2002-18Collective Bargaining Agreement
between the
Florida P~lice
Benevolent Association, Inc.
and the
City of Clermont
(Approved August 27, 2002)
Retroactive October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2004
Page No.
Article 1
Article 2
. Article 3
Article 4
Article 5
Article 6
Article 7
Article 8
Article 9
Article 1 0
Article 11
Article 12
. Article 13
Article 14
Article 15
Article 16
Article 17
Article 18
Article 19
Article 20
Article 21
Article 22
Article 23
Article 24
Article 25
Table of Contents
Recognition ..................................................................
Prevailing and Management Rights .............................
Indemnification .............................................................
Employee Activities ......................................................
Employee Disciplinary Procedures...............................
Non-Discrimination ............................................ ...........
Working Out of Classification .......................................
Work Week and Work Shift .................................".......
Overtime.................................. ..."..................................
Extra Time Provisions ..................................................
Annual Leave ...............................................................
Sick Leave """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"....
Equipment Issue & Clothing Allowance .......................
Leaves of Absence ......................................................
Military LeavelWeekend Military Duty..........................
Job Connected Disability..............................................
Safety and Health ........................................................
Personal Day................................................................
Insurance .....................................................................
Bulletin Boards............................................................
Reduction in Work Force..............................................
Dues Deduction ............ .................. .............................
Grievance Procedure. ........... ......... ........... ...... """""'"
Arbitration......... ......... ..... ..... ........... """'" ........ ............
Employee Training .......................................................
Page ( i )
Page No.
Article 26
Article 27
Article 28
Article 29
Article 30
Article 31
Article 32
Article 33
Article 34
Article 35
Article 37
Table of Contents
Physical Examination and Workers' Compensation Benefits
General Provisions ............... ....... ...... ......... ..................
Severability Clause ......................................................
Locker Room Facilities ......................... ........................
Voting ..........................................................................
Wages ........... ..... ....................... .... ...............................
Holidays .......................................................................
Pu blication of Ag reement ............................................
Promotions ..................................................................
Probationary Period .....................................................
Duration ......................................................................
Appendix A Damage/Loss to Personal Property............................
Appendix B Union Grievance Forms ...............................................
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This Agreement is entered into by and between the City of Clermont, hereafter referred
to as the "City" or "employer" and the Florida Police Benevolent Association, Inc.,
hereafter referred to as the "Union."
The general purpose of this Agreement is to establish wages, hours, and terms and
conditions of employment for unit members and to provide an orderly procedure for the
resolution of grievances.
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Recognition of the Florida Police Benevolent Association, Inc.lCommunications Workers
of America was established by an order of the Florida Public Employees Relations
Commission (Case No. RC-99-056) recognizing the Florida Police Benevolent
Association, Inc., as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative agent for a unit
composed of all sworn police officers employed by the City of Clermont in the
classifications of police officer and police officer/detective.
The City recognizes its obligation to bargain over all wages, hours, or other terms
conditions of employment currently enjoyed by all members of the bargaining
unit. To the extent exercise of the management rights described herein, modify or
impact wages, hours or other terms and conditions of employment, the City.
agrees not to exercise such right without first affording the Union an opportunity
to negotiate over the matter or negotiating the impact thereof.
Except as specifically abridged by any provision of this Agreement, the City, in
order to accomplish its objectives, may exercise all previous rights, prominent
among which, but by no means wholly inclusive are: retention and reservation of
all its normal and inherent rights of its affairs in all respects, in accordance with
its responsibilities, whether exercised or not, including, but not limited to it's rights
to determine and from time to time to re-determine the number, location and type
of work forces, facilities, operations and methods, processes and equipment to
be employed; the scope of services to be performed, the method of service and
the schedule of work time; to contract and subcontract existing and future work,
to discontinue conduct of it's mission or operations in whole or in part, to
determine whether and to what extent the work required in it's operations shall be
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performed by employees covered by any existing bargaining agreement; to
transfer its work or work forces, either in whole or part, from or to any of its
facilities or locations; to determine the number, types and grades of positions or
employees assigned to an organization or unit, department or project, to
establish and change work schedules, assignments and facility locations; to hire
transfer, promote or demote employees; to layoff, terminate, or otherwise relieve
employees from duty for lack of work or other legitimate reason; to suspend,
discharge, or discipline employees for cause; to use supervisors or other City
employees to perform work of the kind performed by employees of the unit, to
implement technological systems; equipment and techniques and otherwise to
take such measures as management may determine to be necessary for the
orderly, efficient and economical operation of the Police Department.
However, the exercise of such rights shall not preclude employees or their
representatives from raising grievances, should decisions on the above matters
have the practical consequences of violating the terms and conditions of this
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When the City may legally do so, the City shall furnish to bargaining unit members
benefit of legal defense in accordance with Florida State Statute §768.28 (5) and (9). To
the extent permitted by law, no employee or agent of the City shall be held personally
liable in tort for any injuries or damages suffered as a result of any act, event or
omission of action in the scope of his employment or function, unless such employee or
agent acted in bad faith or with malicious purpose or in a manner exhibiting wanton and
willful disregard of human rights, public safety or property.
Employees shall have the right to join in, or refuse to join in union activity without
interference or intimidation or coercion by either the City or the Union. Further,
employees shall enjoy all other rights and privileges as outlined in this Agreement.
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Prior to the commencement of a disciplinary investigative interview against a unit
member, the unit member shall be provided with a copy of a written statement of
the charge(s) which shall identify the person(s) upon whose statement the
charge(s) is/are dependent or as otherwise required by law.
No employee shall be disciplined or discharged without cause. However, no
probationary employee shall have the right to grieve discipline.
Whenever an employee is under an administrative investigation or subject to
interrogation by the police department for any reason that could lead to
disciplinary action, demotion, or dismissal, such investigation shall be conducted
under the following conditions:
The interrogation of any employee being investigated for disciplinary
violations must be undertaken at a reasonable hour, and, if possible,
during the officer's tour of duty. If an employee is interrogated or
interviewed while not on the employee's regular tour of duty, the employee
shall be compensated under the call-out provisions of this agreement.
The employee under investigation must be informed of the nature of the
charges against him at least 24 hours prior to giving a statement to an
investigator and/or relief from duty unless, in the departments opinion
such information would compromise the investigation, and he shall be
informed of the names of all complaining parties.
Prior to any investigative interview, an employee under investigation will
be permitted to read any written statements, listen to any audio tape
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recordings and/or view any video tape recordings relating to a complaint of
alleged employee misconduct. The employee under investigation must be
informed of the person or persons in charge of the investigation and who
will be conducting the questioning; however, no more than one person
shall ask questions at any time.
Interrogating sessions shall be for reasonable periods and shall be timed
to allow for such personal necessities and rest period as are reasonably
necessary. All questioning will normally be conducted at the police
department. All internal affairs questioning shall be recorded and the
employee and/or his representative shall be allowed to record any
questioning sessions.
The employee will not be threatened with transfer, dismissal, or any other
disciplinary action as a means of obtaining information. The employee
cannot be subjected to abusive language or promise of reward as
inducement for answering questions.
If at any time during the course of an internal investigation or interrogation,
the employee under investigation is suspected of committing a criminal
offense for which charges may result, he shall be advised of his
constitutional rights.
The employee shall, at his discretion, have legal counsel and/or a Union
representative present during any interrogation and be granted reasonable
periods of private consultation with that legal counsel and/or Union
representative. An employee will be required to answer truthfully all
questions asked of him. Where such counselor representative is not
immediately available, the interrogation shall be postponed up to seventy-
two (72) hours in order for the employee to secure counselor Union
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Should the City have cause to believe that an employee may have an
alcohol-abuse problem, it may, as an alternative or supplement to
discipline, require the employee to participate in an employee assistance
program or otherwise submit to periodic testing for the presence of alcohol
in the body.
During internal investigations, questions must be limited to the
circumstances surrounding the employee's alleged violation and
information relating to the complaint or charge at hand.
Neither the City nor its officers nor employees nor the Union nor unit
members will, at any time, make public statements regarding disciplinary
proceedings in progress against an employee.
An employee may be relieved of duty for investigation of alleged
violation(s) or may be reassigned, including reassignment to the
employee's home, during the pendency of the investigation. If so relieved,
the employee shall carry a pager supplied by the Department and shall
respond to all pages and be able to arrive at the police department
building within forty-five (45) minutes, during business hours (8 a.m. to 5
p.m.), Monday through Friday. The employee shall remain on full salary
until such time he is recalled and/or disciplinary action is served. The relief
from duty for pending criminal charges may be without pay.
L. The findings of internal affairs investigations shall be labeled "Sustained"
(guilty as charged), "Not Sustained" (not guilty), "Unfounded" (without merit)
or "Exonerated" (act was legal). No other terminology may be used.
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An employee may be terminated for refusing to submit to an examination
by any device or scientific technique designed to test for being under the
influ~nce of an alcoholic beverage or presence of a controlled substance,
while in an on-duty status.
1. Such examinations shall only be required based upon documentable
evidence and/or sworn statements and/or physical observations
establishing cause.
Such examinations may only be ordered by a lieutenant or higher.
Such tests shall only be performed by GCMS or equivalent
qualitative and quantitative method for drug testing.
The charges "conduct unbecoming an officer", "incompetence" and
"carelessness", must contain the specific detail of the charged conduct.
When the administrative investigation is complete, and a recommendation
is made, copies of any audio/video tape recordings and a copy of the
complete investigative report and recommendations shall, upon request,
be provided to the employee at no cost.
An employee under investigation or having pending criminal charges
pending may be relieved of duty with or without payor may be relieved of
police powers and reassigned to reasonable alternative departmental duty
during the pendency of the disciplinary investigation and grievance
An employee who is arrested or charged with a felony, or a designated
misdemeanor under Section 943.13, Florida Statutes, who is not
terminated, may be reassigned to reasonable alternative departmental
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duty or may be relieved of duty without pay upon completion of the
disciplinary process. The employee may be required to remain in a
relieved without pay status until a final court disposition is rendered. Said
employee may use any accrued Annual Leave or Compensatory Time
during this period.
An employee who is convicted of, or pleads nolo contendere to a felony or
a designated misdemeanor under Section 943.13, Florida Statutes, shall
be terminated and shall not be entitled to any back payor benefits for any
period of relief of duty pursuant to this Section.
Any employee relieved of duty pursuant to this section who is convicted or
pleads guilty or nolo contendere to a lesser offense, or who otherwise plea
bargains his case, and is therefore not convicted, nor has pled guilty or
nolo contendere to a felony or a designated misdemeanor under Section
943.13, Florida Statutes, may be fully restored to duty, but shall not be
entitled to any back payor benefits for any period of relief of duty pursuant
to this Section.
Any employee relieved of duty pursuant to this section who is completely
acquitted of all charges (or has all charges dropped) related to a felony or
a designated misdemeanor under Section 943.13, Florida Statutes, may
be fully restored to duty with all back pay and benefits for the period of
relief from duty, except for such discipline imposed against the employee
in accordance with this Article.
It shall be the duty of all employees to comply with and to assist in carrying into
effect the provisions of the personnel rules and regulations. Employees should
be made aware of the seriousness of violating regulations or actions that will
necessitate disciplinary action. Disciplinary actions become a permanent written
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record and are placed in the employee personnel file and may be considered
during times when an increase in payor advancement is to be determined.
It is the duty of every employee to attempt to correct any faults in performance
when called to the employee's attention and to make every effort to avoid conflict
with the rules and regulations.
It is the duty of every Supervisor to discuss improper or inadequate performance
with the employee in order to correct the deficiencies and to avoid the need to
exercise disciplinary action. Discipline shall be, whenever needed, of an
increasingly progressive nature, the stem of progression being (1) oral reprimand
or written reprimand, (2) suspension, (3) demotion, (4) transfer, and (5)
dismissal. Discipline should correspond to the offense.
Grounds for action and types of disciplinary action:
While it would be impossible to list all employee actions for which disciplinary
action is warranted, the following list includes basic infractions and suggested
customary disciplinary actions taken. In no way is the list meant to be all-
inclusive and appropriate disciplinary action may be taken for other unlisted
employee actions. The listed action to be taken is also meant to be a guide and
other action may be taken upon approval by the City Manager.
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Code: R
Reprimand - Oral or Written
Discharge Disciplinary Action:
1 st 2nd
Verbal mistreatment of the public
R, S OR D S or D
Physical mistreatment of the public
S orD
Theft or dishonesty
Fighting on city premises or on City Time
Falsifying records D
Intoxication or possession of alcoholic R D
beverages on city premises or on city time
Drug addiction or unauthorized use of drugs R D
Absence from work for three (3) D
consecutive workdays (Investigators)
or for two (2) consecutive work shifts
(Patrol Officers) without notice or
permission to/from supervisor.
Willful destruction of city buildings, D
equipment, records, signs or other property.
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S orD
S orD
Failure to report city vehicle accident R D
Indecency or immoral conduct R S D
Fraud regarding sickness or Worker's D
Compensation benefits
Carrying illegal weapons D
Trespassing R D
Intimidation or coercion of other employees R D
Leaving work area without permission R S D
Engaging in personal work on city time R S orD D
Improper job performance, lack of R S orD D
cooperation or loafing. Productivity
not up to required standards
Habitual tardiness or absenteeism R S orD D
Smoking in prohibited area R S orD D
Abuse of city equipment or property R S orD D
Intentional waste of material R S orD D
Exceeding time for coffee
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Unauthorized Sleeping on duty R S orD D
Making or publishing false, vicious or R SorD D
malicious statements concerning the City
or any employee
Failure to report to work without notice to R S orD D
or permission from supervisor
Solicitation without authorization R S orD D
Violation of fire' and Safety rule R S orD D
Unauthorized posting, defacing or removal R S orD D
of notices on bulletin boards on city property
Failure to report accident (other than R S orD D
. vehicular) to supervisor
Failure to report for an overtime R S orD D
assignment without satisfactory reason
Improper Dress/Appearance R S orD D
Refusal to take Annual Physical Exam D
Failure to Comply with the City's D
Substance Abuse Policy
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It shall be the duty of each employee to maintain high standards of conduct,
cooperation, efficiency and economy in their work for the City. Whenever work
habits, attitude, production or personal conduct of any employee falls below a
desirable standard, Supervisors should point out the deficiencies at the time
they are observed. Corrections and suggestions should be presented in a
constructive and helpful manner in an effort to elicit the cooperation and
goodwill of the employee. Supervisors shall assist employees in gaining
capability through on-the-job training as required.
The authority of appointing authorities to take disciplinary action when
warranted is inherent in the authority to appoint. It is intended that
effective supervision and employee relations will avoid most matters which
necessitate disciplinary action. The purpose of these rules and
regulations, and disciplinary action for violations of such rules and
regulations is not intended to restrict the rights of anyone, but to insure the
rights of all and to secure cooperation and order throughout city
The severity of disciplinary action should be related to the gravity of the
offenses, the employee's record of disciplinary action, and his length of
service, and city policy in similar cases. Any adverse action taken must be
for good cause, be consistent with other such actions taken by the City
and be fair and equitable. In deciding whether to take disciplinary action or
in determining what action to take, in no event may there be discrimination
against an employee because of race, color, sex, national origin, physical
handicap or partisan political affiliation.
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The following provisions shall govern disciplinary actions affecting
employees in the city service. Chief of Police, subject to the appeal rights
of the permanent employee as stated herein, shall have the following
alternatives for disciplinary action:
Written Reprimand
Unless the incident, action or behavior of the employee is such as to initially
warrant a more severe type of disciplinary action, a written reprimand shall
usually be issued for first offenses. Depending upon the circumstances or
seriousness of the offense, one additional written reprimand may be given for
repetition of the same type of offense. Written reprimands should state the
necessary corrective action and a warning that repeated offenses may lead to
sterner measures. A copy should be filed in the employee's personnel records.
Chief of Police may for disciplinary purposes, suspend without pay any
employee under Chief of Police's supervision for such length of time as is
considered appropriate, but not to exceed thirty (3D) days in any twelve (12)
month period.
When the interests of the City can best be served by immediate removal
of an employee from duty pending a decision to terminate, the employee
may be suspended. A decision on termination in such cases will usually
be made within the 3D-day period described above.
B. A written statement specifically setting forth reasons for and the length of
time of such suspension shall be furnished to the affected employee.
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Notice of the charge or charges against the employee shall be specific
and include the date, time, place, and nature of the violation or misconduct
charged in sufficient detail to provide the employee an opportunity to
prepare a defense. Such notice shall be signed by the appointing
authority, or his authorized representative.
The written statement shall be submitted to the employee within five (5)
days of the time the suspension becomes effective, including Saturdays,
Sundays, or holidays. Upon proper hearing, the City Manager may require
the appointing authority to pay the employee who has been suspended or
dismissed for the number of days in excess of five (5) by which the
effective date of the suspension or dismissal preceded the notice.
Otherwise, variance from this rule shall not effect the validity of the action.
Notice of disciplinary action against an employee shall be made by
delivering a copy of such notice to the employee in person or by legal
service of process, or, if the employee is absent without leave from his
employment, by mailing a copy of such notice by certified mail to the last
know address of the employee as reflected on the records of the
Personnel Department.
E. When court action, an investigation, or a trial of any charges is pending
against an employee and he/she is suspended, such suspension without
pay may be extended by Chief of Police until final court action is taken or
disposition of the charges has been made. Such employee determined to be
innocent of the charges against him may be returned to duty and the matter
of retroactive pay will be decided by the City Manager on the basis of the
individual merits of each case.
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All employees have the right to inspect and make notes of their individual
records and none of the individual personnel records will be hidden from the
employee's inspection.
Discipline and discharge shall only be grieved through the Grievance
Procedure as outlined in Article 23. In no instance will discipline and discharge
grievances be addressed outside Article 23.
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Neither the Union nor the City shall discriminate against any employee on the
basis of race, color, religion, age, gender, disability, political affiliation, national
origin, or Union membership or non-membership. The use in this Agreement of
the designation "he" in referring to any employee shall mean "he" or "she"
wherever used.
No employee shall be subjected to retaliation for invoking any right or privilege
granted to employees by a law, Federal or state, or local ordinance, or through
the terms of this Agreement.
. Page ( 18 )
Bargaining unit employees who are required to work in a higher classification for
more than seven (7) working days in a thirty (30) day period, due to a
supervisor's absence shall be placed in the minimum of the new salary range or
a 5% percent (5%) increase beyond the employees current salary range,
whichever is greater, for each day worked, including the qualifying work days.
An employee's assignment to a higher classification shall not be changed to
preclude payment provided by this provision.
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Each employee shall be entitled to a paid meal period of thirty (30) minutes
during his regular work shift. Employees shall be allowed a fifteen (15) minute
rest period during the first half of the work period and a fifteen (15) minute rest
period during the second half of the work period.
For the purposes of this Agreement, a shift means the time during which an
employee is on scheduled duty. A regular shift for patrol officers shall be twelve
(12) hours. Patrol officers work period shall be fourteen (14) days, consisting of 2
days on, 2 days off, 3 days on and 2 days off, 2 days on 3 days off, with rotating
days off. Shift hours shall be 6:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. and 6:00p.m. to 6:00a.m. Patrol
officers shall be scheduled for a weekend off every two weeks, a weekend being
defined as Friday, Saturday and Sunday unless there is a declared emergency.
A regular shift for investigators shall be eight (8) hours. Investigators work period
shall be seven (7) days, consisting of 5 days on and 2 days off. Shift work hours
shall be 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
No employee shall be required to work a split shift. Whenever a shift rotation
occurs, or an employee rotates to a new shift, the employee(s) will be entitled to
at least the number of hours equal to one scheduled shift of off-duty time prior to
returning to work.
When squad re-assignments are necessary due to exigent circumstances, as
described in Article 27.10, the employee will be given as much notice as
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Employees covered by this Agreement shall be considered on-duty for those
hours actually worked under the supervision of the department and while
performing police functions during off-duty time by approval of the Chief of
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Employees shall be required to work overtime when ordered unless excused by
management. Overtime shall be scheduled in accordance with departmental
rules, regulations and directives and City ordinances, policies and resolutions
and administered in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
When necessary to have bargaining unit members work voluntary scheduled
overtime, the opportunity to work those hours will be given to those members
working in the same job classification who have completed field training and are
ready for solo road patrol beginning with the member with the greatest seniority.
Should a member be offered voluntary overtime and choose to not work, the
overtime roster shall be charged to indicate a refusal. A refusal shall be treated
on the roster as if the member worked the offered overtime. The provisions of
this article are not intended to conflict with the FLSA.
For the purposes of overtime computation, line-up time, voting time, blood donor
time, jury duty, sick leave, therapy or treatment for job injury, on-call status, court
stand-by time, stand-by time, compensatory leave, and annual military leave from
duty on active pay status shall not be construed as time worked.
All authorized time worked in excess of eighty-four (84) hours in a work period for
patrol officers will be considered overtime to be paid at the rate of one and one-
half (1-1/2) times the employee's base rate of pay. All authorized time worked in
excess of forty (40) hours in a work period for investigators will be considered to
be paid at the rate of one and one half (1 %) times the employee's rate of pay.
Authorized overtime worked on any Sunday shall be paid at the rate of two (2)
times the employee's base rate of pay. Authorized overtime worked on a holiday
(in accordance with Article 32.1) shall be paid at the rate of two and one-half (2
%) times the employee's base rate of pay. The holiday overtime premium of two
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and one-half (2.50) times the employee's base rate of pay shall include the
holiday pay noted in Article 32.4A. The employee will have the choice of having
overtime paid or compensatory time during the calendar year.
Compensatory Leave
Compensatory leave is authorized overtime accredited to a FLSA non-exempt
employee for which reimbursement is made by allowing the equivalent of time off
with pay at the rate of time and one-half (1 %). Employees may receive
compensatory leave for any work performed in excess of the employees
standard work period, in accordance with the overtime pay schedule included in
this agreement.
Compensatory leave shall be credited the employee as quickly as is expedient
and should not be permitted to accumulate in excess of 40 hours for an
investigator and 42 hours for a patrol officer.
Compensatory leave shall be allowed to be used in hourly amounts as long as it
does not disrupt the operations of the employees department.
Compensatory leave records will be the responsibility of Chief of Police and will
be kept within the department.
Compensatory leave may be taken in conjunction with vacation leave, with the
approval of Chief of Police, but should not be allowed to accumulate for this
purpose. When so taken, it is preferred that the aggregate not exceed the period
of normal vacation.
9.10 Upon termination of employment for any reason, the employee shall be paid the
remaining balance of compensatory leave available to the employee.
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Should an employee die while employed by the City, the employee's beneficiary,
shall receive payment for all accrued compensatory time due to the deceased
employee, less appropriate taxes and any outstanding indebtedness owed the
9.12 The reference to an employee's beneficiary in this or any other Article in this
Agreement shall mean the beneficiary designated by such employee in writing,
signed by him and delivered to the City during his lifetime. If no such designation
is made, then it shall be paid to his surviving child or children and spouse in
equal portions, and if there is no surviving child or spouse, then to his estate.
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Call-out pay applies to a situation where an employee is called to work on off-
duty hours (excluding lunch periods) due to an emergency or an urgent
situation. Call-out work performed during lunch periods shall be compensated
based on actual time worked.
Call-out hours to be paid shall be actual time with a minimum of two (2) hours.
In the event of multiple call-outs, the two (2) hour requirement shall not apply to
those call-outs incurred within two (2) hours of the first call-out clock-in time.
Call-out hours shall be compensated in accordance with the overtime pay rate
included in this agreement.
On-call duty is that off-duty time when an employee is ordered by Chief of
Police, or his designee, to be readily available and prepared to perform actual
work when the need arises during off-duty hours. Employees in an on-call
status, shall receive a weekly supplement of $50.00, which shall be added to
his/her base annual salary during the week he/she is on-call.
Employees will receive compensation for training or re-training at their regular
rate or overtime if overtime is worked when required by the department to
attend during off-duty hours. This provision shall not apply to training or
attendance at any police training programs that may be required to obtain
certification or qualify for an additional compensation available by law, where
such attendance is not ordered by the Chief of Police or his designee.
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Employees designated as a Field Training Officer, shall receive a bonus of one
dollar ($1.00) for each hour the employee actually performs field training duties.
This bonus does not count as time worked.
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Annual leave may be used as credited after the employee has completed
twelve(12) consecutive months of full-time employment. Previous employment
with the City will not count towards years of full-time service.
Annual leave shall be credited to each member on a bi-weekly basis in
accordance with the following schedule:
Service Investigators Patrol Officers
0-4 Years 3.08 hours (80 hours/year) 3.23 hours (84 hours/year)
5-9 Years 3.69 hours (96 hours/year) 3.85 hours (100 hours/year)
10-14 Years 4.61 hours (120 hours/year) 4.85 hours (126 hours/year)
15-19 Years 5.53 hours (144 hours/year) 5.81 hours (151 hours/year)
20 Years + 6.15 hours (160 hours/year) 6.46 hours (168 hours/year)
Unused annual leave may be accrued and carried forward into the next year
with City Manager approval, but should be taken within three (3) months of the
anniversary date.
No employee shall be permitted to forego his vacation and receive pay in lieu
thereof, except that an employee who is separated from the City payroll, for any
reason, before receiving all of the vacation for which he/she has become
eligible prior to the time of his/her termination, shall receive pay for that portion
of his/her vacation due but not received.
11.5 Absence on account of sickness, injury or disability in excess of that hereinafter
authorized for such purposes shall, at the request of the employee and within the
discretion of Chief of Police, be charged against annual leave allowance.
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The Chief of Police shall keep record of annual leave allowance and use and
shall schedule annual leaves with particular regard to the seniority of
employees, to accord with operating requirements and, insofar as possible, with
the requests of the employees.
Employees are to outline the desired dates of annual leave for the period of
October 1 through March 31 on October 1 of each year and for the period of
April through September 30 on April 1 of each year and submit the schedule to
the Chief of Police. When a regularly scheduled holiday occurs during the
period of an employee's leave, an additional day of vacation shall be granted.
When an investigator is on any authorized absence, exclusive of vacation leave
for more than fifteen (15) consecutive working days, the employee shall be
placed in a non-leave earning classification until such time that the employee
returns to work. When a patrol officer is on any authorized absence, exclusive
of vacation leave for more than twelve (12) consecutive working days, the
employee shall be placed in a non-leave earning classification until such time
that the employee returns.
An employee who is eligible for vacation may take it at any time agreeable to
the employee and Chief of Police. The employee must complete the application
for leave of absence (Leave Request Form).
Vacation pay is distributed on the last work day preceding the employee's
approved vacation period.
The Chief of Police may use whatever methods of compiling and scheduling
leave requests he/she wants to, as long as the methods are reasonable, fair,
consistent, and not discriminatory against any group. The Chief of Police shall
not schedule annual leave in such a way that departmental operations break
down or are seriously undermined.
Page ( 28 )
The Chief of Police or his designee shall respond to an employee's request for
vacation (annual leave) as quickly as possible.
Vacation leave may not be taken in periods of less than four (4) hours per shift.
Upon termination of employment for any reason, employees who have been
employed with the City for at least twelve (12) consecutive months, shall be
paid for all unused annual leave time at the employee's hourly rate of pay in
effect at the time of the termination.
Page ( 29 )
It is the policy of the City to provide reasonable time off with pay, up to the
amount of unused sick leave earnings, to employees who are unable to work
due to illness or injury. Sick leave with pay is not a right which an employee
may demand, but a privilege granted by the City.
Sick Leave shall be credited to each member on a bi-weekly basis in
accordance with the following schedule:
Patrol Officers
1.94 hours (50 hours/year)
3.88 hours (100 hours/year)
0-1 Year 1.84 hours (48 hours/year)
Over 1 Year 3.69 hours (96 hours/year)
Maximum Accumulation:
Employees may accrue sick leave and carry it over from one year to the next.
The maximum accumulation for Investigators shall be 960 hours. The maximum
accumulation for Patrol Officers shall be 1008 hours.
Use of Sick Leave:
Sick leave may be used as follows:
A. The Chief of Police or City Manager can officially approve employee
sick leave.
B. Sick leave may be paid when an employee is unable to work due to a
personal/family illness or injury, or when the employee's presence may
endanger the health of fellow workers. .A family member for this
Page ( 30 )
purpose is defined as spouse, children, step children, parents, siblings
or grandparents of the employee.
C. Only an employee who has completed six months of full-time
employment may be paid for sick leave.
D. Sick leave may be taken for medical, optical, and dental appointments.
E. Sick leave will be charged in units of whole hours.
F. The Chief of Police shall have the right to require a doctor's certificate
to verify an illness that exceeds three (3) consecutive work days.
Payment of Sick Leave:
In order to be eligible for sick leave with pay, an employee must:
Report to the Supervisor at least 2 hours prior to the scheduled starting
time on the day of the absence the reason for the absence. An employee
who fails to so notify the Supervisor shall not be paid for the day(s) taken
prior to notification.
If the absence extends beyond three days, keep Chief of Police advised
as to the employee's condition and anticipated date of return.
Submit a statement from the attending physician(s) as to the nature and
duration of the illness, if requested.
Page (31 )
When a paid holiday occurs during the period an employee is on sick leave with
pay, the employee shall receive only his/her regular holiday and that day shall
not be charged against his/her sick leave earnings.
Each employee shall notify (call) his immediate Supervisor in accordance
with the city attendance policy to report his/her sickness.
When an employee returns to work he/she shall complete the sick leave
form. Before sick leave with pay is officially granted, this form must be
signed (approved) by Chief of Police.
If an employee wishes to use sick leave for a doctor, dentist or optical
appointment, then the leave form must be submitted and approved before
the sick leave is taken.
If Chief of Police feels that an employee has abused this policy concerning
minor illness, he/she may with permission of the City Manager, refuse to
pay benefits.
EmerQency or Illness:
Employees who are absent due to an emergency or illness should call or
have someone call his/her Supervisor to report such an absence.
An employee who has been absent under any of the following conditions
must, upon returning to work, have a doctor's statement that indicates no
work restrictions:
Page ( 32 )
1. Employee has been hospitalized.
2. Employee has been granted personal leave which is in reality for
medical reasons, i.e., employee is hospitalized or undergoing a
surgical procedure which could be disabling, even though the
employee, for personal reasons, does not file a claim for group
insurance benefits.
3. Employee has a non-work related accident, even if no time is lost from
his/her regularly scheduled work shift, i.e., weekend or after-hours
4. Employee is absent five (5) or more consecutive work days.
It is the employee's responsibility to ensure that proper notification is made
when absent due to an emergency or illness. This must be done by phone
or personal note and, if possible, by the employee.
If the Supervisor or Dispatcher records the employee's report of absence,
he/she submits a copy of the record to Chief of Police.
Periods when Sick Leave shall not be earned:
When an Investigator is on any authorized absence, exclusive of vacation
leave for more than fifteen (15) consecutive working days, the employee
shall be placed in a non-leave earning classification until such time that
the employee returns to work.
Page ( 33 )
B. When a Patrol Officer is on any authorized absence, exclusive of vacation
leave for more than twelve (12) cumulative shifts, the employee shall be
placed in a non-leave earning classification until such time that the
employee returns to work.
Physical Examination
An employee shall submit to an examination by a physician of the City's
choosing if requested by his/her Supervisor upon returning to active duty after
an extended chronic illness.
Employee under suspension not eliQible for Sick Leave:
An employee under suspension forfeits all claim to sick leave for the duration of
such suspension and must be returned to active duty before sick leave credit is
Break in service cancels all sick leave:
A break in service permanently cancels all sick leave accrued to an employee's
record and in the event of subsequent reappointment such employee begins a
new sick leave accumulation.
Illness durinQ Vacation Leave:
When sickness occurs within a period of vacation leave, the period of illness
may be charged as sick leave and the charge against vacation leave reduced
accordingly. Application for such substitution should be made within two days
after return to active duty and shall be supported by a medical certificate.
Page ( 34 )
Military Duty effect on Sick Leave:
When an employee enters active military duty, either by induction or for training
purposes or for national or state emergencies, sick leave accumulated shall
remain to that employee's account pending return from military leave. However,
no further sick leave credits will be accumulated for the period of absence on
military leave.
Sick Leave to employee who becomes totally or permanently disabled:
Investigators who are totally or permanently disabled at the time of
termination shall be entitled to be paid 100% of the accumulated sick
leave balance, up to a maximum of 960 hours.
Patrol Officers who are totally or permanently disabled at the time of
termination shall be entitled to be paid 100% of the accumulated sick
leave balance, up to a maximum of 1008 hours.
. Employees who resign without prejudice or retire shall receive payment of their
sick leave balance at the employee's current rate of pay, in accordance with the
following schedule:
Years of Service
10 years
20 years
30 years
Page ( 35 )
12.17 Employees who are employed with the City as of November 24, 1998 and who
are eligible to retire from the City in the future with less than twenty (20) years
of service, shall be paid 50% of their sick leave balance at retirement. This
exception shall only apply to individuals who retire.
12.18 Payment for accrued Sick Leave:
A. Investigators who were not credited with sick leave during the fiscal year
due to having reached the maximum accrual (960 hours) shall be paid the
value of 50% of the uncredited sick leave up to a maximum of forty-eight
(48) hours.
B. Patrol Officers who were not credited with sick leave during the fiscal year
due to having reached the maximum accrual (1008 hours) shall be paid
the value of 50% of the uncredited sick leave up to a maximum of fifty (50)
• hours.
12.19 Fitness for duty medical evaluation:
Any fitness for duty medical evaluation ordered by the Chief of any reason,
shall be paid for by the City. A fitness for duty evaluation scheduled to be
performed on an employee' off-duty time, and beyond the employee's control
shall be considered time worked for overtime purposes
12.20 Funeral Leave
A. Funeral Leave shall be paid when an employee is unable to work due to a
death of an employee family member.
B. Funeral Leave shall be charged against the employee's unused sick leave
Page (36 )
C. Employee must have completed six (6) months of full-time employment to
be eligible for Funeral Leave
D. A family member for this purpose is defined a spouse, children,
stepchildren, parents, parents-in-law, siblings or grandparents of the
E. Appropriate proof of death should be submitted before payment is
F. The supervisor must obtain the full name of the deceased, the funeral home
in charge of arrangements and the time of the funeral.
Page ( 37 )
The following articles will be issued by the City to each employee represented
by the bargaining unit:
1 Duty belt
4 Belt keepers
3 magazines with appropriate caliber magazine and holders
1 Pair handcuffs and cases
1 SSIII Holster
1 Police radio, battery charger, shoulder microphone as available and radio
Winter jacket (rated to 20° Fahrenheit
Wind breaker jacket (nylon) with police insignia
Full length raincoat with police insignia
Shirts, 3 short sleeve and 2 long sleeve
Name tag
Traffic Citation book holder
Aluminum clipboard with storage area
ASP expandable baton and holder
Pair cut resistant gloves
Semi-automatic side arm with appropriate rounds of ammunition
Fluorescent vest
Ballistic vest (with current valid safety inspection which shall be fitted for
and worn by the officer)
Liner (inner panels to be replaced as appropriate.)
OIC spray with holder
Collar brass set
Page ( 38 )
Bargaining unit members may participate in the City's contract shoe provider
program and shall wear the shoes issued. In the event the City does not have a
shoe contract, bargaining unit members shall be given an annual shoe
allowance which shall be not less than seventy-five dollars ($75.00) net of
Social Security taxes, and shall be payable by separate pay check in the first
pay period in October of each year. In the event the City's contracted shoe
provider does not have footwear acceptable to the bargaining unit members,
the City will contract with another shoe provider who has footwear acceptable
to the bargaining unit members and the Chief of Police.
The cost of maintenance of these articles shall be paid by the employee. The
City will replace without undue delay, at its cost, such items when such
replacement is necessary, as determined by the City. Should the City provide a
uniform cleaning service for other city employees, the City shall offer that same
service to police officers.
Upon termination of employment, the articles will be surrendered by the
employee in like condition as when issued, reasonable wear and tear accepted.
I n the event an employee is transferred from the department, or leaves the
employment of the department, he shall return all uniforms and safety
equipment to the department before the final paycheck, as an employee of the
City, is issued or the next check after transfer to another department within the
Bargaining unit detectives required to work in plain clothes, shall receive a
$400.00 annual clothing allowance payable in the first pay period of October of
each year. Temporary reassignment to a position not requiring plain clothes will
not preclude the clothing allowance.
Page ( 39 )
Employees in the bargaining unit permanently transferred from a uniform
division or unit to a unit where plain clothing is required dress, shall receive the
allowance effective with the quarter in which the transfer is made.
Uniforms, equipment and non-clothing personal items damaged in the
performance of duty, including glasses, contacts, and watches, but not jewelry
or watches valued in excess of $100.00 shall be repaired or replaced by the
City. Claims will be presented in accordance with procedures set forth in
Appendix A and current Police Department Rules and Regulations.
Loss or Damaç¡e to City Property
When it is determined that an employee is at fault for loss or damage to issued
equipment or other City property, an assessment may be made in accordance
with the following schedule:
If the loss/damage is the first occurrence within a two year period, the
percentage assessed shall be 25% of the cost of repair or replacement,
not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00).
If the loss/damage is the second occurrence within a two year period, the
percentage assessed shall be 50% of the cost of repair or replacement,
not to exceed seventy-five dollars ($75.00).
If the loss/damage is the third occurrence within a two year period, the
percentage assessed shall be 75% of the cost of repair or replacement,
not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00).
If the loss/damage is the fourth occurrence within a two year period, the
percentage assessed shall be 100% of the cost of repair or replacement,
not to exceed one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00).
Page ( 40 )
A finding of fault for losing or damaging City property does not require an
assessment. A supervisor may recommend an assessment be waived by
outlining any extenuating circumstances existing at the time of
Page (41 )
Upon recommendation of Chief of Police, leaves of absence without pay for the
purpose of entering upon a course of training or study calculated to improve the
quality of service shall be granted. No benefits, except seniority if such leave is
less than 3 consecutive months, shall accrue during the period of the leave.
All applications for leaves of absence without pay must be approved by the
Chief of Police and City Manager, whose decision is not subject to the
grievance or arbitration procedures.
An employee granted a leave of absence, upon the termination and/or
expiration of the leave, will normally return to the same job classification and
rate of pay currently in effect for that classification.
Page ( 42 )
Military leave shall be granted in accordance with Florida and Federal law.
Except in an actual or declared emergency recall to duty, the employee shall
give thirty (30) days notice, or as much notice as possible, to his supervisor that
his Reserve Training duty will occur on the specific dates.
Page ( 43 )
Whenever an employee sustains an injury compensable under Florida Statute
§440, as the same may be amended from time to time, the City will pay the
employee in accordance with Florida law and adopted City policy.
While on a job connected disability leave, employees shall be entitled to all
benefits as provided by this Agreement.
Any bargaining unit member injured on the job shall be paid his full day's wages
for the day of the accident if his treating physician directs that he should not
return to work that day.
Paqe ( 44 )
The City and the Union will cooperate in the continuing objective of eliminating
accidents and health hazards.
All patrol vehicles, with the exception of spare vehicles shall be equipped with
the following:
Wig-Wags for headlights
Shot gun racks located in the front passenger compartment
Overhead Strobe Lights
Video cameras with Officer microphones
Disposable or 35mm camera and film
Radar Unit
Computer stand with light
Computer with air card and antenna
Fingerprint kit, adequately equipped
Thumbprint kit
Fire extinguisher
Safety Flares
Mag Lite Flashlight, with charger and orange traffic cone
Gas Mask
First aid kit, properly equipped
Disposable Latex gloves
Surgical Masks
Leg Restraints
Restraint Belt
Fire Blanket
Cloth Towels
Page ( 45 )
Whenever an employee covered by this Agreement feels that a vehicle or other
equipment is unsafe and, therefore, unfit for service because it is a hazard to
himself or to the public, or both, he shall immediately inform his supervisor. If
the supervisor concurs, the unsafe vehicle or other equipment shall not be used
until it has been inspected and determined safe. Should the supervisor not
concur, the employee shall document such unsafe condition and the
supervisors' comments in writing, and forward it to the chief of police via the
Chain of Command. Officers coming on or going off-duty shall report any
defects with respect to the vehicle operated or to be operated during a shift to
their immediate supervisor. With respect to vehicles, the term "unsafe" shall
relate to brakes, tires, lights, police emergency flashers, horns sirens and/or
steering, or an inoperative radio.
If the unsafe equipment is a vehicle and the nature of the unsafe conditions is
such that it should not be driven, the vehicle shall be deadlined at the location
where it is deemed unsafe. An employee shall not be required to deliver such
an unsafe vehicle to a place of repair. However, if the nature of the unsafe
condition is such that the employee can drive the vehicle to a place of repair
without hazard to himself or to the public, he shall do so. The employee's
supervisor will make a final determination as to what action will be taken.
No vehicle or piece of equipment deadlined shall be released from deadline
until inspected and/or repaired by competent mechanical personnel. Officers
will not be required to perform repairs on City vehicles.
Officers unassisted will not be required to transport persons detained in a
vehicle not equipped with a cage, except in an emergency, and then the
transporting officer will be assisted by another officer.
Page ( 46 )
Bargaining unit members shall not be required to transport animals in police
vehicles, whether or not caged.
Each bargaining unit member, prior to commencing his tour of duty, shall be
issued an operable portable radio. No employee shall be forced to work his tour
of duty without having in his possession an operable portable radio.
At least semi-annual firearms training will be provided by the City.
Page ( 47 )
18.1 The Personal Day may be scheduled by an employee, but is subject to Chief of
Police approval and the following restrictions:
The employee must have completed twelve months of full-time
employment with the city.
The Personal Day cannot be carried forward to the next calendar year
The Personal Day must be taken in one day (no hourly increments).
Page ( 48 )
The City agrees to provide the same health insurance benefits and applicable
costs to bargaining unit members as adopted for all City employees.
The City shall provide life insurance, or death benefits, for each member of the
bargaining unit in accordance with Chapter 112.19, Florida Statutes.
Page ( 49 )
The Union will be allocated a reasonable portion (approximately 1/3) of the
Line-up/Shift Briefing Room bulletin board for posting of Union material.
Such bulletin board space is exclusively for the Union for the purpose of posting
Union business and information such as: recreational and social activities and
material related to employee relations matters.
The Union shall not post any materials which are obscene, defamatory or
impair the operations of the department or critical of the City or its officers,
agents or employees.
Page ( 50 )
When it becomes necessary to reduce the working force because of lack of
funds or other causes, employees shall be laid off on the basis of (1) length of
service with the City and (2) the average performance rating for the last three
(3) years of service or for the entire period, if less than (3) years.
When Chief of Police believes that a certain individual is essential to the
efficient operation of the department of the organizational unit because of
special skills or abilities, and wishes to retain this individual in preference to a
person with a higher rating as provided above, the Chief of Police must submit
a written request to the City Manager for permission to do so. This request
must set forth in detail the specific skills and abilities possessed by the
individual and the reasons why such individual is essential to the effective
operation of the department. If the City Manager approves the request, the
individual may be retained.
If a permanent employee is scheduled to be laid off, the employee shall be
offered a demotion to a lower class if qualified and provided a suitable vacancy
exists. Prior to a reduction in force, the names of any and all permanent
employees scheduled for layoff shall be submitted to the City Manager for
approval, and not until the City Manager has approved and confirmed the
names submitted for layoff shall any layoff be consummated.
Permanent employees shall be notified in writing by the Chief of Police of their
layoff at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the effective date of the
Page ( 51 )
21.5 Employees who are laid off will have recall rights for a specified period of time
based on the length of their continuous service to the City according to the
following schedule:
Emergency, temporary, or provisional employees will be released first.
Probationary employees will be released second.
Permanent employees as a group will be released last. No permanent
employee shall be laid off while another person is retained on a
provisional or temporary basis in the same class by the City.
Separation of permanent employees will be by inverse order of score as
determined by the following weights:
1. Length of continuous service in the last classification held.
2. Length of continuous service with the City.
3. Average performance evaluation (service rating) for the past three (3)
years of service or for the entire period if less than three (3) years.
Page ( 52 )
The City agrees that upon receipt of a voluntary written individual notice for any
bargaining unit employee, the City shall deduct from their pay. dues
commencing with the second pay period after receipt of notice. Revocation
shall be in writing and shall be effective as to the employer commencing with
the second pay period after receipt of notice.
Dues shall be deducted each designated pay period and those monies shall be
remitted to the Union reasonably thereafter. No deduction shall be made from
the pay of an employee for any payroll period in which the employee's net
earnings for the payroll period, after tax deductions, are less than the amount of
dues to be checked off.
The Union will initially notify the City as to the amount of dues. Such notification
will be to the City in writing over the signature of a representative of the Union.
Changes in the Union membership dues will be similarly certified to the City
and shall be done thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date of such
Page ( 53 )
The purpose of this Article is to establish machinery for the fair, expeditious,
and orderly adjustment of grievances regarding contract and disciplinary
disputes or disagreements between the employer and employee, or group of
employees, or Union involving the interpretation or application of this Collective
Bargaining Agreement.
Any formal grievance filed shall be in writing and shall set forth the provision or
provisions of the Agreement alleged to have been violated and the facts
pertaining to the alleged violation{s) and the date of the violation. The grievance
shall be signed by the grievant, or Union representative. Grievances submitted
which do not contain the above information and are incomplete, shall be
amended by the grievant to state the required information. The necessity of
filing an amendment shall not affect the timeliness to the extent that the
grievance is substantially complete.
Grievance discussions at Step One (Chief of Police) will be conducted during
the aggrieved's normal duty hours. The aggrieved employee shall suffer no loss
of payor benefits for time required for such meetings.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent an employee from
presenting, at any time, his own grievance without representation.
An employee who wishes to submit a grievance must submit a grievance in
writing within seven (7) working days after the occurrence of the matter from
which the grievance arose. A grievance not appealed to the next step within the
time limits established by this procedure shall be considered settled on the
basis of the last answer provided by management.
Page ( 54 )
A grievance not answered within the time limits prescribed for the appropriate
management representative at each step shall automatically be advanced to
the next step except those grievances reaching or originating at Step Two. This
provision shall not preclude a timely request for arbitration. The time limits
herein may be extended by written mutual agreement of the parties.
In advancing grievances, the grievant employee(s), or Union, and management
may call a reasonable number of witnesses to offer testimony. Either party may
call witnesses as needed. Hearings shall be continued to facilitate appearance
of witnesses who are department employees whose presence would other wise
conflict with department needs.
The formal grievance steps are as follows:
Step One
The employee and/or the Union shall file the grievance, in writing, with the
Chief of Police within seven (7) working days of the occurrence of the
event giving rise to the grievance.
The Chief of Police will conduct a meeting within ten (10) working days
with the grievant unless the Chief chooses to grant the requested relief
without further proceedings. The grievant shall not be represented by an
elected official of the City, the City attorney or his staff or a person
affiliated with a Union other than the certified bargaining agent. The Chief
of Police shall notify the employee and the Union of his decision, in
writing, within ten (10) working days after the meeting date.
Page ( 55 )
Step Two
If the grievance is not resolved to the grievant's satisfaction as rendered
by Step One, the employee and/or the Union may forward the grievance,
in writing, to the City Manager within ten (10) working days of receiving
notification from the Chief of Police.
The City Manager will conduct a meeting within ten (10) working days with
the grievant unless the City Manager chooses to grant the requested relief
without further proceedings. The grievant shall not be represented by an
elected official of the City, the City attorney or his staff, or a person
affiliated with a Union other than the certified bargaining agent. The City
Manager shall notify the employee and the Union of his decision, in
writing, within ten (10) working days after the meeting date.
All disciplinary grievances will initially be filed the step above the level at which
the discipline was initiated. All class action grievances will be filed at Step Two.
The aggrieved employee and the Union shall be given at least two (2) work
days notice of the grievance meetings provided herein.
If any grievance is not satisfactorily resolved by the foregoing procedure, the
Union may proceed to arbitration according to Article 24.
Probationary employees shall not have the right to grieve discipline or
P;:¡OP ( ~R )
It is agreed by the parties that bargaining unit members may file a
grievance/appeal, in accordance with the personnel rules, regulations, and/or
ordinances of the City of Clermont. Bargaining unit members may only choose
one grievance/appeal process.. The decision to use any City of Clermont
grievance/appeal process is irrevocable; and, precludes the member from filing
any grievance under the provisions of this Agreement.
P;:¡OP. ( f\7 )
If any grievance is not satisfactorily disposed of by the Grievance Procedure,
Article 23, the Union may give notice of intent to arbitrate by written notice,
hand delivered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postmarked within
fifteen (15) working days after receipt of Step Two decision. Said written notice
will include a statement of facts upon which the case is submitted, including a
statement of the position of the Union with respect to the arbitral issues.
Within ten (10) business days from receipt of such notice, a letter shall be
directed by the Union or the City to either the American Arbitration Association
or Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service requesting a list of arbitrators. In
any other case, and the parties shall meet to strike names. The Union and the
City will alternately eliminate one name at a time from the list until only one
name remains and this person shall be the arbitrator. The City and the Union
will alternate in the rights to first strike names in successive arbitrations.
As promptly as possible, the arbitrator shall conduct a hearing between
the parties and consider the subject matter of the dispute. The decision of
the Arbitrator will be served upon the employee or employees aggrieved,
the City, and the Union, in writing. The Arbitrator will endeavor to render a
decision within twenty-one (21) calendar days after the hearing.
Any party may be represented at the hearings by counselor other
The hearing shall be conducted by the arbitrator in a manner that will most
expeditiously permit full representation of the evidence and arguments of
the parties. The parties shall endeavor to conclude the hearing within one
P~oP. ( ~R )
Each party shall bear all cost of preparing and presenting its own case.
Either party desiring a record of the proceedings shall pay for the record
and stenographic services. In the event that both parties agree to have
stenographic services at the hearing, said parties shall share equally the
cost of said service and if a transcript is mutually desired, the cost of the
transcript shall be equally shared.
The power and authority of the arbitrator shall be strictly limited to
determination and interpretation of the explicit terms of the Agreement as
herein expressly set forth. He shall not have the authority to add or subtract
from or modify any of said terms or to limit or impair any right that is reserved to
the City, to the Union, or the employee, or establish or change any wage or rate
of pay that has been agreed to in this Agreement.
No decision of any arbitrator or the of the City in one case shall create a basis
for retroactive adjustment in any other case.
The arbitrator may, under the powers granted by the terms of this Agreement,
direct any remedy permitted by the Florida Arbitration Code.
The decision of the arbitrator is final and binding on both parties and the
grievance shall be considered permanently resolved. Review shall not be
precluded pursuant to the Florida Arbitration Code.
The expense of the arbitrator shall be split equally by the parties. Each party
shall make arrangements for and pay the witnesses which are called by it.
P~oP ( !1q )
The City encourages employees to attend educational conferences and to take
self-improvement and job improvement courses which are related to their work.
Additional educational training will be one measure used in making
recommendations for advancement and promotion.
Educational Assistance:
Educational assistance is defined to be authorized leave with or without
pay, to attend a college, university of other institution of higher education
which offer academic curricula leading to a degree or degrees. The
decision to grant educational assistance shall be based on the City's need
for an employee to have additional skills and knowledge in order to
improve the employee's job performance. There shall be two types of
educational assistance, leave with pay and leave without pay.
Educational leave with pay is available to employees enrolled part-time in
an institution of higher education and pursuing courses which directly
relate to an employee's job. Educational leave without pay is available to
employees enrolled full-time in an institution of higher education and
pursuing courses which directly relate to an employee's job.
All full-time, permanent employees may be entitled to educational
assistance. Educational leave may be granted to equip the employee for
the improved performance of his/her duties and responsibilities as a city
P;:¡oP. ( nO )
Educational leave without pay shall be limited to a period of twelve
months, except that with the approval of the City Manager such leave may
be extended six months. Educational leave with pay shall normally be
limited to three hours per week.
Employees requesting leave without pay are obligated to return to work
within or at the end of the time granted. An employee who chooses not to
return to work shall notify Chief of Police immediately. Failure to report
back to work at the expiration of the educational leave shall constitute the
employee's resignation except in the case of an extension of such leave.
Employees on educational leave without pay shall retain all accumulated
leave and time earned toward the next salary increase. Employees cease
to earn leave and time towards the next salary from the date of
educational leave.
Employees on educational leave with pay shall retain and earn all
accumulated leave and time earned toward next salary increase.
Employees in good standing and indicating an extremely high degree of
potential for advancement may be considered for educational leave with
one-half of the cost to be borne by the City upon successful completion of
the courses with the approval of the City Manager.
Employees attending educational courses required by Chief of Police
shall be granted leave with pay. Should a required course be scheduled
at some time other than the employees normal working hours, the
employee shall be given time off to compensate for the hours required to
complete the course or paid for the hours in accord with the FLSA.
Educational Conferences:
P;:¡!JP (R1 )
An employee may be granted leave with pay to attend an educational
conference up to ten (10) working days upon approval by Chief of Police.
Educational conferences to qualify may be conducted by colleges,
universities, technical schools, manufacturers as an operation or service
clinic or state and national associations specifically related to the Police
department and its operations.
Leave of absence for educational conferences of more than five (5)
working days must be recommended in writing by the Chief of Police to
the City Manager for approval.
Tuition Assistance:
Tuition assistance is available for courses directly related to the job being
performed by the employee and approved by the City Manager. Fees or
tuition for required courses shall be paid by the City. No tuition assistance
will be paid prior to the successful completion of an approved course, and
reimbursement is for tuition only. No blanket approval of courses or
programs will be granted. Only specific courses for a specific semester
will be approved. The assistance amount of fifty (50%) percent of the
tuition fee is based on the employee attaining a final grade of 8 or higher.
8. Employees must agree in writing to stay in the employ of the City for a
period of one (1) year after the completion of a course that has been funded
through tuition assistance. If an employee resigns or is terminated for any
reason before the expiration of one year, any money paid under tuition
assistance must be reimbursed to the City as noted in the signed
P;:¡oP. ( fì? )
The City agrees that each employee shall receive, and will be obligated to, an
annual physical examination, by a physician approved by the City, which
includes the following tests:
1. Urinalysis
Audio Screen Test
Blood Pressure
Blood Chemical Profile (SMAC-24 Blood Test)
Vision Test
Height and Weight Recorded
EKG at rest or Stress EKG (Upon recommendation of the City physician)
Tuberculosis Test
Drug Test
In addition to the above, employees, at their discretion, may choose to have a
chest x-ray performed and interpreted in conjunction with the annual physical,
provided appropriate justification is required. In the event an employee desires
to use his/her own radiologist for the chest x-ray or own physician for the
annual physical, the City is not obligated to pay more than it would if it made
the request and used its physician/radiologist.
Scheduling of the physical examination will be at the discretion of the
department and results will become part of the employee's permanent health
record. Cost of the examination and tests will be underwritten by the City.
P~oP. ( ñ~ )
If the City finds it is necessary to refer an on-the-job injury to an outside
physician, the injured employee will have the discretion of choosing said
physician to the extent as the same meets with the approval of the City's
Worker's Compensation carrier, providing all reports and charges of the
physician comply with the Worker's Compensation Law. No employee shall be
coerced by the employer or his representative in the selection of a physician.
An AI.D.S. test annually at the employee's option during the employee's
annual physical examination. Said test to be conducted at a facility designated
by the City. Results of such test will be kept confidential by the facility.
Attendance at a physical examination or at the City doctor (as required) shall be
during scheduled work hours, except for those employees who can not be
scheduled during regular work hours. Employees who cannot be scheduled
during regular work hours shall be granted up to two (2) hours of time to be
considered time worked for overtime purposes to obtain their physical. Time
spent by employees to obtain their physical in a physician's office will be paid
provided the employee provides documentation of the time.
The City reserves the right to drug test employees in accordance with City
policy. Random drug test shall be conducted following computer based
objective selection procedures as is done for the City's other employees. The
costs of such tests shall be borne by the City.
P~oP. ( R4 )
An employee may, subject to prior approval of The Chief of Police, accept and
be employed in an occupation off-duty which is not in violation of Federal or
State laws or rules and regulations of the department, providing that said
employment shall not interfere with or adversely affect the performance of
assigned duties.
The City agrees that a member shall have the right to include in his official
personnel record a written and signed refutation of any material he considers to
be detrimental.
Back Pay
The parties agree that an employee or the City shall be entitled to recover, as
soon as possible, funds due him or overpaid by reasons of error in the
implementation of the City pay plan and other applicable regulation affecting
pay, for a retroactive period of six (6) months from date of notice.
Employees will not be required to use their private vehicles in the performance
of assigned duties.
Employees shall be furnished with parking facilities at the police department.
Said parking facilities shall be furnished at no cost to the employee. This
provision shall not apply to an employee who is going to or from court as a
When the City is requested to provide off-duty police services, for a private
employer, an employee has the right to refuse to work off-duty.
P~oP. ( n~ )
All off-duty law enforcement related employment opportunities available
through the office of the Chief of Police, will be offered to bargaining unit
employees on a rotating seniority basis. Employees shall be permitted to use
patrol vehicles for off-duty police services at no cost to the employee with the
approval of the Chief of Police
Work Rules
A copy of such regulations, procedures, special and general orders, or
written directives shall be furnished to each employee and the Union
sufficiently in advance of implem"entation in order to afford the Union the
opportunity to consult with, or request to bargain, over the change to be
Employees shall be required to observe and comply with such additional
or supplemental rules and regulations promulgated and published by the
Chief of Police or his designee only after receipt of actual written notice of
such rule modification.
If, in the sole discretion of the City official so designated by law to act, it is
determined that civil emergency conditions exist, including but not limited to
riots, civil disorders, hurricane conditions or similar catastrophes, the provisions
of this Agreement may be suspended during the time of the declared
emergency, provided that wage rates and monetary fringe benefits shall not be
P~(JA ( ññ )
For the purpose of this Agreement, emergencies shall be defined as situations
where it is clearly necessary to provide basic minimum public safety services.
Job Descriptions
Police personnel shall not be used other than in law enforcement duties or
duties reasonably related to the business of the City.
Employees shall not be required to make non-police department deliveries
(except in cases of a declared police emergency).
The current retirement plan shall be continued except as improved by City of
Clermont Police Officers Pension Board of Trustees Resolution #3 effective 1
October 2002.
27.13 Take home cars
A committee of four (4) persons is to conduct a study of take home car
programs. The committee shall be made up of two (2) bargaining unit
members selected by the PBA and two (2) non bargaining unit members
selected by the City. The Committee shall issue its report to the City Manager
by April 30, 2003 in order for the City Council to consider for inclusion in the
2003-04 fiscal year budget.
Unmarked cars
Employees in the position of detective may be assigned an unmarked city
vehicle and shall use same in accordance with City Policy.
P~gP. ( (17 )
If any article or section of this Agreement should be held invalid by operations
of law or by any tribunal of competent jurisdiction; or, if compliance with or
enforcement of any article or section should be restrained by such tribunal, the
remainder of this Agreement shall be not be affected thereby.
The parties shall enter into collective bargaining negotiations for the purpose of
arriving at a mutually satisfactory replacement for such Article or Section.
P~oP. ( RR )
The City agrees to maintain locker room facilities for bargaining unit employees
of the department, as appropriate.
Said locker room facilities shall consist of, but not limited to, the following:
A training room
An agent of the City shall have the right to inspect a bargaining unit employee's
locker space without permission of the employee or other proper authority of
law, provided said inspection is done in the presence of the employee. The City
will be financially responsible for reimbursing an employee for loss or
destruction of property by an agent or employee of the City during said
inspection, excluding the locking device if the employee was given the
opportunity to open said locker.
P::¡OP. ( n~ )
During a primary, special or general election an employee who is registered to
vote, whose hours do not allow sufficient time for voting, shall be allowed
necessary time off with pay for this purpose. Where the polls are open two (2)
hours before or after the regularly scheduled work period, it shall be considered
sufficient time for voting.
P~OA ( 7() )
31.1 The following pay scale shall be effective October 1,2001:
Patrol Officers Investigators
Years Hourly Annual Hourly Annual
Start $13.25 $28,938 $13.91 $28,938
1 $13.51 $29,505 $14.18 $29,505
2 $13.78 $30,095 $14.46 $30,095
3 $14.05 $30,685 $14.75 $30,685
4 $14.33 $31,296 $15.04 $31,296
5 $14.61 $31,908 $15.34 $31,908
6 $14.90 $32,541 $15.64 $32,541
7 $15.19 $33,174 $15.94 $33,174
8 $15.49 $33,830 $16.26 $33,830
9 $15.79 $34,485 $16.57 $34,485
10 $16.10 $35,162 $16.90 $35,162
Each year+2.0% +2.0%
31.2 The years of service are based on service as a certified law enforcement officer
with the City of Clermont Police Department. Employee's regular pay rates are
adjusted to the next step upon reaching their employment or promotion
anniversary dates and obtaining a satisfactory overall rating on their annual
performance evaluation.
31.3 All employees who are members of the bargaining unit as of the date of ratification
of this agreement shall be paid for any and all increases in pay rate, retroactive to
October 1, 2001 or their hire date, if the employee was hired between October 1,
2001 and the date of ratification of this agreement. Reimbursement shall include
all regular hours, overtime hours, holiday hours, Sunday hours, supervisory hours,
compensatory time, FTO bonus pay, vacation time and sick time in the period
October 1,2001 to the time of ratification of this agreement.
31.4 Effective October 1, 2002 and every October 1 st thereafter, the pay scale shall be
adjusted upward by two and one-half percent (2.50%).
P~OA (71 )
The following days shall be observed as official holidays for City employees:
The first day of January (New Years Day)
The third Monday of January (Martin Luther King Day)
The last Monday in May (Memorial Day)
The fourth day of July (Independence Day)
. The first Monday in September (Labor Day)
The eleventh day of November (Veterans Day)
The fourth Thursday in November (Thanksgiving Day)
The fourth Friday in November (Day after Thanksgiving Day)
The twenty-fourth day in December (Christmas Eve)
The twenty-fifth day in December (Christmas Day)
When an official holiday falls on a Saturday, Investigators will observe the
holiday on the Friday immediately preceding the holiday. When an official
holiday falls on a Sunday, the Investigators will observe the holiday on the first
Monday after the holiday. Patrol Officers will observe the holiday on the actual
Investigators will observe the Christmas Eve holiday on either the day before or
after Christmas at the discretion of the City, in an effort to provide for a long
four (4) day weekend when possible.
Holiday pay shall be paid in the following manner:
A. All employees who meet the Holiday Pay eligibility requirements noted in
Article 32.4C. shall be paid Holiday Pay equivalent to eight (8) hours at the
employee's regular rate of pay.
P~oP. ( 7? )
All employees who are required to work on the holiday as a regularly
scheduled day and meet the Holiday Pay eligibility requirements noted in
Article 32.4 C., shall be paid for all hours worked on the holiday at the rate
of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the employee's regular rate of pay.
To be eligible for Holiday Pay, an employee must meet the following
Must be a full-time employee,
Must work on the scheduled days prior to and after the holiday,
with the exception if the absence was due to the following reasons:
The employee's absence is during his/her annual vacation leave.
The employee is absent because of sickness or accident and
brings in a doctor's statement indicating medical attention has
been received.
The employee is absent due to death of a member of the
employee's immediate family.
The employee is absent due to a current on the job injury.
An employee who reports in on the scheduled work date prior to
the holiday would be considered to have worked that day, even
though he/she is unable, due to emergency or illness, to complete
his/her normal shift. The same will apply to the first scheduled
work day after the holiday.
P~oP. ( 7~ )
The Union will undertake the responsibility of printing the necessary number of
copies of this Agreement for bargaining unit members.
The parties agree to execute duplicate originals of each mutually agreeable
P~!JP ( 74 )
It is the policy of the City to employ and promote the most qualified individual
available for any given position. Promotion from within the City is a desirable
practice in that positions can be filled with individuals who are knowledgeable
about the operations of the jurisdiction and the orientation period is significantly
Vacancies in positions above the lowest rank in any category within the City
personnel system shall be filled by the promotion of employees in City service
when possible and practical.
All vacancies shall be advertised in accordance with the City's Personnel
Policy. Preference shall be given to the applicåtions of City employees who
meet the minimum qualifications of the position advertised.
When a vacancy is to be filled by promotion the following factors will be
Qualifications for the position (Le., knowledge, skills, and abilities)
Service record with the City
Physical fitness (if appropriate to the position)
Upon promotion to a position covered by this agreement, the employee's pay
rate shall be adjusted to a rate in accordance with the pay scale included in
Article 31.1.
P::¡OP ( 7~ )
A promoted employee will serve a one (1) year probationary period. A
promoted employee will not receive the step pay rate increase based on the
employee's employment anniversary date during the probationary period. If the
promoted employee successfully completes the probationary period, the
employee's pay rate will be adjusted to the next step pay rate as noted in
Article 31. Future annual performance evaluations and appropriate step pay
rate adjustments will be performed on the anniversary of the promotion date.
If the promoted employee does not successfully complete the probationary
period in that position, the employee may be returned to the position from which
he/she was promoted.
If the position from which the employee was promoted is filled or Chief of Police
does not approve the return, reasonable efforts will be made to place the
employee in a comparable position, if one is available within the City. The
employee's rate of pay will be adjusted to that rate of pay prior to the
promotion. If such a vacancy does not exist, the employee will be laid off.
P;:¡OP. ( 7R )
The probationary period for a new employee shall be for one (1) year.
P~OA ( 77 )
This Agreement shall take effect upon ratification by the Bargaining Unit and
the City, and shall continue in full force and effect until midnight of September
30, 2004.
Any notice to be given under this Agreement shall be given by hand delivery,
registered or certified mail. If given by the Union, it shall be addressed to the
City Manager, City of Clermont, 1 Westgate Plaza, Clermont, Florida 34711;
and any such notice given by the City shall be addressed to the Florida Police
Benevolent Association, Inc., 1800 N. Mills Ave., Orlando, Florida 32803.
P::IOP- ( 7P. )
Reimbursement may be made for the loss or damage of personally owned
tape recorder, watch, wedding ring, medicall.D. bracelet or corrective eye
wear. When damage or loss is a direct result of line of duty action.
1. No reimbursement will be made if loss or damage results for
carelessness, negligence or misuse.
The following guidelines must be observed:
1. Lost or damaged corrective eye wear shall be covered for 100% of the
cost of repair or replacement per officer per incident. Claims for loss or
damage to the other property listed in Section A, cannot exceed
$200.00 per officer per incident.
2. A claim or loss report must be prepared and sent to the Chief of Police
setting forth the circumstances. The claimant's supervisor will be
responsible for investigating and making a recommendation
concerning the claim.
3. The claim of loss report must fully explain how the damage or loss was
incurred during the line of duty action.
4. The brand name (when possible), the original costs and the age of the
item should be stated.
P~oP ( 7Q )
5. It will be the immediate supervisors responsibility to ensure that the
member who is requesting reimbursement for damage or lost personal
property has not other coverage, Le., insurance, etc., available for
replacement of the article.
6. Chief of Police's office will be responsible for coordinating the payment
of the approved claims. If a claim is denied, the officer will be advised
in writing of the reason for the denial.
Paqe (80)
Appendix B
P.B.A. No.
Inv. No.
Employee Name
Date Alleged Grievance Occurred
Job Classification
Employee #
Grievance Presented In Writing To Chief of Police
Employee Signature or PBA Official
Received By
Chief of Police's Signature
Contract Provision Allegedly Violated:
Description of Grievance:(Attach separate sheet if necessary)
Remedy Sought:
Chief of Police's Answer In Writing:
Chief of Police's Signature
Received By
Copies to:
Employee, Union Office
Paqe (81)
P.B.A. No.
Inv. No.
Employee Name
Date Alleged Grievance Occurred
Job Classification
Employee #
Date of Response to Step 2:
Grievance Presented In Writing To City Manager
Employee Signature or PBA Official
Received By
City Manager's Signature
Contract Provision Allegedly Violated:
Description of Grievance:(Attach separate sheet if necessary)
Remedy Sought:
City Manager's Answer In Writing:
City Manager's Signature
Received By
Copies to:
Employee, Union Office
PaQe (82)
In witness whereof, the parties have caused this agreement to be signed by their
duly authorized representatives.
City of Clermont
Central Florida Police
Benevolent Assn., Inc.
Date: Q'- \."'- 0"'"
Date: 9,. ¡'J'd~