2001-37-B t. . . HARTMAN & ASSOCJIATES, ¡NCo .. .PRINCIPAI$: Gerdld C.lianm:m. ~E., DEE Harold E.Schmid!,Jr..I~E..DEE James E. Chris"'!,her. J~E. Charles W Dmke. I~G. Mark A. R)'nnin!:.I~E.. MilA Mark I.I.uke.I~S.M. William D. Musser,I~E. engineers, hydrogeologists, surveyors & management consultants ASSOCIATES: HAI#00-007.04 Dou!:las I~ Do[".-sne. ~G. Jon D. Fox. H. James E. (;olden, ~G. Tro\' E.I.:..."'n. J~E. Andrew 1: ""ood~'()ck. J~E. Gmm C. M:olcl"m'. MilA Juhn l~l\..mlT. ~E. WThomas R()herls.III,I~E. Mich:oclll.llomar, ~E. MarkA.(òahricl.H. G"'l' Ie S, Flinl. ~I.~A. Jenni[er I.. \V()()d:oIl.I~E. 1..1hdd Shaw. ~E. SENIOR ASSOCIA11:S: C. 7.achan' Foller.I~E, M:oreo H, 'Rueea, eM.!:. Roderick K, C:osl1l:,I~E. l.awrence E.Jenkins. ~S.M. October 11,2001 Ms. Tamara Richardson, P .E. City Engineer City of Clermont 1 Westgate Plaza Clermont, Florida 34712 Subject: Convenion to Sodium Hypochlorite Feed Systems Six (6) Existing City Facilities Dear Ms. Richardson: . Hartman & Associates, Inc. (HAl) is pleased to submit two (2) signed copies of the revised proposal to convert six (6) existing treatment plants to liquid sodium hypochlorite feed systems from the current chlorine feed systems. The proposal has been revised to add the Hancock Road WTP to the project scope. The addition of this WTP increased the number of facilities from five (5) to six (6). The estimated capital costs for the project has been adjusted to add the cost for the Hancock Road WTP conversion and to escalate the previous estimates for increases in construction costs since the previous estimate was prepared approximately one (1) year ago. HAl's engineering fee has been modified to reflect the additional effort required to include the Hancock Road WTP and to utilize HAl's current rate schedule, which was modified in July 2001. HAl appreciates the opportunity to provide this proposal for the conversion of the disinfection feed systems. We are available at your earliest convenience to meet with Mr. Saunders and yourself to discuss the changes that were made in the revised proposal. If you have any questions, please contact me at 1-800-881-3955, extension 122. Very truly yours, . Attachments CWD/smalOO-OO7.04/corresp/ RichardsonS.czf.doc 201 EAST PINE STREET' SUITE 1000 . ORLANDO, FL 32801 TELEPHONE (407) 839.3955 . FAX (407) 839-3790' www.consulrhaLcom ORLANDO FORT MYERS PLANTATION JACKSONVILLE DESTIN c7 I (' l) . ß-VtJ"-é- , . . . . . ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR LIQUID SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FEED SYSTEMS FOR THE SEMINOLE, FOURTH STREET, GRAND HIGHWAY, HANCOCK ROAD AND GREATER IDLL WATER TREATMENT PLANTS AND THE WEST W ASTEW A TER TREATMENT PLANT PROPOSED SCOPE OF SERVICES October 11, 2001 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The City of Clermont owns and operates five (6) separate water treatment plants (WTPs) and two (2) wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The Seminole, Fourth Street, Hancock Road and Grand Highway WTPs each include a single "high service well" that pumps directly to the distribution system while the Greater Hill has two (2) high service wells. All of the WTPs include gas chlorination facilities. In view of the recent EP A regulations related to the storage and handling of chlorine gas (Le. 40CFR68, Risk Management - Accidental Release Prevention), the City has elected to provide facilities at each WTP for liquid chlorination using commercial grade sodium hypochlorite, with the facilities designed such that retrofit for on-site generation of sodium hypochlorite is feasible in the future. The initial phase of this program involves installing hypochlorite facilities at the Seminole, Fourth Street, Grand Highway, Hancock Road and Greater Hill WTPs In addition to the WTPs, the City owns and operates two (2) WWTPs known as the "East WWTP" and "West WWTP," respectively. The East WWTP is being upgraded and expanded and hypochlorite facilities are included in the upgrade and expansion program. The West WWTP is not part of any planned near term capital improvement program; therefore, hypochlorite facilities are to be installed at this facility concurrently with the systems for the five (5) WTPs. In summary, this project involves the installation of sodium hypochlorite feed systems at the Seminole, Fourth Street, Grand Highway, Hancock Road and Greater Hill WTPs and at the West WWTP. It is proposed that each system will involve hypochlorite storage and feeding systems, secondary containment facilities and related piping, valves and electrical components. Also, each of these systems will include a building to house the feed systems and tankage, with space allocated for future on-site generation units, if desired by the City. To provide the most ideal and conservative design approach, HAl will base the preliminary construction cost on including a building to house the chemical feed equipment, bulk storage tank, and electrical equipment. The building and chemical feed equipment will follow the same design considerations that were used for the recently completed liquid sodium hypochlorite feed system for well site No.4 From an engineering standpoint, the focus of this authorization is to provide preliminary design, final design, permitting, bidding and construction phase services for the facilities described above. Services to be pro~ided by HAl are outlined below. L TS/skalsmalcorresp/Scope of ServicesS.doc HAI#00-007.04 - 1 - 101100 ., . . . . . TASK 1: PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING Initially, HAl will gather and review operating records, raw water quality data, chlorine feed rate data, planning documents, flow projections, and as-built drawings and visit each WTP and WWTP addressed in the project. Subsequently, HAl will evaluate the gathered information, estimate hypochlorite dosages and feed rates for existing and projected flows, and size chemical feed equipment and hypochlorite storage facilities for each plant. Further, HAl will develop preliminary site plans, floor plans and cost estimates for each facility. HAl will present the basis of design, site plans, floor plans and estimated costs in a "Technical Memorandum" that will be submitted to the City for review and comment. HAl will attend one (1) meeting with the City to discuss the memorandum and obtain a consensus regarding the size and configuration of the systems prior to beginning final design. TASK 2: FINAL DESIGN Upon acceptance of the Design Memorandum by the City, HAl will initiate the final design of the Project of the six (6) hypochlorite systems. The proposal is based upon the preparation of one set of design documents for the six (6) facilities. The proposal is based upon one (1) construction contract for the work described in this proposal. The final design phase will result in preparation of the bid documents, engineering drawings, and specifications, which will be submitted to the City for review at 60%, 90% and 100% completion levels. Four (4) sets of drawings and specifications will be provided to the City for each review. Also, a final cost estimate will accompany the final design documents. To ensure proper design of the facilities, HAl will obtain approval fÌ'om the City for any substantial changes in the preliminary design prior to incorporation in the final design. TASK 3: PERMITTING HAl will prepare and submit permit applications and supporting documentation to FDEP on behalf of the City to secure permits for construction of the hypochlorite storage and feed facilities. Any permit application fees are to be provided by the City. HAl will also make a submittal of the final construction drawings to the City's Building Department and attend one (1) meeting with the Building Department and the City's Engineer to review any comments made by the Building Department. The submittal by HAl will be for review purposes only. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for all building permit fees and obtaining the building permit for the project. TASK 4: BIDDING Upon authorization to proceed with the bidding and award phase of the project, HAl will complete the following tasks. A. Coordinate advertisement of the Project and issue Bidding Documents to prospective bidders. B. Attend and conduct a pre-bid conference and prepare minutes of the pre-bid conference. C. Respond to any questions fÌ'om bidders and prepare and issue addenda as required to interpret, clarify or expand the Bidding Documents. L TS/ska/sma/corresp/Scope of ServicesS.doc HAI#00-007.O4 -2- 101100 . ;. . A. B. C. D. . E. A. B. . D. . . D. E. Attend the bid opening for the Project. Review and evaluate the apparent low bidder's qualifications for undertaking the work and make recommendations regarding award of the construction contract. TASK 5: CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION During the Construction Phase, HAl will provide general administration of the construction contract. For this phase and the other phases of the project, the services are based upon all six (6) facilities being constructed under one (1) contract. During this phase, HAl shall consult with and advise the City and act as the City's representative. All instructions to the Contractor will be issued through the City, with the consultation and advice of HAl, provided on an as-needed basis. During the construction phase, HAl will: Periodically observe construction of the Project at bimonthly intervals during periods of significant construction activity. Provide interpretation or clarification of the design documents when requested. Review shop drawings and other submittals up to two (2) times per submittal for general conformance with the Contract Documents. Review test reports for soils, concrete and other materials relative to conformance to requirements defined in the Contract Documents. Review the Contractor's applications for payment and the accompanying data and schedules, determine the amounts owed to the Contractor, and advise the City of the recommended payments to the Contractor. F. Conduct substantial and final completion inspections. G. Prepare record drawings, incorporating changes made during construction based on record information furnished by the Contractor and provide one (1) set of reproducible drawings and two (2) sets of prints to the City. SERVICES NOT INCLUDED Permit Application Fees - Checks for the permit application fees will be issued by the City. Other Permits - This proposal does not include permitting serviées for any permits not previously listed. The Contract Documents will require the Contractor to obtain permits normally obtained by the Contractor. C. All construction related layout and record drawing survey work and geotechnical services during construction, including materials testing and other services are to be provided by the Contractor. Costs for advertising the Project are to be paid by the City. L TS/ska/sma/corresp/Scope of ServicesS.doc HAI#00-007.O4 -3- 101100 . . . . . COMPENSATION SUMMARY The total compensation for the Scope of Services described above is $55,560.00. The attached "Summary of Tasks and Fees" (Attachment A) presents a detailed breakdown of the estimated compensation for this Scope of Services. PRELIMINARY OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Our preliminary opinion of construction cost is $700,150 and is shown on Attachment B. Attachment C presents a comparison of our proposed fee versus the ASCE fee curve. L TS/skalsmalcorresp/Scope of Services5 .doc HAI#00-007.O4 -4- 101100 . . . . . EXHmIT "A" TASK AUTHORIZATION FORM In accordance with the Continuing Services Agreement between the City of Clermont, Florida, hereinafter referred to as "City", located at 1 Westgate Plaza, Clermont, Florida 34712- 0219, and Hartman and Associates, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "Consultant", located at 201 East Pine Street, Suite 1000, Orlando, Florida 32801, the City hereby authorizes Consultant to proceed with the services as set forth in the attached proposal, and the following: Project Number: 00-007.04 Engineering Firm: Hartman & Associates. Inc. Scope of Work: (reference separate document) Engineering Services for Design. Preparation of Construction Documents. and Permitting Services for Sodium Hypochlorite Feed Systems Estimated Man-Hours: Refer to the attached "Summarv of Tasks and Fees" Not To Exceed Cost: $66.860.00 Probable Opinion of Construction Cost: $700.150 Consultant's Project Manager: C. Zacharv Fuller. P.E. City's Designated Project Leader: Wayne Saunders. City Manager CONSULTANT lo/'t /0 I I3ate Accepted By: CITY Reviewed BY~ ~~ Accepted By: '--.,.~.. ~--D") ~ Date ~-I-Òc.-- Date CZF I ska! sma! corresp/taskauthor4. doc HAl #00-007.04 101100 . . . ATTACHMENT A October 11,2001 SUMMARY OF TASKS AND FEES SODIUM HYPOCBLOIUTE FEED SYSTEMS CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA Project Project Eaalaeeri"l Eqiaeerial SeaIor Word Priad"" Ma- Eald-- Teclllllciaa IV T"'aldu D Proauor Tol8Is SlID _Iou SilO -hoar SID _hoar S65 -hoar S5.5 ~ hoar S50-boar - Prolect Pbate I Deocrialloa IIoun Cost IIoun Cost IIoun Cost IIoun Cost IIoun Cost IIoun Cost IIoun Cost A. P""imia.~ Desi- I. FieldVlSit 10 $800 10 $800 2. Review Existin.. Documents I 5110 4 5320 5 5430 3. Size Pmnno..t Facilities 2 S22O 10 5BOO 12 51020 4. n..v.Inn PrelimilUU'V Site Pions" Floor Pions 2 S22O 10 $800 5 5325 36 51980 53 53 325 5. -...... Coat Estimatel I 5110 5 S4OO 6 SSIO 6. -...... Desi... ManonIIIdum I SIlO 3 5330 4 5320 2 5100 10 5930 7. MectWitb CitY 2 5360 3 5330 2 5160 7 $150 S.b-Tol8ls: 3 SS4O 12 51,310 45 S3.'OO 5 5325 36 51,- 2 5100 103 57,865 B. Fiaal -- I. _... GenenJ Sheets (] sheets\ 2 S22O 3 S24O 4 5260 9 5720 2. _... Civil Sheets (4 sheets\ 4 S44O 10 5BOO 4 5260 14 5770 32 12270 3. -...Mec:haaica1Shects(6shects\ 6 S66O 20 51600 5 5325 48 n640 79 SS 225 4. CoonIiaate SubconsuItaals I 5110 6 5410 7 SS90 5. -... SøecülC8ÛCllll 4 S44O 12 S96O 8 $400 24 51800 6. Attead Desillll Review MectißIII 2 5360 6 S66O 6 S48O 14 51500 7. PrmueFiaalCostE8timate I 5110 5 S4OO 6 SSIO Sab-ToI8Is: 2 S36O 24 S2,64O 62 S4,9Ø 13 S845 62 53,410 I S4OO 171 512,1i15 C. PermiUla.. I. Prmue FDEP Atmlic:ations" Resmnd To RAl's 4 S44O II 51440 9 5450 31 n330 2 Prepare Buildiq Depanment Submi1tal aad Attend one (I) meetiq I SIlO 4 S44O 6 5410 4 S22O 2 5100 17 51420 Sab-TotaII: I 5110 I SIlO 24 51,910 4 S22O II S55O ... 53,750 D. Biddia. ServIœs I. CoonIinate Advertisement I 580 I SIO 2. Prmue aad Issue Bid Documents I 580 4 S2OO 5 5210 3. AIIeIId PIe-Bid Confaence 2 S22O 2 5160 4 5310 4. Issue Adcleada I 5110 8 S64O 2 5130 4 S22O 4 S2OO 19 51300 5. Attend Bid Ononin.. 2 5160 2 5160 6. Evaluate Bids" Recommend Awoni I SIlO 2 5220 4 5320 I 550 8 5770 Sab-Totals: I SilO 5 S55O II 51,440 2 5130 4 5210 9 $450 39 52.970 MARIsmaIcoIT8S J/cmlnlcl3.>ds HA-.oD7.04 . . . 101100 . . . ATTACHMENT A October 11,2001 SUMMARY OF TASKS AND FEES SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FEED SYSTEMS CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA Project Project EagiDftl'ial Eagi_rial Seaior Word PriaciD81 Maa.- Ea- Tedlaima IV Tecbaima n P_or Totall SIlO -- SIIO""- 110-- 165 -- 155;;;;-- S5O - bour EIII- Proiect Pbue I Delcriadoa IIaan Cool IIaan Cool IIaan Cool -. Cool !loan Cool IIaan Cool IIaan Cool Eo Coaltractioa 5erYIao J. Aaead Preconstruction Confereace 4 S44O 4 5320 8 5760 2. Periodic Site Visi1slAamd ............ Meetin.. 26 12860 70 5HOO 12 $600 108 59060 3. Issue CIarifiC8licms I: 4 S44O 9 S72O 4 $200 17 51.360 4. Review Shoo Drawin.. 4 S44O 12 S96O 2 5100 18 51500 S. Review SubstiIUlion RooowsIs 2 S22O 8 S64O 2 5100 12 5960 6. Review Test Ib:aorts 4 5320 4 5320 7. Review AtmliC8licms For lavment 12 S96O 12 S96O 8 Evaluatel: Orden 2 5360 4 S44O 9 5720 2 5100 17 51620 9. SuhstotiIIl: Final Comnletion 1..-- 18 51440 2 5100 20 51540 10. RecordDrawin.. 2 5160 5 532S 9 549S 16 5980 Sab-TCIt8\s: 2 S3Ø 44 S4.84O 148 511,840 5 1325 9 5495 24 51,200 232 519,060 F. Sabcaasaltaall J. SInIc:IurII $&.000 2. Geotechnical 54SOO 3. Electrical 57 000 Sub-ToCII\: 519,500 G. DIrect c.a J. Travel 5300 2. S8OO Sab-TotaI: 51,100 TCIt8\s: 9 5 1,620 93 51D,230 297 523.760 25 51,625 115 ~25 54 52,700 593 5Ø,I68 MARIsm8/corr8s nnntc:I3IIJds HAIIJOO.OO7.04 . . 101100 . . . . . .. . . ATTACHMENT B October 11,2001 ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCfION COST ON-SITE SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE GENERATION SYSTEMS CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA Item Mobilization, Bonds, Permits & General Conditions Equipment Buildings: 6 @ $22,500 Each Hypochlorite Feed and Chemical Containment Equipment (Not Including Tax, Mark-Up, & Installation) Hancock Road Seminole WTP Fourth Street WTP Grand Highway WTP Greater Hill WTP West WWTP Tax, OH & P, Installation & Piping For Hypochlorite System Equipment & Buildings Electrical & Instrumentation Sub-Total Contingencies @ 10% Total Estimated Construction Cost L TS/ skat smaf ÇOJJ'C p/HYPocm.o RITE3.xIsf COJIIllUction cost HAI#OO-O07 .04 Estimated Cost $ 37,000 $ 135,000 $ $ $ 70,500 $ 70,500 $ 63,000 $ 42,000 $ 42,000 $ 42,000 $ 82,000 $ 52,500 $ 636,500 $ 63,650 $ 700,150 101100 . . , ¡¡ . . . ATTACHMENT C October 11, 2001 ENGINEERING FEE ANALYSIS ON-SITE SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE GENERATION SYSTEMS CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA Construction Cost $ 700,150 Basic Fee as a % of Construction Cost Per ASCE Fee Curve 8.00% Basic Fee $ 56,012 Additional Fees Not Included In Basic Fee Geotechnical Subconsultant $ 4,500 Permitting $ 3,750 Direct Costs $ 1,200 . Total Additional Fees $ 9,450 Total Fee Summary Based On ASCE Fee Curve Methodology Basic Fee $ 56,012 Additional Fees $ 9,450 Total Fee $ 65,462 Proposed Fee Based on Man-Hour Estimates $ 66,860 . J PT Ismalcorresp/hypoch loritefee3 .xls HAI#00-007 . 04 101100