07-29-1993 Workshop Meeting CITY OF CLERMONT MINUTES WORKSHOP MEETING July 29, 1993 A Workshop Meeting of the City Council of the City of Clermont was held Thursday, July 29, 1993 in the City Hall Conference Room. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pool at 6:00 p.m. with the following Council Members in attendance: Council Member Norquist, Council Member Turville, and Council Member Ivey. Also present were City Manager Saunders and Finance Director Van Zile. Police Department Open House City Manager Saunders suggested the Police Department Open House be held on Sunday afternoon on August 22. After discussion the Council felt that an evening Open House would be better attended and that Monday the 16th or the 23rd, or Thursday the 19th should be considered as possible dates. Street Tree Inventory The Tree Inventory agreement was discussed. The Council approved the recommendation at the last Council meeting to negotiate a contract With Forest Resources Management. City Manager Saunders stated he felt that we would be able to reach an immediate agreement and work needed to start as soon as possible because of the close deadline on the grant. Garbage Containers from Otto Industries City Manager Saunders discussed the survey of existing cans that are being placed out by Clermont residents. After discussion it was the consensus that 2/3 of the containers to be ordered from Otto Industries be the 95 gallon and 1/3 be the 68 gallon size. 1994 Proposed Budget City Manager Saunders gave a general overall summary of the General Fund Budget. Hand-outs were presented to the Council. Council Members were informed that they were going to receive recommendations for additional cuts from 'the proposed budget, but that they were still faced with a General Fund deficit. Discussion followed CITY OF CLERMONT MINUTES WORKSHOP MEETING July 29, 1993 Page 2 regarding the proposed millage increase. It was the consensus that a .25 millage increase would be needed. A recommendation that the proposed employee cost of living be adjusted from 3 % to 2% would decrease the deficit by approximately $9,000 in the General Fund. The additional position for a street sign technician was recommended to be eliminated which would reduce the deficit by approximately $33,000 since an additional truck and radio would also be required for that position. The Master Gardener position was recommended to be delayed until mid-year which would reduce the deficit by approximately $7,500. City Manager Saunders and Finance Director Van Zile explained that they had reviewed all of the line items of the budget and made several cuts which has decreased the deficit to approximately $80,000. With the proposed .25 millage rate increase this deficit would be further decreased to approximately $30,000. City Manager Saunders explained to the Council that there are other requests and considerations that will have to be addressed in the General Fund that in all likelihood would increase the budget. No additions have been provided yet for the Library or the Lake Community Action Agency, or Kehler Park improvements which have been requested by the Recreation Club. City Manager Saunders also related that the facilities survey has been completed as required by the Americans With Disabilities Act and several capital improvements will have to be made to meet ADA requirements. Monies have not been included at this time for the improvements. Sanitation Budget City Manager Saunders informed the Council that due to the increase in Lake County tipping fees from $62 per ton to $82 per ton there will be an approximate $40,000 budget deficit in the Sanitation Fund. The increase in tipping fee alone will increase the budget by $55,000, but other cuts and the savings that will be provided by going to once-a-week pickup will lower the deficit to approximately $40,000. He explained that this equates to approximately $1.25 per household per month. It was the CITY OF CLERMONT MINUTES WORKSHOP MEETING July 29, 1993 Page 3 consensus that this adjustment should be made to the sanitation rates and attributed to the increase in County tipping fees. Counc~Workshop The possibility of another Workshop was discussed for August 5. It was the consensus to schedule the Workshop for August 5 at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Pool left the meeting at 7:45 p.m. Capital Outlay for All Funds The Council was then provided with schedules of the proposed Capital Outlay for all funds. The Planning & Zoning Department, Police Department, and Fire Department schedules were reviewed which were covered at the previous Workshop. Council Member Turville recommended that the replacement hose for the Fire Department be funded at their original request for 600'. There was no objection to this. The City Manager's capital request was discussed which includes a replacement vehicle. The current vehicle is a 1986 and will have approximately 100,000 miles on it when it would be replaced next year. Following discussion, it was the consensus to leave it in the proposed budget following an explanation that in all likelihood that the current 1986 Dodge would be transferred to the Planning Department to replace the 1984 Chevrolet which would be placed in the auction and has required considerable repairs over the last few years. The Public Works Capital Outlay request Was reviewed and it was noted that the Bishop Field light poles have not been included in the budget, but could be funded by Recreation Impact Fees or Infrastructure dollars. Finance Director Van Zile indicated that the Recreation Impact Fees could fund a major portion of this expense and recommended the use of these dollars rather than Infrastructure dollars. It was the consensus to include this improvement. ~ No other items were changed from the schedules that were presented. CITY OF CLERMONT MINUTES WORKSHOP MEETING July 29, 1993 Page 4 Infrastructure, Utility Fund, Storm Water Fund, and Sanitation Budget It was suggested that we wait until the next meeting to discuss the Infrastructure, Utility Fund, Storm Water Fund, and Sanitation Fund. Banyon Construction Complaint Council Member Norquist and City Manager Saunders updated members on a complaint received from Banyon Construction. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Attest: lerk