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Annual Budget (1973 - 1974)
it is s., "fTY 1 come'ri Bisgfll, mvon, PRO -=I A. Geplpo 6211voodo'f, coullclum IfivVAGER rf. CITY CLMC CITY ATToRm-Y Dolorna V. Carroll Robert F. vason, jz.. Ak DIRECTOR 017 t;o,,njjjjjMy MUNICIPAL JUDGM Robext E. lzvythc R. V. Waters POLICE CH -CM, Figs CBZ Robert E. Smythe BUIMING CYPICIAL SUPERWMwEn or Ifaivey Nag�tlj, v PUBLIC IYC3:LTTIEg— Brady E. 14itebell 1 ! I jC CITY OF Cia=1o1raC, X'U)XIT A Offion of then City bfnnaggar UOnornbla Mayor and HeMbwrn of the City CQIL= .] Clermont, Florida I respectfully submit herewith for your r`ttsidoration and apProval by adoption, the 1973-74 propo,zcd Minicipal Eudast for the City of Clorwnt for tite finical year beginning October 1, 1973 atul 1974. ending September 30, Adoption of the propocad 1973-74 Budget Document provides sufficient fin=c:bV, to cover DePartmontul operationc, retirement of the predetormine.cl aronnt of outatanding debt and affordta necessary funds for improvement to selected Phnees of Operation. Upon reviewing; the nildget, you wi3.x note the major factors contributing Co the increases in departmental operations aret employees salaries, new employees, nee? equipment and the continued rising costs of materials for day -today operations: Tt is imperative that the various departments be adequately qualified manpower end equipment to continue the high level level equipped esth of services and meet present day demands for services in all phases of Local government. Anticipated revenues required to suppo-M the estimated costs "of departmental functions _-o> _the:.Cit-q _tinlah-Include n gcrbage and- trash fee increase of _.. _. $1.00 per month total $1,056,059.00, Federal Revenue Sharing amounts to $106,452.00. Presented with the &mual Budget Is a Capital Improvement Program in the =unmt of $101,971 for general :Lmprol;r_,ments and purchase of equipment to be accomplished cm a pay-as-you-go basis in the forthcoming year. The tars rate of 8 mills is considered ndeeuate.to support the proposed budget expenditures. The budget is dcOU"ned to Provide all services provided in the previous year and expand =20 of these services in the major departments without an increase; in tax rate. Major Improvements over and above 11101 vn3. operating requirements are presented by departments. ADI`II U TRATIOId Allocations provide for a full-time controller. Funds are also allocated for salary increases as Per the iTage and Salary Schedule. The purchase of a telemote for the City Manager and two chairs for office personnel are Page 2 included."'A cotitinrnrcy 9� $1,000.00 In ix►4J. ed in this Account. �rIMLXC sABL"PY POI�ZCI: XID V[R,P, Allocationn provide for an additional pstrolmcn and patrol car. Funds are also provided for salary increases at, par tilt, Stage and Salary Schedules incentive'pay, a public defender, uniforms, overtire pry, training and prinonar`;axpense. 111v) purchase of assorted fire fighting equipment and iu In included this account. an electric typewritor axe also provided. A contingency of $1000.00 CO2•MN rr 4E kvxCE3 Allocations provide for one new position - a mechanic. Provisions are also made for salary increases as per the Trage and Salary Schedule, uniforms, overtime for emergencies and employes training as well as sidewalk repairs and signs Capital outlay al.l.ocationn provide for a street sweeper, a new trash truck chassis, street resurfacing, a concrete saw and safety barricades as Well as imprevementc to the tennis courts,r softball field, shuffleboard courts, JC Beach and Peter Pool Park. A contingency of $1500O.00 in included in this account. AIL SPECTAL ACTIVITIES Provisions are included for revision and codification of City Ordinances, technical; services, publicity, library support,'insuranea, planning and a contingency of $1,538.00. _. iPPIMUS FUND AD:MMSTRATIM Funds are allocated for salary increases as pee' the Wage and Salary Schedule, insurance area debt service. Funds for equipment replacement, the sinking funds, the revenue bond refunding and operation and maintenance; fund amount to $311,480.00. WATEa Included in this appropriation axe salary increases as per the Wage and Salary Schedule, amployea training, uniforms, overtime for emergencies and provisions for the general operation of the writer utility. A contingency of $7,373.00 as well as funds for capital. j:.jprovements are also included. SAKI MY SMMR Taclude3 in thin ,appropriation are saaarg increases as per the Triage and Salary Schedule, employee training, uniforms, overtime for emergencies and provisions for the genexal operation of the sewer utility. A contingency of $5,000.00•16 Provided. as well as funds for necessary capital items. Included in the capital outlay allocation is a backhoe, a sewer redder, and the high school gift station. C1TY� 0F• Ct.CRl4ptdT '" '`' _ ` 41AC C, ASALARY SCIIBAUL 40 HOUR WEEK Moo t405. YEAR YF AR YEAR YEAR CLASS X 23 q 6 7�. G 2.30 92 2.40 96 2.50 100 2.6250 .75 22 7 2.8 750 .00 30 105 210 ' 220 230 240'. 4784 4992 5200 5460 5720 .5980 6240 7 2,40 96 2.50 100' 2.6250 105 2.75 2.8750 3.00 3.1250 192' 200 210 110 2?.0 t15 115 120 240 125 225 50 4992 5200 5460 ,5720 5980 6240 , `650{!. 8 2.50 100 2.6250 105 2.75 2.8750 3.00 3.1250 3125 200, 210 110 220 115 230 120 240 125 250 130 260 5200- 5460 5720 5980 6240 6500 6760 9 2.6250 105 2.75 110 2.8150 115 3.00 3.1254 3,25 3,40 210 220 230 120 240 _125 250 130 260 736 272 5460 5720 5980; 6500 6760 7072, 10 2,75 110-1.].5 28750 3.00, 120 3.1250 3.25 3.40 3.55 _:..-220 _ _..... 230 - 240 --125.._. ..._._..._T30" 250 260 --.._736._ 272 -i42 `.... .. _ 284 5720 5980 6240 6500 6760 7072 7384 11 2.8750 1I5 3.00 120 3.1250 3.25 3.40 3.55 3.70 230 240 125 250 130 260 136 272 . 142 : 284' 748 5980 6240 6500 :6760 7072 7384 296 7696 12 3.00 120 3.1250 125 3.25 130 3.40 '136 3.55 3.70 3.85 240 250 260 272 142 284 148 296 154 308. 6240 6500 6760 7072 7384 7696 8008 13 3.1250 125 3.25 130 3.40 136 3.55 3.70 3.85 4.00 250,260 272 142 284 148 296 154 308 "' 160 320 6500 6760 7072 7384 7696 8008 8320 14 3.25 130 3.40 136 3.55 ; 142 3.70 3.85 4.00 4.15 260 272 284 , 148 296 154 308 160 320, 166 332 6760 7072 7384 7696 8008 8320 8832 Carr OF "E MONT "f WME 6 SALARY, SCHEDULE 40 HOUR WEEK 6 MOST MOS. YEAR YEAR YF;AR YEAR CLASS 2 3 5 G i 15 3.40 136 3.65 142 3.70 148 3.85 4.00 r 4.15 4.30 272 : 284 296 154 308 160 320 166 =332 .172 7072 7384 7696 8008 8320` 8632 344 8944 16 3.55 142 3.70 148 3.85 154 4.00 4.15 4.30 4.4875 .284 296 308 160 320 166; ,': , 332 172 344 - 359 7384 7696 8008 8320 8632 8944 9334 17 3.70 148 3.85 154 4.00 160 4.15 4.30 4.4875 4.6750 296 308 320 166 332 172 344 779.50 359 137 7696 8008 8320 8632 8944 9334 74 3 372a 18 3.85 154 4.00 160 4.15 166 4.30 4.4875 4.6750 4.8625 308 320 332 172' 344 179.50 359 187 374 194.50 - 8008 8320 8632 8944 9334 9724 389 10114 19 4.00 160 4.15 166..-179.50 4.30 4.4875 4.6750 4.8625 5.05 320._.-__ 332 344 359• -- 187---- 374 =-Y94.50-::._ 389 :,::_; 202 8320 8632 8944 9334 9724 10114 404 1050"', 20 4.15 166 4.30 172 4.4875 179.50 4.6750 4.8625 5.05 5.2375' 332 344 359 187 374 194.50 389 202 404 2og,5o 8632 8944 9334 9724 10114 10504 419 10804 21 4.30 172 4.4875 179.50 4.6750 187 4.8625 5.05- 6.2375 5.4250 344 359 374 194.50 389 202 404 209.50 419 217 8944 9334 9724 i N 10504 10804 434 77284 22. 4.4875 179.50 4.6750 187 4.8625 5.05 5.2375 5.4250 5.80 359 374 194.50 389 202 404 209.50 419 217 434 23Z' 9334 9724 i0114 10504 i0804 - ii284 464 464 1,1804 23. 4.6750 187 4.8625 194.50 5.05 202 5.2375 209.50 5.4250 217 5.80 5.9250 374 389 404 419 434 232 464 237 474 ��, v 9724 10114 10504 10804 11284 11804 12324 fig. �f'fae�lV� �0/XI'74 "J ;T� t ; CITY OF CLERMONT WAGE A SALARY sCHEOULE 40 HOUR WEEK 1405. MOS. YEAR YEAR 'YEAR YEAR ,CLASS 2 3 24 4.8625 194.50 8.05 202 6.2376 5.4250 217 5.80 6.9250 6.1625 389 10114 404 10504 2 9.50 434' 10804 11284 232 . 237 246.50 11804 12324 12818 ,�U�,�;�„�N G, ,�"YrI;fBI�'•CC.h'CXfltt ttdlll'UUf�14 6 Clark. 'Typs lc cc 1 Utility clerk. ltis:POWIClog Clark Iii,rxnratchar. Court C.Jl.ark: Labor Jnu l f or � Arl�it;.ti'3tt"fAk'i,Vfl teclCraCnry 9 Skilled Lubor :Wtar Reader. 5nnitntian (3r4D"jmsn Animal Control Wardell Pollution Control Gperator Trainer, :fe.rhmntc B 1O Ltp;ht I�lui1)ment Operator 11 Sanitation (,,reu-G'hieQ Prxkr Fo::u:ruin 13 kI""%'y Equil,ment Operator. 14 Waster. Service Supervinor k Public Utilities foreman Cora unity Servieue Foreman 15 Co=uni,ty Services Maint. Ifech. Public Utilities ILaintenance Mechanic, Mechanic A CItp Clerk lG /PatrolMan 17 Pollution Control Operator 1$ Police Pat :rolman (Senior) _19-wild .P01.1ce .corporal Ln�; Of fici,31 23 .Polio Sur„east Police crie% 24 Contr.-Ater Dire_tor of Cotrmunity Services Super:atendent of Public Utilities fk* Minimum License Senior Patrolman * C - Water Ode ** C - Sewer Certified / yesr c g z:;ience ** C - Water, B - Sewer ,wLeave 'Reinstatement IJithout Pay transfer Varese Chp�oye Red uction in Force .-_......,._Promotion Tax "Change x ; Merit Increase `�ai9 reation .._ ;Classifications Chan e " g Dism Leave ssal . Suspension Full 0yd Lainhsrt Name �+geno Fl Sex Male '--------.• Date .of Birth ,5-12- -1YddrYass Soy. Secur4iy ita: 30e=44-0904.' "Er siflCations n oneempoyson y , } Position 140Ch• Grade 15 Step 4 To Classification, or Position Mech. Tax Class: From gip ., 5 To c - Rate: Hour Weekl 3'e5 944� 154.00 Hour Waekl00 Budget Code 6-7-e19 ' Fxptanation ab e a tioil: Gene has been working for the City for three ye8TSs" during this time:he has `not tried to APPROVED get a class °C.license . His. pay is equal -to, that of the .Utility Foreman, his step<:and., ; grade are higher. . " spar Went ea �---- Gene 'should not,r®ceive.at�y merest increases, other than the cost oil Bl' of:,living°adjustment, ; until he gets a'" class C .license in water treatment.' ; ___�___�_ ty ar er Cene;has to make improvement sn the areae'of .' ssety, maintenamces'records and area clean up., �Yroo c er TUs tiasparUftaaat 11aadw 1PROUs city Naaaaar U(JBJJ,CTs 1975-76 Budgat 1)Arv. 9411tumbar 30, 1975 The 1`�75-7h budgitt providoa for an inaaaranco APnraprintion in thn amnunt of $23,z32s. L-lut cai, ltt tlua City Council aw.yrdud ;)1'iv4ccb4uaa inaurTnnurranca Company Cho Gity'd canco in tiiu nc:wunt of i4K),419, An as ra ault tlic, I)udr;et ira ohort $16,ei94, Duo. to tiara daficdoncy, tiro following; it"'t to tha budaut aru put on hold. Pollco l;ecorder $ 2,240 DmL p Truck 70450 Irrigation o'urrp 1,000 Chlorinator Cenorutor 2,000 In addition t'%n following; callocationa have boon reduced. Vrom To Jenlclno Renovation $ 7,500 S 5,500 40 Contingency-Corta Scrv. 15,000 14,000 Sewer Pipe 5,0O0 4,000 These expenditures will not be madFa Without prior approvni. `t �S 79 N.11�4.1�,A.:fvrw.w N. iioul:ins bc: R. M. Hopkins City Manager . /�pI�1�/ /��y (p spy '�/y /�� MA.i Jr o V/!A> ompr� � Ai mbx `r 1973-74 BUPOUT y 11UAGHT 8UMIARX Actual a.9-- 7.?"s. 13ot9VAtod R 71- 3+► Proposed 1973:74 Ksvrxtrrs Gemutal Fund $ 420714 $ 536398 $ 350374 Utility Fund 149406 -M92L S0,_ 5485 $ .570120 $ 863694 $ 1056059 Ex1P_ENDYTU�S General Fund y^ 399183 $ 493426 $ 550574 Utility Fund 118011 255699 505485 4 $ 517194 $ 751125 $ 1056059 * 7 Months Actual, 4 flonthn Eetimated 11 Months FY due to Revenue SharinZ Sill fl CITY OF CLERMONT,'F%OR AA 1973-74 BUWZT EMI MMITUREB O7 7ER�I. mm . Actual Eatinateod Proposed Account 1971-72 19ZL-Z;* 19Z -74 1. ADwISTRATION $ 37090 $ 39854 $ 'A8506 2. PUBLIC SAPETR 83722 99529 122380 3. C0HMUNITB SMVICES 182035 288322 297437 4. SPECIAL ACTMTIES 96286 67721 82251 TOTAL $ 399133 $ 495426 $ 550574 * 7 Months Actual, 4 mouths estimated 11 Month PY Due to Re - me Sharing Bill r t r 1 CITY OF CLMO DNT, rL MMA 1973-74 mmzT RUMMITUIMS UTILXTIES FUND Actual SatfUtod Proposal , Account A971-72 :.75# 1973-74 5 AMaMSTRATION $ 17405 $ 139748 S 347893 6 WATER 68587 46193 - 69652 7 8Em 32019 69736 87940 TOTAL $ 118011 $ 255699 $ 505485 7 Mouths Actual, 4 Mouths Estimated 11 Mouth FY Due to Revenue Shavia8 Bill �r CITY OF C11TWIMM, MORIUA r. 1973-74 r4JWr.0 RI;Vr"Tur. 811ARINO 1�lTPTDB �� $ 105ne Immm Rim (Thru 6/30/73) 634 TOTAL 9 106452 r MMMITUURP,3 GENP.RAL FUND Controller $ 3900 Patrolmn ;(New) 6916 Patrol Car (170w) 5250 Fire Equipment 1170 Street 80eeper (Rp1) 17000 Trash Trw' k :(Rpl) 4500 Picnic Grin, 300 Tunis .Court Improvements 7325 Softball Field Improvsmsnts A Srwffleboard Ct ResurgaeinC 700 Street lzasurfacing ,. ` F: 20836 Library;:.:: 41' 17400 t $ 86037-. UTU= Fm CoatraAeir.. 1300 Ba4k&oe 14000 utility Supt. E615 'Seger Redder 3500 S zo41s :` 4 +< �r�ienm�s�w■���� _ � . ['1 4„i , CxTY OF mrid-foirr, F xDA m 1973-74 BUDGET WEIM:S cEP[LM FUHTI >: Codm Classification Actual 1971-72 awsat 1,�7243 $etimatadt Propooad 7% x-— 1 73-74 300 Cemetery Lot Saien $ 3131 ¢ 3600 9. 3000 $ 3600 305 Inspection Feea 15353 .15000 15000 20000 310_ xntereat 6202 1000 4450 5000 315 . Tabor Refunds 64 0 0 0 320 Occupational Licenses 14866 12000 6500 13000 322 nag Tag Licenses 398 450 350 450 326 Fire Protection Fees $31 500 200 500 330 1.1Iiecellaneoua 15683 1500 1500 i 1500 335 Fines & Forfeitures 9318 9000 18000' 20000 336 Court Costs 272 300 600 700 j 337 Revenue Sharing 0 0 81268 _ 35293 340 -''342 Rental Property 6450 5200 4000 „� 3468 ' Sanitation' Fees 55205 60000 53000 80000 354 gasoline Tame 18060 25000 24500` 321U Ad -Valorem Taxes . _. - 136129 _ __ 142271 __. __ _ __1450o0 ' .. -. _164145 k j 356 Cigarette Taxes 71256 NOW 27499 69835 357 Franchise Taxes 29010 350M 30348 30000 358 Utility Taxes 38486 35000 104.66 10000 Sub Total $ 420714 $ 425821 $ 42568i: $ 489602 Cash Balance & 0. 120388 130717 409.72- Surplus Forward � s'aR�CRs� Total $ 420714 $ 5462a4 $ 556398 . $ 5505.74• 7 months Actual., , 4 Ninths Estimated AT, Is3_ i1 Month FY Due to Revenue Sharing Bill to f1.ec2 �i73.S`�� AUL " 5 - _.. Y Cxax or CC,I0t otrr, PIrOA,= 1973-74 ntm T ArirtlNIMATion ACCOUNT 1 Code Claeoilicotio ` Actual 1971-72 Budget, $etimatod l 72-73* Prop000d 700 Advertising $ 899 $ ],973-74 720 Contineenctas S00 $ S35 Q 600 728 Equipment322 Rental 361 1000 345 1000 730 Pbcpaneoe-City Menagor 104 609 1SA 559 609 731 rcpena4a-tdayor/Council 60 125 ISO 754 �panaoa-Logal 479 150 150 150 760 DPaintens=G-Buildinge 216 S00 1000, WO 762 Haintenanco-office P.quip 337 Soo 200 SM 767 Hairtenance-Vehicleo 500 450 450 780 Maintemanao-)Uxc. 0 160 30 ; ` : 100 788 Recording Peas ' 5 lII6 50' 2S 50 : 800 Salary -City Attorney 300 250 300 802A Salary -City Clerk 1575 1575 1575!`; 1575 �` 802B Salary -Steno -Sec. 4755 5070 497I ; = 5772 804 Salary -Controller 4458 4784r. 4679 +. 5460 806, asa Manager 2593 294Salary-CiH - 2449 ;tq 7137 SalarY-Mayor/Council 8580 0 2 11400808 856 & Du,s 3656 360ff 2756 3600ecriptiono 868 Suppliea-Office 730 3975 542 600 528 896 Travel & Schl school 655 1 4500 4500 900 Utilities - L+lectric 500 400 t 525 964 Utilities -Telephone 750 700 630 ' 700 906 Utilities-liater/Sewer 1467 ss� 1585 1700 Sub Total -operating $ 178 .. 361 250 $. 350 400 39034 $ 38066 $ e 48206 Capital Outlay : 549 575 1788'` 300 AdRk 1 Total $ 37090 $ 39609 $ 39854 $ 48506 7 Pionths Actual. 4 months Batimated 11 Month PY Due to Revenue Sharing Bill �md� - 6 CITY DIf CL'82MHT, IMOZM 1973-74 MMOLt ADITIMSTRATIOtt ACCOM 1 1:}l1' MTXOti CODE CLA491F'ZCATZON 7dU Neaopaper legal advertising 720 Emergency and non-budgsted expenditures .a�r. a•a ,..{,, 728 Lease purchase on copying machine $50.95/md. _ y7, Q1. 730 Luncheons, Lake County, League meetings, miscellaneous 731 Luncheons, Lake County League meetings, miseellmnoons 754 Attorney fees • 760 Maintenance of City hall, janitorial supplies 762 NCR Billing ttachine- 0111 $132.00 Electric Typewriters (3) t� 150.00 Electric -Calculators (2) 120.00 Other Equipment 48.00 767 City Manager's car 780 Atiscellancoun maintenance not specifically budgeted 788 ____._Recording-cormetery lots, other deeds and easements 800 Salary - City AttoL=y•- 9ason $175/mo x 12 $2100 .(757. General Fund - 257. Utility Fund) 802 Salary - City Clerk 14 - Carroll (5) $148/wk x 52 $7696 (75% General Fund - 25% Utility Fund) 802E Salary - Steno Secretary 6 - Dollar (5) $105/wk x 52 $5460 804(RS) Salary - Controller 23 - Fleming (1) $179/wk x 26 (2) $187/wk x 26 $9516 (752 General Fund - 25% Utility Fund) (RS - $3900.00) 806 Salary - City Manager - Hopkins $292.30/wk x 52 $15200 (757. General Fund - 257. Utility Fund) 808 Salary - City Council 1 @ $100/mo x 12 4 @ 75/mo x 12 $4800 - 7 - Cam! OF Cb1 1gI9T� �ILORbA 1973-74 At1ApBx ADMINISTRATION` ACCOUNT l IICPLANATZON CODE CLASSnyrCATIOkI i35b Florida League of Cities La27'S Lake Co.Co.�League of Cities l5 COnGUmor a'Rosearch 8 -of Credit Bureau, Euatio 72 Florida City Haaager's Ancoc. Iat®raetio10 =1 C1t7 Managerls Aesoc. 60 Amer. Assoc. for Public Admta 25✓ IUMSas>ont Information service 60e na. Finance Offices Assoc. 8b8 896 ' 3 COP71M mftcI'tine materials, stampa, ata-t1onery r eta. City Man,agor'a Annual Short Course 'Plcailu -gun of Citiea Annual Meeting $300 900 Florida Pm er Co l00 Corporation - City iialI, 904 Florida Telephone Corporation - Two lines to City Ilan Radio 906 and loop Clermont Utility Department - City Nall CAPITAL_0UTLAy. Tele Mote for Cfty 244nager $225 Two chairs for office personae, • 75 8 CITY Or, cwmwf p PLO= o� PUBLIC SAS AOCOUM 2 Actual Badgai; ' Eatimatod Propoaad Code Clamoif�ication %97 x-7B 1 73- 4 720 Contingencies 0 1000r;`.r 17"So 8 500 8 id00 760' Maintanance-BuW1036 445, 500 1600 1200 761 M,aintanance-Traffle Signals 0 730 400 750 762 Haintmnance'Office Equip. 49 130 100 1" 765 Maintenance-Radian 881 750 2500 . 1400 767. Maintenance-Vahiclea 1728 750 850 850 768 Minor Equipment 396 ' 790 700 700 786 Miscellaneous 59 ; 200 100 1000 Oil Salary - .Auz & Vol. 4244 3000 3000 4000 018 Salary - Judges 1658 1700 1600• 1700 818A Sal=7 - Public•Defander 0 :`: _ 600 0 : 600 820 Salary► - Lifeguards 2761 '' 3000 2000 :% 3000 826 Salary - Patrolmen 27639 33462 31639, 43762 Y. 827 "' Salary - Police Cadets 612 ' S00 8 500", 828 Salary - Police thicf 7465 8QQ8 7802 :: 8944 830 .--Salary ,, Dispatchers 13481. - 19227 ___ .:. _: _ _ . 18943- -22174- 831 Salary - Animal]. Control 4841 . 5200 •5010 5980. 838 Salary - Overtime & Holidays 1548 Moo 2800 3000 839 Salary Incentive pay 0 1800 1650 2100 856 Subscriptions & Dues 21 50 50 50 868 Supplies - Office 371 ' 500 S00 500 01 Supplies - Materials 433 400 450 450 874 Miscellaneous ' 55' 100 100 100 877 Prisoner Expense 3125 2500 3700 4000 896.: Travel & School 417 500 lOd; 300 .- 898 , uniforms 1051 1200 1200.: ,1500 900' Utilities - Electric 1410 1100 nod 1700 9 ={ 1973-74 VMXMT ACCOUNT 2 0„ ode CI M01fled I rJOA iwa �"i8 P` Esy�te A2Z Pxapo*ad - -..3* 97 74 902 Utilitiao - Qoe $ 123 $ 360 $ 400 $ 42S 425 904 - Utilitieaa �- Telephone 482 0.30 500 906 Utilixiao-Watarlihmar 170 S40 270 600 908 Fire Nydraat Rental 2600 3125 no 3125 Sub Total Opezatia8 $ 79005 $ 96482 $ 91697 $ 115360 Capital outlay 4717 8130 7832 7020 ' r Total $ 8.3722 $ 204612 $ 99529 $ 122380 * 7 tfaatbs Actual. 4 Months Eatj=ted ® 11 Houth BY Due to Revenue Sharing Bill a% — 10 — orry ov QWa1f0n, , naam 1973-74 E17MM MLIC 8A AWOUNT 2 MaI AMTxoN Code Claeoificatimn 720 1mergoncy and non4udgot*4 expenditures 760 Maintenanco of Public Safety Building, aaultorial m"lias 761 Traffic signal maintenance 762 Typewriter Maintenance .Agieemont 8 50..00 Miacellanseue 100.00 765 Maintenance of radio base station and mobile units 767 Maintenance of Police and Fire vehicles 768 Minor Police and Fire, Equipment 780 Miscellaneous Maintenance not specifically budgeted $12 Auxiliary Policeman - 12 man rteetinga - $3.00/nro. I� Hourly Rate (on Duty) - $1.75/hr ® Volluriteww Firemen, . 15 ren Chief - $35/mo - Asst. Chief :- $25/mo - Drills - $10/mo:• Calls School Crossing Guard - $L 75/hr_. _• 818 .- Senior Judge $100.00/mo.' Associate Judge $ 41.67/mo[ ✓ 81SA Public Defender $ 50/ma �, t,r+i�" 821% Lifeguards $1.75/hr $� 826 :... Sargeant (16)_ - Rogers (3) ,$1481Fr x 85 . (4) 154/wok a 17 $7790 00` Patrolman (15) - Hildreth (3).:,$148/ink z 52 7696.00 . Patrolman (15) - Ellrodt (2) $136/.wk a 26 (3) 142/3k a 26 7228.00 Patrolman (15) - Dykes (1) $I30/wk z 9 (2) 136/Wk z 26 (3) '. 142/irk a 17 7120.00, Patrolman (15) Blair (ti) ; .$1:30/wk a 18 (2) 1;36/wk a 26 (3) 142/wk a 8 7012.Q0 (RS) Patrolmia (15) Liew (1), $1.30/wk a 26 Position (2) 1 6/wk z 26 6916 00 C,tSI"L'> OF CrAmw8'L'. "Y* 3M-74IDt> v P1IBLIC SAAli1'E. ACMUNT 2 SATIO'Dl `, Coda '- OLaosifiestion 827 Police Cadets $.50/11r (City - $1'.50/hv (6tste) 828 Police Chief (19) - Tyndal (4) $172/wk'x 52 $8944.00 830 Dispatcher (6) - Cooper (6) $110/v°k x 52 3720.00 Dispatcher (6) - Schuster (6) $110/wk x 52 5720.00 Dispatcher (6) - Courtoy (3) $ 96/wk x 52 4992.00 Dispatcher (6) - Crossland (1) $106/wk x 12 (2) 110/4k x 26 83 (3) 115/wk x 14 5742.00 Animal Control Darden (9) - nester (4) $115/vk x 52 5980,00 838 Overtime fox'holidaya and emergencies 839 856, Police Incentive Pay $25/ago/officer Florida Police Chief Assoc. Lake County Firemen's Assoc. liiscelleneous 868 Office supplies, envelopes, stationery, staape ---- 871._ -Flashlight, film fingerprint __ � ffiterial®, etc. 874 4fiscellanaoun• supplies 877 Food, medical care, c-ma.'k coveralls 896 Lav enforcement and fire service courses 898 Uniforms for Police and Ani=.I Control parsounal 900 Florida Pover, Corporation - Monthly service - public ,Safety Building. 902 Lake Apapka Gas - Zioothly Service - Pabl c 8airty Bu4ldiaa 904 906 Florida Tel.a�hone Corporation - ffonthly Service - Public Safety. Building Public Utility Dept. - tfontbly Service - Public Safety Building 908 Fire Hydrant Rental - to Public Utility Dept - US Hydrants - 12 - m�ea� - 13 - El m CITE or CSMM01` O MMA 197''.'77df P; MAT cmimam aa°!'.'. $=08 ACCIMIT 3• Actual Bw%et Eatitnatod Propooad CA4 cxgbaixicntion 1 71-72 .; 1979-79 3,* , ,a-74� 720 Continsenciea 97.711 , 74456 0 97000 0 ' 13000 728 Equipment Rental 0 400 100 400 760 Watauga" -.Bca4idia�n, 2930 6000 5000 6000 761' Matnteame -. aquip+aow. 2084 3000 2000, 3000 764 Maintenance - Parkb 2560 25M 2000 2500 767 mTaintauance -• vehicles 401213500 3500 3700 768 Hinar Equipment 1273' 1000 i500• 1300 780 Hinemllarteaus 21, 400 0. 300 802 Salary -- Clerical 0 4082 3..181 :,,;''4570 810 Salary - Director 9705 10114 U284 811 , Salary - Asat. Director 7520: 8008 7803 8944 812 Salary - Foreman 2672 6760 6627: 7696 ` 816 Salary - Janitor 5207 5460 5250 ;.6240 822 Salary - Garage 5518 5590 5363 11830 824 Salary - Padre 181514 25197 22620 �29086 832 Salary - Sanitation 40594; 43576 38248 s; 47920 834 - SaL=7 - St & Ss -?Saint:__ - _ 1503l . -20709 _ _ _ 15676 „• 22556 -_ 836. Salary - St cleaning 5560 5980 6032, : 6760 837' Salary - Temp & Part Time 3805 3500 2500 3500 $38 Salary - Overtisi8 1235 1000 1000 ':. 1000 850 Sidewalks 85 1000 915 ' ". ` k '• . 7.200 356 Subscriptioan & Dues 65 75 46, 75 859 Summer Programs 990 1200 900;, ;o•i; 1000 868 Supplies - Offices 0 100 0 100 871 Supplies - iSaterialo 4640' 6000 3000 5000 874� Supplies - PSisceilancous 94 . 300 •0, 200 `Street Signs 1793 ;:, 1500 1500 : 2000 Welcome Signs = '0 200 185 z-' 200 8K j, Travel & School ;.. 34;. ': 100 150 : 200 Ask r, CITY or cLrAlouirr VU)"" , r 1973-74 IIUDGP,T CO'IIf(RT[TY, SMVZCE8 ACCOUMT_3 . cod, aition Actual 1971-72 Eudxet 1972-79 acisu ted 972-73hC+aposad 197-7 898 90p Uniform $ 2059 Utilities - Electric A3293 $ 2100 $ 1500 902 22500 Utilities - Cae 24000 21000 24000 904 108 Utilities - Teslephono ISO 140 906 259 Utilities - dater/Scwr 1Ga7 200 175 250 <. 910 'Vehicles - Oaa 6 oil 8380 2000 2000 2306 ; ' 911 1/ ehiclea - Tires 6 natteries 1869 8000 10300 11500 2000 1850 2000 Sub Total 0 Oport Sub Total - Operating 0 180722 $ 281346 $ 279717 2452E6 ® Capital Outlay 13i3 29347 8605 52151 Total: $ 182035 $ 310693 $ 288322 $ 297437 r 7 Houths Actual, 4 =n.tba OJtimated --- 21 Mbnth FY Due to Renenua sharing Bal - 15 - OTTY OF CL Otti n, ZMIDA r l�%3-7h BL'DfiL.r cotminy 8MtVXCS9 ACCOUNT 3 �,n�nx�Ozr soda, Clare fiaaC� 7210 tiyergcacy and non-budgaeead ezpandituvan 726 Rental of equipment for streat maintaaaanta, construction, ate. 760 Hainteuanca of Jenkins Auditorium, HIAlandor'Rut, earaga, Xala cif Park Recreation Building, Jeay¢aa Beach and Went beach buildings, janitorial NI11AAla.+mn . 761 :'c:r of equipment (excluding vehicles) 764 Mainteaasuce of beaches, ba.0 fields, cemetery, parka and playgrounds;' true triaming and roarrrvaL 767 Maintenance of vehicles iaa Sanitation, Street and Storm Saner Maaintouanea and Parks Division 768 Rain suits, shovels, rakas, garage tools, etc. 780 Mseellanuous maintenaaco, not specifically budgeted Awk 802 Clerk Typist (5) - Giddeias (1) $83.50/wk z 13 (2) 88/ak x 26 (3) 92/wk x 13 $4570.00' 816 Director (24) - S=ythe (5) $217/xk x 52 411:84.00 811 Aeast. Director , 8) - 2btgel (5) $172hrk x S2 $8944 00 ' _._ 812 -- Poreaaan- (13) - r— cir (6) $1481-4k x 52 $7696.00' $16 Janitor (7) - Colc=n (7) $120/wk x 52 $6240.0"VI 822 Majchanic It (12) - Ccv+.J. (3) $125/wk,'x_52 $6500.00: . Maachanic B (9) -flaw rosition (1) $100/wk x 26 (2) $105/vk a 26 $5330 00''r 824 Parka Foreman (11) - (5)`$130/wk x 52 $6760 00:: Skilled Labor (8) - !:tevenson (5) $115/3k x 39 (6) $120/wk z 13 $6045.00`+. Labor (7) - Stokes (4) $105/wk x 39 M "? elni: x 13 $5525.010: . Labor (7) - Reaves (2)`$'96/%k x 26 (3) 100/wk x 26 $5096.00 Labor (9) - Merritt (2) $105/wk x.12 (3) 110/rakes 40 $5660 00 . - 16 - t, ri 11 _x " ,. �h.kp 1i1Y C�IN�iN�V41/A/4N :IIIMI��ir�k1 i.i)iNUI mod A SYRUCHO ,ACCOUI 3 17-hxrAVON C}a IB Clnowel $32 Crow Chian t1D) Kaga (5� $125/�rSc x 5Z Cxna Chlof (10) - kkg,,o (5) $125/uk x 52 $6500.00 Crowft" (9) - Chandler (5) $120/ak x 52 $6500.00 Creswr��xp (9) - Jordan t5D $120/mk x 52 $6240.00 Crawman (9) - Hard (1) $100/wk x 0 $6240.00 (2) 105/wk x 26 (3) 110/wk x 18 Cxa:�,nn (9) - Irwin $5510.00 (1) $100/wk x 12 (2) 105/wk x 26 (3) 110/wk n 14 Li: Eqt operator (9) - Haddea $5.00 (4) $115/wk x 52 Lt L'qt Oparator +(9) .. Mmrd T f_) $I00/yk $59800.00 x 11 (2) 105/xk x 26 834 (3) 1.1.0N. x 25 HeavyL'qt Open. (11) - $5480.00 (1) $110/wk x 14 (2) 115/u+ x 26 (3) °1201Vc.x.17. Lt Eqt Operator (9) - Rettnar (5) $120/wJt x 52 _ Skilled Labor (8) - Curn (2) $I00/pic x I8 $6240.0o (3) $105/wk x 34 Labor (r"f - Roblsoon $5370.00 (1) $ 92/wk r. 15 (2) 96/wit x 26 836 (3) 100/w2t x 11 Eleavy Eqt Operatorf11)-Od�s (5) $130/art a 52 $4976.00 837 Temporary and part time employees $6760.00 838 Overtime for emergencies 850 Hespal.r and repZacmfent ©f uideb=aka 856 Southern Bu:Uding Code Congress Zoning Bulleein $ 5.00 Ps v. 'wtice M- Mfcceilaneouo 20.00Aft 30.00 10. 859 Little League Babe Ruth 570.00 -- Duscellenecue 320.00 858 110.00 Stationery, envelopes, 3tampa, etc. - 17 - 874 Hiacellaneaus suppiioa not apaclfieally budgaYod affic t 1 i Dow Street and tr con ra a gee 881 Welcome signs $96 Conferenc® for Building Officiale $100.00 ftiscs schools and conferences 100.00 898 Uniform pu=hasae 900 Mrida Pourer Corporation - Monthly Service Street Lights, garage, auditorium, parks 902 Lake Apopka tins - Monthly service Kehlor Park Recreation Bldg, Highlander Ihct 904 nw.-ida Telephone Corp. - Monthly ses'vice garage 9,06 Public Utilities Department - monthly service auditorium, garage, library, Women's Club, parks 910 Gas a Oil - All General Fund Departments 911_ Tires & Batteries - All General Fdad Departments CITY or CLUMIM, l►IAR�RA, 1973-74 VOM. '. CON=Tr 8MVICZ3 ACCOUNT 3 LION Cola Claanifiaatio CAPITAL OUTLAY (RS) Straot Swaapor 018000 Trade 1959 way" 1000 $17,000 (RS) Trash Truck Chaal.a $ 00 Tradw'— 1968 Chay. 500 $ 4,500 Concretes 23aov $ 450 Safetp Barricades $ 300 3oc.at+ Ots) Picnic Grille Pavilion - 3 ; JC Bauch — 13 (RS) Tennis Courts s Lightznfi $ �� s a s: � z ; Nets iys Resurface Fearing � �500 ✓'19'� �f°' . Levelling 2000 aioo $ 7,325, (RS)- Softball Field Lighting Banco 240 a9?�� '(RS) Shuffleboard Courts 2�;,��,-� 9 •yo Resurface — 4 (RS) Street Resurfacing $20;836 L 19 CITY DP CLY.10 0?rr, nook 19*7� MMW orwinX. ACTZVT= nCCOMIT 4 Actual ftftot Eatimatad Prop000d" Code glgsaitica_ tion 1971-72 WIZ711 1972- 3w 1973- 4 702 Auditing $ 1740, $ 2230 $ 2250 $.. 2250 720 Contiagancioa 550 1000 0 1538 724 Election Expanse 510 200 389 ' 450 726 Equipment Replacement 10000 5000 5000 0 735 Finance Expense 3545 2438 0 0 741 rnauranca-bospitaliza- 4939 2500 5280 tion 3024 E 742 insurance -Liability 7280 75N 8167 8500 743 rnourance-F.I.C.A. 10123 12984 11000 16930 744 Inaurance-Surety Bond 562 562 563 563 745 Iaourance - F'ork Comp 5169 6500• 10747 110,00 747 rnsuranee - Group Life 1223 2352 1400 1920 751 Planning 300 1000 100 250', _:. 752 -. Library 13300 13300 13300 17400; -- - 780 niscelIaneous 385 500 50 200 784 Pensions 6748 3870 3785 4620 786 Publicity 6525 5400 5400 6400` 853 special Affairs 206 500 100 200 390 County Taxes 1465 1000 1000 1000 893 Tax 6Tork Fees 1382 0 0 0 894 Technical Services 3810 1500 1500 3000 920 Christmas Gifts 439 500 4" 500 921 South Lalae Art League 0 0 0 250 Sub Total Operating $ 78286 $ 73295 $ 67721 $ 82253 Capital Outlay 18000 1$000 0 0 ANK Total $ 96286 $ 91295 $ 67721 $ 82251 e 7 Months Actual, 4 months Estimated 11 Month FY Due to Revenue Sharing Bill 20 '' 1 ., /�/� /�J /� ,gam CxT O VN1;r Dow, 1973-74 BUDM SPECIAL dClx{IX us ACCOUNT4 }/ HXPLANATIOR Coda ClneaiPication- 702 Grcanlee, )Paul and Furnas, C.P.A. (75% General Fund. 252 Utility Fund) 720 RaMenay and non -budgeted itema 724 Transport machines Election officials Miscellaneous 726 B488d on depreciation 741 $11.00 per month per employee x 40 742 Booed on provious year 743 5.85% of total payroll ® 744 $100,000 bond for Controller (75% General Fund - 25Z Utility Fund) 745 Based on previous year 747 $4.00 per month per employee 7S1 Agreement with Lake County Planning_Doparemert _ 752(8S) To Cooper Hemorial Library - Set by Cmmell 780 Miscellaneous items not specifically budgeted 784 Mrs. John Dingle $32.50/mo George Cadvell 40.00% Actuaries race maendrtion to fund program $5.000 ($3750 General Fund - $1250 Utility Fund) 186 To Chamber of Coiz=ee - Set by City Coua:ctl 853 CQUnty Ca;sisaioner'e Annual D1=sr and otbex special activities 890 Landseair Hovis 6 Baird 894 Dr. Wm. Howard - Pension Fund $500 Codification of Ordinances $Z000 Engineering Services $500 920 Turkey or Ham -.each employee 921 South Lake Art League - 21 .. tf CITY Of CLMUNTO Fumm 1971 71 Dmxr T 11EV amm UTILITIES MW In C1ne i'icnt .. — �A --O Actual 197-72 1ludg at' Eatimated rropooad �3..72-73n.....3* 1973-.7.:..' 301 Tapping Fema - Water $ 15221 $ 20000 $ 18000 302 Connection POGO -Sewer $ 25000 ' 1894 3000 7000 7500 303 Ext®aeiona 1513 0 1400 0 310 Interest 816b 2000 4000 40oo 330 tii.ecellaneouo 609 2000 650 2000 340 !Hydrant Rental 2600 3125 3125 3125 361 Water Seleeo 101666 100000 95000 362 Sewer Service 17737 93000 :C10000 90000 105or Sub Total $ 149406 $ 225125 $ 219175 $ 256625 Cash balance & Surplus- Forward - _ _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _ 42458 _ _ _ -19532 -- 31597 - Exaisa Tar, 0 0 685.79, 48448 Revenue Sharing 0 0 0 19781 Revenue Sharing -Interest p 0 0 634 Bond Refunding -Interest 0 0 t &10 Total $ 149.406 $ 267583 $ 307296 $ 505485 * 7 Months Actual, 4 Months Estimatad 11 Month FY Due to Revenue Sharing Bill 22 CITY OF CL 1973-74 UTILITIES AANIINS8X7tAT10Td ACCOUjM 5 Code ClanoificatIon Actual,,, 197 9-. EetImted pxq poaad ' 972- 3�► 19 3- 4 702 Auditl_nr $ 580 S. 750 $ 741 inauranee- 750 $ 750 Hospitalization 309: 742 ! Inrnnan�ca�ix�abSl,+.ty 907 600 1188 743 Insurance - F.I.C.A. 25 2297• 1000 744 Insurance - Surety Bond 3178 2500 4489 746 Insurance Mork Comp 188 G17 188 l88 188 747, Insurance - Group Life 1400 1.400 1400 750 Interest 148 432 100 432 _ 755 Technical• Services 0 0 1480 0 �`'� 784 .Pensions 0 0 0 10000 � �� b,�y` tin �" 790 Office Rent 1000 1Q00 1000 1230 ��� 800 Salary ^ City Attorney 1200 1200 1200 _ _.. 802_.___.Sa1azF ^-Clerics% - _ 525 _---51ft7 525 - _525 _..__. --525 802A Salary - City Clerk 4069 4548 4688 804 Salary - Controller 1585 1690 I692 1924 806 Salary - City Manager 865 2860 86S $31 2379 808 Sa lary - Mayor/Council 1219 3500 3366 3800 1200 11C0 1200 Sub Total -Operating $ 17405 $ 21904 S 222nn Equipment Replacement 36413 Sinking Fund 0 41256 10959 12831 Reserve Sinking Fund 0 .. 5 58300 116600 Assessment Bonds 0 1166660 0 U660 23320 Ravenue Bond Refuad:fmg 0 0 36000 B 6" New Equipment 0 0 0 4>v w Cash Forward - 0 & M Account 0. 550 549 0 i Total 0 0 0 1 � 30329 $ 17405 $ 103670 $ 139748 $ 347$93 23 I aw, OF CL MONTH F140Itm 1973-74 BUDOBT IC0HrRA 7CRATZON ACCOMIT 5 _ IDCPI MTMN 702 Groanlee, Paul and Furnna, C.P.A. (75Z General Fund - 25% Utility Fund) 741 $11.00 per month per employee z 9 742 Based on previous year 743 5.85% of total payroll 744 $100,000 Bond for Controller 746 Based on previous year 747 $4.00 per month per employee 755 Eogineering Fe.a 784 Actuaries recommendation to fund program $ 5000 ($3750 General Fund - $1250 Utility Fund) 790 Administrative space at City Hall 800 Salary - City Attorney $1751no $ 2100 (75X General Fund - 257. ie y'Fund) i 802 Salary - Accounting Clerk - R=ilton (2) $88/wk x 24 x_28 802A Salary - City Clerk 14 - Carroll (5) $148/wk x 52 $ 7696 (75% General Fund - 25% Utility Fund) 804 (RS) Salary - Controller 23 - Fleming $179/wk x 26 187/wL• x 26 $ 9516 (75% General Fund - 25% Utility Fund) (RS - $1300) 806 Salary - City Manager - Hopkins $292.30/wk x 52 $ 15200 (75% General Fund - 252 Utility Fund) 808 Salary - City Council 1 @ $100.00 per month 4 @ 75.00 per month $ 4800 (751 General Fund - 25% Utility.Fund) - 24 - Aft - 25 - El 4 'MnT OF CLIVI lONT, Y1N,5iiMf1M 1973-74 WMLPT RATER ACCOUNT 6 Coda Clasaii'ication Actual 1971t�2 iludawC -73 EntImated 7xopoeud 720 Ceutistgnac:ias $ 728 Equipment Rental 3000: $ 10000 1100 $ i373 760 maintenance - Building75 200 100 20089 761 Maintenance - Equipment 200 300 300 763 PSaintanance - Haters _ 1927 2000 100 2500. 766 Maintenance - �o 2519 4000 1000•• 2500 767 Maintenance - Vehicles 1906 1906: 1906 1906 768 Minor Equipment 261 , �; 275 430 780 Miscellaneous Expense 193 436, 235 400` 811 Salary - Superintendent 411 200 t25 200 812 Salary - Foreman 1966 88 mi 2 2633 813 Sala Salary -- Water Serv, Supr. 4868 4660 5070 " S077 5772 814 Saalary - Meter Reader 5523 5720 .. 3750 g�j0 821 Salary -Labor 5090 �2398 5860 5590 _ 838 Salary - Overtime 1309 3204 2548 , 856_ Subacriptiona & DuQa __453 _200 -900_- - 862 Supplies - Chlorine 25 760 20 35 100 868 Supplies - Office 1629 1000 700 1 , 871 Supplies'- Materials 208 909 950 l061OG� Supplies - Miea�llaneoua 54 300 340 406874 896 Travel.S School 5 300 100 00 898 Uniforms 200 175. 200" 900 Utilities - Electric 374 5845 482 365 300 904. Utilities - Telephone 7000 7000 7000 910 Vnhicles -Gas. Oil 325 350 325 350 911 Vehicles -Tires & Batteries 691 500 525 600 Sub Total - Operating 0 $ 39076 $ 300 SU47 $ 275 35564 $ 350 - + 50652. Capital Outlay 29511 21385 10631 19000 Total $ 68587 $ 62532 $ 46195 $ 69652 7 Months Actual, k months Estimatol 11 Month FY Duo to. Revenue Sharing Bill 26 838 856 27 CITr OF CbF�►� are A` 1973-74 IIi1DOET WATIM ACCOUNT 6 g7tim"ATION gale. 01, a, �Igt 862 Chlorine for seater purification 868 Billing jutarisls, Postage• office suppUO@ 871 coma, nuts; bolts, rage, etc. 074 kiiscollaaeoum supplies not sPacifically'bud$eted 896 Short school and other courses 898 Purchase of unifo=a 900 Florida Power Corporation - Ploathly ssreio* for pumPft& stations 904 Florida 2oa mphana Corporation - Honthly service for loops to Highland 910 Ciao & Oil - Water Division Vehicles sells 911 Tires & Batteries - Water Division Vehicles CAPITAL OUTLAY (8S) Back Hoe — Ditcher - Grader (50% mater — SOX sever) $7,000 _ PiPs.- flttagsj hgdranta, etc,.. _ _ . $12,000 MT, OF CL,1:I wNr 8b0k�I 1973-74 M=LrP SA rM Y ACCOVNT 7 Cade l-IdlilicnE oA Actual -�i zatimatad Proposed -�--- 72-7 a= - x 79-74I 720 Contingenel*a $ 3727 Q 41190 $ 12000 $ 5000 729 Equipment itvntal 0 200 760 Maintenance - buildings 0 50 200 761 Mainteaaaco- Equipment 123 Soo 0 135350' 1500 767 Ataeintonance - Vehicles x16 S00 1 2000 768 Minor Equipment 1095 aoo 986 lls 300 780 Miacellaa,Qous Expense 174 150 500 811 Salary - Superintendent 5897 1,00 6064 120 150 812 Salary - Foreman 1623 16" 6876 7742 817 Salary - P.Control Operators 3215 1692 1924 819 Salary-p.Control Maiat. Mecii 2421 12140 10506 14368 821 Salary - Labor 1223 6370 2376 6462 7228 838 Salary - Overtime 0 Soo 1063 200 2548 856 Subscriptions & Duos 31 40 500 862 Supplies - Chlorine 959 1400 67 80 _suppli.cp - Laboratory _ 472_ .._ _ _ 800 700 _ _ _ _ 1400 868 Supplies - Office 34 250------ 871 supplies - Materizar 335 1000 500 700 874 Supplies - Aiiacw77anen 278 300 350 400 896 Travel & School 175 200 250 250 898 Uaiforas ZSO 175 200 900 Utilities - Electric00 146 3001 620 330 904 Utilities - Telephone 265 13000 11000 15000 910 Vehicles - Gaa & oil 349 400 400 400 911 vehicles - Tires a Batteries 0 Soo 550 650 200 100 300 Sub Total - Operating $ 26659 $ 94926 $ 56756 $ 64440 Capital.Outlay 6360 6455 13000 23500 Total $ 32019 $ 201381 $ 69756 $ 87940 * 7 Months Actual,, 4 Months Estimated 11 Month ry Due to ftvcmua Sharing Bill 29 - CITT OF CLMfOOT, ROMA 1973.74 AUX BT ACCOUNT 7 M('LAHATION ad* C1m alt,� 720 Emergency and non -budgeted expenditures 728 Rental. of equipment far construction or aIainteaanae 760 Maintenance; of treatment plant and Lift 8tatime 161 HaIntonanca a6 pumps and motors (not vehicles ) 767 Maintenance of vehicles 768 'Rain suits, shovels, tools, etc. 780 111scallaneons maintenance not apecificaily budgeted 811 CU) Salary - superintendent 24 - Piitchell (2) 8195/ak x 26 (25Z aster - 75Z saner) (3) 202/wk x,26 $ 10,322 W = 01614.75) 812 Salaa7 - Foreman 13 - Creech (25Z water - 75Z aawar) 7,696 817 Salary - Pollution Control Operator 14 - Davie (4) $142/wk x 26 (5) 148/wk x 26 Pollution Control Operator 14 - Cowes (1) $125/wk x 8 (2) 130/wk x 26 (3) 136/wk x lg 819 salary -Pollution Control Pteint. Mech. 14 - Lanhart $ 6,828 ' (3) $136/wk x 26 (4) 142/wk x 26 82i Salmry -Labor 7 - B�hitc�ora $ 7,228 (1) $ 96/wk x 26 (50Z water - 5OZ sever) (2) 100/wk x 26 $ 5,096 838 Overtime for emergencies 856 Florida pollution Control Association Florida 'ZTater Control ,pollution Operators. Assoc. Ask 862 Chlorine for sedge treatment 161 Chemicals and supplies for laboratory 868 billing materials, postage, office supplies 30 - A1�lIIAtAlllls - _ i... 1 1 !3I'ffi Oy =0019, P�ORMA 1973-74 BUWHT SANITARY SEWER ACCOUNT 7 IMPLANATION Code ClamnifieatMA 871 Clamps, nuts, bolts, raga, otc. 874 Miocollanaoua supplioa not specifically budgatad 896 Region 9 Short School Annual Short School Miscellaneous Courcoa 898 Purchase of Uniforms 900 Florida Power Corporation - monthly service for treatment plant, spray irrigation and lift stations 904 Florida Telephone Corporation - Monthly Service 910 Gas & Oil - Sewer Division Vehicles & Equipment 911 Tires & Batteries - Sewer Division Vehicles & Equipment CAPITAL. OUTLAY (RS) hack lfoc - Ditcher - Grader $ 7,000 (50% cater - 50% swear) Pipe, brick, etc. for acwer taps and Installations, High School Lift Station $ 13,000 (RS) Trailer mounted sewer line nodder %,r/350 ft of flexible steel cable :/a'7y� for cleaning trunk lines $ 3,500 - 31 - r Cl ark-T"yplst ACOUnt ng Clark stnnoMSecra'tary 0{3patcher, Labor janitor Administrative secretary Skilled Labor 9 Mcter Reeder Sanitation Crearman Animal Control Warden �! Pollution, Control Oper Trainee r Mechanic D ,Light Eq uipment Operator lQ Quilding Inspector .•�. Sanitation Crew Chief 11 Parks Foreman Heavy Equipment Operator i2 Mechanic A Supervisor_;_ !later Service- — - - - 73 ' ---- - - Public Utilities Foreman - Community Services Foreman 14 City Clerk Pollution Control Operator C Pollution Control Maint. ldech. 15 Police Patrolman 16 Police Sargeant 78 Fire Chief - Asst. Director of Comm. Services 19 19 Police Chief 24 Cou,e« SOuR,of�public Utilities Director of _Comm. Services r s�; Effective 5/3/73;` i ,: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 �._... 139 3614 146 3796 153 3978 160 4160 167 4342 176 4576 184 4784 192 4992 200 5200 210 5460 220 5720 230 5980 240 b24Q. 6 Mos. .�,? 146 3796 �i53 3978 160 4160 167 4342 176 4576. 184 4784 192 4992 200 5200 210 5460 220 5720 230 5980 240 6241 250 6500 wna�.�, sa► aY sCftEDUL8 CITY OF"CLERMONT 6 1 Pas Year 1 Year _ 3 1 1� 60 3978 167 41b0 4342 160 I67 176 4160 4342 167 4576 4342 176 184 4576 4784 176 4576 184 192 4784 4992 184 192 4784 4992 520 00 192 200 210 4992 200 5200 5460 210 220 5200 _5460-- - 5720 __.__ 210 220 230 5460 5720 5980 220 230 240 5720 5980 6240 230 240 250 5980 6240 6500 240 250 260 6240 6500 6760 250 260 272 6500 6760 7072 260 272 284 6760 7072 7384 4;ffoclt vq 543 73 1 1 Year Year �"" ----».- 176 184 4576 4784 184 192 4784 40V 192 2Q0 4992 52w 200 210 S2Q0 5460 $10 22U 5460 5720 220 230 5720 5980; 230 240 -5980 _ 6�40 -------= 240 250 6240 6500 250 260 6500 6760 260 272 6760 7972 272 284 7072 7384 284 296 7384 7696 296 30$ 7696 8008 EF Oat 6 kA' RY SOICOULE � CITY OF CiEf ENT ��, ' 1 1 1 1 mos. M03 Year Year Year Year 3 4 6 6 7 14 250 260 272 284: 296 308 320 6500 6760 7072 7384 7696 8008 8320 15 260 272 284 296 308 320 332 6769 7072 7384 7696 8008 8320 8632 16 272 284 296 308 320 332 344 7072 7384 7696 8008 8320 8632 8944 17 284 296 308 320 332 344 359 7384 7696 8008 8320 8632 8944 9334 18 296 308 320 332 344 359 374 7696 8008 8320 8632 8944 9334 9724 308 320 332 344 359 374 389 8008 8320 8632 8944 9334 9724 10114 20 320 332 344 359 374 389 404' 8320 8632 8944 9334 9724 10114 10504 21 332 344 359 374 389 404 419 8632 8944 9334 9724 10114 10504 10804 22 344 359 374 389 404 419 434 8944 9334 9724 70114 10504 10894 11284 23 359 374 389 404 419 434 464 9334 9724 10114 10504 10894 11284 11804 24 374 389 404 419 434 454 474 9724 10114 10504 10894 11284 11804 12324 105 :.110 210 r 220 5460 5720 11 2 75 2:8750 110 115 220 r: ` 5720-; 3980 !2 .:: 2 8750 3i00 S Vi 15, 120 125".' 130 13 30 24P 250 260 27 980 6240 "` - 6500 6760 70 00 G3.1250 .'i 3.25" " . 3:40 3: 130 ", 136 lk: 250 260 272 281 >.40 6500-` , 6760' " 7072 731 125Q 3 25 "": 3:40 :" 335 3.; 'S r' 130 136 ] 42 14E 260 272 " 284 29E ook 3' ,/ C J ww...r.i�,r r.rw. r,•nwr � • .44 115 184, 192 200.3 ' : Zip 120 ' 4704 " " 220 2aQ 2A0'' :. 4992 6 ' 5200 5460 5720 598Q 6240 i 2,13 yU . 22 p, 33 2.44 2.56 2.66 2.77' _700 i05' .. 110 115 120 •"; 192. 200 220" 230 240 250 -'4992 5200 a46p 5720' 3980 6240 6500 2 22 2.33 2 44 1, 2.55 2.65 2.77 10U 105 i10 2 88" , ?.00 . '210 " ;. 220 15 230 120 125 130 °. 240 250: 26Q 5200' S60 5720 5980 6240' 6500 6760 1Q 2 33�3 . 2. 442.66 2.77 2,88 3.02 . °105 -- �_ ----- — - -- — - --- -- -- --- — 4. 120 1-5 73Q i36 270 220 23Q .; 240' 25Q , 26Q 5720 6240 6500' 6760 7072 11 2:44 2.55 2 66 2.77 2.rt8 3.ti2 3.1S 110 115 120 725 130 136 142 220 -230 240 _250 260 272 28-1 s. 5720 5980 624Q, 6500 6760 7072 7384 12 2,55 �,6$ 2.56 2 77 3:02• 3.15 3.28 115 120t l25 130 .136 142 148 230 240 ; • 2G0 � � 260 272 284 29'6`'- - . 5980 624ti ,- �QQ 6760 7.72 "-7384 7696 ' Effective 5/ ,up, iy EMPOYCGS ' ,���1•tau� W�ra� a, 4 n «3.28 13 2.66' 2r77 E14 3.02 3,1!' 3.42 12sJ 125 �30 136 142 148 354 240 ` 2% 2601 272 284 296 308 6240 6500 6760., 7072 7344 7696 840fi 14 . 277 1�J 2,88 P 3, R . 3.15 3.28 3:42 3.55' ]25 `' S ` 130 136 142 1411 ��� 154 38, 160 280 260 272 284 296 308 320 6500 6760 7072 7384 7696 BOOB 2320 r