Annual Budget (1972 - 1973)uozorea W. Carroll Richard H. Langley DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES MUNICIPAL JUDGE Robert E. Smythe R. W. Waters POLICE CHIEF FIRE CHIEF Prentice Tyndal Robert E. Smythe BUILDING OFFICIAL, SUPEP.INTENDENr OF Harvey Nagel PUBLIC UTILITIES Thomas E. Asbury, Jr. CITY CONTROLLER John W. Fleming CITY, AA CI,I0WW.f, iURIVA Afire of the City wraage,r IIonoinble Mayor and Meamlaorai of the City Council Clermont, Florida I raspa:r.,tfully autemit herewith for your cocatdaration and rapproval by adoption, the 1972-73 proposed Municipal F,udgo;for. th(a City of Clermont for the fiscal year beginning November 1, 1972 and ending October 31, 1973. Adoption of the proposed 1972-73 Budget Doc=c,,nt provides sufficient financing to cover Departmental operations, ra.tirement of the predetermined amount of outstanding debt and affords nacasnary funds for improvement to selected phases of operation. Upon reviewing the Budget, you will note the major factors contributing to the increases in departmental operations are: eanployee's salaries, now employees, now equipment and the continued ri.oing costa of materials for day-to-day operations. It is imperative that the various departmer—ts be adequately equipped with qualified manpower and equipment to continue the high level of services and meet present day demands for aaexvices in all phases of local roversweent. Anticipated revenues required to support the estimated costs of departmental functions of the City total $813,792.00. Presented with the annual Budget is a Capital L-aprovemant Program In the amount of $155,658 for general improvements and purchase of equipment to be accomplished on a pay-as-you-go basis in the forthccaing year. The tax rate of 8 mills is considered adequate to support the proposed budget expenditures. The budget is designed to provide all services provided in the previous year and expand some of these services in the major departnants without an increase in the tax rate. Major improvements over and above norwal operating requirements are presented by departments. GENERA7. FUND ADMINISTRATION Funds are allocated for employee salary increases as per the Wage and Salary Schedule. The purchase of an electric calculator for general office use is included. A contingency of $1000.00 is included in this Account. e PUBLIC OAYHTY r 'Pole a a�ncl�.a.,� Allocat Ions, provida for tho replacement of two policy cVuINor" and asuorted'items for the Fire Department. Prov,ieiana are included for ra- claaoifiaation of police officers ,and incentive pay as required by the Revanue'Sbaripg 0111 Also 'provided are.funda for a public defender as required by Judicial Reform and the Addition of a dispatcher, Yunda are allocated for uniforain, ovartima`pay, training and salary increasen., A contingency olf $1750.00 in included in this Account. COHMUNITY�SERVICES Allocations provide for one now position - a Clark Typist. Provisions are also made for 'salary increaseo, uniforms, overtime for emergencies and employee training as wolf as sidewalk repairs and sigma. Capital outlay allocations include a new street sweeper. A contingency of $74,456.00 is included in this Account. SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Provisions are included for reviaiou and codification of City Ordinances, publicity, library support, insurance, planning and a contingency of $1,000.00. Debt payment of $18,000.00 is also included. UTILITIES FUND ADMINISTRATION Funds are allocated for salary increases, insurance and debt service. Funds for equipment replacement and the two sinking funds as required by the Sewer Bond Ordinance amount to $81,216.00. The purchase of an electric typewriter for the clerk is included. ----- ----- . teiATEB __ _ Included in this appropriation are salary increases, employee training, uniforms, overtime for emergencies and provisions for the general operation of the water utility. A contingency of $10,000.00 as well as funds for capital improvements are also included. SANITARY SEWER Included in this appropriation are salary increases, employee training, uniforms, overtime for emergencies and provisions for the general operation of the sewer utility. Provision is made for the reclassification of the Superintendent from Grade 19 to 24 as the result of added duties and responsibilities with the activation of the Pollution Control Facility and acquiring a B License in Sewage Treatment. A contingency of $41,190.00 is provided as well as funds for necessary capital items. MY OF CX,LRMONT, FLORIDA 1972-73 BUx pT TABLE OF Commas r, BUDGET SU wty cErrLjRni s�urm REVEinrns 2 E'XPENDITUR.ES 3 ADMINISTRATION k PUBLIC SAY=- 7 COMUNITY SERVICES 12 SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 18 UTILITIES PUI14 UTILITIES R.EMUE 21 UTILITIES WEIr"11URES __22 UTILITIES ADMINISTF.ATIOM 23 WATER DIVISION 25 SANITARY SEWL'!2 DIVISION 29 UT4 T iMM4 / Actual Fotimated Propooad 1970-71 1971-7a*� RLVBNUES General Fund $ 347233 $' 395693 $ 546209 Utility Fund 123426 174113 26758_33 $ 470659 $ 5698Q6 $ 813792 LRF IIUSEB General Fund $ 359385 $ 391001 $ 546209 Utilitv Fund 156135 131655 267583 4 515520 $ 522656 $ 813792 * 8 Months Actual, 4 Monthe .Estimated — 1 — 0XV OV CUNIONT, . nORIDA 1772-73 RUAGI"f 11I:V21TUl:v 01WTIAL FUND Proposed Actual 1,iudpot Esti=tad ���, Budgat Coda Claunification . 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72*._1972-73 300 Cemetery Lot Salco $ 2738 $ 3600 $ 3000 301 3600 305 xnapection Fees 3856 4500 14000 /sir/ 15000 310 'Tntereat 6849 3000 4500 L/sL 1000 315 Labor Refundu 27 0 64 64 0 320 Occupational Licensev 10743 12000 12000 /yg64 3.2000 322 eon Tap, Licenses 373 450 375 378 450 325 Memorinl Salrys 421 350 0 - 0 326 Piro Protection Feen 2003 500 700 500 330 Miscellaneous 2366 1500 16000. /7/-10 1500 335 Pines & Forfeitures 6230 6000 8000 431P 9000 336 Court Costa 192 250 250 J7a 300 340 6500 5200 Rantal Propert? 12090 6500 Gwse 342 Sanitation Feez 53fi06 58000 58000 ss-aas 60000 354 Gasoline Taxes 1843 15000 15000 164;1 25000 -. __.355_.._- Ad. Valoruss.Taae _ _3.33145__ _.-_12879Il..- __.._.13fiO4Q_t'4! m `t_142271_FSo.- - -�--:-_- 356 Cigarette Taxes 65576 75000 75000 7/asv� 80000 357 Franchise Taxes 6913 32000 30000 ago/o 35000 358 Utility Taxes 36905 40000 32000 3�.a70 35000 359 Road & Bridge Taxes 1657 0 0 0 Sub Total 347233 387440 411389 4/'hy7 425821 Cash Balance and Surplus Forward 0 100000 0 120388 Total $ 347233 $ 487440 $ 411389 $ 546209 x 8 Months Actual, 4 Monthe Est.1mated Aft 7ayS �r�a+.Ka uw We �e4oT%3�7i 2 : : � w I nv � b 3 QWyer j)��°Lr !-� vi ll�q{i {� S �:a x r r F % J c uJpk a2 pa +?f r � � 1 § d i d..ii, �}A{N'ti3� jr d �.1 . Z4 T" ,..� � 4 3�iiiif t M{'R �z��lA. 'F "1' �'.f� ➢ {'!�II� Y}�„ 1 i r � i i c + •,r . V �i •€ M7� 'Y 4' d.i ���'>,MS'Y lrk'h q (''AIFf�h N1' p , x'xnpp:xs:d d� rin.nnl.fifynrt+lad w ,0 /1� .1. 72 1971._7,20. �+t��`� t� "7 1 'r a� �tidwz.r t.? ryFS r ?3 } 350 )i 500 , R-m 5(10 7 M0 ConVtl L'r,,cC't:s 464 J00 509 S7 2 1.000 c_ rqul.p,luw: ttontetl. 0 A43 5V SW 60.51 exp`•LLEtey^CLt'y' !(c1:w-,Cet "1. 250 100 /04 1.50 .. J � G 2. 200 mo GI 150 754 Expe:rluca-i.F..1ga1• 150 500 5m 111 500 761) 3,tinL.-aVuce-Au9.l.d1n3.3 C 500 700 baG-dI(. rU 7'L 2Gstz f a,srir.: rIs'quip:-ctt-': 421 472 450 337 500 7 7'(tti:nirna_ ;r. • ,f;t.Cl ee G 11�0 SO o 164 F:3ti iL'Li: t v.?' � s�', •: e. b:24 50 114 S 5G Recording Fees v£ 30ii 3C'o /84 3r10 AfftyW s cat. -. - CL y 7,tt rnzy I.4G 1575 1575 ts?S 1575 8C2k 5a1a.�. - ru-; Gle7". 0 4773 4778 47sS 5070 E Salami. - 8ts!¢uO Serretary r) 4451 4455' 445p 44784 d Salary - audit _supr. _ _.2325._ __-- 1:. S_i.^. r - Cca`_: a-? er 259`r 259s 1.591;. �s53 2554 3t-5 V a1.;;-y - C.-,Y :i,^-Ta:3a_ 924a fl5f.:7 8567 PSBo 10500 '= aalc<13 - i":xyu /'Cot:_ci1. g4 ?60G J600 3b4'4 3500 .3 Salarr - kipt and a._. 1031.9 0 0 o n and :Ituec �: 40';) 52b �/ 13° 542 8 = Supplie3 -4Z's: _ce 1 :14.5 2"C0 3000 3975 3000 3`_ >z;pEli s <_7:erial.s I D 5 0 G o 4 Supp1_ _3�2__rcel"iaa:2o s 2 0 G o 0 d 5 Travel C, Sci,coi ^7 <1.0') 800 6SS 500 Electric 4.46 550 700 7•r> 707 9^4 Utili-:iee Tahephor. 711 700 1400 /447 1500 aC�. UtiliTiP-i•TaYer/Sr: 2r 49 35 200 /7-P 250 Sub Tatal - 4peTating 46385 34•:;33 35111. 5"92 33034 Capital Outlay 3256 1;50 549 549 575 TotP.1 49t;r r $ 34933 $ 36650 g6'?-!t-i 3 �i3G5' - 3 !Lanths Actual, 4 M'ontT?S i.;>tiLirL'.:Brj .. s U.WtiY0 - : esrrvr.r;.it _ 700 720 728 Lcavo 730 j,"DcjIOtr ,!tj Ct)uaty 1,141P 0r r 731 Luncliclonri. (�,c)fjnty If)4,r 0.1nga, m1-O"JIdncOuu expenama of t;:teie,a "If-hitings, miseallaneoua expennou 754 Attorn ey ff"ev 760 MaIntemance CILY Irall, 'quPplIal; 762 H C R $ i3240 Electric (2,N Electric cajcj3.ut:Or,,I (2) J.00. 00 Other Equipr4cit; 120.00 767 City kIana9Pv'!o C,,.tr 148.00 780 Uiscellaneous 788 Recording not uj)-c:LZIc4,jj.jy zmd 800 Salary - CitY Attortic., (75% in Cr..: -raI F- 2!y 173.00/mo x 12 80 2A ;LUf:illtY '!und)a"ry- C-1;Y Clerk (14) (4 1. (75Z in Gen,,ral yund 2 130/wk Ic 52 utllit.v Pund) 802B Salary St.��ao SF,0j:j!!:a 804 Sal- r-cnt,.,j1,r x 52 806 in Goveral 7und 2-Z J-` UtU:LtY Fund) Salary City 52 808 (75Z Jr. General Fuad 25% Iv. Ftmd) Salaries - Cj�,.Y Cotrz,, @ $100"Mo x 4 LI 75/zz z 1.2 (75% in General Fmnd 11 - 5 - ACt 0i11rA 1 �:t�.nrat�zrr�rr EJodrn Clnntei£lcstt•toc 856 FlorLda T,amgua rf. c;ltica LaFc Co. Leugt�r of Chit::,, 000.0i} Cantiuc„a K�o :�:tlax zrl:h 15.0a CreGlt I:kKf)$U G .(;i1 CAE a 00 Florida C:lhv t�`nanr4rc'tt A1*;nc, b t}.uo 111!ru Tnter.uttiontt,l C?tv MOD pr<'•x'L Astroc. Amer, A800c, 10,00 5A.l70 for i'u(,lic :.cikain illsnal am4Jllt luforuxtion SF-Izvice 23.00 Fln.'t•LuniCiPn7. Finrncc gf'fwcox's As;;nr.. 51).00�t,u Flozetdex :fz o,rrL SGzl;uaJ.xin 3.00 8G8 Of1{c;o 5unp13erx, :L1.00 copy «:c$ina na*ces:,.a;sy c:c^Cing tstat tone,:: , aul,pli.eat, r_'uuekopes, 895 City ' zauaZ S1x r, Cour:ax Fla Leaue of E.iCin_s r100.00 An 1:.,�1 M* r 'sce:llzuco;.a ink 300.00 900 Florida i'a t y yJb oaaCia 1 `*• "1` •y >'t`afii,, G76q 4 tQoV 904 w �f t2 =l ..k3 ,n 1r.a {tt F7.or Aa Trs Jr,�) y_ .:., - Citq Hall .ihrne .ar Gzr: ,cr tic Bdio Loc .. iSxJtroJ nd. - cic" F1, 906 -lers,ont_ Ut- jjt'.e:; Ar_partme ;t ... , ,.. :•fL..1;7 :I�;.v'Cn -• CiCf N311 Capi::Il OL% .Jay Electric Calmlator (1320 /,•ape ; er )75.00 5?/`=� i iPWe'GX'C fiASrF;':"u CGti.a 01 /lt; �.atR,l J�tCit�el. i'rlti1.7�7.CN,{i �V 3 Gt 11, 1t nmiflcuclot, :1970 A'71, 1971;-•77 µ 7."0 ("a'Atini"wiftIfI'l a b $ 1400 �1 570 looca � L7 o 700 PLnirrl,ntltcca".i:u11<iirti;t Q ;00 •�Mt) `� 4wb 761 1.nlnLcresnr.�: m '(xat£l:,r. S•Sf�rlr:.n:a � Q C � '15G 762 Pikirlten.ancc-.- b fic;� i'qut.Zzc�nt 5ct '.iiF LCC �I9 15(i 865 Rainteuatarte •- Razlio 241 250 650 8$/ 750 767 iiair.w r n: ncas .. 7�.;tir..s3 Q 1UOt3 7'3C ! J9 75C 768 ,..inc,x 7`q+f +,ir.; .t+; 581 ' Q00 5CC 39 r 780 bif.)xellar;r,.cus 2?.'r 20Q lCG 48 ?Q() 812 Sa,!zry •- 454i :iQt)0 fcurG 9a�ly SUir.1 ii1. Sal cFzv t�s t t.',_ia _ .:� s_�, 7r.th'l f) 818 Salt r7 - .2 ,l� r_ ? G3<; icr, 0 i i5U o 60C 820 S�_ F. i - fn_gvzz<t!. 2"7 3. r 627 5s1 ,r Po t1_ r ri s ) i ^,p 50 61Z 5C,0 $2S Ea'L1:r'T - ,^,37.:_,... Ghi.e_ 7G83 �.%, 6315 746s £008 830 S ..1::-ar L' ..hers i 7 f)"OL l:>_'•4 1336E !•3481 ).922? 83.1. Sr:,IZZY �s5Q4 48y1 :1200 838 G"exti 149 :.0 is -12co 1548 1�;GQ $39 "1^rentiva P�.y Q i' 6CQ c 180o 850 Subucriptions •`. ,, .:-.. .0 5;3 20 5Q 368 Supplies -- r p =: c 'c6 G.C.Q 375 371 500 871 Sup—plic.; -3C'0 4 Q4 933 wQQ 874 Xincallazec.s ''C 877 i'r:lPoner Exsenca = 1 3 l f:0 2500 3185'• 2500 896 7.'rc i _ r, co _ :L' 500 418 5C0 CV1Y OV C1,ifIUMONT, Pl,ORVA 1972-73 t1tJDOYM PUDLTC SAFETY, ACCOUNT 2 LIProponed Actual Budget Estimated. ,I% Budget Cade C.laelaification 1970--71 1971-72 1971-72* NGi' j4972-73 898 Uniforms $ 595 $ 1000 $ 1000 loco$ 1200 900 Utilitiea - Maatric 1.231 1080 1000 1101 1100 902 Utilities - Gas 250 360 250 1a�3 360 904 Utilities - Telephone 442 828 800 y2L 850 906 Utilities - Water/Srawor. 166 300 200 300 9013 Fire ti, drant Rental 2600 2600 2600 '-3600 3125 Sub Total - Operating 67294 61904 769f.4 96432 Capital Outlay 1274 5694 4714 H714 8130 Totel $ 6856E 67598 $ 81698 $104612 * 2 Months Actual, 4 ufoaths Estimated ACCO M4T 2 ItXPLANATION Code Cins� _ ifi5,;-4ion 720 Emergency and non -budgeted expeuditurau 760 Maintenance of Public Safety Auildinp., janitorial Isupplias 761 Traffic signal maintenance 762 Typewriter Maintenance Agreement $ 35.00 Miscellaneous 115.00 765 Maintenance of radio base station and mobile units 767 Faintenance of Police and Fire Vehicles 768 Minor equipment for Police and Fire 780 lU scellaneous maintenance not. opecifically budgeted 812 Auxiliarl Policeman - 12 men Meetings -• $3.00/ro hourly Rate { On Duty) - $1.60/11r Volunteer Firemen - 15 men Chief - $35/Mo Last. Chief $25/Ho. :_Drills. Calls - $ 4/call School Crossing Guard - $1.60/Hr 818 Senior Judge $100.00/114o Associate Judge $ 41.67/Mo 818A Public Defender $ 50/Mo 820 Lifeguards $ 1.60/fir 826 Sargeant (15) - Carlisle (4) $136/wk x 52 = $ 7072.00 Patrolman (14)- Hildreth (4) $130/wlt x 52 0 $ 6760.00 Patrolman (14) - P.ogers (4) y130/wk x 52 - $ 6760.00 Patrolman (14) - Morrison (3) $115/wk x 52 G $ 6500.00 Patrolman (14) - Ellrodt (2) $120/wk x 7.6 (3) $125/wk x 26 m $ 6370.00 -9- i PUBLIC S.AFLITY 1972-73 ACCOV14T 2 P.7(I'L NATION Code Classification 827 Cadets $ .50/Hr (City) $1.50/11r_(Region IV Governors Council on Criminal Justice) 328 Police Chief (18) - Tyndal (4) $151/wk x 52 e $ 8008.00 030 Dispatcher (6) - Cooper (5) $ 96/wk x 52 - $ 4992.00 (40 Hour Wk) Dispatcher (6) - Schuster (5) $ 96/wk x 52 e $ 4992.00 (40 Hour Wk) Dispatcher (6) - Blair (1) $ 96/wk x.52 g $ 4992.00 (48 Hour Wk) Dispatcher (6) - New Position (1) $ 80/wk x 26 (2) 83,50/wk x 26 a $4251.00 (40 Hour Wk) 831 Animal Control Warden (9) - luster (3) $100/wk x 52 - $5200.00 838 Overtime for emergencies 839 PoliceIncentive Pay $25/mo/offJeer 856 Florida Police Chief Assoc. Lake County Firemen's Assoc. Miscellaneous 868 Office supplies, enveloped, stationary, stamps - - - -- --= 871 Flashlight batteries film fingerprinting B , , materials, etc. 874 Miscellaneous supplies 877 Food, medical care, work coveralls 896 Law enforcement courses 898 Uniforms for Police Officers and Animal Control Warden 900 Florida Power Corporation - Monthly service - Public Safety Building 902 Lake Apopka Gas - Monthly service - Public Safety Building 904 Florida Telephone Corporation -Monthly service (two lines) Public Safety Building 906 Clermont Utilities Department - Monthly Service - Public Safety Building 908 Fire Hydrant Rental - To Clermont Utilities Department (125 Hydrants) Capital Outlay Patrol Car $ 3790 7 Trade 1970 Chev. 8003Q`�7� Equipment Replacement 120E General Fund $ 1790 �q� a 0 UNidyH(I�NA�p`',i //��//��d,r��Ann/���yf)'r'''"yyqq�ri NVi'ffM4.1 Z%'Y '.6ERVICZ0 ACCOMIT 3 Proposed Actual 1fuJget Eatimated �J,S Budget Code C anu leation 19... LQ-771 7 1."Z2 19 1»72a �n 7 »7 720 Contingencies $ 0 4 50806 $' 0000 Wl$ 74456 728 Equipzmont Rental 74 400 350 a , ' 400 760 H4intenance-Bulldinga 3264 3000 3000 590 3 6000 761 Hainte=ice-Equipment 1979 '3000 3000 DoP3 3000 764 Maintenanro-Pka b C Playgrounds, '1845 250U 2500 073S- 2500 i 767 Maintenanca-Vehiclos 2971 3000 3500 !9017. 3500 yl 768 Hinor equipment 1150 2000 1000 t 1000 780 Miscellaneous 48 400 350 400 802 Salary -Clerical 0 0 0 O 4082' 810 Salary - Director 9230 9724 8976 97oZ- 10114 811 Salary -Asst. Director 3400 7540 6948 7.70o 8008 802 Salary - Foreman 0 0 2750 367 L 6760, 816 Salary - Janitor 5328 5200 48DO sao-7 5460' 822 Salary - Garage 4929 6240 60DO 5590 824 Salary - Parka b Cemetery 20939 24063 20000 IPAsY 25197 832 Salary - Sanitation 50554 41496 40000 9a SiY 43576 834 Salary - St b S.S. Maint 9616 20033 15000 rs031 20703 - 836 _...__-Salary - St Cleaning 189 5590 5150 =6 c 5980 837 Salary - Temp b Part Time 1760 4000 3500 3?05 3500 838 Overtime 540 1000 1000 /a 3V 1000 850 Sidewalks 47 1000 500 8S' 1000 856 Subscriptions b Dues 0 50 55 GS 75 859 . Sumer Programs ' ^10 1500 1400 l"�a 1200 868 Supplies - Office u2 0 0 0 100 871 Supplies - Materials 5907 5500 5500 y6Yo 6000 874 Supplies - Miscellaneous 131 300 200 '71 300 880 Street Signs 588 800 1400 J793 1500 err,. CYTX Of, CLERHOW, YLORXDA 1972-73 DIA)GrT COISMUI7ITY SERVICES, ACCUUN'E 1 Pralroraed CoJ® Clss®iEicatiAzx_ Actual Budget ratimated Budget 1970-71 19.71 :72 1971-7 72-73 881 Welcome to Clermont Signs $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 0 $ 200 896 Travel 6 School 0 100 100 898 Uniforma 0 2496 2000 -'-I�Is`l 3295 900 Utilities -Electric 21168 22000 20000 aas°b 24000 902 Utilities - Gas 137 150 100 '08 150 904 Utilities- Telephone 146 100 150 DS7 200 906 Utilities - WaterlSewer 2042 1800 1500 16e7 2000 910 Vehicles - Gast & Oil 7228 7000 7000 P311`1 8000 911 Vehicles - Tires & Batteries 1875 2000 2000 1P69 2000 Su9 Total Operatlr:8 158157 234788 177680111371281346 Capital Outlay 5665 33000 981 13v+ 29347 Total $ 163822 $ 267788 -._.. _ ----- $ 2786671Eo.26 $ 310693 GueIRP.n..... aaoay * 8 Months Actual, 4 Months Estimated re CAMMUNII'Y B�ItVICi;B 1972-73 ACCOUM .3 F.XPbA1lATx0t1 „Code Glo�nl!'icntiai 720 urgency and non -budgeters expenditures 728 Rental of equipment for street maintenance, construction, etc. 760 Maintenance, of Jenkins Auditorium, Isighlander slut, municipal garage, Kehler Park Recreation Building, Jaycee Beach and West Beach buildings; Janitorial supplies 761 Maintenance of all equipmOut except vehicles 764 Maintenance of beaches, ball fields, cemetery, parks and playgrounds; tree trimaaing and removal 767 Maintenance of. Vehicles in Sanitation, Street and Storm Sewer 'Maintenance and Parke Divisions 768 Rain suite, shovels, rakes, garage tools, etc. 780 Miscellaneous maintenance not specifically budgeted 802 Clerk Typist (5) - New Position (1) $77/wk x 26 (2) 80/wk x 26 M $ 4082.00 810 Director (24) Smythe (4) $195/wk r, 52 $ 10114.00 811 Aset Director (18; Nagel (4) $154/wk x 52 0 $ 8008.00 $12 1. Foreman (12) - Beach (6)--.$130/wk x-52_ ®_:.__$---_...6760.00- _:--- 816 Janitor (7) Coleman d�l�Y (6) $105/wk x 52 m $ 5460.00 822 Mechanic A (11) - Covii .5t., ti �J,J73 (2) $105/wk x 26 (3) $110/wk x 26 n $ 5590.00 824 Parks Foreman { _ Adams (4) $LWAwk x 52 $ 5720.00 Skilled Labor 8 - Stevenson (4) $100/wk x 39 1051wk x 13 4 $ 5265.00 14nor 7 - Stokes (3) $ 92/wk x 35 11ICK5 ';-s•11 (4) 96/wk x 17 $ 4852.00 Labor 7 - Davis- /17,!r (2) $ 88/wk x 26 (3) 92/wk x 26 =- $ 4680.00 Aft -14- COt�t17k�171'K °CJ�'ItYI�JU,Gi 1972-73 ACCOIRFr 3 I'MILANATI01 Code C]nciiflentio, n 824 Labor 7 - UJA atBy (2) $08/wk x 26 (3) 92/wk x 26 $ 4680.00 832 Craw Chief (10) - xcyas (4) $110/wk x 52 0 $ 5720.00, Crew Chief (10) - TkeCca (4) $110/wk x 52, M $ 5720.00 Crewman (9) - 11101=0 (4) $105/wk x 52 .. $ 5460.00 Crowman (9) - Chandler (4) $105/wk x 52 $, 5460.00 Crewman (9) —Jordan (4) _$105/wk x 52 a $ 5460.00 Crewman (9) -- Isom (4) $105/wk x 52 W $ 5460.00 Light Eqt. Operator (9) - Madden (3) $100/wk x 52 - $ 5200.00 Skilled Labor (8) - Crawford (3) $96/wk x 26 (4) $100/wk x 26 M $ 5096.00 834 Heavy Eqt. Operator (11) Pennington (2) $1.05/wk Y. J (3) $110/wk x 43 b $ 5675.00 Light Eqt. Operator (9) - Fender (4) $105/wk x 52 $ 5460.00 Skilled Labor (8) - lluglaas (2) $92/wk x 26 (3) $96/wk x 26 $ 4880.00 Labor (7) -Bat" (2) $84/wk x 26 _-(3)_._ $92/irk.. x. 26._ $--- 4680:00 _ - ---- 836 Heavy Eqt. Operator (11) Odoa (4) $115/w1c x 52 $ 5980.00 837 Temporary and part time employees 838 Overtime for emergencies 850 Repair and replacement of sidewalks 856 Southern Building Code Congress $25.00 Zoning Bulletin 20.00 MiscelInneous 30.00 859 Little League $700.00 51° Babe Ruth 300.00 Miscellaneous 200.00 - is CM,20 I rr OMvxCBS 1972-13 ACCOUNT 3 YAPLANAT70N CodeClassification 871 Paint, lumber, street maintenance materials, concrete, raga, nut*, bolts, etc. 874, t1iscellancous supplies not specifically budgeted 880 Street signs and traffic control signs 896 Conference for Building Officials 898 $2.65/wk x 52 x employees 900 Florida Power Corporation -Monthly Service Street lights, garage, Jenkins Auditorium, all parks 902 Lake Apopka Gas - Monthly service Kehlor Park Recreation Building, ffighlander Hut 904 Florida Telephone Corporation - Monthly service - garage 906 Clermont Utilities Department - Monthly service - Jenkins Auditorium, garage Women's Club, Library, all parks 910 Gas 6 Oil - all General Fund Departments 911 Tires & Batteries - all General Fund Departments Capital Outlay _.Vacuum Street_Sweeper Trade 1959 Wayne Equipment Replacement 1/2 Ton Truck (Foreman) Radio for Foreman's Truck Dump Truck IAPy12.1122 Trade 1960 Ford (42-.O1a) Equipment Replacement Ice Machine for garage 5 $ 29 000 1,000 7,560 $ 20,400 2,800 �as6�,oti 500 $ 6,000 500 2,653 $ 2,847 800 16 CW*Am CITY liv GI.i'ttMORITr NG01►xUA 1972-73 TMET SPY41M, ACTIVITTIM ACCOWIS 4 Prop000d Actual nudget f:stimated Budget Codw C9naa xcatlan 1970-733 1.971-72 1971-72* Ac•i. 1r72-73 702 Auditing $ 1950 $ 27.50 $ 1740 o4o $ 2256 720 Con ingencioa 362 ' 2000 750 .5 "' 1000 724 inaction Pxpenraeas 156 200 510 Sla 200 726 EjuipmEtnt Replac(mient 0 10000 10000 :ocoo 5000 735 Finance Expense 3760 3545 3545 B:Y-r 2438 741 Insurance 11onpital•tzatioa 2770 3215 3215 3ozY 4939 742 Insurnance - Gnneral Liability 9757 7500 7500 7379 7500 743 insurance - F.I.C.A. 9857 10500 8000 510 33 12984 744 insurance - Surety Adk Bond 750 656 562 562 745 Insurance - Workmen's Comp. 3916 5500 6000 476e 6500 747 Insurance - Group Lifs 1802 1900 1600 t:)a3 2352 751 Lake County Planning Dept_ ._.._ 2409 _ _. __ 1000 _ .. _:..-1000 -.3c2— _-i000 -- 752 Library 10817 13300 13300 /336a 13300 780 Miscellaneous 444 500 250 3?,i 500 784 Pensions 5500 5870 6742 6")u"1 3870 786 Publicity 6033 65l 6525 6Sd4` 5400 853 Special Affairs 614 500 300 "(- 500 890 County Taxes 780 810 1465 Iq&�- 1000 893 Tax Work Fees 1350 1400 1039 1381 0 894 Technical Services 385 1500 1500 3`io; 1500 920 Christmas Gifts 441 500 439 y31 500 Sub Total Operating 6El53• 7311-1 75982 vAl 73295 Capital Outlay 16500 18000 18000 18000 18000 Total $ 80353 $ 97171 $ 93982 R� a /91295 * 8 Months Actual, 4 Months Estimated �t30q --18- SPECTAL AC'[l1llxxrr 1972-73 ACC01W 4 EVLANATION ' Code Classification 702 H. W. Sheppard'b Co., C.Y.A. (75% in General ,Fund - 25% 'cLLl ry Fund) 720 Ewrgoncy and on -budgeted expendituros3 724 Transport Machines $ 50.00 Election Offic.143.r 8 @ 15.00 120.00 Y.iscellaneous 30.00 726 Eased on Depreeiztion 735 First Federal $2G?0.00 ($40,000 Balance @ 5%) Jenkins Auditorisan $438.00 ($2.2.500 Balance @ 33'�".) 741 $8.40 per ;:=nth per =ployee 742 Based on Previous Year 743 5.21 of Total Payroll 744 $100,000 Bond fcr. Controller (75% in Genera:. Fund - 25% in Utility Fund) ---------- _._.. . _...745....._.Based- an.Prav3ssua...Yegr 747 $4.00 per month per employee 751 Agreement with Lake County Planning Department 752 Set by City Coil 780 Miscellaneous its not bpecifically budgeted 734 Mrs. John Din3lla $32.50/roath George Cad -well $40.00/month Actuaries Eeco=ezdation to Fund Program $4000 ($3000 General F=d - $1000 Utility Fund) 086 To Chamber of Commerce Set by City Co=cj-1 853 County Commissicrnrr's Annual Dinner and other Special Activities 890 First Federal Adak Landseair Ji 894 Dr. Wm. Howard $32.10 per month Codification of Ordinances -i9- v CITY. OF CY,R?iAlONT,` FLOAJDA, 1972,173 DUDGET Rrvrfrur, y UTUAT'IGS FUND � r>•on�a p� Propo Coati Clan+sffication A�.eural Buflgol' Fntimntod {� �, 1971-72 1971-72* p��%�BudPat79 301 Connection Facu-Water $ 31,15 $ 3000 $ 1501M) /saal $ 20000 302 Connection Feera-Sever ;} 7000 1000 /61" 3000 303 6iater Line Fxtersion . 0 0 1513 ! 5 i'1 0 310 Interest 21919 16000 10000 7y11 2000 330 2Usceil<.neou3 2053 1000 4000 33v1 2000 340 nydrant Rentals 2+00 2600 2600 194o0 3125 347 Sewer Reserve 8993 0 0 0 0 361 :dater Sales 844,41 90000 90000 /a/671 100000 362 Sewer Service Ch2.rE�.c_ 0 24000 10000 17734, 95000 Sub Total 123426 143600 134113 is/3F4. 22512:i Cash valance & Surplus Forward 0 40000 40000 42458 A* Total 123426 183600 174113 267583 * • 8 Months Actual, 4 Months 111:timP ted d 17 a,23 ** $35,000 loaned to Sewer Const. Acct. ;F CITY OF CLrRMONT, FLORIDA a97?.-73 . %U7�GLx Y:XII'}'.liDITURPS UTILXTIES FUND ACTUAL NSTIMT0 PROPOSED ACCOUNT 1970-71 1971-72* 1972-73 5 ADHINISTRATIOa $ -' $ 42,286 $ 103,670 6 HATER 69,903 48,526 62,532 7 SEWER 66,232 40,843 101,381 TOTAL $ 156,135 $ 131,655 $ 267,583 * 8 Months Actual, 4 Months Estimated - 22 UTIUMon nr�tlzlrla AxzQrr ACCOUNT" g Cl.af�at(�Pxcc►1.acrkcut� �. ,...__,.,.�,..'ou uc'84t 1y70 71 pzopoeeci Pnt9uaatncl 702 Audlkiu, -^ . _., lvl ?971�72k k�aLAudgot 741 Irisurnnce- 750 A lionpitax IZIAti.oAti 75U 742 Innurance - Ljol,1.7,ity 614 SOp p _ 743 In aurunce w .I, C.A. _ 600 907 600 O 744 Inaurance - Surnt y 13oad 2677 1000 2500 a�97 3178 746 747 Iunuranct., Workv!n's 183 Co... - 188 188 188 Xnauranc-F e - Croup Life 1200 � 1200 Ll6 1400 784 k'enaiona 348 7.40 7�/d' ' 790 Offick pent - 1000 432 1000 /oon 804 Salary ~City Attozney l?.00 1000 1200 0 1200 802 Salary •- Cler.ical 525 S8S 525 8021 Salary -- City Clerk 38. 87 _ 5000 StB-7 4069 Am 804 306 Salary - Controller 1592 1592 ),vx, I690 Salary- - City ma.aager 865 865 2bq 865 808 Salary - aieyar-JCouncil 2d89 2889 a $"f 3500 Sub To Total. - Opezatin8 1200 _ 1200 13l5 1200 .....Equipment �p'acc.�ent. 19535 20079 ._..l7p`l3...27,y0$__.. Sinking F::nd 7119 7207 11256 Reserve - Sivxand _ 0 _ 0ukino 58300 New Equipm 25000ent 15000 11660 Total - 550 - 4165t; 42286 103670 *8 Months Actual, 4 aonths estimated -23- n�awowwo® - 1477.-73 ACCOUar 5 ; MCP LANATION ` Code Clauni_P1cn-tiou 702 if.'W. Shappard 6 Co., C.P.A. (lax in General. Fund - 25% in Utility 'Fund) 741 $8.40 per Month Per employau 742 flamed on proviou,n year 734 5,2% of toted payroll 744 $100,000 Bond for Controller 746 Based oa previous year 747 $4.00 per twnth per employee 784 Actuaries recormendation to fund program fS3000 General Fund, $1000 Utility Fund) $4.000.00 790 aaministrative: apace at City Ilnll 800 Salary - City Attorney $175.00 per monrh (75x General Fund - 25X Utility 802 Fund) Salary - Accounting Clerk 5 (1) $76.50/wk x 26 802A (2) $80/wk x 26 $4069.00 Salary - City Clerk 14 r x S2 $6760.00 (75a General fund - 252 Utility 804 Fund) Salary .- Controller r „6G.50 Per wee; (75% Gtne_ul Fund - 25X Utility Fund) _806 __ Sale. ry - City M--nager $269.23/wk :: 52 (75% General Fund - 252 Utility 808 Fund) Salary - City Council 1 @ $100.00 per month 4 @ 75.00 per mouth (75z General Fund - 252 Utility Fund) Capital outlay Equipment Replacement - 52 of Gross Revenues Sinking Fund - 1/6 of all interest due on next somi-annual interest payment date Reserve - Sinking Fund - 20% of amount required in S{ *ilciag Fund Electric Typewriter $550 Y -24- �AIAiw��ninn®ui - . l.HF WATP.R ACCQUtpr 6 C�odi9 CZiacsn_ i1Cicat3on Actual 1970-71� Bud not „ Propsiaed t�titdAt#d Budget 702 1971-72 197,w 1. , 72 wpn / 197. _...2-73w Auditing $ 500 g 9 720 Contingencies 400 - $ " 721 Sower Exponaie 7282 2000 B7011 10000 1563 728 Equipment Rental 83 - 741 Insurance-2iospitaliz- 100 100 IY 200 ation 325 742 Insurance -Liability 552 - 743 Insurance - F.I.C.A. 1060 - 760 Ktintenanco-Building 88 _ " 761 Maintenance -Equipment 1643 200 0 100 fi5' 200 763 Maintenance -Meters 4125 1000 2000 t9 �-' 2000 766 Maintenance -Tanks 4000 2500 1N7c' 4000 767 Maintenance -Vehicles 1906 1906 Z90b �5°c 1906 Ah 768 Minor Equipment 37 150 300 PN 300 780 titacellaneous E::penaea 281 200 200 Jy3 436 784 Pensions 3 50 300 eliv 200 870 _ 790 Office Rent 1200 _ _ __...... _ 802 _.._Salary ._ -Clerics? _ _ 397.3 804 Salary - Controller 761 806 Salary - City Manager 2590 _ _ - 808 Salary - Mayor/Council 1048 _ 810 Salary - Supt 6 Asst 5151 811 Salary - Superintendent _ 8I2 Salary - Foreman - 1963 2963 196� 2288 813 Salary - Water Serv. Supr. - 4875 4875 98t,7 5070 814 Salary -Meter Reader 5590 5319 4b6o 5720 821 Salary -Labor 4992 4755 SSJ3 5090 822 Salary - Mechanic 7898 1482 958 /309 2376 1.128 _ 838 Salary - Gvertims- 315 _ - 85b Subscriptions 6 Dues 200 200 4s3 200 862 Supplies - Chlorine 10 556 20 as 20 * 8 Months Actual, 4 Months Estimated 600 500 76Q 100a -25- Cl'13C or CLmoNT, P1,0k m se 1972-73 11►lIlOBT WATISA ACCOUTIT 6 Proposed Actual Dudget Estimated Budget Coda C1ansiftcatation 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72+! aOf ?7 972-73 868 Supplies - Office $ 1345 $ 750 1200 ADI $ 909 871 Supplies - Materials 548 300 100 ace' 300 874 Supplies-Miscellauaioun 3 100 50 s{ 100 096 Travel - School 0 200 tic 200 898 Uniforms 0 396 300 373 482 900 Utilities Electric 5874 6000 6000 SJ*3 7000' 904 Utilities - Telephone 275 300 300 3as 350 910 Vehicles - Gas is Oil 587 500 600 69/ 500 911 Vehicles -Tires & .3atteries 0 100 0 ° 300 Sub Total - Operating 46703 43256 36526 51147 43200 Capital Outlay 32212 12000 11385 Total 89903 75468 48526 62532 * 8 Mouths Actual, 4 Months Estimated WATER 1972-73 ACCOUNT 0 Coda ClaaalfAcatian 720 Faargency and non -budgeted expenditures 728 Rental of equipment for construction or maintenance 760 )Maintenance of pumping atationo 761 Maintenance of pumpa, motors, etc. Doan not include vehicles 763 Ma:inten4nce of water meters 766 Mafatenance of elevated tnakl3 767 Maintenance of vehicles - Water Division 768 Rain suits, shovels, tools, etc. 780 "tiscellaneoua mr►intenance not specifically budgeted 811 Salary -- Superintendent 24 - Agbury (1) $172/wk x 26 W $180/wk x 26 $ )152.OU (25x water - 75% Sewer) 812 Salary - :'Orman 12 - Creech (6) S130/wk Y 52 $ 6760.00 (752 Water - 25: Sewer) 813 Salary - Water Service Supervisor 11 - *e-@r+ff (3) $1101w . x 52 $ 5720.00 814 Salary - Yo-ter Reader 8 - ,»sulky (3) $ 96/A. x 26 (4) U00/wk x 26 $..- 5090.00 821 Salary - Labor 7 - Taylor (2) $ 88/wk x 8 (3) $ 92/wk x 44 $ 4752.00 (SOa Water - 50� Sewer) 838 Overtime for emergencies 856 American Warks Association 862 Chlorine for water purification 868 Billing materials, postage, office supplies 871 Clamps, nuts, bolts, rags, etc. 874 Miscellaneous supplies not specifically budgeted 896 Short School and other courses 898 $2.65 per week x employees x 52 900 Florida Power Corporation - Monthly service for pumping stations 904 Florida Telephone Corporation - Monthly Service for loops for Highland and Grand Hwy -27- WATM 1972•-73' ACCOU14T G EiPl.ANATION Code ClAsnil�icaticm 910 Gas S Oil. - Water Division Vehicles 911 Tires G Batteries - Water Aivinion Vehiclers Capital Outlay uranet - 12 vor. UC - 1 Ton e:anacit! 50 ft of 1/4 inch cable - 360 degree rotation - C ompletely A.asemaled (50% crater - 50% Sewer) $ 400.00 Hydraulic pipe pmujher for pushing 7!ipes of three quarter inch to two inches in ni.ze under paved strests, drive -ways & sidewalks $ 900.00 Pipe, fittings; etc. $10,000.00 Time clocked card rack 85.00 (50% %rater - 50% sewer) �$�' .1 5 I i,}1 t'1.la�+a.r.Aj)i A'.`�t )t i+'(�; 11�''�r . l 11.F IAI.i,rOW,"J 'd E'rul�rta ctf P E7tt.1 L 1li? f Budget E'c,tl�t e 1Haa+tlrnrlryst l�Jdf1 /1 -1917 r2 1' �1 ]'� �H� '!?0 Coll cIngoviatX v - & i.C�ilCitr :3 373ia G119O 721.: 1,7quilwwri; 0 2 00 MI) Nar 11r'enaoc;o,-1; at I d f ng 5O0 no X 3 500 761 tLl iu(.(.teltR4r:�.: itt9'ptUFt<11 jr)(1 11� 50C 762 fi:xi.nCenar.c_,, hir.' e , 200 200 IN 200 768 ;,Httor. I[d+t1pr&.'A , 3.2OO 1400 74351 906 NO 11) r.:!11a nUaur1 - lGil I9W 100 411 Salary - Itr orIntel.dect -• 53R9 5689 SP97 - SL2 altar -• Frir.c:riar. - 1.621) 162.5 1421 1.59cJ 817 rst, ry I'n??.cit:rlr t:n^t, K J 821 calsry - Law.: - 1.481 958 7ea3 1376 838 Salary -Over tide 1,r1 - 5UC 656 Subz=ptirns 5 Ou=_:a - 76 31 uO 862 Snpplieci Chlorine 000 M 1400 86': Sup?)Ae ; - LaboratwT 00 200 47L 800 868 Supplies - Mica 750 7MI 33 IMO 87.1 Supplies - ''a rerlaI s 300 300 day 300 874 SYPIN6 Niscellanao"s -• i.00 4;1, 277 200 06 Travel and School - 250 370 17q Zap 858 Uniforms - 546 01 116 62G 900 Utilities - £.lecr_<<.-. - 3000 6000 3001 :.'GOO Sur 9.1.0 lcli:icL s - .... t)i..!. - GC; 20 3qe 500 911 vehinlea- ire 3e:: r...._ .. s - 151) G' 200 Sub Tom! -. Cper :`: i.7 ; 4672.8 2700 26100 94926 AOL Capit.,7'f O,itla" ,930 1.2,0 01' 5 TctaL _ ;n 101381 48 Iianths AcruL 4 Mr;nrh. 3 .. a..., a $35,000 lc,aue,d to M'4kF,Mi#NA TON Code Rlaaifirekotb 720 Ewargency rind nvn'-budrtgtud nxy+at}ditusact 728 Rental of (I fur cdnatruutlon or,maintenanco 760 Mnintenancre of treatmank plant nad life akntionrt 761 MaintenOnci) Of putopb, tnatora, cac, Oo+au not include vableles 767. Mnintatuxneo of vel.1lelc�s :i14vi;r 1]1V1M1un - 768 Rain suits, ahovc ltj, tool.n, ote. 780 Miscellaneoua taainte:CUI:1Cfh not . f3}7eC'lf1cc11y budgeted 811 Salary — Suporl_ntehdenv 24 .. Asbury 0.) $1721 +'A (2) U80/wk x 26 3 9152.00 (25% Water — 75;'. Seiicr) 812 .",alary Forewin 12 ^ra 1) (6) WON)- x 62 $ 6760.00 (757, `dntet- -- 257 3ewr.r) 817 Salary — Pollution Control Operator. 14 (2) 51"20hk x 26 (3) $125/wk x 26 $ 6370.00 Pollution Control rperator 14 Aft (2) $120/wk x 26TW - (3) $125/Y,r't_ x 26 $ 6370.00 819 Salary -- Pollution Control kaint. mechanic 14 -- L:zinhart (2) $120/s;k x 26 (.3) $125/wk x 26 $ 6370.00 821 _ --salary— Labor -? ---Ta -lcr __ (3) $ 92/wk x 44 $ 4752.00 (50% Water — 50% Se;jer) 838 Overtire for emargQncies 856 Florida Pollution Control Association Florida Water Pollution Control Operators Assoc. 862 Chlorine for sewage treatment 864 Chemicals and supplies for laboratory 368 Billing materials, per;t&,,,e, n£fire suppl3nc. 871 Clamps, nuts, boars, rags, etc. 874 Miscellaneous supplies not specifically budgeted 896 Region 3 Short School, Rocicledge�Annual Short School, Univ. of Fla. SFWFR '' lgi2-73 Muffle Furnace - 580o Tgatt heating element 240 volt with temperature controller and heat chaawcr ID of 9?y" a 13" x470 Time Clock and Card Rack (50X dater -_50% Sewer) Irrigation Sgaten with 4" Flectric P--p - Treatment Plant 5500 g Cierk��ypxraC � Accounting Clark � t3teno-Sucx«tary Dispatcher �`� f� l 7 Labor Janitor 8 Adminiatrative Secretary Skilled Labor Meter header 9 Sanitation Crewman Aniraal Control Warden Pollution Control Operator Trainee 3cchanic S Light Equipment Operator Building Inspector 10 Sanitation Crew Chief -�,rerenzs li Water Service Superv-*sor APR!KS Heavy.Equipment Operator Mechanic A __. __. _ _.i2 ._ - . __. __ "Public Utilities Forman _.:.. — Co= unity Services Foreman 14 City Clerk Pollution Control Operator C Police Patrolvan Pollution Control Maintenance Mechanic 15 Fire Chief Police Sargeant i8 Assistant Director of Community Services :slice Unief 24 SL-+er-ntendent of Public Utilities Director of C,omaaaity Services APPLMIX 1 s, `-Ytf\MkG . C1 dlfklti l'4t 8411 kL l�Utr 4.=' `,',i CSTY Of CLERMONT:�' 6 6 1 1 1 1 Nos. Mee. Year Year Year Year 1 2 3 45 6 7 1 126 132 139 146 153 1GO 167 3250 3432 3614 3796 3978 4160 4342 2 132 139 146 163 160 167 176 3432 3614 3796 3978 4160 4342 4576 3 139 146 154, 160 167 176 184 3614 3796 3978 4160 4342 4576 4784 4 146 153 160 167 176 18'O 192 3796 3978 416d 4342 4576 4784 4992 5 153 160 167 176 184 192 200 3978 4160 4342 4576 4784 4992 5200 6 160 167 176 184 192 200 210 4160 4342 4576 4784 4992 5200 5460 7 167 176 184 192 200 210 220 4342 _ 457E _ _ _ 4784 4992 __ 520f; _ ._ 5450 - __ -_5720 8 176 184 192 20.0 210 220 230 4576 4784 4992 5200 5460 5720 5980 9 184 192 200 210 220 233 240 4784 4992 5200 5460 5720 5980 6240 10 192 200 210 220 230 240 250 4992 5200 5460 5720 5980 6240 6500 11 200 210 220 23D 24-0 250 260 5200 5460 5720 5980 6240 6500 6760 12 210 220 230 240 250 260 272 AGk WF 5460 5720 59000 6240- 6500 6760 7072 - 13 220 230 240 250 260 272 284 5720 5980 6240 6500 6760 7072 7384 WAG 1V SALARY 'SCIuuLE CITY OF CLERMONT 6 Idca � 6 Mos. 1 YaarYW 1 Year 1 Year 2 3 4 r 6 7 14. 230 240 250 26Q, 272 284 tat 5980 6240 6500 6760 7072 7384 7696 15 240 250 260 272 284 296 308 6240 6500 6760 7072 7384 7696 8008 16 250 260 272 284 296 308 320 6500 6760 _7072 7384 7696 8008- 8320 17 9an 272 284 296 308 320 332 6760 7072 7384 7696 8008 8320 8632 18 272 284• 296 308, 320 332 344 7072 7384 7696 8008 8320 8632 8944 19 284 296 308 320r 332 344 359 7384 7696 8008 8320 8632 8944 9334 20 296 308 320 _._ 332 __.._344___. -359 _._374..._ 7696 8008 8320 8632 8944 9334 9724 21 308 320 332 344 359 374 389 8008 8320 8632 8944 9334 9724 10114 22 320 332 344 359 374 389 404 8320 8632 8944 9334 9724 10114 10504 23 332 344 359 374 389 404 419 8632 8944 9334 9724 10114 10504 10894 24 344 359 374 389 404 419 434 8944 9334' 9724 10114 70504 10894 11284 MP 25 359 374 389 404 419 434 454 9334 9724 IIAAAAl1AlIAfiRI1t6f7Riii�n®mni�s 10114 10504 10894 11284 11804 . ,. .,. , fn'✓ 1 � ':; I;i: 46 1101M 41CCK �2 CITY OF CLEAMONT CLASS 1 ..2,... ,...... 3 Q' 5 6 7 6 1.77 _ 1.85 1.95 2.64 , �' 2.13 ', ,, 2.22 2.33 x2�r , 80 , 83.60 E}8 92 96 100 105 160 167 176 184 192 200 210 4160 4342 4576 4784 4992 5200 5460 - 7 1.85 1.95 2.04 2.13 2.22 2.33 2.44 83.508. a; 92 96 100 105 110 167 176 184 192 200 210 220 4342 5576 4784 4992 5200 5460 5720 8 1.96 2.04 2.13 2.22 2.33 2.44 2.55 88 92 96 100 105 110 11.5 176 184 192 200 210 220 230 4576 4784 4992 5200 5460 5720 5980 9 2.04 2.13 2.22 .2.33 2.44 2.55 2.66 -96 100 . _._ - -105 -- 110 .. _ 11 r -120 184 192 200 210 220 236 240 4784 4992 5200 5460 5720 5980 6240 10 .1 2.13 2.22 2.33 2.44 2.55 2.66 2.77 96 100 105 110 115 120' 125 192 200 270 220 230 240 250 4992 5200 5460 rc20 5980 6240 6500 11 2.22 2.33 2.44 2.55 2.66 2.77 2.88 100, 105 110 115 12p 125 130 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 AWL 5200 5460 5720 5980 6240 6500 6760 45 HOUR WF�K CITY Or CLERMONT GLASS �. .�. �... ..3... 4 6 6 12 2.33 2.44, 2�b5 2.66 2.77 2 , 3.02 ins 170 115 120 125 730 136' 210 220 230 240 260 260 272 5460 5720 5980 6240 6500 6760 7072'