2002-19 . . . ',~- , '1,\ g( D~~ St. Johns tiver "Water Management· District Kirby B Green III, Executive Director· John R. Wehle, Assistant Executive Director Post Office Box 1429 · Palatka, FL 32178-1429 · (386) 329-4500 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: Tamara Richardson,P.E. P.G.Box 120219 Clennont, PI 34712-0219 DATE: August 2, 2002 CERTIFIED NO. 70000520002266130390 CONTRACT NO. SF328AA The following attachments are being sent for action as defined below: ( ) Specifications ( ) Documents (X) Agreement ( ) Correspondence ( ) Amendment ( ) Change Order ( ) Work Order ( ) Other COPIES DESCRIPTION ACTION 2 Cost Share Agreement 1,2, & 8 I -- ACTION CODE: 1. For your files 2. For execution & return 3, At your request 4, For review & comment 5. Insurance needed 6, W -9 form for execution & return 7, Performance/payment bond needed 8. See remarks REMARKS: Please sign and date both originals and return one fully executed document to my attention as soon as possible. Betty C. Green CPS Contracts Administrator COPY TO: ß, Vergara Duane Ottenstroer, CHAIRMAN JACKSONVILLE W. Michael Branch FERNANDINA BEACH GOVERNING BOARD Ometnas D Long, VICE CHAIRMAN R Clay Albright, SECRETARY APOPKA EAST LAKE WEIR William Kerr MELBOURNE BEACH David G Graham, TREASURER JACKSONVILLE Cathenne A Walker ALTAMONTE SPRINGS Jeff K Jennings MAITLAND Ann T Moore BUNNELL . . . . . Contract #SF328AA COST SHARE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR A REUSE FEASIBILITY STUDY RECIPIENT: City of Clermont P,O. Box 120219 Clermont, Florida 34712-0219 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR: Elizabeth Thomas DISTRICT CONTRIBUTION: $11,064 (not-to-exceed) RECIPIENT CONTRIBUTION: City is responsible for the remaining cost of project. If at the end of the project the total cost is less than $22,128, the City shall invoice the District no more than fifty percent of the total cost of the project. AGREEMENT PERIOD: Expires February 28, 2003 Purpose of Agreement: This cost share agreement is authorized by the St. Johns River Water Management District ("DISTRICT") from funding designated for strategic water conservation and reclaimed water assistance, 1. Scope of Proiect: The AGREEMENT shall commence upon execution and shall terminate upon satisfactory completion of the work in accordance with Exhibit "A" (attached), "Reuse Feasibility Study" and shall be completed within the time frames specified above unless extended in writing by DISTRICT, Work eligible for reimbursement must be completed on or before February 28, 2003, and have begun after March 1,2002, 2. Status Report: RECIPIENT shall submit a brief final project report summarizing the project to DISTRICT's Project Manager, who is the Administrator, or his designee, describing the activities ofthe project. 3, Records: RECIPIENT shall maintain its books and records in such a manner that the receipts and expenditures of the cost share funds shall be shown separately from other expenditures in an easily checked form, RECIPIENT shall keep the records of receipts and expenditures of cost share funds, çopies of all reports submitted to DISTRICT and copies of all support documentation for at least three (3) years after expiration of the Agreement period, In accordance with generally accepted governmental auditing standards, DISTRICT shall have access to and the right to examine any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records involving transactions related to this Agreement. lof 6 . . . . . Contract #SF328AA 4, Liability and Insurance: Each party to the agreement is responsible for all personal injury and property damage attributable to the negligent acts or omissions of that party and the officers, employees and agents thereof. The parties further agree that nothing contained herein shall be construed or interpreted as denying to any party any remedy or defense available to such parties under the laws of the State of Florida, nor as a waiver of sovereign immunity of the State of Florida beyond the waiver provided for in Section 768,28, Fla. Stat. Each party shall acquire and maintain throughout the term of this agreement such liability and automobile insurance as required by their current rules and regulations. 5, Payment of Funds: Approved funds shall be paid to RECIPIENT by DISTRICT in one (1) payment following completion of project. Payment shall be made following submission and approval of the invoice, including proper documentation, from RECIPIENT and verification of satisfactory completion of project by DISTRICT's Project Manager, Elizabeth Thomas. Invoice shall include receipts from contractors and/or suppliers for the specified construction expenditures, and verification of project complying with local and state building requirements, including verification of pennits needed. Once all required documentation is received, and detennined to be complete and correct, by DISTRICT Project Manager and the Division of Financial Management, the DISTRICT shall remit an amount not to exceed $11,064 to RECIPIENT within thirty (30) days, If at the end of the project the total cost is less than $22,128, the RECIPIENT shall invoice the DISTRICT no more than fifty percent of the total cost of the project. Invoice shall be submitted to the Director, Division of Financial Management, P,O. Box 1429, Palatka, Florida 32178-1429, The provisions in this Paragraph relating to payment of funds shall supercede any other contract provision or attachments contained in this contract. Payments due and unpaid under this AGREEMENT shall bear interest in accordance with Section 218.74, Fla. Stat. 6. Repayment of Funds: Funds shall be subject to repayment by the RECIPIENT after expiration of the Agreement term if, upon a post-project audit examination, DISTRICT finds RECIPIENT has spent funds for purposes other than those specified in Exhibit "A." 7, Tennination of Agreement: This Agreement may be fully or partially tenninated upon ten (10) days written notice to RECIPIENT. 8. Non-lobbying: Pursuant to Section 216.347, Fla, Stat. (as amended), RECIPIENT agrees that funds received from DISTRICT under this Agreement shall not be used for the purpose of lobbying the Legislature or any other state agency, 9, Governing Law: This Agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Florida, 2of6 . . . . . Contract #SF328AA This Agreement is entered into on _, 2002, by the Executive Director of the St. Johns River Water Management District, whose address is Post Office Box 1429, Pal atka, Florida 32178-1429, and the City of Clermont, P,O, Box 120219, Clermont, FL 34712-0219, ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT CITY OF CLERMONT By: Ma or By: ~£} Harold Attest: Attest: Teresa Studdard. Deputv City Clerk Typed Name and Title APPRO\lED BY THE OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL 1?~ Îõfín W, Williams, Deputy General Counsel St. Johns River Water Management District 30f6 . . . . . Contract #SF328AA . EXHIBIT A CITY OF CLERMONT REUSE FEASIBILITY STUDY SCOPE OF WORK BACKGROUND The City of Clermont (City) owns and operates two wastewater treatment facilities (WWTF), The East Side Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) is being expanded to a capacity of 2,0 million gallons per day (mgd). The reclaimed water produced by this facility shall be used for public accesssprayincigation. The West Side WWTF has a design capacity of 1.0 mgd. The effluent from this facility is presently disposed of by spray incigation on a restricted access spray field. Because of ground water quality concerns, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) is limiting the amount of wastewater that can be applied to the spray field, FDEP as well as the District have been encouraging the City to investigate upgrading treatment at the West Side WWTF to produce public access reclaimed water. Providing reclaimed water for incigation shall reduce the need for the spray field and provide the groundwater conservation benefits that the District desires, The City desires to investigate the feasibility of two alternatives as discussed below: Retain the West Side WWTF: Under this alternative the West Side WWTF would remain in service. The facility would be upgraded with filters and other components to produce reclaimed water that is suitable for incigation on public access areas such as golf courses. Improvements would also be needed for storing, pumping and transmission of the reclaimed water, Retire the West Side WWTF and Expand the East Side WRF: Under this option, the West Side WWTF would be retired and the raw wastewater flow would be diverted to the East Side WRF, This alternative would require expansion of the East Side WRF and reconfiguration of the City's lift stations and force mains in order to divert raw sewage flow, The following specific tasks shall be performed as part of this Scope of Work. Because of the nature of this work, certain assumptions have been made in preparing this Scope of Work. To the extent possible, these assumptions are stated herein and are reflected in the budget for services. Actual tasks may differ from those presented if the assumptions are found to be incorrect. 4of6 . . Contract #SF328AA TASKS · City shall contract with third party consultant for the following services. 1. Review plans and other available documentation provided for the West Side WRF and assess the past performance of the plant through review of the previous 12 months of monthly operating reports. 2, Visit the West Side WWTF for the purpose of assessing the visible condition of the existing facilities, Improvements to the facility shall be identified that a, are potentially required to extend the life of the facility by 20 years into the future; b, are needed in order to produce reclaimed water that is suitable for irrigation on public access areas; and c, are potentially needed for storage, pumping and transmission of reclaimed water, The consultant shall estimate probable project costs for these improvements, 3. Prepare a conceptual layout of a revised wastewater transmission system that would allow the West Side wastewater flow to be diverted to the East Side, This conceptual layout shall be used for estimating probable project costs. The conceptual transmission system would need to be confirmed through more detailed master planning, 4, Estimate the probable project costs for an additional 1,0 mgd of capacity to the East Side WRF. · 5, Summarize findings and recommendations in a bound report, DELIVERABLES Consultant shall provide the City and the District's Project Manager the following deliverables: 1. Four (4) copies of the draft evaluation report shall be submitted to the City and two (2) copies of the draft evaluation report shall be submitted to the District's Project Manager, There shall be a thirty (30) day review process of the draft reports, Review comments shall be submitted to Consultant for preparation of the final report, 2. Six (6) copies of the final report shall be submitted to the City and two (2) copies of the final report shall be submitted to the District's Project Manager. · 50f6 ~ . . . . . BUDGET Project costs are estimated as shown below. TASK DESCRIPTION EVALUATE FACILITY UPGRADE' 1. Review lans, s ecifications and MORs for the facilit 2, Conduct site visit and assess improvements that shall be needed to extend the life of the existin facilities b an estimated 20 ears 3. Identify treatment improvements that shall be needed to upgrade treatment to rovide ublic access reclaimed water, 4. Identify improvements that shall be needed for storage, pumping and transmission of reclaimed water 5, Develo exhibits showin the locations of ro osed facilities 6, Estimate robabl ro' ects costs for the ro osed im rovements EVALUATE FACILITY RETIREMENT 7. Meet with City's staff regarding diversion of wastewater flow from the West Side to the East Side 8. Prepare conceptual plan of station and force main revisions to accomplish the ro osed flow diversion 9, Identify improvements that would be necessary in order to provide 1.0 mgd of additional treatment ca acit at the East Side WRF 10. Estimate robable ro'ect costs for the ro osed im rovements PREPARE REPORT 11. Prepare draft report and submit to the City for review, Report shall be a roximatel 30 a es in len th includin exhibits 12. Meet with the Cit to receive comments on the draft re ort 13, Incorporate appropriate City review comments; finalize report and transmit final co ies TOTAL 60f6 COßrract#SF328AJ\ ESTIMATED COSTS $1,396 2,376 2,138 1,786 1,723 1,334 1,236 3,588 1,342 924 2,633 592 1,061 $22,128