Annual Budget (1980 - 1981)C1.ERMONT, FLORIDA 1980-81. PROPOSED BUDGET For Fiscal Year October 1, 1980 to September 30, 1981 CITY COUNCIh <;Glnudr-!",,•Smonk; fr ..,....MnY.ur�._. Dennin Thomas, Mayor Pro-Tem Gar-Uslo-Byrd (.enter Cole Robert A. Pool CITY ADMINISTRATION George D. Forbes, City Manager Leonard H. (laird, Jr., City Attorney Sandra 0. Rozar, City Clerk Wayne Saunders, Finance Director Preston Davis, Superintendent of Public Utilities Harvey Nagel, Director of Code Enforcement John Springstead, City Engineer Robert E. Smythe, Director of. Public Works/Fire Chief Prentice Tyndal, Police Chief r' Budget Message . . . . . . • • • . . • . • . . . . 1 Budget Tables Table I - Consolidated Statement of Budgeted Revenues 6 Expenditures 6 Table II -Capital Outlay Summary . . . . . . . 7 Table III -Job Classifications 6 Pay Grades . . 9 Table IV -Salary Schedule. . . . . . . . .10 General Fund Revenues 6 Expenditures Summary .11 General Fund Expenditures by Account Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Police . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Public Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Special Activities . . . . . . . . .23 Sanitation Fund Revenues 6 Expenditures Summary. .24 Sanitation Fund Expenditures by Account Sanitation . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Utility Fund Revenues 6 Expenditure Summary. . . .26 Utility Fund Expenditures by Account Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 11 C1,,�,r:2iM21NKr " Cljg . q r,� 1.XLORI11A TO: Mayor and City Council Memborn ;Clprmont;,,VlorLda 1 am plcutnud to„riubmLt,to yau,ahe, propaNed 19an-B1 lincal.•Ynar,liudWet that boglna�October.,1, .1.980, ;. 7hitl budget:,proposaa total o(ppndltures for� all. -funds of a1,771,412 , Iite expenditurus.;by. fund ara as followat ,I rat rat Fund, $931,555; ;Sanitation Fund,,,$101,667,,,,;Utility,;Nund, ,$619.543;, Revynue. Sharing -;Fund, $58,647.' „ This,,iatn,flscally conservative,l>udget that provides for the efficient oper- ation of wunicipal, serv,ican, and,authorizen,,expenditurea,only for high priority items. - The,City has, noun,necumulating.cash balances for several years to fund pro- jected,capital;improvomants -that will be- necessary,in,the Utility, [Department. irttese cash reserves,will be, especially important this :year since., -the County Tax Assessor, estimates -, that the City, wLll.not receive any property, tax revenues until January ;at the„earliest. This ,delay in receiving property; tax monies is due to the Assessors requirement of appraising all properties at 1002 valuation. ® For:.the,past;two fiscal, years, the City has also budgeted alsmall portion of. the cash reserve -tot be returned: to the ;taxpayers. While this:.is a, respectable practice for a short period,,operating.deficits (operating expenditures greater than operating revenues) must; be analyzed; to determine: the. cause, ofi the deficit. If this,. is; uot, done,. sooner, or: later the cashi:reserve-,pot goes empty __. . and,;large, financial.,problemsEoccur-,fIn;Clermont,: the: main, cause, of.�this subsidy webeen the fact that;:UtLli,tyi(sewer) revenues -did not: pay, their -,own: way and re subsidized ,by,.tile General Fund, This budget therefore recommends that the Utility; rates be raised: to; adequately,,pay their own way, and that, a.. balanced budget; be. adopted, except,for contingencies. 1979-1980.FINANCES As: the, 1979--1980,.Fiscal Year in drawing.to a close, the-City's finances are sound.: as a.large ,cash reserve: and , funds, are increasing' in; the City's Improyement,:Repair,,and; Replacement Fund. , The, City's,proposed,overall revenues are projected -;to be received generally as.budgeted.-.;Expenditures at; this; time are expected to be:Zess'than budgeted, and the,, City ,may not,be,,required,,to, spend. any .of the;$290119 of :cash; reserve in this year's budget. This,decreape,;In: expenditures is, largely idue to turnover, and less expenditures in capital outlay than budgeted. We also expect the sub- .sidy:to.water and, ,sewer_;to,be;lessthan;budgeted., :. :. ' .•... 1 YA 11 #i JA 1.I 1:'. i 1 Fil ,'n .:f, f:. ,; (I e'IJARVPNUFHA f'r General Fund rvvenupa art, 0XI)O:terl to Inareai+o $30,510,, , �x cvr r tile Fincal Year Budget, Ilowavor, moot of thin to from file rennfog the 11t111ty Se'rvlre'Tax' from '1,5% to 6.52.on all, but telephone service which is increaned'fr6m'S 59`ta 8,5%. This increnne Is necessary stood nil of the other majnr revantie"ntiurevn of the City are either declining or era increasing at a very slow rate, '!'Iris du- dlliau'i�i niunlcl'pul' rrvemiero`is''evirn` morn s'erl 'ho""in ` 1'igfit of the itrop000d increased homestead Exemptions and tax limitntion'"measures thnt"are`on'rghi� ballot fora State Referendum iu September. State Revenue nharing (mainly gaa- oline and -'cignrQte'e'taxes),'nre'projected'ta decrease`'$10,665;' Ar'�5.Ny, 'thin 1s duo largely to the :decre`ased tune tof igdnoline.' Licenxen `And permits `atir expected to increase $12,900 or 51XId ue,to''the.,in�roased raEr®'for occupaEionnl`licenses. Overall Intergovernmental Revenues are expected to decrease $35.083 or 11.7%. and co'uld-be reduced `furthceilf'tile `State'docsi not fund' the'addiiionn`1 Homraterul Exemption, 'ur�'if the' contributIdn "from "the Natural' Gas Df trict'' (41tvh ly projected to decline 50%) fall below $25,000. . f r ji Other revenues,bf the 'Oltyare expected 'to decline 'by' $26,960 or 19.27 and! most* of this decline 'results,'fr`oin the idccreaae in revenues- from''thd Natural Can District discussed' above'; and a'loss 'In, contribution's from'the`Sanitation Fund of 100x,' or-'$19,980; ', Previousiy,,re'venuen' from the- Snnit'riti"on Fund "were given to the:General Fund,: but thin�can'ho longer be done. Without' raising"arfnitation 'The above!sevenue 'shortfalls!leave,'the City with no'other`option but to -seek financing through raising hdvaloium.or, Utility; Service'Tsxes::,•This budget proposes increasingi the Utility;Service;Taxes aw discussed aboVr,'lhri,ily caused by:', the unreliability' of , th'e property = tax, due: to the' referendumv 'od the September ballots^.°We have projected that! property, taxes wll 11 Increase::' $7,600,' ur' 3.57 if1tile Imill-levy; were '+to remain%unchanged at•-4:5'mtlls %iioweveY;<<the,:exact_mill levy :-to-set-Ys•made'diTficult'due ta'the'fact`that-the certified mIlla)cn will notbe received: until �September:,I would suggest that `i e•mill 1evy'"remain unchanged until the ecart i'fied:millage,is'received .- The appraisers office has notified the City that millage rates~can be:increased up,to,Decembert8th. _- %': UTIL1TV FUND` The Utility Fund consists,,of''tile City Water and 'Sewe'r�Services, and total expenditures: of; $619,543?are:, proposed. `In -previous years the Utility"Fund Rev- enues have been subsidized by the'='(',crieral,Fund'($59,000 in Fiscal' Year`1979-80) and !dater Revenues ($69,000 in Fiscal Year 1979-80). However, subsidies can no longerc-be continued%due,to the stagnatioa�of'General".Fund Reveiiuelsources, and Ada to the -Water System=improvementa`in'' ich water:revenues•must'b'e utilized for debt-'service..1Foi-:this reason,5major`rate'+increases'are proposed: to insure that the Utility Fund+ oay its' own 'way without subsidies: ,Lr The City's Temporary 'Operating'Permit requires'us to construct'.improve- ments to the Waste Treatment Plant since we do not yet know the exact costs of these improvements, funds for this project were not included in this budget, but must be authorized by the City Council at a later date. However, some financing for these projects can be anticipated from City cash reserves and the Capital Improvment Fund. - 2 - HAN 11' 1 f 1011 FUND mnirut+t, t{ro�i,th in;+�nrmnu clnl`nti('roHtiltr`ntU+l `rcmxtrt� ttnn•,�r,r "tit not, proponeNi Uneernt'F'und expenditure'' `in trio 1nm<- . ofI I, I ,,5- or rin''inCr+rnne of mtiy 7.1z �n funds re+lotting` direct Cax`(itim user charges) supported Cunds ,01 , tiiutrl.tatlon fund expenditures hr litidgeted at $1E11,(�G7. `nC all inurtntte of 18.8% due .Largely to Increased Cuel coNtri. titil . Ity Raid - Water and Sewerl,expend itorem are budgeted, at $603.502, or, as lti�rctise o�[ 1):�." lloti+evcr, this` incri::ihc its 16rge1y duc to the additional debt service r6gil red by the Farmers Rome Bonds for the $1.7"million dollar Water System Improvements.: Discountin$.,this,,increased debt service; -the ,proposed increase in water expenditures ire oniy" 6.12.and sewer expenditures V11 5%. Revenue Sliaring Fonda of $58,60 are budgeted, which we propose to be utilized largely for, cnpitnl,.outlay as shown ,below. :9:able Ii following thtt+ report summnr- ixes the entire capi,tai`ouilay. CAPITAL OUTLAY Finance 6Administration One replacement calculator, chair, and dictaphone as budgetePolice d. 1 ore lacement atrol cars, chairs, file cabinet, ca--sette_recorder.and :. P p L'lectronic.l.is[ening Device, as,reyuested,, all but., the. additional. file cabinet are replacement itcros. The Fire,Department is continuing, a programof purehasing three .pagers per year unt31 the entire Volunteer Fire Department is equipped. Also.budgeted are blue hydrant spotters for the City Streets. Public Works Capital include, monies, for the maintenance,o£..City ital items i facilities such as the continued annual,street maintenance program, sidewalk construction and„repair., landscap ing,,a replacement pick..up truck, playground equipment, and lights for Bishop Field and the new tennis courts at the Niddle,-School..;,. Sanitation Fund, .A replacement; garbage truck, is budgeted. , „ ® Water and Sewer (hie replacement vehicle is budgeted for tl+e Utility Pep artment NonieS zre,also budgeted for a replacement electric: hoist, backflow devices and,,tester, along with a,yearly supply of:.sewer;and water pipes, fittings,; a0d mot. or parts. CAT' lni ,nr1P'►.Arrt(ENT ruNn i:..l Thin bud(;pE tc+cum�ncroda tlse +uEtf�nrlxnC ou nf'aE 1.onntt gjoq In funds from tI'iu G y',e, uuh..rclls r.Y,EtN to hp tined to antnblinh u Cnpitn- tcv opinrnRV"Faii�t.- Thin tuiid'wuuld bu uaud an itruvul,viij.i4. If41iu{l, for'Lhe C lly to'piirchnxit Iitrµu caft iL'+,J itomis an gnrbagu or fire truti-kn,, nnd'nrnountil expcn4led would her repaid no that the original, working empitnl In kept intact. Thin yearp;hu�IKot 1nc1udvn $50,000 to be spent from the fluid for a gnrbago truck,In'whiah $10,000 In budgeted to be r+ppnld immediately„-: $,10,00O would then be repaid to tjie, fund for the next four (4): yvnrs' unt;tl it 1 borrowed montoil'are repinced Ihin Ciiiui;Could .also lio IILUIZVd to fUnil us'trroitt to lit pal1l' by }ipvri.tilt, asfiinsmnt. or rr`imtlnr`'i'tc,mus, wlsun- ever, tho capital, amounts ,expended will he repaid. Similar typo revolving funds are common it many ciIt CIA. ..Summary, � ' Table 1 1.4 .i recap of Jiropon rd City rcvcnije'si nndle)'Kpendi.turen for the 1,980-81 FirrcalYear. x,, ,r• 1"1 H5gNN4a,"AND WA( .'s, The quality. of Ci.ty,l:mployeen determines the quanity of services performed rm I i,rrrntly Influences' the way our 'cIf thenir Ile t'celve tlie' (a ty. ` 'The most conser- vative''budget,` and plans of the Clty Coesncil me use1"ess `tiniesn we ctin' rerruf It and retain motivated City timployces. This budget proposes no`now'f111' time employeen, although it must be understood that as the City grows new cmploy,ecs at some point must be added If the present City services are to be maintniited. The budget follows the basic personnel plan that has teen adopted by the City, and the pay plan has been adjusted to allow us to compete with other area employers and to reflect the proper job responsibilities of our workers. Table III and ,IV following this report shows the City pay plan. lde are also' recommending 'that 'the' merit' Plan' of the' City 'lie adjusted to Include high performance based on longevity. This would allow workers who have been with the City five (5) years to obtain an additional 1% per year in merit salary, Increases; Empl.oyces with tcn (10) years of service, 221.'per year; and employees with fifteen (15) or more `years''an 'additiona'1'`37 per year in merit increases: These increases are not mandatory, but would be based on the Department licad'.4 and City flanager's 'evaluation of tile' l.6p'1'oye.e . it' would Ilean incentive for our long time Employees: " These''inrreases are 'included ''in this year's re- commended'budgel', and'result'in a'Cos t to"thc City of lc than l/ of`Ehe payroll. Proposed wage increases include a 3% Cost of Living increase effective October 1, 1980, along with the City payt.ng the employees Social Security contribution of 6.1%. This allows the City to grant a significant Cost of Living increase with reduced' fringe' benefit costs'to: "the city.' Each employee is also elii;ible for a maximum 3% merit increase on his or her anniversary date. Sinie t,lie' pay for Volunteer Fireman has noC been `increased fo'r tlr.ec (3) years, the monthly' trnisiing' `tlr i ll' hiiy his 'been 'Increased' from '$12 SO 'to' $L5.00 per month, and the pay per fire call increased from $6:00 to V .00'.� Tile Fire Chief and Assistant Chief wil' also receive payment per .fire call. _ 4 - The City of Clermont In In 4 wind finaijetnI pofiLtion,"ifica tho C'Ity Council bno followed a,connervative Fiscal Policy of not expanding norvicell fa"ter\,ti thn" revenue,wjOU1,d 41104. With the docLinu or n1ow growth of the City's ravenpo ,�,sourccs, tbitj philosophy must ;be mnl6tained. .-Any nddit fonal florvicell requPOW of the City must be carefully acrutinized'nis to Ito nfrordabilLty and 'Impllcatl�nn on Ose City api a whole-, The City m(ift ask If new tjorvicen can or should :4e, provided,, by, othern. Wo munt')aLn'oclti'ort that: tiler-chnigen pay the full. tont of provIding sewer, wntor,or sanitation norvicen. Adjusitmentii hava beenproposed In thorn, Utility rates'Lo reflect thlu fflet'. In, addition, every effort bas been made to scrutinize each program LO ensure its efficient operation nnd,'hold cants down. It is a sound, conservative budget In which I am recommending for your review., Respectfully Submitted. George 1). Forbes City Manager City of Clermont Clermont, Florida CDF:pm Attachments 5 C1TY qF CL140416NT,.1p1,011IDA 19RO-81 BUDGET CONS DATED STATEMENT Or D'UD'COPMED RFV NUE S AND RXPEND1T1 RIM !'I f IrAll1,11 k ft t n a p t t' I , 1" t PC +'UC`1�llft t�. Rive ►uas P.x Jcn tureaE � Def l'P General Fund 9 2,055 ,..;.+9f1'�55.; ('1`9';lSod' Sanitation Fund 64,000 1.61,467 2,333 Utilities! Fund '19;54'3" ' 619,'5'�i`T" -0- Fedsr41 Reaerve S.harinq.,. e8 647: ;58;'64,T Fund ...�..,_F tiub-Toval 1,7 4 ,245 ' 1,771`;41 I7,167) Adjustments* (53� 59� �53 A'9 -0- 'IOTA1, $1 700 38 $1 717 553� ( 17 * Tito administrative overh.ad expense is a reven e.to the General 'und and an expense to the Sanit tion and Utilities Fit To properly re ort consolidated totals, ti s amount has been dedicte fram,.both.,revenues and expenditures. ; - 6 - I ,F q ;zil�It Y� t I. I I T I t C � I ��1 t r r ',;ri i• :_':i r., r �r"'.,i yLLOTUS* 7✓r.':. 1I In wr ; �✓I, 7cr i '-`. it i.:y,;i i.''.� is i', i�' � r vi. `.' ,.' /./'i rU ✓. � csf CITY OF CLERMONT, P1,01tInA 19BO-81 IIUUGI!T CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF IIUOGF.TEO REVENIlEf1 AND EXP11NnITU1Rla3 TABLE I GroaH Surplus Ruv_enuen Expendlturan Jnrrtcl� General Fund 899,315 931,555 (31,740) Sanitation Fund 164,000 161,66/ 2.333 Utilitien Fund 619,543 619,543 -0- Federal Reserve Sharing _ 58,647 -5N,647 -0__ Fund Sub -Total 1,742.005 1,771,412 ( 29,407) Adjustments* �53,859) i(53,85D -0- TOTAL $.1.6.$,9..,14,b__ $,1,717,553 (29,407) * The ndministrative overhend expense is a revenue to the Cencral Fund and an expense to the Sanitation and Utilities Funds. To properly report consolidated totals, this amount has been deducted from both revenues and expenditures. Ll 6- ;Lfilh; PROPOSED CAPITAL OUTLAY CENERAL FUND Executive:i Finance 6 Adminintration Computer CalcuLrtor 150*✓V Chair ✓ 150*✓/` . S5:S48 Polico'' ✓$13,f)DO*✓ i Patrol Cars (2) Zoom -Telephoto Lens 230*.` �-Cbasette Recorder 115*v, i-Chairs (2) 460* z,fFile Cabinet 180*.,/ lil-ctronie Listening Device 1,.500* �•' $15,4$5 Fire Ilydraul 5pulters 600*' ,. 1,800 Public Works Street Resurfacing 25,000 Sidewalk Construction 5,600 _ Landscaping 1,000 Playground Equipment Lights (Bishop Field) 1,800 1,000 4- `ISa Qn Do •a- fie+ F^� S�'/k! (rF Lights (Jr. High Tennis Courts) 3,500 Truck (P.W. Supervisor-66%) 4,O66:Az,/ $47.,966 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $65,099 SANITATION FUND $50,000*✓riot- Garbage Packer Truck (P.W. Supervisor-33%) 2,033* ✓ TOTAL SANITATION $52,033 * Federal Revenue Sharing Note: $10,000 of this will be from Federal Revenue Sharing 7 r ' - 7 TABLE I PIt0P0Sup CAI'1'i'AL"OLI'll AY UTILITIES FUND Wuter� ., Pipon, rittingn, utc. NIvirt-Grand Ilwy Well '!'nick ilar.kflow 0ovine Turner Sewer Pipea, fittings, etc... Clarifier Parts Fleetrir. Iloist Irrigation Rotor L Pipe 8nckflow Prevention Devices TOTAL. UTILITIES I'MAL ALL FONDS 518,000 1,000 5,638 700 : S25',39t1 750 2,()00 1,850 2,540 860 V 8.000. $33,338, $1:50, 47,0 0ITY;atf1.E1'r,f'TJ'AI M A'I,? JON C1,Agt;III, 1C11'1'j,QNS/pAY GRApC13" ovtohor 1) 19110 CLAS!IFICATIOFI 1'AY t)itAU►; RAN4iC sorvica Worker:t. 5337 4.')3 Olerk/,mYl,lak a !17 - •1.53 Police Rvcakds Clark "i _ 3 37 - 4.51 CommunicatibIIII U11,patGh,er 5 3r37 - 4.53 [siillny Clerk G, 35 1 - 4.77 Service Worker TI P 3:';3 - 4.77 Adminlstrntivc, Secr.•tary ., 7 3.`,71 5.01 service Worker, III 7 3..'71 - 5.01 Animal Control Mechanic S H 3.89 - 5.20 Wastewater Plant Operator I fi 3.;f9') - 5.26 Planning;& Toning Technician R :i - 5.26 Crow Chief ? - 0.1� ? 4.01) ;aO - 5.53 - °:. ab Accounting Clerk 10 1 Wastewater Plant Operator it 0 - 5.80 Publ.ic,•Works Foreman 11 4.51 - 6.09'.. Chicf.;Mechanic 13 5.00 - 6.73 Police Officer 13 5.00 - 6.73 Chief`Wastuwater Plant Oporator 1.3 5•t)ri - A,73 Mai ntenance':Mechanic 13 5.00 - 6.73 o Felice Corpral, 14 5.15 - 7.08 Utilities Supervisor 15 - 7.43 ® Public Works Supervisor 15 5,!,0 - 7.43 Investigator I I 115 5.50 - 7.43 Police Sergeant 1'; 5.50 - 7.43 City Clerk 15 5.50 - 7.43 - 9 - "dip, SnjaM RnnZL 10 11 80 12,'064 I'lly A (1044 Crada Minimum Maximum 5 11 3.37 4.53 11 11 4.:51 6.09 A 7010 9422 A 42,677 6 It 3.53 4.77 12 If: '4.'65 :6.27, A 7342 99;22 A 9672 13,,042- 7 If 3.71 5.01 13 If A 5.00 10,400 13098 A 7717 10,421 8 H 89 5.26 14 It '5il5` - 7.08 A :3. 1 80;91. 10,941 A 10,712 14,726 9 If 4.09 5.53 11 5.50 LA 3 A 8507 11,502 15 A 11,440; 15.454 if Hourly A Annually - 10 - 0 CITY of7 F[.nRI()A BUDGET 1990-01 PROPOSED SALARIES - DMPAIMIEPJT HEADS City Plan qer $23,000 Finance Director 10,794 Public Works Director 19,nOq �? " Utilities Director 17,916 Police Chief 17,500 Code Enforcement officer 16,000 13 0 CITY OF CLERMONT GENERAL FUND REVENUE h EXPENDITURES Q - D-3,1 i U alb: d 1.980-81 Actual Budget REVENUES 1978-79 1979-80 TAPES: —`)o 311 Ad Valorem: S 206592 S 21240C 313 Franchise Fees 123878 1324CO 314 Utility Service Taxes 78309 72200 Total Taxes -S 408779 S :'i7000 LICENSES & PER11ITS: 321 Professional or Occupational $ 17030 £ 11500 322 building Permits 13254 1359C 324 Other Licenses L Permits 367 53C Total Licenses & Permits t 30651 I;;TE^C:OVi_RN:dE';TAL R::VENCES: 334.39 Comprehensive Planninr Grant$ -0- S -0- 335.11 State Revenue Sharing 146912 1�.00cK 335.12 Gasoline Tax 54503 51732 335.14 Mobile Home Licenses 0,325 850(1 335.15 Alcoholic Beverage License 3526 3600 335.17 Additional Homestead Exemption 11268 10500 335.21 Fire Insurance Premium Tax -0- 2600 335.22 Casualty Insurance Premium Tax 13833 7800 338.00 County Road & Bridge Tax 17935 18000 338.10 County Occupational License 5459 5800 338.20 Contrib. from Natural Gas Dist. -0- 50000 S 261761 $ 298600 OTHER REVENUES: 343.91 Lot Mowing $ 1434 $ -0- 347.21 Activity Fees -0- -0- 347.29 Beach Fees -0- -0- 351.1 Fines & Forfeitures 7834 7100 361.1 Interest Earnings 40909 25000 362.0 Rentals ,34 9107 9000 x Estimated Proposed 1979-EO 1980-31 139000 137000' P.0000 i4fi9Z9 c -23000 $30597 $ 12 C0 S 18300 a it'00 140t"0 40 c?0 S ?3=}O $32400 S 4350 S -u- 13021£ 132"55 48730 »E680 E500 85-30 3450 3450 10808 -0- 3701. 3704 79'_8 7936 16500 14760 4810 53013 50000 25000 S 299005 $24947 S 1500 $ -0- 500 -500 3600 3600 . 9000 10000 43000 25000 8000 90fl0 Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 1978-79 1979-80 1979-EO i9ao-81 OTHER REVENUES (continued): 364.1 Cemetery Lot Sales 4987 5500 6000 364.11 Memorial Sales 405 1500 3000 6000 -0- 364.41 Surplus Equipment Sales 2274 1000 1115 366.9 Contributions E Reimbursements -A- 16000 1000 1000 369.4 Admin. Services Assessment 45510 53859 53859 -0- 53859, 369.9 Miscellaneous 45.73 1500 800 3 000 382.0 Contributions from Sanitation 20000 19980� 2 10000 _otal Other Revenues S 137033 S 140439 S 143374 0_ $ 1115 SUBTOTAL ALL REVENUES 638224 881539 878782 fi997 LESS: Subsidy to Utility Fund 76078 54049 50000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND S 76�:9• 46 _ 822490 $ 828782 S 899 EXPENDITURES Administration $ 159722 S 185914 S $ 86095 Police 224054 22 4009 226964 226464 251263 253:63. Fire Public Works 9262 313317 20008 414787 15939 16430 Special Activities 26464 47041 372278 402792 Contingencies -0- 8850 48243 56975 'total S 732819 _ $ 9056Q9 -0- $ 841Q1b 16000 $ 931' BALANCES _- Opening Cash Balance $ 374169 $ 402580 $ 403496 $ 349909 ADD: Revenues 762146 876490 828782 899815 LESS: Expenditures 732819 905609 841016 931555 Adjustments +58647 CLOSING CASH BALANCE $ 403496 $ 373461 $ 449909 $ 42816= - 12 - 1";i �IiUII�L'3' Ws�HKNII):F:T ,r C�OUE CLAN1;1VICATION � ACtbnl Iludget Rntlmate I'ropi►n�ld ,<<r�� LEGISLATIVE (CITY C0UNC11,i 11.12 - Solariea and ISORellta 4,400 4,000 4,000 4,800 11.13� Proionnlonal 4ervlcen 3,885 3,000 3,000 3,000 11.40 Travel[land Per Diem 1,232 1,30O 1,300 1,300 II.49A AdvertInInK 1,329 1,200 1,100 1,200 II.49C Other Current Charges 991 1,100 600 1,200 11.64 Capital outlay -Equipment 1,548 0-. -0- -0- Tro11 tal Legislative 13,385 11,5U0 10,800 11,500 ..r.+nUUWr.{:?wwKnanti�c a �` � �'�„1=,1�# #,t,,, �x's ,a�,..,t°a,; t{;,,:,r, „E,1'ar��la►+�Pi�.t;� Budget 1;attmatu ;sataa��; Peopased COr,;s<<CLASSTULCATI;ON..r+'1 DE t i0,VlActunl 1978-79' 197.9-80 1979-00 1980-81 FUCUTIVE. (CITY MANAGER AND SECRETARY) 12.1/2 salaries and Benefits 26,075 33,509 31,718 37,162 12.40 Travel and Per Diem 1.072{ 825 825 825 12.45 Insurance, i.labllity G Cas. 640 742 857 857 12.46b Repair 6Y11oint.-Vehicles 193 200 100 200 12.49C Other Currant Charges 46 350 350 350 12.521) Can 6 011 335 375 675 810 12.52C Tires and Batteries -0- -0- -0 300 12.64 Capital outlay -Equipment 4L853 -0- -0- -0- Total Executive 33,214 36.001 34,525 40,504 13 L` J r fHUIJUFT�`Wc1RKii111'.►RT IGi11iP:�Fak't C1,AS fitnCATIOf: r ft;�r �. r..�,►"lAct,$a1 01,dr's"PI��:nE��n'A'tJ1;Eprono�med 't9111-79 1979 80 ',1979-110 FINANCE AND;-ADMINTSTRATION (CT1'Y',ar.m., rtw.lnu-) SJ-1v L1,,12 Salariaa and 401cflta I 5/i,24G bn� l6f!r 155;0(�U'`"' ` 6`fi;71�$' 13,24 Nnrkerei Comp. -Insurance li, 220' 1r,Ft'28�,,,,�3]`3' 1,3.32 Au,llt..Expensc �' 9,'Ht1A ' Ii;000i,1"35` 1.3,40 Travel rjand i,ee'jDicm " ' 747 500 11.41 Comolur,icatIons 1,7118 3,200 2,900 3,200 13,43A Electric and can Service 11558 1.800 1,500 1,800 13,430 Tracer and Sever Service 140 400 200 300 13.45 Insurance. Liability 6 Cas. 2,524 2,880 2,402 2,402 13.46A Repair b Matnt.-Lquipnent 1,641 1.300 1,300 4,000 13.46C Repair b ?hint,-fiuildinrs 788 600 600 600 13.49C other Current Charges 190 500 500 500 ® 13.51 Office Supplies 4,656 3,300 4,200 5,000 13.511-' !looks, Subscriptions, Dues 467 525 400 525 13.64 Capital nutlny-Equipment _1,567 22,400 22,400 -0- Total Piaance and Admtntstration 74,932 1nl.846 97,534 91,693 - 15 - 11 $ jPVIMT,WIMNI r.A1 �"A �FAj 10 � t �, � I �A, C [,,A;pj F I V AT I url" 1978-79 1979-00 1980-81 . f i !,(6jliLAI .I. LrCAG COUNSF • 0 14.31 loroficantonal Sary-licuc 0'-Zjfiti} r,-6115001 6, 500 14.40, Travo,l.,and Pari DAQm 151 150 �,J,50 lid 14.49C other,Current �o si 14.54 Booko, Subsciriptlonm.c Duan 250 ,40o, '4do� Total Lagal Cquilsol 6.694 6,900 7,050 7i,53W 7 -7 AMk - 16 - qw '' litllid�'t``tlG�k�flpr+'t' c DZ �.ASSt9'XCAh'ION fi'} i ,;f )A`ctual puJg�,tblrt:(pnCim�Cd".tDrapa�it!?� �1980-01 10 `1 t -' 79 1979-80 1979-80 oTitER MAWRA1. COV1;1W11,ll'l' 15.31 -,Prof 5ar`vlcon • 8;644 "113`i000 "40001 < 5;G00 15.45` Inauranc•a 2,641,,,,.,:3 i 019 '1,'2t,'578:<,; ,.; 2 576 15.49C Other Currant Ch'nxRen 2,378 �2;-100',1 2,1501�� 3 OAG' 15.62 Capital .Outlay-11u'11dtnF:e p .100 „F �O-'' Total 'other Cenaral Cov'ernment 13,761 ``10;119 i"9`,328 1U;578 17 - Ir 11ju 111; n'hp)WUK, � ffirt �T COU11f, I 1-I CLAOS I FI CATION A;; qfi I Bud F (It = ;!(I FPP TO M" A TbPo"'),46-, 'i 191 ar 79 1979-00 1979-66 4,-84 480 PROTECTIVE INSPECTION (COIXI- FNFOR;,F�HFNT.),,;,f 16.12 SalarLox,)And Benv(ltm I S,039 16 5:3 2, 16.24 Workero,q.Dmp.,.�Innurnncei,,,,, 522 709 709j n 767,. 16.40 Tr4VQI�:and PevDium 87 150, 300 .... 300, 16.45 Insurance, Liability & Can. 760 882, 16.46E ReP41r,&I Majnt,.!-Vctifclep,, 161 20P, Pq ;AOO"j 16.51 Office Supplies 605 150 200 600 16.528 Cat# and Oil 467 650 800 1,000 16.52C Tires and Batteries 51 200 100 300 16.54 Looks, Subscript Ions, Dues 40 75 75 150 Total Protective inspection 17.734 19,548 18,355 24,270 - - 18 :$ POLli18 IMPARTMENT Aft C0g8 C1.h,S1i1N1CAf10N Actual Budget, Estimuo, Proponod 111,,78-79 1979-60,1"j'91� ho d, 1'180r,81 20.12 F Sa lnr Lee and 110 tluf itN 172, 781 18,5,142,.if 1.80.0010,, ,; 203.,136 20.24 Workers Comp. Insoranct, 3,092 4,225 !,4.353,,. 4,:575 20,4U Travel and Per M em hl lU0 lqO 1.50 20.41 Tolcphona 1,820 1,900;,;,1,900 2.400 20.43A Electric b Gas Service 3.533 3,700 3,700 4,255 i 20.430 Water:i Sewer S,arvice _ 393 550.,, 55.0... 75,0 20.45 insurnnce, Linbility, Can. 5,271.: 6,317 5,782 S,,1f32 20.46A Repair 6 Mnint.-.Fquipmenx. 1.617 .1,400 1,,,400 1,400 20.468 repair 6 Maint.-Vehlclea& 940 1,300 1,300 1,500 20.46C Repair L liaint. -Hui Id Ingo 976 1,500 1,.S0U 1,65Q 20.49 Investigative Expcnsu -0- -0- 550 1,200 20.49C Other Current Charges 218 37.5,1 375 3.75 20.51, Office Supplies 2,006 2,25a.;-:;,2..250, 2,475 20:52A Uniforms 1,717,, ,2,100;.,"',1()0 2,310 _._.._ 20. S..'. B ran and 0! 1 - 8,347 9,200-,_J-,4 260 17_48-0 20.52C Tires and Batteries 643 800 ;:,:- ti00 ,. .925 20.54 Books, Subscriptions, Dues -0- 100 ,, LOp Lq0 20.62 Capital outlay -Buildings 6.133 -0- -0- 20.36 Capitnl Outlay-Improv. Other than IWIldings 128 20.64_ Capital ourlay-Gquinment 14,378 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT 2.4,054 - 19 - -a- -0- -a- H,050 _ 7 L000 --___U - 229,110q 226,964 251,26.3 111100FT VORK.5til VT Mir DKPARTMFUT u Actua1 BudRvC Zotl'mdt'e Prnp6n6ed CODE` CLASS'tPIC'ATION 2Si78-79 1979-80 1979-80 1980-81 30.12� Salaries 6 bin'ifft`s 4.306 89,100 5,000 8,1304 30.40 Travel and Per'Ulem -U- 150. 150:r;. i50 30.41 Tulephone 363 400 '' - 375:.; 46'q 30.44A Rentals. Hydrant' -U- 3,1100 J,65,0 ., 30,800 30.45 Insurance, Llabl lily 6 Cas. 2,201 2,508 ` 2,,`32a 2 328 i3YG 30.46A Repair 6 Main`t.-Equipment 329 425 `325 + If4o 30.46C Repair & "faint:-Vehielex 148 '400 ' 300 460 3U.49C Other Current'' Charges 92 470 300 470 30.52A Uniforms 08 SUU 560 "` 500 30.528 Gus and Oil 102 175 185 'g3 30.52C Tires and Batteries 312 125 125" 1415 30.52p Minor Equipment-' -U- 500 500; -500 30.52G Other Uperati"nF SupplLei 23 300 -300: 300 30.54' Books, 5ubscrlptions, Dues 177 180 1100 180 30.64 Capital Outlay=Equipment` 1,051 — 1.975 1,801, _ -0_ �� ga 0 TOTAL. FIRE. DEPARTMENT' 9,262 20,008 15,939 &,430 rulfL�'�s:wnKr.;��•i�or�n`��r•r,l:n r COUI" CLASSII'ICAT ION Actual Bud goIt I'll tImato Propoov#I 1'918-71) 1979-SVI1xI'h7t9-,n0;.,ss 198V81) O'Plllill 01:14I0HA1, DOVE PICA'I 41.12 Salaries b Benefits 33,927 36,983 3'6';=98:3':) 50',660 41.24 'Workers Cum Inn, 1,12ti 1,522 1,568 1.048 41.31 i'rorerininn+il v ,!.^(Ilnp,ln.) " "' 56 '74`000 F'! 500 (+'. 24000 41.40 Travcl .b ,Pvr 1)1 em 308 350 360 4 20 41 :41 , 1'u lepl riric , f I ( 175 . "850 t150 x '' 1 475 41.43A I:lpctri,c.e b Gns ))nrvtce 786 950 7.511 950 ' 41.'438 K:atcr`6'Ses+ur S'nrvir.0 4N9 .2"50' T' 150 1-50A 41.46A Repni r, b Mnint-liqull+meat 1 31 L00 500 200 41;4611, RepaVr­6`MnInt.=BI IIt InRri'` I 1,888 '2.�0o0 00 11200 51;51 0ff1Ce Supplies 475 450 450 520 41:52ls Can L`U11 505 -849 t•.; F ,:;-550. , 849 41.52n Mlnor_Equipment 1,640 1,150 500 500 41:53 Supplle's 417 .75'`ir 1,235 ,19'420 41.54 Ilookn. Subscriptlnns, lluen 37 ISO 50 150 41':64 Capital Outlay-Lq'uipmcnt "' 2,628 ' "365 '' 355 : -0= 41.52A Uniforms -0- -0- 270 310 Total Other General. Government G5.189" `48,244 46,471'; 62;802 SAIIITATIOU SUPPORT:- 42.12 Salaries b Benefits ,9,934 11,0281 11.028 12,765 Total Sanitation Support 9,934 11,028 11,028 12,785 43.12 anlarie.;'b Isenciita 60,237 80,348 75;000 91,295 43.24 Uorkern Comp Insurance 3,473 4,724 4,876 5,115 1i3.43A Llcctrlc G Cas 'Survlce 45.389 47 000.lr.": 47,;:000'11`: 34,635 43.44A Rentals -Equipment 570 500 500 500 4.3.45_"Insurance.,Liah1'llty.6._Cn : 8,806._ 10,079-- :.H;'59Z:; '. 8 592 43.46A Rcpal r, b .1lnlnt-1!qutpment ._ 3.703 5 2 -, QUO 1, 800 " _._ 2,500 43.46R Repair IS Mnint,=Vefilcics: 1,073 : 1 650'-� '," t,200-;::'.: L;650 4;. 46O Repair 6 Malnt.-Street Signs 2,018 2,000 2,C'00 2,000 434.52A UnI forms 1'671 7150 ` :.. :700:,•.'. Is700 43.528 Gas 1,Oi1 3,464 3.975 5,856 8,960 43.52C Tires"b Bn[tcr[es 955 '850` ,. i400;1,,' ,:5850 43.521) 1!inor.rquipment 1117 500 565 500 14j 52S Sidewalk Repair 704 1 000; b;"000 ::: =-1 000 43.53 Road tlaterial: 5,509 7,000 \5,000 7,000 4r3.63 'Capit"nl Outlay=Streets b" 33,975 68,600; .li4-,'G00 30,600 ."Sidewalks Total Tran:;liortat'Inn :170,734 231,1416 1=99;089`, ;195.;897 ANIMAL CONTROL 45.12 Salaries 6 Benefits 4,922 5.441 5,441 6,164 45.24 Workers Comp. Insurance 201 262 270 284 45.45 Insurance. Liability 6 Cas. 160 186 156 156 45.468 Repair b Maint.-Vehicles 176 125 180 200 45.49C Other Current Charges -0- -0- 50 50 45.528 Gas b Oil 303 485 485 742 45.52A Minor 1:quipment -0- 125 125 115 45.53 Dog Food 118 1.75 1.00 175 45.64 Capital Out)ay-Equipment - 0 - 700 584 -0- 45,52A Uniforms _-4=- - -0- __ 90 --105 Total Animal Control 5,880 7,499 7,481 8,001 - 21 - . il0 J)AP.401i4i (X.q!!h7►/}F ro.i}z I a ' PUBLIC WORE;; 1)PPARTIMOT ,,, I'! )CUU�r±: '• I;.m 4 t. a ) I 'I I ±I,iI %; If, CLA501P1UATIOH,) �;)It ,Ac&unl ,, Kudget I }'t"!. ) I'I 1 i.,'1,1:) ' 'd� wl Pstlmnte Prop�onad I 1978-79 1979-80 1979-80 1900 81 PAM,$ b RP:CRBAT.I ON 46.12 Salarlun b nenatlt.n 49,434 ;; 55.560 50,10,00A1' 71,0 46.24 Workern Camp. lox. 1,586 2,152 21,'2117� a. 2,3 t) 46,43A Cl.uctrlc i Can-Hervice 11,444 11,110 r r t H,S.00k , 1 12,000 46.431 Water'i Sewer Service 2,712 ,, 3,500 3rlOQo 46.45 Insurance$ Liability i Cas. 4,722 5r388' 4,GOfI 4FGI�i3 46.46A Itepair.6 Hnint:-Equipment, 1,899 2.000 2,Q00 „I,. 2,000 46.460 repair i Haint.-Vehicles,, 241 600 . 900 r 46.46C Repair Haint.-Uuildinrs. 1 .90 8 6.0.00 10,.4,00 6,OpU 46.461' Rcpnlr i Plaint. -Parks -frees 3,407 6.00n 6,0,00 - ; 6,000 46.49X Clean Community Program 451 2.000 1,0do 46.52A Uniforms 370 500 510 540 46.52U Gas 'and'oll 1,413 1,640 2,334 46.52C Tires and Batteries 187 200 2G0 230' 4G.52U _ . Ltinor. Equipraentr,r, 2G7, 500 500 SQO 46.63 Capital 0utla l.nndsca ing 113 6.800. 5,000 1,000 46.63A Capital outlay-Rec. Facilities -0- 12.590 10;'940 t3.$u�. „I K�1p0 46.64 Capital Outlay -Equipment 1.120 -0-; -0= 07 46.49C Other Current Charges 306 -0- '100 100 Total Parks b Recreation,.- 81.580. 116,540 108,;209 12�3jo7" q)o Ztz 4t1,792 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS313,317 414, 787 37,2,278 ,; x�pu..ua. nuuur+r SPECIAL ACTIViTTCS 001-6 Actual 8udgut Ent imnted 11rnponud 1976-79 1979-80 1979-60 -)98U-81 61-537 Upper Palntiaknhn Rivor Boei.n St_ 61.59 Contributions; b Subsidies -0- 8,000 8,000 6,00u 62-571 Library U2.59 Contributions 6 Subsidies 15,460 22,612 22,612 29,216 62.45 Insurance 800 929 781 929 62.71 Debt Service -0- _ -0- 5r83q 1b,26O 23,541 23,393 l5,975 63-599 Chamber of Commerce 63.59 Contributions d Subsidies 5,000 5,000 5,000 7,000 64-572 Recreation b Youth Program 64.30 General Expense -0- 10,000 10,000 4,000 Christmas ®65-574 Decorations 65.30 General Expense -0- 500 500 500 GO- Other Economic Environment ..86,54 Subscriptions 6 Dues ___0_ ____.._q-_ 1,_350__ 1.,500 _- TOTAL SPECIAL ACTIVITIES $21,260 $47,041 $48,243 $56,975 - 23 - SANITATION FUND 11 11 CITY Sok I LRR CM0NV'fPL0XV0Af,�;JMITATION —OF 1900-OL BUDGET REVENUES AND MWIDITURE.3 "A IA" I ii QZ', s" 1 Actisal'�'Vt R u (I ge t Stj t IP111 t a d 11 rop on (s d 1978-79 1,979-80 1979-80 19ho - 111 Service Feets 140,072 156,000 11 WIP 00 i ;'A 6/4 , 000":1 1, 1! 8 f yxpandituroa 14 Qr9 7 4 it 16 '6 6.7,,,. ;:I,.'T iticomr (L04s) 2 ILq is A LAN CBS beginning Cash Balance 651 1,683 4 931 3,977 "at I. Income 24,280 19 9 M:;::! 19026; 2 3 33 Contributioni to Gone ral Fund 20,000 19,980 19,980 -0- Lading Cash Balance J_4L931 IL683 q 3.977 6,310 - 24 - BUDOCT F'WORK6111.1;T i9ANITATEON,,D2P4RTMi:NT (I'll COUIi CLASSIFICATION Actual Budget lintimate Proponud 1978-79 1979.60 1979-80 1960-81 SANITATII)N- rxPBNUITURPS 49.12 SalArles`b Beneftto 61,586 71,073 70.,071.' 80,583 49.24 Workers Comp. Insurance- 5,622,; 7,637 7,,868 8,2 49.42 Postage 8 Freight 730 750 763 1,00o 49.45 Insurance, Liability 6 Caa. 5,762 6,595 5,585 5"56r5 49.46A Repair' L`MaLnt.- Equipment 300. - 300 423 48L6 49.46E Repair 6 Maint.-Vehicles 2,907 4,400 0.428 6,400. 49.498 Landfill Charges 9,269 91000 7,600 91000 49.49C Other Current Charges 1,111 140 140 150 49.52A Uniforms 761 850 930 1,070 49.520 Gas 6 oil 7,055 10,070 14,849 22,719 49.52C Tires and Batteries 946 1,200 2,000 2.350 49.521) Minor Equipment 177 150 160 200 _ _ 49_ __.__. .58 Administrntiv� Services 18.9J5 22,355 22,355 - - 22, 355 ' 49.64 Capital Outlay -Equipment !__.0 , -0 _ -0- -0- Subtotal Sanitation 115.163 134,520 139,174 160,167 Contingencies 623 _ 1,500 750 1,500 TOTAL SANITATION 115,786 136,020 139,924 161,667 -25- E UTILITIES FUND E E UTILITIES FUND RI'VUM 6 rXPL'NDITllR(Ii ' Actual Nudget Motimnted_ Proposed ►` 1978-'79 It) Z980 F;`;it "1'')fT'9" H0�•'., �1'9`80-81 !! NATrR ..,,- Ituvaeuasi� 343.310Plater Solon " '1`95,666 195,1,000� �gw,199-424 - ��%200,000 343,351 Tapping,Faau 17,018 12,000 10,000 10,000 343.352" Hydrant Rcntnl " 3,72u,r 3,.520 13;510: '; 3,520 343.353 Miacellnneoun LA 11500 1, 00 if50q -. TOTAL,,%iATER REVENUES 218,917 212,020, 214,447 215,020 i i t , ; :, � ;:. ,tit, .. . t , +.• LESS Expenditures 142,199 142,278 1351599 198,979 NET INCOME (LOSS) 76,718 69,742 78,848 16,041 SEWER": Revenues: 343.510 Sewer Serbice Feen'- 176,315 218,000• 220,000!-"` 6-,,400,623 343.551 Connection Fees 3,344 3,000 3,500 3,500 343.552 Interest "10`1440 _13,000 ' - 1�3,Otl0: 400 ® �fu'CAL' SEWER REVENUES 190,099 234000 236 500` ' r%404,523 LESS c` Expenditures' 345,840 'f" 362';'791 '.-:."369;835 ,: :404,523 NET INCOME (LOSS) (155,741) "-(,128j791)1 ',133,335).' :( _0- TOT 1AI UTILITIES NET INCOME (LOSS) ( 19.1. 023) ( 59;049) ( 54 . 487 )" '.16,041 Contin►;encies (16,041) TOTAL NET INCOME. (LOSS) -0- L' ALANCES Reginning Cash Balance 63,698 40,656 60,753 56,266 NeL Income (Loss) (79,023) ('59',049) (54;487)'; =0- Subsidy from General Fund 76,078 59,049 50,000 -0- CLOSING CASH BALANCE $ 753 S40,656 S56,266 S56,266 WATER uF.PA,RTPU NT CODE CLASSIFICATION..;. ,.Actual Budget F.atimsted Proposed Alk 1978-79 1979-80 1979-00 1980-01 70.12 4aIarIaa and Benefits 39,n63 40,767 36,914 30,207 70.24 Worker,a Comp. Insurance 702 945 974 1,025 70.31 ProfonaLonal Svice,,([.nb,Pnp,), ,7,991 2,500 5800. 5106U 70,31A Legal'Expense -0- 300 -0= �0- 70.32 Audit F.xpenna 1,040 1,160 1,490 1,%i90 70.40 Travel• and Per stem 175 200 615 300 70.41 Telephone 978 1,200 1,202 1,350 70.42 Postage and Freight 656 900 650 900 70.43A Electric 6 Caa Service 23,499 23,000 23,000 23,000 70.438 Water.& Sewer Service. 200 200, 230,, 300',. 70.44A Equipment Rental 1,561 - 161 200 70.45 Insurance, Liability 6 Cas. 2,721 3,112 2,849 2,849 . 70.46A Repair 6 Maint.-Equipment-.;,3,082 3,300 3,300 3000 70.468 Repair: L:Haint.-VchLcled 201 500 350 500 70.46C Repair G Maint.-Buildings 378 1,00(). 800 1,000 70.46M Repair L Maint.-Meters 3,504 4,900 4,900, 5,000 70.46T Repair S Maint.-Tanks 2,216 2,500 1,500 1,500 70.49X Uncollectable Account Exp. 225 30,0 41 70.52A Uniforns 91 200 150 200 70.52B Cas and Oil =1,514 1,875 2,600 4,00 70.52C Tires and Batteries 335 100 120 250 70.52D Minor Equipment 1,270 - 500 1,000 70.52E Chlorine 2,332 2,000 3,000 2,000 70.52C Other Operating Supplies 1,249 3,300 2,712 3,300 70.54 Hooka, Subscriptions, Dues 120 175 110 175 70.58 Administrative Services 12,948 13,7/,3 13,763 13,763 (Continued) Page 1 of 2 - 27 ACONTINUrO 0 111)GKTc;WVAK0 11 9FM% WATER DFPARTMrNT i 1 1 "Budget FfItim4ted Proposed p t 1,978-79 19;79-8'0,;,'ii 1,9 70.12 Capital Outlay -Buildings -0- 1,500 1,123 -0- 70.63 Capital Outlay -improvements 07', - Other than Buildings 13,164 .0- M64 Capital outlay -Equipment 13,027 22,130 21 0,,,, 0 0 0 25".338 7041 Debt Se'rvice 6,406 6.48 6,486 Subtotal Water Department 140,503 138,278 13 5 5,9.9; 190 , 9 7:9 Contingencies 1,696 4,000 TOTAL WATER DEPARTMENT, 142,199 1:4 2,2 78 3 5 ;5.9,9 1,98,979 Page 2 of 2 1t1.1 t.1 a`x�t;�) 8i:r♦t;R°!�f1flt'11RTl11P,NT!t� CODE CLASSIFICATION Actual Budget P.atimated Proposod 1978-79 1979-00 1979-80 1980-81 tf0,`12`'` Snla`Cie`a`'6'donet!'t '48',792 63.590 60.210 76,365 80.24 Worke!s Comp. Insurance 2,792 3,779 3,893' 4,t)J3 ...' 7i).i .. .,{rstbttn• ;7i. ,fa.ii,;;1 .:'i.4i. 80.31 Professional Svice (Lab,t:ng) 5.741 2,500Y 11,819 10,000 80. 31A Logal Expense 428 J500_+, -0- 80.132 Audit Expense I , 790: 11.450 rig 3;75 2,y3175 80.40 Travel -and Per; Wom. '._ -0- 200 , 152 AO0 80.41 Telophono ;:,; :;�:� 988 1,"350 8p.4'2 Popt tago b FreC1 bL : 579 900 ; 650, r•,:;_ 900 110.43A Electric b Cns':Service 42,822 44,000 rs0:,'00.0, -53 .0qQ 80.438 Dater b Sever Service 1,840 2,000 3,000 4,000 80.44A Equipment P.entnl 1,229 150 -0- 150 80.448 Rentals b Leases (Lend b 8uildinp) 1.591 2,250 2,250 2,250 80.45 Insurance, LiabilLty b Cas. 4,070 4.500 4,185 4,185 80.46A Repair b Lialnt.-Equipment 7.782 7,500 10,000 8,000 80.4611 Repair 6 Haint.-VehLclea 644 500 300 500 80.46C Repair b Haunt. -Buildings 744 1.500 500 1,500 80.49X Uncollectable Account Expense - 225 300 409 80.52A Uniforms - 300 300 300 80.52B Gas b Oil 1,409 1,750 2,589 4,919" 80.52C Tires and Bntterles 1111 1.75 500 500 80.520 Minor Equipment 3,455 - 12 1,000 80.52E Chlorine 1,856 2,850 2,850 2,850 80.52F Sevnpe Pretreatment Chem. 18,757 17,000 18,000 26,000 80.52C Other Operatint; Supplies 1,508 3,000 3,000 3,000 (Continued) -29- Pr' 1 of 2 IIVI)(*,KT WORKS11K1:T RI,NGR DEPARTMENT CODE CLASSIFICATION Actual Uudget rstimsted Proposed 1978-75 1979r80 1979-00 11)80-81 80.5211 Laboratory Supplies 3,783 2,300 1,261 2,300 80.54 Books, Subacriptions, Dues 40 175 10 175 80.58 Administrative :cervices 13,625 17,741 17,741 17,741 80.62 Capital Outlay-Uuildinµn -0- 1,500 1,123 -0- E0.63 Capital Outlay -Other Than Buildings 5,083 -0- -0- -0- 80.64 Capital Outlay -Equipment 13,084 14,009 11,139 8,000 LD.64A Capital Outlay -Utility Relocation 500 -0•• -0- -0- 80.70 Debt Service 1Gn 689 160 689 160,689 170,470 Subtotal Sever Department 345,702 358,791 369,835 400,523 Contingencies 138 4,000 -0- 4,000 TOTAL SEWER DEPARTMENT 345,840 362,791 369,835 404,523 11 - 30 - Page 2 of 2