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Gerald C;, ~larlm:lß. PI:,; DI:I:
Hamid I:.Sdlmldl.Jr..I.I:.. )I:I:
James E. Chrislopher.I~I:.
Charles W. )rake.I~G.
M:trJ< A. R!,nl1inll.I~I:.. MilA
M:trk I. l.uke.I~S.M.
William D. Musser.I~I:.
engineers, hydrogeologists, surveyors & management consultants
October 11, 2001
)ouillas I~ Dur"'sne.I~G.
JIm 1>. I'ox. H.
James 1:. (;olden. I~G.
,.,."'. 1:. l'I\'lol1.I~I:.
Andrew'l: ""I.,dcoek.I~I:.
Granl C. Malehow. MilA
Joho l~lhomer.I~I:.
w.Thomas Roberls.III.I~I:.
Geor¡¡c S.l'lim. ~I.I~A.
Jennifer I..Woodall.I~I:.
L.l(Jdd Shaw.I~I:.
C. ~.aehan' l'ulier.I~I:.
Marco H. Rocea. C.M.C.
Roderiek K. Cashl..I~I:.
L:lw",nce I:.Jeokil1s.I~S.M.
HAl #01-156.MK
Ms. Tamara Richardson, P .E.
City Engineer
City of Clermont
P.O. Box 120219
Clermont, FL 34712-0219
Professional Services for Design of a Telemetry System for the
City's Water and Wastewater System
Dear Ms. Richardson:
Hartman & Associates, Inc. (HAl) is pleased to provide the City of Clermont with this revised
proposal to provide the necessary professional services to design, bid, and provide basic construction
services for a SCADA/telemetry system for the City's potable water and wastewater systems. The
scope of services for this project which are summarized below, have been modified to: 1) increase
the number of sites in the water and wastewater system from 30 to 50 locations; 2) add two
additional locations for the personal computers, one at the Public Works office and the other at the
City's Engineer's office; 3) add a scope item to provide the City with a written evaluation of
proprietary versus non-proprietary systems, followed by a meeting to determine which system will
be considered in the bid documents; and 4) add the radio survey to the scope of services.
The general work included within this scope of services is for the design, bidding, and general
construction services associated with a SCADA/telemetry system to monitor both the City's water
system and wastewater system. It is HAl's understanding that the City desires to have four (4)
separate personal computers, one (1) each for the water system and wastewater system, both located
at a centralized location such as the Eastern WWTP, and one (1) each at the Public Works and City
Engineer's office. The computers shall be configured such that each computer can be utilized to
control the water system or wastewater system, therefore providing for system redundancy and
reliability. It is also HAl's understanding through discussion with the City that there is a total of fifty
(50) separate locations within the water and wastewater systems that will be included within this
project; therefore, this will be used as the basis of cost for this proposal.
TELEPHONE (407) 839-3955 . FAX (407) 839-3790. www.consulthai.com
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Ms. Tamara Richardson, P .E.
October 11, 2001
Page 2
The design of the telemetry system will result in the appropriate number of bid documents,
engineering drawings and specifications, which will be provided to the City for review at the
50% and 90% level prior to bidding. In addition, a construction cost estimate will
accompany the final design documents. HAl understands that the City wishes to consider
both proprietary and non-proprietary systems. HAl will prepare a brief report to the City that
outlines the advantages and disadvantages of each type system. HAl will follow-up the
report with a meeting with the City to discuss the report. Based upon the report and the
meeting, HAl will be given direction by the City on which type of system to include in the
bid documents. The tasks to be completed during this phase are summarized below and will
be based upon the system type (proprietary or non-proprietary) as discussed above.
Meet with City staff for up to (2) two separate meetings to gather data and to inspect
facilities, obtain copies of drawings of existing facilities, and determine the City's
monitoring and control requirements. It is anticipated that a maximum of fifty (50)
sites will be included within this project.
Prepare construction drawings and specifications for the telemetry system and
associated controls. Documents shall include drawings and specifications covering:
Electrical drawings for the layout of the telemetry system, and facility
monitoring and control needs.
Instrumentation drawings for the telemetry system and facility monitoring
and control needs.
Coordinate radio survey with a qualified contractor (subconsultant to HAl) and
review survey upon completion. HAl has included the cost or services relative to
conducting the radio survey within our scope.
HAl will provide the City with the necessary number of documents and conduct a
review meeting at the 50-percent and 90-percent completion stages of the project.
Documents to be submitted to the City for review shall include at a minimum the
Fifty (50) percent submittal: Preliminary electrical/instrumentation
drawings, outline specifications in Construction Specifications Institute (CSI)
format, and listing of equipment. .
90 percent submittal:
Electrical/instrumentation, drawings, project
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Ms. Tamara Richardson, P .E.
October 11,2001
Page 3
specifications in Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) format.
A review meeting will be held following the City's review of each submittal to
discuss concerns and/or comments.
Incorporate the comments received from the City regarding each submittal and
provide final design documents for bidding.
Provide the City with an opinion of probable construction costs based on the final
contract documents.
Bidding and Award:
Upon authorization by the City to proceed with the Bidding Phase of this project, HAl will
assist the City by:
Preparing the advertisement of the project to obtain competitive bids.
advertisement shall be forwarded to the City for use.
Preparing written responses to bidders relative to requests for clarification of the
documents prepared by HAL
Conducting a prebid conference with prospective bidders to explain the project and
answer any questions concerning the project.
Analyzing the bids and recommending award of the contract to the lowest responsive
and responsible bidder.
Consulting with the City as to the acceptability of subcontractors and other persons
and organizations proposed by the prime contractor (hereinafter called "Contractor")
for those portions of the work as such acceptability is required by the bidding
Consulting with and advising the City as to the acceptability of substitute materials
and equipment proposed by Contractor when substitution prior to the award of
contracts is allowed by the bidding documents.
.No agency permits are anticipated to be required for the construction of this project. The
radio license from the FCC will be required for the operation of the telemetry system. HAl
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Ms. Tamara Richardson, P .E.
October 11,2001
Page 4
will be responsible for obtaining this license on behalf of the City.
Construction Management:
Following issuance of Notice of Award to the Contractor, HAl will attend the
preconstruction conference. In addition, during the Construction Phase of the project, HAl
Prepare conformed documents.
Provide interpretation or clarification of the design documents when requested, and
prepare change orders required for clarification or minor modification of the Contract
Documents prepared by HAL
Review shop drawings and other required Contractor submittals up to two (2) times
per submittal for general conformance with the Contract Documents.
Conduct substantial completion and final site visits to determine if work has been
completed in substantial accordance with the Contract Documents and if the
Contractor's obligations are fulfilled thereunder.
Prepare one (1) set of reproducible record drawings for the City, incorporating those
changes made during construction based on information furnished to HAl by the City
and/or Contractor. HAl will also provide the City one (1) set of CADD diskettes of
the drawings. Prepare certification of completion of construction.
Attend up to six (6) monthly construction progress meetings and review pay requests
associated with construction progress.
Assumptions and Services Not Included:
Surveying Services: It is anticipated that no field surveying services for the proposed
improvements will be necessary and therefore these services are not provided herein.
Plans will be prepared from information obtained from record drawings of the
facilities supplied by the City. If record drawings are not available, then additional
compensation will be required to collect the necessary field information to prepare
the drawings for this project.
Advertising: Cost of advertising the project shall be paid for by the Owner.
Permitting: Permitting is not anticipated to be required for this project therefore
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Ms. Tamara Richardson, P.E.
October 11,2001
Page 5
permitting services and fees are not included in the scope for the project, except for
the Fee license. The City will be responsible for the payment of the application/
license fees; however, HAl will act on the City's behalf to submit the necessary
documentation to obtain the required license.
Resident inspection services during construction are not included within the project
Additional or extended services during construction made necessary due to the
project not being completed on time by the Contractor are not included within this
project scope.
Assistance associated with bid protests, re-bidding or negotiating construction
contracts is not included within this project scope.
Project Deliverables:
HAl shall prepare and provide three (3) copies of the 50-percent design deliverables
for review and comment by the City.
HAl shall prepare and provide three (3) copies of the 90-percent design deliverables
for review and comment by the City.
HAl shall prepare and provide three (3) copies of the final design deliverables based
on review and comment by the City.
Project Meetings:
HAl or designated subconsultants shall attend up to six (6) construction progress
HAl or designated subconsultants shall attend up to two (2) meetings relative to data
acquisition and preliminary coordination with the City
HAl or designated subconsultant shall attend two (2) coordination/review meetings
with the City.
HAl or designated subconsultant shall attend one (1) prebid meeting, one (1) pre-
construction conference and one (1) meeting for inspection and final punch list
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" ~ .. .
Ms. Tamara Richardson, P.E.
October 11,2001
Page 6
The estimated compensation for completion of the activities described in the Scope of Services is
summarized below:
Design Services excluding Radio Survey and Fee License
Radio Survey Services
Permitting (Fee License)
Bidding and Award Services
Construction Management Services and Record Drawings
Thank you for the opportunity to assist you with this portion of the project, and we look forward to
working with you on it. If you have any questions regarding this proposal or if we can be of further
assistance, please feel free to give me a call.
Very truly yours,
Hartman & Asscciates, Inc.
~~ ~-tC
"lam O/l a-G ~ haAÞ--
City of Clermont
Au orized Signature
CZF /smalO 1-1 S6.MK/corresp/Richardson2.doc
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