CHANGE ORDER NO.1 DATED APRIL 26, 2001. BOND Date (Not earlier than Construction Contract Date): May 9, 2001 Amount: $6,547,200.00 INCLUDING CHANGE ORDER NO.1 DATED Modifications to this Bond Form:. APRIL 26, 2001 CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL SURETY INDI~RfOf'¡'In'd~DUS"'I"L ~:~~~Z~>¡:~; (no. ~BI!II'Rr- ~ ';'P .....J.Corp. Seal) Signature: - Slgnature~4-c Name: ame: Tom S. Lobrano, III . TiUe: TiUe: Attornev-in-Fact & Florida Resident , Agent Fumlsh bond In accordance with Florida Statute 255.05. 1. The Contractor and the Surety, jointly and severally, bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns to the Owner to pay for labor, materials and equipment fumished for use in the perfonnance of the Construction Contract, which is incorporated herein by reference. With respect to the Owner, this obligation shall be null and void If the Contractor. 2.1 Promptly makes payment, directly or indirectly, for all sums due Claimants, and 2.2 Defends, Indemnifies and holds hannless the Owner from all claims, demands, liens or suits by any person or entity who fumished labor, materials or equipment for use In the perfonnance of the Construction contract, provided the Owner has promptly notified the Contractor and the Surety (at the address shown above) of any claims, demands, liens or suits and tendered defense of such claims, demands, liens or suits to the Contractor and the Surety, and provided there is no Owner Default. With respect to Claimants, this obligation shall be null and void if the Contractor promptly makes payment, directly or indi- rectly, for all sums due. The Surety shall have no obligation to Claimants under this Bond until: 4.1 Claimants who are employed by or have a direct contract with the Contractor have given notice 10 the Surety (at the address shown above) and sent a copy, or notice thereof, to the Owner, slating that a claim is being made under this Bond and, with substantial accuracy, the amount of the claim. Claimants who do not have a direct contracl with the Contractor: a. Have fumished written notice to the Contractor and sent a copy, or notice thereof, to the Owner, within 90 days after having last perfonned labor or last furnished materials or equipment included in the claim stating, with substantial accuracy, the amount of the claim and the name of the party to whom the materials were fumished or supplied or for whom the labor was done or perfonned: and 2. 3. 4. 4.2 CONSTRUCTION PAYMENT BOND 00620-1 . . . " 5. 6. Have either received a rejection in whole or in part from the Contractor, or not received within 30 days of fumishing the above notice any communication from the Contractor by which the Contractor has indicated the claim will be paid directly or indirectly; and Not having been paid within the above 30 days, have sent a written notice to the Surety (at the address shown on the signature page) and sent a copy, or notice thereof, to the Owner, stating that a claim is being made under this Bond and enclosing a copy of the previous written notice fumished to the Contractor. If a notice required by Paragraph 4 is given by the Owner to the Contractor or to the Surety, that is sufficient compliance. When the Claimant has satisfied the conditions of Paragraph 4, the Surety shall promptly and at the Surety's expense take the following actions: 6.1 Send an answer to the Claimant, with a copy to the Owner, within 45 days after receipt of the claim, stating the amounts that are undisputed and the basis for challenging any amounts that are disputed. 6.2 Payor arrange for payment of any undisputed amounts. The Surety's total obligation shall not exceed the amount of this Bond, and the amount of this Bond shall be credited for any payments made in good faith by the Surety. Amounts owed by the Owner to the Contractor under the Construction Contract shall be used for the peñormance of the Construction Contract and to satisfy.claims, if any, under any Construction Peñormance Bond. By the Contractor furnishing and the Owner accepting this Bond, they agree that all funds eamed by the Contractor in the peñormance of the Construc- tion Contract are dedicated to satisfy obligations of the Contractor and the Surety under this Bond, subject to the Owner's priority to use the funds for the completion of the worlt. The Surety shall not be liable to the Owner, Claimants or others for obligations of the Contractor that are unrelated to the Construction Contract. The Owner shall not be liable for payment of any costs or expenses of any Claimant under this Bond, and shall have under this Bond no obligations to make payments to, give notices on behalf of, or otherwise have obli- gations to Claimants under this Bond. The Surety hereby waives notice of any change, including changes of time, to the Construction Contract or to related sub- contracts, purchase orders and other obligations. No suit or action shall be commenced by a Claimant under this Bond other than in a court of competent jurisdiction in the location in which the worlt or part of the work is located or after the expiration of one year from the date (1) on which the Claimant gave the notice required by Subparagraph 4.1 or Clause 4.2 (c), or (2) on which the last labor or service was per- formed by anyone or the last materials or equipment were fumished by anyone under the Construction Contract, whichever of (1) or (2)" first occurs. If the provisions of this Paragraph are void or prohibited by law, the minimum period of limitation available to sureties as a defense in the jurisdiction of the suit shall be applicable. Notice to the Surety, the Owner or the Contractor shall be mailed or delivered to the address shown on the signature page. Actual receipt of notice by Surety, the Owner or the Contractor, however accomplished, shall be sufficient compliance as of the date received at the address shown on the signature page. When this Bond has been fumished to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement in the location where the construc- tion was to be peñormed, any provision in this Bond conflicting with said statutory or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted herefrom and provisions conforming to such statutory or other legal requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. The intent is, that this Bond shall be construed as a statutory bond and not as a common law bond. Upon request by any person or entity appearing to be a potential beneficiary of this Bond, the Contractor shall promptly fumish a copy of this Bond or shall permit a copy to made. Definitions: 15.1 Claimant: An individual or entity having a direct contract with the Contractor or with a subcontractor of the Contrac- tor to furnish labor, materials or equipment for use in the peñormance of the Contract. The intent of this Bond shall be to include without limitation in the terms -labor, materials or equipment- that part of water, gas power, light, heat, oil, gasoline, telephone service or rental equipment used in the Construction Contract, architectural and engineering services required for peñormance of the work of the Contractor and the Contractor's subcontractors, and all other items for which a mechanic's lien may be asserted in the jurisdiction where the labor, materials or equipment were furnished. . 15.2 Construction Contract: The agreement between the Owner and the Contractor identified on the signature page, including all Contract Documents and changes thereto. 15.3 Owner Default: Failure of the Owner, which has neither been remedied nor waived, to pay the Contractor as required by the Construction Contract or to peñorm and complete or comply with the other terms thereof. b. c. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. END OF SECTION CONSTRUCTION PAYMENT BOND 00620-2 ,- -----. ---', POWER OF ATTORNEY Federal Insurance Company Vigilant Insurance Company Pacific Indemnity Company Attn.: Surety Department 15 Mountain View Road Warren, NJ 07059 ~ Chubb ~ Surety Know All by These Presents, That FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, an Indiana corporation, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, a New York corporation, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY, a Wisconsin corporation, do each hereby constitute and appoint--------------------------------------- . Tom S. Lobrano, III, A.B. Lynch, Jr., James C. Congelio and Bradford W. Bush of Jacksonville, Florida------------_m_------------------------- each as their true and lawful Attomey-in-Fact to execute under such designátion in their names and to affix their corporate seals to and deliver for and on their behalf as surely thereon or otherwise, bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof (other than bail bonds) given or executed in the course of business, and any ínstrumenls amending or altering the same, and consents to the modification or alteration of any instrument referred to in said bonds or obligations. In Witness Whereof, said FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIAC INDEMNITY COMPANY have each executed and attested these presents and affixed their corporate seals on this 28th day of February 2001 ~c~ Kenneth C. Wendel, Assistant Secretary STATE OF NEW JERSEY } ss. County of Somerset /~Æ.?ri~ Gerardo G. Mauriz, Vice President On this 28th day of February ,2001, before me, a Notary Public of New Jersey, personally came Kenneth C. Wendel, to me known to be Assistant Secretary of FEDERAl INSURANCE COMPANY, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY, the companies which executed the foregoing Power of Attomey, and the said Kenneth C. Wendel being by me duly swom, did depose and say that he is Assistant Secretary of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY and knows the corporate seals thereof, that the seals affixed to the foregoing' Power of Attomey are sl,lCh co!POrate seals and were thereto affixed by authority of the By-Laws of said Companies; and that he signed said Power of Attomey as Assistant Secretary of said Companies by like authority; and that he is acquainted with Gerardo G. Mauriz, and knows him to be Vice President of said Companies; and that the signature of Gerardo G. Mauriz, subscribed to said Power of Attorney is in the genuine, handwriting of Gerardo G. Mauriz, and was thereto subscribed by authority of said By-laws and in deponents presence. ~ \e? MARIA CAUSE "*' NJIic. 8118& at New Jener No. 2183962 CaamII8IaD EIØeI NOr. 18. 2005 ~~ . Notarial Seal Notary Public CERTIFICATION Extract from the By-Laws of-FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY: "All powers of attorney for and on behalf of the Company may and shall be executed in the name and on behalf of the Company, either by the Chairman or the President or a Vice President or an Assistant Vice President, jointly with the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, under their respective designations. The signature of such officers may be engraved, printed or lithographed. The signature of each of the following officers: Chairman, President, any Vice President, any Assistant Vice President, any Secretary, any Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Assistant Secretaries or Attomeys-in-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached. . I, Kenneth C. Wendel, Assistant Secretary of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY (the "Companies") do hereby certify that (i) the foregoing extract of the By-Laws of the Companies is true and correct, (ii) the Companies are duly 6censed and authorized to transact surety business in all 50 of the United States of America and the District of Columbia and are authorized by the U. S. Treasury Department; further, Federal and Vigilant are licensed in Puerto Rico and the U. S. Virgin Islands, and Federal is licensed in American Samoa, Guam, and each of the Provinces of Canada except Prince Edward Island; and (m) the foregoing Power of Attorney is true. correct and in full force and effect. Given under my hand and seals of said Companies at Warren, NJ this 9 t h day of May 2001 Ué'~ . IN THE EVENT YOU WISH TO NOTIFY US OF A CLAIM, VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY OF THIS BOND OR NOTIFY US OF ANY OTHER MA TIER, PLEASE CONTACT US AT ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE, OR BY Telephone (908) 903-3485 Fax (908) 903-3656 e-mail: surety@chubb.com Kenneth C. Wendel, Assistant Secretary 15-10-0225B (Ed. 4-99) CONSENT