Annual Budget (1981 - 1982)CITY COUNCIL. J. M. Hoakinaon, Mayor Dennis Thomas, Mayor pro tens Lester Cole Michael Conley Robert A. Pool CITY ADMINISTRATION George D. Forbes, City Manager Leonard H. Baird, Jr., City Attorney Sandra 0. Roza.r, City Clerk Wayne Saunders, Finance Director Preston Davis, Director of Public Utilities; Harvey Nagel, Director of Code Enforcement John Springstead, City Engineer Robert E. Smythe, Director of Public Works/Fire Chief Prentice Tyndal, Police Chief i 0 CITY OF, LERMONTr FLORIDA BUDGET 1981 - 82 TABLE OF CONTENTS Budget Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Budget Tables Table I - Consolidated Statement of Budgeted Revenues & Expenditure::. 6 Table II - Capital Outlay Summary . . 7 Table III - Job Classifications & Pay Grades. . 9 Table IV - Salary Schedule . . . . . . . . . . 10 General Fund Revenues & Expenditures Summary . . . . . 11 General Fund Expenditures by Account Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Police . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Public Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Special Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Sanitation Fund Revenues & Expenditures Summary. . . . 20 Sanitation Fund 'Expenditures by Account San i to t ioit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Utility Fund Revenues & Expenditure Summary. . . . . . 22 Utility Fend Expenditures by Account Water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Federal Revenue Sharing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 ii C� t CITY OF CLERMC]lNT ' f,o, 00.X,2119 Cta:FIMONT, FtOf11DA 32711 PHONE 00 /394 4081 To: Mayor and City Council Memberti City Of Clairmont' Clermont,.Florida Subject: Budget Mennage Gentlemen; I nm pleased to submit to you the .proposed 1.981-82'FIB cul Year Budgot that begins on October`1, 1981. This In a conservative budget tint proposer) no Inereases in property taxes, or water and sewer .rates, although a shall increase in the sanitation rate is reconunended. The budget includes totnl expenditures of $1,881,58.1 of; follows: GENERAL FUND. Expenditures in the amount of $1,006,891 or an increano of 7.2% in funds requiring direct tax support. Since revenues are also pro- jected to increase 7.67, no tax increases are recommended.' SANITATION FUND. Expenditures are budgeted at $181,137, or a 127. increase due largely to increased landfill charges. UTILITY FUND. Water and sewer expenditures are budgeted at $598,565, or a' decrease of l% from last year's budget. This decrease.is due 'to -the atval.l- - ability of monies from the Improvement, Repair, and Replacement Fund to provide for necessary Capital Improvements scheduled this Fiscal Year. REVENUE SHARING FUNDS. $94,988 budgeted, which we propose to be ut"i.lized,' for Capital Outlay. Table If following`t•his report, summarizes the entire Capital Outlay Program. SM111,41RY. Table I is a recap of proposed City Revenues and Expenditures for the Fiscal Year. 1980-81 FINANCES. For several years, the City has budgeted a small portion of its cash reserve to be returned to the taxpayers. However, in each of these years, the City has been able to 'reduce expenditures, and it has never been necessary to expend reserve, monies., As the 1.980-81 Fiscal Year is drawing to a.close, the City's'financen are sound. We have a large cash reserve and"expect to receive"more 'revenues than budgeted. Expenditures at this time, expected to be less than budgeted, - 1 - and IlgilIn, the City will not 1)m reti"frod to t►p►,!nd tiny of thrx !};11,7�t0 u r cJua►h ' to Cintincon 1n larg,'y tier reserve in thin year'tt budget, '111it) wound Outlook careful,pure:hnaing WO to l,nc;reaned intereat earrrtngn, normal turnuv€+r, and do not spend money a.tmpLy,'trooauI�alt!a,¢udE(r+teul. GENT-A(AL FUND AND'pINANCIAI (C1NDT.Cl()N Canpral fundue 1(evellall(.,c rp,u taati to 6r cant ytittrrn budget. Ilowovor, thin illel a In ine:renae $68,d47, or 7.;G e.rvZ hourc„rraa, Itmorc.-tit somewhat minleading Rcince3 it 14 largely due to two revenuo Interunt oarninlr,o hftve'_lncha"anoel earnings and the Apopka cart contribution. the; Apopka Gan 'contr. ihution laati 'hc tin � fail reafuxl by by $40,000, or 160X, whiles $'25,000, or 100%. Wit.lwut tite large lnereattun in thoautw` rt vc�n'ut ;eiureoa, 'thaai the (;Ity'a General Fund thereat►ea would only have been Iva'" On't. half percent (lad). Since both the interact rater and monlcn receellved from the G_.ut C„mj,naiy�trnd to Cl.uctuate grcatlVa _the ton _term revenue, ten 11MIti of the t lalr dirt s not of Che_ City i. e I tliur look nl?tommintic. , Lvcry other ma,jur revt.nuc K,aurce at a very slow rate. Major revenue aonreaS, ouch as declining or Increasing State Revenue Sharing are expected to continue to decline, and the (-ity Its receiving less revenue lr<lm rro rurC taxes thin we did_„_fi.ve air : Esc{• decrease in 1979, This i:; due in part, co a three-quarter mill property tax are lncreaaing only at a rate of about and that property tax revenues two cle spite new growth. The llomestead exemption.,; will percent a year, be increased $5,000 this,year.to $20,000, and another $,5,000 nrxt year also to $25,000. These increases will greatly ltmit the property tax ar a the Federal Revenue Sharing StaCatte" funding source. In addition, next year expire, and there is much speculation that this funding source may he County Imay further reduce abolished. There is also a good chance that the 'long term the City the Road Bridge Tax. Despite these revenue problem.. which it can rely. Wo have with sound management has many resources on Capital Improvement and bond required Improvement, Repair, and Kep1u enloat Funds for major capital improvements, along'wi.th sound cash reserves. In this year's budget, $38,629 is to t,e,returned.to the taxpayers from the ... is, at a relatively law 3.68 m lls, - - -- Cash Reserves. _Our property _tax millage set ,;However; the;' exact'millaFe--- and no increase in property taxes are recommended. is difficult to determine due,to the`increased homestead exemption. As long as the Utility Funds. continue ,to, pay, their own way, the General Fund, with modest future tax increases should bc,able to provide,`the field.. ,neces- sary for the efficient operation of the City. UTILITY FUND REVENUES AND FINANCIAL CONDITION. The ,Utility Fund consists of $651,326 are anticipated. the City's water and sewer services, and revenues of City implemented major rate increases to ensure that the Utilitv Last year the Fund pay.its own.way without General Fund subsidies. since the pre;posed could expenditures for,the total fund have been slightly reduced, no, rate increases are necessary.in this fund for this ,year., However, due to the City's $1.7 million dollar water system improvements, add- he funded itional bond payments of.approximately,$100,000 will be required, to increase if, the is in next year's budgetthis,wtll require a water race 'City going to.cont:inue to ensure that theAltilities,pay their own way. -2- An we'are' all aware; thol sewer a�stiiW;is'Pobably the ma' or `,riiliIom Iiichi `the Citjr In'the next�few' years il;Not•only muat'the'Cityexpend on ri+timnlud` r:; 1.1 Oil I dollars'lor_landaprcndingour:'treat d:offlunnt(Lhin"'io regifieetF'Ay regulatory agencles), but Lite Sewer Plant is expuctr.d to ranch Iiii 1dei!ign'cnhn- city by 1986. Thin monns that the City must plan, for the coat of expanding; tho Trentmtfnt Plant. 'In! the Budget' lnnuen'dlecuesed''late'r in thin report, Lha'paa il- bility'of constructing'a flowequsli'znti6n',ehamb`tf to'tncienNenlnnt enpocity is` pron%anted. � Although large nmounta of money must be expended for Utility Department improver mentc; in the near future, the City again has many rosourcen on which it can racy. We have requeated'funding from'the Farmars"Iloma AdminiatraEien'Cor thi�'.lnnilnprand- ing improvementa. We have also levied a Utillty`Benefit r6e`'66 aew'constrfict.[on which will provide some funds for newor improvements. The bond required, Improve- ment, Repair, and Replacement Fund discusaed ab6v4'will assist'un in keeping our rates as low as possible for our citizens. Since we do not yet know the exact cost or timing of the Sewer Plant improvements, funds are not included in this year's budget. Funds for these projects+ murt be authorized by the City Council when financing is secured. SANITATION FUND REVENUES AND FINANCIAL CONDITION. In order to remain self- supporting, a rate increase from $6.00 to $7.25 is recommended for the. Sanitation Fund. With this increase, revenuer, of $191,500 would be received. This would be the first Sanitation Fund increase for single-family homes since 1976, and the rates for other classifications of users would be increased by'a proportion- ate amount. Without this increase, a deficit of $20,000 would occur. CAPITAL, REPLAMENT FUND. This budget recommends the authorization of at least an additional $125,000 of the City's Cash "Reserves 'for the Capital Heplacement Fund. This; is a revolving fund for the purchase of large capital items. These funds will be necessary for the purchase'of a new fire truck and'street sweeper that will be necessary in the next few years. PERSONNEL AND WAGES." The quality'of City employees determines the quantity of of services performed, and greatly influences the way our citizens perceive ,the City. The most important plans of the City Council are useless unlean we can recruit and retain motivated City employees. The City has made every effort to increase productivity and keen the number of fall -time employees'at a minimum. We are one of the few cities in the entire nation that has successfully implemented a State Prisoner Work -release Program, and this has greatly assisted the City in keeping labor costs at a minimum. As the City grows, the new employees must be added at some point, if present City services are to be maintained. :One new employee has been requested by the Police Department, and the officer is not yet included in the budget: This represents an increase that should be decided by the City Council and is further discussed in the Budget Issues portion of this report. This Budget recommends a cost of living increase for all City employees of'9%, plus merit. Table III and IV following this report shows the City's Pay Plan. This Budget- also recommends raising the Christmas' Bonus for City employees to $20. _ _ 3 - Tha lC3'.aw.wly,pltYil thu c1m140YVva.,rr1141FO,of NciaL,5uurrJ4 Iritr , Fadcrral luW wn ngnGgd,wl)Ich prIllijb�.Gq�,Chlet. Y r�, Y'lor it Iluw tnko uffvct until, l9ALWr,,r .,prasticc, al.tf 014811 Lila, low }�i11 avC lunyvr lnwrul, i uvvnunend„Gills TrUCico be contlnupa ur,ttl of no (&SUN,3. Tina City'"u 11naeut (R fro n�v1iC, rathvr< than what it, "Idinp,utab , l,ata�ltolbu�pthoen nmIJuRjP—all.J)OqnGuetings}Ipcu- <locrimont of t� iu tits" !t miint be remomber' that alJ. of those l,I1ie-Itc.ma rvprcl(c�, aunt the perfortnanco of t;iCy rrarvlcoa, and Chore are many taauoa anct choices among Chvsc ntnnborn. 1'ho fallowing ,me or b1111 it ayci� �lonQ" Chat must be'made' by tiie,t:Ity Cc,uncJ,.l (n tills Proposed DuJgot are nil rollawst 1. r,dditJ.on of ani, 1'oliee O,fflcer •- k;"rtimated Cos Cy1S,000,*� 2. School Crossing Gunrdn on Highw+iy 50 - F.Atlmated CoRC $2,P00,* 3. ncre7.25 sing Che lturildentln.l Garbage Collection rates From,S"G per month to $7.25 monthly for ,;ln);le-family.residences, and equal increaxe:o for other type users. 4• The addition of s.125,000 to the.City's Capital Replacement future fire truck and street sweeper. Pond for 5. Capital crpendlturcn from Revenue Sharing Funds of $94,9811 G. Nine percent (9%) cost of living increases for City employee:;. 7. Disposition of the Old Library, Building. Construct 8. Estimated a flow equalization chamber for the Waste Treatment Plart - Estimated Coat $200,000.* increasing..the,Occu(it.io;aProposedelnL'ps the remaining,50 per --.__ p. of tile 100;percent., 00/ cent (507.) the Budget.) last year. ;(;tqt,included-in 10. Begin a City Firc inspection Program - Estimatacl Cost" $250-"$500.* *These items represent incr eased proposed t.. services and are, therefore not included.in the tionoftha Ion for suchAncrease should be,left to ,the discre- CCity Council. xcill.. Council l The City of Clermont tematris;in good financial shape since the City Council has followed a conservative than revenueswould allow. ,fiscal policy of. ,not expanding, service faster ; This policy was never more import City`s, revenue sources:ant to maintain due to the slow growth o° the ,,. Any request for additional '(:ity :se rvices must be:reviewed not only as to its also affordability, but long term implications on the City as a whole. The City must either ask ndividuallytorthrough Sservices can borganizatiionsed by Y the citizens themselves , -4- C El Almoilt n11 cition .are now going througli a period of fincal ncarnity, nnll to the future ranidents moat ha_pt nlutrod to pyrfarm„linm q v+ %�fr n rht m t}+Ivnri %IigG Chry hnvis ccr�m►a to oxnact taIb clone by I.ocnL Covornment. Fortunntuly, O vul.untO r etfor,tn of our Llbrnry, tJieRncrc,ntlan`1'ro(lxnmct,and than Clonn Communit.y 1"rol;rnnnt have shown tint our citizens tire well auttod for thu chntlengc. We have, made: evory effort to nerutinlxo_ ouch City I'rogrnm and hold exam (1,ntu, This 1n it hound, connorw►ttvo 1lucllSctt''th`riC 1 tttn recommending for your revlet;. Runpectfully submitted /%!'•,. f:. �.�, j�"�r, ,Fay' George 1). F orben City Manager GDF:pm 6/81 min CITY 01', CLER[IONT,,jFL0,RWA ar BUDGET 1981 - 82 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES h EXPENDITUR1:5 CURRENT" SURPLUS SURPLUS REVENUES CARRYOVER FX1'ENUITURES , DEI'IC[TI GENERAL FUND $ 975,308 $38,545 $1,013,853,:$ -0- SANITATION FUND 185,500 -0- LW).137 2,363 UTILITY FUND 652,365 -0- 599,301 51,O64 FEDE1L11, REVENUE SfiARING 55,703 40,085 87,388 8,4�00 _ _ $1,868,876 $78,630 $11,883,679 $63,827 Ll - 6 - UTY OP CI,I;IUION'1' 01UDONT 1981 - .1i2 TA It IX II PROPOSED CAPITA►, OUTLAY FINANCE G ADMINISTRATION SOl1RCl, OF FUNDS NCR Computer Payment $ 5,248 NCR Cash Register 7,200 Storage Shelvoa 250 Book Shelves 175 -. 1 - Calculator ': 150 2 - Desk Chairs 400 TOTAL $13,423 Federal Revenue Sharing FIRE 4 - Breathing Apparatus 4,000 3 - Pagers, 1,320 TOTAL $ 5,320 Federal Revenue Sharing POLICE ® 5 - Bullet Proof Vesta 900 1 - Typewriter 1,000 Copy Machine 2,995 TOTAL $ 4,895 Federal Revenue Sharing PUBLIC WORKS Radio - Remote 650 Tractor 10,000 Traffic Sign Applicator 5,600 Stripping 5,000 Street Lighting 19,000 Portable Dog Trap 300 Reroof JC Beach House 7,000 Repair Jenkins 3,500 2 - Mowers 2,000 100 - Chairs -Jenkins 700 TOTAL $53,750 Federal Revenue Sharing SANITATION Contribution to Cap. Replacement for Garbage Truck $10,000 Federal Revenue Sharing - 7 - PROPOSER CAllH-A3L OUTLAY 146.1-82 TAB1,E 11' soul1Cli OF FUrIn s UTILITIES WATER: 111pe, metora, hydrants end fittings $15,000 Operating Budge!, Utility Shed (50%) 800 Operating Budget Highland Tank Repair 8,0 Improvemont,,Ral;a'Ir G,Replacument TOTAL $23.800 SEWER: Clarifier Parta 6,700 Operating Budget Storage Shed (50%) 800 Operating,Uudgce Radio 900 Operating Budget Sewer Cleaner 2,000 Capital Impr. Funds Iimergency,Wet Taps 12,500, Impr., Rep. & Replace. , Manhole Repairs 12,000 Impr., Rep. & Repines, Pipe, Fitting, etc. 1,000 Operating Budget Sand- Drying Bed.,; 2,000 Operating Budger. TOTAL $37,900 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY - $149,088 E C'J CLASSIFICATION Service Worker I Clerk/Typist Police Records Clerk Communications Dispatcher Billing Clerk Service Worker II Administrative Secretary Service Worker III-` Animal Control Mechanic I Wastewater Plant Operator Planning f. Zoning Technician Crew Chief Accounting Clerk Wastewater Plant Operator II Public Works Foreman Chief Mechanic Police Officer Chief Wastewater Plant Operator Maintenance Mechanic Police Corporal Utilities Supervisor Public Works Supervisor --..Investigator- - - Police Sergeant City Clerk PAY CIME RANGE 5 3.67 - 4.94 5 1.67 - 4.94 5 3.67 - 4.94 5 3.67 - 4.94 6 3.85 - 5.20 6 3.8.5 - 5.20 7 4.04 - 7o,40 7 4.04 - 5.46 7 4.04 _ 5.46 8 4.24 -• 5.7.3 A 4.24 - 5.73 8 4.24 - 5.7.3 9 4.46 - 6.03 10 4.69 - 6.32 10 4.69 - 6.32 11 4.92 - 6.64 13 5.45 - 7.34 13 5.45 - 7.34 13 5.45 - 7.34 13 5.45 - 7.34 14 5.61 - 7.72 15 6.00 - 8.10 15 6.00 - 8.10 .. 15- _ _ 16.00 - 8.10_ 15 6.00 - 8.L0 15 6.00 - 8.10 MERIT SYSTEM: Each employee upon evaluation by his Department head is eligible for a 3% merit increase on his or her anniversary date. In addition, employees who have been with the City five (5) years are e111- ible for an additional 1% per year merit increase annually. Employees with ten years of service, 2% per year. Employees with fifteen or mura• years, an additional 3% per year annual increase. Additional merit in- creases are not awarded when an employee has reached the upper limit of his pay grade. - 9 - M'I'Y 01 ; C,I,F,R14QlI'C SA I,ARY!SMI.DUI,k; - 1981 - 82 'PAW,11 TV Salary nange Fl 4.69 6.32: � Pay Grady Minimum A Maximum �._. 9,75��� 13,14h 5 (dourly 3.67 4.94 11 4.92 6.fr1 Annually 7,634 �10,275 A H- 13,81`l f 6 1.2 -10,234_ --- Ed A 3.85 5.20 If .5.1,7 G.79 8,008 10,1116 A 10; 7.54 14, 123 . 13 Ii 4.04 5.46 If 5 Ai5 7. 34 A 8,403 11,336 A 1.1,3361.4 If A.24 5.73 I1 5.61 7.72 .I A 8,819 11,918 A 11,669 1.6,058 1 9 Il 4.46 6.03 Id 6.00 I 8.30 A 9,277 12,542 A 12,480 — 10 — GENERAL FUND REVENUES TAXES: 311 Ad Valorem 313 Franchise Fees 314 Utility Service Taxes Total Taxes LICENSES & PLIMITS: 321 Professional or Occupational 322 Building Permits 329 Other Licenses & Permits Total Licenses & Permits INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES: 335.11 State Revenue Sharing 335.12 Gasoline Tax 335.14 Mobile Home Licenses 335.15 Alcoholic Beverage License 335.17 Additional Homestead Exemption 335.21 Fire Insurance Premium Tax 335.22 Casualty Insurance Premium Tax 338.00 County Road & Bridge Tax 338.10 County Occupational License 338.20 Contrib. from Natural Gas Dist. Total Intergovernmental Revenues OTHER REVENUES: 343.91 Lot Mowing 347.21 Activity Fees 347.29 Beach Fees 351.1 Fines & Forfeitures 361.1 Interest Earnings 362.0 Rentals E. CITY OF CLERMONT GENERAL FUND REVENUE & EXPENDITURES 1981 - 82 Actual Budget 1979-80 1980-81 $215,862 $220,000 132,329 137,000 78,313 148,979 $426,504 $505,979 9.950 18,000 15,752 14,000 375 400 26,077 32,400 137,761 132-455 48,429 48,680 7,699 8,500 3,450 3;450 10,808 3,704 3,704 7,928 7,928 19,242 14,760 4,505 5,000 50,000 25,000 -193,526 249,477 484 -0- 429 500 2.309 3,600 10,793 10.000 51,907 )5,000 9,202 9,000 Estimated 1980-81 $220,000 142,000 15OLOOO $512,000 18,000 16,000 900 34,900 145,753 42,925 7,500 3,013 9,166 3,369 9,634 14,760 5,200 30,101 271,441 450 800 2,000 3,GOO 85.0"'0 9,000 Proposed 1981-82 $231,046 142,000 150,030 -- 523,046 17,000 16,000 C�a 33,900 140,000 .0,000 7,500 3,000 -G- 3,369 9,634 14,000 5,2G0 50,000 172,703 400 600 2,500 c r_sn REVENUE & EXPENDITURES 1981 - 82 Actual_` Budget Estimated Proposed . 1979-80 1980-81 1980-81 1981-82 OTHER REVENUES (continued): 364.1 Cemetery Lot Sales $ 6,483 $ 6,000 $ 2,800 $ 2,800 364.11 Memorial Sales 2,376 -0- -0- -0- 364.41 Surplus Equipment Sales 1,115 1,000 2,700 533 _ 366.9 Contributions & Reimbursements 1,089 - -0- 800 800 _ 369.4 Admin. Services Assessment 51,996 53,859 53,859 53,859: 369.9 Miscellaneous 4,997 3,000 1,000 1,000 382.0 Contributions from Sanitation 19,980 -0- -0- -0- Total Other Revenues $163,160 $111,959 $166.409 $ 145,659` SUBTOTAL ALL REVENUES $9091267 $899,815 $984,750 LESS:.. Subsidy to Utility Fund 40,000 -0- -0- ADD: Reserve Allocation -0- -0- -0- TOTAL GENERAL FUND $869,267 $899,815 $984,750 $1,013 853 EXPENDITURES._ Administration $159,204 $186,095 $181,748 '$2101260- Police 222,603 251,263 249,959 253,313- ` = Fire 13,659 18,430 18,958 20,E56 Public Works 324,157 410,292 406,250 b25,648 - Special Activities 47,880 56,975 56,147 63,777 Contingencies -0- 16,000 -0- 10.000 Total $7674503 $939,055 $913,06? $1,Ci;;853 BALANCES Opening Cash Balance- 467,722 449,909 569,486 641,174 ADD: Revenues ,569,267 899,815 - 984,750 975,3015 s LESS: -Expenditures 767,503 939,055 913,062 1;G13;853' Adjustments CLOSING CASH BALANCE S569,486 $410,669. _':12 - OFNERAL FUND AIIMINIB't'RA,TXON ` C0111: CI_,1FCA41'I LON Ati ACTUAL 197_8CI BUDGET 19110-81 ESTIMATED .1980-B1 PROpO'll?I) 1981-82 LN,CISI,ATIVI: (CITY COUNCIL.) 11.12 SUInrLell and Hanafita $ 5;205 $ 4,800 $ 4,800 $ if. 600 11,13 Prorvusional Sorvlcoti 1,909 3,000 500 1,500 11,40 Travel and Per Diem 1,331 1,300 1,300 2,000 11.49A Advertising 1,386 1,200 800 1,200 11.49C Other Current Charges 516 4 1,200, +-1.!l)00 1,G00 Total LeginlativIo 10,427 11,500 ` 9,000 11,100 EXECUTIVE (CITY MANAGER AND SECRETARY) 12.12 Salaries and Benefits 33,050 37,162 37,162 43.522 12.40 Travel and Per Diem 577 825 825 930 12.45 Insurance, Liability & Casualty 857 857 700 798 12.46D Repnlr & Maintenance -Vehicles 71 200 150 200 12.49C Other Current Chargen 369 350 350 375 12.52D Gas & Oil 705 810 600 810 12.52C Tires and Batteries 28 300 200 300 Total Executive 35,657 40,504 39,987 46,935 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 33.12 Salaries and Benefits 53,601 66,718 65,000 76,791,' 13.26 Workers Compensation Insurance 297 313 319 319 13.32 Audit Expense 5,135 5,135 5,135 23.40-- Travel and Per"Deem _.-_ - - 640 1,200 _ __,__._,:5,600 1,400 _..:_... 1,500 . 1.3.41 Comsnunications _ 2,822 3,200 3,200 3,350 13.43A Electric and Gas. Service 1,469 1,800 3,000 . 3,200`. 13.438 Water and Sewer Service 199 300 275 300 13.45 Insurance, Liability & Casualty 2,402 2,402 2,31.9 2,644 13.46A Repair & Maintenance -Equipment 1,439 4,000 3,500 4,000 13.46C Repair & Maintenance -Buildings 943 600 1,200 600 13.49C Other Current Charges 153 500 1 400 550 13.51 Office Supplies 4,981 5,000 4,000 5,250 13.54 Books, Subscriptions & Dues 656 525 600 600 Total Finance and Administration 74,737 91,693 90,348 104,704 LEGAL COUNSEI. (CITY ATTORNEY) 14.31 Professional Services 6,811 7,000 9,000 91000 14.40 Travel and Per Diem 1 77 150 ' 200 - 200 14.49C Other Current Charges -0- -0- 150 50 14.56 Books, Subscriptions & Dues - 472 400 400 450 Total Legal Counsel $ 7,360 $, 7,550 $ ,9,650 $ 9,700 - 13 _ ONNUAl. 111141) ADMINWHATION ACTUAL 001)(11FIr PROT10,141U) CODE E1ASNLFI(CATION 1979-80 1980-81 jl-�1V)1-18.11. '1.9!.';J OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT (UNALLOCATED EXPENSE) 15.31 Professional Servil'op, 5,060'', 41000 6,000 15.45 Insurance 2,88. 2,5M 1, 986 2,2611, 15.49C Other Current Chargea �39 7 It �IQOO ( I q( Total, Other General Government, 12,040 10.5 78, 8,98(, 1.1,264 PROTECTIVE INSPECTION (CODE ENFORCDfENTS) 1.6.12 Salarles and Benefittl 16,117 19,071 19,871 22,371. 16.24 Workers Compensation Insurance 730 767 765 - .785 16.40 Travel and Per Diem 398 300, 200 400 16.43 Insurance, Liability & Casualty 742 882 571 651 16.46D RepnEr & Maintenance -Vehicles 210 1,00 300 500 16.51 Office Supplies 198 600 1,200 (100 16.52E Gas and Oil 548 1,000 600 800 16.52C Tires and Batteries -0- 300 150 300 16.56 Books, Subscriptions 6 Dues Y 140 150 100 3,50 To t al Protective Inspection $ 18,983 $ 24,270 $ 23,777 S 26 557 E - 14 - POLICE DEPARTMIsPJ'P ACTUAL BUDGET E571MATED PROPOSED CODE CLASS _11:1CATION 1979-80 1980-81 19FiO A4 l9f)l-E►F! 20.12 Salariao` and Benafits '_€ ��'$182;711 $203,936 ;'$20J;1136 -.;-'$234,494 , 20.24- Workers Compensation Inrsurance 4,353 4,575 4,641, 4,68L 20.40 Travel and Per Diem 85 150. t'�150 , �' 'lfi0 20.41 Telephone 2,115 - 2,400 2,400 2,520 20.'43A Electric& Gas Service ;i;�3,983 4;255,' la,4;255 , 4`to70' 20.43B Water &".Sewer Service"- 301 750 ;750 :r k 190: 20.45 ..Inuurance, LiablliOy,'& Casualty '6,1G6 5,782 4.17 , 499841' 20.46A Repair & Maintenance -Equipment 1,340 1,400 1.,400 1,470 20.46B Repair &Maintenwice-Vehicles `11432 1,500, •.:r T,50(J� � �-�`f 1,575,; 20.46C Repair & Maintenance -Buildings 1,708 1,650 1.,650 1,730 20.49 Investigative Expense -0- 1,200 1.,200 1.,200 20.49C Other Current Charges 917 375',, 1,1375 :,195"s 20.51 Office Supplies 2,443 2,475 2.475 2,600 20.52A Uniforms 1 407 2,31V -- =• 2,310 2,425 20.52E Gas and Oil 12,861 r:. ":,17,480::..; 17,480 18,'70l): 20.52C Tires and Batteries' 701 925' ;; ; 925 ' ;:952, 20.54 Books, Subscriptions & Dues -0- - 100 ,100 lOS: TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT - -$2222603 5251,263 - $24<1�959 'y�283,31aJ _ r, f'•'- psi HIM INIPARIVENT ACTUALnUD(,I't. HSTIMATIO)i PROPO"+3.1) (ODi.; ctAftRThiCnPION=80 1000-81,> .L980- ' 1911I I3? 30.22 Salariao and Ukritil $ 7,637 $`8;3G4 $ 8,364, ;$ 8',364 � ., 30./i0 Travel and-Pec„Dlam ,65 150 156 150, 30.41 l�i,,laphone 360 460 650 1,(jgQ 30,44A 13pntnl0 hydrant 3"800 3,800 3;D00 4,425 30.45 Inuurance, Li bility 6 Casualty 2,328 2'328 ' 2,919 I 3,72A 30.46A Ropnir G Mainteniinre- Equipment '468 490 400' 400' 30.463 llopair 6 Maint'ennnce- Vehicles 386 460 460 506 30.49C Other Currant Charges 136 470 470 470 30,49D Inspoction Programn -0- -0- =0= 250 30.52A Uniforms 729 Soo 500 50q' ; 30.52U Can and Oil - 504 283 200 283 30.52C Tires b natterion 122 145 145 1'60 30.52D Minor Equipment 992 500 500 500 30.52G Other, Operating Supplies 29 300 300, 300 30.54 Hooks, Subscriptions h hues 95 _ ISO 100 1.80 TOTAL FIRE DEPARMENT $17,459 $182430 $18,958 $20,856 ACTUAL, BUDGET h r(MATM? PROP0811) CODE CLASS IEICATION 1979-80 1900-fl.lf).1, 1,h80-81 � 1911 L-112 OTIIER GENERAL GOVERNMENT 41.12 Salarlen & Benof t9�,' ` $ 37;2�9'" $ 50,660 $ °r0,660 ; 48d2 5 41.24 Workers Compenaiii1on'Ina1uranc 1'05411 1,048''` '1',010 ;"1,686 41.31 ProfeljsaiOn4l Services-Enginver'118 667 2,000, 2,0O0 -2,ono 41.40 Trub41'& Per Aiem 105 ' 420;"` 420 420 41.41 Ta]ophane " 842 1 475` �950 1;G00 1,GU0 41.43A Electric & Can 'Service 7513 _ t; 9a0 950 41.43B Water & Sewer Service 321. 500; 300 500 41.46A Repair,& Maintenance -Equipment P65 200` 200 220 41.46B Ropair''& Maintenance-Buildingri 1,105 1,200; '600 „1.,200. 41.51 Office Supplies 319 520 '' �`',400 520 41.52B Gas and Oil 274 849; 300 650 41.52D 'Minor Equipment. -, 515 :' ` 'S00""° ` ` `500 550 41.53 Supplies - 1;428 1,420 1;000 1,420 41.54 Books, Subscriptions 6 Dues 43 150`" I50 1,50 41.52A Uniforms 289 310, 310 350 Total Other. General Government 46,253 62,802 61,276 60,441 SANITATION .SUPPORT 42.12 Salaries & Benefits 10,84/i'12, 785197AS 14,190 Total Sanitation Support „ 10,844, .12,785 12,765., I4,390 TRANSPORTATION 43.12 Salaries & Benefits 69,348 91,295 91.925 94,1.1.E 43.24 Workers Compensation Insurance 4,867 5,115 5,234 5,234 43.43A Electric & Gas Service 6,967 34,635 34,635 40,000 43.44A Rentals -Equipment -0- 500 500 Soo 43.45 Insurance, Liability & Casualty 8,592 8,592 6,840 7,798 43.46A Repair & Maintenance -Equipment 2,044 2,500 3,500 9,500 - 43.468 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles _ _-__855 1,650 _. _5,100 1.650 43.46D Repair & Maintenance -Street Signs 2,542 2,000 2,500 4,000 43.52A Uniforms 433 700 700 770 43.52B Gas & Oil 5,753 8,960 6,000 8,960 43.52C Tires s Batteries 667 850 950 1,045 43.52D Minor Equipment 531 500 500 500 43.52S Sidewalk Repair 711 1,000 1,000 1,100 43.53 Road Materials 1,870 7,000 6,000 7,000 43.63 Capital Outlay -Streets & Sidewalks 61,727 30,600 �3O,fi00 50,000 Total Transportation 166,907 195,897 195,984 226,173 ANIMAL CONTROL 45.12 Salaries & Benefits 5,303 6,164 6,164 6,975 45.24 Workers Compensation Insurance 270 284 290 290 45.45 Insurance, Liability & Casualty 156 156 120 137 45.46B Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles 203 200 400 440 45.49C Other Current Charges "24 50 50 75 45.52B Gas & Oil 395 742 650 742 45.52D Minor Equipment 64 125 125 125 45.53 Dog Food 102 175 150 175 45.52A Uniforms 96 105 105 115 Total Animal Control $ 6,613 $ 8,001 $ 8,054 $ 9,074 - 17 - PUBLIC WORKS ' DEPARTMENT AtvTUAI;• BUDGET ESTIMACRD PROPOSED CODE C1.AS iLItLCATIOtf ' '197940 1<I80-81 198t)-►il "`+ri 1 ?l fl2 PARKS & RECREATION ; 46 12 , Salnr.ian and Bdh6fits' S'46',!169 $' 71,052 " 4 71,O84 -;" 3` 68,'4 t:! r' 2,3114 46.24 - Workurn Comp. Insurance 2,217 9,144 2,330 12,000 1,38+, 12,000 13,500 46.43A 46.43B Electric & Can Service Water. & Sewer. Service. 2,860 4,025 4,025 4,025• 46.45 Incur-ance, Liability, and Cana 4,608 "`2,256 4,608 2,000 - 3,770 2,,800 4,298 3 O0O 46.46A Repair & Maintenance -Equipment ',Repair '& "` 592 1,000 !i0O 46.46B 46.46C Maintonanco-Vehicles Repair & Hain tenance-Buildinga 4,038 6,000 li;0O0 6,000 46.46P Repair & Maintenance -Parks& Trees 6,841 6,000 6,000 800 6,000 1,000 46.49X Clean CommunityProgram 8 261 2,000 590 590 650..- 46.52A 46.52B Uniforms Gas and oil 249 2,388 3,572 2,500 3,.572 46.52C` Tires and Batteries 93 230 > 230 500 250 ' 550 46.52D 46.63A Minor ]equipment Capital Outlay-Rec. Facilities 477 11,250 500 13,800 13,800 ^ON 46.64 Capital Outlay -Equipment 59 38 -0- 100 �-0-- 100 1,10 46.49C 46.63• Other Current Charges Capital Outlay -Landscaping -0- 1,000_ 1,000 _ -1Y0U0 Total Parks & Recreation $ 93,540 $130,807 $128,151 $115,511 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS$324,157 $1,10,292 $406 250 $425 649 11 aruw,bn,. nu��vi �i;n PROJECTfiD PROPOSED CLASS IKL(,ATION . ' ' .IWA, 1.900-flt . A9H1 N'J , UPPER PALATLAKAHA RIVER BASIN STUDY Cori kribut'lonu; 4 Subsl,dfws 8,0 000 f� Q 8,000 1;, t,$ 8,000,.,; LIBRARY. 62:45 ' In*ouranco, Liability„'& C.m. 929 /:OJ,. 62.59 Coneribut Ions & Subsidlen 29,216 29,21&, 62:71 Debt Kervicu 830 j830. 35,975 ., 35,647, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: 63.59 Contrlbutlons & Subuidias 7,000 7,000 7,500' RECREATION & YOUTH PROGRAMS 64.30,: General Expense 4,000 4,000 4,000-, CHRIST'EfAS PARADE 65.30 General Expense 500 -0- -0- OTHER ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 66.54 Subscriptions 3 Dues 1,500 1,500 1,500 TOTAL SPECIAL ACTIVITIES $56,975 $16 47 $63t777 - 19 - I i � � I t� i 'r.Nl�I�r � n-'.iafati I { r r: f 1 1 1 ACTUAL BUDCFr ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1979-80 1980-81 1980-81 1981-111. REVENUES Service Fees $158,514 $164,000 $159,500 $183,500 Interest Income -0- __ 0- _ L 400 _ 2,000 TOTAL REVENUES $158,534 $164,000 $160,900 $185,500 EXPENDITURES 136,829 161,667 155,252 183,137 PROFIT (Loss) $ 21,705 $ 2,333 $ 5,648 $ 2,363 CAST{ BALANCE'S _ Beginning Cash Balance $ 2,630 $ 3,977 $ 4,355 $ 29,983 Profit (Loss) 21,705 2,333 5,648 2,363 Other (19,980) -0- _ 19,980 y -0- Ending Cash Balance $ 4,355 $ 6,310 $ 29,983 $ 3,1 346 - 20- 11 SAWTATION OI&PARTWNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPONtip CODE CLA5NIFICATION 1979-880 1980-81 1980-81 - 1981-32 SAN I TATI ON- UPENOITURE.8 49,12 Nalarion 6 Bonr.fita $ 69,673 $ 80,583 $ 80,583 $ 90,7135 49.24 Workora Comp. Ine. 7,679 8,269 8,461 11,461 49.42 Postage 6 Freight 9.11 1,000 1,000 1.40o 49.45 Insurance, Liab. 6 Cas. 5,585 5,585 4,333 4.940 49.46A Repair 6 Maint.-rpuip. 341 4116 200 300 49.4611 Repair 6 1laint.-Veh. 6,595 6,400 6,400 6,400 49.49B Landfill Charges 7,280 9,000 12,000 30.000 49.49C Other Current Charges 248 150 150 150 49.52A Uniforms 1,105 1,070 1,070 1,177 49.52C 'fires 6 Batteries 2,019 2,350 2,500 2,750 ® 49.52B Can 6 Oil 12,989 22,719 16,000 22,719 49.58 Administrative Services 22,355 22,355 - 22,355 22,355 49.52U Minor Equipment 49 200 200 _- 200 Sub Total Sanitation $136,829 $160 167 $155,252 $181,637 Contingencies -0- 1,500 _ -0- 1,500 TOTAL SA141TATION $136,829 $161,667 $155,252 $183,137 - 21 - 11 �'`Aki'r1 P,���'��lr• rj e e bP t{ } PF c4'yr� n f .� "*.Lr 4r /�"1 n � £'`�f �a YrN �r'i '� a � r' f t ��ia.fx �a-1 hcr"�j ra f�+��IFt�� [+nrfr C(�rl��j �i �,r UTILITIES FUND CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA T, `rUTittiY FUND REVENUE G• W601TURES yrti` BUDGET 1901 ,,;ACTUAL ' BUDGET EsTmaD '° 1'Rt)Posvi)• CODE CLASSIFICATION 1979-80 1980-81 L980-81 1981-82 ._ WATER 01i1'AR.ITIENT REVENUES: 343.310 Water Sales $198,160 $200,000 $218,000 $'19,000 343.351 Tapping! Feed; `14,847'- :, , 10,000 10;000 ;' Io,0(l0'!: 343.352 Hydrant Rental 3,520 3,520 3,520 4,565 343.353 'Miscellaneous 1,964 500 1;800t,800 Total Water Revenues, 218,491 =215,020 233,320 211. 365 LESS-'` Expenditures 132,89-5 1.98,979 176,485 925 NET INCOME or (Lose) $ 85,596 $ 16,041 $ 56,835 $'28,44U, SEWER DEPARTMENT REVENUES: 334.390 .Comprehensive Plan-, ' ning Grant' $ 51220 343.510 .Sewer Serv.;Fees 228,962. $400,623 $410,000 $412,000 ; 343.551' Connection'Fees 5,977" 3,500 3,500 3,500" 343.552 Interest ,- 4,828.,, 400, 1,500 1,500 Total -Sewer Revenues 244,987,, 404,523 415,000 417,000 LESS: --Expenditures --- 369,484, -404,523. .;--356,999 392,376 _:.._. NET INCOME or (Loss) 4(124,497) ,$ -0- $ 58,001 a 2/i,624 TOTAL, UTILITIES -INCOME or (Loss) $(38,901) $ 16,041' $114,336 $ 5.3,064 "' Contingencies -0- 16,041 -0- -0- TOTAL $(38,901). -0- $114,836;, $ 5.3,064,.., BALANCES: Beginning Cash Balance $.60,753- $ 56,266 $ 4,230 $119,066 Income =(Loss) (38,901) -0- 1141836 53,064 Adjustments (17,622);., " -0- -0- -0-. ENDING, CASH BALANCE.; $: 4,230,,$ 56,266. $119,066 $172,130,: ,.- 2 -22- (; j WAUM 011,11AFMIF,i ACTUAL IIUI)CI;T ESTIMATED PROPOSED CODE CLASSIFICATION i f1979-80 1980"al 70.12 SaMrica & Benuf1t* 34, 504 m 38,207 3 41.009 70,24 Wo rka ra i Comp i , Inij 974 --J,023 1,046 1,046 70.31 Prof. Serv.(LaboMill.) 5,932 5,000 1,000 5,00() 70.31A Legal Expenne -0- -0- 50 100 70.32 Audit Expense 1,490 1,490 70.40, Travel F. Per Diem 615, 300 1, 5od 70.41 Telephone 1,0861 1,350 1,000-.- 1. 1 300. 70.42 Postage 6,Freight 694 900 goo"'', 950 70,43A Hlectric,&.Cas Serv- 23,996_ 23,000 30,9010. 33,000 70.43B Water & Sewer Serv. 136 300 -0- 300 70.44A Equipment Rental 16i 200 200 70.45 Ins., Liab. & Cas. 2,849, 2,849 2,155 2,457' 4,000' 70.46A Repair & Miint.-Equip- 2,323. 3,000 3;900 70.469 Repair &'Maint.-Veh�.' 520' 500 300 500" 70.46C i i Repair & Miirii.-Bldg�s', 15 1,000 500­ 1 0'; '0 0 76.46,11 Repair & kaint.-Meters 6,347 y 5,000 6,0016" :6-9006 . . ... ...... .... 70.46T Repair & Maint.-Tanks 10153' '1,500 700" 1,500 70.49X Uncollect. Acc1t Exp., -o- 400 ;: 466 500" 70.52A Uniforms 142 200 175 200 70.52B Gas & Oil:, 3,163 4,087 2,800 4,006' 70.52C Tires & Batteries 509 250 450 500 70.52D' Minor Equipment 51r, 1 000 1000 11000 70.52E Chlorine 2,722 '2,000 3,500 !3,000 70.52C Other Opei.. Supplies 3,:435' 3,300 3,60'�' �3 360 I WATRIts DIPARIMNT a' "' ( ., i f 'ACTUAL ' }'8UDOET ESTIMATED PROPOSED COOK CLASSIFICATION . 18799 80 0, 1980-81 1980-,81 1710-8,21 70.54` -` Dooka,„$ubacr,91). I. Duofl $ 110 175 %160, $' 200a 70.50 Admin-totrat,lw) :,ury 13,763``,- L3,763 13,763! A3,763 70.62; Capital Outlay-3141g, 1,123 -0- .0- 800 70.63 Capital'Outiny-i)thor -0- -0- 89 ;; -0- 70.64 Capital Outlay -Equip. 1,11,669 ' . 25,338 20,000 ,..:;. 1`i,800 70. 71 ' Debt Service 6,413 _14,Jt37 /)� 3 OW 54 000 Sub Tatar 132,895' '190,979 176,485 198,925 Contingencies _ -0--, - 8,0()0 -a- a,8)000 TOTAL WATER HPARVENT $132,895 $198,979 $176,485 $206,925 ., -24= ;t1:WL;lt� U81?A1{TplL�NZ�t.� rt- r i j z1 !,i.> .', ;f)ACTUAt, t 3 CAUD0RT ESTIMATED PRI)PO`lED CODE CLASSIh1CAT.ION '';1979-80 ' ', 1980-81 1,980 80.12,. Solarion,& Bencritu $ 61,651 i $i76,365 G 71 400, ;;$ 90,570 80.24 ', ,;WorkeralComp. to».. 3,893C, 4,093, - 4,187's, -;,. 4.107 , 80.31 Prof. Serv.(Lab,ling.) 3,191 :, 10,000 1,000 ,: 1'000�. 80.31A Legal Expense -0- -0- 50 100 . 80.32 Audit Expense 2,375 2,375 2075._: 3,000 . 80.40 Travel-1 Per 1)[em 58<..' 200 ;300 1,000 80.41 Telephone, .1,070 '1,350 1,300 1,300 80.42 Postage & Freight 543 900 1,150 1,200 80.43A'. Electric'& Gas Serv.-, 49,595 53,000 59,500 63,000_1. 80.43E Water & Sewer Serv. 3,582 4,000 4,000 4,000 80.44A Equipment Rental -0- 150 -0- 150 80.44E Rent. & Leases 1,704 2,250 2,479 2,500 (Land & Bldg.) !� 80.45 Ins., Liabil. & Cas. 4,185 4,185 3,358 3,828 80.46A Repair & Hai.nt.-Equip. 12,987 8,000 13,000 8,000 80.46E Repair & plaint.-Veh. 219 500 400 500 80.46C Repair & plaint.-Bldgs< 458 1,500 1,500 1,500 80.49X Uncollect. Acc't Exp. -0- 400 500 600 80.52A Uniforms 297 300 250 300 80.52B Gas & Oil 2,682 4,919 2,600 /+,000 80.52C Tires & Batteries 503 500 450 600 80.52D Minor Equipment 12 1,000 1,000 1.,000 80.52E Chlorine 2,941 2,850 3,600 3,600 80.52F Sewage Pretreat Chem. 19,589 20,000 18,000 20,000 80.52G Other Oper. Supplies 3,422 3,000 2,900 3,000 - 2 5 - f 1-MR DEPARTMENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED CODE CLASSIFICATION 1979-80 1980-81 19800-81 1.981,82 80,5211 Laboratory Supply $ 1,623 $ 2,300 $ 2,000 $ 2,300 80.54 800ktt, Subscript., Ducat 10 175 150 200 80.58 Adm. Servicou 17,741 17, Nil 17,741 -.17,741 80.62 Cnpital Outlay-eldgt: 1,123 -0- -0- 800 80.64 Capital Outlay-liqulp. 7,890 8,000 9,000 11,400 ' 80.70 Debt Service 161,378 170,470 132,809 133,000 80.34 Camp. Plan. Gr;int 4,762 -0- -0- w ---0- Sub Total Sewer Departownt $369,484 $400,523 $356,999 $383,376 Contingencies _ -0- �:'i000-0- _ 4,000 TOTAL. SEWER DEPARITIENT $369,484 $40=,L523 5356,999 392,376 -26- FEDERALRLVENUE SNARING 0 Fund Balance Carryover $40,085 Revenue 1981-82 55,703 TOTAL $95,788 EXPENDITURES: Finance & Admin. $13,423 Fire 5,320 Police 4,89.5 Public Works 53,750 Ahh Sanitation 10,000 Total Expenditures S87,388 ENDING BALANCE $ 8,400 - 27 - Almost all cities are now going through a period of fiscal Scarcity, and in the futures residents must be ,prepared to parform name services thamnelven tlint they have came to ax ect to be done b Local Government. Fortunately, tha volunteer a orta of our Library, tha Racrobtion 'Programs''and ,th'a Ciann Community Progrnmi► have shown that our citizens are well suited for the chnllenge. We have made every effort to perutinixe anch City Program and hold costs down, 'thin ie► a Sound, ronaervative Budget tliae I am recommending for your review. Respectfully submitted,"` ; Ceorge D. Forbes -City. Mantiger , CDF:pm rlr 'r f , 73�'.. to #ti. "vrllf iti7 iiIr ar„ t••.r� t.l=, i �h 9 j.'. �CITY OF �CLFMHON , . [MORIDA . r BUDGET 1981 - 82 TADLH I ... ,. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES b EXPENDITURES CUMENT SURPLUS ,.SURPLUS REVENUES CARRYOVER EXPENDITURES, -; DEFICIT_ GENERAL FUND $ 975,308 $38,545 $1,013,853,, $ -a- SANITATION FUND 161,500 21,637 183,137 -0- UTILITY FUND 652,365 -0- 599,301 53,064 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING 55,703 40,085 87,388 8,400 $1,844,876 $100,267 $1,883,679 $61,464 11 - 6 - LE REVENUES Service Fees Interest Income TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES PROFIT (Loss) $158,534 $164,000 $159,500 $159,500 -0- -0- 11400 2,000 $158,534 $164,000 $160,900 $161,500 136,829 161,667 155,252 183,137 $ 21,705 $ 2,333 $ 5,648 $(21,637) CASH BALANCES Beginning Cash Balance $ 2,630 $ 3,977 $ 4,355 Loh $ 29,983 Profit (Loss) 21,705 2,333 5,648 (21,637) Other (19,980) -0- 19,980 -0- Ending Cash Balance $ 4,355 $ 6,310 $ 29,983 S 8,346 M11M 11