Annual Budget (1983 - 1984)i r I�rr'jF , CITY OF CLERIIOfJf, FLORIDA OCTOBER 1, 1983 BUDGET - SEPTSBER 30, 1934 ---- u u u r r (I �I �RI41 1, tVI'�- I� ( I I�.. � �: 1 �- � t.•. � � �; � ��1 1 � I.:� I C CITY COUNCIL. CHARLES B. DEALS, MAYOR ROBERT A. POOL, MAYOR pro tem HAROLD TURVILLE ANN DUPES LESTER COLE CITY ADMINISTRATION I GEORGE D. FORBES, CITY MANAGER LEONARD H. BAIRD, JR., CITY ATTORNEY WAYNE SAUNDERS, FINANCE DIRECTOR PRESTON DAVIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC UTILITIES HARVEY NAGEL, DIRECTOR OF CODE ENFORCEMENT JOHN SPRINGSTEAD, CITY ENGINEER ROBERT E. SMYTHE, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/FIRE CHIEF PRENTICE TYNDAL, POLICE CHIEF [`J CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA BUDGET 1983 - 84 TABLE OF CONTENTS BudgetMessage .................................................. 1 Budget Tables: Table I Consolidated Statement of Budgeted Revenues and Expenditures .................................... 7 Table II Capital Outlay Summary.. .................... e Table III Job Classification and Pay Grades ................... 9 General Fund Revenues & Expenditures Summary....................10 General Fund Expenditures by Account Administration......................................12 Police..............................................14 Fire. . .................................. ....15 PublicWorks........................................ 16 Special Activities..................................18 Sanitation Fund Revenues & Expenditures by Summary..............19 Sanitation Fund Expenditures by Account Sanitation..........................................20 Utility Fund Revenues & Expenditures Summary....................21 Utility Fund Expenditures by Account Water...............................................22 Sevier...............................................23 Federal Revenue Sharing.........................................24 11 To: Mayor and City Counci 1- M"Inbei :City of .Clermont Clermont, Florida Subject: Budget Message Council Members: 1 am pleased to submit for your review tine proposed 1983-1.984 Fiscal Year Budget of tine City of Clermont which begins on October 1, 1983. This is a conservative budget that proposes no increases in property taxes, water, sewer, or sanitation rates. The budget is more than just an accounting document, it is the most important policy statement prepared by the City. The budget deter- mines both the level and type of services the City of,Clermont,will provide. All of the line items and capital expenditures represent City services, and there are;many,issues and choices among these services that must be determined by the Council. The budget in- cludes total expenditures of $2,270,944. A breakdown of each major _fund and its financial condition are as follows: I. GENERAL FUND Ix enditures of S1 156 285 are budgeted :i.n order to fund the basic tax supported services of the City. These services include: police and fire protection, maintenance of streets and sidewalk:;, parks and recreation, fleet maintenance, street lights, code enforcement, ani- mal control, cemetery maintenance, legal services, and finance and administration. Also included in this fund are monies for special activities such as contributions to the Centennial Committee, Cooper Memorial Library, and the Chamber of Commerce. Expenditures in the General Fund have decreased r✓% from the previous fiscal year, but this is largely due to Fiscal. Year 1981-1982 encum- berances for City Hall remodeling, street resurfacing, and radio equip- ment which were not paid until the 198',:-1983 Fiscal Year. However, a crease of more direct comparison with last year's budget reveals aaPirtmentheads only 3.1%. This is due largely to careful budgeting bye in which no line item was allowed to be increased without a detailed written explanation. A large increase in electric rates, rysL r,f living LnarousaH," and special aaCivi,Cioft rnalte up I.ha maJorl.ty of„,lho incrun:se, ItevennoH of the General Fund are ox ectad to .incroa►to lE60 jfl or abbut Mu (" �w of thl p i ncrrjn�er .,ig c ua 15' ' to Choi i ty"� now o�onuo s6ur6o7apargAllan gasoline' tax l'hich wag I er Thoro funds mart be, used strictly' o"iiundnm n la32.fHtiaot malntr�ndnce.,`" Tha"City, is also receiving small increases frorn taxon (duo to growth) and ftc�m, the natural gas d.intrict. however, most of our revenue .9ourcon are not, 'increasing and Homo are actually declining. Tho fact that the City has ovor thirty revenue source», many of which are based on economic factory.► (i.e. interest rates and sales tax) beyond the City's control makes revenue, forecast- ing a difficult task. 130th interest rate and sales tax. revenues are expected to fall below our projections for the current fiscal year. Thu 1'lnuucial condition of the City tH Sound dor:pite ;potanlf:il long Lcrm ruva►� ►uu j>roblcm5. '1'liu Caly ba:; in:>tlt.utcrd rsraund l'in:urc.Lut pruc- LIcr.H, so we h:ive'►nany rosource.,; on which to rely. As the City's 1982-1983 Fiscal. Year draws to a close, we expect 'actual expenditures La bir less than budgeted. This means that the City will not br re- ryuirod to spend as much of' reserves as antic:ipatod. Expendituros are less than budgeted due to careful Purchasing and t:ho fact that. wo do nol spend money juSL becau: e it is budgctcxi. F%actors which will affect the City's Nnancondition and conditioand must be carefully unalyfed'are as follows: A. In November of 1984 a State Referendum will be hold to amend the State Constitution to limit municipal revenues to a 5% increase per year, with a rollback of revenues to the 1980-1981 Fiscal Year level: This could have a very serious impact on City revenues, particularly poten- tial user charge increases. B. Many of the City's revenue sources have been stagnating. New State laws such as the sales Lax and property tax rollback imposed last year continually tie City rc- venues to factors beyond local control. C. The City has sound cash reserves, but these are oMf ;et: by the fact that we do not fund depreciation. The Vehicle and Capital Improvement' plans datail many improve— ments that will, be necessary if the City is to continue to provide efficient service to our citizens.. D. City planning and zoning policies regarding annexation and density will have a large impact on the cost of supplying municipal services. Il. SANITATION FUND Expenditures of $222 477 acre budgeted in the Sanitation Fund.. The Am Sanitation Fund Budget provides funds for garbage and trash collec- 2. lion servirotr and, i± . Ict�own are (1n gntulpr�yo fund. An„untorpri(le fund i .;aet�ti),+fit, ! `.o necount''t6r, - pj o!r'at'J�q i thilt ` itrrr i,ndiircac�,','(cnd„cipta>~=„ ntad Gy inner charQoN 's1.m'i fir` to u'privttbv ,ItiUr�lnvt+M; ontclpa�t ace n,' other words, the coat of provl.ding tiler vn)+Vlc;ci '(rt to 'larva jq'Gw ivci`fc,Hl `prl.� marily,through, ueer fops. Sanitution,rund cxpaildituYery have taicza(lraud,l7:tix eavr r 'the r(v[ctti,y Pt.rioal year. :This`.irs..largely due to,ttica'ti(1nrle,r"df sitnitati.6n suplrirt rjalarlear previously budgetod in the Public Work ,,, Milli; 'I'hlr4 chanC;o 'wi tr rnridr�f 'iai''re- sponso to pylil ,c comments ILL lat t y0a1.r'ti�'I udl;ot Ile, Irtf a;, 'Fd' (;ivp:i `a uti,'rra accurate gicture of sans tatton.expensos,, $1t ,5a6 Ika'hcainf, I`ritnsl•urru(1 from the General Fund to .the: Sanitation Fund to offs'pt this Inc roit";cd oxpen:;r.; A (111-:ct compariso►t betwaen the current _budl;eL and hrnuui;u(1 1)11(1g(II gIvus till incrouse of only 3.9H. - ti;ua.ttatiea Fuad Itevi:nueH are projoct0d to lac "�17L,000.ut ;fir far ark:.:c of about 2,. over the previous f.isnal yr1a1• due to new cu stomora;• The long term financial condition of the sariita,t.ion Full(] depc:nds on :t number of factors. First, we are expecting :in operaLiog .lo::;s l,n this Hind in tiae current f[scal year of •$8,1G(t, ;a lo:;; Or a21, S7 was projected. This is due to ,gas and oft, and-;alury costs lacing less; than anticipated. However, the Sall 'at ion i'und wi 11 cent [nut: Lo o aac r- Ito at a loss area find within the next two years a rate incse will'prob_ ably be necessary once t11e present fond balance is depleted. The ;urwurlL of increase find timing svi it be determrci by in: A. The type of garbage collection. Our present rear yard service is the most expensive form or collection. B. Landfill charges paid to the County and location of the landfill. The County has closed the'Log Ilottsc Landfill south of Clermont, and we have been forced to take our refuse to a landfill in Astatula which is much farther..awaY• The County is Crying to obtain land closer to the City. C. Tile Emerald Lakes Mobile Ilorne Park inky utilize private col.lcrctton services which would have an impact on our revenues, D. The type of garbage trucks we have willhave an influence on maintenance and fuel costs. By keopin({ the fleet up to date and converting to diesel engines, money can be saved. Presently the City does not fund depreci.nt.ion on the Sanitation Fund and truck purchases are made from General Fund Reserves or the Rev- enue Sharing Fund. III. UTILITY FUND Tile Utility Fund Expenditures are budgeted.at $791,132. This fund pro- vides money for our water and sewer services and is also an,c,nterprise fund. An increase of 3.7%'over the previous year is budgeted; mainly AML due to an increase in electric rates charged by Florida Powcr, and the addition of a part-time employee to operate our new landspreading site which should be in operation by December of this year. 3. U t I I 11ty V u n d Rdvonu6 of 814 A 0 0 a ed 6 t ed 8 n ikw' il —from —tTe 7 -P eov J.oils 1 tscal increaA6' LA"dJ1iO­'io' fiq `86nh�6, onri; voclutrod by additional I I , , 1, Tho f inancial condition of the Utility Fund depondn'upon1 tile' Cfi,'S ability to finance tile oxpansion of the Waste troatmo-ntplant. ''During the pasl yea t severars tile City has rinancou major' improvenlell 's to out' r wateand suwolr systems. During the 1981-1,992 Fiscal Year, the City comple . ted major'water I oil system improvements' cost lligl.'7'Mil,116il dollars; i o prov Ide f or our pret3en t needs and f u turn I;,.,owth. . , 1111ho'Cl ty Is pre..; iently constrUCtIng landspreading Improvements to the treatment plant which will be fillaneed by a $500,000 gra I at and !;700,000 bond issue. ,I'ngethor these water and sower improvements will I'V(plil-0 $210,000 In :.tldii.lonal debt service payments per year. The city adjusted its utility rates a year ago to assist with financing those Improvements. The landspreading improvements tinder construction will not increase the capacity of the wastewater treatment plant which is eXPec-ted to iboach capacity by 198G. Preliminary plan-; to expand the treatment plant have been prepared and the City has applied through the Federal 1.'nvironmental Protection Agency for a grant to fl.nance 55X of the projoct costs. If this grant can be obtained the City could possibly finance from reserves our share of this project's costs to avoid any riii-thor bonded indebtedness. The City will also be using reserves to assist with the debt service financing discussed above and the timing of a future rate increase will largely depend on increased operating costs required tolandsproad Lho treated wastewater, and -the ability to finance the improvements to AMk the treatment plant as discussed above. Should the City not be able to finance the treatment plant improvements in the next fiscal year, a mori- t,jritun on new sewer connections should be considered. IV. REVENUE SHARING FUND .-18 050 in expenditures are budgeted to bo paid through the Revenue Sb- 2-- 1, b the , laring Fund. This fund consists of money returned to the !:c d t2 r a I Government based upon a complex formula determined by population mid tax effort. The City uses Revenue Sharing Funds for a %vido range or oap I tal improvements. 'I'll(, revenlios and financial condition of tills fund are not clear since ono of the major questions in this year's budget is in what form will. Federal ut-venue Sharing be renewed? Because of the pending expiration of the Rev- onue Sharing Law on September 30, 1983, no less than seven hills and one administration proposal have been put forth by Congress. We are antici- pating that this program will be renewed in one form or another and that (mr revenue from the program will remain the same. If these funds are .tot available in the future, it will substantially limit the City's abil- ity to provide for adequate capital financing.. V. BUDGET ISSUES Midget issues involve major policy decisions that must be made by the C:tty Council involving capital116kpi6h lltur6i4 or thsi lave], and typo of City morvicon wo will, Provide. Tho following major budget'doeisiona which nnruit bo,mudn by t.'ho City Council in thiK pronosod 'budget aro as follown- *l. Capital i:xponditures:from Rcvor nue Shaing and other funds ` as shown on Table I'I. „ *2. City Pay Plan (seo Table -III). 3. Rovicw tho Clty,s vohicle Replacement Plan and consider the purchuse of: *A. Replacement garbage truck at an estimated cost of $55,000. B. Replacement fire truck at an estimated cost of $125,000 to $300,000. C. Replacement street sweeper at an estimated cost of $55,000 to $85,000. *4. Review the City's Capital Improvements Plan for proposed street, storm drainage, and sidewalk improvements at an estimated cost of $65,000 to $100,000- Aft 5. Begin engineering study to relocate the Public Works Facility at an estimated cost of $2,500 to $5,000. 6. Parks and Recreation projects (i.e. resurface Kehlor Park shuffleboard courts, now basketball. courts at Jaycee Beach and the Middle School, handball courts, etc.). 7. Repairs to the bridge over Lake Winona at an estimated cost of $1,000 to $65,000. 8. Finance feasibility study on cogeneration as proposed by Paul ►lobensack at. a.n cstimat(>d cost of $15,000 to $30,000. *9. New well housing and pumps for the Seminole Well at an estimated cost of $40,000 to $55,424. *10. Additional Odophus tanks and manhole repair for the Utility Department at an estimated cost of $25,925. *11. Allow the Fire Department to conduct two training sessions per month at the discretion of the Fire Chief. Costs for fire protection would remain the same since the Department would be required to stay within the budget. *Represents items included in the budget. Funding decisions for all items are at the discretion of the City Council. Many of these services are explained in detail in the City's Capital Improvements Plan. VI. ,CONCLUSION, r; _ i'rttsl.o I of till s; budget rep(,l*'L prov klot:s rt sumrnrtry- a l' the properr;4<I Revenues and Expendituror+..l;or:,tho 1082-1985 ;Fiscal. Yoar. The ,C1ty remains ;in good, f inancial, condition rsInet),we:lutvc rontinuod to follow a conservative policy of not expanding qervlco.4 faster than revenues would allow. Due to the slow growth stud uncertain condition of many of the City 's revenue soureos this pol.iey is ovon moro.import- unt today. We must utilize long range financial plunning and City :;v"vices must be rov:i,ewod as to their afrordahllity ;tnd .long t.r,rrn (,,(pit. Lo the City. This, is a sound conservativo budget that I urn rrrcommendlnt.; for your review. Respectfully submitted, CITY OF CLERMONT GEORGE D. FORBES City Manager GDF/Jmb 6. REVENUES & SURPLUS EXPENDITURNS SURPLUS SUBSIDIES CARRYOVER & SUMIDIES MrF'ICIT) GENERAL FUND $1,235,692 $57,305 $1,290,997 $ -0- SANITATION FUND 214,025 22,234 237,059 -0- UTILITY FUND 814,100 -0- 791,649 22,451 FEDERAL REVENUE SNARING 48,122 -0- 48,050 72 SUBTOTAL $2,312,739 79,539 2,367,755 22,523 Less: Subsidies 93,825 -0- _ 93,825 -0- Am TOTAL $2,218,914 $79,539 $2,273,930 $22,523 C 7 C11"Y 01" gL►;►U•toN'P CAPITAL OUTLAY 1903-04 TABLE II FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION SOURCE OF FUNDS 3 - Coiling Fang - City Ilall 600 Federal Revenue Sharing Microfilm Reador-Printer 2,500 " " Copy Machine 6,000 to " 1 Automobile -inspector _6,800 Operating Budget TOTAL $15,900 POLICE 1 Automobile 0,900 Federal Revenue Sharing Fingerprint Comparator 550 " Telephone System 3,095 2 - Legal File Cabinets J75 „ 3 - Personal Lockers 300 1 - Chair (Dispatcher) 200 " Radar 2,600 2 - Cameras 430 TOTAL $17,250 PUBLIC WORTS Street Sweeper 50,000 Operating Budget Storm Drain Improvements 15,000 " Streets - Slurry Sealed 40,000 " Sidewalks(Grand Hwy. from E. to Org. Hill) 10,000 " $115,000 SANITATION Twenty Yard Loader -Packer 25,300 Capital Replacement Funds 21,700 Federal Revenue Sharing TOTAL $47,000 WATER Pipe, fittings, etc. 15,000 Operating Budget Ice Machine (50%) (requires council action) 1,200 Radio (5210) 1,150 " Truck (requires council action) 7,80o Painting Fire Hydrants 4,00o " Well Housing & Capacity Increase 55,424 I. R. R. TOTAL $84,574 SEWER Pipe, fittings, etc. 1,000 operating Budget Ice Machine (50%) (requires council action) is 1,200 " Odophos Tanks 13,925 I. R. R. Sewer Rodder 1,800 Operating Budget Manhole Repair 12,000 I. R. R. TOTAL $29,925 8. CITY OF CLERMONT JOB CLASSIFICATION/PAY GRADE BUDGET 1983-1984 TABU III HOURLY ANNUAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE RANGE RANGE Service Worker I 5 3.97-5.78 0,250-12,022 Clerk/Typist I 5 3.97-5.70 8,258-12,022 Communications Dispatcher 5 3.97-5.78 8,258-12,022 Service Worker II 6 4.17-6.00 8,674-12,646 Clerk Typist II/Dilling Clerk G 4.17-6.08 8,674-12,646 Service Worker III 7 4.37-6.39 9,090-13,291 Clark Typist 1I1 7 4.37-6.39 9,090-13,291 Animal Control 7 4.37-6.39 9,090-13,291 Administrative Assistant/Sec. 8 4.59-6.71 9,547-13,957 Mechanic I 8 4.59-6.71 9,547-13,957 Wastewater Plant Operator 8 4.59-6.71 9,547-13,957 Planning & Zoning Technician 8 4.59-6.71 9,547-13,957 Crew Chief 9 4.83-7.06 10,046-14,685 Accounting Clerk 10 5.00-7.39 10,566-15,371 Wastewater Plant Operator II 10 5.08-7.39 10,566-15,371 Foreman 11 5.32-7.77 11,066-16,162 Chief Mechanic 13 5.90-8.59 12,272-17,867 Police Officer 13 5.90-8.59 12,272-17,867 Senior Accounting Clerk 13 5.90-6.59 12,272-17,867 Chief Wastewater Plant Operator 13 5.90-8.59 12,272-17,867 Maintenance Mechanic 13 5.90-8.59 12,272-17,867 Police Corporal 14 6.06-9.04 12,605-18,803 supervisor 15 6.49-9.47 13,499-19,698 Police Investigator 15 6.49-9.47 13,499-19,698 Police Sergeant 15 6.49-9.47 13,499-19,698 MERIT SYSTEM: Each employee upon evaluation by his Department Head is eligible for a 3% merit increase on his or her anniversary date. In addition, employees who have been with the City five (5) years are eligible for an additional 1% per year merit increase annually on their anniversary date. Employees with ten (10) years of ser- vice, 2% per year. Employees with fifteen (15) or more years an additional 32 per year increase. Additional merit increases are not awarded when an employee has reached the upper limit of his pay grade. 9. � II I /�•� � � 1• � � ri. � 1 �'4JiJ i,.' � AI i r�hii`. �f� •�M i ri , r i 'fi r ,F7 •a c � y •� J 1 � r J 1 El 01-340 OTHER REVENUES (continued) 01-350-351-1005 Fines & Forfeitures 01-360-361-1006 Interest Earnings 01-360-362-1007 Rentals 01-360-364-1008 Cemetery Lot Sales 01-360-364-1101 Memorial Sales 01-360-364-2300 Surplus Land Sales '11-360-364-4300 Surplus Equip. Sales (. -360-366-9000 Contrib. & Reimburs. 01-360-369-4000 Admin. Services Assoc. 01-360-369-9001 Miscellaneous Total Other Revenues SUBTOTAL ALL REVENUES u ACTUAL BUDGET 1981-1982 1982-1983 15,860 14,000 131,779 110,000 8,878 10,000 4,749 3,206 1,483 1,200 13,031 -0- 4,420 3,000 9,511 1,000 53,859 53,859 8,364 2,500 254,823 201,159 1,349,515 1,159,446 LESS: Transfer from Capital Rep. Fund -0- Subsidy to Sanitation -From Can. Rep. Fd. -0- -0- -0- Transfer to Capital Rep. Fund -0- 30,000 Subsidy to Sanitation -0- Subsidy to Uti'.ity Fund -0- 50,000 ADD: Reserve Allocation -0- 158,747 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1,349,515 1,-56,747 238193 EXPENDITURES: Administration 203,438 234,624 Police 280,233 334,467 Fire 22,892 22,487 Public Works 362,419 571.926 Special Activities 60,677 59,689 Contingencies -0- 15 00 Total BALANCES Opening Cash Balance ADD: Revenues LESS: Expenditures Adjustments CLOSING CASH BALANCE 0 623,267 949,191 1,349,515 1,159,446 929,659 1,238,193 (38,245) (80,000) 1,004,678 790,444 EST:: ;Y'-D 1982-1983 18,000 1C2,000 9,0G0 5,000 330 -0- 2,186 "eco 53.E59 S,COL' 2.^,6,675 1,190,189 -0- -0- 30 -0- 50,000 102,598 1,21.2,787 229,440 329,309 22,477 572,628 55,583 3,350 1,212,787 P_ROPOS=- D L93-3934 85,000 10,M,0 5,000 500:' - D- 1,S�Jfl . 4,0D0 53.659 5,000 3.85.25 i, 2113, 3'4 25, 30 (25,30 (50.00 (18,52 - -43 55.30 1,197.17 244,366 328,567 22,746 526,235 60,258 15,OG0 ,1o71i 1,004,878 902,280 1,190,169 1,210,392 1,212,787 1,199,172 (60,000) (68,525) _ 902,280 844,975 �{ tll Y I' 1 I1} 1' rl, ol "I ^H Irrlt+wrxa kiYvgnq��1�111 r"7"4V M1Y wv. • 1 1 11 l � r d• F 4 J .1 lit, r CITY OF CLERMON GENERAL FUND REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 1983-84 REVENUES ACTUAL BUDGET 1981-1982 1982-1983 01-310 TAXES: 311-1000 Ad Valorem 243,843 313-1001 Franchise Fees 323,769 314-1002 Utility Service Taxes 157,248 Total Taxes 724,860 01-320 LICENSES & PERMITS: 321-2000 Professional or Occupational 19,440 322-1003 Building Permits 13,164 329-1004 Other Licenses & Permits 3,683 Total Licenses & Permits 36,267 01-330 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES; 334-2800 State Law Enforce. Contr. 5,607 335-1200 State Revenue Sharing 157,356 335-1210 Gasoline Tax So,272' 335-1220 10 Gas Tax 335-1400 Mobile Home Licenses 7,153 335-1500 Alcoholic Beverage License 4,837 335-1700 Additional Homestead Exemption -0- 335-2100 Fire Insurance Premium Tax 3,550 335-2200 Casualty Insurance Premium Tax 8,279 336-2009 Sales Tax -0- 338-8000 County Road & Bridge Tax 13,245 338-Sloo County Occupational License 5,932 338-8200 Contrib. from Natural Gas Dist. 77,314 Total Intergovernmental Revenues 333,545 01-340 OTHER REVENUES: 343-9100 Lot Mowing 456 347-2101 Activity Fees 725 347-2900 Beach Fees 1,708 207,294 165,000 17o,00e 542,294 17,000 15,000 1,500 33,500 -0- 145,084 47,000 -0- 7,100 4,800 -0- 3,550 8,279 111,280 14,600 5,800 35,000 400 800 1,200 382,493 ESTIMATED 1982-1983 210,000 175,000 leo,000 565.000 17,000 13,500 3,000 33,500 -0- 140,000 45,000 14,886 7,100 4,800 i,259 3,550 8,279 106,000 14,600 6,400 33,140 50 1,480 2,000 385,G14 PROPOSED 1983-1984 211,132 ISO ,000 185,000 576,132 17,000 13,500 3,000 33,500 -4- 140,000 45,030 29,77- 7.100 4,800 -0- 3,550 8,279 110,000 _. -4,600 6,400 45,C00 414 ,501 -0- 1,.00 2,Co0 E 01-340 OTHER REVENUES (continued) 01-350-351-1005 Fines & Forfeitures 01-360-361-1006 Interest Earnings 01-360-362-1007 Rentals 01-360-364-1008 Cemetery Lot Sales 01-360-364-11ol Memorial Sales 01-360-364-2300 Surplus Land Sales 11-360-364-4300 Surplus Eoui,p. Sales L -360-366-9000 Contrib. & Reimburs. 01-360-369-4000 Admin. Services Assoc. 01-360-369-9001 Miscellaneous Total other Revenues SUBTOTAL ALL REVENUES LESS: Transfer from Capital Rep, Fund Subsidy to Sanitation -From Cap, Rep. F Transfer to Capital Rep. Fund Subsidy to Sanitation Subsidy to Utility Fund ADD: Reserve Allocation TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES: Administration Police Fire Public Works Special Activities Contingencies Total BALANCES Opening Cash Balance ADD: Revenues LESS: Expenditures Adjustments CLOSING CASH.BALANCE ACTUAL BUDGET 1981-1982 1982-1983 15,860 14,000 131,779 110,000 8,878 10,000 4,749 3,200 1,483 1,200 13,031 -0- 4,420 3,000 9,511 1,000 53,859 53,859 8,364 2,500 254,823 201,159 1,349,515 1,159,446 -0- -C- d. -0- -0- -0- 30,000 -0- -0- -0- 50,00G -0- LIS,747 1,349,515 1,238,193 203,438 234,624 280,233 334,467 22,892 22,487 362,419 571,926 60,677 -9,689 -0- 15,000 929,659 1,238,193 623,267 949,191 1,349,515 1,159,446 929,659 1,238,193 (38,245) _(80,000) 1,004,878 790,444 S;�vkl't� 1982-1983 lE,ir00 1G2,C-czo 9,C00 , 5,000 3c0 -0- 2.156 4.Q00 53,659 S.000 2c6,615 1,190,189 -0- -0- 30,c00 -c 50,000 102,598 1,212,787 229,440 129,309 22,477 572,628 55,583 3.350 1,232,787 'ri�t�i'aS ;L1 1983-2084 85, C+i�O i0,00D 5,00fl SGO -0- .' i,500 4.000 53.859 5.ma 1.8fi,2' 1,21A,3: 25, 3a (25,31 53.3C, 1.197,17 244,36n 32$,567 22,746 526,235 60,258 15,000 1,397,27 1,004,878 9a2,2$0 1,190,189 1,210,392 1,212,787 1,199,172 (60,003) (68,525) 902,280 844,975 ! �r:rnsr+A1, rgwr� nOM�N�oT)u►!T,zaN CODE C1d1S:1x f MATIOU ACTUAL UUOA[i7'' M5TIMATED PROPORED 1981-82 1902»(13 1902»83 191)7-04 1.EGISIJITIVE (CITY COUNCIL) 511-1200 Salaried F, Bent:£iti; 4,725 4,000 4,(100 4,8U0 511-3100 Profeuniona1 starvicon 1,070 1,500 1,500 1,500 511-4000 Travel & Per Diem 1,191 2,000 1,000 2,000 511-4800 Advertising 1,G.18 1,200 1,200 1,200 511-4900 Other Current Charqua 1,294 1,600 1,600 1'600 511-G400 Capital outlay -0- 975 -fi- -0- Total Legialativo 10,004 12,075 10,100 11,100 EXECUTIVE (CI'I"f MANAMM SI;CCUiTARX) 512-1200 Salaries & Benefits 512-4000 Travel & Per Diem 512-4500 Ins.,Liability,Casualty 512-4620 Repair & Ma.int.-Vehicles 512-4900 Other. Current Charge,,; 512-5210 Gas and Oil 512-5220 Tire:; and Batteries Total Executive: 43,943 47,849 47,849 51,342 G59 930 930 930 474 798 678 GIs 560 400 700 500 166 375 250 375 677 810 600 810 71 200 200 200 46,550 5.1,362 51,207 54,772 FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION (FIN. DIR.,CLEP.ICAL) E. 513-1200 Salaries & Benefits 72,582 71,988 7.1,000 78,269 513-2400 Worker's Comp. Insurance 251 319 303 233 513-3100 Professional Seivices -0- -0- -0- 2,500 513-3200,._ Audit Exoence_ S,600 5,600 5,600 6,100 513-4000 Travel & Per Diem 1,508 1,300 1,300 1,300 513-4100 Communication 2,846 1,800 2,600 2,000 513-4300 Electric & Gas Service 1,778 2,500 2,000 2,500 513-4310 Water & Sewer Service 238 300 250 300 513-4500 Ins.,Liabi.lity,Casual.ty 2,013 2,644 2,581 2,036 513-4600 Repair & Maint.-Equip. 4,559 4,900 6,200 8,500 513-4610 Repair & Maint.-Bldg. 1,062 600 1,200 1,200 513-4900 Other Current Charges 377 550 550 550 513-5100 Office Supplies 5,764 5,550 4,500 5,550 513-5400 Books, Subscrip. & Dues 593 600 600 600 513-6400 Capital Outlay 3,000 15,412 15,001 -0- Total Finance Administration 102,171 114,063 113,685 111,638 LEGAL COUNCIL (CITY ATTOP14EY) 514-3100 Professional Services 7,277 9,000 7,000 8,500 514-4000 Travel & Per Diem 105 200 200 200 514-4900 Other Current Charges -0- 50 50 50 514-5400 Books, Subscrip. & Dues 460 450 450 450 40 Total Legal Council 7,842 9,700 7,700, 9,200 12 L'J I] GENERAL FUND'AMINISTRATION CODS CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET FSTIMATI;D PROPOSED 1901-82 1982-03 1902-03 1903-04 01-510 W'UGR GENERAL GOVERNMENT (UNALLOCATED EXPENSE) _ 519-3100 Pro.tonnional Services '7,709 5,000 5,000 5,000 519-4500 Insurance 1,953 2,264- 2,188, "11950 519-4900 Othor'Current Charges 2,722 3,000 3,000 3,OAA Total Other General Govornment 12,464 10,264 10,180 91950 01-52p PROTECTIVE•' INSPECTION (CODE E'NFORCEMLNTS) 524-1200 Salaries & Benefits 21,782 33,224 33,224 37,311 524-2400 Workers Comp. Insurance 615 785 785 594 524-4000 Travel & Per Diem 173 400 300 400 524-4500 Ins.,Liability & Casualty 562 651 651 501 524-4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicle 70 300 200 300 524-5100 Office Supplies 102 600 500 600 524-5210 Gas and Oil 782 800 500 800 524-5220 Tires & Batteries 38 200 200 200 524-5400 Books, Subscrip. & Dues 283 200 200 200 524-6400 Capital Outlay -0- -0- -0- 6,800 Total Protective Inspection 24,407 37,160 36,560 47,706 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 203,438 234,624 229,440 244,366 POLICE DOPARTMt,N'1' ( Opt? CIJ1IiDII+ICATION ACTUAL (.IUDGf;T t•7tiTIMA'l'rn 1!r+pVosr;n 1901-02 1902-03 1962-03 1903-04 01-520 '41«1200 Siilariea & Bonefitu 239,739 266,353 : 261,600 >:.- 270,o00 521-1210 Dalariea-Part Tinto r0- -0- -U-;;_., 2,000 521-2400 Workers Comp. Insurance 3,609 4,601: -4,435 !21-4000 Travel & Per Diem 25 360 360 360 WI-4100 Telephone 1,610 2,520 z,20a 2,450 521-4300 Electric & Gas Service 4,780 4,0.17 4,917 4,917 ',21-4310 Watcr & Sewer Sorvico 519 850 G50 650 521-4500 Ins., Liability,Cauualty 4,084 4,984 4,545 3,838 521-4600 Repair & Maint.-Equip. 2,063 1,900 1,900 1,900 `_121-4610 Repair & Maint.-Bld9u. 2,017 1,500 1,500, 11500 521-4620 Repair & Faint. -Vehicles 1,876 1,400- 2,000 1,900 'j21-4900 Other Current Charyus 278 395 395 795 ", 1-4910 Investigative £xpenrtc 464 900 900, 900 521-5100 Office Supplier 3,110 2,800 2,80o 3,000 !j21-5210 Gas and Oil 13,061 10,300 18,300 18,300 ';21-5220 Tiros and Batteries 964 1,352 1,352 1,352 ,). -5230 Uniforms 1,884 2,667 2,667 3,200 '121-5400 Books, Subscrip. & Dues 50 105 105 105 521-6400 Capital Outlay -Equip. -0- _18,483 18,463 -0- TOTAL POLICE•' DEPART14ENT 280,233 334,467 329,309 328,567 14 CODE CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL UUDG1.111' 115TIMATFV PROPOSED 19111-02. - 1702- H3 1903-04 01-520 522-1200 Salaries & 13onofits 0,167 9,500 10,000 522-4000 Travel & Per Diem 10 150 150 150 522-4100 Tolophono 742 650 650 650 522-g410 Rentals,, Hydrants 4,566 5,nnn 5 0n0' 5,400 522-4500 Ina., Liability, Casualty 1,650 3,320 3,024 2,563 522-4000 Repair & Faint. -Equip. 530 400 400 400 522-4610 Repair & Maint.-Bldga. 2,808 ion 100 100 522-4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehiclas 336 506 800 800 522-4900 Other Current Chargoo 114 470 470 470 522-4901 Inspection Program -0- 250 250 250 522-5200 Other Operating Supplies 14 300 300 300 522-5210 Gas and Oil 205 203 283 283 522-5220 Tiros and Batteries 28 20b 200 200 522-5230 Uniforms 1,013 670 670 500 522-5240 Minor Equipment 1,264 500 500 500 522-5400 Books, &ubscrip. & Dues 179 180 180 180 522-6400 Capital Outlay -Equipment 166 -0- -0- -0- TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT 22,692 22,487 22,477 22,746 15 rtipGlc'wo1iK0 DPPAnrmRNT C..dQE` CLn9&IFICnTIQN ACTUAL BUDGET 'G't3TXMATRD PK0110'3Ep 1901-82 ' 1902 81 1982-03 1903^ -04 01-5 30 OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT 539-1200 Salaries &.Bonofits 46,620 54,495 54,493 " 55,233 539-2400 Workers Comp. Insurance 1,321 1,68G 1;597 - 1,151 :39-3100 Prof. Sarvices-Engineering 2,215 2,000 2,000- 2,000 `39-4000 Travel &.Per Dium 455 420` 420 420 1,39-4100 Telephone 1,702 2,100 2 100 2,100 59-4300 Electric & Gas Servico 1,105 1,320 1,320 1,320' 539-4310 Water & Sower Service 408 500 500 500' ',39-4600 Repair & Maint.-Equip. 257 220 220 220 539-4610 Repair & Maint.-Bldgs. 852 1,200 2`1300 1,200 ,39-5100 Office Supplies 283 520 520 520 539-5200 Supplies 1,144 1,720 1;720 1,720 539-5210 Gas and oil 1,187 1.,950 1,000 1,000 d39-5230 Uniforms 162 350 350 350 ,39-5240 Minor Equipment 1,5G7 550 550 550 539-5400 Books, Subscrip. & Dues 92 ISO 150 150 Total Other General Government 59,450 69,181 69,242 68,434 SANITATION SUPPORT 534-1200 Salaries & Benefits Total Sanitation Support 01-540 TRANSPORTATION 541-1200 Salaries & Benefits 541-2400 Workers Comp. Insurance �41-4300 Electric & Gas Service 541-4400 Rentals -Equipment 541-4500 Ins.,Liability,Casualty 541-4600 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 541-4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 541-4630 Repair & Maint.-St. Signs 541-5210 Gas and Oil 541-5220 Tires and Batteries 541-5230 Uniforms 541-5240 Minor Equipment 541-5250 Sidewalk Repair 541-5300 Road Materials 541-6300 Capital Outlay/Streets 541-6400 Capital Outlay -Equipment Total Transportation 14,103 16,114 16,114 -0- 92,988 100,766 100,766 106,472 4,122 5,234 4,959 3,734 40,925 61,158 65,000 68,000 80 500 50U 500 6,511 7,798 7,086 6,004 2,712 3,500 3,500 3,500 1,341 1,650 1,650 1,650 6,678 2,389 4,000 4,000 4,526 6,720 3,500 3,500 706 1,045 1,045 1,045 382 770 770 770 136 500 500 500 46 1,100 1,100 1,100 6,334 7,000 7,000 7,000 12,162 145,570 145,570 65,000 -0- -0- -0- 50,000 179,649 345,700 346,946 322,775 Mh 16 t �t VU014C WOI2KA fiJ?pARTMC,FPI� c�cx1l. CIASSIi ICATION ACTUAh f1UIX1IY!' I:STIMATUD rrtOrK1: fiD 1981-8?; 1982-83 19g2-g3; 1J03-84 ANIMAL C014TROL 562-1200 Salarien F. tsenofitu 6,830 7,567 7,507 8,129 1 502-2400 Workers Comp. Inuurnnco 228 290 275 209 562-4500 Ins.,Liability,Cauualty 1,18 137 124 105 562-4620 Repair & Maint.-Vohiclos 5 440 440 440 562-4900 Other Current Chargoo 6 75 75 75 562-5210 Can and Oil 446 600 600 600 562-5230 Uniforms 61 115 115 115 562-5240 Minor Equipment 13 125 125 125 562-5260 Dog Food 57 100 100 100 Total Animal Control 7,764 9,449 9,361 9,098 01-570 PARKS AND RECREATION 572-1200 Salarieu & Benefits 61,594 75,115 75,115 78,381 572-2400 Workers Comp. Insurance. 1,867 2,384 2,259 1,681 572-4300 Electric & Gas Service 11,868 14,800 14,800 14,80o 572-4310 Water & Sewer Service 3,418 4,025 4,025 4,025 572-4500 Ins.,Liability,Casualty 3,492 4,298 3,906 3,309 572-4600 Repair & Maint.-Equip. 1,848 2,500 2,500 2,500 572-4610 Repair & Maint.-Bldgs. 3,980 8,371 8,371 5,500 572-4620 Repair & maint.-Vehicles 353 1,300 1,300 1,300 572-4640 Repair & Maint.-Parks/Trees 5,752 5,557 5,557 5,500 572-4900 Other Current Charges _ 8 110 110 - 110_ 572-4920 Clean Community Program 528 -0- -0- -0- 572-52.10 Gas and Oil 3,185 3,572 3,572 3,572 572-5220 Tires and Butteries; 216 250 250 250 572-5230 Uniforms 318 650 650 650 572-5240 Minor Equipment 562 550 550 550 572-6310 Capital Outlay-Recreat. Fac. 1,477 7,000 7,000 2,000 572-6320 Capital Outlay -Landscaping 987 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total Parks and Recreation 101,453 131.,482 130,9G5 125,128 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 362,419 571,926 572,628 526,235 17 in SPECIAr, ACTIVXT'IEN lY3pre C1,ASSIPTCATIOI! ACTUAL RUDriE'P V,'1TIt ATf';D PROPOah;U 1901-Oz-Bz l�flz-na Yl.t)Ei2-Ra 1�,81-�1a 01-530 UPPER PALATLAYA11A RIVER BASIN STUDY 537-0200 Contribution & Suheidles 0,000 -0- -0- 01-570 LIBRARY 571-4500 Inn., Liability, Casualty 592 G05 084 527 571-8210 Contributions & Subsidies 31,845 33,000 33,000 33,000 571-7200 Debt Survico 10,247 10,004 9�443 231 TOTAL LIBRARY 42,684 43,609 43,127 42,758 01-550 CIIA2413ER OF COMMERCE ** 522-8200 Contributions & Subsidies 7,5o0 8,000 8,000 -0- 01-570 P.ECREATION & YOUT11 PROGRAMS 579-8200 General Expense 1,272 5,000 2,500 5,000 01-550 OTHER ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 559-5400 Subscriptions & Dues 1,221 1,500 1,45F, 1,500 (11-550 COMMITTEE EXPENSE 559-8200 Contribution & Subsidies* -0- 1,500 500 11,000 TOTAL SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 60,677 59,G89 55,583 60,258 * $ 1,000 General Committies $10,000 Centennial Committee ** The City provides office spaces for the Chamber at no rental charge, other than reimbursement for utilities. 18 SANITATION DI:PAFONNN I' :_l7Dl: CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1901-02 1902-03 1902-03 1903-04 10"VENUES AND EXPENDITURES d,NV8NUlt3 - Servl,ce roes 160,943 163,000 164,000 165,000 Inturcnt Income 4f955 4,500 5 f000 6,000 11TAL 1UNENUES 165,090 167,500 169,800 1.71,000 I,I:SSt EXPENDITURES 153,360 189,057 177,126 237,059 11?T 114COp11: (PASS) 12,530 (21,557) (81160) (66,059) ;1111;IDY FROM GENERAL FUND -0- -0- -0- 18,525 7118SIDY FROM CAPITAL REP. FUNDS -0- -0- -0- 25,300 b;91:RVE AL14CATION -0- 21,557 8,1(j0 22,234 I't)TAL 12, 538 -0- -0- -a- IAI.ANCES 3uyinniny Cash Balance 17,711 44,618 67,818 59,658 surplus (Deficit) 12,538 (21,557) (8,160) (66,059) 'uljustnwnts (Subsidies) 37,569 _-0- -0- 43,825 tNUING CASH BALANCE 67,818 23,061 59,658 37,424 19 El 11 L1 I ; 0ANITATION DRPARTWINT CODE CLASUIPICAT70N ACTUAL fi11f7Gf T 1;nTIRATED PR0P0SM 1�i11�R2 190_,�,?.w_-R7 1'102-i]3� 1')f37��-�f14 49-530 SADIIT TIO11-EXP1:NpITURIJ 534-1200 (lalarias & Uonorits 70,873 911,624 92,000 124;903 534-2400 Worhorn Comp. Insurance 6,627 0,461. f1,O1G 7,120 534-3?00 Audit Expo nno -0- 1,900 1,900 1„900 534-4200 Postago 6 Proight 1,604 1.,400 1,900 1,900 534-4500 Inn.,Liabilit C.inualt y, Y 4 262 , 4,940 4,41,39 3,II04 534-4E00 Repair r.. Mcaint.-P.quip. 193 300 300 300 534-4620 Ropair & Maint.-whiclo 0,392 6,400 6,400 6 400 534-4900 Other Current Chatgon it 1S0 ISO �150 534-4930 Landfill Chargers 13,659 20,000 20,000 20,000 534-4940 Adminintrativo Sorvicon 22,355 22,355 22,355 22,355 534-4950 Uncolloctablo Accounts 280 400 723 ,800 534-5230 534-52<20 Gas and Oil Tiros & Datterics 12,059 20,000 15,600 18,000 534-5230 Uniforms 2,642 1,146 2,750 1,177 2,750 1,177 2,750 534-5240 Minor Equipment 249 200 200 1,177 00 534-6400 Capital Outlay _0- _0_ -0' 25,300 TOTAL SANITATION 153,360 109,057 177,960 237,059 20 I i I �I rAu� ,ai�n1#ai'mw*+n--"mum � !t*^M 'GIyM• 1 I 1 r. tt %•� ,� "1.:. r' •r...i� y//,� ./r/I/Vr.�.� /.r/rir�/ i .rr,I:/,r.J��. i,i' r L..i/ jlr.. /r �r. / // =r//�ri%I`r�l /• �: E. 2 'CITYiOF; 'CLERMONT, PLORI OA UTILITY FUND Rl:VENUt: r, 1:XPf•:NDITUAES BUDGET 1903 - 04 CODE CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1901-02 41-340 WATER DEPARTMENT REVENUES: 3433-3100 Water Salon 219,956 3433-3200 Tapping Feen 15,011 3433-3300 Hydrant Rental 4,670 3433-3500 Miscellaneous 2,705 3433-5400 Interest -0- TOTAL WATER REVENUES 242,342 LESS: EXPENDITURES 180,578 NET INCOME OR (LOSS) 61,764 41-340 SEWER DEPARTMENT REVENUES: 3435-3500 Miscellaneous -0- 3435-5100 Sewer Service Fees 411,359 3435-5200 Connection Fees 1,710 3435-5400 Interest 26,464 TOTAL SEWER REVENUES 439,533 LESS: EXPENDITURES 366,310 NET INCOME OR (LOSS) 73,223 WATER AND SEWER NET INCOME OR (LrsSS) 134,987 BALANCE: Beginning Cash Balance 110,459 Surplus (Deficit) 134,987 Adjustments (Subsidies) 23,985 ENDING CASH BALANCE 269,431 21 BUDr,IiT ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1982-83 1982-t3 1903-„ 04 338,031 330,000 330,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,400 900 2,200 2,000 8,000 9,000 11,000 361,93f 356,200 350,400 326,866 2691961 314,091. 35,065 86,239 44,309 900 1,500 1,200 416,000 425,000 430,000 1,800 3,201) 2,500 _16,000 19,000 22,000 434,700 448,700 455,700 438,968 365,494 477,5581 (4,268) 83,206 (21,858) 30,797 169,445 22,451 249,949 269,431 488,876 30,797 169,445 22,451 50,000 50,000 -0- 330,746 488,876 511,327 WATER` D11PA lTMIN'l' , (XViN C1.AFUITFIcATmi ACTUAL. 8U1K31S'►' r8TXMATC.n PROPOSED 1981-02 1902-83 1987-83-03 1903-84 41- 5 30 533-1200 Salariou c Banff is 41,003 76,205 75,000 76,546 533-2400 Workoru Camp. Inuu.rnnco 774 1,04E 991 2,056 533-3100 Prof. Serviceu (T.ab.,Eng.) 4,593 3,500 2,500 3,500 533-3110 Tagal Exponca 32 100 -0- 100 1,33-3200 Audit Exponou 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 IVO-4000 Travel & Per Diem 61 1,',50() 1,200 1,500 533-4100 Telephone 1,182 1,300 2,632 2,800 5 33-4 200 Pontago & Froight 1,067 1,135 1,500 1,135 533-4300 Electric & Qau Service 33,160 33,000 35,000 35,000 533-4310 Water & Sewer Service 45 80 250 250 533-4400 Equipment Rental -0- 200 100 200 533-4500 Ins.,Liab.,Cacualty 2,240 2,457 2,233 1,891 533-4G00 Repair & Maint.-Equip. 6,636 4,000 5,500 4,000 ,33-4010 Repair & Maint.-Bld9c. 305 1,000 1,800 11000 533-4620 Repair & Maint.-Vohiclos 294 500 590 500 533-4650 Repair & Maint.-Me tern 8,057 G,000 7,00o 6,000 533-4660 Repair & Maint.-Tanks 201 1,500 1,200 1,500 533-400 Repair & Maint.-Syntema 4,175 "'500 4,100 3,500 ',33-4940 Admi.nictrative Service:; 13,763 13,763 13,7G3 13,763 533-4950 Uncollectable Accts. Expense 360 500 802 900 533-5200 Other Operational Supplies 2,927 3,300 3,000 3,300 533-5210 Gas and Oil 2,549 4,000 2,500 4,000 533-5220 Tired & Batteries 243 500 400 500 533-5230 Uniforms 346 200 200 200 533-5240 Minor Equipment 783 1,000 1,000 11000 533-5270 Chlorine 3,428 3,000 3,500 3,600 533-5400 Books, Subscrip. & Dues 210 200 200 200 �33-G200 Capital Outlay -Buildings 343 300 -0- -0- 533-G400 Capital Outlay -Equipment 5,132 16,500 16,000 29,150 '533-7200 Debt Service 44,609 140,000 85,000 110,000 Subtotal Water Department 180,578 322,866 2G9,9G1 310,091 Contingencies -0- 4,000 -0- 4,000 TOTAL WATER DEPARTMENT 180,578 326,866 269,961 314,091 11 22 811M MITIARIVINT CODE CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL DUDON'T l;UTIMATED PROPOSED 1901-02 .1902-03 1902-03 190a-04-04 41-530 535-1200 Salaries & Benefits 02,073 61,002 G0,000 71,036 535-2400 Workers Comp. Insurance 3,279 4,107 3,967 1,934 535-3100 Prof. Services Mab.,Eng.) 3,045 3,500 40500 3,500 535-3110 Legal Expense 117 .100 100 100 535-3200 Audit Expense 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 535-4000 Travel & Per Diem 25 1,000 11000 1,000 535-4100 Telephone .1,759 1,300 Goo 1,300 535-4200 Postage & Freight 1,519 1,200 I'SOO 1,200 535-4300 Electric & Gas Service 60,572 72,000 72,000 95,000 535-4310 Water & Sewer Service 4,046 2,000 9,000 1,000 535-4400 Equipment Rental -0- ISO -0- 15O 535-4420 Rent & Losses (Land & Bldgs.) 2,766 2,500 2,500 2,500 535-4500 Ina., Liability, Casualty 3,230 3,826 3,479 2,947 535-4600 Repair & Maint.-Equip. 12,949 8,000 15,000 8,000 535-4G10 Repair & Maint.-Bldga. 96 1,500 3,000 1,500 535-4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 038 850 GOO 650 535-4670 Repair & Maint.-System 2 1,000 900 1,000 535-4940 Administrative Services 17,741 17,741 17,741 17,741 535-4950 Uncollectable Accts. Expense 695 900 1,297 1,400 535-5200 Other Operational Supplies 2,841 3,000 2,900 3,000 535-5210 Gas and Oil 2.,955 4,000 2,500 4,000 535-5220 Tires and Batteries 289 600 600 600 535-5230 Uniforms 248 300 250 300 535-5240 Minor Equipment 1,012 1,000 900 1,000 535-5270 Chlorine 8,249 5,200 2,000 5,200 535-5280 Sewage Pretreat Chemicals 14,536 20,000 17,500 20,000 535-5290 Laboratory Supplies 841 2,300 2,300 2,300 - 535-5400 Books, Subscrip. & Dues 195 200 ISO 200 535-6200 Capital Outlay -Buildings 322 800 -0- -0- 535-6400 Capital Outlay -Equipment 9,194 6,010 G,010 4,000 535-7200 Debt Service 109,876 205,000 130,000 217,000 Subtotal Sewer Department 366,310 434,968 3G5,494 473,558 Contingencies -0- 4,000 -0- 4,000 TOTAL SEWER DEPARTMENT 366,310 438,968 365,494 477,558 C 23 I „ , t' t' ,l �t t 1 t " t. l fie, .s:./wnowa'w' t .,ewc�.anrnt♦r i, w,uvrac*+hw I' I r ! t r �• '1 .1� w �. I (� I " t V .,� l,,a V• '� �1 � � -- '^• -: �a ; 11��. 1�. I1 I I1 r ry ir, 1 t'> �iiyz 1-i/ .>i l,r,�r 'r i i i:� i, ,•r. i�.;ti/ r •i r �i, i;:,e r�[t'i. i! �i ri'�ii .i i �•V i v. , MWINUES s Expected raaeral Rnvonuca $47,122 Intoront Ear,nin0a 11000 TOTAL REVENUES *48,122 EXPENDITURES: Aaminiatration S 9,100 Policc 17,250 Sanitation 21,700 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $48,050 ENDING BALANCE 24 $ 72