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Annual Budget (1974 - 1975)
CITY nI CLERMONT, no1211Ji1, f�1'icr'c�f tl�rj City rdan�sger Ix00orable Mayor and Ma:i;bers Or the City, Council Clermont, Florida kl z' respectfully submit 13erf3w1thfor . your consideration and approval by adopfion,,the 1974-75 proposed Municipal Budget for tho City of Clermont for the ; fisc' al year beginning Octoberi• 1 1,974 and ending September 30, 1975. Adoption of, the proposed, 197,1"75 •bud et document provider' } �„ sufficient Financing to coverldepar#' iental operations,, retirement of the predetermined amount of outstandin.4 debt a»d affords :neces`ssary funds 'for "improvements to sele'cter ' phases of operations Upon reviewing the budget, you will note the,major factors Jig contributing to the increases.in departmental operations are: employee's salaries, one new 'employee, new equipment: and"the continued rising costs of materialb for day-to-day operations. {' It is imperative that the various departments be adequatelys twith �lified continuehe ennagaesntent t high leelofservicndmeetprentday demands for services in all phases of local- government. Anticipated revenues required to support -the q pport the estimated costs of departmental functions of the City total $1,138,921.00., ,5 . Federal` Revenue Sharing amounts to $58,892.00. 'Included in_:the_buddet:.is as -closing" Cash balance -of-$78,-145.00``and r contingencies in the amount of $28,862.00 >?. Presented in the annual budget is a Capital Improvement u� Program in the amount of $141,666.00. The tax rate of 5.13 mills which was certified by the tax assessor is considered adequate to support the proposed budget expenditures. The budget is designed to provide all services provided in the previous year and expand some of these services without an increase in ad valorem taxes. Major improvements over and above normal operating requirements are presented by departments. GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Allocations provide for a secretary for the City Manager. Funds are provided for salary increases as per the Wage and Salary Schedule. Two file cabinets, an electric type- writer -and a tape electronic calculator are also included. M { PpBLIC SAVOTY- POUCR AND iPXMV Funds provide for thm raclreseaificatton, of ,police. pgrsonno; ass..'wall mn salary increases aid pear tho.,Wage; k salary,.schedulea. A186 'providad funds ' for inoentive ` are ,play, ap"XIO, defearideko uniforms, over,timw pay, training tndprisoner avenue. 'outlay Capital 'expenditures include replacement of ttereaee , po .ice "oars, uurvailanco. equipment, now. 100 ,watt,baee ptation, two wa►l�klie talkie radios, two cameras, a chair and two file cabinets. w�? ' C O MUNIT'l S IRVIC Allocation* provide for salaryincreases an, par "the Wage and Salary Schedule, overtime for emergencies and , training. Capital outlay' expenditures include4�tvo garbage ':a s' packer trucks,pickup truck fox•the garage, street re- surf'aci.ng, concrete curb 1forms, bleachers for the softball field and 'tables for they auditorium. SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Provisions are included for codification of'ordinancea," publicity, library services, insurance, planning and the ® pension program. UTILITIES FUND ADMINISTRATION f r# Included in this; appropriation are salary increaams as,.._ per , the Wage and . Salary Schedule, auditing, insUrancei ana,a„ technical services. WATER • .. _ r '�i )i Included in this , appropriation are �sdlary. increases att - .� i' : ; per the Wage and:.Salary Schedule, employes. training, Apddiitive t..' +� pay, overtime for:, emergencies and uniforms. Pr6visionsa i for. capital expenditures include renovation of"'the High]anil°,' f{i Well, meters €or>the.Grand Highway and Highland Wells as.'. t ill as pipe, fittings and hydrants., ' SANITARY SEWER Included in this' appropriation are salary increases as,: per. the Wage and Salary Schedule, employee training, . indent`i.ve ; pay, overtime' for emergencies and uniforms. Provisions for capital expenditures 'includes a radio remotes ,unit, elapsed time meters for the lift stations, modifications to the borrow pit and pipe and brick for collection line extensions. DEBT SERVICE Provisions.are made for the required equipme" replacemennt, Pago 3 sinking and retmrva sinking funds.r" Additionail '4tail'� f ill be found in bu44st itooll. Special recognition :bhould be foou,g 4 on ,the dopertmont; haeado +� and other' poraonnel who area ropponsible for the paration and administration oP theft 'respeotive budgo'tm,' I wish to sincexeily thank each mar of the Council for , their cooperatipp and ` assistance in making my, work pleasant and enjoyable*,+j� Most Respectfully Submitted "'7iO4.4�k art ns City Manager CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA 1974-75 BUDGET TABLE OF ;CONTENTS . BUDGET ,SUMMARY P EXPENDITURES. -"GENERAL. FUND 2 ; EXPENDITURES UTILITIES FUND 3 REVENUE SB'ARING 4 GENERAL FUND REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 5 ADMINISTRATION 7 PUBLIC SAFETY 12 COMMUNITY SERVICE. - SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 24 -UTILITIES FUND UTILITIES REVENUE;& EXPENDITURES 28 UTILITIES ADMINISTRATION 30 WATER DIVISION: 33 SANITARY SEWER DIVISION 37 DEBT SERVICE 41 CITY OF CLXRMONT, FLOM" 1974-75 BUDGET BUDGET 8U1HMM Actual Estimated Proposed 1972-73 197�-74 * 1974-75 REVENUES General Fund $ 600303 $ 662018 $ 695816 Utility Fund 290565 409407 443105 $ 890868 01071425 01138921' =ENDITUR88 General Fund $, 490051 $ 520143 $ 695816 Utility Fund 238438 1 371678 443105 $ 728489 $ 891821 $1138921 * 8 Months Actual, 4 Months Estimated +�* Includes $ 78,145 Closing Cash Balance 043,145-General Fund, $35;000-Utility Fund)' CITY Or CLERMONT, VZO, AA 1974-75'BUDGET EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND Account Actual; --._ 1972-73 getImated 1973-74* Proposed 19774-75_ 1. ADMINISTRATION $ 40269 $ 45706 $ 58816 2. 188L'IC SAFETY 99794 117808 146959 3. COMf4UNITY SERVICES 282268 276465 356845 ® 4. SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 67720 80164 90051' TOTAL $ 490051 $ 520143 $ .652671** 8 Months Actual. 4 months estimated ** Does not include,' $43,1.45 Closing Cash Balance - =- -2- 1 r -CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA 1974-75 BUDGE} EXPENDITURES UTILITIES FUND Account Actual 1972-73 Ssti=ated 1973„� 74* Proposed 1974-75 5. ADMINISTRATION $ 20153 $ 34791 $ 42617 ' 6. WATER 42155 i6nS� 99900 7. -SEWER' 101170 118899 91764 DEBT. SERVICE 74960 154049 173824 TOTAL $ 238438 $ 371678 $ 408105** * 8 Months Actual, 4 months Estimated ** Does not include $35,000 closing cash balance -3- U-n4zim. j MR It CXTx OP CLEAMONTI `FLOIUD& , 1.974-75 BUDGET REVENUES 6 FF"BNDITUMS , GENERAL FUND Actual Budget Estimated Proposed Code Classification ' 1972-73 1973-74 1973-74 + 1974-75 Opening Cash ealanco� $ 98494 $ 60972 $ 139551 $141875 , REVENUES 300 Cem;etary Lot Sales 3600 3600 .004 6000 305 inspection Pees 14920 20000 10000 15000 I 310 interest 5125 5000 2661 5000 311 interest -Revenue Sharing 0 0 0 1000 320 Occupational Licenses 12675 13000 15000 15000.. qp 322 Dog Tag Licenses 280 :4450 300 450 326 Fire Protection Fees 222 500 ' 250 300.,! 330 Miscellaneous Ia 9 1500 1800 2000 335 - 132" : & Forfeitures 16286 -:.--- -20000 - 21000 - 24000 336 Court Costs 526 700 650 800 337 Revenue Sharlii4 81269 35293 36534 58892 ;;•� 340 Rental Property 4003 34468 6000 6000.� 342 Sanitation Fees 52830 80000 83000 85000 i 354 Gasoline Taxes 30383 32111 38400 35000 355 Ad Valorem Taxes 145840 164145 165000 185000.1 356 Cigarette Taxes 76837 69835 99216 22499 357 Franchise. Taxes 32655 30000 856 42000 358 Utility Taxes 22519 10'000 35800 50000 i Sub Total -Revenues 501809 489602 522467 SS3941 Total -Revenues $600303 $ 550574 $ 062018 $ 695816 -5- CITY OF CriXA lObNT, PLORiDA 1974-76 BumET ltLi'V UMS ` G, V"Z''NDITURRS GBNER)M FUND Code Claeeification Actual 1972-73 Budget 197� 3��74 8stimated 1973-74r Proposed 1974-78_ Expenditures, Administration $ 40269 $ 48506 $ 45706 $ 58816 Public Safety 99794 222380 117808 146959 Community Services 282268 297437 276465 356845 Special ACtivities 67720 82251 80164 90051, Awk Total, Fx-+enditures 490051 550574 520143 652671 Closing CesPx Balance $ 110252 $ 0 $ 141875 $ 43145'. *8 Months Actual, 4 Months Estimated -6- ' CX i l 0Y iRaWl'VN.F p AP +iOaFMNA 1974-75 8UDG1?aT , ADM,INZOTRATZON ACCOUNT[' 1 Code Claaaification Actual 1972-73 lagdg®t 9 3.74 Estimated PrOPOsed 1979-74* 1974_ 75 700 Advertising 1$ 545 $ 600 ,$ 700 $ 750 720 contingencies 345 1000 500' 1000 728 Equipment Rental 558 609 792 102 730 Expenses -City Manager 114 150 190 ISO 731, Mwnsen-Mayor-Council 108 150 150 250 754 Expenses -Legal $16 Moo 800 1000 760 Maintenance -Buildings 145 Soo 400 solo' 762 Maintenance-Ofc. Eqt. 405 450 600 700; 767 Maintenance -Vehicles 0 100, 50 20g '780 Maintenance-Misc. 19 50 50 50 788 Recording Fees 251 300 400 400 800 Salary -City Atty. 1575 1575 2573 2250 802A Salary -City Clertt 4864 5772 5772 6240 '8028 891ary-Steno.-Sec. 4579 5460 5460 5980' 802C Salary-Admin. See. 0 0 0 399E 804 Salary -Controller 2394 7131 3862 7449 806 Salary -City Manager 9692 11400 11400 12300 808 Salary-Mayor/Council �38 . 3291 3600 3600 3600 Bea miry -Overtime 0 0 75 300 856 Subscriptions & Dues 887 528 528 577 868 Supplies -Office 5162 4500 4500 5006 896, Travel & SC4001 $ 390 $ 525 $ 525 $ 650 't( 1 1 y CITY 0r CLERMONT, FLOP.ZDA 1974-75 BUDGET Avm=xSTPATION ACCOUNT 1 Code Classification Actual 117. 2-73 Budget 197 Vstimatod Proposed -74 1973-74 * 1974.75 900 utilities -Electric $ 686 $ 700 $ $50 $ 1000 904 Utilities -Telephone 1588 1700 2000 2200 906 Utilities-water,/Sewer 307 400 450 600 Sub Twtal-Operating $ 38482 $ 48206 $ 45139 $ 57046 Capital. Outlay 1788 300 567 1770 Total $ 40269 $ 46506 $ 45706 $ 58816 8 Months Actual, 4 Months Estimated -e- CITY OF CLERMONT,„FLORIDA 1974-75 BUpGET ADHZ $XSTPATION ACCOUNT l EXPLANATION Code Classification 700 Newspaperlegal advertising' 720 Emergency and non -budgeted expenditures 728 Lease purchase on copying machine $50.75/mo 730 Luncheons, Lake County League Meetings, Miscellaneous 731 Luncheons, Lake County League Meetings, Miscellaneous 754 Attorney fees 760 Maintenance of City ball, janitorial supplies 762 Electric Typewriters (3) Electric. Calculators (3) --_- _ ............ Copy Machine - Dictating Equipment Other Equipment 767 City Manager's Car 780 Miscellaneous maintenance not specifically budgeted 788 Recording cemetery lots, other deeds and easements 800 Salary - City Attorney - Vason $250/m6 z 12 $ 3000 (75% General Fund - 25%-Utility Fund) 802A Salary - City Clerk l5•- Carroll- (5)'$160/wk x 52 $ 8320 (75% General Fund - ,258 Utility Ftmd).- 802E Salary - Steno Secretary 7 - Dollar, (5) $115/wk x 52 $ 5980 -9- ;� CITY Off' CLE MONT, VZORXQA 1974-75 BUDOLPT AW=XSTIMTIO11T ACCOUNT 1 EXPLANATION Code, Claasilication 802C salary - Admin secretary 8 New Porsitioa (1) $100/wk x 26 (2) $105/wk x 26 (750 General fund - 25% utility grand) $ 5330 804 Salary - Controller 23 - Flaming (1) $187/wk x 26 (2) $195/wk x 26 (750 General Fund - 25% utility Fund) $ 9432 .806 Salary - City Manager - Hopkins $315.39/wlt x ,52 (75t General Fund - 25% utility pmd) $ 16400 808 Salary - City Council _ .. 1 0 $100/mc ,4C' b2 4 0 $ 75/nio x 12 $ 4800 839 Overtim® 856 Florida League of Cities $.2.75 0- Municipal Record 24 Lake Co. League of Cities is Consumer's Research . 8 Credit Bureau of Zustis , 72 Florida City Manager's Assoc. 10 ►io ?nternational City Manger's Assoc. 60 Amer. Assoc. for Public Admin 30 Management =reformation SSrvice 60 Fla. Finance Officers Assoc. 3 American City 20 868 qV Copying machine materials, stamps, Stationgry, ' etc.Adh 896 City Manager's Annual Short Course $ 125 Florida League of CitieS.Annual Meeting $ 300 City Clerks Annual Short. ,Course $ 125 Miscellaneous $ 100 mo-10- -11- Tip �i czrl Or CLaRkI0NT, 8'1,0I DA 1974-75 ' BUDORT PUBLIC SAPETX ACCOU1 i 2 Actual Budget • Satimated Propoi *4 ' Code Classification 1972-73-73 19� 7- 3-74 197� 3-74 * 1974-75 720 Contingencies $ 357 $ 1000 $ 200 $ 1000 760 Maintenance-Buildinge 1S57 1200 2000 1ZOq 761 Maintenance -Traffic Signals 175 750 750 750 762 Maintenance-dfc. Sqt. 80 1S0 150 150 765, Maintenance -Radios 1565 1400 1400 iS00 767 Maintenance -Vehicles 1221 850 2000 1500 768 Minor Equipment 475 7100 Soo 706' AOL 780 Miscellaneous 46 1000 Soo 1000 IL 812 Salary- AUX.& Vol. 3461 4000 4000 4000 818 Salary = Judges 1 1558 1700 1700 1700 _ _818A _.. Salary -. _Qublia _Defender 0 _ .- SOO :____ 150 --- 820 Salary - Lifeguards 1516 3000 1500 3000' 826 Salary - Patrolmen 32132 43762 43762 50384. 827 Salary - Police Cadete 281 Soo 600 500 828 Salary - Police Chief 7636 8944 8944 10504 830 Salary - Dispatchers 18666 223.74 22174 24250 _$31.. Salary - - Aniwial Control 4988 5980 4138 5760 . 838 Salary - Overtime & Holiday3372 3000 2500 3000 ' 839 Salary_- Incentive Pay 16SO 210.0 2060 2100 856 Subscriptions & Dues 10 50 '50 So 868 Supplies -Office 547 Soo Soo 600 871 Supplies-A�tterials 518 450 550 600 -12- CITY OV 'CL8Rb=T, mokpaYF `1974-75 BUDGET PUBLIC SAlllUTY ACCOUNT ,2 Cage Actual Classification 1972-73 DnAffmt 3 1�74 Ratlmated 1 73-74* Proposed 197� 4�75 874 M scallaneoun $ 79 $ 100 $ 175 $ 200 877 Prisoner Eup®na.B 3187 4000 3500 4000 096 Travel & School 103 300 250 300 898 Uniforms 1121 1500 1500 1500 900 Utilities-Sleotria 1331 1200 1500 2060 902 Utilities -Gas 408 425, 347 425 904 Utilities -Telephone 514 600 550 600 906 Utilities-Water/sewer 283 300 406 50A 908. Fire Hydrant. Rental 31251, 3125 3125 3375 - SubTotal---Operating-$ 91962------- 0115360 $111415 $127748 "- Capital Outlay 7832 7020 6393 19211 Total' $ 99794 $122380 $117809 $146959 * 8 Months Actual, 4 Months Lstimaited a CITY 00 ,CLERMONT, FLORIDA 1979-75' 13UDGET PUBLIC SAP'RTY ACCOUNT x EMANATION Code Classification 720 urgency and non -budgeted expenditures 760 24si.ntenance_Of Public Safety Building, janitorial supplies 761 Traffic Signal maintenance 762 .,1yiewriter Maintenance Agreement $ 50.00 XLm cellaneous 100.00 765 Maintenance ofradiobase station and mobile units 767 Maintenance of Police and Fire vehicles 768 Minor Police and Fire Equipment 780 ._. Mi cellansous Maintenance not -specifically- budgeted - 812 Auxiliary Policeman - 12 men Meetings - Hourly Rate (On duty)- $2.00/hr Volunteer Firemen 15 men Chief - $35/mo Asst. Chief - $25/xmo brills-.$10/mo Calls - $4/oall School Crossing Guard - $2.00/hr 818 Senior Judge $100.00/MO Associate Judge $ 41.67/mo 818A Public Defender $ 5Q/syo 821 Lifeguards $2.00/ar 1126 Sargeant`19 Rogers (3) $172/wk x 39 (4) $180/mk x13 $ 9048 Corporal 18 Hildzeth (4)-' $172/wk x`52 8944 w I 1 CITY OF CLE:IMONTFLORIDA 1974-75 BUDGET . VU13LIC 'SAFETY ACCOUNT EXPLANATION Code Classification Patrolman 17 -Sllrodt (3)$160/wk x 26 (4)$166/wk x 26 $ 0476 Patrolman 15 -Lord (l)$136/wk x ,9 (2)$142/wk x 26 (3)$148/wk x 17 7432 Patrolman 17 -Swanson (3)$160/wk x 52 8320 ' Patrolman 17 -Daggers (2)$154/wk x"26 (3)$160/wk x 26 8164 827 Police Cadets $.50/hr`City;- $1.50/hr State 820 Police Chief (23)-,Tyndal (3) $202/wk x 52$10504 830 Dispatcher 7 - Cooper (7)$125/wk x 52 $ 6500 Dispatcher 7 - Schuster, M $125/wk x 52 6500 Dispatcher 7 - Courtoy (4)$110/wk x 52 5720 Dispatcher 7 - Crossland(3)$105/wk x 38 x.14 .::_...... 5530 831 Animal Control Warden 9 - Slone (1)'$105/wk x" 9 (2)$110/wk x 26 (3)$115/wk x 17 5760 838 Overtime for 7x01idays and emergencies 839 Police -Incentive. $25/mo/officer 856 Florida :"olice Chief Assoc. Lake County Firemen'sAAssoc. Miscellaneous 868, Office, supplies, envelopes, stationery, stamps Aft 811 Flashlight batteries, film, fingerprinting materials, ate. 874 Miscellaneous supplies 877. Food, medical-care,;work coveralls -15- CM= Or CL19MWNVo PZVORID 1974w7S ntwu ,' ACCO HT 2 rj(PLAMT10N Code Classification Detective Car (Unmarked) $ 3000 Electronic sixQn/PA system $ 200 200 Radio & Antennae 850 Installation of Equipment SO Loss Trado(1972 Ford) 300 Total ...._._... $ 4480r surveilance Equipment CL 420 Receiver- $ 325 BT 600-169 Transmitter SSO Rechargeable .Batteries (8) 21 Battery Charger 10 Battery tester. 19 125V Batteries (6) TC 45 Sony Tape'Recorder ' 26 Total 140 . P110 Cabinets (2) Chair- Police Chief $ 1 75 POUrOid Cameras v/attachments (2) $ 175 00 walkie Talkie Radios (2) Battery Charger for ' Walkie Ulkie v $ 150 00 00 $ 16'tts69=. Radio Base station, 100� Watt $ W/tourer .Addition Uew Antennae Transmission Line 2500 Revenue Sharing Police Cars $ 12000 CITY OF: CLE1tMONT , FLORiAiA 1974-75 BUDGHT COMMUNITY SSRVICHS .ACCOUNT 3 Actual Budget Satimated Proposed Coda Classification 1972-73 1973.74 �73,,,_74A 1974;75 720 Contingencies $ 25526 150,00 0, 5000 $ 15000 728 Equipment Rental 40 400 200 400 760 Maintenance -Building 4274 6000 6000 7500 761 Maintenance -Equipment 2005 3000 5000 4000 764 Maintenance -Parka I583 2500 2500 3000 767 Maintenance -Vehicles 3942 3700 3700 4006 768 Minor Equipment 1309 1300 1300 r 1300 780 Miscellaneous 0 300 300 300 802 Salary -clerical 3380 4570 4686 5096 810 Salary -Director -------9652 11284 -11284- 12324 811 Salary -Bldg. Official 7654 8944 8944 9724 812 Salary -Foreman 6596 7696 7696 8320, 816 Salary -Janitor 5135 6240 6240 6500 822 Salary -Garage 5346. 11830 11830 13754 824 Salary. -Parks 22489 29086 27200 31393 832 Salary. -Sanitation 36339 47920 40000 51839 834 salaxy-St & SS Maint. 15090 22556 21700 24750 836 Salary -St Cleaning 5757 6760 5500 6685 837 Salary -Temp & Pt Time 2697 3500 3500 3500 838- Salary-OVertime 1045 1000 750 10,00 850 Sidewalks 839 1200 1200 1200,:,,; --18- twNp i CXTY.or CXMAMONT, PLORZDA 1974�75'BUDGET ACCOUNT 3 Coc`�m Clasmifieaation Actual 197_ 2.73 BudBst 1g73-74 r$mti%4�sd PrOOOX*d 1971-74 � --r----■--- �., 1974-75 856 Subscriptions &'Dues $ 40 $ 9S 8 85 $ 85 859 Recreation 896 2000 1000 lOQo 868 Supplies-office 0 100 50 100 873 Supplies -Materials 2637 5000 5000 6000' 874 supplies -disc. 0 200 100 200 880 Street Signs 1067 2000 2000 2000 881 welcome signs 134 200 200 200 896 Travel & School 145 200 150 200 898 Uniforms 2052 1500 1500 1500 900 :._ ___Utilities -Electric -20839 24000 27000 - ,- 30000- 902 Utilities -Gas 117 175 100 I75 904 Ufi.lities-Telep,Wae 154 250 250 250 906 Utilities-19ater Bawer 2222 2 00 5000 4800 910 vehicles -Gas & oil 10335 11500 16000 18000 911 vehicles -Tires & Battery 2044 2000 2500 2500 Sub Total -operating $.,203680 $ 245286 $235465 $ 278595 C'APITAi, OUTLAY 78588 52151 41000 78250 Total $.282268 $ 297437 $276465 $ 356845 * 8 Months Actual, 4 Months Estimated `s L• ' .! ' 1SI CITE'?0F,• CLE12M4W' , PLO,KIAA 1974-7.5 ,BUDGET COM UNITY° SEnVICES ACCOUNT 3 EXPLANATION CodeClassification Crewman 9 -Brown (1)$108/wk x 6 (2)$110/wk x'26 (3)$115/wk x 20 $ 5790 832 Crew Chief 10-Keys (6)$136/wk x'S2 $ 7072 Crew Chief, 10 .-P4ccee (6) $ I .F4/wk x 52 $ 7072 Crewman 9-- Frock (1)$1R5/wk x 9 (2)$110/wk x 26 (3) $115/wk x 17 $ 5760 Crewman 9- Jordan (6)$130/wk x 52 $ 6760 Crewman 9- Ward (3)$115/wk x 34 (4) $120/wk x �18 $ 6070 C: a #man 9- Irvin (3) $115/wk x 36 _ (4)$120/wk x 16 Lt Egt Operator 9-Madden (5)$125/wk x 52 $ 650' 0 Lt Egt Operator 9-Chandler (5)$125/wk x 43 (6)$130/wk x 9 $ 6545 834 Heavy Eqt Operator 11�-Odcm (6)$142/wk x 52 $ 7384 Lt Egt Operator 9 -Fender (6)$130/wk x 52 $ Skilled Labor 8 -Conrad-(1)$100/wk x B 6760 (2)$105/wk x 26 (3)$110/wk x 18 $ 5510 Labor 7 -Vacant (1)$ 96/wk x 26 (2)$100/wk x 26 $ 5096, 836 Heavy Egt Operator11-Sanders (3)$125/wk x 26 (4) $130/wk x 26 $ 6685 837 Temporary and part time employees 838 Overtime for emergencies' - -21- r �Iin�nnwfmnnnnirwmnrinlwnml IIIRmm®�Ilry - .. r n i:1 i � f}/ i'�) p� j,5('�t j tV cxxY or ctiRM01NT �Lar xDn 1974-75 13UDOST SPL*CI11L 11CTIViTUS ACCOUNT 4 Code Claee Lfication Actual 197_ 2-73 1ludgat ;1.973-74 Estimated 1973.--74* Propose 1974-75 707. �20 724 726 741 742 743 744 795 1at�, 747 748 751 752 Auditing $ Contingencies Election 8xpense EquiLment Rsplacement Insurance-Eioepitalization as Insurance -FICA Insurance -Surety Bond Insurance -Work Comp w. o.�:.. - v l .,,1 udcr+y Insurance-GrOu Life3a�',; p Insurance -Unemployment Planning Library 2274 0 389 5000 2838 7686 12308 528 9cz�126• 1239 0 27 13300 $ 2250 1538 450 p 5280 8500 16930 563 11000 1920 0 250 17400 $ 2056 217 0 4500 8500 17000 563 11000 1900 0 250 17400 $ 3600 1000 450 0; 5412 850d 18710' 563 12000 1968_:::_ 3198 500 15000 780 984. 786 853 $90 Miscellaneous Pensions Publicity Special Affairs County Taxes 12 3793 5400 15 772 200 4620 6400 200 1000 100 4620 6400 200 770 200 5250 6400 200 , _1000 894 920 921 Technical Services Christmas Gifts So. Lake Art League 2543 470 0 3000 500 250 3000 538 250 5000 550 250 - -24- CITY Off' CLE"i MOITT, FLORIM 1974-75 BUDGET f ESPECIAL ACTXVXTXI',B ACCOUNT a i Actual Budget BatimAted Proposed Cod© Clasaiiicatioh 1972-73 1973-74 1971-74* 1974-75 922 So. Lake Neighborhood Center $ 0 0 0 $ 300 Sub Total -Operating $ 67720 $ :82251 $ 80164 $' 90051. ;CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Note].: S 67720 $ 82251 $80164 $ 90051 'I t 4 N {i CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA 1974-75 BUDGET SPECIAL ACTIVITIES ACCOUNT 4 EXPLANATION code classification 702 Greenlee, Paul and Furnas, C.P.A. (75% General Fund, 25% utility Fund) 720 Emergency and non -budgeted items 724 Transport machines Election officials Miscellaneous 726 Based on depreciation 741 $11.00 per month per employee x 41 742 Based on previous year 743 5.05% of total payroll 744 $100,000 bond for Controller (75% General Fund - 25% utility Fund) 745 Based on previous year 747 $4.00 per month per emplcoyaae x 41 748 1% of Gross Payroll 751 Agreement with Lake County Planning Department 752 To Cooper Memorial Library - Set by Council 780 Miscellaneous items not specifically budgeted 784 Mrs. Bohn Dingle $32.50/mo George Cadwell 40:00/ma Actuaries recommendation to fund program $7,000 ($5250 General Fund - $1750 utility Fund) 786 To Chamber of Commerce - Set by City Council -26- z t: , AIML CXTY OF CLEMONT , VLOXRD 1974-75 .B+UDnET SPECIAL ACTNITIES ACCODNT,'4 EXPLANATXON Code Classification 853 Special Activities 890 Landseair Hovis & Baird 894 Dr. Wm. iioward - Pension Fund $ 500 Codification of Ordinances $2500 Engineering Services $ 500 Lake Improvement Committee $1500 I 920 Turkey or Sam -each employee 921 ' So Lake Ark: League . 922 _--- go-_" __Lake Neighborhood ..Center,__::_ 27 CITY Or, CLERMONT, FMRIDA 1974-75 BUDGET AM. Nuns 6 EXPENDITURES UTXLXTY FUND Actual Budget zdtpated Proposed, Code Ciadaification 1972-73 1973- 4 7„3-,7_4. 1974-75 OPENING CASH BALANCE $ 41771 $ SIS97 6 59801 $ 37729 REVENUES ? 301 Tapping Fees -Water 20266 25000 12500 20000 ' 302 Connection Fees -Sewer 8643 7500 6000 7500 303 Extensions 1400 0 0 0 310 Interest 5195 4000 5000 5000 311 Interest -Revenue Sharing 0 634 894'' 0 330 Miscellaneous 647 2000 555 2000 337 Revenue Sharing 0 19781 19433 0 >' --Hydrant- Rental- ..__._ 3125 3225 3125-:: 3375 361 Water Sales 94287 110000 150000 180000 362 Sewer Services 89026 105000 100000 110000 Sub Total -Revenues $222589 $277040 $297507 $327875 Excise Tax 26205 48448 53019 77501 Total Revenue 290565 377085 409407 443105 EXPENDITURES Administration 20153 36413 34781 42617 Water 42155 69652 63949 99900 Sanitary Sewer 101170 $7940 118899 91764 Debt Services 74960 152751 154049 173824 -28- ty CITY 0r CLERM01pr, rLt3itma 1974-71 131MOST REMUrs A Ex'ENDITUIMS UTILITY RIND t Cc® Classification Actual 1972-�73 DrQgmplmatUad 197M 3-74 1973 ,74k � Prapaed 1974�_ Total Rxpmdit= ea $ 238438 S 396756 0 371678 $ 408105 Closing Cash Balance $ 52127 G 30329`$ 37729 $ 35000 ° 8 Months Actual, 4.monthu EStimatod CITY OF CLHAMOM" FLORIDA 1974-75 BUOCLvT ADMINISTRATION ' ACCQUNT 5 Code Clmeoif.ication ' Actual 1972-73 702 Auditing S 1135 Budget 19� 73-7� S 750 $ 88tA&ted Propc�ied- 19y a 197 2519 $ 2400' 741 742 743 Xnaurancye-Hodpitalizaticn 395 Insurance -Liability 935 Insurance -rich 2893 2188 1000 4489 800 1000 3000 _ 1188 1000 4913 744 746 747 748 755 insurance -surety Bond 176 insurance -Work Comp. 1289 Insurance -Group Life 25 insurance -Unemployment 0 Technical Services 0 188 1400 432 0 10000 188 1400 300 0 10000 188 1500 432 $40 10000 784 790 Pensions 1000 Office Rent 0 1250 1200 1250 1200 1750 1200 800 802 802A 802C Salary -City Attorney 525 Salary -Clerical 4502 salary -City Clerk 1621 Salary-Admin Sec 0 525 4688 1924 0 525 4688 1924 0 750 5260 2080 1333 804 Salary -Controller 798 2379 1287 2483 806 Salary -City Manager 3231 3800 3000 4100 808 Salary-Mayor/Council 1079 1200 1200 1200 Sub Total -operating $ 19604 $ 36413 $ 34781 $42617 } CAPITAL oUTLASi 549 0 0 0 Total $ 20153 $ 36413 $ 34781 542s77 8 Months Actual, 4 Months Estimated psi— -30- CITY OP'CLZRMONTO PLORZDA 1974-75 B UDGEW ADMIN STRATXOM ACCOUNT 5 EXPLANATION, Code Slaoxification 702 Greenj CP.A. ns C75% GOral, Fund utj,]jty 741 $11.00 =p 742 Bas ad on, pridVious year 743 5.858 of total 744 $100,000 Bond for Colifroller Ti 746 Based on previous year 747 $4.00 per MODth Per employee 748 18 of Gross Payroll 755 8ngineering fees - -------- 784 Actuaries - recom;Wndation -to- -fund pzo-grgm (65250 General Fund -- $X750 Utility Fund) 00 790 Administrative spaCO at City Hall 800 Salary -City Attorney $20/mo (75% General Fund - 25t 11tility Fund) S S900 802 salary-AccountIrg Clerk 6- Langford Q) $100/wk x 40 (4) $.105/wk x 12 $ 5260 802A Salary -city Clerk-3.5- Carroll (.$160k x (750, General Fund - 25%5)jUtility/wFund)52 $ 8.120 A* 802C Salary- Administrative secretary.S-Kew Position $100/wk x 26 Amu (2) $105/wk- z 26 (75% General Fund - 25% Utility Fund) $ 5330 804 Salary- Controller 23- Fleming (13 $187/wk x 26 (2) 5295/wk x 26 (75% General Fund 25% Utility Fund) $ .9932 31" I i CITY OF CLLPj b6 kjT FI,OAC= 1974-75 BUDGH ' TIATZR ACCOUN21 6 Code Classification 720 Contingencies S Actual 197?73 864 Audg®t $ 7373 8 B�etitnal:ed 1973-74*- propose! 1977g $ 5862 2017 728 760 Equipment Rental Maintenance -Building 50 434 200 300 200 600 200 760 761 Maintenance -Equipment 821 2500 2000 2500 763 766 767 768 2aintenance-Meters Maintenance -Tanks Maintenance -Vehicles Minor Equipment 854 190E 81 165 2500 1906 4S0 400 1000 1906 300 200 2500 1906 aso 400 780 Miscellaneous 1024 200 1500 1500 811 salary -Superintendent 2198 2633 2597_. 2574_ 812 Salary --Foreman 4885 5772 5772 62a0 813 Salary -Water Sery Supr 2813 6370 3577 6370 814 Salary -Meter Readers 5566 5590 5590 9520 819 Salary-Maint Mechanic 0 0 0 2035 821 Salary -Labor 1098 2548 2800 2913. 836 Salary-overtimesHoliday 991 500 250 500 839 Salary -Incentive pay 0' 0 0 240 856 Subscriptions & Dues 35 11Q 140 140 i 862 868 Supplies -Chlorine supplies -office 755. 1256 1000 1000 1000 1200 { 1500 1500 � 871 Supplies -Materials 395 400 400 500 874 Supplies -Mist. 78 100 100 3.50 -.33= CITY aP CLEF MONT, PLOPtDA 1974-75 BUDGET, WA22R AUNT Coele Actual Cleameitiaetian 1972-73 Budget 1973-7 pAtimated � 9724 ProPoged 1974o75 896 Travel &,school $ 175' $ 200 $ 200 $ 200 898 'Uniforme 309 300 300 400 900 Utilities -Electric 5055 7000 12000 1500111 0 904 Utilities -Telephone 275 350 350 400 910 Utilities -Gan & oil 5114 600 600 - 700 911 Utilities-Tirea&Batteries 73 350 350 400 Sub Total -Operating S 32670 S 50652 $ 46949 5 67300 CAPIUM OUTiA►_t' 9405 19000 17000 32600 Total S 42155 $ 696.5 $ :_63949 ... $ 99900 .__ _ -:- c:zxx OF c=14x, PWRZVA 1974-75 BUDGET WATZR I ,ACnriravW.t6 RXPLA,N]lTION C040 ClanSification 720 Emergency and non-budgeted,expenditure9 728 Rental Hof equipment for Construction or magintenance ' v 760 Maintenance'bf p=ping stations 761 tSnintmnunce of pumps mid motors (not.vehicles) d 763 Maintenanoe of water motors 766 Maintenance of elevated tanks 767 Maintenance of vehicles 768 Ruin suits, ahovelso tools.etc. 780 miscellaneous maintenance not specifically budgeted _-Salary-_Superintendent 24=-Davis --- == (1) $194/wk x 26 (2) $202/w+k x 26 (25% water - 75$ sewer) $ 10296 812 Salary - Foreman 14 -Creech (6) $160/wk x 52 (75% seater - 258 eec4er) 1 $ 8320 813 Salary -Water Service Supervi$pr 12.-Gartman (1)c $120/wk x 26 ('2)' $125/wk x 26 $ 6370 814 Salary - Meter Reader 9 -Taylor (3). $115/wk x 28 (41, $120/wk n 24 $ 6100 Salary - Meter Reader (Part titre). -Hewitt i $ 295/ino x 12 $ 3420 1 819 Salary - Public Utilities Maintenance 340CbAnic 15-Lainhart (4) $154/rk . x 30 (5) $160/wk ax 22 (25% water - 750 sewer) . $ 8140 -35- CITY " CJ,OIit+I IM PLO AZDA 1974-75, UUDGBpr. ACCOUNT 6 SHI'LARATI'ON itx . Code Claoxification 821 8mlary - Labor 7- Andreas ,N (1) $ 96/wk x y �� (2) $100/wk x 26 (50% water --' So% sewer) i3i $1pS�ark x x1 $ S02S 838 Overtime for amergancies 839 License p2centive pa y - $20/au� for each edditiohal:rlicens® r, 856 city, - luuerican W&tar Works Association $ 100 Suet- - American Water storks Association $ '30 r State of Florida Operator, .Certificate $ 10 862 Chlorine for �watler purification 868 Billing -mater�tals, .-postage, office su8,plies 871 Clamps, nuts, bolts, rags, etc. 874 Miscellaneous supplies not specifically budgeted 896 short school and other,courses 898 Purchase of uniforms 900 Florida Power Co rporation-Monthly service for pumping stations , 904 Florida Telephone Corpora tion-MOUthly service for loops to Highland end Brand 8wy wells � 910 Gas Oil - Water Division Vehicles 911 Tires Water Divisic►v. Vehicles Am CAPITAL OVMy PiP*, fittings, hyd: its, etc.1000 $ 15 Highland Well Metsra - water wells (2)„ ,000, =— ' 5; 400 r,F'xi 19741-75 BUDGET SANXTmW SEMIR i ACCOUNT 7 Actual, audccb 8mklauaku0; Proposedrr 1 Cdde Claseifiantion 1972-73',' 1973-74 1973-y4*-.,.,1974-75 720 Contingencies S 2357': S 3000 6 3000 S_ 5000� 728 Equipment Rental 16 200 2.00, 200 X 153 Lease Lar" 0 0 0 1800 760 Maintenanccaauildings 1803 1500 25,66 3000 761 Maintenanc"Equipatent, 1606 2000 1SO'0 2000 •767 Maintenance -Vehicles 160 300 00 460 , 768 Minor Equipment 182' b00 5AQ i 500 780 Mlscolldaeoas' 97'. ISO 150, 150 , 811 SetLmy-Superintendent 6595"' 7742 4000 7722 !` 812 Salary-Forecaan 162''s 1924 r Xp..24. 2080 z 817 Salary -operators 9853 14368 12317 15080 ?}• $19 Salary=-Maint Mechanic, 6271 7228 7228 6105 821 Salary -Labor, 11$2 2548 2260. 2912 '? 838 Salary-overtime&Holiday 0 500 1000 1500 839 Salary .Incenti-r Pay 0 0 0 480 856 Subscriptions E Dues. 67 80 80 100 .862 Supplies-Ciilorine 310 1400 3000 3500 864 Supplies -Laboratory 461 800 800 100Q 868 Supplies -office 348 100 100- 500 871 Supplies -Materials 309. 400 400 500 874 Supplies-Misc. 255 250 250 250 896 Travel & School 188 200 200 200 -37- CIT'I 'OF G'liBW40NT, FLORIDA 1074-75 BUDGET SANITARY SMR ACCOUNT ' 7 Acdtu.al Budget Natimated proposed �f C�od� Classification 1972-73 1973- 1P Z340,. 1974-75 �S 890 UnifCJ14 267 0 300 0 300 $, ;00 , �! 900 Utilities-zlectric 11656 15000 20000 23000 904 Utilities -Telephone 376 400 400 450, 910 Vehicles- Gas 6 Oil 574 650 650 750 I 911 Vahicles�- Tires&Batteries 0 300 300 350 Sub Total -Operating $ 46537 $ 64440 $ 63299 & 81929 CAPITAL OUTLAY 54633 23500 55600 9835 Total $ 101170 $ 87940 $ 118899 $ 91764 - t 8 Months Actual, 4 Months Estimated . -38- ct<' CITY OP CLERMONT, PZORZDA 1974-75 'BUDOET t WWI'AAra BZMR d ACCOUNT 7 :! BXPLANATIDD► ,s Coale Classificat en yJ t 720 Eruerganoy and non -budgeted 6acpendliturea 728 Rental • of 'e li qi Pmsnt for oondtruction car a►aintesinnce' x�*J 7513 Borrow Pit for Effluent Diopoata) rr„ 760 Maintenance ,ol' treatmont.plant and Lilt stations 761 Maintenance of pis a*; (not vshiol®g) st�.►+ u: 767 Maintenance of vehicles ,t ykl} 768 ;. ]Rain suits, shovels, tiicqetc. A 780 Miscellaneous maintOwwd not i specifically b udgeed 87.1 Salary- Superintendent 24 Davis ' (I) $194/wk x 26 x 26 (25@ w$ 10296 (2) $202/1�c ater 759 sewer) .' 812 Sal ary - Fo-b25% Creech! (6) $160/�c x 52 $ 8320 (750 water*., 258 I'M sewew er) 817 Salary = ,Poxii1t4cm Control 'operator 16- nen6riac': (1) $142/wk x 26 (2) $148/wk x 26 $ 7540 Pollution Cont=1 operator 16- Garner (1) $142/wk x 26 (2) $148/wk x 26 $ 7540 819 Salary- Public, utilities fk�Ujtenance Mechanic 1t 5-Lainhar (4) $154Agk x 3e ' �,, C'XTY OF CLRRMONT, PLORIDA 1974-75 BUDGET SANITARY S W9R ACCOUNT 7 ZXE'LANATTON {, Code Classificatio 838 Overtime for emergencies 839 Licenses Inaeatfte Pay - $20/mo for each additional license 856 Florida Pollution Control Association Florida Water Pollution Control Operators Assoc. 862 Chlorine for sewagetreatment 864 Chemicals and supplies for laboratory 868 Billing materials, postage, office supplies _871 Clamps, nuts, bolts, rags eta..' 874' Miscellaneous supplies not specifically budgeted. Region 9 _Short__School._-- Annual.Short School i Miscellaneous Courses ` 89.8 Purchase;bf:'Uniforms 9,00 Florida 'Power Corporation -Monthly service for treatment � plant, spray irrigation and. lift stations .' 904 Florida Telephone Corporation- Monthly service t.� 910 Gas Oil - Sewer Division Vehicles & Equipment 911 Tires &imp - Sesser Division vehicles & ., i'i(iuipmc3nt � CAPITAL OUTLAY Pipe, brick etc $ 4000 4 Radio Remote Unit 435 a V Elapsed Time Meter -Lift Station 400 y Borrow 5000 ,' CITY t OF CLOnMONT, FLOPTDA 19.74-75 I)VWJMT 11BBT SERVICE Actual CXasmit'� nation 1972�y3 Bud 25timated Pro posed 197134 1973� 197�5 xquipmant noplac�rnt $ 9160 $ 12831 $ 141. 129 $ 16394 Sinking Fund 58300 U6600 11G600`. 116600 Ras6rq@ Sinking P�xnd 7500 23320 23320 23320 FarmGru Home Administration 0 O 0 17510 lbtal -$ 74960 $ 152751 $ 154049 $ 173824 8 Months ACtual, 4,Months Estimated M KRY—LE, 6 Clark Typist 7 AccOuntl nd Clark SterW-Secretary, Dispatcher Labor janitor Administrative Secretary Skilled Labor- 9 Mater Reader Sanitation Cretmn Animal control Warden Pollution Control Operator Trainee Mechanic 8 Light Equipment Operator 10 Sanitation Crft Chief 11 Parks Forema n WAVYIquipment operator 13 14 Water Service Supervisor Public Utilities Foreman Community Services Foreman Community Services Naint. Mech. is Public UtilittesrMaintenance Mechanic Mechanic Arr City -Clerk Patrolman 16 Pollution Control Operator 17 Police Patrolman.(Senior) 18 Police Corporal 19 Building Official Police Sargeant 23 Police Chief Controller 24 Director of Community Services Superintendent of Public utilities Minimum License Senior Patrolman C - water Ce0tifled/One year experience C - Sewer C - Water, B - Sewer 411Y OF CLEW40ti1'' WAGE &'SALARY SCIjEDULE 40 HOUR:'WEd, 1405. MOS. YE/yR YEAR YEAR ' YEAR Ci: S 2 3 a .� 7 6 92230 40 100° ID626Q 2.15 2.8750 : 3.�0 47 4 4992 62 a6o 110 2y° 630 62 40 6 20 5980 6240 7 2.40 2.50 0 2.6250 105 z.76 2.876�0 3.00 3.1250 96 4992 6200 -2 110120 220 230' 240 126, 250 5460 ::720 5980 6240 6500 8 2.50 2.6250 2.75 :2.8760 3.00 3.1250 3.25 200 210 110 220 115 230 120 240 125 250 130 5200 6460 5720 5980 6240,6500 260 6760 9 2.6250 105 2.75 2.8750 ]15 3.00` 3.1250 3.25 3.40.. ` 6460 210 5720 120 2 p i25 250 130 260 136 272, .• f. 5980 62230 6500 6760 7072 ' 10. l]05 2.8750 3.00.,.1250 3.25 3.40 __...._6Q:_._ - -- _. 220 __.: 230 120. - ...`_-.... _240 { ' 125 13D... _. - -]3& 272 1425- 5720 5980 6240 6500 .260 6760 . 7072 284 7384 , it 2.8760 115 3.00 120 ; 3.1250 125 �: 13.25 3.40. 3.55 3.70 230 5980 240 6240 250 6500 :'. 180 {260 136 272 142 284 �R .6760 7072 7344 , 7696 12, 3.00 120 3,1260 125 3.25.40 130 3.55 3070 624 6240 250 260 s136 r`.,272 142 284 1.48 296 154 308 6500 6760 �7072 7384 . 7696 1 8008 13 3.1250 . 125 3.25 ] 30 3.40 ] 36 3.55 ` 3.70 3.85 4.00 250 6500 260 6760 272 -142 a 148 154 160 7072. 84 7696 8008 8320 14 ': 3.25 3.40 132 3.55 142 .3.70 '148 3.85 4.00 4.15 230 284 296 154 308 160 320 166 6760 7012 7384 7696 80M 8320 332 8632 CITY OF CLERMONT WAGE b $ALARY SCHEDULE 40 HOUR WEEK 6 FJOS. 6 'YEAR i 1 YEAR YEAR YEAR CLASS 2 4 16 t36 14x$ 1480 3.85 4.00 4.15 4.30 2"72 7072 284 7384 296 3� 320 332 3432 4. 7696 8008 83232 Q: 8632. 8944 , 16 1425 1480 1545 160 RV 4.30 4 4875 284 84 7696 3088 320 lb6'..` 172. 344 359.80 8320 8632 944 9334 17 ; �70 1.85 164 4.00 • 4.15 4.3A 4.4875 4.6750 296 7696 308 8008 320 332 172 179.50 187 8320 8632 8944 9334 ` 9724 18 IS43..85 4.00 60 4.15 166 4.30 4.4875 4.6750 4.8625 308 3206 172 179.50 187 194.60 8008 8320 8632 8944 9334', 9724 10114 19 4.Qp 0 1615 4.30 172 4.4875 4.6750 4:8625 5.05 _. _;.320__:..__- _._---...332 :__:_...__._..344 179.50 _.359_._ 187 _ .:_ _ --374 Y94.5p_::: 389 ___.... 202 - --- 8320 8632 8944 9334 9724 10114 404 10504 20 4.15 166 4.30 172332 4.4875 4.6750 187 4.8625 5.05 S.2375 8632 344 8944 .50 359 374 194.50 389 202 209.5p 9334 9724 701114 10504 10804 10804 21 -1720 4.4875 4.6750 187 4.8625 194.50 SAS 5.2375 5.4250 3444 933450 374 9724 389 40 04 419.50 419 217;. 434 10114 10504 10804 11284 22• 4.4875 50 4.6750 4.8625 5.05 5.2375 5.4250 5.80 369 34 31877 74 24 389.50 10114 202 404 40g.50 217 232 4 10504 10804 1i284 l 1804 23. 4.6750 187 4.8625 194.50 5.06 202 5.2375 5.4250 5.80 6.9250 374 3899724 209.50 217 232 237 10114 10504 10804 1 284 1 804 12324 CITY OF CLERMOflP !t WAGE & SALARY SCHEDULE 40 HOUR WEEK 6 MOS. 6 MOS. YEAR YEAR YM CLASS 2 YEAR 24 4.8625 389.50 5.05 202 .3. 4 6.2375 5.4250 209.50 217 5.80 2372bQ 6.1620 10114 105� 419464 10804 11284 232 2 493.60 11804' 13 24 12818