11-26-1968 Supporting DocumentsMINUTES No 4W
An adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Clermont was
held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, November 26, 1968. The meeting
was called to order at 8:00 P. M. by Mayor Don E. Smith with all members
present. other officials present were: City Manager Johnson, City Clerk
Carroll, City Controller Fleming, City Attorney Langley, Chief of Police
Tyndal and Building Inspector Snyder. Others present were: Mr. and
Norris, r.
lup and Messrs.
Glenn1lTownsillialend, Jr., Terryn1 Brown and oGeorge lBovis. Representatives Czech, of
the local Press were also present.
The Invocation was given by Councilman VanderMeer.
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on fovember 12, 1968 and the
Special Meeting held on November 18, 1968 were approved as written.
Mayor Smith advised that the Council would not sit as a Board of Adjustment
to consider application of John Aull for a variance in the rear yard
set -back of Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12, of Forty Pines Subdivision from the
required 25 feet to the property line. Mr. and Mrs. Gallup and Mr. and
Mrs. Norris appeared before the Council, as adjacent property owners to
the above mentioned property, and spoke in opposition to this request
for a variance. Motion was made by Councilman Oswalt, seconded by
Councilman Cochran and carried that this matter be tabled until the next
meeting. It was the opinion of the City Attorney that this matter be
disposed of and any interested parties re -apply for petition again if they
osdesired, whereupon motion was made by Councilman Beals, seconded by
Councilman Cochran and carried that the application of Mr. Aull be
submitted for consideration. Motion was then made by Councilman Beals,
seconded by Councilman Cochran and unanimously carried, that the request
of Mr. Aull be denied.
Mayor Smith reported that he had attended a luncheon meeting on Monday,
November 25th in Tavares given jointly by the Lake County Agriculture
Department and the Kiwanis Club of Tavares; that Mayors of all municipalities
in Lake County were honored guests and that the meeting had been both
interesting and beneficial, with Mr. Leon Miller of Duda and Sons, Inc.,
the principal speaker.
City Manager Johnson submitted his report, both orally and written.
City Manager Johnson requested a meeting of the Council to canvass the
ballot box following the General Election on December 3rd. It was the
consensus of Council that this meeting be held on ilednesday, December 4,
1968 at 5:00 P. 11. in the City Manager's office.
City Attorney Langley dished it a metter of record that he recommended
title insurance
watersupply under
nwej�ration to be purchased
bythe City onwhich toconstruct
Councilman Oswalt reported he had been requested to invite and encourage
all Council members to attend the monthly Orange Blossom Breakfast to
sbe held ponsoredebyetheyLakevllmber ghlandshat Motel &OA. Nursi4ngie Jenkins Building,
t Motion was made by Councilman Beals and seconded by Councilman Prior
that the compensation of the Second Municipal Judge be set at 5360.00 per
year effective December 1963. Upon roll call vote on passage of the motion,
the result was: Ayes: VanderMeer, Oswalt, Cochran, Beals and Prior.
Total Ayes: Five. Hayes: None. The motion carried.
Motion was made by Councilman VanderMeer and seconded by Councilman Prior
that the following described property be purchased from Mr. 44illiam BranVIin
_ m,�nmiom�mmmR95RnR�
Baker, Sr. at a cost of $200.00.
Tile Morth 30 feet of the east 20 feet of
Lot 7, Block F
Upon roll call vote on passage of the motion, the result was: Ayes:
VanderMeer, Oswalt, Cochran, Beals and Prior. Total Ayes: Five. 'Mayes:
Clone. The City Attorney was instructed to obtain title insurance on
this described property.
Councilman Oswalt presented a RESOLUTION extending a protection of a
water supply well owned by Mr. William Baker used for irrigation, and
moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Councilman VanderMeer
and unanimously carried. The Number 140 was assigned to it and a copy
ordered posted.
Councilman Cochran reported that the joint meeting of the Council and
the Official Board of the Greater Clermont Chamber of Commerce recently
held had been very beneficial and he thereby recommended and moved that
the Controller be authorized to disbuse funds to the Chamber of Commerce,
an amount not to exceed the amount budgeted in the 1968-69 Budget for
Publicity. The motion was seconded by Councilman VanderMeer. Upon roll
call vote on passage of the motion, the result was: Ayes: VanderMeer,
Oswalt, Cochran. Councilman Prior voted Aye with reservation that a
strict accounting of the Chamber's disbursements be submitted to the
Council. Total Ayes: Four. Mayes: Beals. The motion carried.
Mayor Smith reported that inasmuch as the Council knew so little about
the operation of Cooper Memorial Library, he had visited with Mrs.
Caswell, the Librarian, and felt the meeting with her had been both
informative and beneficial, and, that the Library would welcome immediately
the annual budgeted financial assistance from the City.
Glenn Townsend, Jr. appeared before the Council and inquired as to an
approach to get the Library to stay open at night. Mayor Smith referred
Mr. Townsend to the Library Board and/or the Librarian, and offered to
also mention this matter to them.
Mr. Townsend further inquired of the Council certain police problems
which he felt were unfair with regards teenages vs adults. This matter
was referred to the City Manager.
Councilman VanderMeer reported a sidewalk on Montrose Street, between
West Avenue and loth Street, was badly in need of repair.
City Manager Johnson reported he had received a request from the Highlander
Youth Council to hold a dance in the Jenkins Auditorium on Saturday,
November 30th, Motion was made by Councilman VanderMeer, seconded by
Councilman Beals and carried, that this permission be granted and under
the same conditions for use of the building as applied in the past.
City Manager Johnson reported he had received a request from Mr. Oakley
Seaver, Postmaster, for the city to purchase a right-of-way, 5' in width
from Montrose Street to the newly constructed Post Office Building on
Minndola Avenue at a cost of $900.00. Motion was made by Councilman Beals,
seconded by Councilman Prior and carried that this matter be tabled.
City Controller Fleming requested authorization to refund 1967 taxes,
assessed in error, to Mr. John Parks in the amount of $35.10 and Mr. Laurence
Russell in the amount of $39.48, this being on property lying outside
the: city limits of Clermont, same being, a boathouse on Lake Minnehaha.
Motion Was made by Councilman Cochran and seconded by Councilman VanderMeer
i that :this request be granted pending legality of such a refund in the
opini,on. of,tile City Attorney. Upon roll call vote on passage of the motion
the result was: Ayes: Vandertteer, Oswalt, Cochran, Beals and Prior.
Total Ayes: Five. Nayes: Clone. A detailed explanation of the above is
attached hereto and shall become a part of these Minutes.
Motion by Councilman Beals, seconded by Councilman Prior and carried that
the meeting be adjourned.
Don L. Smith, Chairman 1(��
Dolores W. Carroll, Cler
Botner Chestnut Street, from 8th Street to (lest Avenue and Second Street,
from Broome To Desoto Streets have been sand sealed and are now completed.
Considerable street patching has been done and storm damage to streets
corrected. A clay drive is being constructed from Grand Highway to
the new well site. Parkways, curbing and City owned property is beinn
cleaned and mowed.
The Little League ball fields have been limed, fertilized and disced.
Seed has been ordered and portable irrigation pipe and sprinklers will
be on hand in a few days. The area will be seeded within the next
two weeks. I am getting together a list of materials needed for lightinq
one Little League field and the regular base ball outfield. As soon
as I have the list completed I will submit quotations on the cost.
Considerable work has been done on the "Tot Lot" recently. I have
written for prices on a few pieces of additional equipment and the area
will be fenced within a week or so. All benches and seats at the
shuffle board courts have been repainted and the lighting increased by
fifty percent. A flag pole is being installed at the Jenkins Auditoirum.
The auditorium kitchen has been wired and now provides numerous
electrical outlets. The exhaust fan is in place and ready for operation
when needed.
Work on the newvell is scheduled to start the week after next.
This report covers minor items but I thought they might he of interest
to you.
It is necessary that the City Council have a short meeting in my
office at 5:00 P. M. on Next Monday, December 3rd. The purpose is to
prepare the ballot for the general election being held on the 3rd.
This meeting is a Torir.ality but w! must have a quorum present.
It is also necessary that the Council again meet within six days of the
election to canvas the ballot and certify the result.
Respec submitted
City Manager
November 26, 1968
Re 4
Office of City Administration
City of Clermont
Clermont, Florida
November 18, 1963
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
City of Clermont
Clermont, Florida
In re: Request for refund of 1967
taxes assessed in error
I find no provision for such a tax refund, as mentioned above,
in the City of Clermont Charter or Code, however, Code Sec. 48
The Florida Statutes, Sec. 193.40 state that refund may be made,
providing request is made within one yoar of payment and request
is approved by County Commissioners.
I, therefore, request Council approval for the following refunds
of 1967 taxes assessed to and paid by the following:
Laurence 14. Russell
560 East Lake Shore Drive
Clermont, Florida
Lot 1, lA 570.00 @ 8 mills 4.56
Less 4% discount .18 ; 4.38
Lot 6 4570.00 @ 8 mills 36.56
Less 4% discount 1.46 $35.10
Total Refund 1967 Tar. $39.48
John W. Parks
2410 Armstrong Road
Gastonia, North Carolina
Lot 5, 5A 4570.00 @ 8 mills 36.56
Less 4% discount 1.46
Total Refund 1967 Tax $35.10
In both cases the County Tax Roll, used by the City of Clermont,
included dock and boat house which are located south of the
city boundary.
Respectfully �submitted,
n 14. Flemiig, 1
x Assessor/Collector v
A Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Clermont
was held in the office of the City Manager on Monday, December 2,
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 P. H. by Mayor Don Smith.
Council members present were Raymond Cochran, J. Ili11iam Prior,
and J. M. Vanderi1eer. Absent: Richard Oswalt and Charles Deals.
Others present were City Attorney Langley and City Manager Albert
Mayor Smith stated that the purpose of the meeting was to inspect
the Registration rolls and prepare the ballot box for the General
Election of the City of Clermont being held on Tuesday, December 3,
Motion was made by Councilman VanderMeer, seconded by Councilman
Cochran and unanimously carried that the registration rolls were
in order and the ballot box properly prepared; that the ballot box
be locked and the keys to the box and the registration rolls turned
over to Police Chief Tyndal for delivery to the Clerk of Election
on the morning of the General Election.
Motion by/Cochran, seconded by Councilman Vanderl•leer, and carried
th meeting adjourn.
Don E. Smith, Chairman
Joh on, Ci y Manager